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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 9, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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more hostages, also reports at least one person has been shot. we are working to get video from the scene we'll bring you more information as this develops. >> police have made contact with the man suspected in terror attack, charlie hebdo. security force haves them con earned in a town outside of the city. may be holding host taj, there as well. correspondent and ton so van marsh picks up the story for you. >> the massive manhunt for two heavily armed fugitive brother, has now shifted to a business park north of paris near charles due gal airport. say the suspect stole a car this morning and are now holdup inside a printing shop. >> hundreds now on the scene officials reportedly made contact with the men. schools in the area went into lockdown and residents being told to stay in their homes. >> authorities say 34 year old said kouachi and his brother cherif targeted the officer of cents of charlie hebdo. the newspaper had long track record of mocking islam and other religions but what truly motivated the suspects is still a mystery. french media describe them as brothers of algeria descent raise in the foster care, became drawn to jihad in adulthood. investigators say the older brother was linked to a yemen terrorist network and traveled therefore training in 2011. while the younger brother served time for trying to join jihad battling in iraq the newspaper plans to publish 1 million copies, next week. >> i do feel proud of these people, the fact that they were willing to stand up, it
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is just different, you know, different breed, in small worth of cartoonist cents. >> the lights of the famed eiffel tower were dark last night, to remember the victims, and today charlie hebdo will be made an honorary citizen of the city. alphonso van marsh cbs news. >> hi, happy friday to you we are dealing with yet another news and clipper system, and really more than anything, just sort of the fringe effect of it. >> disturbance generally just offer to the north, you can seat darker shades of purple as indicated right over new york city, if that's where your traveling are taking you traffic north on the garden state parkway something like, that you could be running into worse conditions bye just enough, throwed very, very poor travel so far this morning. slick travel, poor visibility, so, that's really our main concern rather than accumulation out of it, meanwhile, our feels-like values, still down there you know? definitely eased up since yesterday won't feel better than the teens as we see in the area shore point thus far how does it translate on the thermometer? not too bad. notice again the winds more west southwest today at this time of the year, it doesn't necessarily mean it will feel worse, or milder or anything like that is correct but it is still going to hip usher milder air. by lunch whole system out of here see clouds break for sunshine but again all about the here and now obviously the timing of the light snow far less than ideal. >> of course happens right during the morning commute. good morning everyone, right
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now you are going to have the rush hour morning commute on this friday, southbound on 95, if you are headed this shot here ill step out of the way so you can see in down through to the vine, this shot around the betsy ross bridge, yep slow go. as we continue, taking you to the roosevelt boulevard another area where it is a slow go from broad street all the way down through to the schuylkill, this would be your southbound roosevelt boulevard delay. northbound doing okay, when you get to the schuylkill, you basically hit a brick wall of traffic. so make sure you prepare yourself for. that will fill up your gas tank and check your fluids, always good idea. 7 miles per hour your average red basically indicating you're barely moving, 17 on 95, delays going to and from the schuylkill, broad street on the vine street expressway, westbound, on the pa turnpike, volume definitely, out of the area of ft. washington through to mid-county, sole volume on the southbound side of the blue route headed out of the mid-county area, and also watch out for accident on trooper road at chest just street. eastbound delays on 422, err display. >> vet tore crashes thank you. developing right now packing loud outside of the region's most popular malls now a crime scene. >> police looking for the gunman who shot a man at philadelphia mills this morning. nicole brewer joining us with more. nick snow. >> any time shooting, obvious live of concern, but his one particularly truck, because of where it was located, you can see, actually in the parking lot parking lot of 24 hour wal-mart becomes the scene of
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early morning shooting shoot. >> this wal-mart open for business customer cars in the parking lot, several customers in the wal-mart about 20 employees in the wal-mart. very fortunate that there was no one else injured no one was struck by stray gunfire. >> shot fired possibly over monday that i was owed to the victim. but, instead of correct g that debt, police say the 26 year old man was shot in the chest the arm, and the leg. >> the shoeing victim, age 26, initially was driven. >> to holy redeemer hospital by a family member who i believe is 28 year old brother. >> after receiving the 911 call, police found shattered glass and spent shell casing about 75 feet from the entrance of the wal-mart. not far from philadelphia mills mall. evidence after crime they say was caught on surveillance video. >> now the victim was taken to temple hospital where we're told he is in guarded condition. meanwhile, the gunman remains on the loose but authorities tell us, they have a pretty good idea of who they're looking for. that's the latest live in northeast philadelphia, nicole brewer, "eyewitness news", on the "cw philly". >> nicole, thank you. in other news, grease fire sends flames towering through the roof of a bucks county restaurant. now, the blaze caused extensive damage, at earl's in lahaska. fire chief said it started in the kitchen, were able to prevent the flames from spreading into other part of the restaurant, a and these are some of the photos police took of the fire. dinner was being served at the time of the fire, but fortunately, no one was hurt.
