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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  January 6, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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tuesday night a plane bound for phladelphia international hit extreme turbulence today the jolt that had the pilot radio the tower, fearing injuries on board. a berks county fat der not like his daughter a's choice, so police said he cut off the boy's hand. tonight the fatherly rage that now has some him expressing remorse. but the big story on "action news" tonight is blast of bit are cold that will turn today's cold into tomorrow's ice and send temperatures tumbling lower. >> arctic front is moving in right now. with it, wind chills that will make it feel below zero.
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and that, will make for another day of slippery and low driving. >> so our team is standing by tonight to get you ready for deep freeze. dann cuellar is live at university city tonight where the snow fell, that fell today, not likely to melt anytime soon. >> but we will get with meteorologist melissa magee who is tracking the arctic front live at the big board tonight and melissa, we will be in the freezer for a few days. >> that is right, brian and shirleen. temperatures all day with that alberta clipper moving through had been well below freezing, well below 32 degrees and that chill continues for rest of tonight. looking at wind chill numbers it feels like 20 in philadelphia single digits north and west of town. allentown feels like 9 degrees. 4 degrees current wind chill in the poconos and it feels like the teens foresee aisle city into dover. so that is a big concern as we head into the rest of tonight enjoying the the overnight hours. we are concerned with icing and wrapped freeze up. temperatures this evening will be in the teens and 20's. watching out for patchy ice. especially on any untreated surfaces.
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i think main road will be fine and dry. sidewalks and parking lots that is also a big concern for finding some lipry spots overhead. this is just beginning of the cold air moving in. future tracker six is showing you as you wake up tomorrow morning numbers long i-95 corridor will feel like the teens, sipping will digits north and west of town and not much in the way of improvement as we get into 6:30 tomorrow evening. look at these numbers below zero north and west for allentown and reading. temperatures for philadelphia and south and east only in the single digits as we get into tomorrow evening. is there a winter advisory that has been posted for carbon and monroe counties for poconos as we could find wind chills tomorrow night in this region as low as 15 to 20 degrees below zero. this is just the beginning of that cold air. the core of the cold will move in as we get into thursday. we will talk about those details with the full exclusive accu weather forecast. now back over to you, shirleen. >> thanks, melissa. lets go to dann cuellar in university city with more on how this cold weather is taking its toll dann?
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report report shirleen, the city looks cold tonight under a full moon, coupled by the the first snow of 2015. albeit a nuisance storm that like disappeared only for the the mess to be only to be clean up. either by hand or by machine, you could hear them all over the it i dealing with the nuisance snow that was turning to ice. by 6:00 o'clock peco crown lights red 24 degrees in center sit the eye and that meant trouble for at least one motorist tonight. >> it looked like he didn't have control. >> reporter: just after 6:00 motorist tells police she hit a patch of black ice in the 2400 block of walnut and lost control of her suv. she crashed in the lamp post and entrance of the building at 2401 walnut. >> i knock the over into the the building and just kept going into the blast of the building and through the glass. >> reporter: fortunately in
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one was injury. the city crews had been out salting roadways for the day but by night fall across the city a number of streets like these in the fairmount section remain snow covered. reason why this motorist was taking it really slow. just after night fall resident shoveling know where already fining it more difficult to get it off sidewalks. >> it doesn't pick up, it just kind of just sticks to whatever it is on, so we use the the shovel upside down. >> people are walking on it and it gets packed down and you have to get underneath it,. >> reporter: in another section we found one guy braving bitter cold using a spreader to put down salt on the the sidewalks while another was doing it by hand. >> the snow is packed down so hard it is freezing now. so we have are getting ready for tomorrow, to come and clean it up, much better. >> reporter: kind of makes you wish you had had one of these to get the job done quick and
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easy. back here live on 32nd the street has been plowed but it is still snow covered. there are many streets like this in university city tonight. hopefully they will not ice over, causing problems for the morning commute. we're live here in university city, dann cuellar for "action news" at ten on phl17. >> dann, thanks very much. new tonight a philadelphia woman was pistol whipped inside her home this evening. police say an armed man walk in the woman's mantua home in the 300 block of brown street. door was apparently unlock at the time. he hit her in the face with the gun and got away with than a unknown amount of cash. rick tim was taken to the hospital with cuts on her forehead. a suspect is in custody right the now after a shooting in norristown that left one man seriously injured. police say victim was shot four times, here in the 10,000 block of willow street around 7:30 this evening. he was taken to paoli hospital. the suspect was apprehended a
