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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 19, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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...look you've really been letting us down. ...the half-fast job you did uploading our big proposal or updating our website. you're starting to make our business look half-fast. i'm gonna have to let you go. ouch.... was he talking to jim? no - our cable company. were you just talking about me? it's time to fire your half-fast cable internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch -- upload speeds as fast as downloads. so switch to fios internet and phone starting at $99.99 a month with a 2 year agreement and get $200 back. call now and switch to fios today. >> ♪ >> from the cbs broadcast center in philadelphia, this is cbs3 "eyewitness news". >> well, a dangerous weekend on the road gives way to a mild monday. but, there is more wintry weather in our forecast. good evening, i'm chris may. >> i'm natasha brown. black ice and rain made for a harrowing weekend of travel. can conditions were better today but there is snow in the forecast. and meteorologist kathy orr is here with more on that. kathy. >> chris and natasha we're looking at conditions that will be rapidly changing over the next 24 hours. on storm scan3 nothing going on just yet. but some snow showers developing in the northern plains and great lakes. doesn't look like much now but we will see a clipper develop bringing us some snow by midweek. right now in philadelphia still 39. it's mild with clouds. 29 in the poconos, 38 in reading. some colder air will be moving our way by tomorrow night. future weather shows tomorrow you can see a mix of clouds and some sunshine. so, nothing really going on here. but it's by wednesday that we see the changes.
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the clouds will be thickening, this fast moving clipper moves in and bring us some snow showers through wednesday and possibly into wednesday night. the clipper will start off over the great lakes and swiftly move to the south. there is a chance we could see some redevelopment off the coast that would enhance the moisture. that means snow philadelphia north and west and some mixing as you head through south jersey and also delaware. still fine tuning this forecast. coming up we'll talk about the quiet day before the storm moves in. how much snow we expect at this point and an arctic end to their month of january. i'll be back with all those details coming up with the seven day. for now we'll send it back to you. >> kathy thank you. we have some stunning video proof tonight of just how icy those roads really were this weekend. >> imagine you're in your car and you see this, a tractor-trailer sliding at you at a very high rate of speed. this video comes to us from the jersey turnpike southbound in new brunswick. this car was stopped because of an accident right in front of them. someone was recording with their phone. they turned around and this is what they saw out the back window. the truck with two trailers attached skated across the road. it it then jumped the divider between the lanes and jackknifed. frightening to watch but clearly it could have been much much worse. >> also new tonight chopper three over willow grove park, the scene of a smash and grab robbery. it happened inside the mall at precision watches. abington police tell us they're searching for two suspects right now. it is unclear how much merchandise the thieves actually got away with. >> also new at 10 o'clock tonight there has been a
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triple shooting in philadelphia's strawberry mansion neighborhood. one person was killed. this all happened at north 31st street and montgomery avenue. we're told it was a man in his 20's who was pronounced dead at the scene. a 51-year-old man and a 35-year-old woman are both hospitalized and in critical condition at this hour. so far there have been no arrests in that violence. >> meantime in delaware county crews are working to try to repair a broken water main. chopper three over township line road and edmonds avenue in haverford just 569d 8:00 p.m. one lane is getting by in each direction as water continues to pour from that broken pipe. now, it was not immediately clear how many customers were actually affected. >> and some dramatic moments in new york tonight where passengers were removed from a plane after a threat of some kind was called in. police say that an anonymous caller reported a pipe bomb was on board delta airlines flight 468. the plane was cleared of passengers and searched. it was on its way to tel aviv. also new tonight remembering a 14-year-old who was killed in a stabbing near west philadelphia high school. the community came together for a vigil tonight. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones was there. he is live for us now at police headquarters. todd. >> reporter: and chris a 16-year-old has been charged in connection to that stabbing. at this point the murder appears to be connected to an argument. 14-year-old nafif o'neill was riding his bike on friday when he was stabbed in the chest. >> he said bro', he just stabbed me and he said bro', look and he just fell, hit his
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head and he passed out. >> reporter: at a vigil monday night at 46th and market family and friends shed tears and shared hugs as they remembered the teen who loved riding his bicycle. >> i miss my nephew so much. >> reporter: o'neill was stabbed by a 16-year-old male on fry it was around 3:30 in the afternoon just after school. there are indications the stabbing may have been over an argument between teens that got heated and the 16-year-old pulled out a knife. o'neill's aunt calls it a senseless murder and says eastern and rage ruined two lives. >> stop fighting and learn how to forgive each other 'cause it's senseless. >> reporter: he didn't have to die. somebody else son didn't have to die. >> reporter: and as of right now police have not released the identity of the 16-year-old because of his age. reporting live tonight from police headquarters in center city, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly. >> all right todd, thank you so much. thousands walked through the streets of philadelphia peacefully just as dr. martin luther king, jr. preached. their voices were loud calling for change. king's legacy lives on as people of all ages and raises they carried on his mission equality for all. >> ♪ >> from uplifting songs to chants, a spirited march throughout the streets of philadelphia honoring a civil rights leader dr. martin luther king, jr. >> today is the icing on the cake, the start of a movement its not end of one. >> the start of this march began at school district headquarters then spiraled around to independence mall.
