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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  December 23, 2014 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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tuesday night, the the search is on for the driver who hit and killed a woman, that never ended up bothering to stop driving. on one city agency has a warning tonight, and if you hear a knock at the door it may not be them on the other side. we've got details on what looks to be a serial imposter. but the the big story on "action news" tonight is our 1/2 punch of wet weather, first round came today and now we're bracing for christmas eve soaker. >> clouds are wreaking havoc on the holiday travel rush tonight, philadelphia international still has a ground delay in effect because of low visibility, and that
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means that right now, flights are delayed by an up to two hours. >> tomorrow, the the roads will also be slow going and so we will begin with meteorologist melissa a magee live at the big board with the late word from accu weather tonight, hi there, medical lisa. >> hi there brian and shirleen. we are track ago this moisture. looking at storm tracker six live double scan radar you can see leading edge over the ohio valley and just to the south of our nation's capitol there in washington d.c. but we're widening out the picture because what we are tracking is this moisture coming in from the the south and work its way northward and you can see the area of that low pressure just over miss up is i right now. from south to north direction we will track the rain that will be on the way. future tracker six has you covered as we go throughout the rest of the overnight hours and into the day, on wednesday, we do have have that moisture to contend with. in fact, we will show what you is going on as we look at future tracker six you can see 8:00 in the morning we have showers around, the other issue will be the visibility,
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and, that is tomorrow morning. visibility down to 3.7 miles in reading, down to a .7 in millville and 2.7-mile visibility, earlier in the day tomorrow. the not only do we have the moisture to contend with but visibility will certainly be reduced. so we will take a lot at rainfall that we are expecting as we go throughout the day on wednesday. three-quarters of an inch to an inch and a half of rain, poor drainage setting and ponding on the road and we will talk about near report warmth into christmas eve. all those details with the accu weather forecast. >> melissa a, thank you. that same storm system that will bring more rain our way is being blamed, for three deaths in miss up is think evening. a tornado killed two people in columbia and you can see the the damage. homes and business where is hit, road were closed and cars flipped right over. about 50 miles away two more people were killed in severe weather, thousands remained, without power, at this hour. right now philadelphia police are desperately trying to find the driver of that hit and killed a woman and then
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just kept on going. it happened on the 8100 block of state road, in holmesberg. that is where we will find "action news" reporter sharrie williams. sharrie, what is the latest there. >> reporter: and, shirleen, this crash happened, during one of the busiest hours of the day, we're actually right in front of the current fromhold prison, that is where this incident happened. the woman struck here right here behind us, several people stopped to render aid, and everyone but that driver who struck her. >> whoever the driver was he knew that they had hit her and she, you heard the impact. >> reporter: linda, headed home after work when she witnessed a horrifying scene. it was rush hour about 5:18, when a woman attempted to cross state road. she made it to the center dividing lane but that was a as far as she got. >> while in the middle of the street she was struck by a tow truck. from witness accounts was a black tow truck driving at a high rate of speed.
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>> reporter: the driver of the tow truck never stopped, alfonse driving on that same road saw it all unfold. after the impact, the the woman's personal belongings actually flew into her windshield. >> i saw her like walk up to the center lane and then she was gone. and then her cell phone and purse hit my car. >> reporter: alfonse park her suv and got out to find where would the man had landed. >> her body was like, i don't know they are saying 50, hundred feet away. i don't know how anybody can do that. it is just terrifying. one minute she's there and then gone. i am just left her there and took off he didn't even stop, like didn't ease up on the gas or nothing. >> reporter: kathy, was also driving on state road, when she saw the victim go airborne. >> i didn't realize it was a person. >> reporter: driver of the hit and run tow truck didn't stop but she did. >> just ran up and if she was conscious and if she could
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breathe and just trying to keep her warm and comfortable i mean but she was very injured. >> reporter: total strangers, now connect by tragedy, witnesses who stopped to help hope police track down the driver responsible. >> i hope they fine him because he definitely did an injustice to that poor would man. >> reporter: witnesses tell us when they went up to this woman she was still alive, however, police tell us after being taken to aria torresdale hospital that is where she died. we do know that she's three three-year old and resident of philadelphia police have her name but have not released it to us. as for this tow truck in question, they tell us that the driver continued north on state road, and, they also tell us that there are a number of businesses, that do have surveillance video that they will be going through that, as soon as possible. in hopes of identifying this driver. we're live from the holmesberg section of philadelphia, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> all right sharrie, thank
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you. coatsville woman turn herself in a separate hit and run. the she's accused of hitting and killing a 19 year-old woman in northerndale earlier this month. according to the affidavit jean a marie bennet told friend she hit a construction barrel, police say she was drinking the night where gray was killed. >> it is a sense of relief but it still does not justify what happened and why it happened. >> it is bitter sweet, you know, justice will be served for this crime and we're just happy for the step closer to that. >> police believe bennet was drinking at several places, before the crash, it was a tip from an auto body that helped police track down the suspect keisha would have turn 20 on saturday. her sister recently passed away from diabetes, definitely a rough time for this family during the holiday season. it was a wild scene in the city of chester tonight where someone fired shots from their car, before crashing it.
