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tv   Action News  ABC  September 15, 2014 6:00am-7:01am EDT

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(prof. burke) the more you learn the more gaps you may find. like how you thought you were covered for this... (pirate) ahh, haha! (prof. burke) ...when you're really only covered for this. (pirate boy) ahhh, haha! (prof.burke)talk to farmers and get smarter about your insurance. ♪ we are farmers bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> good morning, 6 a.m., smat off, nydia han is joining us. the search intensifies for the person that shot and killed a pregnant woman sitting outside her philadelphia home. >> and overnight, we learned that the baby has died. >> and massive manhunt underway for the person who ambushed a 34urderd a pennsylvania state troopter. >> and accuweather is tracking a
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cool, but sunny start to your monday. >> and in fact let's found out more about accuweather. david murphy is outside. matt pellman is in for karen rogers, good morning. >> one of the mornings we have a suit coat on is a plus. we're off to a school start. lots of sunshine. coming up over the horizon any alittle bit though. tate a look at satellite. little cloud cover forming west of us and it's largely going to fall part today with high pressure beginning to approach from the west. and brother are we chill wli clear skies overnight. 53 in philadelphia and allentown 43. 45 reading and 49 trenton and 49 wilmington and down the shore 56 high the water mark temperature-wise and that's pretty cool. as we head out the door later to catch the school bus in an hour it is 54. then by 8:00, 57. mainly clear and cool this morning throughout. it good get milder this afternoon. by noon we're up to 66. by 3, 73. that's the high it will feel
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warmer later an by 6:00 still holding on to 70. barely. it will be cool again overnight tonight and there's a chance of overnight sprinkle or shower i'll have more on that on future tracker 6 and then mainly good warm in the accuweather 7-day matt that's all coming up. > all right. david, no investigate only for me this morning need the jacket sleeves it's killly out there and painence it appears you need if you head for 95 southbound and normal morning delays starting to form. especially here south between allegheny and this port girard avenue and just near the work zone you can sea all the headlights coming in towards center city and already busy on 95. we have new problems out there including some debris from a blown tire open the ramp northeast extension southbound to lansdale. and if you exit there for route 63 might bump along over that tire debris and crash in mar borough involving a vehicle that reportedly struck a horse along upper ridge road zeigler road and stick with herring road to get around that.
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still downed pole for overnight crash in pensburg blocking pottstown avenue 63 and oak road and sem fairy street by the cvs. church road to get around that. blocking south gulph road a short khurk between brooks and church road there. stick with henderson road and skill kill where speeds are mid 50s instead. meanwhile delaware getting word of crash 495 southbound terminal avenue 95 might be better get and there travel times are on time so far on this monday morning tam. >> okay. thank you, matt. we're falling new overnight developments of shooting death of a pregnant woman in philadelphia. "action news" reporter ahmed abu khatallah is live at police headquarters and she's got the latest details, good morning, katherine. >> good morning, tam, that's right. police and the hospital confirmed this morning that the baby that was delivered by emergency c-section died overnight. and the baby's mother was
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pronounced dead yesterday afternoon at the hospital. and the search is on for those responsible. 26-year-old megan dodo was almost 8 months pregnant and she and a friend were near her home in frankford on the 1500 block of adams yesterday around 11:50 sunday morning and they were watching a neighbor's children when shots broke out a block away and briscum streetch the intended target was not his and dodo was struck by a stray bullet taken to temle where doctors pevrped that emergency c-section. dodo was pronounced dead sunday and we learned this morning that her bade died overnight. a friend sitting next to her when the shots were fired explained what happened. >> i was sitting next to her and next thing you know she was shot in the face. she's laying face down on the ground and first thing i did was took off hoodie to put pressure on the wound and the other
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neighbor called the cops. >> there's a $20,000 reward offered in connection. please call homicide detectives if you have any tips. take a look that video. new just into "action news" a fire damaged one home on the 700 block of marvine street if south philadelphia overnight started 4:30 this morning and smoke filled the street it took about 20 minutes to bring the fire under control. >> and it's 6:05, pennsylvania state trooper ambushed outside of his barracks is conscious and talking for the first time. investigators hope he'll be able to provide details about the gunman that shot him and killed one of his colleagues on friday night. and the troopers were ambushed during a shift change at barracks in blooming grove pike county and corporal byron dixon was killed. the shooter remains on the loose and police say they are following several leads. a 50,000 reward is offered for any information. >> lawmakers in harrisburg get
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back to work today. calls fora cigarette tax to help fund philadelphia schools are expected to top the agenda and that tops our look at the week ahead. superintendent william hite said the district needs the tax to cut in 81 million dollar defic t deficit. the president of philadelphia federation of teacher's union will lead a funding rally this morning. trump plaza will cease operations, 6 a.m. tomorrow. the fourth to close this we're. trump entertainment sent way love notices to employees friday. now interrupt bankrupt the company is threat ebbing to shut down the 13th. >> queen elizabeth is urging those to thing about the future. the two have ties dating back 300 years.
