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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  September 10, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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speculation of what the president could announce to the american people. sharrie williams is in the satellite center with what we can expect tonight. >> reporter: its a prime time address from the president, we do expect that he will clearly define what the threat is and lay out a plan to address that threat. we are also expecting him to offer up ideas to take the militant group out completely. president obama will lay out the next stages in the u.s.'s campaign. but will it apiece sceptics that think he is not aggressive enough. >> the plan the president will detail includes expanding u.s. air strikes in iraq and supporting the iraqi as they take the fight to isis there. today secretary of state, john kerry, traveled to baghdad for high level talks. >> the united states and the world will simply not stand by
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and watch as isol's evil spreads. >> the president is prepared to strike wherever necessary including syria. the president would like congress's blessing but will move ahead with or without their support. >> it's critical that we support our commander and chief as he makes this decisive action. >> but some in congress are demanding a vote. >> my view and that of my members that the president should seek approval for whatever. period. for whatever he decides to do. >> now the president is talking to key members of congress to garner support and get them to buy in. that is what the president will try to do, convince the american people. >> you can watch the president's address here tonight at 9:00 here on 6 abc.
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the trial for a woman accused of kidnapping a young girl from her school is drawing to a close. prosecutors say that christina regusters abducted the little girl 5 years old at that time abducted from her elementary school and sexual assaulted her before abandoning her in a park. the prosecutor wrapped up the case and gave closing arguments. vernon odom will have a live report coming up tonight at 6:00. well, people caught carrying small amounts of marijuana could soon avoid a criminal record and philadelphia's mayor, michael nutter and councilman jim kenny are supporting the bill. >> tomorrow city councilman jim kenny will introduce a bill or amend the bill soft ening the penalty for having a small
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amount of marijuana, it's no longer a crime but people have to pay a fine. before considering the measure the mayor has agreed to sign it. mayor michael nutter and james kenny have come to an agreement on the bill, championed by the councilman who wants to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana in philadelphia. >> it will not result in an arrest or a criminal record. >> now people will pay a fine of $25 for the possession of 30 grams or less of marijuana, a little less than an ounce, anybody caught smoking marijuana in public faces a $100 fine that can be waived with nine hours of community service. they say it disproportionately impacted african-americans. >> 40,000 or so people in
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philadelphia being arrested for this, if we could reduce that down to practically nothing, those folks have a better chance of a future and better life. >> they say legalize it, but others say possessing any mar one should be a crime. >> there is nothing wrong with a little marijuana. >> don't think it's really a big deal unless they try to drive a truck or something, if they are responsible about it. >> it sounds like it authorizes people to carry it any way. i don't think they should have it period. that is my opinion. now, police will conxatd any marijuana they find and it will be processed through the municipal court system but no crime will go on record. there is logistics to work out and it's expected to take affect in late october. i'm sara bloomquist, channel 6 "action news." >> thank you. police in willingboro new
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jersey are trying to catch the thiefs that stole 12 ipads from twin hills elementary from the summer break, they discovered they were gone yesterday, they are worth close to $5,000. anyone with information about the crime is urged to call willingboro township police. officers in egg harbor township arrested two men this week in a string of separate car breakins. nicholas marald of is accused of going into cars and stealing credit cards. 24-year-old nicholas ward was also taken into custody for allegedly burglarizing unlocked cars. we have breaking news now in the ray rice domestic assault case, the associated press is quoting a new jersey law
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enforcement official saying this video was sent to a nfl source months ago. commissioner goodell claims nobody in the front office never saw the video since this past monday. >> and the wife of ray rice has put the spotlight on the victims of domestic violence. >> it is a stunning statistic, one in three women have been victims of spousal abuse and sadly most of them feel trapped with no way out. >> people say, you can just pick up and leave. but you can't. >> renee norris jones was a victim of spousal abuse for seven years, she understands what janay rice is going through. people question why janay stayed with him after the knockout punch in the elevator.
