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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 23, 2014 10:00pm-10:31pm EDT

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>> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news".
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>> now at 10:00 a storied football program suspended. the season at central bucks west comes to a halt amid allegations of hazing. >> first we have breaking news tonight. a new confirmed case of ebola and it's in new york city. the first case in america's largest metropolis. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. the infected man is a new york city doctor who recently forty one west africa where he treated ebola patients. >> reporter: brian web has details. >> reporter: dr. craig spencer is the fourth person to be diagnosed with ebola in the united states. spencer tested positive for the virus at new york's bellevue hospital where he is in isolation. spencer was likely exposed to the virus earlier this month while working with the group doctors without borders in guinea, west africa. a facebook photo shows him wearing the protective gear he used while caring for ebola
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patients. guinea is one of the three west african countries at the heart of the worst outbreak on record. spencer had been self monitoring for symptoms since his return to the u.s. he reported fever and abdominal pain thursday morning. video from the new york post shows an ambulance with police escort rushing spencer to bellevue hospital where emts wearing hazmat suits were then dee contaminated. bellevue is a designated ebola treatment center in new york city. healthcare workers here have been preparing for a situation like this for weeks. spencer is being kept in an air tight room like this one, a cdc go team will work with his doctors to make sure all protocols are followed. brian web for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> well, just today camden county had a special ebola training session. doctors from cooper university hospital demonstrate thousand dollars put on and safely
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remove personal protective equipment. this is what first responders would wear dealing with any suspected case of ebola. >> because of the severity of the disease, we're going as overboard as we can to make absolutely sure that we protect our first responders and our healthcare workers. >> now, the cdc also issued new guidelines to help hospitals as they treat possible ebola patients. now to the stunning news tonight about one of this area's most storied high school football programs. >> the superintendent of central bucks school says some players at cb west were subjectd to humiliating hazing. the allegations have shocked the school community in doylestown bucks county. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is live at central bucks west with details. matt, what have you learned? >> reporter: chris and jessica, i spoke to one parent whose son plays on the freshman football team here at cb west. he told me his son was nervous to move up to the jv team because of alleged hazing
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incidents like this one. the allegations were first made on october 14th described in an e-mail sent to school parents by district superintendent david white sell. he alleged rookie players on the jv and varsity teams were hazed forced to take part in initiations that were humiliating and inappropriate. he went on to write the most invasive activity required a rookie to grab another player's private parts while fully clothed. >> disappointed. central bucks regional police also looked into the case. they added that several younger players had towels draped on their heads while wearing clothes and were forced to stand in the shower. the coaches for both the varsity and jv squads have been suspended including the head coach until the district completes their investigation. >> it all comes down to the name of cb west and what everyone going to think about it. >> reporter: the news ripped
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through the community one day a hester biggest match up of the year. central bucks west was set to play central bucks east a rivalry for home coming. >> it's the biggest time of the year. >> reporter: junior reedman says he was told about the hazing but thinks the district is overreacting. you know kids on the team. >> i know kids on the team. every win was furious. >> that's been a trad tradition for awhile. >> reporter: and the police investigation into this case has gone on for about 10 days now but no charges have been filed. we're live in doylestown tonight, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly matt thank you very much. these kinds of cases are not uncommon certainly but hazing does often go unreport. >> we spoke with a local psychologist who says that hazing has strong similaritys
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to bullying. >> i think we need to put hazing in that category as organized bullying and look at eight the same -- at it the same way and what, to pants getting involved, administration getting involved and work together to curb it. >> all of this follows the cancellation of the football season at sayreville war memorial high school in middlesex county, new jersey. seven sayreville football players were charged with crimes ranging from hazing to aggravated sexual assault on october 10. the team's head coach and four assistants were suspended indefinitely with pay. >> "eyewitness news" will stay on top of this story as it unfolds. you can find the very latest here on television and also online at >> it was certainly a brisk night in center city. windy out there, too, but the rain has gone away. i think nicer days are on the horizonly kathy, is that right. >> that is true. can't get much worse, right? damp, dreary, windy.