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heart time later. it is in the clear just yet what led to that shooting or if the victim was intentionally targeted. this has been an emotional week for students at burlington township high school, two of their classmates took their own lives over the last several days. grief counselors were on hand talking to the students and the burlington county crisis response teams has mobilize todd provide ongoing assistance. if you or someone you know has expressed you sidal thoughts help is out there. you can call the national suicide prevention life line, 24/7 to talk to someone that number is 800-273-8255. a former second grade teacher in darby accused of inappropriately touching student entered a no contest plea today. paul is charged with two counts of institutional sexual a all the, he will be sentenced in april. he voluntarily surrendered today to begin serving time. a nurse at a bethlehem rehabilitation center has been charged with sexually
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assaulting a disable patient. a nurse ago cysttent caught 45 year-old robert poindexter while he was assaulting a 50 year-old female patient at manor care back in may of 2013. officials say that the victim is non-verbal and has extremely limited movement. poindexter of quakertown was a rain yesterday. officials at manor care say poindexter has been since suspended. well, two more women have joined a defamation lawsuit begins comedian bill cosby. the suit was originally filed last month by tamara green. she said cosby drug and a all thed her in the 1970's. lawsuit was amended yesterday to add those two more women. one claims she was raped in 1976, the other says that she was groped in 1970. the would the men say that by denying their claims cosby is essentially calling them liars and therefore, defaming them. montgomery county district attorney risa vet try furhman will not run for reelection.
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furhman was county's first female d.a. but will not seek a third term. she plans to run for county judge instead. furhman ace she turns 50 and realized it was time for a new pursuit. >> i really need a new challenge. i'm looking for a new adventure, new journey and something different to do good she spent 15 years as a prosecutor before she what's electric as county's first district attorney in 2007. furhman is most proud of her work as a victims advocate. she co founded a non-profit children's advocacy center and wrote a book on internet safety. immediately after furhman announced she would not seek reelection kevin steel announced he will run as a democrat, to replace her. a new course is being charted in norristown -- burlington county. new jersey township held a swearing in ceremony for those who will be at the helm of the town good perhaps the position being most talk about tonight is, mayor, as a young, but, familiar face is taking over and you know what she's just
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26 years old. "action news" reporter sharrie williams was there for the swearing in tonight. >> reporter: a new year, new leadership in moorestown new jersey. >> according to the more town. >> reporter: victoria napolitano was sworn in at town's new mayor and at the age of 26, she's the youngest mayor in moorestown's recent history a lot of people are here focused on other things but i don't know, it seems like a natural fit for me. it is a really an honor. i love this town. >> reporter: drexel will grad is in stranger to the town serving on counsel for the last two years. >> my number one priority, and first couple months of my term will be bringing the budget to the rest of the council and passing a budget that does not increase tax these year. >> reporter: new era beginning in this room tonight is definitely getting the attention of those on the the political landscape but it may trans send politics. the next generation is already taking note of this new young
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mayor. >> i think it is really great because people for us, it gives us something to look forward to and that we can do anything. >> it makes young people seem valuable and really appreciated and that we have a chance, we're not looked down on you because we're young. >> reporter: also being sworn in is manny delgado, he is making history becoming the council a's first hispanic member. >> we weren't sure how it would be with running in a town, being a minority, hispanic, and it the speaks really highly of moorestown. >> reporter: as for city's new young mayor she hopes that her story will inspire others. >> to have more women in politics especially young woman, it is really important to me and it is something i hope i can be a role model. >> reporter: in moorestown, new jersey, sharrie williams for "action news" at ten on phl17. she will be a role model. >> no doubt. >> for sure. we have much more tonight at 10:45 we will take you to the consumer electronics show
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and give you a look at the new sony walkman that cost over a grand. we will take you to a pizza place in center city where you can get a slice for a dollar and give back to the community in a very special way. new jersey governor chris christie is not just in hot what ther with constituent is it turns outlaw makers want to look at his recent trip to that cowboys game. next we will take to you texas where there has been a shooting at fort bliss. deciding what to buy is one thing. deciding between buying food and health care is something else. healthy pa is now here to help with name-brand health insurance that costs as little as a few basic groceries. if you're uninsured, call or apply online today.