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but it's not easy to live. >> my husband was afraid i'd leave again, and he slept with a gun under the pillow with his finger on the trigger. >> a knockout punch like this is often followed by pro fuse apologies and promises that it won't happen again. the internet is filled with women that are pouring out their stories. why i stayed and why i left. >> it's great to see the support that survivors are offering to each other, and to say to the community at large, that there is nothing wrong with me, there is nothing wrong with me because i stayed. >> it takes a lot of courage to leave. renee got help from women against abuse that found her a safer place to stay. and two years later her husband killed his own mother.
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>> instead of asking why is she staying? it should be why is he battering. she is trapped there. >> if you feel trapped in an abusive relationship, the hot line number is 866-723-3014. david ry, channel 6 "action news." time now for a check of the "action news" traffic report tonight. >> lets take it live to matt pellman. >> welcome back matt. >> the bearer of bad news is back in town. here is the bad news this evening, a tractor trailer accidents along city avenue, southbound direction off the schuylkill expressway head towards the tgi fridays and channel 6 up the hill, its taking up the southbound lanes from lincoln drive and kelly drive, the better news comes in on the ramp from the whether side of the schuylkill to girard avenue, a broken down school bus is now out of the way. and everything is reopened in
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that vicinity. by the raymore and flannigan, along 611 at the fair way, emergency crews are at the scene and a crash at alden road. and one involving the pedestrians at academy ride and byberry road and the pnc and the 7-eleven, closing the ramp, using it's ramp to tiger road instead. >> thank you matt. still to come on "action news," new research links popular medications to alzheimer's disease. and cecily tynan is live at the philadelphia zoo. hello there. >> reporter: i am here with baby, baby is a pencil tailed skink. they are lizards that live in the trees in australia.
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they use this tail to hang on. they eat devil's ivy, a plan that is poisonous to almost every other animal, but they can eat it. >> and they have sharp nails and a pretty ferocious bite. i'll be feeding the kangaroos here today at the philadelphia zoo. those stories and more when "action news" comes right back.
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protesters are now blocking an intersection in ferguson, missouri. the latest act of civil disobedience since the death of michael brown. that is fueling protests like the one happening now. city council met for the first time since brown's killing and it did seek to promote healing in the community but it was
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retar rerailed by the protest. health reporter and registered nurse, ali gorman, is here now at the big board. >> we are talking about drugs like xanex and valium and ativan. taken for a short amount of time they are harmless but eseniors that take them for a long time are more at risk for als heimer, they don't know if it's directly causing the problem but doctors don't recommend taking these medications long-term. we talk about adults eating too much sodium and now the cdc says its a problem for children as well. in fact nine out of ten kids eat too much salt, it can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease. most of the sodium kids eat comes from food bought in the
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store and made at home. pizza, bread and processed meat is the biggest culprits, the number you are shooting for, you want to have sodium level under 2300 milligrams, the same for adults. most of it comes from process foods, if you cut some of those out it will make a significant difference. thank you. it's a long season for the phillies but a key player is recognized today for his off the field endeavors, chase utley and his wife jen were recipients of the jaime moyer award. they were chosen for their timeless work in the community and helping those in need, especially children. former pitcher and now broadcaster, jaime moyer (ed the
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i promise, i'm gonna be really quick. i don't under...i can't hear you through the glass. i'! you'll be quick. that's what you just said? yes. i'm sorry, i can't hear you. we're closed. you know what? okay, that's... hey...sir? i just...okay. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. that's why td bank has the longest hours and even stays open an extra ten minutes for when you run late. td bank. america's most convenient bank. users of google's g mail service might want to change their service, there are reports of a data breaches, they printed emails and passwords on an
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online for yum. more than 60% is valid but some think it may be several years old. the online market breach etsy is banning the washington red skins from their website. they sell hand made goods. they say they see both sides of debatd on the use of the term red skins but because groups say -- they can still sell items and team team and location but not logo is not permitted. we are going to sky 6 hd looking live from the shore where it was a nice day, a little on it's cloudy side but [ brian ] in a race, it's about getting to the finish line. in life, it's how you get there that matters most.
