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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 17, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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is a police involved shooting after a hit-and-run earlier this morning involving a tractor-trailer that you just saw. we know that one person was air lifted to hahnemann hospital, as a result of what happened there this morning. >> that person's condition right now is unknown >> traffic and weather togetherment let's see if kate is out on the skydeck perhaps. hey, kate, good morning. >> hello, good morning to you, erika. one hour ago, i was out here, still dark out. now, it is a completely different day. we have the sun up. the sun is shining, blue skies, little bit of fog outside. so if you are end countering few pockets of fog outside, there will be some around for the next hour or so try to clear it out. not seeing extense i have fog problems, here and, there otherwise, storm scan3 clear skies for our area rain rape through, lifting portions of
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main, the canadian maritime. for us blue skies, sunshine, temperatures still nice and mile. cold air behind the storm lock up over eastern canada, not going to get here until the storm moves away and that comes for part two of the weekends, meantime pretty comfortable start to the morning, little of a chill in the air out here, might want to grab the jacket. fifty-nine at the airport. fifty-six in trenton. fifty-four allentown, and 51 degrees right now in mount poconoment not too bad. we certainly had colder mornings and we certainly will but today looks great. off degrees by 9:00 a.m. sixty-eight, need the sunglasses at lunchtime, 3:00 p.m., 71, just a fantastic afternoon, but you can see, we are seeing falling temperatures, really as we head through the weekend, into next week, up to 77 on wednesday, and you remember wednesday warm, muggy, rainy, yesterday got to 71, with sunshine returning, today, pretty close to in a number, as womenment tomorrow, looking good, just slightly above average, but then the bottom drops out. sunday temperatures about
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10 degrees below average. toward bermuda, a about to get the brunt of hurricane gonzalo and your seven day forecast. >> traffic on the schuylkill is never easy. even yesterday it was not easy, but we do have stenton the eastbound side of 76, ambulance pulling away now. eastbound schuylkill expressway, right around the area of south street, i step out the way so you can see right around this area here, more emergency personnel right behind that billboard, so, volume obviously continuing to build, and the eastbound side of the schuylkill already delayed barak particular lick from conshohocken down through the vine, expect the two delays to merge with your western suburbs, then all the way beyond center city moving into south philadelphia. we also cents have an accidents on the schuylkill expressway not too far away from 476, on the shoulder for the most part. and penndot is on the scene. but still, folks are just
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slowing down a touch to take a look waist going on. so let me point out red on the map. fifty-nine southbound, drop down to 14 miles per hour primarily between the betsy ross bridge and the vine st. expressway, westbound on the pa turnpike around willow grove delayed, 95, out through to rut one, on the northbound side of 476, traveling about 20 miles per hour, so give yourself more time. watch out for delays on 422, and 20 it, as well. no delays for mass transit. erika? >> tour, thank you. first nurse to contract ebola in the u.s. is waking up in a maryland hospital this morning. >> let's show you overnight video every nina pham arriving by ambulance to the national institutes every health in bethesda, in isolation unit that specializes in treating infectious disease, observe meantime, president obama said he is open to appointing ebola czar to coordinate the fight against the virusment some lawmakers are calling for a travel ban from ebola ravaged countries. the president says he's not ruling it out just yet. but a ban is not a part of the
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counterstrategy. >> i. >> hearing from pham herself for the first time since her diagnosis. pham's position thanked her for being part of the volunteer team that treated eric thomas -- thomas eric duncan, second infected nurse, vincent remains in isolation at atlanta emory hospital. overnight government officials announce third healthcare worker from the dallas hospital at the epi-center of the us ebola crisis is in isolation, on caribbean cruise ship. the state department confirms the woman may have handled lab work, linked to duncan. right now the woman is not showing any signs of infection, she left galveston texas sunday before she could be notified on the cdc updated monitoring requirement. erika. >> children's hospital of philadelphia joins the conversation in the fashion's continued battle against ebola. >> chop agreed to handle any pediatric cases at home and abroad if necessary. nicole brewer joins us over at
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chop with more details on their newly created task force, nicole? >> has has not stopped alcohol from developing internal ebola task force, should the risk become a reality. >> inside the children's hospital of philadelphia, preparations have been made, at staff aim to stay one step ahead of the ebola threat. >> we have been making preparations for ebola since early august. so you have guidance from the cdc for the potential of having to care for pain went suspected or confirmed ebola. >> hospital one of a few in the country designate today handle any possible pediatric cases. from us children evacuate from the west africa, to those who could be diagnosed here in the u.s., with an internal ebola task force in place, chop has instituted a screening protocol to identify at risk patients, tint to employ
