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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 13, 2015 8:00am-9:01am EST

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questioning overnight. january, good morning. >> erika ukee, good morning it, has been two weeks to the day since south jersey married mother of two disappeared without a trace. no phonecalls, no text, no facebook posts her family suspect foul play, and they say they're relieved this morning that her husband is in police custody and being questioned by police. >> the man now in police custody, being questioned if the disappearance of his wife, erika crosby. police stopped him for a traffic violation last night in the missing woman's car family friend, of the 26 year old missing mom suspect foul play. >> we know deep down inside that he's done something. >> family tells "eyewitness news", that crosby was last seen december 30th, with her husband, at a restaurant this cherry hill. since her disappearance, they say, they found her usually tidy apartment in chaos. broken glass broken window blind, and no shower curtain rod. they say crosby, who has seven year old and two month old daughter, would never voluntarily walk away from her family. >> i hope she is out there. i hope she okay. i just hope he tells where she is. >> dozen gathered at the mt. laurel police station last night wait to go hear new information about crosby's disappearance, hoping, kyle crosby will talk with police. >> i'm just thanking god that they got him, and i just right now, i just want to know where erika is, i want kyle to comfort and tell us. and according to court documents, kyle crosby has been in trouble before for drug and assault offenses, but again,'s been taken into custody bye police, and is being questioned in connection
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with his wife's disappearance no word from prosecutor's office this morning if he will face charges. reporting live in mt. laurel jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> jan, thank you. right now traffic and weather together. katie is out on the skydeck by no means ball me, but could be worse. >> true. good way of describing this, it is chilly, it is winter, after all. but it is a lot brighter than it was yesterday this same time right? thankfully not dealing with any additional icing event in the near term. but you know we are brightening up nicely for plenty of sunshine here today. that said storm system like what we had yesterday where a lot of the precipitation just turned over to straight up rain it may have left behind a puddle or just damp road and it would be enough if it looks like it is shiny it, could have easily iced over. so keep that in mind if it just looks wet it is very likely ice. see the storm scan3 obviously cleared out nicely here. we have full sunshine here on the skydeck pretty much everywhere else. we take you around the region thaw, watch for the rest of the morning commute. really any other time today. because temperatures stay somewhat steady through the day. that if there is any untreated roadway it could definitely be slick. that's not just for your travel purposes. it is also for just taking the dog for a walk, sidewalk, standing on bus platform, anything like that, 26 degrees currently, at philly international. the breeze is kicking in, that's something that may help things dry out a little bit. but it is cold. the actual air temperature in the poconos only nine after all. bundle up adequately, temperatures stay steady. won't get heck of a lot of warming in the wake of the storm.
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at least brighter, certainly we can expect do see that sunshine for the majority of the next week or so. jess? >> outside northbound lanes here approaching a disabling vehicle, that's actually push over into rye soil r, still see slow going southbound lanes doing better. ben franklin bridge, we don't like this right here, but actually the only thing we have going for us, all lanes open on the westbound side pretty much back up from the toll plaza headed on into the city and the each lanes, headed into new jersey actually not doing too hot as well. losing out the right-hand lane due zero ongoing construction, forcing everyone onto two lanes, earlier test ache vehicle, residual delays because of. that will headed into new jersey from philadelphia where you will see some problems there, as well. now the schuylkill expressway from the vine street expressway into the blue route, heavy 33 minutes on 95 southbound from wood half mean the vine and 422 doing poorly as well oaks into 202 if you are headed eastbound about 13 minutes there. ukee, back over to you. >> jess, thank you. and breaking right now potential break in the manhunt for people who could have been involved in those deadly attacks in paris last week. bulgar yan officials arrested a french citizen with connections to one of the brother. done champion reports search for suspect continues family members of victims are saying good-bye. >> overnight the bodies arrived in israel, state funerals for the four men were then held, the prime minister attended and comforted family members. >> in france, this morning
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the president of the country helped pay tribute to three police officers killed during the three days of terror, 17 people died in last week's attacks, including, 12 people, at the paris office of the satirical newspaper charlie hebdo, three killed by police friday and claimed tysties a.m -- islam i can extremist. >> the new norm around paris the french government deployed 10,000 extra police, and soldiers around the city. and in a act of defiance, surviving staff members of charlie hebdo put together new issue of the newspaper, set for release on wednesday. a record three p.m. copies of the paper will be printed. >> of course it will never be the same again. and. >> we still don't know how we continue with thought them. >> as many as six members. terror cell involved in the paris attack may still be at large. including a man who was seen driving a car registered to the widow of one of the gunmen don champion, "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". new this morning, hazmat crews clean up fuel spill along i295 after this tanker truck overturned. that crash happened around midnight on the southbound side of i-295 in mt. laurel. burlington county. the driver was taken to the hospital to get checked out. it is unclear how many gallons of fuel spilled out. all lanes are now reopened. >> investigators are trying to figure out with a spark this fire at a home in millville cumberland county. that will fire started just before 11:00 last night in the house on north third street. we're told no one was hurt.
