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tv   Action News at Ten on PHL17  WPHL  January 20, 2015 10:00pm-11:01pm EST

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to meteorologist adam joseph tracking the system with double scan live radar. >> now you look at the northern plains where the low pressure is diving out of around minneapolis to grand forks, you see not a lot of precipitation or moisture with it. a little bit racing ahead with some energy in cincinnati and nashville. so it's not going to be a long duration storm with a lot of precipitation. that will be the most crucial aspect of this next system. futuretracker by 5:00 you can see some snow breaking to the west, also south and east of philadelphia as older air comes in it could be a quick mix of rain or sleet pellets in southern areas. even there transitions over to snow during the evening rush hour. the winter weather advisories in effect west of philadelphia delaware, chester, burks and lancaster county. and pretty much the he tire tire -- entire state of delaware where we will see dangerous
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roads in the rush. and the chipper moving from the north and west snow between west and east between noon and 3:00. and the steady snow during the evening rush 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. it quickly escaped the area between 9:00 and midnight as it wraps up and pulls out from the southwest to the north and east. even the totals aren't impressive we look at them coming up and walking about more snow and rain in the seven-day forecast. >> thank you. and as we prepare for the in-coming weather hearing more about the heroic efforts during sunday's mess. slippery conditions led to crashes and pile-ups on many roadways. and speaking with a police officer who jumped into action that morning. >> it was icy conditions that crippled the roadways and took lives. the radnor township policeman on the blue route when it happened. >> it was very icy.
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if happened very quickly i think. >> officer gallagher fresh off a 12-hour shift on his way 476 southbound sunday morning finding a car slammed into the wall. and he jumped out to help and more vehicles why sliding and crashing. >> the next three minutes you hear the bangs, cars still lieding into each other. >> the training kicked in. a former septa cop with radnor for a year was helping the injured when the tractor-trailer jackknifed. three cars slammed right into it. the officer first encountered brennan unconscious and then anderson from dover, delaware. >> he was not responding at all of the wife in the passenger seat she is screaming for help and yelling for her baby. >> and someone got anderson's wife to safety while he tried to save the trapped baby. the two survived but anderson
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and the other driver died. >> my heart goes out to them. i believe the baby is ok and the mom is ok as well and that's unfortunate as everything else that's the important thing right there. >> gallagher was thankful he was there. >> oh, god ya definitely. anybody else there would have done the same thing, but i was there. and i am glad somebody was. >> officer gallagher praised other off-duty way first responders also happening on the blue route pile up on sunday. more bad weather upon the way, his familiar warning to drivers to slow down. if you don't have to go out, don't. kenneth moton "action news at 10" on phl17. we are following several developments stories tonight. philadelphia police looking for a man that robbed the republic first bank on walnut street. the man presented the teller with a sticking out of it. he fled good news no one
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injured. and a man with a hallowe mask robbed tonight. and it was thought he had a gun when he demanded drugs from the pharmacy. they are trying to figure out how two vacant homes caught fire. it broke out around 7:30 on helen street and it took the firefighters about 45 minutes to get the flames under control. jurors delivered the fate of don tollefson into the night tonight accused of scamming people to buy bogus travel packages supposed to benefit charity. they say it was a fraud. and >> no verdict tonight. the injure was sent home by the
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judge. she sent them home after 9:30 concerned about ice on the roadways. the jury worked through the dinner hour and made a series of requests about 8:45 tonight. they asked to see the list of victims and the restitution amounts owed which the judge agreed to let them see. asked for a list of the eagles' away schedule. and asked to have the testimony of two witnesses reread and the judge said no, saying they have to rely on their memory. the jury here since 9:00 this morning trying to decide if tollefson tollefson tollefson tollefson committed fraud. and tollefson serving as his sewn attorney he repeated his bad businessman defense saying all he wanted to do is help kid and he fully intended to repay the people who gave him money
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for sports trips they never got. but one told the juror he never intenneded to pay them back. >> they are a hard working jury and i have no quarrel with them taking as long as it needs to get it right. i am confident they will do that. >> and tollefson declined to comment on advice of his jury. the jury is expected to return at 9:00 tomorrow morning to resume deliberations. live at the courthouse. and new tonight charges now filed against a man shot by wilmington police. this was the scene last thursday. pulling a vehicle over for a traffic violation. during the stop they say 24 year old marvin jones, a parolee from georgia pulled out a 9
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millimeter gun. and a .45 caliber hand gun was found in the car. a 28-year-old man also charged with weapon offenses. the officers involved remain on administrative leave tonight. a 22 woman from pemberton it the formally charged with the murder of her newborn baby. hyphernkemberly dorvilier made her first court appearance accused of setting her infant on fire friday night. saying she gave birth at home and wrapped the baby in the towel. and accused of using a can of wd-40 setting the baby ablaze. and a pastor is working with the family to plan a vigil for the young child. president obama delivering his state of the union statement saying his presidency has brought in strength and economic leadership.