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>> aim afraid the kitchen is destroyed and they'll be out of business for awhile. >> representative from peddlers village says the shopping center will survey the damage little later today and try to figure out when the restaurant if at all can reopen. >> bucks county silow collapse, happened sometime around midnight thursday, at riverside cement. that is in the riverside industrial complex in bristol township on north radcliff road. now, family members tell us, the victim is 48 year old tony gabriel. he was working in a trailer near the silow when it went down. police on routine patrol made the discovery hours later. >> family and friends will celebrate the life of shane montgomery. viewing was held last night at sane john the baptist church in manayunk. the 21 year old disappeared thanksgiving morning, after leaving a baron main street. on saturday, divers pulled shane's body from the schuylkill river bringing some closure to a family, in agony. >> it is heart wrenching nobody should go through something like this. >> you'll in our prayers for being years to come, because no parent should ever have to bury their child. >> second viewing folds by 9:00 a.m. followed by funeral mass. >> meanwhile, the search continues for this missing philadelphia teacher. no one has seen 40 year old christopher tull i since tuesday. tollie has been a teacher at the middle bucks institute of technology in warwick since 2002. police say tull i suffers from
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bipolar disorder, and has not taken his medication. >> drivers trying to reach tail of the airasia flight 8501 plane that crashed in the java sea nearly two weeks ago. search teams heard pings that may be coming from the black boxes but haven't been able to retch them as of yet. the goal to use giant balloons now to bring that tail to the surface. well, happening today president obama will unveil an initiative to make some community college free, the president released a preview of the initiative yesterday and a videotape message from air force one. >> i would like to see the first two years of community college free for everybody who is willing to work for it, something we can accomplish, and something train our work force so we can compete with anybody in the world. >> will unveil the proposal how he hopes to pay for it in knoxville, tennessee. plan will cover part time and full time student who maintain 2.5gpa. would only apply to schools who offer credit toward four year agree or occupational training programs, award degrees in high demand fields. erika? >> up next,. katie has your forecast. >> and do pennsylvania's top prosecutor break the lea? kathleen kane under fire this morning, we'll tell you about the growing trouble that could land her in court and what she says about the accusations. >> and the search is underway for two men who have approached a womoman at a grocery store. get this, they tried to buy her son for $100. more information on this story coming up. we asked women use dove bar for 7 days with no mirrors. on the seventh day
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beautiful skin is revealed. with one quarter moisturizing cream it helps skin feel more firm and elastic. take the dove 7 day test. i know what you're thinking, but this is new and improved i can't believe it's not butter! 100% taste, 0% artificial preservatives. made with a blend of delicious oils purified water, and just a pinch of salt. two, please. new and improved i can't believe it's not butter. it's time to believe. >> snow continues to create travel trouble around chicago. airports show numerous concellations and a lot of delays. that assumes you can get to the airport in the first place, because of snow and ice on the chicago area roads just that tough. meanwhile, classes resume again today at chicago public schools. so cold around harrisburg ice jams pennsylvania state capitol reported single digit temperatures with windchills between ten to 20 degrees below zero. >> not even the south is escaping the chill virginia beach there is frozen fountain, at the town center caught a lot of people's attention as below freezing temperatures turned water and ice, and snow beach day at the ocean front each. in fact, so cold and windy had many people just staying inside. >> if you can do so. >> if you have a front end loader do yours. 30-foot tall took roger six days to make him the seventh day he rested of course r seriously, taller than some houses out there. one dedicated snow plower. something about that minnesota snow, it is good for building. check out this 12-foot tall sea turtle sculpture yep all made out of snow, three
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brother spent some 300 hours make that bad boy. you may remember last year, they built shark i remember that hopefully they work this hard on their homework, fellows. >> what? >> good morning everyone, so clipper number two for the week, has certainly messed with the second commute, so far this week. both obviously been during the morning, so, not so crazy about the timing on these systems lately. see thin dissing certainly ice before, beforehand, but this system, it is just a clipper, much like the one we just saw but little further rye moved from our area. so not going to see the kind of snow accumulations like we saw with the last one but definitely going to see the very same issues on the roadways, so poor visibility anywhere you have the snow currently falling also some slick travel even in its wake the snow didn't leave very much behind. certainly left behind slick roadways. >> all basically that the point, for the most part, new jersey concern and then we hit the lunch hour. clearing out for some sunshine, i can see residual flurries, skies clear behind that today then in the clear for the next couple of days, saturday end up being much like what we saw cold, blustery sunny skies high hits 20 degrees, feels like single digit at best, not quite as harsh sunday, perhaps you have outdoor plans scheduled this weekend. try toy work them around sunday. that's less harsh day little less windy and certainly no where near as coal. vittoria, over to you.