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some drivers in wynnefield will need to plan on taking alternate route this morning. officials say a 20-inch water main broke last night on 57th street between wynnefield and cardinal street. a section of road is closed until further notice, while crews work to make the repairs >> central bucks school district meets tonight to discuss the status of high school guidance counselor who has been on paid leave since last month. mary kate wrote on her facebook page: if my child cannot get to the eagles game due to protesters, i'll personally shoot everyone of them. you've been warned, idiots. it was directed against demonstrators upset over grand jury decisions in missouri, new york, not to indict police in the death of two african-american men. >> new jersey governor chris christie delivers his state-of-the-state address this afternoon. among the issues he's expected to discuss are the financial health of the state workers pension fund, and new jersey's transportation trust fund which pays for bridge and tunnel repairs. the governor may also mention rebuilding effort following super storm sandy. >> 8:07 right now. and developing, right now hackers claiming to be working for isis have breached the twitter and youtube site of the us central command. >> now the fbi wants to know how they did t "eyewitness news" reporter justin finch joins you now in our satellite center with more, justin? >> ukee, the group calls itself the sign err callahate went so far to brag about their attacks on line. though we don't know enough about them now we soon could now under investigation. this morning. >> twitter pain return to social media comes after what
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they call cyber vandal attack. overnight citcom tweeted we're back hour after a group calling itself the cyber callafate, image and warning american soldier we are coming, watch your back, isis. >> says it is an arm on islamic state millitant fbi looking into that group says attack zest military networks, with names phone numbers emails of senior army generals in a statement defense officials sauteed it network were not compromised. >> the fact is it is getting worse actors look to go shoot at and get at us military personnel. >> white house says this social media take down does not compare to the recent sony pictures hacking. >> pretty significant difference between what's a large data breach, and the hacking after twitter account. >> tweeting not overseas, but somewhere in the state of maryland. >> comes as president said to roll out several proposals also expected to be key part of the state of the union address very soon. we are live in the sat center, justin finch "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". >> as we continue subway ride turns into terrifying ordeal. coming up next smoke fills metro train in washington dc. we have new video this morning, of the frightening aftermath. >> also, could the ncaa restore the late joe paterno's wins that were vacated during the jerry sandusky child sex abuse scandal. we have new information when we come back. ♪ ♪ >> shrugs he struggling to say
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fit in the new year, in erika will introduce you to a health coach who want to step you laugh yourself skinny. whether we come back. >> ♪ ♪ in a race, it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most. like when i found out i had a blood clot in my leg. my doctor said that it could travel to my lungs and become an even bigger problem. so he talked to me about xarelto®. >>xarelto® is the first oral prescription blood thinner proven to treat and help prevent dvt and pe that doesn't require regular blood monitoring or changes to your diet. for a prior dvt i took warfarin, which required routine blood testing and dietary restrictions. not this time. while i was taking xarelto®, i still had to stop racing, but i didn't have to deal with that blood monitoring routine. >>don't stop taking xarelto®, rivaroxaban, unless your doctor tells you to. while taking xarelto®, you may bruise more easily and it may take longer for bleeding to stop. xarelto® may increase your risk of bleeding if you take certain medicines. xarelto® can cause serious bleeding, and in rare cases, may be fatal. get help right away if you develop unexpected bleeding, unusual bruising, or tingling. if you have had spinal anesthesia while on xarelto®, watch for back pain or any nerve or muscle related signs or symptoms. do not take xarelto® if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. tell your doctor before all planned medical or dental procedures. before starting xarelto® tell your doctor about any conditions such as kidney, liver, or bleeding problems. xarelto® is proven to reduce the
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risk of dvt and pe, with no regular blood monitoring and no known dietary restrictions. treatment with xarelto® was the right move for me. ask your doctor about xarelto® today. >> investigators look being for the cause of a fire in penn station. flames and smoke came shooting up from subway greats just before 2:30, no word on any injuries or extent of damages. meanwhile ntsb investigators are also is her clinic for what caused smoke to fill a train packed with passenger in washington d.c. >> one person died, and more than 80 others were treated for injuries. some riders say they were stuck on that smokey train for almost an hour, until firefighters came to the rescue. >> i could hear children and women screaming, and i never experienced anything like that. >> metro officials say they are looking into what caused the smoke and will investigate if proper protocols were followed. >> 8:13, let's get our traffic and weather together. morning, kate. >> i good morning everybody. things are looking very quiet for us right now, it is a little breezy outside definitely chilly out sad. we have the aftermath of any of the moisture from yesterday, potentially refreezing but looking at storm scan really has cleared out nicely by comparison to yesterday, right? so even though we may still have some minor issues in the wake of yesterday's system, things have really quieted