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windy conditions are slowly subsiding and you can still see this counterclockwise flow around a broad area of low pressure moving off the coast of new england but it's still impacting our weather. a few sprinkles out there but skies are slowly breaking. tomorrow morning we'll wake up to temperatures in the 40's. in the poconos waking up to 43 degrees, upper 40's elsewhere. by the afternoon warming up through the 60's in philadelphia. we will make it to 66 degrees. elsewhere down the shore 65. it will still be breezy and the poconos the high for your friday partly sunny, 57. coming up we're going to talk about even warmer conditions in that seven-day forecast. don't pack away the short sleeves just yet. i'll have that later in the broadcast, jess. >> all right, kathy, thanks. a philadelphia traffic court judge faces corruption charges tonight. this case is being brought against thomasine tines by seth williams. >> $2,000 tiffany charm bracelet. the bracelet that judge tines received for promising special
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access to a businessman. >> authorities say. >> this man spelled out what he wanted and the judge promised to deliver. >> she's an inspiration to many people p it is her -- is this her proudest day her best day? no, of course not. but it's not her last day. >> authorities say tines promised to help that businessman win a lucrative government contract. turns out that businessman was an undercover informant. originally tines and four other judges had been the target of state investigators. when attorney general kathleen kane declined to prosecute. >> manhunt for the accused pennsylvania state trooper killer eric frein has proven especially tough for one man in the poconos. he says he's been mistaken for frein at least 20 times. this is james tullly of canadensis. james walks to work most days. he says that since the search for frein got under way he's been stopped by law
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enforcement and questioned at least 20 times. he says at first he didn't mind but last week, he claims law enforcement went too far. >> silver unmarked suv pulled up, driver jumps out pointing a rifle at my head ordering me down to the ground constantly demanding what my name is, had a knee burr need my back. >> tullly says that he went to the hospital after that incident because he was in pain and discovered he had bruised ribs. >> some philadelphians are now enjoying the convenience of beer at the grocery store like so many other people around the country. new tonight, our todd quinones has more on why it's happening now in the city. >> over here we got 15 doors. >> reporter: the selection rivals most any beer store but here you could pick up your spaghetti, too. this thriftway in port richmond is one of the first grocery stores in philadelphia to sell beer. the official grand opening is happening this weekend. >> i think it's pretty great. provides competition in the
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craft beer markets. bring the prices down. >> when you go down south it's common. >> reporter: piing beer and bred under one roof has been part of the suburbs for a long time. now it's in the city, too. the the cost of renovating has been one of the hurdles. >> we tore out our frozen food and spent an enormous amount of money. >> reporter: recent challenges to the state law opened the beer business up to grocery stores but there are restrictions. some of the rules here mean when you go to check out your grocery items in this case instant oatmeal that has to be done at one checkout location and your beer has to be bought at a separate checkout. you have to provide seating for 30 people and you have to sell food. >> we operate basically like a cafe many people come in, can get something to eat and have a appear. >> reporter: on the wholesale side he can sell to the grocery stores which is good but on the retail side where some distributors make their living, this is new competition. and law prevents distributors
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from doing something similar. >> we don't know when that day will come but hopeful there will will be change that is will change the entire system. >> reporter: in port richmond, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> well, philadelphia city council is calling for hearings on bed bug infestations in the city. first district councilman mark squilla says he has evidence from constituents that bed bugs are becoming a more frequent problem. he says the problem is especially in row homes and that they can easily spread from one to another. no word on when any proposed hearing would take place. some powerful moments today in the capital city of canada. the man who stopped a gunman inside the ottawa parliament building is honored for his life saving work today. >> plus, would you dress your baby like this? a couple of halloween costumes that some say crossed the line. >> in weather we're looking at our storm system slowly pulling away. the clouds give way to clearing skies. that means sunshine and much
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warmer temperatures. we'll take a look at how high the mercury will go in the seven day coming up as "eyewitness news" on the cw
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>> it was an emotional day in canada's parliament building less than 24 hours after a gunman opened fire there. >> you hear the thunderous applause for parliament
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sergeant at arms he killed the gunman who opened fire in the building yesterday. kevin vicars had his gun drawn after taking down that suspect. sources say the shooting suspect had a long rap sheet and his passport was recently revoked after he tried to contact someone in syria. >> investigation is ongoing and will rapidly determine if he received any support in the planning of his attack. >> his mother said he spoke to her son for the first time in five years. she apologized for the attack. she's crying for her victims not her son. >> the background of the late of the white house fence jumper. dominic adesanya of maryland was unarmed when he went over the fence last night. he's now in custody and facing federal charges. the secret service used dogs to apprehend him as you can see here. records show that adesanya was also charged with unlawful entry at the white house complex back in late july. >> the secret service got
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right was the deployment of manpower, its layers of defense and in this case the dogs to actually prevent the fence jumper from getting too close to the white house and certainly not having to use lethal force. >> 42-year-old army veteran omar gonzalez has been charged with making it over the white house fence past the security guard and into the east room before he was stopped last month. the secret service has since added temporary barriers as another layer of protection. >> halloween is just around the corner and some new costumes for children just aren't going over so well. a california company is selling a marijuana leaf costume. they've also come up with a design that looks like a cigarette. design that looks like a say they're not big fans. the company that makes them says they understand. >> we kind of know that some people are not going to be a hundred percent thrilled with it but it's halloween. >> another hot design right now, the ebola hazmat containment costume.
