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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  January 4, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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>> an emotional day in brooklyn as thousands offered a typeal salute to the second nypd officer murdered last month. >> and medical examiner completes the autopsy on shane montgomery as funeral plans are announced. >> but the big story on "action news" tonight is a family mourning a hardworking limo driver also a loving brother cousin and father. >> to save somebody else's life just because of money -- take
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somebody else's life for money. >> it cost him his life last night in west philadelphia and a customer shot a limo driver as his fiancee sat be side him. he was only on the job for a few weeks. annie mccormick is live outside police headquarters tonight as police search for the killer. any. annie. >> they don't have any main suspects in this case. they're looking for three anyone 20s. victim's family telling us he just started this job two weeks ago. >> 24-year-old rodriguez started his job at la catering job because it was not bringing in enough money for his fiancee and baby girl. >> he did what he had to do to live, he needed the money. >> philadelphia police say after 7 p.m. saturday in the 5400 block delancey street rodriguez
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died shot once in the head inside the 2007 silver chrysler 300 he drove for the limo service his fiancee in the front seat of the car. she told them rodriguez was dispatched and drove them to the location where at least one suspect pulled a gun robed his fiancee of a cellphone and little cash threatening to kill her too and then fired the fatal shot. >> she kept saying you don't give me many shoot her he said don't shoot her. >> tonight, outside rodriguez's home his extended family and best friend remember the talented center fielder that played in a local baseball league. >> he was a friend there's other things you can do throughout don't take somebody else's life for no reason especially someone who was like -- he was a special kind of person. >> besides sharing memories they
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shared their anger with the person or people behind this even the youngest family member sending culprits a message. >> if you want to do this to other people ux this is going to be your life and it's nothing good going to come out of it. >> reporter: we did reach out to the limo company tonight they told us they have no comment until tomorrow. as with any homicide, in the city of philadelphia, there is a $20,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest. reporting live to headquarters, annie mccormick phl17. >> annie thank you. police identified the driver of a van shot and killed in hunting park overnight. police were called to the 3700 block of deli street 3 p.m. there they find the van which crashed into three parked cars. 39-year-old bernard pray was shot in the chest. no arrests so farch the motive is not yet known. out of our delaware newsroom tonight, police in wilmington are looking for a hit-and-run
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driver that fled on foot. officers found a 65-year-old man lying on the 1900 block of seneca road late this afternoon. they believed he was hit by the dodge durango right here. he was hospitalized in unknown condition and police continue to investigate. time for a first check of the forecast for your workweek. get ready for a change taking a live look at sky6 in high definition where philadelphia international looks wet out there the good news is the showers are moving out and bad news is bitter cold is making a come back. meteorologist melissa magee is over at the big board with the accuweather forecast. melissa. >> walter, we're tracking changes on the way. first change is starting with the cold front that continues to move across the region tonight. stormtracker 6 double scan radar showing we have eye few left youvrz showers in berks county and reading and south jersey and delaware. earlier this evening, believe it or not with the wacky winter weather a severe thunderstorm warning for areas in south jersey that has since expired. as you can seat heaviest is
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already starting to push offshore. and the wake of this cold front that moves on through, get ready for a cold blast to move on in. now ahead of that front you can see the numbers still along the 95 corridor in 50s and 60s and 54 in philadelphia and 63 rich mopped virginia and off to the west 30s 33 buffalo and 35 currently in pittsburgh. and now off to the sweingt where you find the core of the cold air. these are not wind chills. these are current air temperatures and it's 21 degrees below zero international falls and 10 below zero bismarck north dakota tapping into a piece of arctic chill early this week. we'll talk about what is ahead. few leftover showers for the rest of tonight we'll continue to track that and balmy today to bitter as we go throughout the week ahead and tracking a clipper system on tuesday that will bring the threat of snow showers. we'll take a closer look at that with the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. hello winter walter. >> i'm already getting bitter. >> get the latest open the changing weather situation tomorrow morning join matt, tam
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david, and karen for accuweather, top heads lines and traffic tune in 4:30 a.m. on 6abc. >> 2 was another emotional dale in new york as second of two slain nypd officers were laid toe rest in brooklyn. theres with a sea of blue under gray x-rays as hundreds paid their final respects to officer wenjian liu the veteran of the force was married two months and he and his partner were ambushed december 20 his woyd owe remembered his kindness and called him her hero. the caring son, loving husband, and loyal friend you are amazing man. >> his father spoke how his son aspiration to become a police officer only strengthened following the september 11 attacks. and police officers from our area traveled to new york for today's funeral. the action cam was there as the officers from philadelphia and
