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tv   Eyewitness News on the CW Philly  CW  January 21, 2015 10:00pm-10:31pm EST

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both open two hours late so keep that in mind. >> indeed. we have team three coverage tonight. our reporters spread out around the region. we'll begin with meteorologist kathy orr who has the latest from the cbs3 weather center. kathy. >> chris and jess the good news is the snow is long gone. now we're talking about some cold and you can see at campbell's field we have the field covered with snow on the camden side looking across the delaware and some foggy conditions to be concerned about. on storm scan3, yes, we had those clouds that are remaining and really that's all that we're seeing right now. let's take a look at that. the snow has moved into northeastern pennsylvania, into northern new jersey and into southeastern new york so we are going to be seeing these conditions improving. the clouds are definitely going to be sticking around and then we'll be seeing conditions that will be pretty much the same during the day tomorrow. cloudy skies hanging in giving way to some breaks in the clouds but generally it just stays cold across the delaware valley and the big corner tonight would be the potential for freezing fog and also potential for freezing drizzle. there's storm scan3. you can see the clouds remain, the snow is gone but still some moisture in the atmosphere. lee sent in this "eyewitness news" picture from reading. thank you to everyone who sent in photos. the lightest snow to the north and west of the city the heaviest snow through south jersey and delaware. in clayton two and a half inches pemberton an inch, mel bar half an inch n-bellmawr half an inch. through south jersey an inch and a half. in landon berg gary is saying a inch, in bear delaware .8
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and in coatesville half an inch. skies will be mostly cloudy even tomorrow morning but temperatures fall well below freezing and that will create icy concerns come morning. our justin drabick will have more on that coming up. for now back you to chris. >> kathy thank you very much. quite a scene earlier tonight as snowflakes fell on the deserted ocean city boardwalk. now that the snow has moved on though there's concerns that a lot of what's on the ground will turn overnight to ice. "eyewitness news" reporter diana rocco is live for us. she's along kings highway in haddonfield. diana. >> reporter: hi, chris. here in downtown haddonfield there is about an inch of snow left on the ground just enough to give everything a nice white covering and create those slippery surfaces, but head a little bit farther south to cumberland county and it was a different story entirely. the snow may have stopped but throughout south jersey crews are out treating roads and the signs of winter are everywhere you look. in millville more than 3-inches covered shopping center parking lots and road signs but it didn't keep everyone home. >> it's not too bat. i mean, you know, people have to realize that they've got to take their time and go slow and, you know, just be more careful. >> reporter: throughout cumberland county shovels are out, work crews are busy clearing parking lots and sidewalks. in glassboro white blanketed sidewalks and yards. m opted to trade shovels for lighter equipment. >> i had to work at 6:00 a.m. this morning so i've been home every since. >> reporter: salt trucks were out salting roads trying to get everyone home. snow covered students on their
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way to and from class at rowan university while staff salted sidewalks. >> snow is not going to stop us. we have to get the job done. >> reporter: many roads remained clear throughout the night. snow stuck to cars and windshields. for some drivers they seem to think it's less of a inconvenience and more of a winter treat. >> i love snow. i moved down here from boston so to me this is nothing and i love it. >> reporter: so here's a live look at kings highway tonight and as you can see things are looking pretty good here. we have seen several road crews laying salt and making sure that things remain all clear for that morning commute. we're live in haddonfield tonight. i'm diana rocco for "eyewitness news" on the cw philly diana thank you. right now salt trucks are crisscrossing the region in an effort to keep the highways ice free. "eyewitness news" reporter todd quinones is live in plymouth meeting montgomery county with those crews tonight. todd. >> reporter: and jessica the snow moved out of here just before 8 o'clock this evening and now the attention for penndot turns towards the morning commute. the storm didn't bring the kind of accumulation penndot was anticipating to philadelphia and the surrounding counties but in the wake of sunday morning's deadly flash freeze event on the schuylkill expressway and blue route, plenty of salt was being spread on area highways. >> it's flash freeze. it can can happen instantaneously. this aspect is a completely different an mole. >> reporter: with air temperatures just below the treatment it wasn't cold enough and there wasn't a rain needed to create a widespread flash freeze. >> it was something else. it was very scary stuff.