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>> in weather we are seeing skies. in philadelphia skies are partly cloudy and temperatures will slowly be cooling. we are looking at a few spotty sprinkles, though, on storm stom scan3. they're in burlington county scan3. this is overdoing it just a little bit but we are seeing a few sprinkles. otherwise drying conditions and by tomorrow, we will be seeing some of this, some sunshine. i want to show you this beautiful picture, though. this was taken by brad guay a meteorology student at penn state university and he sent us this beautiful picture of the partial solar eclipse. we couldn't see in clouds. state college just got it in. the skies cleared in time so thanks, brad, a great picture, a future colleague of us being a meteorology student. temperatures swinging big time from earlier in the week when we were at 70's. temperatures are on the way up and with the sunny skies we will be seeing a big improvement over the next couple of days. right now in philadelphia, 55. 44 in the poconos, 53 in
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allentown and a mix of everything where we see the clear skies, especially in pittsburgh and cleveland. that's where we are seeing the cooler temperatures. winds out of the northwest right now at about 10 to 15 miles an hour through philadelphia but sustained at 17 in atlantic city. these northwesterly winds an indication that our storm has moved well beyond the area and on the backside of this system, that counterclockwise flow is providing those northwesterly winds. as the storm pulls farther away and fair weather high pressure builds in the battle between these two systems will create what we call a pressure gradient for us or a funneling effect of breezy conditions for friday. temperatures will be in the 60's, warming, still for saturday with high pressure to the south and then a weak front moves through. all it real does is knock the temperatures down a few degrees or sunday. after that, we will see a real nice rebounds in temperature. a huge ridge will be building in the east. by tuesday, temperatures will be in the 70's and then all eyes on some cooler air coming down from canada by sunday and
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into monday of next week. so, cooling back down again could be a little bit on the cool side for halloween weekends. overnight gradual clearing, chilly, the low 47 with a northwesterly wind. during the day friday becoming sunny, still breezy, high temperatures in the 60's but finally seeing that sun will be a welcome change and on the exclusive aunts weather seven-day forecast, saturday 68. sunday 64. monday 64 but look at tuesday and wednesday. thursday the high 65. still seeing sunny conditions. so, right now looking like a great seven-day forecast. so, all in all, it's looking up. be sure to wake up with "eyewitness news" in the morning. katie will track the weather. the team starts at 4:30 on our sister station cbs3 and then continues right here on the cw beginning at 7:00. >> it will be nice see the sun again it. >> will. it's been awhile. >> yes, it has. kathy thanks. >> speaking of looking up beasley is here with one of the coolest pieces of sports news we've heard. >> absolutely. fans showing their support for
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the developing 76ers with their wallets. interesting stats coming up and the eagles are prepping for a bird battle against the
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>> eagles and cardinals in the desert sunday. the red birds offense is near the bottom in rushing and passing but they do protect
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the ball. fewest turnovers in the league. they play tremendous defense against the run. those are the obstacles facing the eagles when they head out there, out west. a win would keep them in step with the six and one cowboys. chip kelly and the staff had a complete bye week to create a game plan. >> cut and dry hard and fast of what are we getting in third and seven at 10, what are they doing in the red zone and just putting that together with what they do this year, seeing are there any differences, is it personnel driven because some of the personnel that played against us last year isn't the same personnel this year and just trying figure out how they're going to approach us. >> the birds defense will have to stop the cardinals wide receiving duo of larry fitzgeral and michael floyd. the eagles defenders are on a roll. last time out they sacked eli manning six times on the way to a shutout. >> i think we're growing. if we have a good game like we did against the giants or we struggle for a couple quarters, no matter what the goal of every defensive team in the league is really is are
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we getting better this week, are we better this week than last week. you're always, n-that win, in the shutout we had many mistakes that we've got to get corrected. >> another one-on-one with cbs3 contributor shady mccoy. his thoughts on the team's improving running game and he brought along a special guest, d lineman benny logan. that's tonight after the game over on cbs3. the phillies have signed outfielder graze sizemore to a one year, $2 million contract. in 60 games he batted .253 with 12 rbi's and he can play all three outfield positions. flyers back in action sunday against the red wings. last night they went into pittsburgh and took care of the penguins. they scored three time in the final period. the win their second game this season by a score of five to three. one, one since they opened the building in that 2010. sixers number seven in the league in full season passes,
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ticket sales. >> oh, wow. >> they just won 19 games last year. >> that's fans showing support. >> and they're not expected to do much better. >> they might win 20.
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>> got a story you would like us to investigate? e-mail your ideas to i-team at >> ♪ >> take a look at this thing. just like in back to the future, you can actually get lift off of the ground with this brand new gadget. we've got the story behind the
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futuristic fun behind -- well, what could be your next skateboard tonight on cbs3 "eyewitness news" after thursday night football. looks like fun. >> painting the town pink. there it is. the pennsylvania academy of fine arts is proudly displaying pink lights as part of lights for the cure this month. landmarks all across the area are displaying the lights during october as a reminder for women to schedule a mammogram. cbs3 and the cw philly have teamed up with susan g. komen philadelphia for the lights for the cure campaign and we're now inth year together. i saw them memorial out while i was working on the story they look so pretty. a little windy outside though. >> a little windy. winds subside overnight. temperatures will fall. talking about waking up to 40's with the afternoon highs though in the 60's. so friday, saturday and sunday looking very pleasant. monday 64. tuesday 72. warm on wednesday and then thursday 65 degrees. you know what next friday is?
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>> halloween. >> yeah. >> more on that forecast tomorrow, yeah. >> no jackets so you can see the costumes. >> that's the idea. >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly for kathy, beasley and all of us here, i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you after the game on cbs3. >> ♪
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looking for one of these? yoplait. smooth, creamy, and craved by the whole family.