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ongoing staff training, on the proper and reliable use of ppe. important information following an incident in dallas texas, in which two nurses cents contracted the disease himself, despairing wearing protective gear while treating ebola patients. >> he had something critical. something that needs to be repeated again and again. so we have developed political significance and procedures around the safe management of a patient with us is expected ' bowl, a work to go educate our staff in the high risk unit that would be caring for them on this procedures. >> now, doctor pham wanted to reassure the public that the ebola outbreak among children here in philadelphia is extremely low. still, it is being treated with the utmost importance, not only here at the hospital, but also by government leaders in fact mayor michael nutter and also governor tom corbett, pennsylvania governor tom corbett both holding press briefings later today on that very topic. for now live outside children's hospital of
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philadelphia, nicole brewer, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> nicole, thank you. meanwhile philadelphia's preparedness in this event of ebola outbreak was top concern for city leaders at a counsel hearing. city firefighters among those at yesterday's meeting. council members got look at the protective suits paramedics and firefighters had been issued. fire officials say they meade federal requirements, but the firefighters union says they are inadequate. >> should bewaring the bod bio hazmat chemical suits. that's what we assumed wrongfully so that the department would be out fill g or members? >> we invite to you stay with "eyewitness news" for continuing coverage of ebola in the u.s. and overseas. we have assemble on line resource guide to help you keep informed. look for it at >> time coming up on 8:08. youngest son of vice president joe biden apologizes for being kicked out of the navy for doing drugs. >> earlier this year, discharge papers for hunter biden after testing positive for cocaine.
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reason for the discharge just became public last night. us officials say the navy never contacted the vice president's office about the incident. >> it was the honor every my life to serve in the u.s. navy. i deeply regret and a.m. embarrass that my actions cents led to my administrative discharge. i respect the navy's december significance with the love and support of my family, i am moving forward. end quote. well, after months of court proceedings, oscar pistorius is about to learn his fate. former olympian seen crying in court this morning as his attorney delivered his final arguments, he asked for mercy telling the court pistorius lost all of his monday any legal fees and his disability should be considered when decide ago sentence. reeva steenkamp wants cents cents jail time. >> happening today, former congress woman gabrielle giffords bringing her message of better gun control here to our area. she is taking part in rounds
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table discussion in bensalem to talk about protecting women from gun violence. >> officials will also be there. earlier this week, giffords launched a new initiative, calling for stronger gun laws. time right now 8:09. and still ahead, fall folliage reaching its peak in the northeast. >> we will take you on road trip to see where tourists are headed. also another reason to cut soda from your diet. one study says soft drinks could take years off your life. >> and, don't look down. why a team of engineers are climbing the famous gateway arch. one man says a spider called under his skin, and lived there for three days.
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stay with us. this is a story that will probably make you cringe if it hasn't already from my words. oh, we'll be back. >> ♪
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how is this for hair raising job? see the limb specs there? on the arch? those are workers working on the outside of the gateway arch in st. louis. they're more than 600 feet above the ground, trying to figure out what's causing stains to form on the monument. in addition to those safety ropes, we're told the workers also used suction cups. so they don't fall off. they are brave, brave workers. whew. well, falling was not a problem for these daredevils
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in china sky divers from 14 countries are competing in the wing suit worlds flying contest. yep. that's the thing. preliminary rounds was held earlier this week. crowds watched from below, as they jump from more than 4500 feet, reaching speeds up to 118 miles an hour. the final round we're told being held on sunday. >> that must have been exhilirating. >> oh, no kidding. so cool. 8:13. we check in with kate. how are are we looking today? >> great day to don your flying suit here, and fly around the area. where you wouldn't want to be doing it in bermuda a take a look, let me step out. live camera we have, southampton, bermuda, a showing the surf look how it is rolling in. looks like condo's, maybe hotel there on the bluff, see how far that surf has already start today move inland, very, very rough surf as hurricane gonzalo approaches bermuda a take a look at the satellite image of gone sole a here. it is a massive storm. very strong category four hurricane. you can sense it might be starting to weaken just little
