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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  October 27, 2014 8:00am-9:01am EDT

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frankford transportation center with what septa commuters need to know this morning. jan, good morning. >> reporter: erika, ukee, good morning, no disruptions this morning, that's a relief for a lot of riders here who rely on the transportation, now, union leadership has the power to strike, but members tell us they've been told to report to work this week. a strike they say is a bargain chipping, as the two sides continue to negotiate. >> despite voting to give union leadership the authorization to strike, members of the transport workers local 234 say they expect to be on the job this week. meaning, septa busses, trains, and trolleys, will continue running, at least for now. >> nobody want to be on strike f we have to go on strike we will go on strike. >> for septa riders, huge inconvenience. >> i can get a ride but i wouldn't want to wake nobody up this early in the morning to get me to work. >> members of the largest union ought rides dollars the strike sunday, union leadership can call a strike if they deem it necessary. members tell us they don't
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want to strike, but that threat, they say; their only leverage against septa negotiators. >> we are the ones that operate the train, the buses, mechanics, if you don't take care of us, this stuff won't be out here, operating properly. >> 5,000 bus drivers, subway, trolley operators, and maintenance workers have, been without a contract since march, sticking points, they say, continue to be pension benefit increases and pay raises. >> it is repeatedly wants to take away, you know, and the union won't settle for. that will we gave you have enough through the creaser. >> as riders cross their fingers hoping they'll continue to have a ride, some are already taking sides. >> i think they make enough money. they should get off of this. we all struggling out here. nobody wants to give us benefits. everybody's going through the same thing, so they need to come to work. >> hang in there, and i hope up get what you want, before you have to go on strike. >> now septa officials say they've received no word, that a work stoppage is imminent.
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both sides continue to negotiate, in the meantime, everything is operating as normal, if a strike does indeed happen, it would only impact philadelphia trains, trolleys and buses. reporting live outside of the frankford transportation center. jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i and please be sure to stay with "eyewitness news" for the latest developments in the septa contract talks as soon as there is any new information on possible strike, we of course will let you know on television and on line at one of the teenagers injured in the washington state school shooting passed away overnight. this bridges total of fatalities to three. authorities say 14 year old gia soriano succombed to her injuries. on friday freshman jaylen fryberg opened fire at marysville pilchuck high school killing another girl before killing himself. three other students remain in the hospital. clinic to go life. today a moment of silence will be held at 10:39 a.m. the moment of the shooting.
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also, new this morning, a shooting in southwest philadelphia is under investigation. police tell us a 18 year old man was shot in the ankle. it happened at 66th and woodland avenue shortly after 1:30. he was rushed to the hospital where he is list in the stable condition. no word right now on a suspect or motive for that shooting. 8:03, let's head outside to katie with the latest on our forecast, good morning. >> hey, good morning, everybody there is will be nice start to the week for you here, chilly start, though, i have to say, if you have yet to step outside and you may be taking the dog for a walk, going to the gym, whatever your morning routine; make sure you have a sweatshirt, fleece, jacket, you may be needing it this, more later today we warm up nicely here mid 60s and just smidge above average. we start things off with a look here at storm scan3, it is empty, we have high pressure in place, basically anchored overhead, so not going to find too much activity thereon storm scan, right now, in fact, temperatures as a result that far clear sky have bottom out. we are solid five to ten to
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almost 20 degrees colder than we were this same time yesterday. so, it is cents noticeably chillier, depending on your location here, when you walk out the door. this definitely tells story. when you look around some of the region here, with still little bit after breeze, but definitely much more modest than yesterday. these temperatures starting to drop off easily, 38 degrees, currently at mount pocono, ooh degrees at the airport, we're in at 43 currently in atlantic city, much more modest wind flow however as compared to what we saw yesterday. for one thing, it is turning direction, more after westerly component to the win, but not as gusty throughout the course of the day though everybody can bank on full sunshine, so have your sunglasses ready to go, too, but that sun will brighten things up, help warm things up as the day goes on, 64 down the shore, shooting for 66 in philly, generally looking to be real nice dayment quick check on your headlines for the week ahead, obviously nice start to the week. but there will be a significant swing, that takes place, on our thermometer read was time here. meanwhile how is halloween
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looking at this point i expect to to stay dry little chilliment talk more about it later in the show, jess? >> thanks, good for the kids on halloween, not good for you headed out the door in the next couple of minutes. unfortunate situation outside on the schuylkill expressway, city avenue, westbound toward the king of prussia area, a lot of slow going, pretty much jammed up from the boulevard out to belmont. the ben franklin bridge, pretty much having a hard time here. this is actually from the philly side. so these are the westbound lanes, that are headed from new jersey into the city. you can see completely stack up, and slow moving. at least fortunately all lanes are open. but not the same story, if you are head on into philadelphia from jersey, no problem. the pa turnpike accident eastbound at bensalem. out in delaware county, another crash, goshen road and boot road. now the rest -- sorry montgomery county accident joshua and second street. but in new jersey all of the spots that are typically slow, in the morning, are pretty much starting to be slow. so 42 northbound, 55 northbound, 295 looking good in both directions and