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down. that goes for basically the eastern half of the ss. here is the thing storm that will be developing off to our south. you can't see really any traces of it, excuse me, just yet. but, it is on the way. it will be sort of developing right through the mid-atlantic. so because it is developing in the mid-atlantic it could key word could end up being a little bit after issue for our southern most counties tomorrow in the way of maybe some precipitation. could be little icy out there. but it is still just a chance right now because again that system has yet to develop. until it does we won't have real good solid pin point where it may end up. live neighborhood network still cloudy out this way. but bright blue skies in a lot of spot, certainly is including the city of philadelphia right now. noticeable breeze, enough that it does make you feel colder, and that's meaning that it is feeling more like the teens basically up and down i95 little less harsh as go into atlantic city, but it is very chilly start to the morning through the lehigh valley, up in the pocono region, any of the kids in the allentown school district make sure to bundle up adequateliment look forward, tomorrow is the day definitely looking at more clouds, a give, do we see any precipitation? that's still the question markment even if we do, it would be very glancing blow from this system that's set to develop by thursday, 36 degrees, and we are. will also see sunshine, nice uphill climb. meantime jess? >> hey yes. 8:15, going outside to see how the schuylkill expressway is doing. doing poorly actually. right around city avenue, so headed westbound toward the king of prussia area. pretty much jammed solid.
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over on the roosevelt boulevard, starting to see some jams here, this camera not too fond of this camera, starts and stops seems like traffic is more at stand still, but it is not moving just little built see the delay there on the southbound lanes headed toward the schuylkill expressway. water main break somerton and bustleton closed at county line road. take trevose avenue or pine road to get by for the time being. few sets of traffic lights out animal functioning completely out there. expect police activity on the scene there at broad and ontario, broad at westmoreland. also small building fire in chestnut street blocked between fifth and fourth. take market, or pine, to get on by. erika, ukee, back over to you. >> thank you breaking news right into "eyewitness news" chopper three, is live over old city for a fire at historical building at fourth and chestnut street again looking live right now that is has been put out at the old second national bank building. firefighters have placed that fire under control, no reports of any injuries or the cause at this time. we will keep you updated a we get any new information of course updates throughout the morning for you at cbs philly. com. again this happening at fourth and chestnut in old city. 8:16. could the ncaa restore joe paterno's wins stripped from his resume during the sex abuse scandal? schools reportedly working toward a settlement with the ncaa for failing to stop sandusky. no word on the specifics of the negotiations, but any potential settlement could involve paterno's 111 wins that were vacated by the ncaa.
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if those wins were restored the late coach would once again be the all time leader in victories among major programs. >> in sports now hit state buckeyes and fans are celebrating this morning first-ever playoff champions. elliot ran wild last night big time, the sophomore running back scored four touchdowns in the game. ohio state beat the oregon ducks 42 to 20. mine own the second coach to win the national championship at two different schools. you may remember meyer won two at florida in gainesville. celebration in columbus got little nuts. police used horseback officers and pepper spray to control a lot of rowdy fans. those fans set dozens of fires in trash cans and dumpsters made quote hands full of arrests, mostly ohio state university student. always sad to see that. unfortunately it, happens every bick wins, big celebrations, and things get out of hand. >> i never un stood that, when your team wins. >> it is sad. are you struggling to stick to your new years resolution to stay filth? >> coming up, as easy as laughing yourself skinny. i'll take to the coach who can help you stay on track. >> first, what's coming up tonighght on the "cw philly". >> mitch better day out there on the roads. >> i'm doing good. >> roads are nice, honey, aim good. hey, have you already hit a