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bit the lasts couple every frames show the i wall starting to collapse little bit. >> this play wake tone category three before it does make close path to bermuda a that block dot you see there that's just not even fair fight whatsoever. >> this storm is massive. it is cents very strong, very intense. and bermuda of course very mall island. right now the entire islands under hurricane warning. such beautiful place as well. here is the track of gonzaloment closest path probably 50 miles off the western coast of bermuda a it will be weakening category four, strong category three at the time. still category three into tomorrow. then downgraded by tomorrow afternoon to cat two. still very strong storm it, heads up toward the car and yan maritimes. this storm keeping it out to sea, won't impact the coast of the us thankfully, front what impact dollars us wednesday with some pretty steady rain, now moving on out. and we have been clearing, cleared it out yesterday afternoon, today beautiful. and it is casino of a how do i say this is the cold air has not caught up with the front. so the cold air still lock up
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behind the actual center of the storm, front came through, cold front, didn't actually get all that much colder. temperatures still in the 70s, knotts -- not going to get the colds air to dive down until sunday when the main low moves out of the way. so tonight partly cloudy, chilly but not all that cold. fifty-five will be the overnight low. here is your eyewitness seven day forecast, nice and warm here today. tomorrow as well. colds air does finally catch up with here sunday monday. temperatures only in the up ear's, and then looking little miserable by the middle of next week with showers returning. good morning, vittoria. >> good morning, kate. i love how you've been descriptive today. it is going to be miserable, the weekends will be colds. it is cents just -- i just love it. good morning, everyone, because it is so real. you know what the truth is, this is your reality. traveling on the schuylkill expressway, rush hour commute will be get you, especially in the even direction, if you are headed into center city philadelphia. the reason being is rush hour traffic, some sun glare, then also cents we had earlier accident on the eastbound side of 76 right around south street.
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that has been cleared. this is what is lingering behind you. now if you are traveling in the westbound direction, we do have heavy delays from the area of university down through to the vine. you catch a break until you reach the boulevard out through to your western suburbs. the five -- 59 southbound delayed out of the northeast, all the way down through to the vine st. expressway. every lane, through the constructions zones, traveling northbound also bit of slow down through the construction zone as well. pull up the wide. see how we're doing there. if you are traveling on many of our majors, like the schuylkill at ten, 14 on 95, 20 on 476, delays westbound on the pa turnpike, speed censors going to be low, also going to find the usual delays on the 42 and 55 both in the northbound directions, and watch out for accident there is in bucks county pennsylvania avenue, street road, no delays however for mass transit. ukee? >> torrey, thank you. few new details in the death of legendary comedian joan rivers. medical examiner has released findings and said rivers died from low blood oxygen. report also indicates rivers
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was sedated when propofol. the 81 year old died september 4th, 1 week after she went into cardiac arrest during routine medical procedure at manhattan clinic. >> on the health watch this mornings, limiting urine take of sugary sodas could help you live longer. that's according to new study published in the american journal of public health. researchers at the university of california san francisco found sugar sweetened sodas accelerate cell aging and could strain the body's metabolism. study analyzed data from 5300 people. well, experts now say gradual weight loss is no better than rapid weight loss when it comes to long-term weight control. australian study finds both groups of diet remembers likely to regain most of the weight they lost. but there is an interesting short-term difference, more dieters in the rapid weight loss program achieved their weight loss targets. >> australian scientists are debunking the story of man who claimed spider got into his skin. so the big question now is
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what was it? dillan maxwell said he was visiting bally when he noticed what he thought was scratch about inch long. doctor told him it was cents a small insect bite. but then maxwell says that trail kept on growing up his chest. >> very hot searing burning sensation, like nothing i have felt before. >> oh, whatever it was a doctor did remove it. at least one expert says that they think it might have been a mite. but that's something serious to cause that casino of damage to your skin. >> i can't believe it. i can't believe it. >> and waiting three days? >> i know. >> burning sensation mark? i would be seeing a doctor. >> that is something pepto can't handle. hey, coming right back with fall foliage, and where the leave peeping is big bususiness. >> those leave peepers. first what's coming up the tonight on the "cw philly".