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>> reporter: but the images from sunday are still fresh in the minds of drivers we talked to making a an even relatively mild winter storm like this cause for concern. >> when you're on the highway it's a slight difference. you go the to prepare yourself for anything. >> reporter: in the plays around norristown there was just enough accumulation to shovel sidewalks. the roads, though, for the most part remained clear but penndot crews are preparing for the morning commute. >> we'll have a few crews working around the clock like i seven. after midnight for any potential ice we may have. >> reporter: now the highways right now in this area for the most part are really just wet and from the looks of things right now penndot contends tomorrow morning's commute should be fine. reporting live tonight in plymouth meeting, todd quinones for "eyewitness news" at 10:00 on the cw philly all right, todd, let's hope so. thank you very much. delaware is also facing some problems tonight. meteorologist justin drabick has been out and about on the roads. he is now in middletown, delaware, with the cbs3 mobile weather lab. justin. >> reporter: hey, good evening, chris. well, the southern half of new castle county delaware was the harder hit areas maybe about an inch or two on the grassy areas. route 1, 295 right around middletown delaware no problem but check out what's happening though in some of the neighborhoods here in middletown. we still have a slush or ice covered, little bit of snow on these side roads. so, this is going to be an issue through the overnight hours. a lot of sidewalks still covered and certainly the drive ways as well. there's a little bit more traffic than earlier this evening so things are starting to melt a little but you still
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have to be careful heading out overnight. let's go to our weather graphics. through the overnight hours there could be a few snowflakes or a few raindrops that will freeze. we have an air temperature below freezing at 31 degrees. watch out for areas of freezing fog as well. that will put a glaze on the ground and untreated surfaces will freeze so use caution. again we want to bring you back here to a neighborhood in middletown delaware and a lot of the neighborhoods are like this in this area. again, snow covered again it's not much but it's enough to cause problems if you are trying to drive or even walk. so just play it safe out here. we're live in the cbs3 mobile weather lab in middletown delaware. back to you guys in the studio. >> justin thanks so much. be careful out there. many of you have been sharing your snow photos to us through social media. any time weather like this hits we want to know how it looks in your neighborhood. you can connect with us on twitter, facebook and instagram using the hashtag cbs3 snow. we'll be up bright and early in the morning, 30 minutes early in fact so join the "eyewitness news" team at 4:00 a.m. they'll have the latest weather and traffic updates for you. meantime you can get the latest forecasts if you download the cbsphilly weather app. download the app now for free. it's on itunes and google play. >> some breaking news now. towering flames stretching for blocks lighting up the night sky in north jersey. an intense fire roars through a big apartment building in bergen county and firefighters are having a tough time getting this one under controlled. reporter jessica snyder from our sister station has the
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latest. >> reporter: it is an intense blaze that can be seen for miles around. over the past few hours portions of the building just behind me have collapsed sounding like small explosions. this intense fire it stretches for at three city blocks. it's affected at least 400 people and it is still raging out of control. one firefighter i spoke with says he has never seen a blaze like this. this fire started around 4:30 this afternoon but by 6 o'clock, the flames could be seen for miles around here, the george washington bridge as well as across the river in manhattan. numerous fire departments from all over bergen county and new jersey, they're assisting out here and more than 400 people were evacuated. firefighters in fact having to help people get out of the building. i spoke with a fire battalion chief from a nearby town who told me that the water situation actually out here is proving very problematic. >> hydrants in so many locations it lowers the pressure. >> just not a lot of water to fight this thing. >> not a lot of water. >> reporter: and this fire spans for several apartment buildings. many people out here concerned that the heat and the fire will actually jump to neighboring homes so many people in the neighboring homes around here have also been evacuated. this same spot was where a huge blaze also erupted back in 2000. people say this one is just as bad as that 115 years ago. in edgewater, new jersey, jessica schneider, cbs3 "eyewitness news." >> new tonight a baby set on fire on a burlington county road is being remembered. community members gathered for a candlelight vigil at the