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wall when it comes to new years resolution to lose white. >> it may be time to call in a health koch. i sat down with one who promises to help you laugh yourself skinny. >> it is my mission to bring more fun more ease, to very, very hard process? losing weight, when is the last time it was fun? never, right? health coach jessica wants to change that. >> diet don't work, meal planes are un sustainable treadmills are for tour device. >> she started laugh yourself skinny three years ago after getting fed up with dieting and not seeing result. she attended the institute for integrate i have nutrition and wanted to share what she learned with women fighting similar battle. not traditional nutritionist, but rather, a coach. >> women who have really been trying to lose weight, been doing everything right eating healthy, working out and still not seeing result. >> hiring a health coach may sound strange. most of us just buy a diet book and go it alone eating when we're told to. but, jessica's method goes beyond calories and exercise, it tackles the emotions tied to weight loss too. >> it has just been an astounding transformation mentally, just the way i'm able to manage the stress, anxiety, just the emotions which was a huge piece for me. >> client bridgette has been working with jessica for three months and has tackled that garment lurking in many closets, skinny jeans. >> for me i'm back in them and couldn't feel better. >> each week jessica posts video with tips to slim down called jcini tv. >> welcome to this episode of
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jcini tv who doesn't love a good cup of joe? >> of course they're funny too like this one on the trap of skipping meals at work, and the excuses, she hears for it. >> i just get so passionate about my work day, during the day. >> perhaps the best example of her work is her first client, and mom, sauce. >> i i was at that age where i thought i'm going to have these extra 30 pounds on me and it will never come off. >> years later the extra inches are still gone, and she's now helping other women in her age group. >> they come to me like how did you do it? how did you do it? so with what i've learned with jessica and through going back to school then i can influence them in the same way. if i can do it anybody can do it. >> oh, you know ma'am is so proud of her. >> you know, that now helping other women in her age group too. really tackles the other part of losing weight where we know we should eat know we should work out. sometimes something holding you back. you know, this is what that tackles. >> our videos look pretty cute. >> hilarious, a riot. you hear me laughing at my desk when i watch them. watching "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". be right back. ring ring! progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself. and try progresso chili. slow-simmered, homemade taste.
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. >> chopper three over the 3400 block of rorher street, where police were searching warrants earlier this morning. now, sources say a woman dashed out after home, jumped into a car and tried to get away. police say she hit one police car and back into another. police were able to make arrest, short distance away. one police officer suffered minor injuries. katie has your forecast in the weather center. good morning. >> good morning, today definitely much brighter day by comparison, it already is, so sun glare may get you as you travel out and about here today, that said, because the temperatures are starting to see little bit of decline here you can expect that if there is any left over moisture from yesterday's storm on the gown, it is very likely going to have frozen over. but storm storm scan3 absolutely clearing out nicely, even still few clouds it, will brighten up. ends up with breezy chilly day, temperatures stay somewhat steady throughout the afternoon. partly cloudy tonight drop down to 20, and look forward in this forecast to a new storm developing, just talked to our south here tomorrow. so while generally expecting a dry day, there is a the lisa chance that it clips our southern counties, so we have to keep an eye on that, nice warming trends through the next few days, too. >> making out real well weather wise today. specially for our commute. do have a a lot of incidents at 826. pa turnpike, not ton of this camera shot here. zoom in on disable vehicle here over to the shoulder, northbound lanes here doesn't
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seem to be setting anybody back too much but probably small annoyance driving on through. over on the blue route between route one and the baltimore pike major southbound delay here northbound lanes moving along just fine. building fire out in chestnut street blocking fourth and fifth alternate market or pine ukee? >> jess, thank you let's do it again at 8: 55 up next on cbs this morning, actress glenn close on her family's trouble past. for more local news weather traffic and sports we're on the "cw philly". on these channels. our eyes they have a 200-degree range of sight. which is good for me. hey! and bad for the barkley twins. your brain can send information to the rest of your body at 268 mph. three times the speed of a fastball. take care of your most important parts with centrum. multivitamins expertly designed with nutrients people don't get enough of from food alone. centrum. for the most important parts of you. >> oh, nice change from yesterday, right, katie has your full forecast coming up in a couple of minutes. >> how about the roads? traffic showing blue route near route one, so far so good, maybe not so much on the right side of your screen, jessica's in the house checking the roads, we traffic and weather together. coming up in just a few minute. >> first though police in south jersey catch up with the husband of a mel born mother who disappeared almost two weeks ago.
