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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 20, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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in that area. >> we also cents have numerous marks, and people's doors, window frames. >> northerly no one else was hurt. no description of the suspect at this time. but police are checking surveillance video in the neighborhood looking for clues. >> new this morning, police looking for the suspect wanted for two separate 7-eleven robberies overnight. >> first happened port richmond, investigators say male suspect in his 20's, robbed the store, at gunpoint, and got a which with about $60. luckily, no injured were reported. and another 7-eleven held up. this time, in holmesburg. police responded to the scene near frankford and academy. officials say a man armed with handgun, walks not store wearing hoodie and a bandana on his face around 4:00 this morning. >> more breaking news, searching forearmed man who
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fired shot inside the rite aid pharmacy in ambler, montgomery county. then got away with unknown number of oxycontin pills. it happened about 5:00 o'clock this morning, no one was injured, and investigators say the suspect is about 5 feet tall and wearing a hoodie, southbound, bethlehem pike. >> local college students are targeted in a home invasion robbery. >> police looking for two suspects armed with handguns. >> jan carabeo live near temple university with more on the search for the gunmen, january? >> good morning, just able to speak with temple university students as they head to their 8:00 classes cents. they new exactly the story we were doing, they all got temple university alerts about the robbery last night. they say they're scared, about what happened, and are going to be more aware of their surroundings from here on out. in the meantime, police looking for two suspect they say tied up group of temple university students, and robbed them at gunpoint. it all happened at off campus
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housing, in 1900 block of north 18th street, the video you're looking at right now, all apartment 8:30 sunday night, two men with guns entered this home and tied up six people inside. investigators say, one of the students was also pistol whipped. the university sent out alert about the incident and asked student don't avoid the area. school officials are also asking anyone with information to call police. unfortunately, there is cents no detailed description of the suspect. only, that there are two men in their 20's, one facial hair, and wearing bucks county community college sweatshirt medics on scene last night, told no one had to be taken to the hospital. it is still unclear this morning how much was taken from the student. we continue to bring you updates as soon as we get them, for now live at temple university, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly".
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>> we are going to be finding temperatures warming up. so if you stay there long enough, eventually, it will be comfortable enough to get out of bed. but if you have to get out before that, i would suggest that you try and find heater someplace. we've got cold temperatures, 41, in philadelphia, 34, though, in trenton, 41 wilmington 36 in reading, if 3 degrees atlantic city this morning, now it is just above the freezing mark in pottstown, and at the freezing mark at 32, 32 quakertown, doylestown, still below freezing though at 31 mt. holly 33, willow grove, toasty 38 degrees. the first frost, well, we have seen it in some locations cents and it is right on schedule. so expect to find that, now, we've not seen it really too far along the shore line of course you could be finding some frost there, by early november. that is the usual time that that happens. storm scan3, we are not looking at any problems at all, we've got clear skies, few clouds maybe moving in, as we go through the day, otherwise, one more dry day today.
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we start to pick up some on-off shower chances going through the mid week time period. but we clear out, in time for the weekend, the way things are right now. this computer model says few clouds later this afternoon, and we will keep maybe light shower chance, even first thing overnight, but otherwise it, looks like it is sun, clouds, it is a chance of a shower on tuesday, and keeping the chance also around for us, over the next couple of days after that beaten of the week, though, doesn't look all that bad. temperatures by tomorrow, morning, jessica, 50 degrees, will feel a lot better. >> live video of accident, pretty fatale accident naught bensalem. you can see, a tractor-trailer involved. police activity on the scene. that's involving road closures here, that's state road completely closed between street road and dunks ferry road. head over to the map, show you alternates we take here, to get around the clean up an investigation for that crash, take bristol pike route
