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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  December 16, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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monday night, and an love triangle will loving two delaware county police officers in love with the same woman, turns deadly. bill cosby's daughter comes to his defense. plus would the man claims she was assaulted by the comedian at the playboy mansion, gets some unwanted news, from prosecutors. but the big story on "action news" tonight is the end of the manhunt. bradley stone's body was found this afternoon some 200 yards from his pens burning, montgomery county home. police say it appears the man who murdered his ex-wife, and five of her family members yesterday, used a sword to take his own life, today.
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>> good evening, thanks for joining us for "action news" at ten tonight, so many people still in who can, right now, following that tragic ordeal and wondering how and why, did this all happen. >> officials held this evening for six innocent victims and teenager who survived. a souderton church was packed as people mourned this family, ripped apart by what investigators appears to be an act of vicious revenge. tonight, we have team coverage, kenneth moton was at the vigil but first we will begin with can cuellar who has more on how, police track down stone's body. he joins us from pennsburg. >> reporter: well, shirleen, with the 32 hour manhunt over bradley stone's home has been boarded up by authorities. outside, a u.s. marine flag still hangs, although, now rain soak. and with it, questions, with no answers, on why exactly stone carried out his horrific murder spree. late today body of 35 year-old
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bradley stone was removed from a wooded a air were about a half mile from his home. it is not known when, sources say he killed himself by laying in the sword wearing thin colored camouflage which game his name, neighbors breathed a sigh of relief. >> everyone is grade that it came to the even. they are not happy how it endedded but everything is getting back to normal. >> reporter: authorities have a clear picture of how bradley stone carried out his brutal killing spree of his ex-wife nicole stone and her relatives using firearms and or some kind of a knife, he began in souderton where he killed his ex-wife's sister tricia flick, her husband, daughter and critically wounding their son. he drove his forward fusion to lansdale where he killed her mother and grandmother. then he drove to lower salford where he killed nicole stone. neighbor reports hearing four shots and then kids yelling mommy, mommy no, i want my mom. stone forcibly removed his two young girls which he later dropped off with a neighbor. stone left no form of
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communication explaining his actions but it apparent a custody battle over two children had something to do witt. the authorities say bradley stone sought an emergency court order last week seeking custody of the children but was denied. >> he was dissatisfied with that. but there is no excuse, there is no valid explanation, there is no justification, for snuffing out these six innocent lives, and then injuring another child. >> reporter: if the answers remained illusive, tonight some neighbors brought a candle the to the home on fourth street looking for healing and trying to move on. >> we just felt that we should shed some light and try to bring some pennsylvania peace to the neighborhood and remember those that were lost. >> reporter: tonight, the stone's two children remain in protective custody, a court will later decide who will ultimately get custody. meanwhile the souderton telford rotary is in the process of, establishing a fund, for 29 girls. we're live from pennsburg,
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dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> all right dann, thank you. now the the search, is over for, bradley stone and time to focus on the healing process. kenneth moton joins us live, from souderton, kenneth. >> reporter: shirleen, it was an emotional service inside this church tonight. people wanted to let victim's family know they are not alone as they deal with this tragedy. inside of emmanuel lutheran church in souderton, songs and prayer for what this community has endured, for the the amount of loss, no family should ever suffer. >> right now it is just pretty much, you know, a waiting game, you know, just kind of taking it day by day right now. that is all we can do. >> reporter: rich's aunt was joann hill, former mother if law of bradley stone. tomkins was at this vigil, thankful for a community visibly grieving with him and the rest of his family. >> we appreciate the support from everybody, words just cannot describe what we feel
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or how any of this. >> reporter: words of comfort were needed for these residents who have have been on edge since the mass murder and manhunt. but now that it is over, they are trying to come to terms, four victims, the flick's lived in souderton. so many here went to school with 14 year old nina, who was killed, a along with her parents aaron and patricia. >> they were great people. they took me in. they helped me out. i love them dearly. >> reporter: seventeen year-old anthony flick, sole survivor, we now know was injured after he tried to fight off his ex-uncle, relatives say anthony is awake and talking. it is unclear how much he knows about the deadly rampage but as hundreds of his neighbors lit candles to honor him and his family, it is clear that they will be here to help him heel. >> we will try to do our best as a community to make sure that these kids, you know, they have that sense of community back, that they are taken care of that they know there is people out there that love them whether they know