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the action cam was in the 2200 block of west third street where it all happened tonight, you could see the the car that crash right into someone's front step, police believe the driver was firing at another car before losing control of his own. suspect bailed but left behind several semiautomatic handguns. montgomery county coroner had has now conclusively ruled the death of bradley stone a suicide. the medical examiner says stone had a mix of drugs in his system. stone murdered six, former family members during a daze long rampage across montgomery county last monday before taking his own life had. the we have also learned tonight that the lone surviving victim 17 year-old anthony flick was released from the hospital, yesterday. l and i has a warning for philadelphia residents tonight, if someone comes tour door claiming to be an inspector, well, they might just be a crook. at alert comes after several reports of someone trying to conn people into letting them inside their homes, "action news" reporter dann cuellar
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live at l and i headquarters in center city and dann, you've got the details. >> reporter: that is right, brian. the this is just one of the number of scams going on during the holiday season. we a always see this around this time of the year this latest victim says the imposter put on such a good act that he fooled him with it. >> this guy i mean he is very good, i will say that. it was something suspicious, i would have asked more questions. >> reporter: latest incident happened around noon hour in the 700 block of west endsbury a man with the clipboard appeared at steven's doorstep inquiring about a burnout home on his block scheduled to be demolish. the as a result he said some railing on his property was going to have to come down. >> i say i would like to keep. that he said we have to rip it out but then he said you offer me a $91, i can keep that. >> reporter: so the way he was talking... >> he said it just like an l and i person. he had a clipboard and
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everything. >> reporter: he gave him $91 cash thinking the guy would come back and dot work but then his neighbor told him he heard about a scam going around and called the office of a maria quinones sanchez and confirmed it. >> sanchez says that is a guy, it fits like a t. so this guy has been around. >> reporter: indeed commissioner carlton williams confirms the imposter has struck two other times in recent days in the 2300 block have of emerald on monday and the 3500 block of jasper. >> we're deeply concerned about this because obviously it is a season where a lot of criminals use any type of activity to try to gain access in peoples homes. >> reporter: imposter is described as a black male in his early to mid 50's, balding, weighing 180 to 190 and height of 5 feet eight to 5 feet nine. >> they should ask for proper identification, a photo id and a business card from l and i. secondly, department never asked for money.
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>> reporter: police are on the case and they suspect this imposter will try to strike again f a man fitting this description pops up in your neighborhood claiming to be an inspector, you are being asked to call 911. we're live here at the l and i headquarters, in center city and i'm dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> thanks, dann. egg had harbor township neurologist was arrested today investigators say doctor said jeffery, had criminal sexual contact with three patients, during medical examines at his office, from near knew rolling. he is being held on 25,000 balance ars bail. >> blonde woman ace accused of having sex with a 17 year old boy at a montgomery county park. iris giveany met the teen at a school function. the they are not saying which school, she allegedly sent explicit photos of herself to the teen, she turned herself in and posted $50,000 bail.