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three head over to the ben franklin bridge, which is actually moving along pretty slowly from the jersey side, so from the toll plaza here headed westbound, up into the city, also losing out one lane due to ongoing construction, and this is a combination of that rush hour volume, as well. over on the schuylkill expressway, pretty much the same story, pretty much jammed up for the pre dominant part of the morning here, headed westbound, toward the king of prussia area, see moving along real slowly and having big jam from montgomery into belmont. back to you. >> jess, police in delaware county hope surveillance video will them they finds two thieves. >> "eyewitness news" reporter, showing you how they pulled it off. >> police say the gunman new exactly where to go to rob thousands of dollars from chickie's and pete's crab house and sports bar in drexel hill. watch, as is two gunmen, one dress in the what appears to be chicky and eight piece's sweatshirt slip into the side door then barge into manager's offers. police say one held her at gunpoint, demanding money from the safe. while the other takes a three
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other prep staff members, then the same manager, locks them all in the freeze egg. investigators say the duo took off with thousands of dollars in night receipts, but managers say they feel blessed nobody found seriously hard. >> money means nothing. everybody's safe. that's the important thing. >> shortly after, staff was found by a kitchen manager, and released from the freezer >> a lot of gray employees, best staff in all of delaware county. >> in fact, if you dine at chickie's and pete's' now customers say you wouldn't guess there was arm robbery. >> perfectly normal. as is if nothing happened. >> but the search on for these two mask men, and police are seeking any clues to aid them in their investigation searching through that we just showed you as well as video they collect from the other nearby businesses cents. we bring you more information, as soon as weigert it. for now we're in drexel hill,
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noel mclaren, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> police area hearing scheduled for philadelphia firefighter and his girlfriend. michael lawson and sada greenlee, facing conspiracy assault charges stemming from domestic indense. prosecutors say the ex-wife is eight months pregnant. and, philadelphia police officer kenneth allen is also due in court this morning to face domestic violence charges. pros cents cute ers say allen attacked his girlfriends who is also a city cop. he was arrested october 3rd, then re arrested two weeks later for violating protection of abuse order. allen is currently suspended from the department with the intent to dismiss. new laws go into effect today relaxing the punishment for some marijuana possession in philadelphia. >> police will now issue 25-dollar fine to anyone caught with less than an ounce of marijuana. someone caught smoking pot in public will get 100-dollar fine, up to nine hours of community service.
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officials say the new policy does not legalize marijuana use or possession, but allows law enforcement to focus on more serious offenses cents. the world health organization has reported the ebola virus now contained in nigeria. >> this is welcome news, as the mandatory quarantine lifted for those who came in contact with the first ebola patient diagnosed here in the u.s. as is susan macinnis reports, hundreds cents every people in the u.s. still being monitored for symptoms. >> the confinement is over for the fiancee of duncan, liberian man, the first person diagnosissed when ebola in the u.s. louise tro and three family members are now free after being kept under armed guard in quarantine for 21 days. duncan was staying at tro's apartment when he first started showing symptoms of the virus. ebola is also no longer a threat for 44 others who had some contact with duncan. >> been very difficult. you know, you have got this
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uncertainty hanging over your head. >> cdc is monitoring about 400 people for ebola symptoms nationwide. us continues to ramp up its response to ebola. on sunday the pentagon announced the formation after special military support team to assist civilian medical staff here in the u.s. the cdc is also finalizing new safety protocols for healthcare workers. >> going to be much more stringent. >> in the sense of instructions, about what you really need to do. >> the new guidelines are expected to set firm standards, including full body suits, hoods, that protect workers next, along with rigorous new rules for removal of equipment, dis infection, supervision. two nurses who contracted ebola while caring for thomas duncan are in stable condition. susan macinnis, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". time right now 8:09. and we've all heard of bedside main or. some doctors these days are practicing what you might call web side manor. >> coming up next on the "cw philly", how on line visits
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are becoming the new house call. and we'll have this. >> minus 2 degrees mark. >> weather report? >> confused for a second. >> was cents there a bee? no, a dog. see the shelter dog who stole the show. when we come right back. i think carol's going to like this one. >> yes, we'll be back. >> ♪ we're all part of the cool kids this morning, great fall temperatures, really, sneaking up us on so earl. >> i we know it is fall of course, but this will hit you in the face when you walk outside. definitely chillier, if you're standing outside, maybe kids on the bus stop, if you have to wait for train, or bus, you will want to bundle up. you'll definitely feel t we'll be right back. >> ♪
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and i started going down a whole other road that was destined for destruction. i knew that that wasn't what i was supposed to be. everything about who i was changed.