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currently no problems on mass transit. septa new jersey transit and dart all running on time with no delays. ukee, over to you. >> thank you, jess, following breaking news on ebola outbreak, five year old boy being tested for the virus in new york, after returning to the us from west africa. reports say he was vomiting and had a fever of 103 degrees when he was carried into the ambulance. we're also toll he was also traveling with several family members. they are being quarantined, as well, inside their apartment. well, as we continue to seymour cases here in the u.s., there is a growing question over the rights of people in quarantine, particularly, with medical workers returning from west africa. cbs news correspondent brian web explains how some states are responding to these potential legal issues. after weekend of fears opposition from the white house and some medical experts, new york governor andrew cuomo updated his state's mandatory 21 day quarantine protocols, following screen at the
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airport, cuomo says anyone hooshes shows no symptoms of ebola can quarantine themselves at home. >> there. >> goes 21 days, healthcare workers with check on them twice a day, through monitor, their temperature and condition. >> nurse casey hickox is the first healthcare worker isolated un the new protocols in new jersey. hickox is being held in a isolation tent here at university hospital in newark, after returning from sierra leone, where she treated patients with ebola. she calls her treatment humane, isolation tent has portable tore let but no shower, hired team of civil lawyers to help get her out. >> she knows how to treat and deal with ebola. unfortunately, governor christie apparently does not. >> new jersey governor chris christie is standing by his statement's protocols. >> i don't believe when you are dealing with something as seen just as this is that we can count on volunteer system. >> new jersey quarantine policy will face first legal
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test this week, as hickox plans to file a federal lawsuit within days. brian web, cbs news, newark. 8:08 right now. mother is facing serious charges in atlantic city. police say that she threw her own one month old baby into the ocean. it happened at the end of pacific avenue. eyewitnesses say she also jumped in the water. luckily, several bystanders saw the whole thing, and pulled both of them to safety. even after they got back on dry lan, one rescuer still a bit shaken up. >> just very bizarre. yes, very sad, though, you know, for her, too. i hope she can get some help. >> the mother has been identified as patricia slug, now being held on charges of aggravated assault. that child is being treated right now at the hospital this morning. well, for the first time this season, the eagles fall out of first place in the ffc east. sports director beasley reese shows you how the birds dual in the dessert with the arizona cardinals came down to
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the very last play. >> reporter: two good teams in the dessert sunday, eagles and cardinals, arizona won the turn over battle and made the biggest plays. pick it up with larry fitzgerald, the rookie john brown, they brought the secondary, brown beating double team to play arizona on top, 24 to 20. with little over a minute left to play. there was a valient drive by the eagles, it ended with one second on the clock, and nick's throw to matthews was a couple of yards too wide. the eagles fall to five and two. twenty-four-20, was the final. >> our defense played real well except for just couple of the long pass to fitzgerald at the beginning of the second half, and then that one i think those are the two, the two long -- besides that i thought our defense played well. >> i was cents just trying to find one-on-one matchups, trying to give the guys an opportunity to make a play in that situation. the last throw, make sure it is inbound, came down to great
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catch. but i have to make sure i keep them in balance to give us a chance to win. >> birds with another tough defense next week. they head to houston to take on jj wathan the texans, i'm beasley reese, back to the desk. >> all right, so we are wondering your thoughts on who is to blame for the eagles lost, all morgue we have asked to you jump on twitter and use the hashtag cbs-3 eagles. and here are a few of the tweets we've gotten over the past oh, i guess few hours this morning. one says: foles bears most of the blame, overthrew his receivers all game, two interceptions, savage says: simply the referees, a lot of flags in the game. no doubt about that. another says. no one we fought to the last second. disappointing yet victorious. my man ed says: you lose the turn over battle against a good team, you lose the game. the d also gave up two killers big plays. stanford 2,000 says: foles can't affords to turn the ball over, hash to go better. let us know what you think,
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hit us up on twitter. erika, back over to you. >> hard to believe but it has been two years since super storm sandy slammed into new jersey. new this morning, hear what the people hit hardest by the storm say about the recovery process. plus, warned away by major flooding, neighborhoods turn into raging rivers. see the damage left behind by this devastating storm. >> you don't have to break the bank to head home for the holidays, the best time to book that flight. >> ♪ >> big day for taylor swift, new albumn just came out overnight. but don't be surprised if this one shoots the top of the charts yet again for taylor. so many great songs i've heard. be rigight back.