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tonight, protesters were back out on the streets of new york city, despite the a plea from mayor bill deblasio to take a brief break from the demonstrations. with tensions running high following murder of two police officers the mayor asked protesters to wait until after the the funerals, this saturday. new york governor andrew cuomo has reached out to community leaders asking them to spread the word that right now the city needs, a cooling off period. mayor deblasio is in agreement with that and today he stopped by the massive memorial will in brooklyn which sits right next to where the officers were killed. the officer rafael ramos will be buried first this weekend and vice-president joe biden will a ten. protesters also filled 30th street station in philadelphia tonight. this rally was staged by area jewish organizations, who spent their final night of hanukkah echoing the demand of those on the streets of new york. these demonstrators want to see an end to violence against the black community and stop frisk policies.
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meanwhile politicians publicly pledge their support to their blue tonight, in west chester. a group led by congressman jim girl lack and pat meehan sought to remine resident that law enforcement officials are part of the solution to achieving peaceful communities. one community is banding together to make sure that one family isn't left out in the cold this christmas. texas road house in royersford hosted a special fundraiser, the family of limerick. morris family is living in the hotel after their home was destroyed, by a fire while they were on vacation. they will donate 10 percent of all food sales to help them get back on their feet. much more ahead, including a teacher, that some very special visitors tonight. and plus friendly skies have at least one not so friendly element, details on a gun smuggling ring involving a former delta a employee. and at 10:30 a man robs a bank this evening, we have talk to the person who is standing right behind him when
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it happened. it turns out movie goers will get to see the interview on christmas day with the movie stars are saying about this last minute change.
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we have breaking news out of houston texas tonight where we learned former president george hw bushies now hospitalized, the former president was transported to a houston hospital, after apparently experiencing shortness of breath, earlier this evening. he was taken to the hospital by ambulance. the former president is 90 years old and has experienced some health difficulties in recent years and has at times, been hospitalized. the president's wife was making a a surprise appearance elsewhere tonight, and it was not clear at that time if she was with the former president when he experienced the shortness of breath but we will continue to monitor this breaking news out of houston texas the hospitalization of former president george hw bush tonight. the movie that survived hacks, threats, and possible cyber warfare will finally hit the silver screen. the interview will be opening in limited release on christmas day. you know the saying, the the she will go on, that is
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certainly true at some independent theaters in atlanta a, dallas and cleveland. people are grabbing tickets to see the interview. >> not the least of worry about my own safety. >> seth rogan and james franco hit twit tore day, rogan tweeted the people have spoken, freedom prevailed and james franco wrote victory, the people and the president have have spoken have the last week zone a announce they had were pulling the film following threats from the guardians of peace that group that hacked sony's computers, the last two days north korea has been struggling to stay on line. internet to the communist country was out for ten hours monday and several times today, the the u.s. state department, neither confirmed nor denies any involvement in the outage. >> as we implement our responses some may be seen and some may not be seen. >> fbi is in close contact with independent theaters, planning to screen the the interview. they are warning the public to remain vigilant and to report any suspicious activity.
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five more people have been arrested in a years long scheme to smuggle guns, on to pass eveninger planes. the d.a. in brooklyn announced at rest today, one day after charges were announced in atlanta against an airline's baggage handler. the prosecutors say the suspect, including a former delta employee, conspired to get the the sometimes loaded gun in, to carry on baggage. they say one of the men took the weapons, including a ak-47, on board at least, 17 flights, this year alone. let's check out that forecast making it rough for holiday travelers. >> way to the airport could be messy too. melissa has details. >> brian and shirleen the big concerns especially tomorrow morning will be the the moisture moving in. also the visibility. definitely reduced for first half of the day on christmas eve. despite moisture overhead and moisture lurking to our south, we will were pretty mild today. high in philadelphia 52 degrees. the that is 9 degrees a would have average. average for this time of the year is 43 degrees.