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a shooting at a military hospital in texas has ended with two people dead including the alleged gunman. gunfire erupted at el paso veterans affairs complex this afternoon. fort bliss official did his not release the name of the victim but there are reports that person was a doctor. it is also unclear if the gunman was shot by police or if the wound was self-inflicted. officials say the fbi is interviewing witnesses. an intense manhunt led to the arrest of two men wanted for opening fire on new york city police officers last night in the bronx. "action news" reporter kenneth moton is following the new developments tonight, in the satellite center. kenneth the. >> reporter: shirleen, today police in new york city say they got their man. meanwhile, two police officers are still recovering tonight
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and in stable condition this was dramatic violent moment a robbery suspect opened fire shooting two, new york city police officers as they were closing in on him. manhunt for jason polanco and his alleged accomplice joshua kemp ended earlier today. monday night the two are accused of running into this deli in the bronx and clearing out the a lottery machine and cash register at gun and knife point. >> a short time later nypd officers andrew and one other who were at the end of their shift and changing out of their uniform suited up and responded to an all point bulletin. for unknown reasons suspect polanco stopped at the nearby chinese food restaurant where the the two officers encountered him. >> absolutely a case of officer going above and beyond the call to protect their fellow new yorkers. >> reporter: of course those word of praise come at a time when tensions are high and relations are low between mayor bill deblasio and police. after the ambush killings of
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two other policeman officers remain vigilant. and the suspect in last night's cop shooting allegedly made anti police posts on social media. he has been charged with attempted murder. i can also report those officers hit in the arms, legs, and chest, are expected to recover from their injuries. reporting live from the satellite center kenneth moton for "action news" at ten on phl17. brian and shirleen. >> thanks, kenneth. turning to the accu weather forecast as we get ready for the the arrival of truly arctic air. >> if you thought today was cold, you have not seen anything just yet. melissa magee live tonight melissa, these temperatures will mean icing conditions. >> that is right brian and shirleen n fact you have probably saw you some ice outside after the the clipper system that moved through earlier today. watch out for that ice on area where we didn't have any treatment going on untreated surfaces, parking lots, sidewalks, and it has been a cold, snowy daze across the
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delaware and lehigh valley. the high temperature in philadelphia coming in at 24 degrees. it is a good 16 degrees below average. we saw inch and a half of snowfall here in philadelphia. good news that storm system weak one at that is moving out. but these temperatures however are staying below average. it is currently 23 in philadelphia. seventeen up in allentown. fifteen in reading. 9 degrees in lancaster. the currently along the coast in wildwood 27. teens in atlantic city. 19 degrees in dover. here's satellite six with action radar. is there our clipper system which is racing off to the north and east. it is well off shore. it turns partly cloudy for tonight and a few more cloud out over the ohio valley working their way eastward. off to the north and west there is another arctic front that will move through as we go through the day on wednesday. we will talk about what we can expect tomorrow. it is windy and stays pretty cold. wind gusting from 30 to 40 miles an hour. wind chills during the day in the single digits and also the the teens and as we get into
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wednesday night we will have some sub zero, sub below zero temperatures. a few snow showers are also likely as well with the snow squall and arctic front that moves on through. a brief burst is possible and it looks like snow showers will arrive in the city between four and 6:00 o'clock tomorrow evening. call from accu weather looking at morning rush cloud and some sunshine. extra layers will be needed. 6:00 a.m. that temperature to second one. twenty at 7:00 a.m. twenty-one is the number at 8:00 in the morning. this is just the beginning of the arctic air. the the true push of air moves in as we get into tomorrow night and for that matter into thursday. we will have more details on that and let you know how long this cold snap will stick around with the accu weather forecast, shirleen. >> thanks melissa. christmas hasn't arrived just yet but certain christians around the world here saint michael of the arc angel orthodox church opened it doors in northern liberties tonight for a christmas eve service. the holiday falls on january 7th for orthodox russian and ukrainian communities that use the old