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>> thank you so much. good morning everyone, so still dealing with delays on the schuylkill, 95, the vine street expressway, 476 all the usual spots that we would finds rush hour traffic, find them now. we take live look at the schuylkill approaching city avenue. not surprising for the schuylkill but if you are traveling, you will want to make sure to just give yourself special time. with the weather conditions we've been happening be mindful of icy patches not only on the majors, but also within residential areas which sometimes can be even little bit more severe. as we take a look at the ben franklin bridge, ben looks great, so dot rest of the bridges. not running into any problems. if you are traveling westbound, on the ben approaching eighth and vine, i would say that's going to be your only slow spot. six is your average on the schuylkill 25, 95, find delays, on the westbound side of the pa turnpike, 476 northbound between 95 and media, touch southbound, then watch out for southbound delays on the blue route headed out of the mid-county toll plaza definately find some traffic there. also, watch out for this accident, not too far away from villanova. lafayette road and deerfield lane. erika? >> vittoria, thank you. new developments this morning surrounding pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane. we're hearing from her attorney after reports surfaces saying she could soon fine herself on the other side of the law. >> "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones picks up this store. >> i report grand jury is recommending pennsylvania attorney general kathleen kane face criminal charges. that grand jury investigating allegations cane leak second rat information from 2009 grand jury case to the
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philadelphia daily news. when contacted the attorney general's office referred us to her personal attorney, lani davis, he released a statement which says in part i cannot confirm the post dollars report in the philadelphia inquirer of any presentment issued by the grand jury regarding attorney general kathleen kane. if such is the case then it is my understanding that it is up tonight montgomery county district attorney to make a judgement as to whether to proceed against the attorney general. >> this is more or less a historic event. >> george perry says montgomery county district attorney risa furman would review the grand jury recommendations. a decision, on whether or not to pursue charges could take weeks. when contacted fuhrman had no comment, according to the inquirer report, the grand jury recommended charges of perjury and contempt of court. >> which inched dates to me that grand jury determined she had not told the truth. that's very very trouble channel if true. >> in a statement, kane's attorney davis went on to say the attorney general has done nothing wrong or illegal and to my knowledge there is no credible evidence that she has, told the truth to the grand jury at l at all times i hope the district attorney will reach the same conclusion. also questioning if the leak to the inquirer about the alleged grand jury decision, is a violation of the state grand jury secrecy. >> todd quinones, "eyewitness news" on the "cw" fill. >> i well, hang today jury selection begins in the murder trial of former new england pay tree otter inch hernandez,
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prosecutors asked the judge to grant hernandez's fiancee immunity if she agrees to testify against him. the 25 year old killed owed end lloyd in june of 2013. lloyd's body found in a industrial area near hernandez's house in massachusetts. >> fbi criticizes national football league forehands link of the ray rice case, but concludes, the league had not seen the video of ray rice punching his then fiancee in a elevator before suspending him. >> found the nfl should have done more with the information it had however, muller said, there was no evidence the league or commissioner roger goodel received the video before it was published on line in september. >> police looking for two men who allegedly tried to buy a toddler in covina california. >> two men enter the supermarket trying to buy two year old boy for $100. police say the man with the mustache there walk up to the mother and child and made the offer. the mother told him no. after get to go her car, police say both men then pulled up, she told them to leave her alone and lock her car, her child in the car. >> twenty-five years every police work, i never heard of someone approaching to offer to purchase a kid. >> the police say when the suspends are apprehended they face possible human trafficking charges. your time now 8:20. it was a surprise birthday party but not in the way you may think. >> woman who went to the hospital complaining of stomach pain, said about an hour later went into labor. and did not even know she was
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pregnant. that's what she is saying, at least. that's not all really rather surprise being this story either. >> that's coming up. first a look at what's coming up tonight right here on the "cw philly". >> nation will rise up against nation. >> our current economic troubles and ethnic divisions modern versions of biblical play? >> our recessions visit a spiritual root. >> what does it mean for the world? >> an alarm has been going off, and folks have been saying, i have time i'll wake up later. >> how do we answer this wakeup call? paul strand investigs.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s.s. >> ♪ ♪ >> here's what we are talking about, massachusetts woman gives birth to perfectly 10 pounds 2-ounce baby girl. >> big baby. >> nothing unusual though. but what's unusual this woman says she had no idea she was pregnant. katie says she woke up tuesday morning with really bad pain in her lower back.