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>> oh, i think those leaves are falling for you at home. a lot of leaves changing, right now not looking at any. but on the right there, little yellow leaves. learning with the idea of turning red? >> get out, check out those fall colors. >> beautiful. >> beautiful right there. time of the year again fall of course in full swing with colors, just bursting all over
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the area. cbs news correspondent chip read heads to vermont to get closer look. >> traveled tougher month from their home in southern california to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. >> so it is worth coming 3,000 miles? to see this? >> absolutely. >> more than three and a half million tourists cents come to vermont each fall, to see, and photograph, the explosion of color. >> so, what exactly is your nickname this time of year? >> well, i'm the chief foliage forecaster for the state of vermont you. >> say that with great pride. >> i sure do. >> mike snyder's official title commissioner of vermont's department of forest, parks, and recreation. >> having good colorful season is big business in vermont. you bet, it is the scenic backdrop to $460 million tourist influx in the fall of the year. >> i'm using now diameter tape. >> snyder has team of forest ers, who monitor the health of
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the trees all year long, using aerial mapping, hands on inspection to keep close watch on insects and disease. >> this year the colors more vibrant than in years. >> best way to see the leaves, head to one of vermont many ski resorts, hop on gone dole, a take in birds' eye view. >> star of the show, the flamboyant sugar maple. so a sugar maple leaf turns from this to this why? >> it is preparing for winter. >> in fact, the yellow, orange, red pigments have been there all along, but it is only when the days shorten, and the leaves stop producing green color owe fill, that they reveal their hidden beauty. >> when you're wacking through the woods, through these leaves, how would you describe your mindset? >> calming. >> enjoying the serenity of it. >> serenity of vermont's magical collars, putting
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millions of visitors under their spell. chip reid cbs news, killing ton, vermont. >> absolutely beautiful. >> i love this time of year just for that reason, crisp start walking out in the park maybe. little crunch. >> no question. i used to take pictures when i was young nerve high school. used to do that. >> were you a leaf peeper? >> i was a peeper, around the house, around the neighborhood. >> just the leafs. >> yes. >> we're going to take a short break. you're watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly".
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>> good morning, i'm ukee washington, update on breaking news we've been following this morning. police involved shooting in norristown montgomery county. "eyewitness news" has learned, it all started with reports of a tractor-trailer smashing into parked cars near main and markley streets, about 11:00 last night. police gave chase. when the driver did not stop, shot the truck driver in the arm. that driver is at hahnemann hospital we're told. live report from our nicole brewer coming up in a few minutes on the "cw philly". right now, let's get your forecast this friday with kate in the weather center good morning, everyone, happy friday. we made it through a nice long week. we had some rain in the middle of the week. now looking at beautiful conditions to finish out the work week and welcome in the weaken. today mostly sunny, really
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nice day, 71 degrees the daytime high. not too hot. no too cool. perfect day to be outside, maybe get run in or take nice long walk, get out for your lunch break. tonight partly cloudy, cool, a 5 degrees, and your eyewitness weather seven day forecast, nice long stretch of sunshine, friday right through monday, but notice the drop in temperature. sunday just 57 degrees, monday, only 58. you'll need to bundle up both of the days specially in the mornings, then showers return to the area by tuesday. morning, is vittoria. >> morning, just brace yourself for a rush hour, so, that means, when you are headed out this morning, whether you are headed to work or school, you are going to be sitting in some traffic, so fill up at the pump. maybe snack a pack in the car, pack your shades. sun glare affecting your rush hour commute, as well. even side the schuylkill expressway making your way into center city which is slow. southbound 95 out of the northeast down through to the vine st. expressway, slow down in speed censors, all over, just dropping. twelve on 95, same on the schuylkill, 26 on 476, no delays for mass transit.
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>> next update is at 8: 55. up next on cbs this morning, how the government's response to the ebola crisis may affect this year's election. we're on the "cw philly" on th parents being targeted? >> there is no question that
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the families are going to be prosecuted criminally. >> while germany is notoriously hard on families who choose to teach their children at home... >> they want to have more control over parents. >> ...americans have always felt it can't happen here. dale hurd investigates recent developments that have american home-schoolers fearing the worst.