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incredible video from southern greece, that region just got slam with hurricane late last week, there is causing severe flooding you see right there in parts of the country. this video is from athens, where the streets look more like rivers. at one point the storm dropped more than 5 inches of rain in just matter of hours, authorities are going to the neighborhoods today assessing all of the damage left behind. >> almost two years after sandy new pole finds dependents on neighbors more than government. help communities recover from the disaster. >> pole also found 72% of those surveyed say their neighborhood is either mostly or completely recovered. wednesday marks the second anniversary of sandy hitting the jersey shore. >> let's get your traffic and weather together. here's kate. >> i good morning, ukee, good morning, everybody, start
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things offer by taking you out to the poconos here where the sun continues to shine brightly. what you cannot see, these leaves have changed colors nicely for us, basically looking at the peak of fall foliage here across the mountain us terrain, and the sun is going to just make those colors that much more vibrant on day like. >> this let's go next, though, to our fall foliage map. we show you where we've already hit the peak, and where we are just about ready to get there. so locally, we're pretty much almost there. pretty much going to be at the peak of fall foliage, vicinity to the northwest, then moderate levels of the colors, here across southern new jersey, meanwhile, nice wide zoom, storm scan3 shows high pressure just keeping control across the better part of the eastern third of the us. we are, however, tracking the combination of new cold front, off to the wells. currently moving through with a little bit of wet weather across nebraska, you can see that it is still casino of chilly here locally but off to the southwest very mild air courtesy of the high pressure, starting to lift n actually
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approaching records in a couple of spots well off to the south. meanwhile here's what's happening behind that next cold front. base link swing on thermometer. casino of cool for now, we do end up with season i recall d then the drop on the thermometer begins, wheel even wednesday mild for the standard, the beginning of temperatures just starting to drop off with every passing day. by the time we hit the weekend, touch hitting eat's. shower comes wednesday, courtesy of cold front, meantime today, tomorrow, absolutely beautiful days. specially tomorrow, highs in the mid 700's. jess, over to you. >> we go outside, jams across the board, first we start off with the blue route, at baltimore pike, so southbound, moving along real slowly, there most of the jam headed northbound, toward route one, see a lot of brake lights in there. 202 the jam here headed northbound towards king of from prussia, southbound
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moving great along 401. pa turnpike a crash, eastbound, just at bensalem, push over to the right-hand side. expect to squeeze on by to the left. majors really starting to stack up. fifty-nine southbound, heavy shot there, from woodhaven into the vine st. expressway. will take you 39 minutes, 13 minutes on 422 headed eastbound from oaks into 202, erika, over to you. >> thank you, after years of making headlines for wild antics, while forbes time toronto mayor coming to answer. today voters head to the polls to choose his successor. his brother, doug ford, one of the top three candidates. while ford drop out of the race last month, but he's still running for city council, that's a position that he held for ten years prior to becoming mayor. diff divided ukraine, early exit polls indicate president's party will secure a narrow win, he campaigned on reform agenda aimed at pulling ukraine back from the brink of economic ruin. results could cause further tensions cents with russia,
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there bass cents no voting in parts of the country currently held by pro russian rebels. appears the force was not with one ukrainian electoral candidate. man who legally changed hads name it darth vader arrived at polling place in kiev, blasting star wars theme music and in full costume as you see, election officials would not let him vote after he refused to show his face. he reportedly told them darth vader die, if he removed his mask. >> getting little grab think with his id. >> just a bit. just a bit. >> all right, right now, 8:18. do you ever feel like your friends find better barring ants on line than do you? >> find out how you could end up paying more the same product. we'll show you how to save some monday. >> i dangerous driving crackdown. the steps being taken to keel lying he will al atv's and dirt bikes off city streets. first though here's what's coming up tonight on the "cw
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go to today. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v >> if you are flying out for the holidays, time to buy a ticket without breaking the banks.