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bellmar, camden county departed for new york. we'll hear from those officers coming up in the next half hour of "action news". >> and at that funeral today nypd officers turned backs on new york mayor bill deblaseo once again the so-called show of disrespect came despite please from the city police commissioner to put answering area side. police unions blamed the mayor for contributing to hostile environment by supporting anti police protesters. >> meanwhile today there were two demonstrations in our area in support of men and women in blue. "action news" reporter sken live in the satellite center with details about that kenneth. >> walter, those rallies happen in chest airport delaware counties earlier this evening. both raised money for the family fallen first restoppeders and police and both had amazing show of support [ beeping ] there was a line of support that stretched down baltimore pike in springfield delaware county show of solidarity for police
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officers. >> police are not here to hurt they're here to help we want police to know we're here to support them. >> hundreds joined the efforts to say thank you. so many showing off the thin blue line symbol. >> i'm from tip i couple township and they're very good police and fair to everybody. most demonstrateers demand change to the system after deaths of black men at the hands of police. but others have made anti-police statements. >> they had so much i feel is negative support that they needed help to let them know that we're behind them. >> in west chester sunday there was a similar scene with residents applauding a parade of officers for the first step in blue. from blue lives matt to support the police there were plenty of signs at the corner of market and high street. police call the rallies here and
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in springfield gratifying. >> i'm blown away by numbers of people and tribute they're paying to men and women in law enforcement as a whole. >> everyone in law enforcement know we have the line shared of population behind us and it's a shame noisy ones get the attention. these are our people. >> supporters proud of those who protect and serve them. >> they have heads held high and they're proud of what they do and everyone in the country should be proud of what they do also. >> in springfield they raised estimated $13,000 through tee shirt sales and cash donations. that will go to the family of slain nypd officers wenjian liu and rafael ramos. reporting live in the satellite center "action news" at 10 phl17, walter. >> thank you kenneth. two people including philadelphia police officer were injured this afternoon in fairmont after two pit bulls got loose. witnesses say the dogs wept after two other dogs across the street when they went after several people in the neighborhood shortly afterwards.
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police responded and that's when the dogs wept after the officers one of whom suffered a bite wound to the arm. the witness said the whole thing was truly frightening. >> i saw the one dog charging at the cop and that's when they fired the shot when the pit bull wouldn't stop. >> one was killed and other captured by animal control authorities. the dog's owner was bitten on hands and leg. both of the people injured wentz to the hospital for treatment. police in bethlehem are investigating a homicide. a person was found dead inside a home in the 400 block of fillmore street. the suspect is in custody. and police are not releasing any further details at this time. philadelphia police are investigating a rain reported in the city's frankford section today. the 20-year-old victim from perkasie bucks county, told police she connected with two men on facebook and met them at a home near kennedy and edum. she said she did drugs with the men, passed out and believed she
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was raped. the woman was taken tots hospital for treatment while detectives investigate. >> eric frein the man accused of murdering two state troopers last september is due in court. it's a formality merely to determine if there's enough evidence to hold him for trial of dixon and douglass. he was captured after 48 day manhunt and remains without bail in pike county prison. jury selection will begin tomorrow for surviving boston 345r marathon bombing suspect dzhokhar tsarnaev. a defense request was denied to move the trial to another location. tsarnaev pleaded not guilty to 30 charges of the bombing back in april of 2013. three people were killed and 260 injured. tsarnaev could face the death penalty if convictd family members tell "action news" the medical examiner ruled shane montgomery's cause of death accidental. body of missing west chester university student was pulled
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from the schuylkill yesterday after a five-week search. a viewing for shane will be held thursday night st. john the baptist in manyunk and funeral service will follow the next morning and family is asking donations be made to garden state underwater recovery unit. >> much more to come on "action news" tonight another possible case of ebola on u.s. soil. >> and also new details emerge about a 7-year-old girl incredible quest to get help after she survived the plane crash that killed her family. >> and we'll say a look at how sports fans are remembering incomparable stuart scott don't wait
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for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle.