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the word of god completely changed who i am and identified who i am. the lord is the love of my life. he took what was broken and made it whole. and he never gives up. and it doesn't matter if everyone else does, he
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the video has a lot of people talking, once a week, canadian weathercaster bridges a doing to help with the forecast. >> now there is dog was no help. >> current temperatures goss jasper minus 2 degrees mark, minus three -- no. minus three cranberry with temperature -- >> oh, playful pup there. global news weather specialist mike had little trouble with ripple. that's the one year old shepherd massive cross. since airing, that video has gone viral. many people showing increased interest in adopting not just dogs, but also ripple right there. hopefully someone with a nice big backyard. >> hey, 'd plan all along. >> did you know it? now everyone wants to adopt her. smart dog, oh, as big as the
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weathercaster. >> let's talk to our resident weather cast or. >> that dogs needs little ex err -- little ex err seize and a lot of love and having good time on the air. we should value weather dogs in our studio, hint hundred. let's see what we have out here, other than cold temperatures, 41 degrees in philadelphia, 34 in trenton, 41 in wilmington, still 36 up in reading. cold air out here, 31 doylestown, quakertown, pottstown, both 32 degrees. >> frost advisory, frees warnings, all expired. storm scan3 looking at my vest nice, don't anticipate any showers. but boy these temperature drop. gray days wednesday through saturday in the 70s, yes, little too windy saturday. but who is change? okay, i am. felt really cold yesterday, and that set us up for what we are are dealing with now, and that is a cold morning
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afternoon not bad, mixture of clouds, winds come up from the southwest, that's definitely going to be warming us up. >> temperatures will be around 50 degrees much better start tomorrow morning, clouds will be thicken up out there chance of shower on tuesday, might find another one on wednesday and thursday. but after that, high pressure comes in. we get rid of the low pressure system, that bring in even chances of showers, on that tuesday through thursday timetable. and we look at some sunshine, as is we look forward to another weekend, which is -- which seems to be just the order of life. >> jest, a how are you roads? >> always looking forward to the weekends, thank up, carol. actually we go outside, show you some video we recorded earlier this morning. from chopper three scene of faith al accident out in bensalem. state road completely closed between street road and downs berry road. you can see, police activity on the scene, tractor-trailer
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involved. another car involved, so road closure there. actually going over to the maps. so we can show you the alternates, see what we are dealing with, again ben psalm, team street road and dunks gerry road. alternate to get around the mess and clean up for the meantime bristol pike. elsewhere on the vine st. expressway, crash right hands shoulder, eastbound approaching 95. so not whole lot of traffic actually hitting this area as of yet. see everybody having to squeeze on by to the left-hand side. otherwise, another accident, actually out on the pa turnpike eastbound downingtown blocking out left lane there, out in 309, on 309, excuse me, the expressway southbound, norristown road spring house road an accident there on the shoulder. back to you. >> jess, on your health watch this morning, parents often make mistakes when it comes to giving their children medicine. that's according to new study. >> yes, researchers at nationwide children's hospital say tens of thousands of kids are given either the wrong medicine, or incorrect dosage.
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doctors say the most common mistakes are made with painkillers and fever reduce ers. experts say one child is affected every eight minutes. >> digital doctors give whole new meaning to the term house call. >> more and more patients using technology to help them reach their doctors not at physicians on board with the idea. vladmeere explains. >> it is 5:00 p.m. doctor laura, puts on her doctors coat and logs on. >> hi, nicholas, how are you? >> doing well, how are you? >> good. >> her apartment is now a doctors office. she's ready to make a house call. >> what can i do to help you out today? >> doctor is part of growing number of fixation cents offering on line consultations. with cameras and connective at this, patients can log on and ask for a doctor any time. >> 24/7. >> low to midback. >> we're table to see consults, rashes, con gingivitis, certain instances i don't think it would make much of a difference on line rather than being in person.
