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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  September 30, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EDT

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tuesday night, a two-year old child, shot himself in the head, but no one is saying where he got the gun,. and also one school commencement speaker is getting a lieutenant of attention, not only is he in jail but he is convicted of killing a police officer. but the big story on "action news" tonight is virus ravaging west africa and its first confirmed appearance here in the united states. >> the first ebola diagnosis to happen on u.s. soil involves a patient, that traveled from liberia to visit family in texas. the patient is receiving care at a hospital in dallas, and health reporter and registered
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nurse allie gorman is following tonight's big story. >> reporter: deadly ebola virus infecting thousands oz have people in west africa has now been confirmed, for the first time, in a patient, in the united states. here's the time line, the patient, left liberia, september 19th, with no symptoms. he arrived in texas, on the between the it yet, and developed symptoms on the 24th. he sought care on the 26th, and on the 28th he was admitted to the hospital. and put in isolation, at texas health presbyterian in dallas. ebola is not contagious until symptoms appear. even then, it is only spread through direct contact, with a bodily fluids. doctors thomas freedan director of the cdc says they will work to identify any one who may have come in contact with the patient. >> once those contacts are all identified they are all
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monitored for 21 days have after exposure to see if they develop fever. >> reporter: if that happens, they will be isolated, and cared for. there is no cure for ebola but with good care people can survive. as we saw with three americans, infected in west africa and treated in the u.s. as for fear that they have have a widespread out break doctor freedan is confident that it won't happen here. >> it is certainly possible that someone who had contact with this individual, a family member or other individual, could develop ebola in the coming weeks but there is no doubt in my mind that we will stop it here. >> reporter: allie gorman for "action news" at ten on phl17. and while medical officials in the united states deal with this single confirmed case, the the situation in west after rick case growing more dire every day. the the virus has killed more than 3,000 people, in the largest out break ever and that is just the official
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death toll. health workers believe the number is actually significantly higher then that partially because there aren't enough labs to test people for ebola and those that do seek medical care face a shortage of beds at local clinics. the united states military has delivered two mobile ebola testing labs and the equipment to build a field hospital in that country. the president is also sending thousands of troops to the region. here at home, an accidental shooting at a firing range in montgomery county, has ended in tragedy. when that gun went off, a pennsylvania state trooper lost his life. "action news" reporter kenneth moton is live at temple university hospital with the very latest, kenneth? >> reporter: well, shirleen it was a solemn scene about 15 minutes ago outside er at temple university hospital behind me here, as the body of pennsylvania state trooper, david kidra was taken away. this is the moment right here we can see the 26 year-old
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trooper's casket draped with an american flag, carried out of this hospital, with his fellow officers soluting him. behind that casket, kidra's grieving family members who were escorted here after this accidental shooting earlier today. investigators from the montgomery county prosecutor's office examined the scene inside the county's public safety training campus in plymouth township tonight. state police say just before 5:00 p.m. it was an instructor who accidentally fired the shot that hit the the trooper in the chest during a training exercise. kidra who was stationed in skippack township was flown to temple in critical condition. it was sometime later the officer had been pronounced dead. throughout the night we have seen a procession of officers arriving throughout the hospital to honor this young trooper. meanwhile the search for answers in montgomery county, this is a live look from chopper six, of the casket of trooper david kidara being taken to givnish funeral
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homes, one of the givnish funeral homes in this area he was stationed in skippack township. there is an honor guard from philadelphia police escort ago this hearst tonight. as we come back here live here at temple, i can tell you state police commissioner says that this accidental shooting is still under investigation as they look for clues about how this all happened. we will have the latest right here on "action news" reporting live here outside temple university hospital, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> solemn procession tonight, kenneth thank you. eric frein set up at least two pipe bombs in the rug he had terrain of the poconos mountains where state police are still searching for him. both of the devicees were fully functional and could have been detonated with a fuse or a wire. investigators say bombs and other items were hastily discarded at a campsite used by frein. those details came out of the news conference this afternoon where state police lt. col. until had another direct message for the suspect killer. >> i'm calling on you, eric,