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at least 3,000 stood strong in the shadows of the liberty bell a country many believe needs change. >> philadelphia has some unfinished business with this residence. >> there's still a no power like the power of the people. >> unspoken calls for action on a variety of issues were spelled out on signs. from marches in center city, to thousands who gathered across town at girard college turning this day of service into a day of action. >> dr. king said everyone could be great because any one can serve. >> a record 135,000 volunteers were expected for the 20th annual greater philadelphia martin luther king day of service. a movement that has grown from just a thousand volunteers. >> it's like we're actually like making a difference and it's good. like we -- >> mayor michael nutter led a hundred volunteers making election signs in dozen languages. they'll be used in local races in may. >> ♪ >> a city abuzz with push honoring the legacy of a man whose presence began a life changing movement. well, this day of service event at girard college today wasn't just the biggest in the city it's among the largest in the nation. >> great day here in town, also a-great day in washington, d.c. where crowds gathered as a wreath was laid at the martin luther king jr. national memorial. this by the way the first major memorial along the national mall to be dedicated to an african-american and to a nonpresident. it opened to the public back on august 22nd and 2011. president obama and the first lady took some time off to color with children at the
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boys and girls club of greater washington. they talked to the kids about the legacy of dr. king and why his work continues to inspire so many people after so many years. a day before he is sworn into office pennsylvania's governor-elect tom wolf took part in a king day service in harrisburg. >> the best way we can remember dr. king is by actually doing volunteer work. we can do really amazing things if we all work together and i think that's the spirit of dr. king and that's why i think what we're doing today is so important. >> speaking today at the downey school, the governor-elect said that dr. king and his day shouldn't just be remembered as part of a -- or symbolically, it should be part of a collective movement to better society. well, the governor-elect will be sworn in as the 47th governor of pennsylvania tomorrow at noon. you can watch the wolf inauguration live on our web site. the address is >> worshipers in new jersey organized a day of events to remember the contribution of dr. martin luther king, jr. >> the day there began with a mock sit in and discussion of dr. king's writings followed by service projects and tonight a private viewing of the new film "selma." "eyewitness news" reporter david spunt tells us it was an emotional day to a day spent honoring a civil rights icon. >> dr. martin luther king, jr. was top of mind for almost 200 south jerseyans who came to this sewell movie theater for a private screening of "selma." >> i lived through the 60's. i graduated from morgan state university in 1969. >> reporter: angelina hall watts says "selma" is a must seen the movie theme is personal to her.