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>> detective questioned that man overnight after he was pulled over driving letter car. >> jan carabeo joins us over at the mt. laurel police department with the latest. jan? >> reporter: this south jersey married mother of two has been missing for two weeks now, but finally possibly the break in the case, her family had been hoping for police have taken her husband into custody, and now undergoing questioning no word this morning on any charge, hoping to hear from the prosecutor office very soon. about whether charges will be filed again, this husband only in custody for questioning at this point. family, friend police, all searching for answers. erika crosby disappeared december 30th, she was last seen with her husband, kyle crosby at cherry hill restaurant. and here we are again exactly two weeks later now and family, friend, haven't been able to reach her no calls, particulars cents, face books folks, any the other usual means every communication, crosby's family suspect foul play. the 26 year old eachly tidy apartment was left a mess broken glass no shower curtain or rod they want to hear from her husband. >> i thank god they got him. i want to know where erica is and kyle to comfort and tell us that's what we want right now because we know deep down inside that he's done something. >> now crosby has two young daughters, kyle crosby does have a history with police begin in police custody this morning undergoing questioning >> later on today reporting live in mt. laurel, jan carabeo, "eyewitness news" on
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the "cw philly". >> jan, thank you. still no sign this morning of missing mother in delaware. she has been missing since her children were taken by their father, on friday night. thirty-five year old keisha hamilton was last seen at her home in smyrna. four year old daughter and four month old son were the isn't of amber alert over the weekends. they're both found in indianna with their father cortez hamilton in jail there waiting to be brought back to delaware to face charges. >> latest, what a difference a day makes. >> so true there is storm system now long gone thankfully, left behind couple every residual issues in the way of specifically any left over moisture on the roadways, on the sidewalks could have some frozen over, watch for the puddles that may have frozen over again don't want to take a tumble out there. live neighborhood network camera shot, beach patrol headquarters in margate things starting to dry out nicely sands dock like quite as well, still clouds, but starting to thin out nicely throw the satelite coverage on top, see clouds thing from north to south. why you still have clouds down at some of the beach area shore points. nice bright sunny day temperatures technically into the 20's, probably feel little colder than that, factor in northerly breeze, not real strong wind but enough you notice t certainly enough it will make it feel colder so keep that in mind. as we said, watch for potential of slick travel out there. meanwhile as the day goes on and down the shore up in philadelphia specking temperatures no better than the lower mid 30's, so as we hoffer around freezing we stay somewhat level with the
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thermometer readings throughout the day. clear sky everywhere, and that certainly means you want to keep the sunglasses at the ready and again watch for slick travel. jess? >> quite busy morning. >> route one headed toward trenton marysville bridge, accident in the right hand shoulder on the bridge blocking out one lane, so you can see the delay because of that other lanes doing much better still problems there from the philly side so seem to have clear out eastbound lanes, due to ongoing construction, everything moving great on that side, but westbound lanes pretty much mid-span of the bridge stacked up headed toward the vine, travel times here, something they're doing okay, some things poorly. so 422 start eastbound pretty heavy oaks into 202, 17 minute trip there. pa turnpike no problems there westbound bensalem into valley forge, blue route little slow southbound from the schuylkill into 95, about 29 minutes there. now, chestnut street block due to building fire between fourth and fifth just take market or pine to get on by. ukee? >> jessica, thank you. hamilton township police have suspect behind bars who they say used social media to lure two boys. and this "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco explains, it is a reminder to parents to be specially vigilant when it comes to children, and the digital world. >> lured two local boys over the social media site kik and sexually assaulted them. sunday morning the 12 year old brother found the message on his phone and called hamilton township police. >> that got everything started
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when the parent found information on the phone juvenile ultimately told the mother immediately and told the police what happened. police say johnson posting as younger man and asked the boys a 12 and 17 year old to meet up with him. then he pick them up in his car and drove them to another location where the 12 year old was sexually assaulted. >> fortunately happening on daily basis whether kik or other messaging type of app. >> twelve year old's phone wasn't hooked up t only worked with wyfi, yet still able to use kik. directs he will professor of cyber security rob says parent need to know how to use these social media apps, just as well as their children. and monitor them daily. >> need to get more involved in just giving that device to them understand the environment they're playing in, just as if it were in the physical worm. you won't let your kid go out and hang out at the park where you know drug deal remembers hanging out. same thing. >> contacted local schools. possible johnson may have more victims. johnson facing multiple charges, including aggravated sex assault multiple counts of luring. he's being held here at the atlantic county jail, on $300,000 bail in mays landing diana rocco "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly" more breaking news into our news room. chopper three live over the somerton section of philadelphia at a water main break. at the intersection of overhill and county line road crews on the scene work to go repair the main, no report and of any water mains in the area. we'll keep on top of this, and bring you update as soon as we