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live look right now from our roof camera. just beautiful start to your day right now. nice robin egg blue kind of sky, sun's out, kate's in for katie with your forecast coming up in a couple every minutes. >> traffic showing the schuylkill expressway, torsi
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in the house, will join us with a check of all of the roads on your friday, we do traffic and weather together and that's coming up in just a few minutes. matter of fact, how about few second? one, two, let's do it right now. nice day ahead, temperatures in the 70s outside this afternoon, which is actually above average for this time of the year. normally we are in the low or upper 60s, 67, is all tiely the normal this time of year. today few degrees above average. full of of sunshine, winds out of the west, sunrise 7:13. that already happened. the sun shining brightly. sun goes down tonight, 6:19. partly cloudy, cool otherwise, 55 degrees. your eyewitness weather seven day forecast, again, keeps the sun around through the next several days, but it is going to feel little chilly by part two of the weekend, looking at just 57 degrees on sunday, and 58 degrees, on monday. tuesday, we're at 62, clouds, and couple of showers, and the showers hang around into wednesday, and even thursday
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live picture, beautiful day starting the morning with a walk on the sand. here's our live neighborhood network, beach patrol headquarters in margate. doesn't it look lovely this morning? see how the shades are -- roads are shaping up. >> good morning, the roads are not great. i'm just going to be real with you, because if you are headed out right now, you will definitely need to prepare yourself. schuylkill expressway, one of the heaviest delays, traveling on 76, eastbound direction, that would be this direction right here, making your way into center city. speed censors are dropping, not only around center city philadelphia, even moving into south philadelphia, it is also within your western suburbs. as we take a look at 95, 95, also slow point, out of the northeast down through to the vine st. expressway. pull up the wide, speed censors all over the place are going to be very, very low. thirteen on 95, 15 on the schuylkill, 28 traveling 476, both northbound and southbound
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you will find delays between 95 and media swarthmore. if you are traveling on 422 eastbound, delayed out of royersford down to 202, westbound on the pa turnpike slow down out of the area of willow grove through to mid-county. it breaks but it is still slow. and also watch out for accident in bucks county at pennsylvania avenue at street road no delays however for mass transit. and things at the airport look fine if you are flying out this weekend. >> thank you, in the news president obama said he may appoint an ebola czar to head the administration response to the virus. meanwhile first dallas nurse diagnosed with the disease now getting specialized treatment at a hospital near washington. michael bert is in bassett did a maryland with more. >> twenty-six year old nina pham wearing protective gear from head to towed was helped into an ambulance and taken to the national institutes of health in bet cast to continue treatment for ' bowl a. >> hours earlier, the nurse turned patient, fought back tears, as she thanked the medical staff who treated her at texas health presbyterian
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hospital. >> pham diagnosissed when ebola after caring for thomas eric duncan, who died of the disease, last week. some nurses cents at texas health maintain the hospital was not prepared to deal with the virus. >> i saw a chaotic scene it wasn't organized or safe. >> the hospital defended its procedures yet again saying it followed the frequently changing guidelines and recommendations. officials at texas health had pham transferred here to nih. with 57 employees being monitored for ebola symptoms, there were concerns the hospital had become overwelmed. lawmakers from both parties are now calling on president obama to impose ban on travel from west africa. the epi-center of the outbreak >> travel ban lessee negative than the measures we currently institute. >> in the u.s. five major airports now screening passengers arrived from west
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africa. that will effort to stop ebola from spreading here at home. michael bert for "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". and right now, people who may have been exposed to ebola are being quarantined for 21 days, but a drexel university professor says that may not be long enough. he tells "eyewitness news", his research shows some people could still get sick from the virus, and expos others after 21 days. >> i found 21 day incubation time would still leave probability between .1 and 12% of somebody becoming ill subsequent to the 21 days. so it certainly doesn't protect against all risk, and there may in fact be a substantial risk resulting if people are released after two is days. >> now, "eyewitness news" reached out to the centers for disease control, and they told us the three week incubation periods is based on their own research. happening today, delaware bankruptcy judge could decide the fate of trump taj mahal in
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atlantic city. wants the judge to cancel the union's contract. it claims the company can't survive with pension and healthcare obligations cents. if the judge rules against trump entertainment resorts the company could close the casino on november 13th. over at sugarhouse casino they're getting ready to expand. twenty-four new pokers tables will arrive this morning at the casino for philadelphia's first poker room. they are going in an interim room that's supposed to open next month while the permanent poker room is being built. our time is 8: 35, how would you like to get starbucks coffee for free every day? well, you will soon have your chance. >> coffee chain announced new program it is called starbucks for life. it comes this december. customers will be able to winfrey cup of joe or food item every day for the next 30 years, once again that promotion starts in decemberment don't know much more about how you enter, details for you though as they
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release them. great deal. >> that's pretty good. a lot of folks will take up on that. no doubt. >> still ahead, help for all of the high school students applying for college. >> attention high school seniors. i've got some much download apps, must visit websites to help with the college admissions process. i'm kara tsuboi, that coming up in the tech minute. >> and also ahead, st. vincent is a new movie starring bill murray and philadelphia's own jaden, and jade send in our studios to talk about it along with the writer and director of this very touching and moving film. when we come back. >> ♪ >> oh, you better treasure these temperatures today. we have big slide on the thermometer. kate lets us know when you need to bundle up.