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them or not. >> reporter: go fund me being was set up to help anthony. right now, it is at more than $10,000. we're told another vigil for bradley stone's ex-wife nicole hill will take place saturday evening at 7:00 at her apartment complex in lower salford township. reporting live there souderton tonight, kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. brian? >> kenneth, thank you. as the manhunt has come to an a end we have learned that the upper perkiomen school district will, in fact, resume classes tomorrow morning, and officials have made the decision to keep school closed there today, out of fear that stone might have posed a threat to students and staff. so again, school will will be opened in the upper perkiomen school district first thing tomorrow morning. meanwhile, at nearby souderton high school today there were grief counselors on hand as kids there tiehl with the death of one fellow student, and shooting of another. fourteen year-old freshman nina flick was one of five victims of brad stone's allege
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rampage, her 17 year-old brother anthony is a junior at souderton high. remains hospitalized tonight, with a head wound, and grief counselors will remain at that school and in the neighborhood for the next several days. >> it is really normal to have a really anxious response to feel uncomfortable where they live. it is a scary thing. offering people support. >> of course, back at the big board this is the man, police say caused a all of that grief right here, bradley stone, but tonight so many questions, about who he was, and why he allegedly did this. so, coming up a at 10:30 tonight we will have more on stone's military background and hear from another man who called stone a long time friend. >> all right, brian. police in delaware county are investigating a deadly double shooting involving two of their own. former colwyn police officer steven rosscowski faces a murder charge tonight, investigators say he resign from the force and then killed
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valerie murrow inside her glenn olden home last night. he allegedly shot her 15 year-old daughter in the arm. murrow's husband a morton police officer fired at the man and critically -- and he critically injured him. he called for help on a police radio. this is some of that >> they're on their way. >> is the actor accounted for ,. >> investigators say, valerie murrow had been romantically involved but she had restraining order begins him. three people suspected of attacking two gay man in center city will go on trial. kevin harrigan, catherine knott and philip williams aggravated assault. they used gay slurs before beating the gay couple on chancellor street in september. one of the men suffered a
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broken jaw. the defense attorneys argued that both parties, played a role if the confrontation and sexual orientation was not an issue. nascar driver curt bush's former girl friend wants nothing to do with him and now she's asking a dell will wear judge, to order that he cut off all contact. the two were in a dover courtroom. pennsylvania patricia driscoll was on the stand for five hours, she said that bush, choke her at dover international speed way, back in september, and in addition to having no contact, with each other, driscoll wants that nascar superstar, to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. bush's lawyers have denied all of the allegations, the hearing resumes tomorrow morning. new a at 10:00 tonight bill cosby will not face charges for allegedly molesting a teenager back in 1974. judy hut h claimed that at age 15, cosby forced her to perform a sex act on him at the playboy mansion. prosecutors have decided not to pursue the case after speaking to huth.
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at least 15 women claim they were assaulted by the comedian. tonight cosby's daughter, evan, released a statement in defense of her dad. he is the the father you thought you knew, she said. the cosby show was my today's tv reality show. the rain is moving out, but for some of you fog will be a problem, overnight. find out, what we can expect in the morning let's check with meteorologist melissa magee at the big board, melissa. >> shirleen, bulk of that precipitation earl ter day started to exit. as we look at storm tracker six live double scan radar you can see heavier rainfall off shore to the east of toms river still sitting in atlantic city at this hour. we will go tighter on storm tracker six live double scan treat level, still some light rain, mist and drizzle across the area light showers, to the south of coatsville to the north of oxford, precipitation down across new jersey and burlington county, close to wrightstown, also close to medford lakes. the the bulk of the precipitation will slowly, and continue to linger, and move out, to a north and east as we get in the rest of tonight but
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visibility is an issue. lots of low level moisture. we are down to 3 miles in philadelphia, down to 1.3 miles there and reading. down to just a mile in wilmington. lots of clouds will stick around for the rest of tonight n fact, we will talk about what is ahead as we press forward for the middle half of our workweek. tracking those clouds and showers that will linger overnight, looks of clouds, even as we get in the day on wednesday but briefly and turning milder, mid week before the cooler air arrives as we close out workweek and tracking wintry precipitation over the weekend. we will talk about those details with the accu weather forecast, shirleen. >> we will see you shine, thank you melissa. tonight marks the first night of hanukkah, there were observance is a cross the region, "action news" attended this festival of lights in west chester. crowd gathered at historic chester county courthouse and lit a candle. hanukkah is an eight day celebration. we also stopped by bet h am israel sin gooding in lower merion. hanukkah commemorates the the rededication of the second
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temple in jer year in the second century bc. and still to come on "action news" tonight a horrible scene in pakistan as dozens of innocent students are murdered. >> tonight we will hear from malala yousafzai, and she knows that kind of, violence firsthand. police turntables in delaware county, how they actually got wanted people to come to them. that is coming up at 10:30 tonight. here's been gone since thanksgiving week but shelley the doggies back home, the heart warming reunion is coming up.