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and the control controlled by republicans gave no indication that the president plans to curtail >> we accept an economy where only a few of us do spectacularly well. we commit ourselves to an economy with rising income and chances for everyone oes e . he president also said the tax hike on the wealthyist will fund his plan to make the community college free. and the president got the same applause when he said the shadow of crisis passed and the state of our union strong. it is finally official. tom wolf is now the 47th governor of pennsylvania. sworn in today, "action news" reporter walter perez is live in hershey where the celebrations are well underway. it must be a good time there, walter. >> i have to tell you it is very
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loud. i can barely hear you. the balls in the past are lavish, black-tie affairs this is really just a party reflecting the high expectations of the wolf administration. >> and i will discharge the duties -- >> of my office -- >> of my office with fidelity. >> thank you very much. >> and the era with significant challenges from the get-go not the least of which the projected budget gap working with a republican-controlled legislature. former governor ed rendell is confident that the democrat from york county can find common ground with the g.o.p. >> they want pension reforms, and there is a lot on the wish list. giving them a chance to trade off things on their wish list with things on his wish list. >> shared by the republican
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governor. >> and sharing with us his desire to build a bipartisanship that is essential to meet his plans and those in the legislature. >> and the senator, now lieutenant governor says that the main thing he has on his side is not being a product of the political system. >> and it is great that he has a philadelphian with him because philadelphia is key in economic development, job creation and one ever the -- one of the engines making our state go. >> and a little help from this chorus. ♪ >> and he honored the campaign workers helping him win in november. >> i want now have a good time really party, celebrate the victory. and let's get to work tomorrow. thank you very much for
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everything you've done. >> also earlier today wolf reiterated he will be a different kind of governor joking he will be thes first governor to operate a forklift manage a hardware store and volunteer for the peace corps. still ahead a couple of guys at the top of the rocky steps and meet rocky themselves. you have to see their selfie with sylvester stallone. a man outraged his 5-year-old missed a birthday party and got a bill. and a teen going on a multi-state crime spree with his 13-year-old girlfriend. what he says about their relationship and his regrets. and investigators listened to the box from the box and talk about the final minutes before the plane plunged into the stae.