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they was careful not tell scotts how to vote since remaining neutral is her constitutional obligation. >> if his fame is open the debt and it will match those of the company. she has details in times square. >> good morning, tam, compensations are for general motors will announce how many dems are tide to the ignition switch recalls later today and fineburg plans to answer issues. gm stated two tore three people were killed. families of those killed can apply nor 1 million in compensation for gm. >> air france says it will cancel more than half the flights today move comes as airline pilot go on strike and pilot is happy with air france band to expand their headline. a meeting of the federal reserve happening this week just ep
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positive pointing to lower open. >> the first 3 d presented car rolled off the presenter in chicago it took 34 hours to print the car layer by layer mccormick place. once it was finished a windshields with added to the carbon body. who would have thought you could present a car. >> i'm fascinated by presenters. >> i get nervous when they start presenting weather casters. >> that's a way's office. >> stormtracker 6 double skin scan. no precipitation this morning. that's nice. as we look outside plenty of sunshine over the horizon. it's not there yet. at the airport we're dry with tranquil conditions, light winds and the only negative thing is morning is temperatures when you step outside. let's go ahead and take a look at those. 53 right now if philadelphia and just 43 in allentown and by the way i'm adding that always on 7 day for those of you watching on hd on left-hand side of the
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screen looking ahead if you want. 49 trenton. 49 wilmington and 46 millville and down the shore 56. that's also cool but better than everywhere else. satellite showing you how we're in for a lot of sunshine early and just a little cloud cover west. it's already starting to fall apart and i think it is sun glass weather on all major highways and by ways this morning and for most of the day. lots of sun in allentown. comfortable. low humidity high of 7. you get rid of the start in the 40s you experience in the lehigh valley and it gets nicer later on. at the shore, cool, 67 by noon. 71 by 3:00 not much of a breeze and lots of sun. but on the school side and then in philadelphia we're going for high of 73 this morning lots of surprise and pleasant and staerting nping 50s locally. 57 by 8:00, 11:00, 64. throughout the morning it's call and comfortable if you want to go for a job or do something physical get work done. if the afternoon not bad. low 70s. 70 by 2:00 and high of 7 about
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3:00 this afternoon and then tomorrow, we've got clouds in the morning and overnight sprinkles and showers possible in fact if you get out on the roads early tomorrow you might find some of them slightly damp. the order of the day is clearing as that system gets out of here quickly and we start to become under the influence of high pressure and that sticks around for the next several days. your exclusive accuweather forecast 7 day forecast. sunny and nice, clouds in the morning, maybe a early sprivrple or shower. we'll show you that on stormtracker 6 double scan tomorrow morning that gets out of here and you get sent in the afternoon high 77. it ill westbound nice weather for the u.s. championship at plaintiff exhibit pl park that is on the line. >> no minimum of sun and clouds thursday. notice how the overnight lows are in the 50s though so if you feel like it's chilly this morning you probably feel that way the rest of the workweek.
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71 friday high. weekend we warm up, 75 saturday union back to mls action at ppl park and on sunday i hope you notice 81 eagles fans just like opening day it will feel like summer. bring along a bottle of water. >> thanks, david. >> now 6/11 next up 6 a.m. the skustis department makes a pledge to protect the country from home grown terrorists. >> look out there's a special lane for distracted walking and it's overseas matt. >> good morning you to nydia. sun coming up over the platt bridge in southwest philadelphia and if you take the platt to the airport to catch a flight so far so good. we'll see if delays have formed on 422 yet coming up after the break. >> when we come back a preview of the eagles monday night match-up. we'll tell you about that. match-up. we'll tell you about that. we'll be right
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>> welcome back. it's 6:14. only 55 degrees this monday. sky6hd taking a live look at atlantic city. i think temperatures are nice and refreshing. >> are they really and embracing out there. let's look at the vot um as it builds open the road. >> as that time of the morning tam and nydia when we hit brakes on major highways.