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welcome back, you are looking at one of the many tributes, happening, across pakistan, in remembrance of the 141 people killed today in a taliban attack on a school. 132 of those victims were children. the attack happened at a in military run school in a town of peshawar, in the northeastern part of the country. the taliban said the attack was revenge for a pakistani military operation, that targeted islamic militants. authorities say that the gunman, gained access by dressing as a security guard, and then he had explosives, strapped to their bodies as they moved from classroom to classroom.
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malala yousafzai said she was heart broken over the attack. sheet was herself a victim of the taliban shooting and was recently awarded the noble peace prize and liberty medal. >> all political parties, and everyone, that we should stand up together and fight against terrorism and we should make sure that every child gets a quality education. >> seven members of the taliban were killed, one pakistani forces ended their siege, of the school. well, we've got breaking news we have learn that president obama has signed $1.1 trillion spending bill. he did so with little fanfare tonight but that will keep the the government operating over the next nine months and avoid spector of the government shut down once again. but, let's change gears and talk about the accu weather forecast as promised those clouds are back with a little bit of rain, so what does tomorrow have in store. melissa magee is live at the big board.
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>> hi there brian and shirleen. we are tracking low level moisture overhead but bulk of the precipitation is moving on out. despite showers and the moisture, we climbed up to 53 degrees today. average for this time of the year is 44. we were a good 9 degrees above average. the that is not bad, that is mild for the the in of december. typically we should be in the lower 40's as you can see. outside tonight still, above where we should be. forty-nine in the city. forty-five in allentown. for lehigh valley there. forty-seven in wilmington a long the coast in beach haven, 49. and, so the big concern, for the rest of tonight we have a couple of light showers overhead, but we are dealing with a lot of low level moisture. visibility will be definitely reduced. keep that in mind out and about on the roads very late. we have 3 miles visibility n philadelphia. down to one point in reading. we are down to 3 miles in millville. the clouds, will slowly, lift as we get in to overnight tonight a as we go throughout the day, on wednesday. and here's satellite six with action radar. you can see this area of low
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pressure that we're tracking. center for the most part ace cross the great lakes and bulk on have that precipitation is heading up into canada we are tracking the warm front where it lifts to the north of us. the it will be mild. in the wake of the showers that we're track to go day. so, lets take a look the at morning rush, as we are stepping out of the door, tomorrow. peaks of sunshine, and, mild for december. 6:00 a.m. 42 degrees. 7:00 a.m. 42. we are in the lower 40's at 8:00 o'clock tomorrow morning. as we get the call from accu weather north and west of town, lots of clouds, gusty northwesterly breeze and that keeps these temperatures nice and mild. forty-eight in allentown tomorrow for a high. forty-nine in downingtown, and lancaster coming in with a high temperature of 48 degrees. along 95 corridor we are in the lower 50's. fifty-two for the high in philadelphia tomorrow. also 51 in wilmington. fifty for the high temperature in west chester. down across new jersey, toms river 52. 51 degrees for the high in cape may. limited sunshine but still
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9 degrees above average. it stays mild tomorrow, but we are tracking a cool down by the end of the week and wintry precipitation, when we're talking about a possible coastal storm. we have updates on that with the accu weather seven day, guys. >> thanks much. tonight, we've got, a reunion. >> yes, a dog that was lost, and then found, and then lost again, is finally home, sharrie williams was there for the happy home coming. >> reporter: eight year old ava has not seen her missing dog shell any more than two weeks. the pincher chihuahua mix slipped out of the house thanksgiving week. >> what has it been like without having her here. >> different. >> reporter: the two were best friend. so she has a special request, to santa. >> i wish would you come back. >> reporter: and sometimes wishes actually come true. >> yes. >> reporter: the two are back together and seeing each other for the first time. after being separated for