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the private screening response toured by the perfection church encouraged all ages to take a front row seat to history. >> movie is long overdue. this happened so long ago. they're just getting around to making this movie. >> reporter: the private screening capped off a day of service. they painted a homeless shelter. members took part in a panel about dr. king's impact. >> we don't tell our stories anymore in the african-american community. it seems we just tell our successes, not the persevering, not the agony not the challenges to work where we are today. >> reporter: pastor kevin brown says he's seen "selma" before but jumped at the opportunity see it again this time with his church family. >> i thought the movie was well done. i thought it was really tastefully done. >> reporter: the two hour film received an oscar nod for best picture. the film's director and lead actor were passed over. movie goers say that doesn't matter. "selma"'s message is more important than a golden statue. >> see the need for our children to know our history because if they don't they won't be able to progress. >> reporter: in sewell, new jersey david spunt "eyewitness news" on the cw philly. >> well, still ahead here at 10 o'clock, a simple photograph is turning in a bit of an international incident. find out why this particular picture is causing such an uproar. >> plus, it was tops at the box office but not everyone is on board. a discentsing opinion on "american sniper." kathy. >> keeping an eye on a fast moving system that's developing now over the northern plains. it will bring some rain and some snow but how much? we'll take a look at those estimates coming up as "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly
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this is the "name your price" tool. it gives you options based on your budget -- it's a piece of cake. i was told there would be cake. get a free quote at major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. ♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ ♪all day and all of the night - the kinks♪ yoplait. with a smooth and creamy taste your whole family loves. it is so good all the time. >> welcome back. show down of sorts is brewing tonight between the president and republican lawmakers. >> the commander-in-chief plans to pitch tax increases for wealthy americans during tomorrow night's state of the union address. the white house says the revenue would fund new tax credits for middle class americans but republicans in both chambers of congress have already said they oppose this plan. now tune in tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. on our sister station cbs3 for the president's state of the union address. and for the very latest on this year's speech you can go to >> the film maker michael moore is taking some heat for comments he made on twitter. in a tweet moore wrote that snipers are "cowards who will shoot you in the back." he also said that his uncle was killed by a snipe
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interworld war ii. moore's comments are related to the movie american sniper which made more than $105 million at the box office this weekend. it is an oscar nominated film based on the memoir by a former navy seal and sharp shooter chris kyle. >> well, a selfie that included two beauty pagent contestants sparked a bit of an uproar. on the left of your screen there is miss israel. she is right next to miss lebanon. both are contestants at the upcoming miss universe pagent. lebanon has a law forbidding its people from fraternizing with any israelis. in a facebook post miss lebanon accused miss israel of jumping into this photo. the miss universe organization calls the photo a celebration of universal friendship. >> on a flight home from the philippines pope francis tells reporters he'll visit three cities when he comes to the u.s. in september. he the pontiff said he'll travel to washington, visit the un in new york and then on to philadelphia for the world meeting of families. the global event runs september 22nd through the 27th. there have been whispers that he may visit a children's hospital or a juvenile detention center while here but that has not been confirmed. pope francis did say he would like to go to california for the canonization of a father but doesn't think he'll have the time to do that. if you or someone you know is planning to get married the same weekend as the world meeting of families you may want to reconsider that. over a million people are expected to travel to see pope francis here in the city of brotherly love. translation, hotel rooms will likely be nonexistent. planners at hotel monaco say
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they've advised engaged couples not to choose the last weekend in september. >> in weather tonight we're talking about partly cloudy skies and temperatures that aren't so cold around there. our eyewitness weather watchers are saying it is very pleasant outside with not much wind tonight and of course the wind is always the key. right now temperatures between the mid to upper phil reporting 39 degrees in philadelphia with only a wind at about 3 miles an hour. winds will stay light during the overnight. 38 degrees right now reported in by doug in southampton. winds out of the west at just 2 miles an hour there with a partly cloudy sky and in delaware looking at a temperature of 35 degrees in glasgow delaware where we have a northwesterly wind at about 4 miles an hour and pressure is on the rise. take a look after some of the high temperatures across the area on this mlk day. in riverside ron is saying 43. in ocean city james says 44. phil says in philadelphia 43 and in lansdale 42 degrees. outside in philadelphia right now we're looking at partly cloudy skies but if you would like to be one of these eyewitness weather watchers, you can be part of our team. just go to to sign up and remember to do slash watchers and you'll go right to the site. outside we're looking at calm conditions. skycam3 is just showing a light wind with temperatures that are pretty comfortable in center city. storm scan3 has a few clouds out there. you can see some clearing through south jersey and delaware but for the most part we will be seeing a partly cloudy sky overnight tonight. temperatures still hanging on there in the 30's across most of the region. in philadelphia 39, 38 in allentown and 29 in the poconos. 31 in dover where we have the