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that's coming up. right now, showing little bruno mars. >> ♪
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>> hit-and-run crash. >> jan carabeo joins us at police headquarters, you gist spoke to the chief. what did he have to say, jan? >> reporter: err cake, ukee, i just spoke with the police chief here at norristown, he was cents able to answer a lot of questions. he said it actually started as is a call for a report of a driver, a tractor-trailer driver, driving irradically, speeding, hitting number of park cars, this then turned into a police chase, down a deadened street as the driver then crashed through a guardrail, ending up on busy markley street, where it all ended with police opening fire. if you take a look at the video, you can see where this ended. this is at the intersection of
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markley, west main streets in norristown. police say this all happened just after 11:00 last night. police spotted the erratic truck driver on swede street, where we're told he hit at least three parked cars, the chase then took them down lafayette. that of course is a deadened street. so the driver, police say, had to make his way through a guardrail, and onto markley street, police surrounded his truck, and then the driver they say put up his hand, as if to surrender. then police say, he put his hands back down, on the wheel, and started to drive at police. that's when officers, one of them, opened fire, hitting the truck, three times, and hitting the driver, however, just once in the arm. he was arrested and taken to the hospital. but the chief says this could have ended a whole lot worse. take a listen. >> we had other reports from people that weren't struck but said this guy went by us at high rate of speed nearly clipped us while we were where we were. and, you know, we are lucky
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that this isn't a bigger tragedy than it already is. >> now police have not yet identified this tractor-trailer driver, they only say he is 46 years old, from new jersey, they've not yet been able to get in contact with his family. that's why they are withholding his identity right now. charges are pending and looking into whether any illegal substances could have played a role in his irradic driving. the d.a.'s office is taking review of this police involved shooting as is protocol for all of these types of shootings. reporting live in norristown, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> takes you back, choosing the right college can be daunting task for many high school seniors. >> don't worry, we have you covered. >> kara tsuboi shows you how high tech tiles could help get things started. >> thousands of colleges, universities, in the united stay. how do you find one that's
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right for you. website admittedly, narrow down the possible by putting series of questions for the best matches. find admissions cents information about the school and your chances of getting in. link in the also has set of tools aimed at high school students to help them choose the right school to set them up for good jobs in the future. using the university outcome ranking feature, students can search by desired career and see which schools produce the most and best graduates in that field. once student has short list every schools time to plan the campus visits, free app quad to quad gives all of the pertinent tour information, and finally the free scholarship advisor app can help student find millions of dollars in scholarship money for college all in one place. in san francisco, kara tsuboi, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> coming up on 843 only thing better than a friday is friday with trivia. >> does it get any better than
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this? i'm such a trivia geek. i would play trivial pursuit for hours. let's take a look at werth trivia for today. iso bars are lines of constant what? humidity, temperature pressure, on wind speeds. erika von tiehl? >> over here, pressure, c. >> nice. she had her hand up, me, me, me. >> so rare i know the answer. >> awesome, good job. >> she almost jumped out of her chair she new the answer. >> rare moment. witness every three months. >> then iso term for temperature, iso height for humidity. let's move on. let's look at the tropical satellite. we have serious actually got to switch gears, hurricane gonzalo headed toward burr meade a. you can see how tiny bermuda is, little dot right there. lock at the size of gonzalo as it heads toward bermuda a not good scenario there. this is very strong hurricane, still category four, hurricane warnings in effect for bermuda
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as the storm bears down the outer bands already reaching the islands right now. again, winds, sustained at 130 miles per hour, gust toss 160 miles per hour, it will be weakening, as it moves past bermuda, a still expect an extended period of hurricane force winds, and the threat for very dangerous storm surge n our area, we are clearing out, after that front, that one that came through wednesday, now that's moving on out of here. and as we take a look at temperatures, looking at 60, climbed back up, in the itsy, 56 degrees in trenton, it is 55 in wilmington, and 55 degrees in millville, as well. let's take quick look what we can expect, we move through the day, our day planner looks fantastic. just few clouds at 9:00 a.m. 06 degrees. by noon, at 68. need the sunglasses cents for lunch time. by 3:00 p.m., 71 just fantastic afternoon outside. no problems if you're out and about today. i'll have final look at your seven day forecast coming up in just a few minutes. for now we check in on traffic with vittoria. >> thank you, good morning, everyone, i'm sure fewer of you out there waiting for