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experts say now is the time to book that ticket. a new survey shows the lowest prices for dom et cetera i can airfares are found eight weeks before the departure date. so, in case you're wondering, christmas, my gosh, eight weeks from thursday. >> the reports also fawn sunday is the cheapest day to buy plane tickets? not just when you shop on line, but where you shop, that impacts the price you pay. cbs news correspondent don dahle explains why your friends find better bargains than you. >> i may have noticed while shopping on line your computer seems to know exactly what you are looking for. that is because companies track your search and purchase histories, to make goes z about what you like. but a northeastern university study shows some companies are also using information about how you're shopping on line, to customize prices. >> co-author: >> many e commerce sites will give deals or change the
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prices for people using specific die vices or brousers, or they'll change the order of search results to highlight more expensive items. >> for instance, you get an average discount of $15, if you use an iphone to look for hotels or plane tickets on travelocity. but not if you're using a desk top computer. found random search using desk top averaged $120 a right, but the same search on android or iphone, averaged $230 an item. home depo had the largest per and of different prices for the same products, in the study, followed by cheap tickets, orbitz, price line, sears, j.c. penney and macy's. >> the difference in the real world is that these practices are transparent. but on the internet you don't know what's going on, goa to website, search for product and you don't know if those products have other prices that are available, or if there are products being
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hidden from you. >> customizing prices isn't illegal, but when orbitz was discovered steering apple computer users toward more expensive hotels, the company stopped doing so. researchers say if you want the best deals, try doing the same from the search with different devices cents cents or enlist the help after friend. don dahlercbs news, new york. we'll take a short break, you're watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". morning, family, back in just a bit.
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good morning, i'm ukee washington, septa workers vote to authorize strike that could bridge city buses, trolleys and trains to a halt. have been without a contract since march. still on the job for now while talks continue. some union sticking points include pension fund contributions and pay raising, hear from the aoun's president in a news conference later this afternoon. right now let's get your forecasts with katie in the weather center good morning, everybody, hammy monday to you, we can expect to once again see fum sunshine today, but still will be nice day out there. expect again empty storm scan3, courtesy of high pressure, bright blue skies out there right now, 66 this afternoon, just beautiful, and tonight we drop it down to 50 degrees under mostly clear sky, not quite as chilly, as
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is what we saw this morning. through the overnight, but, we look forward in the forecast, expecting a surge on the thermometer, 75 degrees, tomorrow, cold front crossing wednesday, so it is still mild ahead of it, we hit 70 degrees, but will be a shower that rolls through nothing more, and then temperatures take pretty significant hit, i expect dry halloween forecast, but by saturday we do have chance for shower, it will be windy, and chilly, in the wake of that next reinforcing shot of cool air. jess? >> thanks, kate. really busy morning so far. we go outside right now show you the roosevelt roosevelt bou. actually just approach the schuylkill expressway headed southbound where there is medical emergency actually pulled to the right shoulder. police activity, and emergency vehicles, on the scene, trying to get that clean up and out of the way. on the pa turnpike eastbound an accident at bensalem, so just use some caution for police activity on the scene, ukee, back to you. >> thanks so much. next update at 8:55, up next on cbs this morning from burning down the house to burning up the stage. the talking heads co-founder,
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david burns, in studio 57 with his latest musical triumph. for more local news weather traffic and sports we are on the "cw philly" on these channels.
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>> sunny start your work week down the shore, beautiful view for you there in atlantic city. katie will be along with your for carriages, we have 25 degrees spread in your seven day. >> all over the place? >> all over, she'll explain where coming up. >> on the right side of your screen, traffic looking pretty nice on the benny, ben franklin bridge.
