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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 1, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this
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is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> now at 10 o'clock, a call to action in a philadelphia neighborhood after a tragic accident claims the life of a six-year-old boy. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. that little boy was crossing the street after school in nicetown this afternoon when he was hit by a car and killed. >> "eyewitness news" reporter natasha brown spoke with an eyewitness. she is live at the scene where natasha neighbors say something needs to be done in the wake of this accident. >> reporter: absolutely, chris. it has been an emotionally draining day for folks who witnessed this six-year-old little boy struck and killed by this passing motorist along 15th street earlier today. neighbors say this area is usually flooded with children in the afternoons and they want safety measures put in place. a frenzied scene in the 3600 block of 15th street as crews scrambled to free a six-year-old boy struck by a passing car, no one more
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horrified by the scene than a man who tried to save the child. >> i've seen a lot of things. that's going to stick with me. >> reporter: this witness chose not to show his face but the image of the little boy trapped beneath the vehicle brings him to tears. he tried to use a carjack to hoist the car off the boy but had no idea the gravity of his injuries. >> in hindsight now, i didn't know how bad it was, i'm really glad i wasn't able to jack the car up because i'm flustered now, so. >> reporter: yeah. >> if i would have seen more than i seen, that wasn't -- that was nothing for a parent -- that wasn't nothing nobody was to see. >> the child was walking home from school. that's all i know at this point and unfortunately walked between parked vehicles and was struck. >> reporter: the distraught 52-year-old male driver behind the wheel of this buick never left the scene. >> they definitely need crossing guards. long time residents say on any given afternoon the block is filled with kids leaving a nearby charter school. she's calling for more
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crossing guards in the wake of this tragedy. >> as long as i been around here there's never been a crossing guard on none of these corners from erie avenue, from allegheny and they only in front of the schools. >> reporter: well, this is certainly something neighbors say they want to pursue at this point. meantime we can tell you that the child's name has not been released. the driver however was cooperate. >> reporter: police don't believe that drugs, alcohol or speed were factors in this accident. they say this appears to be just a tragic accident at this point. we're live in nicetown tonight, natasha brown, "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly all right, natasha, thank you very much. the director of the secret service julia pearson stepped down today. she resigned amid multiple revelations of white house security breaches bumbling in the agency and eroding confidence following her own testimony before congress. we have learned president obama shared an elevator in atlanta last month with a man who was armed and not authorized to be around the
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president. >> over the last several days we've seen recent and accumulating reports raising questions about the performance of agency and the president concluded that new leadership of that agency was required. >> the interim head of the secret service is this man joseph clancy. he's from philadelphia, a villanova grad who worked as head of security for comcast. he is also the former head of the president's protective detail. >> well, tonight a tragic turn in the mysterious deaths of the ceo of cooper health and his wife. >> the couple died after a fire in their somerset county, new jersey, home on sunday and tonight authorities say that fire was intentionally set. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones is in montgomery township with new information. >> reporter: the fire here was contained to just the upstairs master bedroom and now that we know it was intentionally set, it raises questions as to who set it and why. sunday morning on september 28th there was a fire inside the home of the ceo of cooper university
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hospital. inside 72-year-old ceo john sheridan and his wife, joyce, were found. sheridan was pronounced dead at the scene, his 69-year-old wife died at the hospital a short time later. neighbors i spoke with in this montgomery township neighborhood said they already had their suspicions about the fire. off camera they tell me now that arson is involved they're even more concerned. wednesday we learned the somerset county prosecutor's arson task force ruled the fire was intentionally set. no new details were released and we're still waiting to hear the results of the autopsies and other laboratory tests to learn how the couple may have died. in the meantime cooper university health released this statement saying, "we are saddened and shocked by what has been reported about the death of john sheridan and his wife joyce, their deaths already unbelievably sad are now tragic. our deepest condolences go out to john and joyce's family for their terrible loss ." citing the ongoing investigation authorities declined to comment on camera
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regarding the case. in somerset county, new jersey, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> new at 10 o'clock tonight, pennsylvania has closed portions of the delaware state forest as a result of the manhunt for this man, the accused cop killer eric frein. the gaming commission has also banned hunterring in that area today. officials made the decision after police discovered two pipe bombs in the woods where frein is believed to be hiding in monroe county. he is wanted in last month's deadly ambush at the state police barracks in blooming grove. one trooper was killed that days, another was wounded. >> meanwhile we're learning more tonight about the pennsylvania state trooper killed in an accidental shooting in montgomery county. as "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco tells us, he's remembered for his passion and dream to serve his community. >> reporter: flags fly at half-staff for trooper david kedra the two year veteran from the skippack barracks was killed tuesday during a training exercise at the