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to surrender. you are clearly stressed. you are making significant mistakes. >> frein has been on the run since the ambush of two pennsylvania state troopers, back on september 12th, 1 of those troopers died, the other was seriously injured. september is ending on a warm note but a cool down that is on the way will remind thaw fall has arrived. meteorologist adam joseph is also tracking some showers, and he is at the big board. >> yes, we can cool it down a little and we also need some rain. couple good things come in the next seven days. as we look at storm tracker six live double scan we have low pressure center in the western part of the state. you can see showers wrapping around that low sends wind are count are clockwise. we have batch of downpours and thunderstorms slowly working from the west. as we mentioned earlier a lot of it will rip apart as it push necessary to our viewing area, in fact, if you take a look right now it is actually not moving anywhere, east of
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harrisburg or in york, so right now most of lancaster county is dry but there is a couple showers north and west of reading near 422 and in between interstate 78. maybe a sprinkle trying to enter western chester county, near coatsville but overall, this heavy batch of rain will not progress through the area. as we take a look the at your forecast for tomorrow morning's rush hour it is cloudy, mild, it will be patchy fog around, 62 degrees at 6:00 o'clock and at 8:00 o'clock 63. we should start in the mid 50's this time of the year so we're running a good 8 degrees above normal for overnight lows but as we look to the north and west and western canada as anything but warm, right now, here near the poles, it is 18 degrees in cambridge bay, baker lake at 25. a piece of this will be migrating to the south and east for part of the upcoming weekend. we will let you know how cool those temperatures get in the seven day forecast shirleen, coming up in a bit. >> thanks, adam. mumia abu-jamal is serving
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life for the death of a philadelphia police officer, but that is not getting in the way of an upcoming obligation. he is set to deliver a commence amount dress at goddard college in vermont on sunday. at dress is prerecorded, and will be played for students along with the documentary about jamal's controversial case. his original death sentence from 1982 was handed down for the death of officer daniel faulkner but was commuted to life imprisonment without parole in 2011. a second name has now emerge in the fight to take ownership of the revel casino hotel in atlantic city. filing identifies a firm called brookfield asset management as second bidder. florida businessman glenn straub was first bid tore come forward publicly offering 90 million-dollar cash for that 2.4 billion dollars resort. brookfield owns hard rock hotel and casino in vegas and atlantic par died island in the bohamas.
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kick off to the week of event targeted to minority business owners. councilman curtis jones junior and david oh hosted the commonwealth as your business partner, the the panel discussion was part of the 30th annual philadelphia minority enterprise development week. all week workshops like this will focus on how to help minority businesses grow. experts talked about what works and what doesn't work in the current landscape of education tonight at the franklin institute. film maker and author, m knight sham lon joined doctor superintendent william hite for problems facing philadelphia eye on education panel took a look at models, fos fairing success locally and nationally. so just how does a two-year old child manage to shoot himself in delaware? john rawlins is asking that tough question tonight, john. >> reporter: well that little boy remains in critical condition tonight, and no one
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has yet to explain how a toddler could get his hand on a loaded gun, we will talk to a family member, coming up. and here is how not to getaway with stealing an atm? one criminal struggles is caught on video. also a caffeinated underwear, if you don't believe that will help you slim down the federal government is, with you on that one.
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guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill.
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a two-year old boy remains in critical condition tonight, hours after police say he got his hand on a gun, and then accidentally shot himself in the head. it happened this morning in the boy's home in claymont, delaware. tonight his doctors worked to save that boy. police want to know how he got the gun. "action news" reporter john rawlins is live in claymont tonight and you spoke to one of the child's relatives not too long ago. >> reporter: that is right, brian. as you say he is in critical condition following apparently hours of surgery. given the -- well, given circumstance that he is we necessity of it is hard to believe there could be a positive outcome. that was so surprising when we spoke to a family member who was at least sounded hopeful earlier tonight. >> he is better. he is in icu right now. so, he is getting better. >> reporter: visibly weary darryl wall seemed optimistic his little brother aj the gun shot victim was improving.