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for the most part tonight, temperatures will stay, pretty mild, it is 47 in philadelphia, 46 in trenton. forty-five in allentown, along the coast in sea isle city, 47, dover coming in at upper 40's. now we will look at the visibility. this is the concern a lieutenant of low level moisture, mist, drizzle will that fog overhead and there is moisture creeping in from the south as well. so we will be down to 3 miles in philadelphia 1.7 miles, in wilmington. two and a half miles in allentown. give yourself extra time on the roads and also if you are traveling by air tomorrow, you might want to check ahead with your carrier for weather-related travel delays. here's is what going on satellite six with action radar it is mostly cloudy and this is moisture across the the south east moving into the ohio valley, we have area of low pressure coming out of the louisiana right now, drifting in mississippi and this will work its way from the south to north direction as we go throughout the overnight hours and first thing tomorrow morning. future tracker six is showing thaw precipitation. you can see it developing across the delaware and lehigh
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valley. it continues on and off throughout the day with periods of rain, and some of which will be soaking rain at times, and you can see 7:00 o'clock on wednesday evening we still have have that have wet weather overhead. here's the call from accu weather tomorrow, early fall, inch and a half of rainfall. that temperature, in philadelphia is 63. sixty-two in millville tomorrow. 57 degrees in allentown and a record in the city, 64 set back in 1990 we will go over christmas eve warmth in the next half an hour, guys. >> melissa, thank you. >> now to the first look at sports tonight as we prepare for a last look at the eagles, this season. >> ducis rodgers live in the "action news" sports center, hi there ducis. >> despite disappointing end to the season the eagles do have five players selected to the pro bowl, jason peter, jason kelce, lesean mccoy, darren sproles and connor barwin. weather today at practice, dreary. eagles are preparing to visit giants sun take in the season finally there is nothing tangible on the line so players need to find
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metvation. >> you have to be a pro and this is something that you dream about as a kid and you get another opportunity this year to put something good on film, to end the season on a high note and be excited about getting a win here to finish out the season. it doesn't mean anything in the post season. >> we have a task at hand that we have to take care have of and try to get this tenth win and we talked about it in the meeting room. we will approach it like it is the super bowl. >> game three of the flyers monster eight game road trip in minnesota tonight. pick up action in the first period, flyers up one to nothing, claude giroux rebound, his 11th of the season. two to nothing. three-to flyers in the third, vinny lacavalier out of the dog house an bake on the ice. he scores on the redirect. the flyers win five-two. ahead next half an hour, the sixers, a monster come back in miami we will show it to you coming up.
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need to get in the holiday spirit there, was aloft day spirit outside one delaware county woman's home tonight.
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>> ♪ we wish you a merry christmas ♪ >> carolers gathers in front of the shanon michael home singing songs of the season in her honor. her friend and collogues from the school wanted to do this for shanon a teacher at norwood who has been battling cancer and we wish you, and your family, the very best, this holiday season. well, we are beside ourselves, and share this news with you tonight, "action news" family just got a little bit bigger, meet justice riley broader, daughter of pardon a grant and her fiance william broader. pardon a is the regular producer of the 10:00 p.m. newscast and all around great lady. justice came in the world yesterday weighing 5-pound , 5 ounces, and just look at that face, mom, dad, justice and big sister journey are doing great tonight, and from our family to yours tonight, porsche a, a hearty congrat
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still to come in the next half an hour, tips for protecting your home if you are heading out of town for the holidays. are you planning to give a loved one a lap top this christmas at 10:45 we are helping you figure out which one is best. and next, a man walks into a pnc bank this evening and demanded money, we will hear from the person who was standing right behind him when
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it happens.
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"action news a"action news" adam joseph and ducis rodgers am. thank you for joining us. a 33-year-old woman was hit and killed this evening along state road in homesburg section.
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she may have been hit by a tow truck. we learn that bradley stone died of suicide it. he had a mix of drugs in his system. he murdered six of his family members before taking his own life. they will show "the interview" on christmas day. sony pulled it as threats north korea. and gloomy and cloud deck area. and melissa magee is standing by with the forecast. it's a good thing that rudolph has his nose so bright? >> it would be a wet nosed reindeer. soaking rain on wednesday.