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>> can you see that, doctor? >> i tested it by asking about a lump on my wrist. >> very common. >> i always worry. >> really freak you out. no question. first thing you think of is oh, my gosh, it is cancer. that doctor works for a company called a.m-- amwell, grown in we years. says easy access is the key to their success. >> for people who don't have insurance, people that live far from healthcare, people that have challenges, in meeting their home, when they don't have babysitter, or because they are elderly and have a chronic condition, we see entire spectrum of people using. >> how many doctors have agreed to be part of amwell? >> thousand. >> thousands in. >> yes. >> right now 22% of employers offer video consults through health plans. 71% say they'll offer it by 2017. and serious medical conditions are flagged immediately, for in-person care. >> how may i help you, sir? >> another company, telledock,
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covers eight p.m. people. >> yes, it will be really critical for to you get back with your prime air care physician. >> i'm not buying it at this point. >> not all physician also signing on. doctor william gluck machines man wants his patients in front of him. >> certain complaints, such as abdominal pain, really do require me to feel both for size of organs, and location of tenderness, and to do some very specific exams, you just can't do over a video screen. >> web docks can't treat everything, but this web side man is her starting to catch on. vladmeere, cbs news, new york. 8:19. lacing up for great cause in new jersey, hosed their fourth annual mothers matter 5k. it was held at the washington lake park in sewell over the weaken. mothers matter program helps mothers in need throughout south jersey such as those with cancer and in nursing homes. organizers tell "eyewitness
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news" that event raised this is, $45,000, well done. cooper university hospital is a glow in pink, one of the many building in our area turning pink all month long for lights for the cure. the joint effort between cbs-3 and susan g. komen for the cure is reminder for women to schedule that mammogram during breast cancer air wear necessary month, which we are in. we'll be right back. first here's a look at what's coming up tonight on the "cw philly".
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mother nature, late fall temperatures on us. heat up this morning, i know some homes waking one without -- waking up without that heat on, might be little tough. specially on a monday morning. >> no kidding. well, carol will join us, let you know when we can return to seasonable temperatures. >> hey, running a marathon might be on your bucket list. >> it was for one minnesota man who thought, you know, once is not enough. ryan went double the distance in this year's marathon, ran his 26.2 miles, then turned around, and did another 26.2 the other way. >> you're kidding? >> he said he forms bonds with other runners. >> the part you remember the most, you remember what that was like being out on the road, seeing the other people,
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seeing the other runners, shaker the comradery with the other people on the road with you, that's the part, that's the journey, about being involved. >> he has run double marathons in just un nine hours. organizers say the first ever to run it twice, and right in a row two. no week off. >> exactly, who has that thought at the end of the marathon at the finish line, let's just do that one more time? >> oh, good for him. >> i'm impressed. do anything you put your minds to. >> amazing, we'll be back.
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good morning, everyone, i'm nicole brewer. update now on our breaking news from montgomery county. frightening robbery at ride aid pharmacy. police in ambler say a man with a gun walked into the rite aid on bethlehem pike, about 5:00 this morning. he fired a shot inside that store, and got a which with unknown amount of cox i con continue pills. fortunately, no one was injured, and investigators say the man was about 5 feet tall and wore a mask and a hoodie. now, let's get a check on the forecast with carol. chilly one out there on the skydeck. >> it is, but we are seeing improvement. the freeze warning and the frost cents advisory, they've expired, but the temperatures are still cold. beautiful looking start to the day though with all of the blue skies 34 in trenton, but
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those temperatures change as go to the north, 33, mt. holly, 31 doylestown, pottstown, quakertown, both three # degrees, at this point. finding warm up today low 60s today, sun, clouds, tonight, we seymour clouds roll in, and the temperatures will be up, asomugha result. 50 degrees overnight. along with the southwesterly wind, helping boost those temperatures so that tomorrow morning a lot more comfortable than this morning. tomorrow, clouds, mild, 66 degrees, we have chance after shower, tuesday, especially in the afternoon, maybe again wednesday and thursday, but after that, it looks pretty nice. let's check on the roads with jessica. >> thank you, good morning, everybody, actually rush hour completely in full swing, so far this morning, we go outside to conshohocken where east fifth avenue and spring mill avenue, weaver an accident involving a school bus, no word on any injuries there. fatal accident also in bensalem, state road, completely closed there your alternate, take bristol pike, back to you. >> next update at 8:55, up
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next on cbs this morning, actress naomi watts. more local news weather and traffic on the "cw philly".