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wall had come home to retrieve clothing before returning to aj's hospital bedside. >> do you know where the gun came from? >> i mean, i don't really want to talk about that right new but everything -- he will be all right, that is all i know about. >> reporter: it was 10:00 this morning when two year-old got his hand on a loaded gun inside the family's town house and apparently shot himself in the head. >> i seen when they pulled a child out on the stretcher, and it was bad. >> reporter: pretty bad. >> yes. >> our officers arrived on the scene and they found the two-year old had been actually shot with a weapon. so we're not sure of the ownership of the gun. we're not sure how he located the weapon. >> reporter: little boy was home with his mother melinda stevenson grace at the time. investigators spent the day trying to sort out chain of events to how a toddler to access a loaded firearm. the residents say mother,
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father and two boys here are good solid neighbors. >> he was as cute as could be. he would play out there with his dad. >> happy go lucky little kid, very bright, three years old. i feel very sorry for him. >> reporter: well, the investigation, continues into this case, at this point in time, and the origin and ownership of that firearm. was it secured in anyway. we're told that the delaware attorney general's office is now looking into the the possibility of charges stemming from what happened here today. live from claymont, john rawlins for "action news" at ten on phl17. all right, john, thank you. gold medalist michael phelps took to twit tore day, after being arrested for his second dui. officials say that the olympian failed a field sobriety test this morning in after being stopped for speed nothing baltimore. phelps tweeted i understand the severity of my actions and take full responsibility. i know these words may not mean much right now, but i am
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deeply sorry to everyone i have let down. phelps was previously arrested in 2004. tracie minister again is fighting back against wal-mart's claims that he is at fault in the crash that claimed his friend's life. in a statement, out today, the the actor said he can't believe the accusations and added that he and his friend did nothing wrong, and yesterday the retailers said passenger should have been wearing seat belts when a wal-mart big rig slammed into their limo bus and therefore, victims were partly to blame for their injuries. minister again is still recovering from the june crash. now to the accu weather forecast tonight as we say good bye to september and hello to some more seasonal temperatures. >> adam joseph is live at the big board with the details on that. >> we will bring it back a little bit here to where we should this be time of the year. september ending on a very warm finish, close to 80 degrees today, in philadelphia, the normal now is down to 72 degrees.
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we're above and beyond the normal and you know what as we say good bye to september, it is kind of like one of those, this month is not like the others for the the rest of the year. as we take a look at temperatures so far, for september running about a degree and a half above normal. the year so far running a degree below normal. so not following suit for what the first eight months has brought to philadelphia, and same for rainfall, it is completely opposite. we are about 2 inches below normal for the month of september but when you look at the year so far we have had a surplus of almost 6 inches above normal. so we're in the really in a drought, water table, plenty of water, it is just topsoil that needs a drink. as we look at the temperatures right new in trenton 62 degrees. sixty-five in philadelphia. sixty-seven at the boardwalk. they have end out from earlier this evening where we had a big difference east and west with those temperatures. satellite and radar we have a batch of showers that is pushing in again from the west
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near york, and gettysburg, but as we look the at future track their batch of showers as it pushes east we will have that stable easterly wind in place right now. so it really robbed atmosphere of that moisture as it falls apart. there could be a couple showers in the western suburbs tonight but tomorrow morning as future tracker we will see a lot of clouds around and that remains the case tomorrow with limited sunshine and there could be a spotty shower in a couple locations. limited sun north and west tomorrow with patchy morning fog, 72 in pottstown, allentown and reading 37 degrees a long i-95, 71. seven 237 from west chester, glassboro to berlin. a spotty shower with cloud cover. one more stop to the south and east a lot of clouds. seventy in atlantic city. sixty-nine in surf city because of the northeasterly wind keeping it cooler at the shore and these wind speeds 12 to 18 miles an hour. when i come back with that seven day forecast, brian we will talk about a big change come this weekend. we have a good slug of rain coming in before that change and timing in accu weather.
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>> adam, thank you. good news for travelers here a pair of low cost carriers where to offer a new or expanded services in philadelphia frontier airlines is adding seven new none machine stop routes out of phl in september. orlando, tampa and miami all among the the route. today only airline is offering fares for one way travel for $14.99, but frontier says they want to make travel affordable to everyone. non-stop flight to charlotte, atlanta and chicago will start in the spring. and spirit airlines is also adding flights into and out of philadelphia international airport, it will begin non-stop between philadelphia and chicago o'hare, beginning april 16th the the day after tax day. it already has flights between phl, dallas, vegas, and myrtle beach. so get your travel plans going. time for sports and what could good news for the eagles. >> ducis rodgers is live in the "action news" sports center. ducis, lane johnson has been back in his uniform.
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>> he is but big question can one man make a difference. eagles hope that is the casement yesterday chip kelly put troubles with the offense and running game squarely on the offensive line. lane johnson's back from suspension on sunday with the rams and our jeff skversky has more. >> running game is not exactly scarring anybody. >> reporter: eagles coming off rush pushing performance in the nfl but they are hoping lane johnson will be able to open up a running lane or two. right tackle returns to practice, in his starting role today for the first time following his four game suspension. >> i feel bad, obviously we don't have the running game quite where we want it. but i'm glad to be back. >> johnson spent last month training in texas working out in the gym and doing drills on a field. while he feels he is in the best shape of his life, nothing quite replaces being in football game shape. >> i don't care what people say, the the only way you get in football shape toys play football. >> are you in shape.