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>> it can take salvage neemz eping hand to right in ferry. it sits at a 45 degree angle. owners of the ship say the crew deliberately went aground after the vessel started lifting. a separate operation is underway off scotland for eight crew members missing from a cargo ship that capsized there. this 7-year-old girl who miraculously survived a plane crash that killed her family may be able to help investigators figure out what happened. sill sailor briefly spoke to officials today and we're learning more about her ordeal after the crash. gloria rivera reports now. as the national transportation safety board works to salvage the wreckage from a plane crash that killed four people investigators are
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trying to figure out how a 7-year-old girl survived. >> she's one remarkable young lady. >> sailor gustler pulled herself out of the upside down plain in kentucky woods bloodid with broken bones and wearing only a tee shirt and shorts braved 38 degree weather to find help. >> she first tried to light a branch from a small fire from the plane it didn't work so she set out wandering in total darkness barefoot. >> she probably went the best route she could have gone. it was probably not easiest route at the scene we were talking about that divine intervention there. >> sailor landed on door step of larry wilkins. >> god guded her took hold of her. >> back home in nashville illinois the family in everyone's players. >> they're a very giving family and dedicated to the community. this is a hard loss not just for our church but community at large. >> marty and kimberly owned this furniture store.
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a long time pilot known for love of flying. >> you would have a conversation with marty and he talked about flying. >> their home where neighborhood kids would gather now quiet. glory rivera "abc news" new york. >> president obama is back from two weeks in sunny hawaii to face the cold reality of washington. his family arrived this morning after the overnight flight. they kept their privacy keeping out of sight for the most part during the two week vacation. there will be frank talk open drug trafficking and immigration and mexico president visits tuesday and he has to contend with republican majority in the house and senate. time for a check of accuweather. let's check in with melissa magee here comes the cool down, melissa. >> that's right sarah, walter, say hello to winter. we have an arctic chill arriving as early as tomorrow and staying put for some time. core of the cold arrives
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midweek. was not cold today. in fact you could say balmy. 50s and 6 0s. dover 6 a5. 64 in atlantic city. millville coming in today of 61. 58 the high temperature in wilmington. philadelphia also in the upper 50s. well above average. normal for us this time of year is 30. we're above that today. 54 in philadelphia. same in dover. along the coast in beach thichb wildwood temperatures in the lower 50s. 49 allentown and 47 for reading and lancaster. when you look at the 4 hour temperature change it's 4 degrees warmner wildwood than same time yesterday and 11 warmer in philadelphia than was just 24 hours ago and that warmth southerly wind coming in ahead of the cold front we're tracking. so get ready for changes as early as tomorrow. satellite 6 and action radar you can see left over moisture pubing offshore over the coast of new jersey. the front continues to move on through. and the wake you can see skies
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turn clear. it will also get colder. it is all about the temperatures as we press forward here. future tracker 6 showing you as you wake up tomorrow morning temperatures along the 9 a5 corridor feel middle and lower 20s and as we go through the afternoon hours with brisk northwesterly wind most spots as we get to the afternoon 2:30 wind chills in the 20s and teens north and west. the call from accuweather as we look at the morning rush sunny and breezy and wind chills in the 20s. 6 a.m., right through 8 a.m. temperatures hold in upper 30s. here's a call from accuweather throughout the day. call for early high in the 30s. as we go into the afternoon hours temperatures fall through the 30s. colder with those winds coming in out of the northwest. if you think 33 is bad for high temperatures wait until we look to midweek with overnight lows perhaps in the single digits and that's just air temperatures. those numbers coming up. >> an american health worker
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exposed to ebola virus in sierra leone is under observation in nebraska tonight. the patient landed in omaha aboard a special yet and taken to the nebraska medical center which has a special biocontainment unit. doctors there state patient is not ill or contagious but will be monitored for symptoms. meanwhile scottish nurse pauline caferkey remains in critical condition fighting for her life in a london hospital she developed ebola symptoms after returning from five weeks of work in west africa. >> sports fans across the country are paying trib out auto stuart scott tonight. the long time sports center anchor was diagnosed in 2007 but continued to work. a moment of silence was observed in his honor before today's bengals colts playoff game he's remembered as broadcast pioneer for witness and originality on ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon
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and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. (humming) oh yeah. (humming) they're magically delicious. ha! very funny, kyle.