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>> live look at center city from roof camera. if you're just looking outside, looks like beautiful day. but, glance down to the bottom right hands part of your screen. 47 degrees, in center city. oh, carol has your forecast coming up in a couple every
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minutes. >> chilly one for sure. hey, traffic showing the schuylkill expressway at vare avenue. jessica joins us, when we do traffic and weather together. >> first, search continues for two home invasion robbery suspect terrorized college students late last night. >> "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo live near temple university with more on the investigation. jan? >> talk of the cam pause it morning, able to speak to couple of tuned epp before they headed into 8:00 a.m. classes cents, they say they are area scared by what happened. they say they'll be little more cautious from here on out. meanwhile, police are still searching for two suspect, they say, tied up group of temple university students, and then robbed them at gunpoint, if you take a look at the video, you can see where this happened right around 8:30, sunday night. happened off campus housing north 18th street. two men with guns entered this home tied up six people
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inside, investigators say, one of the student was also pistol whipped. the university sent out alert to temple university students about the entire incident, asked student to avoid the area. school officials as well as police are also asking anyone with information to give police a call. unfortunately, there is no detailed description of the suspects, only, that they are two men in their 20's, one of them with facial hair, and wearing a bucks county community college sweatshirt. >> you don't know who to be scared of, so you're kind of just worried all the time. but then on the other side of that, you know, this is a community, so how can you just walk around, be afraid at all times. >> student say more ray wear of their surroundings, never really go out alone and late at night or early in the morning, now, police are still searching for these two suspect, they say
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unfortunately they don't know or not releasing information about how much was take friend this home. during this robbery, and we'll have the details as they become available. for now live at temple university. january care bay owe, "eyewitness news". january, thank you. 83:00 it, checking on traffic and weather together. how is it feeling? >> looking at beautiful weather today. we factor out the temperatures, but looking weather it is cents gorgeous. see the interest interest the trees starting to shade their change. i'm up on skydeck, kelly this morning, chilly on the gown, too. our headlines, though, are these. one more day dry werth, on and off shower chances mid week, starting tomorrow specially later in the day and through thursday we may see couple of showers around here. we should be clearing out in time for the weekend. so i think next weekend, also, looks real nice. and probably better than last week, when it was pretty windy. storm scan3, notice, clear skies, and we're going to hang onto those today. we have temperatures that are
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anywhere from the 30's, to the lower 40's, 41 out at the airport in philadelphia, 41 in wilmington, 40 down in millville. still 33 degrees, atlantic city, 18 degrees colder atlantic city than it was yesterday. 10 degrees colder in the philadelphia area. so we've seen sole big changes on these temperatures. but we have pretty nice afternoon shaping up. 60 degrees through philadelphia, mix tire of sun and clouds, shore, 63, the poconos, 52 degrees. not bad after a very chilly start out here. >> i'm nice and toast any here. roads doing okay. we go outside right now and actually talk about a fatal accident that happened little earlier this morning in bensalem. state road completely closed between street road and dunks berry road. involving tractor-trailer and police activity on the scene trying to get that cleaned up and out of the way. your alternate to avoid the mess and the back up take bristol pike. now we switch on over to a camera hereof 95, at cottman avenue. ninety-five has been having a problem for the predominant
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part of the morning. still headed southbound, see we're losing out one of the lanes due to construction, and really heavy headed southbound toward the center city area. otherwise we check the rest of the majors, head over to the maps here, pa turnpike bensalem into valley forge, westbound about 37 minute trip there. and on the blue route from 95 into the schuylkill expressway real heavy headed northbound about 35 minutes there. ninety-five we said earlier today southbound from woodhaven into the vine st. vest way still about 46 minute twin. masses transit looking great so far. >> jess two, suspects head in connection with the beating dealt after man in suburban bucks county will be charged this morning. police say a 30 year old male victim ride untiling white vein with three others when he was stabbed and beaten to death. neighbor witnessed the incident and called 911. >> we got here quickly, my officers were able to apprehends. this is personal. >> this isn't random actment
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didn't just grab this guy off the street. >> police continue to search for a third suspect, authorities say that this case was the only homicide to take place in the area so far this year. well, police have called off the search for hannah graham. she is the university of virginia student who disappeared near that campus more than a month ago. >> over the weaken searches found human remains. but as andrew spencer reports, police are waiting for identification. >> is police searched for hannah graham. >> i don't know how to explain it, something inside me told me just to continue to look. >> ultimately minding over the weekends human remains scattered across a creek bed behind an abandoned home many miles from where the university of virginia student was last seen. >> again, these human remains, and forensic tests need to be conducted to determine the identification of those remains. >> it is not clear how long those tests will take. police have already informed gram's parents that they've call off their search. their case is no longer that after missing person, but a
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death investigation. >> here for a mission, and that mission was to bring closure, we're hoping that that's that should be done. >> case strikingly similar to that of morgan harrington, virginia tech student deaths appeared in october 2009. her body would be found months later, on nearby farm. police say evidence links 32 year old jesse matthew to both cases, although he only faces charges in gram's disappearance. days after police in virginia issued a warrant for his arrest, he was found camping on beach in galveston, texas, police caution their case is complicated, their investigation complex, as they try to figure out what happened to 18 year old hannah graham. >> i'm andrew spencer, reporting. well, dozens every st. louis rams fans and ferguson protesters clash outside the edward jones dome. >> the scuffle broke out when fans argued with protesters who had been yelling and chanting about the killing of michael brown, a black 18 year old, he was cents killed by a white police officer.