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>> i'm in decent shape. i think i will be good enough. >> johnson expects to regain full form in two games but his game on sunday should make an impact with the run and protecting nick foles. >> he is a tremendous athlete and can run and block with the best of them. just to have him back, his personality, i'm excited. >> foles has been hit more than any other quarterback, so johnson is a sight for sore eyes. jeff skversky for "action news" at ten on phl17. coming up next, flyers get claude giroux back on the ice more news after this.
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i've lived hewith my mother, forty--four who is ninety--nine. people who do not live in delaware county need to know that tom mcgarrigle
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raised our taxes five times. five times in seven years. meanwhile tom mcgarrigle gave a million dollar subsidy to an energy company. tom mcgarrigle is not looking out for regular families or seniors at all. we need john kane in the senate. he gets regular families. on health check people who purchase caffeine infused underwear, cab new get their money back. the garment did not promise an energy boost guy pledge to make you thinner but apparently they didn't to that either. yesterday two manufacturers, including one in new jersey, agreed to refund 1.5 million-dollar to consumers, and federal trade commission says the promise to reduce fat and cellulite through the shape wear, were not backed by science. philadelphia was a theme of this years fashion show at moore college of art and design tonight. runway of brotherly love challenge students to create
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three dimensional garments reflecting soming that philadelphia is known for. the concept of the she was inspired by the path trick kelly runway of love exhibition, currently on view, at the philadelphia museum of ar
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jaron van der sloot is behind bars but that did not stop him from becoming a new dad over weekend. we have details straight ahead. a secret service is put in the hot seat tonight questions about the agency's ability to protect the president.
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and next the grace period is just about over, starting tomorrow, running a red light, in one local township will cost you a pretty penny we will tell you how much, and where that money goes, after the break. [ male announcer ] tomcat bait kills up to 12 mice, faster than d-con. what will we do with all of these dead mice? tomcat presents dead mouse theatre. hey, ulfrik! hey, agnar! what's up with you? funny you ask. i'm actually here to pillage your town. [ villagers screaming ] but we went to summer camp together. summer camp is over. ♪ [ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] [ male announcer ] engineered to kill.
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[ male announcer ] tomcat. [ cat meows ] thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you, cable because if we never had you... we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. so join the millions who enjoy the difference fios makes and get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years. sign up now and get $300 back with a two-year agreement. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v >>announcer:shirleen allicot and adam joseph and ducis rodgers.
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here are the big stories on phl17. a pennsylvania state trooper was shot during a training exercise has died. it happened in conshohocken earlier this afternoon. david kedra was with the state for 20 years. it is currently under investigation the manhunt for eric frein, he alluded authorities for weeks. he is wanted for the murder of a state trooper. there is a confirmed case of ebola in the u.s. a man was diagnosed from liberia to texas. the patient is in critical condition at dallas hospital.
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running a red light in adding toton county is going to cost you. they have 60 days to get used to the devices. no more excuses. since they were turned on there were 695 warning from blowing through the red lights. they will get a 100-dollar ticket. 70 of the violators are outside of the township. >> we are hoping to get everybody to drive like they are driving in their own neighborhood. since the cameras went up there are two flashes compared to seven. if you are from abington or planning to travel there is one
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at route 63 and fitzwater town road. unlike most of the red cameras these are not raising money for the township. all the money goes to paying for the cameras. get this, they may not be an apartment fixture. they will be in force for an entire year. all right. brian. a man was hit by a car. it happened in wynnefield. the driver stayed at the scene. the victim was transported with serious injuries. they don't believe he was a student. tonight we are waiting for the autopsy results to find what killed the president of cooper health and his wife. there was a fire at their home on sunday morning. john sheridan was pronounced
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dead at the scene. his 69-year-old wife was rushed to hospital. she died a short time later. an arson task force is on the case. the police continue their search for a man that attacked a woman out exercising in wissahickon park in chestnut hill. she was leaving the area when a man grabbed her from behind and demanded money. she told him that she didn't have any. that is when he pushed her to the ground and asked her for sex. the victim broke free. people out and about says that the area can be desolate. it's not safe. >> it's a hiking trail. women should not venture out there alone. >> they are working with police on a compromise sketc a composip
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them find the suspect. they will go before a judge on december 16th. both parties played a role into the fight on september 11th. gay bashing was not the motive. there was not a trash can big enough to pull it off. to get the a.t.m. into a blue bin. they dragged the money machine away. the business owners on the block are not surprised. >> it's strange. being on this block it doesn't surprise me at all. >>reporter:why? >> we see random stuff going on
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all the time. the police tracked down the a.t.m. and arrested john yavis. you have to donate food. it's part of food for fines. every items that you donate is $2 off your bill. it's october 6th through the 12th. all the food that is collected is given to the food bank in south jersey. a good excuse to keep the book longer. a win-win. speaking of win-win the forecast is a little more fall-like. the temperatures are slipping down the hill. it's a good chance for much needed rain. and west of lancaster on
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stormtracker 6 double scan. it has not pushed to the east here. we had an easterly wind throughout the evening. we have a couple of shower that is popped leola christiana. lifting off to the north at honeybrook. near the turnpike. nothing too heavy. any drop of rain, and also adamstown a couple of showers. you notice it is barely moving. in the last 15 to 20 minutes. that is not going to push to the east. 62 in quakertown. tannersville, 69. chesterville at 63. in the interior southern new jersey. 62 to 63 at browns line mills.