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the weather is moving across the mississippi right now. we had at moisture on the way. the big concern with the short term is the visibility. it was poor and low. down to 3 miles in philadelphia. and down half a mile in the poconos. 2 miles in' in reading. it's going to cause slow downs on the roads if you are traveling by air in anticipation of the moisture coming from the south as well. the temperatures ahead of the moisture coming in, you are tapping into the southwesterly winds. 39 in the poconos. 49 in dover. beach haven, 45 degrees. it cuts to our west. you tap into your winds pulling up a lot of moisture from the
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gulf of mexico. we are calling from three-quarters of an inch of rain. it's going to cause travel delays and slow downs. near record warmth as we get into christmas eve. we will talk about the numbers in philadelphia. 60s are rare. it's not unheard of. being calling for a high of 63 degrees. in 2008 we were in the lower 60s. 1990, we had a high temperature of 64. that is the record ever of tomorrow's date. we can come close to that on wednesday once again. here is future tracker 6 at 8:00 in the morning, the moisture spreads in the delaware valleys. ponding on the roadways is another concern. if you are doing traveling 7:00 in the evening, periods of rain to contend with. as we get into thursday for christmas day, 7:00 in the
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morning the moisture starts to depart. it's offshore from an east west direction. we get ready to unwrap all of the gifts update the christmas tree. here is the forecast for you. clouds, pockets of sunshine. winds gusting up to 40 miles-an-hour. 54 at 1:00 in the evening. 50 at 5:00 in the the wind gusts, a high of 50. saturday we are okay. it's 54. changes come next sunday. 48. we are tracking the moisture. it does get better. rudolph needs had its g windshield wipers.
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yes. they are looking for a bank hold up in logan. the investigators say that at 5:00 this evening a man handed over a demand note to a teller. he left with an unknown amount of cash. we talked to a bank customer he that did not want to be identified. she knew that was something was wrong. >> i didn't hear anything. there was no commotion or anything. everything was subtle. what tipped me off was the guy behind the counter was still and shellshocked. >> the customer says that the robber walked out of the bank. it was not until after that he left that customers found out what happened. no one was hurt in this ordeal. the owner of a north philadelphia supermarket is recovering after two armed intruders pistol-whipped him. it happened on the 2600 block of
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germantown avenue. one was wearing muslim garb. the suspect got away with $700 in cash. the victim was treated at the scene. they are working to identity a body that washed up at a casino today. a passerby made the discovery in the falling arena. no word on how the man died. the new jersey marine unit is investigating. 11 students from newark spent their final school day before winter break in the hospital. this was a scene after a bus slammed into a light pole on capital trail. the state trooper says that are alone holden swerved to avoid being cut off by a white suv. 233 students were taken to a.i. dupont and treated with minor
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injuries. there was tribute in light of a fallen soldier. there were gifts in hand. the new castle county police officer was stabbed to death during a struggle with a suspect three years ago. it's an annual holiday tradition in the officer's memory. there was a special home visit from old saint nick and oceanville fire company delivered gifts to her galloway home. she was not well enough. so of course santa came to helen. at 97, helen has no doubt that santa is the real deal. >> sure, i am 97. it's nice to know that you believe in santa claus. we all have to believe in something and he is one person
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and god. santa was particularly fond of helen's hat and gave her an oceanville fire t-shirt to commemorate the special birthday. weather was not to blame. when two planes bump into each other at la~guardia. and a lawsuit that was filed against a man that claimed $3 million.
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did you get chips for the party? nope. (ding) cheese plate? cheese plate. no, i made something better.
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you used the oven? boom. pillsbury crescents. make the holidays pop. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat icken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself
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some travelers had their journeys delayed when jets clipped their wings at la~guardia. it was ripped off by a wing's tail. they were bused back to the terminal and put on other flights. in florida a convicted sexual predator that became a lottery winner is facing a lawsuit. they want to be compensated for pain and suffering.
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their treatment will continue for the rest of their lives. as quickly as poole won the money they are trying to freeze his jackpot. after the state of the union people, michael graham is facing the possibility of federal prison time. he pleaded guilty to one count of tax invasion in new york. he is staying in congress as he faces up to three years behind bars. >> the dow jones set high. the closing bell signaled the first close over 18,000. economic growth and gains in hiring and lowering gas prices are behind the surge. and a wall street loves to see
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those numbers. we have tips to protect your home from break-ins. tonight we are saving you money and a pick the best one for your needs. don't forget to wake up with the "action news" team starting at 4:30 a.m. on 6abc.