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this hour. juror selection began today in the trial of the aurora colorado movie shooter. impressive pool of 9,000 jurors summoned for the death penalty case of holmes a killing 12 and he pled not guilty by reason ever insanity. it is unlikely that airasia flight brought down by terrorists. listening to the final minutes of the recordings not hearing sounds of gunfire or explosions. flight 8501 crashed killing 162 people. at the time there was inclement weather in the area. and speaking of inclement weather, the forecast promises that in the way of snow and timing is the worst part. and adam joseph back in action
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with us. glad to have you back. >> good to be back. and talking about snow which we had the a lack of this winter season to far. today a pretty mild day, back-to-back days with temperatures in the mid 40s. 46 for the high 6 degrees above normal much the low this morning 29, and normal low 25 degrees. right now it is not bad 37 in philadelphia, 34 wilmington 31 millville. and areas getting wet earlier this afternoon, the temperatures back in the upper 20s through 30. and fog developing in the regions of berks county and the lehigh valley. and some fog trying to freeze on contact with some of the secondary roads, bridges, overpasses. so there may be a little patchy ice out there a little late tonight be careful of that. starting to clear the sky is allowing the temperatures to drop and will start dry with maybe some sunshine tomorrow morning, before the clipper system right now which is still to the north and west will dive to the south and east. as it does so it will interact with some energy to the south
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and the two will merge. that's going to spill some precipitation our way. again the morning rush will be clean across the region. just mostly cloudy. there could be some areas of patchy black ice as some fog lingers late into the night. 30 degrees at 8:00 tomorrow morning. and futuretracker the clouds quickly invade for noontime tomorrow. and 34 for philadelphia. and then as we go into the afternoon, that's where you see some of the snow breaking out and temperatures dropping below freezing during the evening rush tomorrow. that's when roadways will return wet to slushy. and could be icy. and temperatures still below freezing there could be an ice-up after the evening rush tomorrow. looking at the forecast morning clouds, p.m. snow. 34 in philadelphia 36 in millville. and dover 37 degrees. as we look at how much snow to expect, a general 1-2 inches in
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trenton south of allentown. and the lehigh valley and maybe a little less than the 1-inch mark. and any where seeing close to 2 inches from south of through central parts of delaware and interior southern new jersey as the energy slides mainly to the south of philadelphia giving the greatest totals. more on a little more rain and snow in the seven-day in a bit. >> thanks. and did you spend all day working on your cell phone? the dangers of text neck. and a big reason to pour an extra cup of coffee tomorrow morning, as though you need it.
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>> "healthcheck" at 10 four out of five americans start the day with a cup of coffee you may want an extra mug tomorrow morning. the cancer institute says coffee may curb the risk of malignant melanoma. looking at medical records
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showing those drinking the most coffee have a 20% lower chance of developing skin cancer. and past studies suggest they may protect against u.v. rays and others point to anti-inflammatory records. you may lovely your cell phone may it may be giving you "tech neck" from the device. >> the main thing that will happen, there is less tension in the skin in the front part of your neck and that in turn can cause some looseness of the neck. >> making for a nasty selfie. and the doctor warns aside from cosmetic damage it can cause serious damage to your spine. the best way is to hold your foep phone away from your body keeping you in line. and sports something we had not said in quite a bit of time,
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a great night for the flyers. some relief here. >> still pending right now the final game before the all-star break. what a way to hit it with a bang. a rough one with the penguins. out shot 17-3 in the first period the only shots that count are those that go in. and this is unassisted and it is 1-0 flyers. and the dangerous hit along the boards, he is a lover not a fighter, but not tonight. right now knotted up at 2-2 with under 2:00 to go in overtime. and basketball the half way point of the nba season and the sixers' record 8 wins 33 losses and are hosting the knick tomorrow. and after last night's loss to the wizards, they intimated the big men are not fed the ball enough. it doesn't sound like everyone is happy.
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>> happy doesn't come into my vernacular with this team at this stage. i want them to expe visiting
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philadelphia. a run up the rocky stepped. and the surprise one group of
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friends got when they did just that and the top, getting a selfie with rocky himself. and they said to the group you guys are fat, making me look bad. and stallone is in town shooting "creed" the latest rocky show. and a thief running out of the store with socks. and shots fires outside of joe biden house. and a
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"action news" at 10:30 on phl17 continues with brian taff shirleen allicot, meteorologist adam joseph and ducis rodgers. hello again. a look at the big stories we are covering on "action news at 10" on phl17 tonight. jurors will be back at it tomorrow in the fraud case against don tollefson. a decision was not reached after five hours of deliberations tonight. the former of scamming fans out of sports packages. president obama saying the shadow of crisis has passed.