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and the boardwalk with the easterly wind. it was cooler today. now it's warmer because of the ocean of 71 degrees. satellite and radar the spin-off of the west. and it's putting on the brakes as i mentioned. it falls apart in the overnight hours. the area of low drifts to the east. when it's overhead there is energy. we have a northeasterly wind. 75 degrees. if we see the sun because of the energy with the low it self-destructs, so to speak. and early low clouds on thursday and afternoon sun as the low pushes away with a temperature of 74. up in the lehigh valley, lots of clouds limited sun and patchy fog in the morning. if you are at the shore
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tomorrow. temperature of 70. a lot of clouds. the northeasterly wind is breezy as it comes to the low pressure to the north. and as we look at the exclusive seven-day forecast it's cloudy tomorrow. a spotty shower. breaks of sun after morning clouds. 72. brighter on friday. 75. it's warmer at the end of the week. friday night into saturday half an inch much rain with the next cold front. the run returns on saturday afternoon as the temperatures drop to 70. 65 on sunday. a cool breeze for the eagles in town. we are close to normal monday and tuesday with a lot of cloud on monday on either side of 70 degrees. rain by friday night. the temperatures cool off on sunday. thank you, adam. most people leave a small tip. not one couple. why they felt it was important
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to leave a big tip. it has not stopped a man from getting married and then having a baby. a crime that may be tied to having a baby. a crime that may be tied to jesse
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looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family. (yawn) (ding!) toaster strudel! more fruit in the filling, ya? mmm! ya! warm, flaky, gooey, toaster strudel! now, with more fruit! don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds.
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tonight virginia state police are trying to determine if there is any link between the suspect and the disappearance of hannah graham. jesse matthew was the last seen with the girl. she was at at the metallica concert in 2009. now they are wondering if matthew is a responsible for that attack. a man at a food processing plant could face the death penalty. npenalty. nolen was the man.
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van der sloot had a baby. he is serving 28 years behind bars. he is the main suspect in the 2005 disappearance of natalie halloway in aruba. one state is saying good-bye. the the plastic bags find out where they are banned tonight the. tonight. and the mistakes that they made trying to protect the president. made trying to protect the president. get the top ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding.
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well it's only 100 calories, so u'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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i know... this third shift is rough... it's just a few more weeks
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max! what are you doing up? it's late. i just wanted to have breakast wih you. service faced intense questioning on the capitol hill today. they faced hard questions how it failed so miserably in its primary duty. there was a breach 11 case ago. it's not the first time that the agency has messed up. >>reporter:director of the secret service was on the hot seat. the lawmakers got personal. >> i wish to god that you protected the white house like you are protecting your reputation today. >>reporter:they are wondering how omar gonzales got deep
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notice of the white house carrying a knife. gonzales was taken down in side of the front door. it's clear he made it further. the 42-year-old iraqi veteran got all the way into the east room. he was neutraized by an officer that happened to be there. >> don't let them get into the white house ever. if they have to take action that is lethal i will have their back. >> his spokesman did not say how serious the breach was and how far gonzales made it inside. >> i am not going to deal, the briefing or the conversation that the president had on this topic. >>reporter:they raise concerns about a 2011 incident.
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a man fired into the white house. the lawmakers say that the secret services internal review is not good enough. there is calls for an independent investigation. karen travers for "action news" at 10 on phl17. and california is imposing the first statewide plastic bag ban. jerry brown signed the bill. they will be phased out of large grocery stores. usually people don't leave a good tip. a couple in iowa left a 100-dollar tip.