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if you are among the many heading out of town. be careful what you post on social media. her home was cleaned out after her daughter posted their vegas vacation on their facebook page. >> we are telling everybody elsewhere we are and what we are doing and the fact that he with are not home. we are somewhere else. >> so we have simple tips to protect yourself and home. don't overshare online. check your privacy settings and services on your phone. shut those off. avoid checking in on facebook at the airports and hotels. wait until you are home when you
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post the vacation pictures online. that is good advice. it's time to "saving with 6abc." if you were thinking about getting a laptop you better beware. some can set you back thousands of dollars. which one is right for your loved one? here is nydia han with some answers. >> in time for the holidays consumer reports tested the lowest laptops to find out what he this offer and what they don't. some have a super fast processor. important for playing graphic-tensive games. if you do the basic like wordrd processinword some are good choice. it comes with windows 8.1 with
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bing. >> it's at the same microsoft has bing. >>reporter:you will not find a touch-screen or extra usb ports. the 250-dollar dell is a good value. to gets eight hours of battery life. another is a chromebook. all the applications that you need are online. an internet connection is important. >> you would use google box which is an online word processor. >>reporter:acers is a consumer reports best buy. it's lightweight and gets 10 hours of battery life.
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>> chromebook is 371 for $350. if you like windows with ink about, get the $250. and ducis is live at the big board. the flyers are forced to hit the road. it's an eight-game road trip. they are cruising facing minnesota tonight. there is no such thing as an ugly sweater. flyers up 1-0. claude giroux, 11 goals in the season. the wild score the next two goals. wayne simmonds leads with 15
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goals. lecavalier is out of the doghouse and back on the ice. the game gets chippy at the final honor. the flyers win their third straight, 5-2. the win streak stands at one. chris boss, and dwyane wade is older. wade drops in 23. the heat lead by 23 point mcdaniels. 13 points off of the bench. mcdaniels on cleanup duty. within two points of the third win of the season. jer, in grantjere nothing falls. the sixers escape 91-87.
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that is backt back- a handful of players see action next month. lesean mccoy, his numbers are down from a year ago. he has 1200 yards rushing. and darren sproles is a return specialist. he is giving credit to his blockers up front. how about can no connor bar jason peters will make his second strip. jason kelce gets in for the first time in his career. moving on. the giants, despite the situation the eagles are trying to approach sunday as if it's business as usual. >> we start off the season so
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strong. we are on a three-game skid here. our mentality is getting up for this game and getting excited about it and have the opportunity to play well. >> and villanova, tonight it's n.g.i. it. i season-high of 15 points. nova outscored them to 922-67. 92-67. a lot of passion from the coach tonight. thank you, ducis.
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rocking around the christmas tree did not describe an experience in philadelphia tonight. [♪ instrumental music ] the brought their rock opera. iit
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and meteorologist, melissa magee with a look at the forecast. we will show you the day planner. 47. the rain develops. we have a soaking on the way. 51 in the afternoon. up to 60 at 4:00. the high temperature tomorrow. 63 degrees. the record is 64 setback in 1990. we are calling for three-quarters of an inch to inch and a half of rainfall. to gets better. it mild with pockets of sunshine. the only issue for christmas day is we have winds gusting up to 40 miles-an-hour. a high of 55. it's a difference from what we had this time from last year on christmas day. the temperature was 32.
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we are up to 55. thank you, melissa. "modern family" is next followed by "friends." i am brian taff. have a great night and a great christmas eve tomorrow. see you tomorrow night. see you then.
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ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat icken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring. but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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soon as i get the results. yes, i am aware that hospitals are a hotbed of infection. - thank you, manny. - (beep) a couple of weeks ago, i had a minor heart incident. i am fine. but just to be safe, i'm having an angiogram, which is when they inject a dye to make sure there's no blockage. it's-- it's no big deal. - we're not worried. - no. if something were to happen, which it's not... not gonna. i would turn our bedroom into a shrine to claire. wow. and this room into a hall of magic. luke, please stop taking appliances apart. - i'm making something. - you're unmaking something. - 'cause i'm giving my notice today. - wait. what? but wouldn't we rather have toast that's already buttered? i love that you're asking these kinds of questions. if only the springs were stronger, the toast would be catapulted into the pool of butter.


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