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noting the economy growing at the fastest pace since 1999 calling for an agenda to expand opportunities including higher taxes for the wealthiest americans. and tom wolf sworn in as the governor of the commonwealth during a ceremony for a huge crowd outside in harrisburg. speaking of outside, tracking snow coming our way tomorrow, leaving some of us digging out. parts of our view area under winter weather advisory and more of what we can expect getting to adam joseph. >> tracking a system a clipper system moving out of the north. central parts of canada fast moving and the snow not that impressive near minneapolis and moisture near cincinnati and nashville. they try to merge and snow tomorrow afternoon. looking at the numbers out there right now in the winter weather advisory, checking out what has been expanded.
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earlier it was just our county in southeastern pennsylvania of chester bucks -- berks that is and now including wilmington dover central and southern parts of new jersey, also including the coastline as the light snow pushes in from the west. and the low pressure off the coast will start to ramp up and that's why southern areas have been introduced to the weather advisories and hitting southern areas hard tomorrow evening. 29 in allentown 30 reading and lancaster 34. and wilmington. and above freezing in philadelphia. and because of the moisture of the mixed rain and snow showers earlier some fog set up shop there where visibility around 11.7 in pottstown. 1 in reading. 2.5 miles in lancaster. and it is cloud cover on lower level. the water droplets freeze on
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contact, be careful of slippery spots especially the side roads, maybe some of the es and overpasses late tonight, especially north and west. 23 in allentown. tomorrow morning you can see sunshine as we begin the morning rush wednesday. 31 in philadelphia. and very uneventful start to the wednesday even into the lunchtime hour. temperatures above freezing south of philadelphia. below freezing north and west. and first seeing the snowflakes developing early afternoon. and as we get into the rush hour the energy transfers from the north and west to the coast you may see a jump in the precipitation where it shutting off at a time north of philadelphia and taking over in southern areas. and then seeing the last gap push through about 8:00 tonight. and temperatures near freezing sticking to road surfaces. how much snow to expect farther north. the least amount you will get here a coating to an inch.
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a good general 1-2 from the shore to wilmington reading, into parts of lancaster. as the energy pushes from the west and dives down to the south this is where we could see the jackpot of around 2 inches of snow. millville vineland where we can see the most during the evening rush tomorrow. and the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast mixing and outing and east is he onset, temperatures above freezing. during the evening rush it drops to below freezing. mostly cloudy thursday 40 degrees. and seasonable and staying there friday. sunshine and 39. and another system likely with rain and snow 37. and then a clean end to the weekend. and cool temperatures on monday. >> welcome back. >> thank you very much. glad to be back. we've got video just in from
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philadelphia's overbrook neighborhood. the water department on the scene of a main break at 63rd street east of city avenue. the line broke just after 9:00 tonight. you see water is bubbling up and flowing down the street. the problem is that the temperatures will dip below freezing and that could be rather slippery in the morning. a woman from pemberton township formally charged with the murder of her new born child. hyphernkemberly dorvilier making her first court appearance in mount homily and nora muchanic was there. more details about the horrific crime. >> it is not human to do that. >> the reaction of many people trying to figure out why 22 year old hyphernkemberly dorvilier of pemberton allegedly set her new born baby on fire friday. in court today in mount homily for a first appearance via video hook up. after giving birth to a babe
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girl she wrapped the baby up with placenta and cord attached. and going to a road now marked with a memorial and set fire to the infant with wd-40 oil. >> a lot of time people are not right and it is horrible. >> and confronted by dave telling her to extinguish it. >> and when they tried to put out the fire -- >> that's when they realized it was a baby in the burning. >> dying later from third hospital degree burns covering 60% of the body. a vigil 7:30 wednesday night. the pastor says he met with dorvilier's family this morning saying her mother and sisters did not know she was pregnant. >> they are devastated by it. they had no idea this was taking
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place. had no idea of the pregnancy until the birth took place and the next thing they knew police were knocking on their door. >> the family members told the pastor dorvilier is extremely remorseful and can face life in prison in convicted. the baby name angelica will be buried monday. for "action news" at 10:00 on phl17. a bensalem father accused of assaulting two girls at his home. david huebsch surrendered and one of the victims was a girl scout with his daughter. they are investigating whether there are other victims out there. the 36-year-old charged within decent sexual assault corruption of minors and unlawful contact. a philadelphia union boss can spend the rest of his life behind bars. joe docherty convicted today in his racketeering trial, the head of the iron workers local 401.