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get them. meanwhile the doylestown zoning board has continued a hearing on the proposed plan to revitalize legendary oscar hammerstein's former property. the hearing will resume in march grandson will want to build to host tours on the 5-acre property. it is currently a bed and breakfast. >> sounds look something of a person of interest, one of the pop high time crime fighting shows. technology very real, and making a difference. chris van cleve reports from camden, new jersey. >> gunfire on the street of camden, new jersey, captured by shots spotter, a series of microphones designed to detect sounds every gunshot and pinpoint its location to within 10 feet. instantly alerting police. >> it also helps as far as officers safety, because now these officers are not traveling blindly into an area where gunfire is. >> lou tenanted richard has been on patrol in camden for 17 years. he says the technology makes a difference. >> it is more difficult to commit gun violence and get away with it in the city of camden than it was five or ten years ago. >> when camden began using shot spotter police discovered 38% every gunshots in one neighborhood, were not being reported. >> 90% of the time people don't call 911 when they hear gunshots again particularly the most afflicted communities, i hear it all the time. >> this is one of camden's rougher neighborhoods. police don't want to give away specific locations but say the shot spotter microphones are inside buildings and on rooftops, throughout these
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streets. technology to detect missiles, police in 22 states, are now using it we've seen the average response time go over nine minutes in many case toss as low as 30 seconds. >> that's huge change. >> absolutely. that's a game changer. camden credit shot spotter used with crime cameras as helping cut the number every shootings and homicide in half over the last two years. chris van cleve, cbs news, camden, new jersey. right across the river. >> just incredible. >> absolutely. still ahead this morning, new technology that's giving hope to millions of people, who suffer from a debilitating eye condition. >> also, coming up, the holidays are over, now it is time for reality oh, paying the bills right? three's on your side with easy ways to get rid of holiday debt. >> and, out of the millions who use mass transit every day, meet the one ride here is perhaps the most unusual. a dog who hops on and off the bus all by herself. >> just wait until you hear where she is headed. >> makes perfect sense once outhear. >> it does we'll tell you ball it on the other side. ring ring! ring ring! progresso! wow soup people, i can't believe i'm eating bacon and rich creamy cheese before my sister's wedding. well it's only 100 calories, so you'll be ready for that dress. uh-huh...that's what i'm afraid of. you don't love the dress?
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i love my sister. 40 flavors. 100 calories or less. >> more than 3 million americans are living with glaucoma it is one of the leading causes of blindness when left untreated. now, more and more surgeons are treating their patient with the smallest implantable device the fda has ever approved for the human body. kara tsuboi shows us thousand works. >> camille mertz has been living with glaucoma for nearly two decades. nine disease itself is painless, but treating it with the traditional therapy of eye drops, sometimes dozen or more a day; anything but. >> they would either burn, or turn my eyes red inflamed, and so we keep switching. >> it turns out she was perfect candidate to receive a tiny implant to release the pressure from the eye. >> and this can be done, you know in conjunction with cataract surgery the recovery time from the surgery is very king. >> the eye stent is the size after number on a penny. acts as release valve to improve drainage. >> eyes like a kitchen sink. in glom co-coma, blockage at the drain, so that the pressure in the eye can build up because the fluid has no place to go. >> when implanted patients can't feel the millimeter long device, nor is it visible unless under special microscope. also can eliminate the need for eye drops completely. >> there it is. >> i can see, i can drive, i can read, i haven't had any problems at all. i don't even know the accidents are in there. >> there are a number of
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different stents already on the mark even more in development. >> so we will be able to offer in a few years a number of these technologies and device toss our patients with early glaucoma. >> just so patients like her can focus on enjoying their lives. in san francisco car a dubois "eyewitness news" on the "cw philly". just wonderful. man coming to the assistance of the animal kingdom. in canada they're helping a fish see things in a new light. a copper rock fish at the vancouver aquarium had an eye replaced by a vet who has done this sort of thing before. the rock fill was rocked by other fish once it was apparent his eyesight was so bad. >> this can live for decades there is one feeling whole lot better right now. >> that's incredible. see the water flowing on him during the surgery? >> un believable. >> poor fish was getting haggled by other fish? >> yes, how you like me now? >> i know. how you like me now? >> ya! i see ya. >> that's good. 8:44 right now bet you haven't taught your old dog this new trick. >> eclipse is black lab bull massive mixment like fellow human passengers she used seattle buses it get around. she often roams the aisles looking for seat will hop up next to a total stranger at times. and it makes perfect sense for a dog who rides the bus alone. >> been urbanized totally bus riding sidewalk walking dog. she get separated without me, homes on the bus and joins me at the dog park. >> come on man i got to get to the park. >> spokesman said they love eclipse is supporter of public transit adding she would be