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police arrested two women, two people were injured. >> a quaint pumpkin festival in new hampshire turns violent over the weekend leaving dozens of people hospitalized. police in riot gear used tear gas to help control the crowds in the neighborhood surrounding keen state college. the mayhem landed about a dozen people behind bars. the school's president says rowdy revelers could be expelled if caught. >> well, remnants of riot near west virginia university. police say large crowds roamed through downtown morgantown, leaving behind trail of destruction. it all followed west virginia university's big win over bail or saturday. law enforcement and school officials say they're reviewing surveillance video, and also social media for those suspects. well, hey, some people are just born to be heroes. this morning, amazing video, good samaritan coming to the help of elderly man. >> chris van cleve explains, some people calling what happened in fresno, a miracle.
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>> dramatic cell phone video, catching 73 year old robert carter wells out on the burning home. >> i don't know where this man came f i had never seen this man in my life. >> but he's hero. he's blessing. >> god sent him here to save that man. >> i would like to tell him thank you, from the bottom of my heart. >> the fire started saturday morning, in the garage of this fresno duplex. this picture shows the man's daughter having escaped holding a small child. >> your dad is in there? >> i called 911. >> get dad. >> before firefighters arrived several good samaritans tried to battle the blaze with a garden host, that's when we see the man in the blue hat walk commonly towards the fire. beth shot the video. >> just really amazing how people just stepped up in this crisis with courage,
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compassion, and couldn't for the. >> one hero everyone is talking about remains a man in the blue hat, walk away. gone, the way he arrived, seemingly, out of no where. >> chris van cleve, cbs news, new york. >> another rescue in california, this one, though, rather different. firefighters were called to this home because a woman was stuck in the chimney. police say she was trying to break into that house, when she got stuck. rescue crews had to dismantle that chimney to get her out and then used dish soap to slide her out of there. officials transported her to the hospital for evaluation. >> eighteen wheeler turns a home in the french quart near drive-thru, eyewitnesses cents say, the truck driver, was trying to make a sharp turn on narrow street. well instead the tractor-trailer moved over stop sign, then crashed into
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the side after 124 year old home. neighbors say there were no signs in the area warning drivers about the tight squeeze. >> this is clearly in excess of 40 feet, cannot possibly navigate the streets in the french quarter. >> took crews about six hours to clean up the crash. no word on how much damage was caused to the home or if the driver will face any charges. well, local high school students are getting their wish come true. coming up next, social media campaign that's landed them a visit with this year's liberty medal recipient. >> example of healing power of love. heart warming story of two strangers, who each received new hearts, and then became sweethearts. you don't want to miss their story. we'll be right back. >> ♪
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>> waking up this morning, dig out the jacket, make even a scar do you have kind of get you through this morning. we have the full forecast coming up next.