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julian calendar. and we have got a spare buck, we will take you to the area where that is all you need to have one slice and help others. and in health check a warning about a binge drinking and you might be surprised who is doing it and how many lives it is taking daily. thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you cable, because if we never
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had you... we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture quality. get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years and get a $400 bonus with a two year agreement. hurry! it's your last chance! this offer ends january 17th. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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on health check at ten tonight the cdc is warning thousands of americans that they a may be putting their lives on the line, by the way that they drink. nearly 40 million americans binge drink and researchers say that kills 2200 people a year that is more than six people each and every day. it is not just a problem among teens, three out of four deaths were middle-aged adults. binge drinking means four drinks or more, at one time for a woman and five for a man. bottom line knowing when to cut yourself off and if you cannot, don't be afraid to ask for help. first trial of an ebola vaccine are underway, and it is being conduct at oxford university. doctors and scientists a they hope to reaction nate 72 health a dult by the end of the month. no one will be infect with
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ebola during the trials, but vaccine is being developed by a division of beyond on and john on. the flyers are back home tonight after two weeks on the road and you know, they are coming back to all kind of questions about just what went wrong this season. >> ducis rodgers is live from the "action news" sports center. >> hi there ducis. >> they lost five games of the eight game road trip and flyers hope home cooking is much better tonight against ottawa. claude giroux is back after missing a game with the cut to his lower leg. the midway through the third period flyers down one to nothing. giroux feed wayne simmonds on a power play. game tied at one. we eventually go to a shoot-out. simmonds, lulls greg anderson to sleep. he end the five game skid. the flyers win two-one. there will be four new members have the baseball hall of fame randy johnson, john smoltz craig biggio and pedro martinez. martinez was a three time cy young award winner. he helped phillies reach world
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series in 2009. five times he led league in era. martinez says he is beyond honored. >> i say i dreamed about it, it is a lie. i never did. but i made sure that every day i lived, i lived like it was a dream because i was so proud to play ball every day. >> local product mike piazza misses out by 5 percent. twenty-eight votes. pea as is one of the top offensive catchers in major league baseball history, .308 life time batting average 427 career home runs, on twitter he congratulated electees and thanked people for their support. ahead next half an hour nova tries to get back on track against saint john's. ♪ ♪
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♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪
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thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you cable, because if we never had you... we wouldn't know the incredible difference verizon fios makes. the numbers don't lie. in customer satisfaction studies, fios is rated #1 in internet speed and reliability, and hd picture
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quality. get a fios triple play online at an amazing price guaranteed for two years and get a $400 bonus with a two year agreement. hurry! it's your last chance! this offer ends january 17th. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v a slice is just a buck and if you feeling generous you can purchase a slice of two for someone in need. mason wartman, last year after leaving his finance career. one day a customer asked if they could donate a slice. he grabbed a post it to keep track, nine months of 8,000 slices later it has taken off, customers say this is the way they like to give. >> sometimes some people you give them stuff and you don't know what they will do with it. you can buy a slice for yourself and for them and makes it feel like you know you are feeding somebody. >> by the way i'm's told the pizza is really really good.