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she was not expect to go hear she says what doctors told her next. >> they told me the baby is ready to come now. and so i found out 10:15 and i had her at 11:06. >> very often specially first pregnancy sometimes aren't aware of what you are feeling we often times, woke joke, i feel gas pains or they can a tribute it to other natural conditions. >> katie said she had gained some weight, but assumed it was from the christmas season. the doctor there doctor debra, says the hospital sees patient like this a few times a year. >> yes, i've heard it happening before. we've heard this store. >> i so many things i imagine change to a woman's bod when you're pregnant, how do you not? >> but, like she said, first time so -- it happens. i guess it happens. >> she says it was a surprise. >> philadelphia police need the public's help finding missing woman who could be in danger. this is 93 year old essie may sander missing and suffers from dementia. miss sanders was last seen last night around 11:00 p.m., 1400 block of north 12th street. and i'm just getting reports right now as i'm telling this story that miss sanders has been found. and that is good to know. she has been found. is that correct, aimy? just now? yes. okay, very good. we'll have more on where they
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found her but once again she is okay. let's get your forecast though right now and katie has got that. >> excellent news, especially too, ukee, because we have snow out there right now some slick conditions, definitely it is still cold. the thermometer beginning to ease up little bit for us out there. but you really do need to take care, still bundle up adequately. storm scan3, yep definitely the fringe effect of this clipper system that really is bearing down at this point upon new york sit, for us, it was more just a big fat nuisance, for your morning commute. 34 degrees with these lingering flurries, call them straight up snow showers generally, rolling through southern new jersey, right now, and by the time we hit lunchtime, all going to be in the clear. frigid temperatures return, in the wake of this system, so back to just 20 again have to pull out of the hole once more here saturday, leading into sunday, we get to you 35 degrees, and it is still sunny, vittoria. >> at least little sunshine to look forward to. good morning everyone, you won't be looking forward to some of the rush hour declares on 95, taking a look here at 95 southbound, make your way around cottman. i know it doesn't look awful but if you look off in the distance there still seeing some volume making your way out of the area of the betsy ross bridge, down through to the vine street expressway. the 42, also not awful in the northbound drakes, still lingering on the 42, five, take a look at the speed censors, still hill g teens and below ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you next update 8:55, up next, wounded veterans, climbing the world's tallest mountains. thank you cable. for the slower internet upload speeds. for making me wait longer to share my photo albums. thank you cable, because if we never had
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guys, right now police say they do is surveillance video of this crime so that's helping them in this investigation. also have information from the victim, pretty good idea who they are looking for still the gunman on the loose. we will show you video of the crime scene from overnight again, it is here, in the parking lot of the 24 hour wal-mart not far from philadelphia mills. that's where a 26 year old male told officials he was meeting one somebody to settle a debt. apparently this man owed him money, when that person opened fire shooting him in the chest, the arm and the less, while he sat in the passenger seat of his car. his brother who was driving that vehicle, fled the scene taking him to holy redeemer hospital. he was then transferred to temple hospital. where he is in guarded condition. now, police say the incident which again was caught on surveillance video could have been much worse. >> when the shooting took place, this ball mart was open for business. cars in the parking lot not many but customer cars in the parking lot several customers in the wal-mart, there was about 20 employees in the wal-mart. so we're very fortunate that there was no one else injured and no one was struck by stray gunfire. >> you can tell they've since taken down the crime scene tape, but still a police presence here, meanwhile thwart mart store still open for business. the latest life about about. no east philadelphia "eyewitness news" the "cw philly". >> murder southwest philadelphia last night, someone shot man on the 5600 block of baltimore avenue. police found front porch he
