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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 3, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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>> ♪ >> we have found and we have brought shane home. >> developing right now, the body of shane montgomery the west chester student who disappeared on thanksgiving is found in the schuylkill river. good evening, i'm natasha brown. thank you so much for joining us. after weeks of searches police say the body was found just a short distance downstream from where he was last seen. "eyewitness news" reporter matt rivers is life. he has the latest developments. >> reporter: natasha, shane montgomery disappeared 37 days ago as mentioned on thanksgiving morning. over five weeks of searching ended around noon after his body was found in the river just behind me down that embankment. the announcement came under gray skies in a cold rain, the weather bee fitting of a somber saturday. >> today we have found what we have promised. we have found and we have brought shane home. >> reporter: with that shane's parents kevin and karen montgomery confirmed their 21-year-old son had been found. a volunteer diver found the young man's body in just 4 feet of water 10 feet or so from the river bank not far downstream from where a surveillance camera captured shane walking towards the river, the last images of him alive. >> that's what we're here for. that's what we do. that's why we do this. just to find families' loved ones and bring them back together. >> reporter: family members gathered embracing one another in anguish and relief. their long wait for answers now over. a massive search for the college student covered every
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inch of manayunk. missing persons bangers were hung. were shane's keys were found in the river most were resolved to the worst. still shane's family says their strength came from the support of an entire community. >> we want to thank everyone for their support and prayers and love and ask they continue to pray for our family at this trying time. >> reporter: prayers will certainly be in abundance as evidenced by the thousands of people commenting other help fine shane montgomery facebook page. nearly all were words of support and love. people lending there hearts to family that is just beginning to grieve. >> at this time we ask that you respect our privacy. we need time to mourn together as a family. >> reporter: and funeral arrangely. s for shane are expected to be formalized soon. as for police, their investigation will continue into figuring out exactly how shane died. we're live in manayunk tonight, matt rivers, "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> matt thank you very much. shane montgomery was last seen leaving kildare's dare's irish pub in manayunk early thanksgiving morning. the canal was dredged sunday november 30th, the same date fbi joined local officials in the investigation. on december 10th we learned there was surveillance video of montgomery near the river. shane's keys were found by search teams in the water on december 21st. divers continual returned to the area until they found his still submerged body today. now, we have of course been following this story from the very beginning. learn more about the search for shane montgomery on our web site and now we've got our eye on a storm.
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much of the area getting heavy rain today. the temperatures are actually on the rise. hard to believe though, when you see this. take a look. parts of the region got snow today. al center this picture from bethlehem pa. meteorologist justin drabick has been tracking the storm all day long. he joins us now from the cbs3 weather center with what we can expect for the rest of the weekend. hey, justin. >> that's right, natasha more rain throughout the delaware valley but temperatures will resemble more like april over the next 12 hours or so. another batch of steadier heavy rain moving in from the south and west. elkton maryland, newark seeing some heavier rain right now. this will move into wilmington and philadelphia probably in the next 20 minutes or so as it continues to move to the northeast and once that batch passes through, we're not done. look at all the rain still to the south. we got awhile to go yet as the center of the storm is to our west and tracks up through the northeast so again off and on showers will that continue in our forecast overnight and through the day on sunday. yes, we did see a little bit of snow today. mount pocono coming in at over an inch of a snow before we saw that changeover to plain rain. point seventy seven northampton county in martins creek. ewing new jersey coming in at .1 and we did get a trace of snow this morning in philadelphia. here we are four days and still some 30's showing up to our north but everybody is above freezing. look at wildwood now at 50 degrees so that's a sign of things to come. warmer air will move in from the south. suburbs starting to warm up. 37 in quakertown, pottstown 35 in doylestown. here's your sunday forecast.