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time now for the accuweather forecast, adam joseph is keeping an eye on the evening, should be a nice one? >> yes, temperatures are where they should be out there and low humidity, right now 80 in philadelphia, 77 in allentown and 77 in trenton, and at the shore a bit of a sea breeze
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kicking in and temperatures in the lower 70s, dew points are pretty much on par right now in the 50s but we'll see the dew points jump into the 70s tomorrow, and once are you on the 70s scale it means humid and not oppressive. and then we crash back down on friday and we hold our own here into the upper 50s to near 60 degrees into early next week, one summer-like day tomorrow and then fall introduces itself yet again. as we look at satellite and radar, high clouds are spilling in from the north and west. low pressure from chicago and the great lakes, that low pressure area and an associated cold front is bringing severe weather from st. louis and north of cincinnati. and much of the dynamics will pull over toronto into northern new england tomorrow. even though the meat of the system will be to the north, the cold front still has to swing through and before it does.
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it will spike the temperatures and how it feels tomorrow. and by the afternoon, it will feel like 92 in philadelphia and 94 in wilmington and upper 80s in the lehigh valley, and a break at the shore, wildwood 84 degrees and lakehurst feeling hot at 90. future tracker tomorrow afternoon, not everybody sees the storms, they are hit or miss, passing along i-95 along the rush hour tomorrow at 5:00 and they push off the coast by 9:00 tomorrow night. if you get hit by one of those storms, it will bring brief, heavy rain and gusty winds, the gulf of mexico and the caribbean, as we push over into the open waters in the tropical atlantic, right now nothing is going on. today is the peak of the hurricane season and this is the quietest peak we have seen in 22 years, so good news if you do have lets say a cruise booked over the next week or two. as we look at the forecast, lots
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of clouds and many uggie and 64 in allentown and 68 for philadelphia and your five-day at 5:00, 88 and hot and humid and feeling like the low 90s with spotty, late storms and the humidity drops on friday, the sun returns and 78 and a lot of clouds on saturday, only 72 for a high, low humidity, average and fall like, 74 and 75 degrees, meteorologist cecily tynan, is at the philadelphia zoo, hanging out with the friended found in australia. >> reporter: hi, i am here with darwin, and darwin is a sugar slider. i think of these guys as the super heroes of marsupials, they have these flaps of skin between their legs and they open it up
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like a cape and that basically allows them to glide from tree top to tree top. in the trees in australia and they are found all over but mainly trees that are eucalyptus trees. speaking of eating i'll be feeding the red kangaroos live from the philadelphia zoo when "action
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welcome back breaking news to pass on from northeast philadelphia, two children are hit by a car and they are in critical condition. lets go to kenneth moton. >> reporter: they suffered severe head injuries as they walked through this intersection at academy road and byberry road s this is an active scene here, investigations are here to get to the bottom of what happened. we know that a 10-year-old girl and 7-year-old brother were coming through the intersection coming from school when they were hit by a car trying to turn on to academy road, a truck, dodge ram you see there, the driver stayed on scene, a 20-year-old female from the northeast.
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she obviously is shaken up and frightened the moment she hit the children, she did not see them in the interests section. no injuries but her truck has damage from the impact of those children being hit. they were take and to torresdale hospital and the believe the sister was taken -- no the 7-year-old brother who was taken to saint christophers hospital for children. we are working to find out more details and we'll have the latest coming up here on "action news." reporting live here in philadelphia. >> in other news, we want to update you on a story involving the ray rice domestic rice case. they are saying that the inside elevator video was send to a nfl
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executive five months ago. that person played a 5 second voice mail confirming the video arrived. but the source says the nfl never followed up to say anybody had watched it and commissioner goodell maintains nobody saw the video until monday. we'll bring you the latest on "action news" at 6:00. now, to the story of a young man that decided that nothing would stop him from getting on the frankford market l. when confronted by police, he made a break for it and they say he was lucky he was not killed. chad pradelli is live with more. >> reporter: well, septa police say this began when a student tried to use the septa pass, it was used previously as a fraud