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died a few minute later of gunshot wounds, to the chest so far no arrest haves been made, and they are still looking for motive. >> meanwhile, philadelphia police officer is out of the hospital and the driver who allegedly ran him over is now facing charges. officer joseph cokemer pulled over dominick fallings car in strawberry mansion. the officer determined the license plate and registration did not match. investigators say that fall fallings took off ran over the officer's leg, charges include attempted murder and aggravated assault. >> philadelphia police just called us and they told us they local kate dollars 93 year old miss essie sanders suffers from dimension missing overnight, good news she is okay, miss sand zester okay and back with her family. that's all the information we have right now. bottom line, she is okay. 8: 33, here's kate. >> i certainly good news such chilly weather out there good morning, happy friday to you. and, yet again we are dealing with another clipper system for the morning rush. this clipper is a little bit different. it is a little further removed, in terms of where the core of the system is rolling through. but still brought in some snow to mess with us this morning we take you out to the liver neighborhood network. look on the left side of your screen, see fresh powder out there on the shore line, currently 25 degrees, gray skies, but the snow is basically over, in philadelphia and the brunt of it, if you could really call it that, is actually now pent up across ocean monmouth county, draw line back into kent county, delaware, where you are finding the worse of it right now.
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looks a little deceiving here on storm scan, it is definitely snow that's going to mess with your visibility, cause some slick travel, but should not accumulate much of anything at all. just slowing us down here, and the timing less than ideal obviously, too. here is how it feels. not too bad. by comparison, anyway, if this were july, it would be terrible. but right now, it is better than yesterday. as we are feeling more like we're in the teens, at least into positive territory on the thermometer, but the winds is back. so, that's what is leading to the chilly windchill values. expect eventually that we will brighten up for some sunshine here clipper systems tends to move quickly this one is certainly no different. but we will see the cold get reinforced yet again this weekend. vittoria. >> thanks, good morning, still dealing with rush hour, sprinkles out and about all over the place, traveling on the schuylkill, you will notice behind me, not too far away from girard, making your way down toward spring garden, if you are traveling, in the eastbound direction we are seeing delays, as you approach the vine street expressway. but, even before you reach this point, eastbound on the schuylkill is jammed out of the area of king of prussia. then all the way down through to gladwynn, catch very small break, until you run into this delay. westbound seeing delays approaching city avenue. out through to gladwynn, i would not be surprised as well if you saw little bit of traffic still on the wean side of the schuylkill, approaching the vine street expressway. as we move now to take a look at the map well, seven is your average speed censor on the schuylkill, still delay in and out of the northeast both sides around cottman avenue and girard, that's due to construction zone. also seeing still slow down southbound side of the boulevard, both sides of the pa turnpike, but specifically,
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westbound, out of the area of ft. washington, through to the mid-county toll plaza and the good news is for mass transit the paoli thorndale line is back to normal. ukee? >> vittoria, thank you. more than 2,000jc workers will lose their jobs in just a few points, now that the chain plans to close dozens of stores. total of 39 struggling stores across country will shut down around the beginning of april. that includes jc in granite run mall and the vineland mall stores. ac has big plans for property, glenn straub says he wants to open water park at revel also planning high speed ferry service between revel and new york city. at the moment it is unclear if the property will continue to have gaming, though. revel closed september 2nd after little more than two years of operation never having turned a for the. -- profit. target going small here in the big city. for years landlords have been trying to coax the big box retail tore open one of its big box stores in center city. but it is hard to find a big enough space. so, the retailer plans to open as many as four target express stores. target express is a little smaller, with the merchandise tailored to sit dwellers and student. the irs will start taking tax returns in less than two weeks, and early start may put taxpayers at an advantage this year. >> "3 on your side" consumer reporter jim donovan has some advice to get you started. scene a shrinking irs budget it, could be rocky season for