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thanksgiving dallas cowboys undefeat today was wake-up call for dallas. boys are 5-0 since that thanksgiving game. dallas comes back from down 1 against detroit. 4th quarter play everyone is talk about lions up three. matthew sfav ford to brian and hitch kins obvious interference and they pick up the flag and change their mind. it would have been 1st down. it's incomplete pass. lions force the punt. dallas gets ball back. two and change to go. tony romo to terrence williams. cowboys win 24-20 that's new jersey governor chris christie going nuts and cowboys' owners book. can you believe it they're advancing first playoff win since beating eagles five years ago. green bay up next for dallas cowboys. bengals have not won a playoff game in 24 years. they lose to interests nap list and ac wildcard game and andrew
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luck and dant a montceed. 26-10 they play denver next sunday. >> college hoops, villanova since moving that came to temple owls have been playing high. have not lost since, since wins over cap can and u cop and everybody in between. man of the hour. career high 21 points for 14 rebounds temple wins 84-78 they won a season high five in a row. owls playing perfect at the exact right time. let's go back to sarah in the studio. all right. jeff. thank you. a teenager from northeast philadelphia has achieved impressive goal. the action cam was there as kevin o'brien's family and friends celebrated 17-year-old reaching eagle scout status today and during a ceremony in fairmont park. he's a member after i troop and became an eagle scott despite
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a brewery in bell yum is building an underground pipeline that frunz brewery in found to boughtling company at the edge of town. it will carry 3,000 gallons of beer every suggestle day and cut
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down on truck traffic in the local town. >> interest. had you. >> still ahead on "action news" at 1010:00 we talk to local police officers who pay tribute to slain nypd brother today. >> and former local sportscaster will serve as his own attorney. >> and discounted airfare, hotels and dining
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>> if you're just joining us at 10:30 here are some of the stories we're following for you on "action news". >> officers from our area traveled to new york to pay trib out to a brother in blue the second such funeral in two weeks. >> a well-known former sportscaster in philadelphia heads to court tomorrow to face charges he stole 300,000 from unsuspectsing sports fans. >> and another day with search efforts hampered off the coast of indonesia as more bodies are recovered from airasia flight 8501. >> and details of the second nypd officer murdered was finally laid to rest today. >> brothers and sitters of blue lined the streets in brooklyn to pay tribute to wenjian liu killed alongside his partner rafael ramos december 20 when a gunman fired into their patrol
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car today liu was remembered as a hero what had a life long dream of becoming a police officer. dozens in our area were among today's mourners. "action news" reporter david henery has that part of the story. >> about 100 philadelphia police officers boarded buses before dawn at fop headquarters in new jersey dozens gathered in a hotel parking not bellmar before heading up the turnpike to new york. all of them compelled to demonstrate solidarity and pay respect to wenjian liu and his family. >> it represents the breernlhood of police not only nationally but worldwide. it hurts all of us when one of us has fallen 'we want to go down and pay respects. >> so they went to brooklyn to stand should to shoulder with brothers and sitters in blue. officer liu and his partner were shot and killed as they sat in their patrol car five days before christmas. execution style murder sent
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shockwaves throughout the country. and it hit hardest with the law enforcement community. >> if it affect every one of us we want to make sure we had great showing of support up there not only for new york city police department but for community and also family. >> this is the second time in a week that a contingent has left here to pay respect fallen officers in new york. they were there for funeral of officer ramos last week. officers from philadelphia and new jersey joined thousands of others today for officer liu's funeral. a reminder to everyone that they have each other's backs and bad guys are outnumbered. >> it's extremely important we show solidarity not only to citizens but more importantly to the officer's family. >> david henery for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> state police caught one one of two inmates who escaped if a halfway house in berks county. timothy hofstetter is back in