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those speed censors to drop back up. seeing delays on the schuylkill, 95, vine st. expressway, 476, all over the map. take a look at the map in just a second, but first we talk about the ben franklin bridge, travel from new jersey, making your way into philadelphia, it is not awful right as you start, but as you approach the mid-span where you hit pocket down toward eighth and vine. then once you get there, definitely going to find some delays on 95, making your way into center city. take a look at 422, not awful. but you are going to see some eastbound traffic, making your way around oaks down toward 202. looks like it is breaking a bit. but still going to see slow down, like slow downs on the schuylkill, 11 on 95, 55 traveling on 476. no major problems there. westbound on the pa turnpike, do have some volume out of the area willow grove through to the mid-county toll plaza, if you are traveling, at this intersection, at ren kerr road at hoffman ville road, that's mouthful, we do have accident there. try to avoid that if you k and traveling in new jersey, well, 42 freeway northbound seeing
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slow downs, approach the area of the walt whitman bridge out of 295, northbound five, a watch for delays approaching the 42, 295, not awful, in the green, even better no delays for mass transit or if you are headed at the airport. ukee? >> torrey, thanks so much. looking for fun family fill tomorrow check out this weekend? got one for you. how about st. vincent? story of young boy who develops rather unusual yet fulfilling relationship with how shall i say the old dude next-door? >> can i use your phone? >> my house? >> i can do $11 now. >> here is a dime. call your mom. >> here. >> call collect. >> bill murray plays the old dude named vincent young fellow oliver, played by philadelphia's own jaden, accompanied by just a wonderful cast including melissa mccarthy, naomi watts, chris o dowd and philly terrence howard.
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inspired by emotional and live changing moment, in the writer director's life. with that being said, let's say hello to the writer director, our native son, jaden. hey, gang, good to see you. young man, where in philly are you from? how did you get into acing? >> i lived all over south philly. >> all over south philly, okay. how did you get interested in the industry? >> well, i moved to la, and i was never thinking about acting in philly. i just watched movie. but i never started doing any movies. but then in l.a. there is a lot of, you know, actors. >> yes, sir. >> and so they told me to try out. >> you got the bug and the rest is history. >> this story has some background, has some roots. tell us about that as far as the foundation of the fill until. >> based on true story, eight years ago my old he is brother passed away, my wife and i adopted his daughter, put her into catholic school, she gets homework assignment, find
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modern day saint that inspires you, find someone in your real life. and she chose chose me. >> wow. >> that was the beginning of -- >> that's fantasticment and then the film it is bill murray. young man, i grew up watching that, watching that guy. here you are working side by side. you too, watch ghost busters, right. >> yes. >> tell me you what learned from him if anything at all? because you guys had great relationship on camera, i'm sure the same off camera. >> well, you no, ma'am, we got paid to act, so -- >> you got paid to act. listen to him. look at you. >> just kidding. you know,'s really great. he is really nice and super funny, one of the best comedians ever. and, you know, he told me to loosen up, and have fun. >> and teddy understand bill some people tell me that he is a saint himself. for you, tell me about bill. and what he means to the industry and young people like this and how difficult was it to get him? he doesn't do too much now. >> it is impossible cents to
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get bill. he doesn't have manager, he only has 1800 number. so you call and leave messages, if he calls you back, he calls you back. that's how it is. >> wow. >> he is like one of the most giving guys i've ever met. i mean, he taught me so much, taught jaden so much. one day we couldn't find him onset. he was lost. waist cents in a army navy recruiting center giving autographs to veterans. >> my man. how about that? if he is a saint, this young man must be an angel. you like that one? i'm serious. did you great job. tell me, when you were looking for his part, were you looking for an actor first or kid first and why? >> we went to 1600 kids to try to find ted. looking for a kid because most actors can be too cytisi, too pre cautious, and jade send just the real deal. >> where does that come from young man? what do you think? what do you like about the industry so much? >> well, the industry, well, you know, it is mostly about
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the acting, more about who you are and in the movie, i wanted to be oliver, but not -- well, i didn't want to be someone who is playing oliver. >> in a reminds me of the message. tell me about the message as far as discovering someone, see people in a different light? >> the message is like i want everyone -- everyone has value. and when we forget that people have value, because we put judgement on them, here is a movie where single mom, lady of the night, adopted kids, all have a value. they all learn their value over time through each other. >> and i saw a cat in the film. i understanded bill murray is allergic to cats. how doses that go? >> i am too. >> are you too? >> every someone allergic to cats. i don't know, just loved this cat. we couldn't say no. we tried dogs, but the cat was better. >> such moving scene at the very end of the movie. i would tell but it but i want
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you to go see it. it moved me. i'll tell that you right now. excellent job. thank you both. appreciate t keep doing your thing. stay right, there the film has wonderful messages throughout its 102 minute, and it is rated pg13. saint vincent in theatre in our area right now. we'll be right back. hope you get to see it. be ri
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>> there is no question that the families are going to be prosecuted criminally. >> while germany is notoriously hard on families who choose to teach their children at home... >> they want to have more control over parents. >> ...americans have always felt it can't happen here. dale hurd investigates recent developments that have american home-schoolers fearing the worst.