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browns mills united methodist church. her mother hyphernkemberly dorvilier doused the student with an accelerant and set her on fire friday night. dorvilier is being held on $500,000 bail. >> tonight a police dash cam video shows exactly what happened during a deadly traffic stop in bridgeton, new jersey last month. a police officer braheem days pulled over a core for running a stop saint he approached on the passenger side and saw a gun. while his partner covered the driver. the passenger pushes his way out of the car and the officer opens fire. that passenger was 36-year-old jerome reid. he was killed. cumberland county prosecutor jennifer web mccray has recused herself from investigation because she knows officer days but some think that's not enough. a couple civil rights organizations wander the case to be turned over to the new jersey attorney general. >> we're demanding that prosecutor mccray recuse her entire staff from this investigation, give it to the attorney general's office. >> well, tonight the attorney general's office declined to take up the investigation but the cumberland county prosecutor's office says in a statement that it will handle it and ultimately present the case to a grand jury unless they say the undisputed facts indicate that the use of force was justifiable under the law. cbs news is reporting tonight that federal civil rights charges are not expected to be filed against darren wilson. he is the white police officer who shot and killed the unarmed black teenager michael brown in ferguson, missouri. the fbi has now completed its investigation into that
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incident. and tonight we have new video of looting in ferguson which followed a grand jury's decision there not to indict officer wilson in a criminal case in november. saint louis county police are now looking for more than 100 people who looted that market. well, still to come here on "eyewitness news" at 10 o'clock, he's got some explaining to do. meet the man accused of bull dozing his wife's home with all of her belongings inside. kathy. >> we have some icy concerns tonight. a winter weather advisory will stay into effect for some icy concerns and then all eyes on this another storm developing over texas that looks like will bring us some snow but how much? we'll talk about the possibilities coming up. >> and a special moment for two sisters in our area. and why their newborns will have a very special story to tell for the rest of their lives. >> cbs3 mobile weather lab sponsored by audi. new customers can save an average of $500 just by switching to progressive. so you'll be bringing home the bacon in no time. sorry. get a free quote at ♪ with the card accepted by 90% of doctors in the philadelphia region you have the freedom to relish right now. independence blue cross. live fearless. >> back on "eyewitness news" with a snowy scene but this was not today. this was exactly one year ago. last year we were hit with heavy snowfall on this day. in fact in the city of philadelphia 13 and a half inches of snow fell. remember that? we do.
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kathy will join us with more on this year's forecast and a bigger potential storm that could be headed our way. >> one husbands in new york is definitely in the doghouse tonight. take a look what the he d this is his wife's home a small suburban house on a quiet street but now that's all that's left of this is this, a pile of debris. police say he rented a bulldozer and demolished the home with all of her belongings at the time. she wasn't at home at the time and had no idea he was going to do it. the man claims the house was crumbling but he couldn't get the proper permits. he was arrested for felony criminal mischief. a special event after holy redeemer hospital. >> shannon and melissa had due dates 10 days apart. melissa went into labor as shannon had her delivery induced on monday. well here they are shannon's baby is jane, melissa's daughter is avery mary ann and those little angels were born five hours apart. >> it is a cold night across the delaware valley and we're not quite out of the woods yet. we do have temperatures that will plunge so we're concerned with refreezing overnight and on storm scan3 i have to show you one bit of moisture that could create that icy concerns tomorrow morning as well. first take a look outside and we'll show you what's going on across the delaware valley down the shore they picked up a good bit of snow. more snow than we saw in philadelphia about 1 to 2 inches down the shore and some areas around 3-inches. now take a look at storm scan tree. as you can see not much going
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on right now but i'm going to widen this out so you can see a little patch of snow over pittsburgh. do you see that? some rain mixing with snow and as that moves eastward that could be enough to make surfaces around the region a little wet and that could refreeze as well. so we're keeping an eye on that come tomorrow morning for some patches of ice. more on that coming up in just a moment. our eyewitness weather watchers are saying yes. temperatures are falling. the cold air is here in the wake of the snow. right now the temperature is 29 degrees. doug is reporting that is southampton. he's saying no wind, which is good. 1.3-inches of snow reported there. some high amounts as well in delaware as you move towards southern parts of new castle county and also kent county delaware jason says the pressurizing, no wind, the temperature 30 degrees. so, remember everyone falling below freezing overnight tonight and let's take a look at a temperature in our northern and western suburbs where we only picked up about a coating to an inch of snow. in royersford 26 degrees with temperatures falling. well, take a look as we look now at our weather computer to show you what's going on. a winter weather advisory in effect overnight tonight. now, this has been extended because of what i showed you on radar. that little bit of moisture out to the west could be seeing additional freezing drizzle, little freezing fog and just a trace of ice could create problems. so, winter weather advisory overnight until 8 o'clock tomorrow morning for additional light precipitation and, of course refreezing of what we've already seen. 30 in philadelphia, 30 in millville, 27 in allentown. right now in the poconos it is 21. a look at some of these more