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they waited 20 minutes and an hour to get their food. they noticed that their waiter was serving 12 tables and bartending. they decided to reward him for his hard week. "we both have been in your choose. paying it forward." >> if we take a step back and realize we can grace the world with a little more kindness and generosity and patience, the world would be a beautiful place if we all could do that. the server was touched and got misty-eyed. time for sports. this is rogers at the big board. he is 6 6' an. the eagles have gone 26 out of
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30 teams in terms of rushing yards per game. that is not good. it may take a game or two to getting back in shape. hhe knows that his absence has hurt the team. >> i am trying to getting back to football shape. >> how much of a difference do you think you will make out here? >> we'll see on sunday. hopefully i can open up the lanes and get the running game going and throwing the ball. when you get the ground game going to gets a lot of pressure off of nick. >> on sunday, it allows frank to amass 174-yard was total offense. the defense knows that it can play better. >> , you know it's not out of the ordinary. it things that can be fixed and
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stopped. it's not an alarming mistake that we are making. we can clean things up. we just have to play smarter. >> claude giroux says that he is healthy. proof in the pudding, no, on the ice. tie at 1-1. and a slapshot in mid-season form. 2-1. waynwaynewayne simmonds re-diree puck in front. they wrap it up on thursday at washington. despite an 89 loss season all coaches will be invited back to the 2015 season. the major playoffs are update way. the as wildcard. they lead in the top of the eighth.
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brandon moss two homeruns for thethe as. it's a pro junior. this is the second shot on the par 5. 2-putt bir birdie. that is from 204 yards out. everybody dreams. anyone that swung a golf club dreams. the eagles have a coaching staff. ruben amaro will stay. and any major changes with respect to players? >> ruben says that there will be changes. ryan howard they like to move. a lot of that contract. we'll be watching closely. thank you so much. tiger woods trying out new courses. we are not talking golf courses.
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he is opening up a new restaurant inne in florida. folks can meet friends, watch sports and enjoy a good meal. check the two of them out on the cover of "people" magazine. she wore a custom gown and george wore an armani suit with her name inscribed in arabianic. th
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♪hey! i found a happy space ♪somewhere to call our own ♪a happy little place and it all starts with you♪ ♪whoa-oh-oh-oh, all this goodness...♪ after-school snacking should be fun and nutritious which is why we put whole grains first in every general mills big g cereal what matters most should always come first general mills. look for the big "g," it means goodness first.
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mmm! ring ring! ring ring! progresso! (whispering) you soup people have my kids loving vegetables. well vegetables... shh! (whispering) taste better in our savory broth. vegetables!? no...soup! oh! soup! loaded with vegetables. packed with taste. nature valley crunchy granola bars contain 1/3 of your daily whole grains, so 1/3 of this commercial is dedicated to what you could do with all that energy. 1/3 of your daily whole grains means energy to take the road less traveled.
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nature valley crunchy granola bars. of course you can get chips and slurpee a at 7-eleven. and shoppers craving kale juice an-- the temperatures in the low
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60s. in the afternoon tomorrow it mild for october. 86 by 11:00. with a lot of clouds. in the afternoon the temperatures top off in the lower 70s. a lot of clouds and a spotty shower. all right. thank you adam. thank you for joining us on "action news" at 10:00. and for shirley allicot
10:58 pm
you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas. (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas? old el paso says... start somewhere fresh. how do you helper? make helper with your favorite ingredients, for a fresh taste you'll love. helper. make it yours.
10:59 pm
here's something fun to do with hot dogs. make easy crescent dogs. pillsbury crescent rolls. ♪ make dinner pop. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds.
11:00 pm
shh! i didn't say anything. (lowered voice) stop talking. that's talking. you think she's asleep yet? i'm on the same side of the door as you are. stop talking. cam? lily lost her first tooth today, and she's very excited about a visit from the tooth fairy. when i had my first loose tooth... (mouths words) my mama tied one end of a string to it and the other to the tail of a guernsey cow... (mouths word) fired off a 12-gauge shotgun, and the cow went running out of the room. that never happened. tell that to the cow-shaped hole in my bedroom wall. gotcha! (gasps) what are you doing here? you're not the tooth fairy. n-no. but we just wanted to see if she'd come yet. no. she sure is taking her sweet time. maybe you should just go back to sleep, sweetie... yeah. 'cause it could take a while. mm-hmm. (sighs) i've got nowhere to be.