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pakistani teenager receives a liberty medal tomorrow. malala yousafzai will receive it at the national constitutional sentiment now advice for the opportunity tore girls to go to school. continuing her own education, has published her memoir, i am mill mail. malala yousafzai also the winner every nobel peace
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prize. >> malala yousafzai, you are our hope. >> you remember this social media campaign from the student at mount st. joseph academy, well, created? video hoping to get malala yousafzai to visit their school. the malala yousafzai funds, saw the video, reached out to the school, and invited four of the student, to tomorrow's ceremony. >> oh, that's fan taste being i can. >> pretty cool. >> hey, happening today. apple rolls out its new mobile payment service, called, apple pay. allows customers to make a payment with the tap after phone. a way to check out and pay for items you by on line, right now, the digital technology only available, though, for iphone six and six plus owners. >> it will end soon. but before it does, a lot more people got to die. >> brad pitt comes out on top the hollywood box office battle this weekend, world war ii drama fury blew past gone
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girl. rariton nazi germany. fury opens with 23 and a half million dollars, gone girl, still hanging in there starring afleck, followed in second with 17 million, book of life was third followed by alexander and the horrible no bad day, coming in fifth is the best of me. >> nicole, hello, erika, hi, everybody, dealing with some real nice looking weather today. because the skies are blue, the sun is up, finally, and the temperatures are starting to warm up. beautiful start. 42 degrees, temperatures have come up almost 10 degrees, in about a the last half hour. so warm up underway. storm scan3, no problems at all, couple every clouds offer to the north and the west. i think you will find some of those. forty-one in philadelphia, 35 allentown, 40 degrees down in millville. and we are on our way to about
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60 degrees, high pressure is here, but doesn't stay, tomorrow we pick up a chance of a shower, temperatures in the middle 60s, and by wednesday, right about 60 degrees, and another chance of picking up some showers, let's put this into motion. you can see, some clouds as we roll into the afternoon hours, by tonight, still more. and then do we see brief overnight sprinkle or two? possible. and then maybe even some more shower chances as we get through the day tomorrow. temperatures today, tonight 50 degrees, thicker clouds, tomorrow 66, chance of shower, chance. another shower, on wednesday, and thursday, with temperatures close to 606 degrees, and then by the end of the week we are dealing with it looks like at this point sunshine, and warmer temperatures, with high temperatures getting into the middle 60s. so it looks pretty good. >> how are the roads? >> the weekend something to look forward to, thanks, carol. outside to the cameras 309 at stump road. see police activity cleaning
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up accident just previously on the scene here, this is actually headed northbound, you can see everybody kind of squeezing on by to the right-hand side. as police block off all of these turns lanes, part that far left, right-hand lane, right in there, over to the roosevelt boulevard now, as well, where you can see the typical southbound delay,, just slammed. headed southbound toward the schuylkill expressway up northbound lanes moving along great. over in bensalem, going on over to the maps now, state road completely closed due to the fatal accident between street road and dunks berry road. alternate to get around the massive investigation and clean up just takes bristol pike. now it the next map over in norristown, crash, there, west main street, and cherry street. some of the majors, we go over those, really slow, having hard time this morning, 422 from oaks into 202, headed eastbound, about 12 minute trip. and the schuylkill expressway doing poorly most of the morning, from the blue route into the vine st. expressway. if you are headed eastbound, heavy trip, going to take but 28 minutes. forty-six minutes on 95, if you are headed southbound from woodhaven road into the vine st. expressway.
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nicole, over to you. >> here is a look at today's headlines on "eyewitness news", police searching for the two men who tied up and robbed six temple university students during a home invasion. one of the student was pistol whipped. >> also, police searching for the gunman who shot and killed a man on the streets of kensington. >> east ontario street nearby houses cents and cars were sprayed with gunfire. >> and new laws are in effect in the city of philadelphia, concerning marijuana beginnings today finds or send teens dollars to community service for having less than an ounce. officials say the new measures don't legalize marijuana but instead officers to concentrate on more serious crimes. time 8:48. wonderful story. sometimes it isn't just medicine or surgery that heals people. shows us the power of love. >> in rochester, new york, at the university of roch chester, strong memorial
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hospital, two heart transplant patients are shedding new light on the healing process after they got their new hearts, the two suffered from complications and depression. they had all but given up. ah. i didn't want to do anything. i would just sit around. >> i refused exercises and all of that at times. >> but fuse months ago, simultaneously, both these patients started really improving. >> sounds great. >> cardiologist, doctor leeway chen, and the rest of the staff here, were pleasantly con founded. >> we talked and said, yes, she doing better now. i wonder why? and yes, he's been more active, and involved in his care. i wonder why? >> you new why you were getting better. >> yes. >> were you on something? >> yes. >> same thing, she was on. >> i wanted to do more things. i wanted to walk. i wanted to ride a bike.