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422 every single morning eastbound starts to back down at this point trooper road to route 23 and valley forge national park it is normal morning volume here trooper road by 4:22 construction efforts from 9 to 3 could cause delays then. meanwhile mar borough township a crash involving a horse this morning. someone struck the horse unfortunately upper ridge road near gigler road. i'll stick with herring to get around that. and 663 blocked because of an downed pole oak and sem fairy street by cvs. use church to get around that one. meanwhile, new you week, you know what that means. new construction projects in marple township delco. marple road will close starting today they install a water main 9 to 3 each day through new year's eve going to block br between 320 sprol road and darby road and new resure asking
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project lawrence roads and philadelphia county lines. restrictions then starting tonight during the overnight and also during the middays for the next little while. in the state of delaware, there's a crash this morning on 495 southbound terminal avenue. i think 9 a5 would be betser bet and in moorestown burlington county, lenola road at harding avenue stay on church to 73 and this morning looks fine. tam. >> thank you, matt. new here at 6 p.m. attorney general eric holders released video message aimed at fighting screamists in the u.s.. the justice department was tracking american radicals headed overseas with role of joining ranks of al qaeda and isis and in paralysis today, john kerry is leading a group of global diplomat that agreed to join u.s. and military efforts
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against islamic state. >> new iphone sales are surging on-line. >> in today's "tech bytes" can no longer preorder iphone 6. supplies ran out. you have to wait a few weeks, few hours on-line outside a store this friday or -- is microsoft about to make a major acquisition. the software giant is planning to buy the company mind craft for $2.5 billion. official laid could be later today. >> do you ever get him a showily walking texter. there's sidewalk lines for people that use their cell phones. this was window why it was placed so close to the road. >> indianapolis open monday night football we asked former eagle defensive coordinator and analyst jon gruden about the
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game. >> should be a great match-up. you have two up and coming quarterbacks. app drew luck never lost two games in a row in his career. i'm anxious to see philadelphia on the road for the first time. >> i'm looking forward tore this. >> foles and colt's qb andrew luck. gruden says that is a recipe for high scoring game. 6abc and phl17 are joining forces to beginning you tonight's game. joins us for special counts down to kickoff on phl17 at 8 paevrm and kickoff at 8:30 p.m. >> 6:18 following developing story houm of the border where a hurricane is bettering down on popular tourist report. >> there's another hurricane eduardo and it looks like it misses bermuda and becomes a fish storm. around hereer off to chilly and tranquil hi, i'm henry winkler
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>> these are pictures of the category three storm as it regard ashore. odile is spinning win as high as 125 miles an hour and dumping surf at the tourist destination. 30,000 tour riingts seeking refuge in hotels set up at hurricane shelters. >> hoping they have plenty of margaritas for them. >> if you head outside this morning another week of construction. lucky us on the ben franklin bridge. westbound coming into center city right lane closed again all week. and expect delays at this point don't look bad. on the other bridge burlington bristol bbb said to close 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. and stick with turnpike connector bridge or tacony mall myra.
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commodore barry bridge one lane gets by headed into new jersey during the middays. david that caused delays last week and we sdpekt again this week. >> all right. we're off to chilly start this morning. some suburbs in the 40s. philadelphia the low 50s. 60, 9:00 if you you head down to the train station or bus stop. 66 by noon. this afternoon, we'll be on the mild side. we'll see high at 3:00 around 73 around 3:00 and still probably holding on to 70 by 6:00. winds today light. as we head to the airport we're looking at green aircraft on the big board with no travel delays and any of most commonly travel destination and no rain reported anywhere, either, tam. >> thank you, david, >> anlts eye adduction drug poses a threat to young children called bupenophrin. researchers found it's commonly implicate the drug in emergency hospitalizations of children's ages 6 and younger. the risk is to children who
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accidentally swallow relative's prescriptions and can cause life-threatening breathing problems and even death in children. there's a new, permanent memorial for fallen prim only township police officer. they renamed a portion of york road me warminster yesterday. he was shot and killed in the line of duty. he traveled york road to the lom ice range in high school. the chief says fox was living embodiment of famous quote from the general george patent. it is toolish and wrong to mourn the men who died. rather, we should thank god that such men lived. sfox also a marine who served two tours of duty in iraq. >> and 6:23 now next new at 6 a.m. a quiet lehigh valley neighborhood is gripped by a gruesome crime. >> and katherine scott is gruesome crime. >> and katherine scott is developing a story outside
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>> nydia, more tragic update this morning in case of a pregnant woman shot and killed this morning in case of a pregnant woman shot and killed in frankford yes you need blinds. you know it. your neighbours know it. complete strangers passing by your house know it. don't be that house. do something about it. during blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale going on now. buy one, get a second at half price. blinds to go blinds for life.