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jessica joins because look at the roads, traffic and weather together coming up in just a few minutes. right now thousands of septa transit workers who operate the city's buses, trolleys and subways, they could all soon walk off the job. >> they gave the aoun union leadership after working without contract since the month of march. "eyewitness news" reporter jan carabeo joins us now from the frankford transportation center more on what this means for so many commuters, jan? >> no disruptions right now, but how long will it lasts? ride remembers worried this morning, who rely on the transportation, they say, a strike would be a huge inconvenience for them, everything is operating as normal, union leadership, however, now has the authorization to strike, but members say they've been told they'll be on the job this week, meaning septa buts cents cents, trains, toll thinks philadelphia, will keep rolling for now. members approved unanimously sunday, again, that means members have approved union leadership to tall a strike if
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they deem it necessary. 5,000 bus drivers, subway, trolley operators, and maintenance workers, have been without a contract since march. sticking points, continue to be pension benefit increases cents and pay raises. union members tell us, they don't want a strike, but that the strike authorization is their only leverage against septa negotiators. and even though no strike has been announced just yet, some ride remembers already taking sides. i don't think they make enough moneyment we are all struggling out here. nobody wants to give us benefits. everybody's going through the same thing. so they need to come to work. >> hang in there. i hope you get you what want before you have to go on strike. >> septa officials say they've received no indication that a work stoppage is imminent. both sides continue to negotiate. meantime everything is operating as normal, if a strike does indeed happen, philadelphia, trolleys, transit, trolleys, trains, and busses, would be impacted. reporting live in frank for,
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jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> breaking news, doctors in new york testing five year old boy with ebola days after he came back from west after a returned to the hospital. reports say i waist throwing up and had a high fever when he was carried to the ambulance. he was travel with several family members, and they're now being quarantined inside their apartment. meanwhile an american medical work here also just returned from africa is raising questions about the containment plan here in the u.s. casey hickox has been in isolation since friday, even though nos tested positive for ebola. she sent out several pictures of the quarantine area complaining that it lacks certain base being necessities. she has contacted civil rights attorney who is now fight to go have her freed. >> i this this this is an extreme really unacceptable. and i feel like my basic human
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rights have been violated. >> i understand ms. hickox is uncomfortable and doesn't want to be quarantined, by migrate err responsibility is the 8.9 million people in new jersey have working on new guidelines for returning healthcare workers, those guidelines expected in a if you days. moment of silence in spoon community to remember the lives lost during high school shooting. fourteen year old gia soriano died due to her jester. on friday freshman jaylen fryberg opened fire killing another girl before killing himself at marysville pilchuck high school. three others in the hospital clinic to go live. this week school is giving students time to cope. getting your traffic and weather together. here's kate. >> setting up for significant swing on the thermometer and days ahead here, we go anywhere from mid 70s, by
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tomorrow, to all the way down to the point where we barely can even get new the 50's, here, by the weekend. so, we will see a lot of did i rent pretty clears here on this range of the temperature reading over the next couple of days, and it comes more than anything just courtesy of couple of fronts moving through. but none of these fronts will pack any major punch other than with what it will do to the thermometer readings. so, satellite and radar, take a look here, in the last two hours, things are very, very quiet, very, very calm, high pressure to thank for. that will we take you taught live neighborhood network, just next-door to reading and west lawn, pa, long shadows being cast out on the playground, sun shining brightly, so that temperature of 48 degrees should start to, you know, rebound as we move forward. but, we've pretty much bottomed out in the last hour or so, now, that the sun is up it, does its part, we start to rebounds as the morning pros progresses, 44 millville, chilly, mount pocono, that far little slew of observations, but it is even chillier in