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both the federal agency and for taxpayers. filing a return early can also help reduce the chances of identity theft. scammers like to take advantage of procrastinators by stealing w2 information filing fake returns and checking refunds before victims are aware. prepare by gathering documents like last year's return and this year's receipts. add w2 and 1099 statements, and any interest statements from mortgages or student loans, as they arrive through the month. also, think about ways to reduce tax bill, and the documentation you'll need, to back up deductions, like receipts, for donations, to charities. did you change jobs? get married? or have a baby in 2014? those things will affect attacks return, also, buying, selling, oren ovate ago home. so start research deductions, tax credit early to make sure they're maximize dollars. >> if you use turbo tax software to file your return, there has been change in the delux version that's taking some loyal users by surprise. the software won't allow to you report investment, self employment, or rental income, as it did in the past. instead, you'll have to up great to premiere or home and business versions, for extra 30 $40. i posted full details about that on and on facebook and twitter. reporting for "3 on your side", i'm jim donovan. >> your time 8:38. boston sports fans have their sites set on the olympic games. boston's bid to host the 2024 summer games was accepted by the us olympic committee beating out washington, d.c., san francisco and los angeles so far only boston, and rome have made public bids, though germany, france, and hungary
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are expected to compete. the international olympic committee awards the games in 2017. >> so wait two years and find out. >> still ahead this morning fighting the flu. the new tech design to diagnosis the flu faster, and also, why doctors are having trouble treating some patients. >> also ahead this morning, a kulae getting what looks like manicure, takes the social media world by storm. >> oh, also, the family dog we'll show it to you has some extensive taste in treats what lab pup ate that totaled $23,000. check out those e x-rays. we'll be right back. >> ♪ ♪ >> 27 degrees right now. kately have your weekend forecast coming up. >> ♪ ♪ ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress? i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> nation will rise up against nation. >> our current economic troubles and ethnic divisions modern versions of biblical play? >> our recessions visit a spiritual root. >> what does it mean for the world? >> an alarm has been going
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off, and folks have been saying, i have time i'll wake up later. >> how do we answer this wakeup call? paul strand investig >> doctors office can now determine if you have the flu in just minutes. some say it is faster and more accurate. experts say, the test is intended to aid in a flu diagnosis, and get infected patients on antiviral medications, whole lot sooner. >> doctors around the philadelphia region say there has been sporadic shortages of the flu drug, tam flew. it can shorten the duration, and severity of influenza now an epidemic, especially bad in parts of our country. cbs says it is experienced intermittent shortages of tamiflu liquid form, doctors are urged to only write tamiflu prescriptions for high risk patient. erika. >> everyone likes cute pictures of animals. looks like he is having a spa day, right? but as jeannie moos reports, this is no manicure. >> the young panda playing with mom in her first snowfall at the national zoo may be the cute animal video of the week. but this one getting a manicure, giving the panda a run for her money. wait, that's not a manny pedi he's getting. what's jeremy soaking in. >> that's an iodine sterile iodine solution. >> jeremy is actually getting life saving medical treatment. recent wild fires in australia have been rough on cue all a's resident have been helping dehydrated survivors.
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>> looking a lot better, yes. >> but this guy was looking bad, with second agree burns on all of his paw's in shock dehydrated, he was rescued by a fireman named jeremy, then maimed after his rescuer brought to the australian maureen wildlife research and rescue organization jeremy almost euthanized you but they operate today knock him out with anesthesia, work on his paw. >> havinglyly -- >> this is what his paw's look like after the treatment. the rescue organization founder says jeremy woke up, feeling better. >> he grabbed his legs and started eating straight away. >> eukaliptus leaves, fun kulae fact, they evening so many they tends to smell like cough drops. >> assuming jeremy fully recovers he'll eventually be returned to the wild, blissfully unaware that he's become a star on social media. people joked about the kulae getting spa treatments, they suggested that with his pause submerged, he's going to pe. on himself in his sleep. when someone commented looks like they're marinading the poor thing, it is okay to laugh. because it is better to be a marinaded march soup yan than a cook one. jeannie moos, new york. >> taking care of our animal friends. >> well done he's going to be all better, glad to see that. hey, family in oklahoma learned hard way that their dog has expensive taste and treats. >> check this out. those two rounds things on your screen, that wedding band engagement ring, she left them on coffee table one night, and her curious lab pup gobbled them right up.