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celebrate blinds to go's 60th anniversary sale. buy one get 50% off one. because you know what they say: 60 is the new 50. they also say your're only as young as you feel. we feel great. how about those blinds of yours? blinds to go blinds for life. >> autopsies sketched inalp town today. and police say mc cool shot his ex-wife to death and killed himself and it happened outside the home if broad daylightch the
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couple divorced two years ago. mc cool suggested her ex-husband threat end her in the past. so far police are investigating a motive. >> and residents in chester county have been ordered to boil tap water advisory followed water main break open the 200 block of south street in kennett scare and some neighborhoods are without any water service although no sign of contamination residents are told to boil their water before drinking it and that advisory is lifted after two days of negative testing. >> time 6:27 meteorologist david murphy has details on chilly start across the delaware valley. >> and brnd new 6:30 new jersey man confession to 35-year-old cold case is up for consideration in new york court. what the judge's ruling could
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>> there she s miss america crowns a new queen with uncon veptional talent that took social media by storm. >> good morning it's 6:30 now monday september 156789 matt o'donnell is off and nydia han is jips you us. let's get a quick look at werming and traffic. and matt pellman in for karen rogers. >> the billing story weather-wise is how it feels as you step outside it won't take you long to sense. plenty of sunshine over the horizon. look at satellite. you see it's bright and few clouds west falling apart. we expect bright conditions but here we go. 53 as you step outside in philadelphia and awful lot of the area right now is in the 40s. 4 trenton and 4 right now allentown and 45 reading, 49
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wilmington this is the coolest start this season. 56 in sea isle city chilly and good as it gets out there. we'll turn it around in september. by 9:00, 60. by noon, 66. by 3:00, mild, high of 73 and still probably holding on to 70 at 6:00. a -- matt what are roads looking like. >> we're seeing slow downs open some of the highways david like this one. 5 southbound pasta academy on to this point cottman you're hitting brakes past bridge to work zone girard just normal stuff. already a 14 minute delay double what ideally you be on that southbound travel 250eu78. hoching off on vine street expressway you encounter a crowd as you approach the schuylkill. it could be worse. people are tapping their brakes. building volume as well 76 westbound near belmont.
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36 miles an hour and there's a new crash in ardmore along lancaster avenue? better news in upper merion they remraipz are placed a downed pole. and in montgomery county down pole closed 66 near oak road. church gets you through that. and we have an accident involving the horse struck upper marboro near zeigler road and herring road possible there. and fire tire that blew southern to lansdowne find out for the keep it in mind as you head out this morning monday. tam. >> police have a double murder on their happened. a newborn whose mother was shot dead on a philadelphia has now
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died. the latest details of the investigation. good morning. >> and good morning, tam, police believe the pregnant woman was innocent bystander in all of this yesterday, the baby was delivered by emergency c-section but from morning we learned from police in the hospital that the baby did got survive the fight. the baby's mother was pronounced dead at the hospital yesterday. 26-year-old megan dodo was about 8 months pregnant and yesterday, she and a friend were near her frankford home on 1500 block adams avenue around 11:50 sunday and watching neighbor's children when shots broke out a block away on grisham street. dodo was rushed to a stray bullet where doctors performed that emergency c-section. dodo was free noupsed dead and learn from police and survive and friend sitting right next to
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her and could be outraged. >> they should be punished at all costs and if they had any kind of conscious they would turn themselves in. >> somebody else will get hurt it's inevitable. >> police are being ing for tips to try to track down those responsible. if you have any homicide detectives wants to hear from you there's a 20,000 reward offered in connection to this case. we're live at police headquarters, katherine scott, channel 6abc us in. >> such a tragedy katherine, thank you. happening today a hearing in the killing of 6-year-old aton pats in new york. the case has gone unsolve since 1979. a yj will determine if a video shaped confession can be fused in the trial. in the tape pedro of mapleshade agrees to killing pats. it came before hernandez was told of his rights. hernandez worked at a corner store near where patz
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disappeared. >> ray rice will appeal his suspension handed down by nfl. penalty over the video made public last week showing rice punching his then fiancee in atlantic city casinoel later and an nfl player with assault conviction was benched for a game. hard write was never us is speaked by nfl and played in the opener last week. hardee's suspension is overdue. panthers coach says the climb matt changed in the ffl and his team had to get this right. they're not ruling out playing hard any why other games. >> minnesota vikings deactivated adrian peterson for yesterday's game. he is charged with child abuse in the state of texas. beater son admits he used a tree ban pachbch to though your son.
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the eagles are in ipd nap list for monday night match-up against the colts. birds lost two to injuries last week. offensive lineman blaine johnson still suspended. our sports team in ipdy asked about the lineup to foles. >> i think we have ultimate confidence in those guides and in this system everybody gets a lot of reps. any time a guy goes down people have to step up in their place and i think guys have done a great job doing that so far. >> that's part of football. ob dwrusly you want your full unit out there. one thing we do well is we get guys ready. i think we got the guys to snep and help us be suck full. >> andrew luck will join us monday, 8 p.m. followed by kickoff on phl17.