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pottstown, quakertown at this hour at 37 apiece. as the day progresses expect that sun to shine all day. we again have a bit of a chilly morning to kick it off. afternoon looks beautiful. pair of six areas as our spent dollars daytime high in philadelphia, similar forecast for you down along the shore points, up in the mountains, however, may not break out of the upper 50's, so, that said, you still want to dress in layers here today. it will be very nice day, as we wrap up the first day back to work and school. jess, back to you. >> thank you, katie. messy morning so far. just coming, just little after 8:30, we go outside right now, show you the roosevelt boulevard, this is at fox street. we did have medical emergency, just up ahead headed southbound approaching the schuylkill expressway just few minutes ago it, has since cleared, and we towelly had some residual delays in the shot just minute ago, you can see lighting up just little bit headed southbound, over on the schuylkill expressway, not lightening up at all at city ci. pretty much jammed solid
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jammed from the boulevard into belmont. otherwise pa turnpike eastbound at bensalem still accident out there pushed over to the right-hand side. our majors starting to slow up and still stay there. fifty-nine southbound, heavy woodhaven into the vine st. expressway, 33 minute thrip there. will take you one minutes, slow on 422, eastbound oaks into 202, accident twp. line road at meeting house road, montgomery county. mass transit great alternate today. septa new jersey transit and dart all running on time no reported delays. currently no delays at the philadelphia international airport. ukee? >> jess, thank you. dirt bikes and atv's weaving in and out of traffic being trooper three caught it owl. philadelphia police sending clear message it will not be tolerated. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers shows you what they're doing to put the brakes on these dangerous drivers. >> message from police is certainly. if you ride illegal dirt bikes, atv's on city streets, weaving in and out of traffic, making roadways more dangerous for drivers and pedestrians,
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like that woman there, your ride will eventually ends up here impound in the police custody. >> we're seeing a lot of these vehicles. >> police showed off most recent hall sunday night, nearly three dozen dirt bikes atv's confiscated around north philly. sunday's operation comes days after hundreds every riders hit city streets on tuesday. snarling traffic, and making drivers nervous. they were riding in honor of dirt bike riders from philly who cents was killed earlier this month. >> chief said sunday's round up not done in response to tuesday's ride, rather, he says, it was part of continuing efforts that have confiscated over 100 such vehicles, this year, in north philly alone. >> very wreckless, riding on sidewalks, they're cutting vehicles, definately public safety hawes glared were no injuries reported during tuesday's tribute right, but officials say it is only matter of time before
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something bad does happen. >> my heart goes out to the young man that's dead. we've gone out of control with dirt bikes in this city. >> in philadelphia, police policy holds that officers are not allowed to pursue those dirt bikes or atv's during traffic stops, for fear it would only make their riders more wreckless, and therefore, make streets more dangerous. outside of police headquarters, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> the last us marine unit ends combat mission in afghanistan, and transfers authorities to the afghan army. us and british forces held a special ceremony at camp bash tan, is the enter of uk operations in afghan scan since 2006. hand over the based afghan control ends important chapter in the 13 year afghan campaign. it started after the terrorist attacks on the us in 20016789. i'm sure there will be people ask me did remake a difference in afghanistan. i hope we d i know we did. soon every single marine
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and british troop will board planes and head home. however, for security reasons, the us has in the released the date when that will happen. >> your time now 8:39. still ahead this morning, star spangled blunder. see how eye a rock star kind of messed up the national anthem at the world series. >> three's on your side with new trend in babysitting. >> also, need a reason to dig into the halloween candy few days early? >> nope. >> grab the chocolate when you hear this one. >> ♪ >> weaver some sweet news this morning, why you can have chocolate every single day. that's what the study found, great benefit for you. >> really? >> we'll be right back. ♪
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ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself some people think vegetables are boring.
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but with green giant's delicious seasonings and blends, we just may change their minds. ho ho ho green giant!