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montgomery county public safety training center. >> most days trooper kedra was here well before his shift and his investigations were very thorough. he liked to dig into what he came across and he was very well received. >> he was highly motivated and you could tell that every single day he walked in he was extremely proud to be a pennsylvania state trooper and he showed it. >> reporter: kedra was shot in the chest when sources say another trooper was demonstrate agnew weapon and it accidentally discharged. kedra was flown to temple where hours later a flag draped cass can debt carrying his body was led by police escort. before his family and under the salute of his fellow troopers on its way to the medical examiner's office. >> my prayers are going out to all the troopers across pennsylvania. they've had a very stress pull month now. >> reporter: can kedra had just bought a house in pottstown with his fiancé. he was a graduate of temple university's criminal justice program. while in college, can kedra
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wrote a blog in which he showed his love for the outdoors and described his desire to become a police officer. it was a dream that dated back to the time he was at roman catholic high school. >> he seemed like somebody that was made to serve. he understood the bigger -- that there was a bigger goal in life. >> he would have been a great patrol officer and could have saved lives. >> reporter: state police across the state are now wearing a black band over their badges until kedra is laid to rest. his family has asked for their privacy. at the state police barracks in philadelphia, i'm diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly there are troubling new developments tonight in the ebola out break. >> their questions about why the man diagnosed with the first case of ebola in the united states was not admitted to the hospital earlier. the patient first visited the hospital in dallas on september 26th with a fever and abdominal pains. a nurse using a checklist asked whether he'd traveled from africa.
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he answered yes but he was still released. the cdc says the patient flew from liberia to the u.s. on september 19th. >> regretfully that information was not fully communicated throughout the full team and as a result, the full import that of information wasn't factored into the clinical decision making. >> health officials in north texas are monitoring as many as 18 people who might have had direct contact with that that patient and that includes five children. they have not shown any symptoms of ebola. >> well, the pediatric case of enterovirus has showed up in camden county. officials have not provided details about the seven-year-old citing medical privacy law but officials are urging people to use caution. >> just be mindful of the fact that this virus is easily transmittable especially for infants and right up through teenager. >> there are now seven confirmed cases of entero viruses in new jersey.
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police have now made an arrest in a hit and run that injured a seven-year-old girl. 25-year-old jamar banks turned himself in today. police allege that he hit and dragged allure mclean with his carson night in west philadelphia. she suffered a broken foot and ankle and bruises as well. an eyewitness tracked the car and got its license plate number. banks is facing a number of charges. >> the search is on tonight for the cause of a fire that nearly wiped out an entire block in atlantic city, new jersey. flames broke out on atlantic avenue between pennsylvania and north carolina last night. that fire just a block from the boardwalk engulfed several apartments and businesses. 17 people including children were at home at the time. they did manage to escape. >> hearing the guy say get out, get out, it's a fire, it's a fire. i was like oh, my god. there was nobody walking around here so i decided, you know, to call 911 and get them some help. >> no firefighters or residents were injured. steady winds made those flames
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tough to fight. >> in weather tonight, we have plenty of cloud cover courtesy of an area of low pressure and those clouds continue to filter into the delaware valley. that low is moving away but on the backside we are seeing the clouds keeping temperatures really on the mild side. right now in philadelphia, it's 66, 64 in trenton, away from the clouds, cooler in the poconos at 57 and wilmington checking in at 64. those winds out of the east-northeast and they'll continue to increase during the day tomorrow, so a northerly wind component keeping it cool and keeping it comfortable here's a look at what you'll wake up to in the morning. temperatures basically in the 50's, poconos in the lower 50's. coming up we'll talk about the falling temperatures, a saturday spoiler with our next storm leaving behind an october chill. all coming up with the seven-day later in the broadcast. jess. >> kathy thanks. new at 10 clock, gm says enough parts are available to
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fix faulty ignition in their cars. those switches are blamed for 23 deaths nationwide. gm recalled 2.6 million cars earlier this year to fix faulty ignition switches. only about 1.2 million cars have had repairs so far. a canadian firm has won the bankruptcy court you can for revel in atlantic city. u.s. holdings submitted a winning bid of 110 million dodges the company says it plans to operate the boardwalk property as a casino. >> exciting news. we've had a tough time if you haven't notice in there atlantic city and we're looking for hitting the bottom so we can start moving upward. >> the company that won the bid also owns the hard rock casino in las vegas and atlantic paradise island in the bahamas. coming up on cbs3 tonight at 11:00, an "eyewitness news" i-team exclusive. an intruder creeping in a woman's apartment. >> he went through every drawer.