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clear skies. millville as well at 30 degrees. it's 34 degrees right now wildwood. so, after a day of some wind and sun we'll see some clouds during the day tomorrow mixing with a little sun. high pressure to the south trying to keep it mild, at least nor now temperatures will be in the 40's on tuesday. so, that's kind of like the quiet before the clipper. the clipper moves in swiftly though on wednesday and it will bring some light snow. some spots will see some light rain. there's a chance we could see a secondary development off the coast. that could enhance the moisture but right now it still looks like we'll be seeing about a coating to a couple inches of snow across the region. generally clippers do not pack much moisture especially if there's no secondary development this is what we'll be seeing about an inch to an inch and a half of snow in the philadelphia area, possibility of some higher accumulations through reading and lancaster. right now this model is saying an inch in the poconos. i think we'll see more than that but down the shore a coating to an inch will be the rule there. now, this is what we do expect for the day on wednesday. those rain and snow showers to be moving in but late in the day toward that evening commute 1 to 2 inches in philadelphia to the north and west, a coating to an inch towards the south and east as you head towards the shore where we do anticipate some mixing and some rain to be moving in there as well. overnight it will be partly cloudy but a seasonably cold night at 30 degrees. temperatures will be warming into the 40's tomorrow with a northwesterly wind and on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, you can see the wintry mix that light snow and some rain moving in on wednesday late wednesday and possibly lingering into wednesday night. thursday just looking at some
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sun and temperatures in the 30's. it will be a bit breezy. and friday just staying quiet as well. even saturday. by sunday the high temperature 41 degrees and then watching a coastal low possibly developing sunday night into monday but right now the computer models are keeping that south. >> uh-huh. >> but it's not too far south. >> not far enough. >> not far enough for me. >> not yet. >> i've seen those sneaky coastal storms before. >> they are sneaky. >> we'll keep you updated on that one. we'll tell you when to be concerned if you need to be concerned. >> thanks kathy. >> beasley is here now and i think the only constant thing in there nfl is change. >> they made some coaching moves did the eagles today and i approve of a couple of them very much so. and the patriots under investigation for this potential deflate gate. we've got details plus the flyers try two goalies >> the flyers playing a matinee game for martin luther king day on long island against the islanders. rough daunter flyers net mind rob zepp. josh bailey with the diving goal making it four to one islanders so zepp was pulled. ray emery was brought in. flyers trying to make it close in the third period. chris vandervelde with the deflection and the goal cuts the lead to six to four but that's as close as they would get. islanders add an empty netter and win the game seven to four. 15 participants from the ed snider youth hockey foundation got to skate at the wells fargo center today thanks to the dream big program. they read dr. king's i have a
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deem speech then discussed its mean wind gust their teammates. the sixers in d.c. for a mlk day matinee with the wizards and much like the flyers a tough day for the 76ers. former lasalle star butler with the slam early for the wizards. part of a 16 to one run for washington after an early sixers lead. second quarter wizards blow it right opened. martin gortat with the basket from wall. sixers crushed by the wizards 111 to 76. it's the largest victory for the wizards ever over the sixers. all right, the eagles made a couple of coaching changes. corey unlind comes over from the broncos to coach the birds secondary. justin peel is the new primary tight ends coach. quarterback coach bill musgrave was hired away by the raiders so that job is opened if you feel you have the qualifications. an old school matchup in the big east, fourth ranked villanova at georgetown. it was all hoyas early. big joshua smith with the bucket. georgetown up 28 to 11. right now it's 48-22 in the seconds half of play. super bowl xlix is all set. defending champion seattle seahawks face off against the patriots in glendale arizona february 1st. patriots accused of cheating again. the nfl is investigating whether they used deflated footballs. less inflated ball could be easier to catch especially in cold and rainy conditions. those conditions were present. patriots quarterback tom brady laughed it off and said i've heard it all at this point. we'll be right
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over 20 years 31 million students started college, but didn't complete a degree for lots of reasons. at devry university we believe there are also lots of reasons to finish. so we help you maximize qualifying credits you've already earned. so you can graduate sooner and get on to a great career. because whatever kept you from finishing before... all that matters is your reason to do it now. see more reasons to finish and get started at >> this guy here is one of the coolest dads out there. he wanted to do something fun with his kids while mom was running errands, so he converted his entire house into a giant ball pit. thousands and thousands of balls filling every single inch of his living room and they even set up a trampoline and it didn't end there guys. he decided to play a little prank on mom when she came home by creating an avalanche of balls when she opened the damp after a few laughs she joined in on the fun as well. she just took it in stride chris may. >> somebody's in trouble. >> somebody's in big trouble. >> who is picking that up. >> that's a good question. >> he definitely wins the cool dad award. >> thanks for watching us on the cw philly tonight. >> for kathy beasley and all of us here, i'm chris may. >> and i'm natasha brown. we'll see you on our sister station cbs3 at 11 o'clock.
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