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custody. he and raymond martinez broke out of a constructional facility monday night. they allegedly pulled a fire am and took off in waiting silver vanna mid confusion and martinez remains on the loose tonight svrmingts jury selection is set to begin tomorrow in the criminal case involving don paulson the former philadelphia sportscaster accused of scamming sports fans they thought benefited charities. he withdrew a guilty plea saying there's evidence to clear his name. more than 2 0 0 people are eek seeking more than $41,000 in restitution. >> a man escaped serious injury with he lost control of his car in mapleshade new jersey this morning. as you can see here the vehicle landed in a reservoir. it happened around 7 a.m. new mill road. officials say the driver was able to crawl out of the vehicle and climb on to the roof until firefighters arrived. he was hospitalized in stable condition. no word quite yet on why,
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exactly, he lost control. in cherry hill authorities are looking for the person who put a bomb into a neighborhood mailbox overnight. police were called out to the 1200 block of sequoia drive midnight and investigators collected slarp until at the scene. they're reviewing footage are from neighboring homes. no word on any possible motive. >> time for a check of the accuweather forecast. meteorologist melissa magee. >> walter sarah get ready for the chill it settles in overnight and as you wake tomorrow morning. extra layers needed as you step outside. winds picking up as well. sky6 live in hd it's a nice shot of the center city sky line on this sunday night. and partly cloudy right now turning clear. windy and colder as we go throughout the rest of the overnight hours. and for that matter as you wake up tomorrow morning. as we show you stormtracker 6 double scan radar not a lot to talk about now. that cold front starting to push off shore. leftover showers
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across south jerz write and lingering precipitation in the north west suburbs. this clears out tonight and cold follows in its wake. 39 in slatington and north and west of town fleetwood in upper 30s and center city 52. lower 50s in chester and 48 kennett square and 60 oxford. 54 for bridgeton and vineland and sea isle city. lower 50s for hockessin to lower 50 nz dover delaware. >> we're tracking a cold front moving on through. so leftover showers for the rest of tonight. the front passes to the east. you notice things are starting to clear "outdoors in the heartland" across areas of ohio valley and northern plains. we're tapping into wrlly wind now. wints are currently gusting as high as 28 miles an hour and and dry the atmosphere out. you should not have issues with poor visibility because of patchy fog moving out and
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dissipating. here's setup for us as we return to work monday. temperatures tumble. calling for high in philadelphia of 36. falling into the lower 30s as we go throughout the day and into the afternoon hours. it's a much colder day tomorrow in comparison to today's balmy high of 55. fast forward to tuesday because the cold wind tomorrow and snow showers possible on tuesday. future tracker 6 showing 6:00 in the morning mostly cloudy. tracking a clipper system diving to the south and east of our region. 9:00 in the morning you notice snow showers starting to break out west to east direction and they will continue as we go throughout the afternoon hours on tuesday. with clipper system they are short-lived and don't have a lot of moisture as they move on through. what we're expecting tuesday snow, mid-morning and right through the early afternoon hours and with this coming on through there will be areas of reduced visibility coating to inch of snow showers ra cross the region and then a blast to follow with core of cold air
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arriving wednesday night. we'll show you that with future tracker 6 and accuweather forecast. windy and colder tomorrow. high temperature 36. tuesday high temperature 32. snow showers arriving with a weak clipper system that moves on through. wednesday below freezing for day daytime high. 28 degrees. check out the overnight low dropping to single digits. just 8 degrees. thursday high temperature of 4. dress for wind chills in the teens. it's not as bitter on friday with high up to 3 3. we're above freezing at least and sit at freezing saturday with high temperature of 32. get ready for the chill and extra coats. >> that's a rough week ahead. >> here we go winter. >> thanks melissa. >> still to come on "action news" at 10 north korea fires back to u.s. sanctionss in response to sony hack. >> winter weather may you have a little for a warming climate s a travel club the best way to plan your trip. warping coming up in "saving ring ring!