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he looked under my bed. he left no stone unturned. >> reporter: and he could get in there any time he wanted. i'm charlotte huffman. tonight at 11:00, she says he was stalking her. >> i am extremely paranoid, extremely paranoid. i'm looking over my shoulder. >> reporter: and police say the man responsible was her doorman. the i-team exclusive tonight at 11:00. >> do not miss that story. still to come here at 10 o'clock tonight, protesters filled the streets of hong kong. >> next, the threats demonstrators are now making if regional leaders don't stepdown. >> plus, a man on parole is caught shoplifting on purpose. we'll tell you why he says he was doing it to save his own life. >> and rescuers leap into action to save a puppy covered in toxic t
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>> pennsylvania governor tom corbett took on his democratic challenger tom wolf today right here at cbs broadcast center. the breakfast with the candidates debate was carried live here on the cw philly and on radio on kyw news radio 1060 and the exchanges were often sharp. >> you're accusing me of a criminal act? >> reporter: governor corbett shot back hard when his democratic challenger tom wolf accused him of using bogus numbers to balance the budget. >> last year's budget, the 2013-2014 budget suffered from, what, a 700 million plus
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dollar revenue shortfall so you obviously, you know, cooked the books to make it look like it was balanced but it wasn't. yeah, i mean, it doesn't. >> so, you're accusing me of a criminal act? >> i'm accusing you of overestimating what the revenues were going to be in the last year's budget. we were $700 million short. >> reporter: candidates sparred over who is to blame for the philadelphia school budget crisis. >> services have been cut. i mean, i'm not sure how you can look at what's happened in public education in pennsylvania and say that you've been a friend education, that things are better. they're not. >> the people of pennsylvania and the teachers union of pennsylvania are trying to convince people that i cut education. >> you did. >> i didn't. it was done in the years before. it was replaced with federal money. >> reporter: to raids up to a billion dollars for schools wolf wants to tax natural gas
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drillers a 5 percent severance tax. the governor says he's worried about its effect on the industry. >> it's infancy. you need to allow to it get established so they don't say i'm going back to texas where there's a new gas line that is competing with us here. >> since we have severance tax will not run businesses often of pennsylvania. the gas is here. >> reporter:. >> if you did not get to see this debate this morning, we want to end can courage you to watch it in full. we'll rebroadcast it for you this sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock on our sister station cbs3 or you can watch it online any time. it's on our web site, >> pro-democracy protesters in hong kong issuing an ultimatum as demonstrations continue for a sixth day t aerial video shot from a drone showed thousands gathering in the if this district. student leaders are threatening to occupy key government buildings unless the city's chief executive resigns by tomorrow night. this could lead to another
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confrontation with police. >> well, a bizarre story here from upstate new york. this man intentionally shoplifts from a wegmans store hoping to go back to jail. he says the reason is his leukemia treatments. the man quickly realized after he got out of federal prison on drug charges that he couldn't afford the same cancer treatment outside of prison. >> i didn't want to go back to prison but did i want to die out here? absolutely not. i want to live. >> morocco's plan did not work out. the judge said that the theft did not merit prison time and he was released. >> animal rescue crews save a puppy covered in tar. now, that puppy is okay now but we want to warn you parts of this video are hard to watch. the puppy got stuck in tar that spilled at a construction site in northern india. crews used vegetable oil to loosen that tar. it took about four hours but they were finally able to pull the dog out. it then took several days to remove all of the tar but you
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can see there this puppy is perfectly healthy now and ready for adoption. >> in weather tonight, we are looking at a partly cloudy sky in philadelphia of course. the top of city hall with billy penn atop, just a beautiful evening with temperatures that are in the 60's. down the shore pretty as well but we also have some low clouds to talk about. this is through our skycam3 in atlantic city. temperatures varied today depending on geography. north and west of the city away from cloud cover, we saw high temperatures in the mid to upper 70's. at whitfield elementary school in reading 78 the high. in malvern prep, 76 but look at medford in south jersey and princeton, temperatures in the mid to upper 60's today and those were the highs because of the clouds. on storm scan3 you can see the clouds continue to filter in from philadelphia, its suburbs and to the east. a little sliver of drier air through our northern and western suburbs and then more clouds through lancaster. now this system is going to be moving away but it will keep