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accused of overseeing violence and intimidation to get jobs for his union members. a top union official says he ordered the torching of a quaker meetinghouse because the nonunion crews were building it facing a minimum of 15 years behind bars. a delaware man saying he as roughed up by police. pictures to prove it. they are graphic. and stain into custody after shots were fired near joe biden as home. and he nearly hit an officer. when he got out of his jeep he claims he was beaten. >> this guy cold cocked me. and smashed me in my face. i went down. he got on my back and was choking me. >> peters not charged in the shooting. facing reckless driving and
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resisting arrest. the new castle police say they will not comment on the pending case. a southwest philadelphia store owner getting more than he bargained for after chasing a shoplifter. the suspect pulled out a hand gun when confronted and took off. and surveillance video captured it on january 9. the police say the man had just stolen socks from the clothing company on woodland avenue. the store opener was not injured. the philadelphia police would like you to call them if you recognize or know anything about this thief. the winners named on new year's day, but tonight the fans take their favorites in the 2015 mummer's parade. ♪ >> announcing the phl17 viewers choice winner. and sugarhouse casino. and quaker city taking home the top owners and the check. bragging rights went to bill
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mcintyre's shooting stars. congrats to all of them. a teenager spends a month walking around a hospital pretending he is a doctor. and a modern-day bonnie and clyde behind bars tonight. now hearing from the 18-year-old who was on the run with his 13-year-old girlfriend. tonight he is defending himself. and the story that has a lot of patients talking, a 5-year-old misses a classmate as birthday party and end up getting stuck with a bill because of it. ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] aaah, the amazing, delicious cinnamon and sugar taste of cinnamon toast crunch and cold milk. ♪ ♪ cinnamon toast crunch. crave those crazy squares. release a devastating avalanche of taste on your tongue. bury yourself in the flavor full of sweet icing and filling. call off the hounds! rescue is unnecessary. pillsbury toaster strudel, the snow day of breakfasts.
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creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time.
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the story out of florida, a 17-year-old posed as a doctor for a month before being caught. surveillance video apparently shows him roaming the hospitals of the hospital pretending to be a doctor. officials say he never treated any patients. his mom says that he is under the care of a doctor himself and was not taking his medication. tonight hearing from the 18-year-old kentucky man accused of going on a multi-state crime spree with his 13-year-old girlfriend who now claims she was pregnant. dalton hayes insists that he did not know his girlfriend's age for a long time. she told him she was 18 he says each showed him her license. when they discovered her real age they went on a run. two weeks alluding authorities
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after being arrested in panama city beach, florida. he was asked if it was worth it? >> it was worth the last 14 days because that's what made me happy spending my time with her. >> hayes says during the trip the 13-year-old told him that she miscared that child. both are facing a long list of charges. the parents of a 5-year-old in the u.k. are outraged tonight and here's why. they got a bill after their son missed a classmate's birthday party. derek nash says his plans on attending the party at the ski resort. it was only after he remembered he had plans. >> and it was an invoice for the party and want the 50 pound 95. and it was proper english.
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even the bank details on it. >> the birthday boy's mother threatened to take nash to court if they do not pay up. saying they should have told her alex was not going to be in attendance. and a new billboard in center city hard to miss. and microsoft found a way to come up with a way to stop annoying phone calls in a movie theater. and traffic starting at 4:30 a.m. on
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i know... this third shift is rough... it's just a few more weeks max! what are you doing up? it's late. i just wanted to have breakast wih you.
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camden is literally wiping unsafe properties off its city map. today the mayor said a few words before the demolition crews tore down an abandon home on lewis street. part of the plan to rid them of 600 properties. first to go in that neighborhood. and time square tonight a xroud -- crowd and 7th and market watched a huge billboard come to life. it is the largest transparent led in the mid-atlantic.