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days, there are plenty of kisses, or licks to go around. >> sometimes she never will stop. >> reporter: one day after going missing in northeast philadelphia, a woman found shelley and took her to the brees animal hospital in mayfair. woman knew shelley had a micro chip but she left with the dog and shelley had in the been seen ever since. the story spread quickly on social media, as the push was on to find shelley. >> there is no telling what all shelley has been through. she was passed around from person to person, and the big break, in finding her, actually came from a little bit of detective work by shelley's owners. >> on friday, we went to brees and we sat with the vets and the the employees there and went through the surveillance tapes. >> reporter: with the help of police, they track down the woman, and shelley, and now, she's back where she belongs. >> to see your child that
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excited, you just can't explain the feeling especially knowing what she has been through, for a couple of weeks. >> reporter: and this little girl got her christmas wish. >> yes, i love shelley so much. >> reporter: in northeast philadelphia, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> ahh, glad shelley is back. >> cute dog. >> now for a first look at sports tonight as eagles get back to practice the with the hopes of saving their season. >> ducis rodgers has more from the "action news" sports center. >> despite the fact that they have been talking about their dreams eagles got back to work vowing to put sunday's dallas debacle behind them. is it easy to let that game go knowing they let a playoff birth slip out of their control. >> it is the culture of this league, you come back on tuesday and you got to let it go. >> we have had some adversity and this week, first and foremost, will be a great test. it is a test of who we are. >> reporter: now they will move on to the red are skins. if eagles have any chance,
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desean jackson can rain on their parade. he aid he does president miss birds, the question is do they miss him. >> sometimes, you can like i wish he was still here because he wasn't, as bad, as people made him out to be. he was just a good guy. whatever it was that happened, upstairs, whatever, where the disconnect happened, i mean i don't know good reportedly there was strive between out spoken receiver and jeremy maclin who today said don't believe everything that you hear. >> i think when you have two guys with that caliber on one team people look for things to pick a at and pull you down but it is not always like that. >> reporter: jamie a pod i for "action news" at ten on phl17. ahead next hour eagles get back plus lightening and flyers play a tight one at wells fargo center, we will talk about that next half
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well, it is january 1st rolls around lots of us will make resolutions, maybe go on a diet will be one of yours.
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low glycemic index diets are design with foods with less of an impact on our blood sugar but are they better for our health. it turns out researchers are saying, no. they found that lower blood sugar foods actually increase bad or ldl cholesterol levels and decrease insulin sensitivity. real key to good heart health continues to be exercise and a balanced tie it. one local high school basketball team is going above the rim, to give back this holiday season. tonight the abington girls basketball team showered a family in need with gifts, at a special ceremony during submit's game against the neshaminy. the family of eight lost everything in a fire earlier this year. it has become the team's annual tradition to adopt a family in need. we look at bradley stone. a
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we look at bradley stone.
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deciding between buying bread and health care is much tougher. healthy pa is now here to help, with name-brand health insurance for the cost of a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, call or apply online today.
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this evening a crowd gathered to remember six killed in montgomery and the teenager that survived. man that was responsible took his own life. bradley stone's body was discovered near his home in
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pennsburg. was a reservist. the afternoon being a six to seven month tour. wendy visited the legion wherestone wa >> the person that i knew was not like that. he was always helping. that never led me to think that he would do anything against the law. >> john gilmour used to sit at the bar and have drinks with stone. >> he participated in everything. >> gilmore was stunned by yesterday's news. they never talked about their time in the service.