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>> the union put thousands of septa workers holding news conference this afternoon. after last night's vote to authorize a strike. workers had been without a contract since march. also, some break news right now on the ebola outbreak. five year old boy who returned to the u.s. in west africa with his family,'s now being treated in new york with possible ebola symptoms. doctors have not confirm the diagnosis. >> but the family is being quarantined. >> it is believed a woman through this baby into the water, then jumped in herself in ac. woman and infant are hospitalized this morning. >> on the cbs-3 health watch this morning, starting today, millions of americans can now take colon cancer screening test, in the privacy of their
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own home. it is called the colo guard test, and it is available with a prescription to patients 50 and older. that test looks for cancer related dna in your stool. the tests are lessee vase i have, less expensive, and covered by medicare. some good news, for chocolate lovers. researchers at columbia university say it may help your memory. scientists studied the effect of flavanols, ingredient found in cocoa, they believe it could help reverse memory loss, in older adults. they found patients who had more flavonols performed better on memory tests, and also, this is neat, in some cases, they had the memory of somebody 30 years younger. >> all right, well, are you wore bid ebola, or do you have another health related question? if so, three's on your side. hosting a docks on call phone bank tomorrow afternoon. doctors cents from the pennsylvania medical society will be here in our cbs-3 broadcast center, they're answering your questions about general health issues, from five p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
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give us a call if you have a question. right now just past 8: 43, calling on miss phrase phrase for our monday forecast. >> good morning. >> it is a dollars go up with you, you will be delighted what i have to offer up. bang to work and school. satellite, radar, calm as can be, empty basically, nothing other than bright blue sky out there, and big old ball of sunshine. so, really need to have your sunglasses ready when you hit the road specially if you're an eastbound traveler, that sun glare will absolutely get you here today. meanwhile off to the west, we go, where we are starting to seat combination of our latest storm system. yes, we can call it storm system. doesn't look all that impressive here. going to see the warmfront with this get lifted north, see the cold front with this, drive you through our area looking ahead to wednesday, what it will do is send the temperatures all on nosedive. see high pressure helping jet stream to ridge out the brighter the colors, the red, the orange, yellow, miler it will be, of course the cooler colors to note that you have cooler air on the way. so one pulse that far comes in wednesday, another pulls of
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that comes in then on friday, reinforcing blast of cool air. in fact that reinforcing blast could actually bring in first rounds of snow to the great lakes and portions of new england. no snow here though, i want to make it very clear, sometimes you hear that word, my god, getting snow. no, just the great lakes new england area. however we'll see the thermometer drop off as a result of the same system. a look at couple of choice locations cents in the live neighborhood, burn ville, all four spots checking in the four's, casino of general norm, that we are finding some spots little milder, little cooler, but as the day progresses we all start to see the trend, unfold, where we warm up easily. mid 70s, expected tomorrow, with that surge on the thermometer, and that warmfront crossing through, by wednesday comes the cold front, that's where we have to deal with just shower. just over -- jess, over to you. >> 8:35, busy morning, we go outside, show you some jams on the 30 bypass, 322, still headed eastbound toward downingtown, we see most of the flow going, westbound lanes moving along just fine.
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now over on 95 at girard, northbound lanes, moving along great there. little bit of jam headed southbound toward center city. that's something we've come to expect this time of morning anyway. septa having 20 minute delays due to equipment problems. on the media elwyn regional rail line, so set yourself little bit earlier, as you leave to get out the door. accident out in jersey, 259 northbound at route 130. rest of the jersey majors really slow in the typical spots, so route 42 northbound, the new jersey turnpike looking good so far. and the north and southbound directions cents. don't forget when you are on the road, you can still get your updated information about traffic backups with the new your drive app. download the app for iphone and android devices going going to drive. >> ♪ >> hit cbs comedy gets dose of reality. >> kim adder crash juan west makes guest appearance tonight on the season four premiere of two broke girls. kim will play herself in a
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story line that involves her reality show. tweet add pick, show it to you right there from her set. asking fans to watch tonight, you can catch two broke girls on our sister station cbs-3, at 8:00 p.m. ll cool jay is hosting a new one hour entertainment special, and it is end titled very grammy christmas. can't wait to see it. it features aerianna grande, marine five, tim mcgraw, terrell -- ferrell williams, performing pop hits, holiday favorites. catch a very grammy christmas on sister station cbs-3, date to put on your calendar, the fifth of december. and last vague zest honk or britney spears with key to the strip in a ceremony next month. november 5th will become brittany day in sin city. singer currently in the middle her vaguest residency over at "planet hollywood" hotel and casino. a text shown will keep her there through 2017.