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kwks"the break the biggest online release. and despite the sales, sony says it will struggle to break even on the film. the national release canceled after the diplomatic dispute after the leak and hacking allegedly at the hands of north korea. microsoft came up with a way to make it less annoying when you are sitting in the movies and someone's cell phone goes off. the company calls it inconspicuous mode. and it means that sounds are muted, the screen is faint and no notifications. and microsoft says it can be tailored to specific preferences. and it can check to see if you have purchased tickets for a movie and knows when to go quietkwie
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and live at the big board. >> the flyers won the last five meetings with the and the shot goes in 1-0 flyers. and still thes first, and renaldo leaves his feet. and knocked out of the game and rinaldo is kicked out of the game. and beating emery with the short-handed goal. and the dangerous hit along the boards, and the scorer is a bit hot under the collar. and the first fight of the year. and third period check out chris vandevelde redirecting the puck with the back to the net. excellent and the game tied at
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2-2. and we go to overtime. about a minute left and no one knows where the puck is except giroux. and the flyers won the last six games against the penguins. to basketball the sixers guard sent to california to a specialist. and back to the drawing game following the 35-point loss to washington. and noel pointed to the fact the big men are not getting the ball enough. and he expounded on the thoughts today. >> if the ball is moving and everything is set, it is not really shots, it is more touches. you have to feel like you are in the game. >> that's something he said and, you know, i am not sure that i need to do a better job of getting guys touches. >> i don't even care if they are happy i don't even care. they have to make themselves happy.
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you know, it comes with -- just as a team communicating with the team it is a family. they can figure this out by themselves. adult diapers discovered at practice, a gift for richardson turning 34 today. and they also got him a robe. phillies breaking for what will be a down year but building for the future. and in the trades they picked up young pitching. we caught up with the g.m. in reading. >> i think we're in the situation where i know it's very important for us to try to build as much starting pitching as we possibly could. and frankly, i think most of the guys acquired will land here. and tonight, a crazy ending to a high school basketball game. and at wayne high school in wayne, nebraska. and time running out using every part of the rim. going to overtime.
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and .6 seconds to go and hopkins against steals the inbounds and big news for all of you knew kids on the block fans. ducis stand by. and the boy band heading out this summer. yep they are on the tour may 1 in las vegas. in philadelphia june 19.
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ring ring! progresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ ♪ green giant ♪
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>> some pretty amazing video. a paddle boarder hanging out when he encountered a pod of orcas. and one whale under him twice. and he said he was too excited to be scared by that. unbelievable. >> no, there is always time to be scared. somebody that large going under you. >> if you wet yourself in the water -- >> it will warm you up.
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i wish it would warm up tomorrow, but no the bus stop forecast is dry. there could be sunshine under mostly cloudy skies, but there could also be patchy black ice with some of the moisture out there this evening, especially on some of the sidewalks. walk slowly. 29 at 6:00. 30 degrees at 8:00 in the morning. and then it is a red-light forecast for the evening rush hour. expecting delays with low visibility and snow. and watch the bridges and overpasses. >> thank you for joining us opponent. for the entire "action news" team i'm brian taff. have a great night. see you back here tomorrow night.
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♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time.
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[ siren wailing, indistinct conversations ] do we know anything? oh, no. they're in there now with the doctor. we're lucky, though. the paramedics said it could've been a lot worse. my god how did this even happen? there he is. big day's coming up. what do you want for your birthday, big dog? it's okay. i'm good. come on. the sky's the limit. dream big, my boy. well, i guess i could use a belt. a belt? yeah, you're right. i don't need it. an extension cord works pretty good. phil: every year, luke's birthday falls right around thanksgiving and so it gets lost in the holiday shuffle. yeah, one year we forgot completely and we had to improvise a cake out of stuffing. which, by the way, he was fine with. he's one of those kids you get him a gift and all he wants to do is play with the box. yeah, one year we actually just got him a box --


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