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thinking of marlie and me right now with the necklace? anyone see that movie or book? had to remove the rings from the dog's stomach. the wedding band, got a little weak not so good. >> you know my weekend glasses i wear? my pet chewed them up. chewed them up. lens also fine, but the frames are done so i can understands. >> definitely if it's in their reach. >> i love those glasses on you, i would get those fixed. >> done. well, thank you. >> i dig those glasses. let's go ahead take you out to the weather watcher networkment picture sent in from michael. this is in birdsboro. actually asked in the very tiny caption here. s me or just the snow falling right now look like dipping dots ice cream? like the mix of sleet and hail and snow. all sort every look like very tiny little snowballs, that is what we h we've actually gotten other reports of that, not just michael, burr others, 23 degrees sent in from steve johnson, and he's generally in west chester right now just got clouds. sign the system is clearing on out of here. love the trivia. he got it wrong today though, as a lot of the team did. actually yes. the snow has tapered off though, that's all right give you more chances every single friday. so thanks fortuning in for that buddy. further south to kent county where jason, one of our gold star observers out, there necessary middletown, he sent in 26 years and very similar sentiment here. little frozen pellets. >> jim ran into in chester county common theme out there
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today. elsewhere here, going next to storm scan3 show you why this is coming through in the first place. it is clipper number two for the week, guys. this one definitely not packing as much after punch with moisture in our area, actually pent up more so around new york city, than anything, but it obviously has come in with the same poor timing that the last clipper came in with. it is also going to reinforce the cold for us yet again. now throughout the day today we expect early through the morning, windchill values to be a little bit more easing up out there. it will feel more like single digit or the teens as opposed to sub zero everywhere. as we saw yesterday. so, it is getting better. but it is still breezy outside, definitely still cold the high hits 34 degrees, and any of these morning flakes are going to start tapering offer i would say by lunchtime see some sunshine out there. looking ahead to the weaken, quiet, bright, sunny, if i had to pick one day offer the other that would be my favorite absolutely sunday, obviously not as cold but not quite as windy either. so maybe you're like me and have yet to bring down the holiday decorations, that would be the better day to do it if that's your plan. >> thank you so much. good morning everyone, traveling on 95, still going to experience that rush hour slow down. approaching the area, i would say, now from the betsy ross bridge down to the vine, might even be little bit better than that coming out of the northeast, but still you're going to hit the pocket of traffic approaching girard avenue. down through to the vine street expressway, there is no doubt about that. as we continue, we're moving now to the burlington bristol bridge. they are anticipating an opening. so if you're traveling the burlington bristol around
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9:00 anticipate the closure of the bridge at that point. we'll let you know when that happens. you can always follow me on twitter for the latest update on. that will as we take a look at the speed censors, six the average on the schuylkill. seeing delays on the schuylkill, 422 eastbound, 202 northbound, around malvern and if you are traveling on the blue route between 95 and media, that northbound slow down that you usually have. southbound on the roosevelt boulevard approaching the schuylkill, and traveling westbound on the pa turnpike, out of the area of ft. washington, almost through to valley forge you might catch little bit after brake move beyond the mid-county toll plaza, but still delays there. be minds full of this earlier accident lafayette and deerfield lane. ukee? >> vet tore crashes thank you. we are sorting through breaking news from france this morning for you including two hostages situations. now, in paris the stand-off centers on a kosher grocery store, suspect from a paris shooting yesterday. suspect may have one or more hostages at that market, and there are reports that one or more of those hostages has been killed. >> now, the other hostage situation is outside paris. that's where the two brothers who are suspect in the deadly wednesday attack at that satirical pun case have a hostage of their own. helicopters and -- helicopters and swat teams have surrounded the area. those with ties with al quaida have vowed to die at matters many we'll keep you up-to-date here on the "cw philly" and sister station cbs-3 any time of the day at cbs philly. com. >> the word is restricted how the motion picture association of america rated upcoming 50