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much seafarer she had her owner on a leash. with a bumm. >> too much. naturally, where would a dog go if a dog could take the us? >> to the dog park. >> why not? >> i'll take myself. >> good for her that's great. let's get traffic and weather together. here's katie. >> we check in once again with the eye weather watcher network. out we go to the map where it the tour readings have continued to stay pretty much just within the range of freezing here, either slightly above it or below freezing around the region this morning. that does mean of course any left over moisture that's out there even though the winds is helping to sort of dry things out, it could certainly lead to some slick travel. we take you out to jason sent in picture from middletown, delaware this morning. beautiful start to the morning. things starting to clear out. generally what we're finding is that the skies are clearing from north to south. but that said, even if you still have some clouds out there right now things will be brightening up for you. let's take you next to lou he sent in 21 degrees, bright sunshine, for him he's in norristown and that breeze is again straight up out of the north. so it does become a chillier breeze because of that. and it will be one of those mornings where you want to bundle up adequately. full sunshine, as well, out in trenton, lovely don't, thrilled to be part of the program. we love having her that said, all of the observations and we take you next to storm scan3 what are we left with? >> at this point storm system if there were any better indication, very thick vale every clouds all pulling away leaving its wake clearing sky for our area, looks like there
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is nothing else on the horizon, right? mother nature has attributing up her sleeve. by tomorrow this same time there will be storm that's developing right within in little zone. because it is so close to the southern branch of the area seeing discrepancy where does it finally track. because not developed yet, we don't have very clear cut pinpointed track for it. so we need to physically develop. one of those it just, you know, develops at the last second, then will decide where it wants to go. so even though generally looking at cloudy day tomorrow, dow want to throw in the potential that some of could you see some snow showers sore rain showers that may be even freeze on contact it is just a chance, but we'll let you know. 36 degrees by thursday, with some sunshine, and that's just the beginning of a moderating trends on the thermometer. we will be in the upper 40's by the weekends, jess? >> thanks, katie. good morning everybody, 8:47. we start things offer in camden, new jersey, here, on 676, approaching mlk boulevard. and then northbound lanes here, you can see just little bit of delay. as we have police activity over the right hand shoulder spar slay blocking due to accident. so you can see just dealing with some small delays there out in jersey, now over on 422, see here around trooper eastbound lanes see right up ahead right here, also blocking out the right hands shoulder really not sitting anybody back too much. but also the eastbound delay that's pretty typical of this time of morning as it is. now, we have water main break out in feasterville overhill road closed at county line road. you want to take pine hill road, pine road, to get on by. now we do have accident in the trenton morrisville bridge
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headed northbound blocking the left-hand lane there. only one lane though getting by. some delays headed back up to route one, as well. now, chestnut street is block due to building fire between fourth and fifth. take market or pine to get on by. ukee, back over to you. >> law enforcement operation err recovering from injuries after being hit by a car while trying is her after warrant. happened roar err avenue kensington about 7:00 this morning. officers were serving warrants when woman tried to get away. now sources say she hit two police vehicles, before she was arrested. the officer suffered minor injuries. >> a developing story right now. police are interviewing the husband of 26 year older kay crosby. crosby was last seen last month near her mt. laurel home. her husband was taken into custody after a traffic stop last night. so far no charges have been filed. the pentagon says yesterday's hacking attack on us central commands twitter and youtube accounts did not breach military support. the hackers claimed to be working forest lamb i can state millitant. >> dozens of bottom dollar grocery stores are going out every business earlier than expected. grocery chain shutdown all 46 of its philadelphia area stores yesterday, they were scheduled to close on thursday. aldi bought all of those stores but apparently still deciding it they'll reopen them. >> well, now that the holidays are over, the bills are probably piling up. oh ya. if you have blown your budget, january is a great time to start fresh with some new financial habits. "3 on your side" consumer reporter jim donovan has advice on tackling that
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holiday debt. >> january can bring some cold hard truth for consumers. as de's holiday merry men translates into mountain of bills. the first step toward tackling holiday debt is making a budget. charting what income is coming in, and which expenses have to be paid out. and how much is left to put toward debt. to make real progress, on the existing debt, you're going to need to pay more than the minimum balance each month. start with the most expensive debt first. >> he. >> look which credit card has the highest interest rate, start there. moving debt from a high interest card to a zero interest card, but only if you can pay off the balance before the introductory offer expires, and the interest rates jump. >> in the meantime, try not to add any more debt to what you already have. that may mean making some sacrifices for a few months until it is under control skipping dinners out, bringing your own lunch to the offers, maybe even consider selling unwanted holiday gift cards to bring in some extra cash. reporting for "3 on your side", i'm jim donovan. >> getting close to 9:00. cake boss is expanding his empire. >> carlos bakery coming to philadelphia. tlc host buddy is opening brand. of his famous shop at the corner of 21st and walnut near ridden how squares, this bakery will be his tenth. make all of your friends gel with us tv quality cakes and mystery starting in march. >> judge steven cobair, make his late show debut catch the late show with steven cobert on sister station cbs-3