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yes, it is. >> we will have much more coming up including a dad who lost it when he he found a teenage boy hiding in his daughter's closet. 10:45. we will take to you las vegas for consumers electronics show, you will want to stick around incredible gadgets on display there. plus the ice was just too much for this fire truck today the accident that sent people running for their lives. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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we thank you for joining us for "action news" at ten on phl17. here is a lot at big stories. >> a a woman was pistol whipped inside herman to a home tonight. suspect walk in the woman's unlock house in the 3900 block of brown street, and he roughed her up, once he got inside and got away with cash. two more women joined a defamation lawsuit begins comedian bill cosby. one claims that she was raped in 1976. the other says she was groped in 1970. woman say that by denying their claims cosby is essentially calling them liars and, therefore, defaming them. montgomery county d.a. risa vetri furhman will not seek reelection. furhman was county a's first female district attorney and has served two terms in that office. she said it was time for a change and new plans to run for county judge instead. right now at 10:30 we are
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keeping an eye on the system that will make today's blast of the cold air seem down right warm by comparison. >> we are tracking wind chills, that will have it feeling below zero by this time tomorrow night. melissa magee is live from the system moving in and has latest with storm tracker six tonight melissa. >> shirleen and brian the big weather story is that arctic chill that really settles in across most of the delaware and lehigh valleys. as we get into more specifically wednesday night. we will show you what is going on outside sky six live in hd giving you a nice shot of the penns landing and blue cross river rink. we have had skaters out on the ice earlier tonight. we will need extra layers stepping out on the town as we get into wednesday and for that matter thursday. check out snowfall we have pick up with the clipper system that moved through earlier today. in millville two and a half inches. wilmington two-point 46789 chad forward 2.3 inches. great are forward 1.6. inch and a half of snowfall there in philadelphia. so if you were to do a comparison, we have seen a little bit of snow so far this season. if you count what we pick up
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today at philadelphia international, and at philly we have pick up back in december 11th we have 1.6 inches of snow here in the city. average this time of the year is 4.7. compare all of these numbers to what we pick up this same time last year we had 20 inches of snow on the ground and that is not the case, we have seen 20 inches of snow by this time last year. not the case so far this season. fifteen currently outside in quakertown. eleven for tanners villain martin's creek. fourteen for slating ton and fleet wood n chester and center city at the this hour temperatures are currently in the teens. down across south jersey, ten in hammington. same thing for vineland. glassboro, bridgeton. eighteen in smyrna. sixteen in dover. here's satellite six with action radar. that clipper system is long gone racing off to the east down along the the atlantic. is there a weak front moving through, currently out across the great lakes. this front tomorrow, and tomorrow afternoon will work its way south and east ward and with that, we have got a reenforcing shot of colder air and also some snow showers, to
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track. so future tracker six has you covered. the at 6:00 it is mostly cloudy. you can see a few flurries popping up across areas of the poconos down through allentown reading and lancaster. the as we get in the afternoon hours with that front moving on through you can find a burst of snow, it looks like isolated a across the region and snow showers will be moving around. it a lives in the city between 4:00 and 6:00 o'clock in the evening. but this will help once again reenforce that cold era cross the region. so a arctic attack on the way. we are tracking the cold over the next few days, and temperatures will be in the 20's with stiff northwesterly wind and we could find the low wind chills over the next two day period anywhere from five to 15 degrees below zero. you will feel that into wednesday night and even as you wake up on thursday morning. the call from accu weather for the rest of tonight temperatures staying below freezing. so watching out for patchyizes specially on any of the sidewalks, or untreated road and partly cloudy and cold otherwise. twenty in the city. fifteen in the suburbs. the the exclusive accu weather
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seven day forecast showing you the high temperature tomorrow in the upper 20's but dress for temperatures in the single digits and teens as we go throughout the the day. on thursday a bitter blast of cold air, high of just 22 the the heart of that cold air moves in wednesday night and thursday morning, friday not as bad of a rebound, above freezing, how about that and 34 degrees. it will not last too long. we will dip back down to the upper 20's on the saturday tracking rain or snow shower over the the weekend. tracking that cold bring out those extra layers. >> those wind chills are bitter. >> that makes it harsh. >> thanks, melissa. lots of drivers had problems with the slippery roads today and that includes first responders in delaware. this is where wilmington fire crews park their trucks while they went to help those involved in the nine car accident and well that is where it ended up. that massive truck slipped and slid down oak street sending those same people they were assisting, running for their lives. chad pradelli has the details. >> i'm's like, this is crazy. >> reporter: fire truck was