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there was no over his children and a custody battle. >>reporter:he knew him for 20 years. when he heard yesterday's news he broke down in tears. >> i couldn't believe it. this is not the brad that i know. he would do anything for anybody. i don't know what is going on. >>reporter:he is left. >> i don't understand why he did what he did. but, you know, i don't know. i am just totally shocked. i am dumbfounded. i want to go home and hug my son. stuff like this doesn't happen. it is absurd. >>reporter:ii am wendy saltzman.
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>> wendy learned that there was no signs that stone was injured. he was arrested three times for driving under the influence of alcohol in pennsylvania. turning to delaware county. police are investigating a deadly stabbing tonight. it happened on the 70 300 blockf north front street. a man was fatally stabbed there. the yeadon police are tight-lipped. they tell us they continue to investigate. they found a clever way to track down dozens of wanted people. this is video of christian silk taken into police custody. she was wanted for three d.u.i.s. shthey opened a storefront and said bureau of unclaimed funds.
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they sent letters to 46 warrants. they had to show up and claim them. >> it's based on greed. they were getting a significant amount of money from the unclaimed funds of a fictitious bureau. >> once inside seeking the refunds they were arrested. of the 46 letters sent eight people took the bait. on a was charged. today he was sentenced to five municipalities at a halfway house in order to restitution.
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a young boy was remembered tonight. a viewing was held for aiden. he lost his battle with cancer last week. he is known in fire departments across the u.s. and the world. when they heard about his dream becoming a firefighter they put his name on their rosters. he will be given the honour of a firefighter's funeral. today was gorgeous. then the sun went away and it started to pour >> you can put where yo your ums away. it's a cloudy shot of the city hall skyline. lots of low-level moisture and fog. down to 3 miles we will show you the temperatures, a spot in the
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daytime high 36 in tannersville. and 45 in kennett square. and woodbine and sea isle city. 46 in dover. here is satellite 6 along with the action radar, the pressure is moving over the great lakes region moving up to canada. what we are track something a warm front. the temperatures climb to above average. a normal temperatures this time of year. average is 44. the high in the city climbed up to 53. we are tracking the warm front that moves on through. the showers linker to mi it's mild and breezy. the winds out of the west northwest. the winds from 12 to 20
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miles-an-hour. clouds and peeks of sunshine as the afternoon wears on. the high in the city at 52 degrees. thursday, sunshine and clouds. the low pressure departs. we cool down. 44 the high on thursday. you want to dress for temperatures in the 30s when you factor in the wind chill. high pressure over the great lakes that drifts on top of your region on friday into the start of the weekend. late saturday and early sunday, all eyes on the coast. earlier in the week there is a potential for a coastal storm. it is not as bad as we were thinking here. the southern jetstream to our south. a blockbuster storm across the region they fade. they fade north of the region. it's a weaker storm for the lehigh valley and delaware. and right down to south jersey.
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the exclusive seven-day forecast clouds and sunshine. high up to 52 degrees. on thursday, high 44. dress for wind chills in the 30s by then. a high of 43. on friday it feels like temperatures will be in the upper 30s by then. on saturday, 40 turning cloudy. as we track the system to our south. wet snow north and west. a high 42. partly sunny. and cloud and sun. overall 52 is not bad for december. some grateful kids got to tear the pile of christmas gifts. this was the third annual adopt-a-family christmas program. it sees officers in the district to give out toys and food and money for those that otherwise will not have a christmas.
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the adults and kids on the receiving end had plenty of cause to smile tonight. well, up next tonight, meet the student that got to use the excuse my dog ate my homework. and rob ford is doing better. his brother talks about his battle with the stomach tumour. how the dog
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-- and nydia han has gif news on gift and starting
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-- and nydia han has gif news on gift
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okay buddy, what's your favorite kind of cheerios? honey nut. but... chocolate is my other favorite... but apple cinnamon is my favorite too... and fruity... oh yeah, and frosted! okay, but...what's you're most favorite of all? hmm... the kind i have with you. me too.