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starting september 8th. now, behind the scenes, work on the show, is already underway. cobert will take over for david letterman and his last late show is wednesday may 20th. end after era. >> we'll be right back. as a small business owner you wouldn't deliver just half of what you have to offer to your customers. so why are you settling for half-fast internet? only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - upload speeds as fast as your download speeds so files go out in a snap. don't miss your last chance to get $300 back when you switch to fios internet and phone for just $99.99 a month with a 2-year agreement and get $300 back. just call 1.888.774.4418 today. ring ring!... progresso! it's ok that your soup tastes like my homemade. it's our slow simmered vegetables and tender white meat chicken. apology accepted. i'm watching you soup people. make it progresso or make it yourself you say avocado old el paso says... zesty chicken and avocado tacos in our stand 'n stuff tortillas . (record scratch) you say stand n' stuff tortillas old el paso says... start somewhere fresh >> checking on the roads jess? >> actually pretty serious accident right here on kelly drive eastbound closing it between huntington park avenue and lemon hill drive. take mlk or the schuylkill to get on by. this is chopper right on top of the accident scene right now, you can see crews on the scene trying to get that cleaned up and out of the way. definitely keep you updated in our next hit on cbs on the flip side here. but you can see this crew is
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trying to work at that, pretty serious, again kelly drive eastbound, closed, between huntington park and lemon hill drive. yes, jess, you know, as far as the temperatures are concerned, definitely still very chilly start to the day for us out there. you can see those temperatures i just change right before your very eyes there with live observation. 26 degrees at the airport definitely milder off to the south, but right along that zone, where we start to see new storm develop for tomorrow. right now, little bit of crap shoot weather weekend, and we'll let you know, guys. >> thank you quick reminder for all every how wake up earl which us each morning go on the air cbs-3. many of you are up so are we bringing you the news weather traffic and sports thanks for watching the cw fill i have. for more local news weather traffic and sports we're always on at check out talk philly at noon on cbs36789 we'll be right back with one more check on your traffic and weather together. have a great day. >> ♪ ♪ >> does god still heal today? >> i knew that something miraculous had happened to me. >> i was born deaf and then my ears got healed. >> i've never seen anybody recover so quickly and so profoundly. >> when they took that second scan and it came back completely negative, like, just gone. >> discover how god still heals today. on "the 700 club," all week. s-3 "eyewitness news". good morning i'm erika
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von tiehl. update for you right now on breaking news from earlier this morning, a fire, in old city. within the half hour, chopper three, over the former second bank of the united states building on chestnut, between fourth and fifth streets. the building is home to a portrait gallery of historical figures. heavy smoke, was seen outside the building. there were no injuries, than fire does not appear to be suspicious, but the cause is under investigation. >> all right want to get your forecast right now check in with katie. good morning. >> hey, good morning everybody, this is going to be much brighter day by comparison, in fact, it already is. bright sunshine, for us out there as we speak we are going toned up with little chilly breeze kicking in though you can see the clouds thinning from north to south the direction our winds is flowing in from, so it is a colder breeze, temperatures have basically already been hit in terms every daytime highs, and the breeze will make it feel colder, and also keep in mind, because not really going to get beyond freezing near most spots today, any left over moisture from yesterday, could freeze over again so watch for couple of slick spots thankfully the breeze is helping to dry most everything out. thirty-two tomorrow, more clouds for sure, will be system nearby. jess? >> yes unfortunately katie we do have the weather on your side this morning, as we come up on 9:00. because we're outside on kim i drive where the even lanes are actually closed due to a pretty serious accident, as you can see this is chopper three, live, on top of the accident scene right now again, kelly drive completely closed in the eastbound lanes between hunting park avenue and lemon hill drive.
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you can see, really just crews on the scene taking out both lanes here, several vehicles involved. heading over to the maps, talk about the alternates, again kelly drive eastbound closed between hunting park avenue, lemon hill drive. take mlk drive on the schuylkill expressway to get on by the accident scene. erika, back over to you. >> jessica, thank you, that's "eyewitness news" for now talk philly coming up at noon on cbs-3. i'm erika von tiehl. hope you have a great morning. new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at >> gordon: well welcome to "the 700 club." the french journalists who were attacked by islamic terrorists last week aren't backing down. a new addition of "charlie hebdo" will hit the newsstands today with the cartoon of muhammad on the curve. >> terry: here at home the u.s. military social media has been hacked by isis sympathizers who posted a deadly warning from the islamic state. george thomas has that story. >> george: less than a week after the brutal massacre at "charlie hebdo", those who survived the attack are speaking out for the first time. >> there wasn't a day we didn't receive death threats, but no one could have imagined our team would be decimated
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