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shades of gray film based on the best selling novel of the same name, the movie was rated r, for strong sexual content and unusual behavior. it centers around the steamy relationship of the wealthy businessman, and naive college student. hit theatres in time for vennel time day february 13th. >> now, the encounter only few minutes, but angelina jolie did get a chance to meet pope francis in the vatican therefore screening of her new film unbroken, two of her children also therefore just a once-in-a-lifetime moment. if you are wondering the vatican says, pope francis did not watch the movie. but what a wonderful experience. >> no question about it, wonderful movie too. check it out. another baby on the way for jennifer love hewett. pregnant with her second child. hewett and husband brian welcome daughter autumn in november 2013, baby two is expected to arrive sometime later this year. >> well, hey, did you hear? rocky is back. by now he's probably heard sylvester stallone philly's favorite boxer. >> check it out. there they are. rocky and apollo foes to friends. now there is new study centers around apollo creed's grandson, named adonis, who asked rock toy train him to fight. that's all we know from the story line now. guess what you can be part of. >> this i had a chance to speak with the casting director diane in our 6:00 hour on cbs-3 about the film. a dine ann said they'll show part of the city never before seen on film. >> we want to see people from the neighborhoods. that's who we really want to see. of course that helps tell the
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story. >> sure. >> you know, that helps paint the picture of the film. >> now if you want to be an extra, you must be 18 years of age or older send your photo and information to diane through her website, at heery casting. com. maybe they need some, you never know, co-anchors on the fill until. >> probably reporters with english accents. >> oh, did i hear that. >> which is made for some very interesting dialogue in the news room. >> we'll b ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪ ♪and it...takes my breath away♪ >> thanks for watching "eyewitness news", for more local news weather traffic and sports we're owls on at >> check out talk philly at noon on cbs-3. we'll be right back to check on your tracking. good morning. >> goods morning, i'm erika von tiehl. police are searching for a gunman, who shot a man in a parking lot of a popular northeast philadelphia shopping center. a 26 year old man was shot three times in that lot near the wal-mart at philadelphia mills, that's the former
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franklin mills mall. the victim was rushed to holy redeemer then temple university hospital, and is expected to survive. investigators say, that shooting may have been over a debt. >> all right made it to friday. our forecast right now still cherry out there kate. >> i still chilly out there and yet again twice in a week now will to deal with clipper system right at the height of the morning commute. here we go, storm scan3 we look here at the last three hour loop it, really has since fizzled down since we were dealing with some steadier snow, at least more widespread snow coverage on this map. the brunt of this system is actually to the north. so even lighter expectations of any kind of accumulation in the wake of this. but at this point philadelphia's done with it skies are only going to brighten from here, your high hits 34, we drop to 13 tonight, keep in mind, with the breeze, it will feel colder than those readingsment as we head into tomorrow, well right back where we started yesterday. 20 degrees sunshine, sunday easing up, both days look sunny, in general. by monday, new storm, waits in the wings, and this one could be bringing us some icing tory? >> not looking forward to that, for sure. traveling out and about you may not be looking forwards to the rush hour commute. but headed out of your neighborhood, be minds full, some of the black ice spots with s lingering snow on the gown, still very, very dangerous. as we take a look at the schuylkill expressway, 76 westbound no fun zone. approaching the area of city avenue all the way to just beyond gladwynn, feel the heat of rush hour. no doubt about it, also find rush hour on 95, part of the vine the blue route 422 the list goes on and on. what you are looking at here, we are trying to look at, the
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opening, potential owning of the burlington bristol bridge. calling for that at 9:00. so be careful of that in that area. no delays for mass transit. erika? >> that's eyewitness fuse for now, talk philly coming up at noon on cbs-3 i'm erika von tiehl. hope you have a great weekend. as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. don't miss your last chance to get $300 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today. >> gordon: it's time to get up and go. >> our chairs are literally killing us. >> gordon: hear why we're made to move. >> the most important thing the dates are very clear. >> gordon: plus from the greenbay packer gordye nelson. gordie nelson. >> that's something everyone, i think, dreams of. >> gordon: welcome to "the 700 club." a day of high tension in france. s.w.a.t. teams have cornered the suspects in the islamic terrorist massacre from paris this week. >> terry: a top leader from isis is warning there will be more attacks to come not only in europe but america as well. heather sells has the story. >> heather: some 1500 police officers cornered the
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suspects early today
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