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unmanned and sliding down oaks street after splitting all of these cars and traveling more than a hundred feet it hit this green vehicle and then smashed into this house. >> some cars had to wait but we had a run, a couple that were gone we ran down the street to get out of the way. we seen it coming. >> reporter: sonya maldonado lives in the first floor unit, she was in the home but man who lives upstairs was. >> i didn't know what to to. >> i seen everything come boom. >> reporter: fire fighters responding to a nine vehicle accident, a truck was parked in the top of the hill when it began to slide. wilmington fire chief anthony good said he wishes it had been parked somewhere else a much flatter spot. he tells "action news" off camera that it is fortunate that the fire truck hit only one car, and in one was seriously hurt. the affect drivers want to know why road was not treated. >> this is definitely a bad street, bad weather like this and salt need to be put down prior to stuff like this.
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>> reporter: spokeswoman for the the city of wilmington say many road were treated this morning and overnight but city focuses on those main arteries and oak street is in the one of them. despite an elementary school being halfway up that hill, it is obviously very dangerous for children going to and from school. one woman was injured in the initial accident i'm told by fire department she was taken to the local hospital and her injuries are considered minor. in wilmington, chad pradelli for "action news" at ten on phl17. the revel created some trouble in the skies as well, sky six captured southwest airlines flight, 4817 from nashville, being met by emergency vehicles at philadelphia international airport this afternoon. the flight hit some rough turbulence while on final approach. one passenger says a flight attendant was out of her seat, spilled a bag of trash. in one was seriously hurt but passenger described that feeling while in midair. >> i was sleeping and all of a sudden the guy yelled to my left, really loud and people
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kept, they came off their seats. >> this all happened while the airport was experiencing heavy delays. some up to three hours during the snowstorm. former philadelphia sportscaster don tollefson says he is a bad businessman but not a thief. the the six two-year old theft trial officially got underway in doylestown. tollefson is acting as his own attorney in the case. he is charged with defrauding sport fans out of more than $300,000 by selling bogus travel packages for charity. tollefson says he ran into trouble because he tried to help too many charities and did not make enough machine toy cover his commitments. dover police have wrapped up their investigation in the claims that nascar driver curt burba salted his ex-girl friend. state prosecutors will now deciding whether or not to file charges. she claims that bush choke and smashed her head against the wall inside of a met or home at dover international speed way, this past fall. bush denies the accusations.
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a berks county father faces aggravated assault charges for what he allegedly did after finding a teen boy loan with his daughter. reginald hardy is accused of punching a 19 year-old in the face and chopping off his dread locks with the kitchen knife. it happened friday inside the franklin manor apartment in west reading. he said he lost his cool when he found the man sneaking around with his 17 year-old daughter. he maintains he was just trying to protect her but he is remorseful. >> i want to apologize for my actions, but he knows that he should in the have been there. >> in addition to himself hardy is also charged with making terroristic threats. he is he set to appear before a judge next week. new jersey governor chris christie is sighting dallas games might have a trouble in american just eagles fans now. state lawmakers say they are considering looking into christie's free tickets and travel to cowboys games.
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they want to know if the gifts violate any state ethics rules. the christie was spotted again this past weekend catching the cowboys with team owner jerry jones. christie says he is a allowed to accept gifts from friend. philadelphia's bar association kicked off the new year tonight with well wishes and a new leader. the city lawyers lined up inside the hyat the bellevue to exchange an estimated 1,000 handshakes. the the greetings have become a a tradition as they meet their new chancellors this year that man is albert s dannrich the third. it is estimated he shook 13 hand per minute tonight. and still ahead, we will show you the new sony walkman selling for over a grand. next year. >> yes. >> such a good friend. virginia's governor heading to prison now, how long bob mcdonnell will spend behind bars for corruption. we will tell you why investigators were called to
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this home featured in the popular movie mrs. doubtfire.