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>> pint solve golfer is back, callen, from allentown, it sounds like he has new favorite day. >> hey, it is friday, so grab your clubs and grab your balls, call your friends, you better kick them, if you got plans, you better break them. work or school? not me either. calling out sick i got golf fever. hey, let me hear you say, it's golf friday. >> we caught up with the man last year on hump day. he even kick up with nicki b to throw down a wrap for his favorite news team. >> i'm no rapper or so i've been told i can't keep up with this six year old. >> what's that nicki b, i'm caleb c, shout out to everybody watching it. v cbs-3. >> hey, everybody say hey. >> oh, that's great. >> nicely done. it is friday. thanks so much for watching
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"eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". don't forget for more local news weather traffic and sports always on for you at >> check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. we'll get one more check on your traffic and weather together. we'll be right back. the smartest or nothing. the quietest or nothing. the sleekest... ...sexiest, ...baddest, ...safest, ...tightest, ...quickest, ...harshest... ...or nothing. at mercedes-benz, we do things one way or we don't do them at all. introducing the all-new c-class. the best or nothing.
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this is just into "eyewitness news", police hoping that you can help them identify a suspect, they were caught on camera, robbing a woman in broad daylight. here's that video. this is from october 9th. the suspect, right, there robbed a 56 year old woman at the atm at fourth and market streets in old city. the man pretended he had a gun. he is described as a white male about 5-foot eight wearing blue shirt with yellow writing on it. if you recognize that suspect, again, he is it still on the screen, you're asked to contact police immediately. >> friday, hoping for good forecast for today and the weaken. >> it is looking beautiful. lots of sunshine out there today, temperatures low 70s, and it will stay sunny through the weaken, although notice
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pretty drastic drop in temperature, today, mostly sunny again, 71 degrees, for tonight, down to 55, and partly cloudy, another cool night for us. not all that cold. cold comes in sunday into monday. take a look at the seven day. tomorrow looks good. 69 degrees. little cooler, and then it will turn colder late tomorrow night. sunday's high just 57 degrees. and monday looking at 58, some sun, cool, on monday, start the day off in some spots in the 30's, then showers return to the area by tuesday and wednesday. good morning, vittoria. >> good morning, kate, everyone, sun glare as well as the rush will set you back. good news is that we're pretty low on incidence, when it comes to the majors, looking at the schuylkill expressway, 76 westbound, as you approach city avenue. you will be jam. really slow from montgomery drive out to the western suburbs see the sun glare in the shot. as we take a look at the wide. at 13 miles per hour, if you are traveling on 95, the highest volume out of the northeast, down through to the vine st. expressway, delays on the vine once you get there primarily around broad and the schuylkill, five a your
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average traveling on the southbound side of the blue route, northbound seeing delays still around route one. westbound on the pa turnpike also little traffic out of willow grove making your way down toward the mid-county toll plaza, but no delays for mass transit. erika? >> thank you, torrey, that's "eyewitness news" for now, talk philly coming up at noon. i'm
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9:00 am
>> gordon: is the government coming for your children? it is already happening. here is why... >> they want to have more control over parents. >> gordon: author stormy omattian joins us live. and then a supernatural healing on today's "700 club." >> the lord is very good. [applause] >> gordon: welcome to "the 700 club." a battle over religious freedom. pastors in houston have taken a stand after the city subpoenaed their sermons. >> terry: it is all part of a battle over a city ordinance on gay rights. houston has backed down somewhat, and now the pastors are getting some help from one of the top


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