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impressive totals as you head down the shore. in dennisville 3-inches, woodbine the same. northfield looking at 2.5-inches and dover 1.8 and philadelphia just a half inch of snow. our future weather shows dry conditions for the most part overnight tonight with a chance that of freezing drizzle come early tomorrow morning. thursday is dry with increasing sunshine late in the day. friday looks dry and sunny but then all eyes turn to the south. a developing coastal storm that will move up the eastern seaboard. this is our gfs model and with this model it's a little bit further to the east. we see a little accumulating snow. this model which is our european model hugs a little closer to the coast. where you see the white and the gray that is heavier snow accumulation and this would mean a better chance of seeing a higher accumulation of snow, maybe some wind as well, so that inland scenario right now looks a little bit more likely but that could change over the next 24 hours. some freezing drizzle possible overnight t-the low temperature 25. during the day tomorrow going for a seasonable high of 40 degrees and some sunshine as we work our way through the day. on the exclusive eyewitness weather seven-day forecast, look at temperatures that are going to be cooling down friday. we watch that coastal storm saturday. it's quiet sunday. light snow monday. we're getting into a pattern here. tuesday look for a high of 30. some sun wednesday the high 34. that's a look at the seven-day forecast. we'll be back with beasley and sports right ♪watching everybody eating♪ ♪what they want all day♪ ♪oh this tasteless cardboard♪ ♪brings me nothing but more shame ♪ ♪turning every turn until i find something right♪
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♪and it...takes my breath away♪ >> langston galloway in town with the knicks tonight. the former saint joe's star making a name for himself in new york signed two weeks ago earning a job. carmel mow anthony called for the job. he'll get it. 3-pointers. mellow with 27 points. michael carter-williams will run over a couple knickerbockers scores on a lay up. mcw led the sixers with 26 points. under the ball, 20 seconds left, langston galloway will come up with this 3-pointer and that sealed the died. the former hawk come back in style. he scored 11 points as the knicks beat the sixers 98 to 91. flyers on the all-star break back in action next tuesday hosting arizona. the orange and black beat pittsburgh last night three-two in overtime. claude giroux scored the game winner in a fight fueled contest, over 90 penalty minutes. >> gave my guys what we needed, kind of get a little dirty, play together and we really fought for each other and it was a lot of emotions but i think -- let's see if we can build on this. >> zac rinaldo on monday for this hit on chris la tang facing a six game minimum suspension. la tang left the game with concussion symptoms. saint joe's hosting u mass. shock clock winding down and
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diondre bembry has to get off a shot. nothing but nets. hawks beat the minute men 52 to 56. more on deflate-gate. the investigation into al allegation that is the patriots have been using footballs inflated 2 pounds per square inch below nfl requirements, suspicion goes back to november 16 when tom brady threw a couple interceptions. when the defender gave the balls to his equipment manager to save as mementoes the balls felt soft. some -- the nfl major: here's our new trainer ensure active heart health. heart: i maximize good stuffff like my potassium and phytosterols which may help lower cholesterol. new ensure active heart health supports your heart and body so you stay active and strong. ensure, take life in. over 20 years 31 million students started college, but didn't complete a degree for lots of reasons. at devry university we believe there are also lots of reasons to finish. so we help you maximize qualifying credits you've already earned. so you can graduate sooner and get on to a great career. because whatever kept you from finishing before... all that matters is your reason to do it now. see more reasons to finish and get started at
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>> all right, an eye on another snowstorm once this one gets out. >> yes. first things first right. >> that's right. >> tomorrow morning looking at freezing temperatures and there could be patchy freezing fog. anything untreated to be slick. take it easy on area roads. temperatures will be rising above freezing by about 10, 11 o'clock. >> okay. so, keep that that in mind for tomorrow. thanks for watching "eyewitness news" on the cw philly for kathy, beasley and all of us here i'm chris may. >> i'm jessica dean. have a good night. we'll see you at 11:00 on cbs3. >> ♪
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