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♪ ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit hungry ♪ ♪ and there's nothing really good around ♪ ♪ turn around ♪ ♪ every now and then i get a little bit tired ♪ ♪ of living off the taste of the air ♪ ♪ turn around, barry ♪ ♪ finally, i have a manly chocolatey snack ♪ ♪ and fiber so my wife won't give me any more flack ♪ ♪ i finally found the right snack ♪ ♪ ♪
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mario cuomo was remembered today as anything but a typical politician. his son andrew said his son was a leader was politics
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whose part and parcel of his belief pleasing people. dignitaries from both side of the political aisle the georgia tore mourn cuomo. democratic party icon died thursday. he was 82 years old. big day on capitol hill, republicans assumed full control of the house and senate for the first time in eight years. setting up an inevitable showdown with president obama. john boehner was once again elect house speaker but not without some drama a dozen fellow republicans revolted backing other candidates. mitch mcconnell takes over as senate majority leader. he has an aggressive agenda which includes approving controversial keystone xl pipeline, tax reform ape reversing president's executive a action on immigration but he is hoping democrats and republicans can work together. former virginia governor bob mcdonnell is now gone to prison. today judge sentenced him to two years on corruption charges. mcdonnell and his wife, took
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money and gifts in exchange for promoting a diet try supplement in office. maureen mcdonnell will be sentenced next in. a fire bug visited san francisco home where mrs. doubtfire was film. the officials say someone lit fire to a doormat there last night. garage door was also charred. that house was used in the iconic 1993 comedy starring the late robin williams. investigators say it is now owned by a doctor who haddon going issue with a former patient and they suspect that patient may be behind, this a attack. well, a man men for his romance novels, splits from his wife. next up we will take to you sin city, we will check out hottest gadgets at the consumer electronics show. don't forget to get the morning's top news headlines, weather and traffic, starting at 4:30 a.m. only on six
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ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh...
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you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪
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gadgets, glam, technology a watch that can fly, television that is offer better picture quality, all over of the tech he is dream and taking place right now in the heart of las vegas. abc ted rollins shows us what is hot at this years consumer electronics show. >> reporter: future on display in las vegas at the consumer electronics show, big again
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this year, wearable smart watches, glasses and body cameras. this one called the snap cam can even live stream, and there is the nixy a watch that claims to turn into a flying camera which if it works tags along taking video of your adventures. >> let your camera free. >> reporter: there are wireless ear phones that track your heart rate through ear canal and for babies a smart sock that allows to you track vital signs with a phone or tablet. >> you can machine for heart rate and oxygen saturation of your baby. >> reporter: there are new tv with docks which are nano crystals that increase color saturation and new tv service for people want to dump cable from dish called sling tv for $20 a month you can stream a handfull of channels including disney channel and espn. apple's car play and android auto can change your vehicle display to mimic your phone and robotic vacuums and
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smart appliances, even light bulbs that are connected to monitoring systems. >> it is just a glimpse into the future while it is a snapshot of where the industry is headed. >> reporter: ces runs through friday. you will need a few days to take it all in, more than 3500 contributors covering 2 million square feet of convention space. ted rollins abc news, los angeles. >> i would love to go to that thing. also unveiled the new sony walkman. this thing is, well, nothing like the one you used to have as a kid. check it the out, it has 128 gigabytes of storage, wifi and 60 hours of battery life. the new walkman is expected to hit stores this spring but you better start saving, like yesterday, because it cost $1,100. hopefully by next year it will cost $200. i will wait. >> thanks, brian. nicholas sparks is men for his love stories but his own roman is coming to an even. he is splitting up with his
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wife of 25 years, sparks released a a statement that said he and the kathy will remain close friend and share a deep respect for each other. the couple married in 1989 and have five children. sparks is author of a number of books including the the the notebook, message in the bottle, and safe haven. also it is that time for sports tonight. >> ducis rodgers live at the big board, hi there ducis. >> we will start off a on the ice, home is where the the hearties, flyers hope home is where some victories are. they lost their last five games of the road trip, tonight they will begin a four game home stand against ottawa senators. gm ron hextall says if things don't improve soon he might make changes. claude giroux game time decision, he does play. we are scoreless in the third period senators appear to be outside here in, call mike hartford skates by everybody his 13th goal of the season. three minutes later flyers on the power play, and giroux feed wayne simmonds number 16 for him. game tied at one.