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>> what was the miracle drug? what had they found so dramatically accelerated their recoveries? just each other. after the surgery they kept running into each other. although twice divorced, not looking for another man, and he was committed life-long bachelor. they started dating. and healing. when your mind is in a better place, and your heart, then you're going to heal better. >> doctor chen says that's true. >> not talking about science we can put our finger on. >> he said plenty of studies linking love and support to health and heart. this is just further proof. and as for the happy couple, they're now enjoying life on carefree lane. seriously. they moved in together on carefree lane. the life-long bachelor now has cents flowered coffee mugs. >> this is even worse.
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>> living with a woman will clearly take some getting used to. >> of course every medicine has its side effect. and they say it is well worth it. >> i recommend it to anybody. >> to survive, danny and esther both needed new hearts. but to truly live, they needed sweethearts too. steve hartman, on the road, in rochester, new york. >> oh, man, that is such a great story. you know, when you're correcting each other's grammar, it is true love. i mean, there tough. >> and one confirmed bachelor has flowered coffee caution. >> flowered mugs. >> yep. it is official. >> for sure. we'll be right back.
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8: 53, how is it feeling, carol? >> warming up nicely out here, that's a relief, we saw our colder air, in a lot of locations cents but now 41 in philadelphia, 34 trenton, 41 in wilmington, and on our way this afternoon to 60 degrees, sun and clouds, we drop down to 50 degrees tonight, and then tomorrow back at 66 degrees, few more clouds, chance of a shower, we keep a shower chance on wednesday and thursday. but, by friday, saturday, sunday, at this point it, looks like we have temperatures with sunshine, in the 60s. let's check on our roads with jess. >> thank you, good weekends to look forward tonight we go outside right now 309 stump road where police activity and
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clean up for an accident, on the scene right here, so this is headed northbound, blogging off these turn lanes right in here, and over in the right-hand lane everyone squeezing on by, nicole, over to you. >> thanks, and thank you for watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly" for more local news weather and traffic always on at >> check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. back in 30 seconds, so one quick check on traffic and weather together. we'll be right back.
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cbs-3 "eyewitness news". good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. police are searching for two mask and armed men, who barge into a house near the temple university campus and terrorize student. investigators say those men tied up and robbed six student who live along the 1800 block of north 18th street. suspect burr in, one of the temple students pistol whipped, we're told, eyewitnesses say one of the suspect wearing bucks county community college. and you need a sweatshirt headed outside. good morning. >> yes, then jacket over that. but not for long. because the temperatures will be warming up, it is cents beautiful out here this morning. pretty cold, as well. let's take a look, 41 degrees in philadelphia, 34 trenton,
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41 degrees in wilmington, hey look how trenton just bumped up to 41, that's how fast these temperatures are coming up. we will be finding these temperatures climbing 33, up to 36 degrees, so many areas just doing several agree ride at one time. sixty for our high today, maybe 62 degrees sun, clouds, thicken up even more, 50 degrees overnight. and tomorrow, chance of a shower with 66 degrees, then right around 06 degrees for both wednesday, thursday, other chances cents of showers should be dry by the end of the week. >> thank you, good morning, everybody, we go outside, check out 309, at stump road. where you can see police ac ted at this for accident clean up on the scene. taking out these turn lanes, and part of the right hand lane and everybody's casino of squeezing on by taking out part of the shoulder, over on the ben franklin bridge, actually from the philly side. so coming from new jersey, headed westbound, into the city, be right here, you can see, actually, losing some of
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the right hand lane due to the ongoing construction, still moving along nicely, headed from philly eastbound, into new jersey, you should have no problems, erika, back to you. >> that's eyewitness fuse for now, talk philly coming up at noon on cbs-3, i'm erika von tiehl. have a great day.
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coming up. scott ross meets the queen of -- kosher. >> then, what that gunshot went off i was no longer high. >> murder in the first degree. >> life was over as a knew it. >> the cover up as it back fired. >> i felt sore dirty and wrong and so evil. >> on today's "700 club". >>pat: welcome folks. we have a terrific program for you. we hope you are going to enjoy everything we are going to talk about. i love the defense department is listening to this program. they have finay


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