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still periods of rain, comes to an end during the evening. southwest winds bump our temperatures into the 60's. there's an arctic in our forecast. >> stay you can track live radar, get weather alerts and even send pictures to our weather team. the cbsphilly weather app is available in google play and itunes. camden county police say a man killed himself after shooting his girlfriend. the unidentified woman was shot near the intersection of baird boulevard and marlton pike at about 3 o'clock this morning. she was rushed to cooper university hospital by her father in critical condition can. her boyfriend reportedly followed them to the hospital and then shot and killed himself while parked outside of the emergency room. also a man barricades himself inside his levittown pa home with his 90-year-old mother after police arrived to commit him to a mental news. lawrence ruth had allegedly threatened to shoot a neighbor also kill family members once his mother dies. police surrounded the home on ice pond road, they negotiated with him for about eight hours or so before jumping in through a window to subdue him. ruth's mother who suffers from dementia is now in the hospital. awake is held for the second new york city police officer killed in an ambush shooting. uniformed police officers from around the country lined up to remember officer wenjan liu. in attendance new york city mayor bill deblasio and police commissioner bill bratton. officers saluted both as they entered the funeral home. liu's partner rafael ramos was laid to rest last week. umbrellas in hand signs in the other. families from all races
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marched from calvary church to love park calling for the end of racial injustice. protests have been going on around the country in the wake of grand jury decisions not to file charges against officers involved in the deaths of michael brown and eric garner. indonesian investigator say they think they found the wreckage of airasia flight 8501. the flight crashed on sunday halfway into a two hour flight from surabaya indonesia to singapore. cbs correspondent wendy gillette has more. >> reporter: sonar equipment has detector four massive objects on the floor of the java sea in the area where searchers are looking for airasia flight 8501. the biggest piece measures 59 feet long and 18 feet wide and is in water about 100 feet deep. indonesian investigators think it's parter of the plane's body. other chunks of plain debris was discovered in the same area and washed up on some beaches but the plane's black boxes remain missing. the u.s.s. fort worth is one of two navy ships helping in the investigation. >> u.s.s. samson is using mounted sonar to listen:it won't comment as to the success of that right now but they are using some -- some technology organic to the ship right now. >> reporter: strong currents and waivers as high -- waves as high as 13 feet have prevented them from getting into the water. 44 families received their loved ones' bodies. >> i friends. >> reporter: the cause of the crash is still unknown. so bad weather appears to be a
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factor. in new york, wendy gillette for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> an alert for drivers tonight. tolls on the pennsylvania turnpike will increase at midnight. motorist is will pay a higher toll. the increase will help to pay to widen it to six lanes. bottom dollar food stores closing for good. 66 stores in philadelphia and pittsburgh will close by january 15th at the latest. the parent company announced last month that the sites would be sold to the aldi's supermarket chain. loyal customers say their prices can't be beat. >> great prices and you don't have to travel far. >> most everything you pick up is on sale. sale sign, price on it and it's cheap. >> aldi plans to expand operations in the u.s. but hasn't said if they'll reopen closed sites. it is being called a miracle. a seven-year-old girl walks away from a plane crash that killed everyone else on board. coming up, hear from the man who found her cold and without shoes. and then iphone users listen. a new lawsuit is filed against apple. why the tech giant is being accused of deceiving customers. justin. >> we have more rain on the way for the rest of the weekend and temperatures will resemble spring briefly. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> villanova looking for a win against seton hall about the butt could they overcome in overtime? lesley has those highlights. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables
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and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh ing. >> the only survivor, a young child's walked through a mile of thick woods in the dark in rain and near freezing temperatures to get help. reporter: after surviving the crash of her family's small year old seven year old taylor guntzler walked about a mile. >> little girl about seven eight years old, standing there. she had blood on her face. mom and dad are dead. we had a plane crash and the plane is upside down. >> reporter: it was cold dark and rainy. wilkins says the little girl was crying wearing no shoes and only light summer clothes. >> she was barefooted. she had one sock on her feet schenn walked all that distance barefooted. brave little girl. she's done a hell of a job as far as i'm concerned. >> reporter: sailor's family was flying home from vacation in key west florida to mount vernon illinois in a twin engine piper similar to this one. this family photo was snapped aboard the plane last week. the father reported engine trouble right before the plane crashed 4 miles from a small
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airport in lion county kentucky. the crash killed him his wife sailor's nine year old sister piper and 14 year old cousin sierra wilder. sailor the lone survivor suffered a broken wrist and cuts and scratches. >> i pray for her. she's going to need a lot of help. >> reporter: the cause of the crash is under investigation. omar villafranca for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> well, the first african-american in u.s. history to win popular election to the senate has died. former massachusetts senator edward brook was elected in 1966 and served two terms. he was a liberal republican and one of massachusetts 's most popular political figures during his years in the senate. a former aide says brook died of natural causes. edward brook was 95 years old. storage wars for iphone maker apple. two customers in miami are suing the tech giant claiming it falsely advertises its iphone 6 and six plus storage. they're seeking permission to make it a class action lawsuit and want more than $5 million in damages. they say apple's new ios 8 software takes up as much as 23 percent of the advertised storage space on their 16 gigabyte phone. apple has not commented on the pending litigation. >> well, if you're a fan of warmer temperatures you're going to like the forecast for the second half of the weekend. right now getting that slow warm up showing upper 30's even mid 40's across the delaware valley so that's a sign of that warm front getting close to our region that will eventually push through. let's look at rainfall amount. more rain on the way in