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we eventually go to the shoot-out. steve mason is a wall all night. forty-one saves in this one. at the other end simmonds again a head fake, five game losing streak is no more. flyers win two-one. >> it is really good. we have a lot of work to do in the second half. we have put the ourselves behind the ball. but it is nice to get that first win when we get home and we have to keep going from here. villanova got a little ego check over the weekend. cats lost to seton hall. that dropped them to eighth in the rankings. jay wright, over at nova, first half daniel he gets blocked, and gets it back gets blocked again. he will finally get it to go. nova down one at the break. second half darren hillard, double digit scoring in all but two games. nova lead it 56-54. we are in the second half. the hall of fame,
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baseball's hall of fame elect it class of 2015. four players get in. mess notable snub local product mike piazza. he falls 28 votes short. pedro martinez, he is in. three time cy young award winner has 219 career victory. he made his name with the red sox but finished his career here in philadelphia with the phillies. former philly faux john smolt is the only pitcher with at least 200 victories and 150 saves. he reinvented himself as a closer. randy johnson how about him five time cy young award winner struck out 4800 batter craig biggio was also elect. back to pedro, he talk about what motivated him on the mound. >> when i got a hold of them, difficult embarras them. anytime i had an opportunity to embarras any team in the big leagues including the ones using ped, it was a great honor to do it. >> cowboys will visit packers sunday in the nfl playoffs. new jersey governor chris
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christie is taking heat not only for being a cowboys fans but for flaunting it as well. the guess what eagles fans, marcus mariot ta is a cowboys fans as well. how does that happen. he fridays hawaii. >> the the first kind of game i remember watching as a kid was the washington redskins verse the cowboys and the cowboys won so ever since then that was kind of my team. growing up, we went through some tough years but it has been a good year this fall and fun to watch them. >> eagles fans can't like to hear that. >> bite your tongue. >> marcus, come here. all right. thank you, ducis. chester high school gym now bears the name of the beloved coach. tonight's basketball coach against penn was a dedication of coach, frequent picket junior gymnasium. fred retired in 2008 as winningest coach in clippers history.
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he died this october. mayor john lender also presented his wife, wand a with a key to the city in fred's memory. ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh
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this is an allen family production. and here's why we love chex. one, we love choices like chocolate, vanilla and honey nut. two, we don't love artificial colors or flavors. does anybody? and's gluten free. chex. full of what you love. free of what you don't. have you tried gluten free chex oatmeal
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and new chex granola mix? two more delicious reasons to love chex. tonight we will leave with you this adorable panda video. this is beau. the cub at the national zoo in washington d.c., it was her first time playing in the snow. he was loving it. look at her rolling down the hills, just spend sometime pounding on top of her mom.
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>> every kid's dream right there, melissa, they are all hoping you can deliver a snow date sometime soon. >> well, i think we might have snow flurries around tomorrow. >> okay. >> nothing like what little baby beau was seeing there. that was so cute. big concern that is wrapped freeze temperatures tonight in the teens and 20's. watch out for that patchy ice, untreated surfaces, sidewalks, parking lots. wake up tomorrow morning these numbers still very cold guys. >> thanks melissa. >> thank you all for joining us tonight. >> we will see you back here ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time.
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