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>> home of one every chicago's most infamous gangsters is for sale. al capone moved into this home the south side of chicago in 1923. now, it has had some renovations cents sing the 20's, new jaccuzzi, new windows, new kitchen and also cents an addition, and it is yours for the low, low price of $225,000. >> how about that? i think capone might have been over here where they have our prison here in town, i think. >> yes, penn. >> how about that? >> at the penn. we'll take a short break. you're watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". se
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>> we now it is 8:50 this monday morning, but looking for babysitter for this weekend, don't be surprised if a boy want the job. >> jim donovan finds they're signing up for kid duty after realizing they can earn some big bucks. >> catwalk. >> a paycheck! >> all my friends think it is casino of interesting, because they're not like very friendly with children. but they think it is cool that i am. >> but sam is onto a growing trend. young men are beginning to see the benefits of babysitting, compared to more traditional jobs for a teen boy. >> one of them is the fact that, you know what, it pace pretty good. two, it is a lot easier than manual lane or. three, it is more flexible, in
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terms whatever they can do, in terms of the hours, and how they do it. >> and probably more enjoyable. >> pay varies, but on average for teens? >> we've seen babysitters charge from ten to $20 per hour depending on the amount of children they are area sitting for. that's great income when you think how it might compare to a fast-food job, or mowing lawns, or things like that. >> and sometimes, male sit remembers preferred by parents, that's how sam ended up watching diana kohl's children. >> need sometimes one-on-one time, as well as it shows the girls that it is good, you know, it is not just a female role, it is also a male roll. >> a roll that sam is suggesting other guys seriously consider. >> i would absolutely recommend babysitting, because it is really fun. it is really rewarding. >> offering on line babysitter
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training, have safety training, be sure any sitter you hire can provide references, as well. "3 on your side", i'm jim donovan. >> at 20 bucks an hour? >> see it. >> katie, good morning. >> we can expect to seabright sunshine out there today, it will help warm things up from the chilly start that we have had thus far this morning, but typically this time of year, we round out the month of october, jumping into the month of november, we would typically be in to the low 60s, for most days, but, we will see very significant just surge on the thermometer, then a drop off later in the week, today still seasonable, bright sunshine, for you, keeping that around down the shore, mid 60s, and up ear's expected in the poconos, everybody gets in on the sunshine. jess? >> i love fall. >> twenty minute delays on septa, media elwyn rail line dealing with. that will accident on 295 northbound, just at route 130, but we'll get through it, guys, it is cents almost over.
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>> all right, >> oh, you hear that -- >> oh, in the crowd. >> stained, is that the name of the group, front man, aaron lewis, messed up the words to the national anthem. he was supposed to sing at the twilights last gleeming, instead he since so gallantly streaming. which is in the song but just not there. >> did he it in tune, he tried to make it flow. >> that's half the bat. >> that's right. >> they were words in the song, you know? lewis tweeted apology saying quote my nerves got the best of me. and i mean, i can understand why. >> for sure. >> world series, the stadium. >> tough. >> and the highlight of people messing up the anthem is
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unbelievable. so it happens. it happens. >> more times than it doesn't. >> yes. >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". don't forget we're always on at >> check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. one more check on traffic and weather together. we'll be right back.
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good morning, i'm erika von tiehl. woman is facing charges in atlantic city after police say she threw her own baby into the ocean. she's been identified as patricia shurig. she threw the one month old infant into the inlet, then jumped in herself. few of the bystanders were able to pull both of them to safety. now in custody, the child is expected to be okay. let's get your forecast now with katie. nice way to start our week. >> absolutely. the weekend overall is actually beautiful, as well. and now, we're just seeing less winds, than what sunday produced, so it, really just looks like lovely start to the week for us, here, and a bright one, at that. so let's take you out there to satellite and radar composite. where we do have clear sky,
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generally, so, nothing showing up on saturday light or radar for us locally. but, you can see few scattered clouds offer across new england, beautiful weather as a, are 66 degrees, full sunshine, tonight drop town to down to 50, generally clear sky, not quite as chilly because tracking warmfront, and boy it is it warm us up. 75 degrees, by tomorrow. we keep that temperature up at 70 even wednesday, by this point cold front will be moving in, moving through, touches off shower, nothing more but it will be responsible for the nose dive that we start to see take place later this week. jess? >> real unfortunate situation on the schuylkill expressway, out there for quite some time. jammed at city avenue westbound toward the king of prussia area from boulevard to belmont for the predominant part of the morning, septa also having 20 minute delays due to equipment problems, on the media elwyn regional rail line. that will set you back quota bit. 295 northbound, route 130, an accident, there, and north of the majors slow on 59 headed
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southbound, 422 doing little better headed eastbound from oaks into 202. erika, back over to you. >> jess, thank you will, that's "eyewitness news" for now, talk philly coming you at noon on cbs-3, hope you have a great morning.
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