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riverside, new jersey, ron russell leads the list at .69 ocean city .62 barbara lane in willow grove over a half an inch as well as vincentown new jersey douglas checks in at point 56-inches. if you love the weather and want to be featured in our newscast become an eyewitness weather watcher. sign up now at poconos -- actually no we'll go outside here in center city where we're dealing with a lot of fog and mist and drizzle. that's pretty much what we'll be expecting through the overnight hours into the start of your sunday. now, look at storm scan3. we do have a heavier batch of rain now moving into northern maryland into southern lancaster and chester county. then moves to the northeast so eventually parts of northern chester into bucks montgomery going to get some steadier rain in another half hour to an hour. then we get a break from d.c. south through southern virginia. then another batch of steady rain developing over eastern the tennessee. that's going to head northward. looks like tomorrow night we'll he -- we'll start to see milder conditions. half a mile visibility in atlantic city, less than half a mile in wildwood. mild air starting to move in from the south. upper 40's wild looed wood and atlantic city. still 30's up in the local and poconos but the good news is we are above freezing. 51 in pittsburgh right now so there's the warm air that's going to be moving in and maybe that warm air is helping the ravens out currently this hour over at the game in pittsburgh. southwest winds are continuing during the day tomorrow. that brings in warmer air then it will switch to the northwest to northwest on
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monday. that cools us back down to where we should be. then we'll talk about arctic air moving in. 60 for high as much as on sunday, off and on showers especially during the morning. as you go into monday back to reality, uner 30's. it's going to be wind windy at times. wind chill values will make it feel colder than that. then a weak clipper system moves through on tuesday bringing a round of snow showers late into the morning and afternoon. there come the warmer air overnight into tomorrow and then a drop in the jet allows that cold air to push back in from canada and sets up shop later wednesday into thursday. that's the core of the coldest air. temperatures going to be a good 15 to winter degrees below average by the end of next week. off and on periods of rain. you may see a few breaks in the rain sunday. not all said and done until later sunday evening. 10 o'clock most of that rain moves off shore back to sunny skies for monday afternoon. then light snow potential on tuesday morning into the afternoon. temperatures tomorrow 50's when you wake up, 60's for the afternoon high. then we drop it back into the 30's on monday afternoon. overnight periods of rain, temperatures slowly on the rise through the 40's. tomorrow warmer day, 63 for the high temperature. again off and on showers come to an end later at night. here's the extended forecast. we go from 60's to 30's on monday, snow showers around tuesday. then it gets real cold by the end of the week despite the sunshine, highs on wednesday near 30 and only 20's, guys, on thursday and then we got to factor in the wind so it feels colder than that. >> that's unbelievable. >> it's january. >> it's january but that kind
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of swing, that's amazing. >> i'm already anticipating a headache. >> i'm sorry. >> a migraine. >> there's some truth to this. >> villanova's 13 game winning was on the line against a top seton hall squad. jamir ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time. >> the flyers finishing up that eight game road trip against the devils. they went into the contest with a four game losing streak and played without captain claude giroux who sat out with a leg laceration he suffered in last night's game against caroline n the mild mannered michael roth holding his own right here in this dust up. first period ray emery turns the puck behind the net devils take advantage and jamir jagr will score. jagr gets it, beats emery. devils lead three-nothing. stave mason comes in.
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he didn't fare much better. four-nothing. jagr beats mason and 42-year-old becomes the oldest player to get a hat trick in nhl history. the flyers drop their fifth straight five-two the final. villanova taking on seton hall looking to break its record for best start in team history after winning 13 straight. seton hall putting up a fight. kadeem carrington with the lay up. seton hall up by two. nova would tight on free throws and then darrun hilliard right here with the three-point attempt for the win. it doesn't go in. that sends the game into overtime n overtime carrington comes through once again with the lay up rider here and seton hall with a 66-61 upset over villanova. george washington visiting saint joe's. gw with a 31-18 lead at the half. bembry with the dunk. he led saint joe's with 22 points but a late run not enough. george washington improved to 11 and three way 64 to 60 win. a name is already surfaced for that vacant eagles general manager position. reportedly current assistant director ed merowitz is vying for that job. lurie shook up the front office. howie roseman promoted. chip kelly now has full control of the personnel department. will hire a gm that report to him. kelly wants to have his staff in place in time for the senior bowl in late january. eagles offensive coordinator pat shurmur interviewed for the raiders head coaching job yesterday. he spent the last two seasons with the birds. pat was the head coach of the
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browns for two seasons with a nine and 23 record. nfl wild card playoff weekend got under way, first game panthers hosting arizona. third quarter cam newton with a pass to whitaker. that's a 39 yards to the house. carolina would take the lead for good. defense shut down arizona. carolina held the cardinals to just 77 yards. that's the lowest by the way in nfl playoff history. they win 27 to 16. the steelers take on the ravens two teams who do not like each other. right now in the fourth quarter baltimoresso! i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress uh-huh... you don't love the dress? i love my sister... 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> do you have what it takes to be america's next top model ? here's your chance to prove it. tyra banks wants women and men between 18 and 27 years old
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for the next season of america's top model. go to the casting call on tuesday afternoon at drexel university's college of media arts and design. we putter everything you need to know on good luck. thanks so much for watching us here on "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. we're back at 11:00 on cbs3. have a great night. >> ♪ ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. howdy-do. hey, man how was your morning? good. real good. i don't know why but i started wavin' at people today. you know, see 'em on the corner, throw 'em a little, hey! they wavin' back? not really, no. [velcro ripping] ahh. hey, listen, uh... i'm throwin' together a wiffle-ball challenge on sunday.
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a little barbecue, a little beer. oh, yeah? yeah, it's b-y-o... everything. actually i can't make it. what do you mean you can't make it? why? what's up? what, you gotta stay home with the wife and kiddies? [imitates whipping sound] oh, i get it. that means i'm whipped. heh. good one. no, um... it's not family stuff. no? what is it? i've just got something to do. it's an obligation. oh, yeah? you gotta get your skirt hemmed, huh? your legs waxed? heh. that was another good one. come on, what's goin' on, then? i just got somethin' to do. what could
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