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some cloud cover in the region at least through the overnight. i'm going to color this now in black and white and you're going to see a better picture, better resolution. here's all the clouds in that gray color and that's the only sliver of clearing where you see the black, so skies will remain part to mostly cloudy overnight and that means temperatures will stay on the mild side as well. so, there's one benefit. during the day tomorrow we'll be seeing the low push away, the clouds giving way to sunshine. so, a pleasant thursday afternoon. friday dry as well but we're watching this cold front approach. by 5:00 p.m. on friday, it's still dry, so no problems for the evening if you're going out or celebrating the holiday. we are looking at a cold front approaching bringing rain early saturday morning right through the midday period. by noon, seeing the rain beginning to lift toward the north and the east and by 3:00 p.m. p.m. clearing the region but live mega doppler3 that front it is going to be much cooler. right now temperatures mainly in the 60's in the poconos at 57. to the north and to the west.
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in the northern plains temperatures in the 50. this is pretty much where we were with high temperatures today and that cool pool of air is going to move across the midwest tomorrow and be in our neighborhood by sunday. that's when the big changes arrive. overnight partly to mostly cloudy, the low 56 in the city. during the day thursday partly sunny with a cool northerly breeze as high pressure just sits to the north of us. the high temperature going for 72. if you're lucky enough to have a ticket to the eagles game, kickoff time is 1 o'clock on sunday. kickoff temperature only 64 degrees with a northwesterly wind. and on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, you can see friday, 73. saturday, 68 with rain and breezy conditions. and then by sunday, cooler, 63 degrees as well. monday 71 and then slowly warming through the 70's. we want to reminds you that we are 59ing you to join our "eyewitness news" watcher network. if you want to become an eyewitness weather watcher and part of our team go to sign up now at we'll be back with lesley and
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season. compare that to 6 yards last season. he's working with a beatup offensive line. he's put up only 192 yards on the ground he's not letting the stats get in his head. >> i know who i. i'm still confident. i know what i could do. it doesn't really bother me that much. we're winning games, we're three and one. i mean, at times it can be frustrating but at the end of the day i know who i. >> jason kelce is back on his feet after undergoing surgery for a sports hernia. if everything stays on track he hopes to be ready for the caroline panthers game november 10th which is also when guard evan mathis hopes to be back. >> i don't want to get too ahead of myself. right now it's a very active recovery. you're up and moving the day after surgery. we're just trying to get all the swelling, all the inflammation out of the area and as that goes and as it heals then you obviously start lifting weights again, start running again. >> darren sproles named the nfc special teams player of the week for his 82-yard punt return in sunday's game. in week two, he was named the
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offensive player of the week. he is the only player in nfl history to get both awards in the first month of the season. we can five picks back up tomorrow night way big division rivalry in the nfc north thursday night football. the minnesota vikings taking on the green bay packers. you can catch it all on our sister station cbs3. pregame coverage starting at 7:30. and it is time for you to help us pick the game of the week for friday football frenzy. where should beasley go? this week here are the choices bristol at jenkintown, maple shade at pitman and haddon heights at gateway. cast your vote on the audio road show app. tomorrow at 11:00 on our tomorrow at 11:00 on our siste[ male announcer ] automotive innovation starts... sister station cbs3. right here. with a control pad that can read your handwriting, a wide-screen multimedia center, and a head-up display for enhanced driver focus.
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>> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly for kathy, lesley a
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guess what? the money we need to fund our schools lies right underneath your feet. that's right. down in the ground, pennsylvania has deep deposits of natural gas. but because of governor corbett, we're the only state in the country that doesn't make oil and gas companies pay an extraction tax. as governor, i'll make the gas companies pay up to help fund our schools for a change. tom wolf for governor. a fresh start for pennsylvania. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at