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>> indonesian officials say drivers tried toyed wleech is believed to be the fuselage of 8501 today. growing seas stirred up mudd leaving them with zero visibility. three more bodies were recovered bringing the counts to 34.
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164 people were open board when the plane went down last weekend. >> north korea is slamming the u.s. for sanks with sony. they continue to deny any role in the hack. a spokesman accused the u.s. of groundlessly stirring up uppity and penalties will do nothing to weaken the regime. president obama announced sanctioned for kim jong-un dictatorship. they're already under sanks because of moving forward with nuclear despite the call to stop. >> officials say dozens of cats and dogs were killed as a boarding kennel was torched and a dozen homes desteroid by the flames and thousands are forced to evacuate. fortunately today, cooler temperatures aided hundreds of firefighters in containing what are called the worst wildfires in some 30 years.
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>> meanwhile in china unon province a 600-year-old city gate could not be saved by flames. inferno engulfed the ancient piece of architecture in 2 hours. the tower dated back to the mingh dynasty and the fire did not spread to any other portion of the ancient city and the cause of the plays is under investigation. >> jeff joins us with reaction to the cowboy's game and people out of pretty big trouble but now she's in trouble herself. find out what officials say one woman did to pretend she was an attorney. >> and don't forget to wake up to the "action news" team. get the morning's top headlines warm guess what goes really well
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with eggs? pillsbury grands biscuits. make breakfast even better. grands biscuits. make breakfast pop. don't wait for awesome... totino's pizza rolls... ...gets you there in just 60 seconds. go bold with flavors that kick.
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>> expensive vacations to exotic places are often expensive so people joins clubs to get cheaper fair. buyer beware. >> indeed consumer reports found hundreds of travel clubs that seemed to offer dream vacations and quickly turned to nightmares. bottom line they may not be worth your money. >> theresa received annen tising offer in the mail.
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free round trip airfare if she and her husband would attend a sales pitch and consider joining a travel club. >> they promised us we owe would have the best vacation at cheapest price we could ever believe at five star hotel room $45 a night and airfare $1300 round trip. >> she paid pour than $6,000 for a lifetime membership and was never able to book a discounted trip when she went back to complain the company disappeared. consumer reports says problems with travel clubs have been found throughout the country. >> attorney generals of several states have gone over six clubs obtaining settlements from 50,000 to several million and in one case an owner sent to prison. watch for unsolicited offer like postcard promising free air fare high price sales presentation
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and costs. she was reimbursed about $2,000 but she's out about $5,000. before you spend money on travel club research it on-line. do internet search of company name also try searching name with word complaints. i'm nydia han for "action news" at 10 on phl17. >> a woman from utah who defended people in criminal court is in need of attorney herself. >> we amended felony of third degree to misdemeanor class a. she understands the pleading agreement. >> that is the voice of carla carbos successfully getting accused thief felony charge reduced in plea deal. she's not a lawyer. in fact no formal legal training. prosecutors say she allegedly stole this woman's identity carla sterling so she could legally practice law. >> i'm surprised at her brazenness that she took things to that level to walk in open court and lie to everyone there. sterling discovered her
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identity was stolen when called for a case she never heard of. carbo's attorney says all this is merely re result of misunderstandings. faying a new reality in the morning. a judge sentenced real housewife of new jersey star to 15 months behind bars. back in march she and her husband pleaded guilty to multiple counts of fraud. her husband will serve 3 1/2 years after theresa is released. >> time for sports. jeff is here with details on the cowboys lions match-up. >> remember on thanksgiving when the dallas cowboys got destroyed by eagles remember that game? >> yes. >> since the cowboys looked like worst team in the world they're 5-0. 5-0. eagles fans if it's not depressing enough eagles sit at home wildcard weekend and now you have to sit at home and watch dallas cowboys win. it's cruel. dallas comes back from down 1 4 against detroit.