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spending on gift cards is expected to hit a record high this year. buyer beware. here is nydia han. >>reporter:that is right. gift cards could have you wasting money. as easy as gift cards are easy to buy they could be ending up being worthless. this boy is asking for anything but a gift card for christmas. that is smart. it estimated that a billion dollars worth of cards are unspent this year. the funds on gift cards will not expire like they used to thanks
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to new regulations. they don't make a great gift. >> one reason is fees. in the case of bank cards fees can chip away at their values. >>reporter:and those that have logos have purchase fees that run up to $5. there are dormancy and 10 months of that and a card is worthless. the fees can be about $15. >> they don't have fees like bank cards. we ding them on convince. >>reporter:if you lose a store card or it stolen you are out of luck as the merchants are not required to replace them. some don't. if you get a gift card this holiday season, consumer reports says use it
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you have no legal rights on them am. we have good news for all the last-minute holiday shopper. toys r us are going to keep the store open for 39 straight hours. it closes at 9:00 p.m. on christmas eve. they hired 4500 to deal with the rush. amazon is extending the shipping deadline to december 15th. the gifts as late as december 22nd and you can still can get them. i need that time. let's get on it. hi, guys. sometimes a team has your number. they lost eight of last nine meeting with tampa bay. lightning strikes again. flyers on the powerplay.
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wayne simmonds is playing well. his sixth goal in the past six games. 1-0 flyers. and tampa bay tied at 1-1. tyler johnson plays steve mason. 2-1 tampa bay. the flyers pull the goalie for the extra man. the flyers lose, 3-1. >> we should take advantage of the entire time. we did a great job with that. i think that overall there was not a lot of scoring chances both sides. there was a good defensive playing on our part. at the end of the day we lost an opportunity. >> and trent cole is up in the air. he doesn't know for sure. he doesn't think cole will be available. the playoff hopes are no longer in their control.
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in this league you better have a short memory. >> you have to shake off a two-game skid and move on. the neck two games are more important than the last two. move on and get better. think that our team is capable of doing it. >> todd hill mall. they better use the gift card soon. it was made possible by dick's and the herrimans foundation. the dragons lost their last three games. and the regulation, john price from half court to tie the game in overtime. it's not enough. la salle loses 68-66.
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the explorers dropped five of six. >> it's cool. jack, open, throw me the ball. i am open. >> let me give you the set up now. that is mccoy doing impersonation. there was lots of excitement when old saint nick walked into a party. do you hear the screaming? those are the screaming fans as he strolled in bearing gifts. it was for 100 families in need. check that out. who else was at the michael johnson showing off.
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♪ oh happy day >> that of the event at the kimmel center. it is from choirs and schools kimmel center. it is from choirs and schools and ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat icken.
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apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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well we heard the excuse that the dog ate my homework. and a texas teen has the x-rays to prove it.
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he ate plastic animals and chicken wire, area rushed to the hospital where he removed the homework. he thought it was all the joke until the teacher saw the x-ray evidence. ouch. there you go. how is the weather looking in the morning? >> it looks better. we have the bus stop forecast you. 43 at 8:00 a.m. for the rest of the day as we look at your day planner 42. the clouds hold on for a good chunk of the day. 48 back down to that as we get to 2:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon. not a bad day for a gusty breeze too. you always did your home onk
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on time. thank you for joining us. for "action news at 10:00", "modern family" is next. for melissa sharrishirleen taft. thanks for joining us. look, i know you're tired,
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but just think how good you're gonna feel tomorrow when you wake up and we have all-new shelf paper. i wish i didn't get what you were talking about, but i do. i just do. (cell phone rings) hey, who could be calling at this hour? (ring) oh. it's sal. mnh-mnh. (beep) no. not answering that. whatever earth-shattering drama she's going through can wait. (pounds on door) until she gets here. (pounding) oh, god. i hope we have vodka. we don't, mitchell. (pounding continues) sal was our best girlfriend from back in our party days, but over the years, we've kind of gone in different directions. we chose forward. uh, something's wrong with that door. okay, whatever. i have the most amazing news, and i'm super excited, but i won't be if you don't want me to be. ready? i'm getting married! oh, my gosh! congratulations! oh, wow! (high-pitched voice) i know! who's the guy? oh, the love of my life. oh, so you finally bagged your boss?


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