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4th quarter we go play everyone talking about. lions up three. can put it away. matthew sfav ford to brandon and anthony hitchkins pass interference. >> pass interference number 59 defense 1st down. well you heard it. but then the refs pick up the flag and change their mind. it would have been 1st down instead it's incomplete. lions are forced to punt. boys get the ball back. down three, two and change to go. tony romo to terrence williams. dallas up four. new jersey governor chris christie back in the cowboy's owner's box and in the same sweater celebrating one last shot fourth and three. stafford fumbles. cowboys advance 24-20 win. christie going nuts. dallas wins first playoff game since beating eagles five years ago comes under couldn't vertsy. what did the refs tell the lions
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on that call. >> not good enough we'll leave it at that. >> it's a big play in the game there's no question about >> so dallas was perfect 8-0 open the road goes to green bay next and packers 8-0 at home this season. nfc divisional game carolina at seattle next saturday. if you think the playoff eagles drought is getting old bengals have not won in 2 years. go down to colts today in indianapolis. 3rd quarter. andrew luck to dante montcree. ipdy wins 26-10. next up a date with former quarterback payton manning. so indy will play denver next sunday what a match-up luck against manning in other afc playoff joe flacco and ravens visit patriots next saturday. >> boo-ya cooler than other side of the pillow stuart scott would
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say things on tv you never heard before but unfortunately will never here the espn icon say them again. scott died this morning from cancer. >> 7' 1", 330 court brother striving up the court after he brings down the house. >> that was stuart scott the 49-year-old sports anchor lost his 7 year fight with cancer. she jumped off the screen with energy and witness and catch phrase his was with espn since 1993 among those expressing respect and sorrow president of the united states. barack obama, writes on twitter page i will miss stuart scott. over the years he entertained us and in the end inspired us with cover and love. moving to hockey. flyers didn't learn enough on the road trip and they're losing money too. flyers fined an undisclosed amount for violating collective bargaining agreement by traveling day after christmas a league holiday. flyers general manager ron
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helpal say players came to him and requested they travel to nashville early. even though the nhl is supposed to be shut down. well the flyers have not won since. they dropped five saves in the last night in new jersey and return to "action news" against ottawa. >> cherry and white are white house owls won a season high five straight times offer a big kin over kansas and uconn. >> fran dumbfy pick up your head. temple owls best of the season against ucf. coming coast to coast. 21 for him. what a day for transfer. career high 21 points for him. plus 14ry bounds. temple wins 84-78. they won season high five in a row and undefeated at home. playing well at just the right time. >> march madness coming. >> it's coming. >> thank you jeff. >> facebook founder mike zuckerberg wants people to read real books this year that includes him.
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he launched a book club on social media site he plans to read a new book every two weeks in 2015 users can visit the facebook page a year of books to see what he's reading
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pillsbury crescents--awesome. but now you can use them to make pizza night awesome, too. unroll, separate, add sauce, pperoni, cheese, and fold. behold: week night crescent pizza pockets party. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress
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uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> time for a final check of the accuweather forecast. >> plenty of cold outside. 7:00 in the morning it's mostly clear. 36. wind chills in the 20s. today 35. it's mostly sunny.
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sun stays out. 1:00 in the afternoon 36. temperatures will be falling in lower 30s as we go throughout the day. temperature at 4:00 in at 3 2. meteorologist david murphy will have the latest tomorrow morning on 6abc with the wake-up numbers. >> melissa thank you. >> thanks for joining us on "action news" at 10
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11:00 pm
[lively music] ♪ ♪ >> welcome to los angeles, california. welcome to celebrity name game. i am your host tv's craig ferguson. ['20s voice] today these two teams of beautiful americans will battle each other for a huge cash prize in a game that's all about famous names. how do you like the way i'm talking? pretty crackerjack, right? [laughter] [normal voice] and if that weren't enough, our teams will be joined today by two real live celebrities right here in the studio. [cheers and applause] our teams today are toni and kelvin and harry and katie. we'll meet you guys in a minute. harry and katie, step up to the plate, would you? hi, kids. hi, kids. tell me about yourselves including anything about mustaches.


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