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>> happening today, the new miss america kicks off her reign with that sayre moan yeah dip of the oe yoyounung g fwfwrromom united s. kira kazantsev p plans to use te scholarship top go to law school. she had to defend her decision to sing to a rhythmic cup routine sort of like the one in pitch perfect. >> that was the point of my tall ement that's the point of my platform. that's the points of everything that i do and everything that i try to promote is that every single little girl regardless of what she thinks or where she comes from or what people have said she cannot do, she can. >> if you want to take a look at that talent routine i polted it one have to say we're proud
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of them and they have a lot to be proud of. >> those contestants are amazing every one is i'm glad i was not a judge for that. >> i've already got somebody on facebook saying really, new york, again, always new york, california, there's always couldn't vertsy. >> it's a three-peat. >> there's next year. >> showing precipitation free skies as we look outside. well it's not the sky that's the problem. shore looks good out there right. it's how it feels as you step outside. so here are the highlights. today's forecast. first it's nice today. off to a chilly start. it will be nice later on. overnight tonight there's a possibility of sure or two popping in and talking about that in a second. i'll bring in not only the current stats blut owls on 7 day. >> 53 in philadelphia. that's cool. a lot of suburbs especially places like trenton, lehigh valley, even towards wilmington are in the 40s. central south jersey in the 40s.
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so cool, certainly. dew point 46 that's nice, dry air winds not strong out of the north at 6. satellite and radar shows you cloud cover to the west. it's not much and will not hold its ground we don't believe and we're expecting a lot of sun hein shine today. it won't be kol forever. probably some neighborhood in outlying areas trying to get to 70s. and mild and comfortable. 2:00 temperature is 70. 73 at 3:00 and 71 by 5:00. high temperatures around the area. night this afternoon. not much variation really. 72 allentown. down the shore cape may in the peninsula 70 and 71 in atlantic city. low 70s in delaware as well. okay. so overnight tonight after midnight we're probably looking at sprinkles and showers. doesn't necessarily look like it amounts to a whole lot. some roadways may be damp if are you out early tomorrow.
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by 7:00 or so looks like all us get out of here and then what happens the clouds get out and we return sun and a nice afternoon again tomorrow. 7. sunny and nice today and tomorrow, clouds in the morning with maybe early sprinkle. but sunshine returning later and warmer high of 77. it will be really great for tat union u.s. cup championship final match at ppl park tomorrow night. i'll be down there with everybody else and hopefully we can get the team's first trophy tomorrow night. nice again wednesday, 75. 74 thursday. friday cooler 71. bri walk away here i want to point out a lot of cool, overnight numbers and that means fort rest this week when you get outside in the morning you will want a jacket or sweat shirt on the kids because it will be cool. in the afternoon it will keep getting better. for the eekd, 75 saturday. another union game and surprised, 81. just in time for football team to come back. it will be just like opening day and i know people who went and
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were warm. same thing coming this sunday. >> okay. >> mother nature is con fussed. >> almost 4:41 more stories up next an a brand new look of a police per suit from officer's perspective. >> matt, things also going on here at the crash madeia bucks connie southbound 95 near street road. we'll look at this i have other accident, disabled vehicles and down polls in your way for morn
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>> this weekend we get into the autumn season. good morning you to tam and nydia. crash along 95 southbound side just past street road there's a vehicle facing the wrong way. they're loading it on to the tow truck as you can see getting it on there. all the southbound lanes are open. slowing done a little and kind of watching what is going on. delays there are not bad. they slow further south from pasta academy to girard. and we have a new broken down vehicle in horsham along horsham at maple avenue by the philly pretzel factory and more milling and paving this week during the midday hours and upper moreland and terwin and byberry and in
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particular york road, 263 and stay on 232 huntingdon pike instead. still a downed pole earlier crash in pensburg. 663 blocked off this morning between oak and seminary street by the cvs. maybe stick with church road to get around that one and new crash in red hill, mc county close to vfw post 4 and main street and we have a crash involving horse in mar borough township upper ridge near zeigler road. herring road can get you around that one. delaware we told you about a crash on 495 southbound terminal avenue that's all off to the side now. you can get buy that without a problem and travel times on 95 still right on time. and had a water main break overnight near the hamilton marketplace patriot's way in mercer county. good spot to avoid. during the midday today moorestown avoid lenola road construction jams things up there. church street or 73 will be better bets in that neck of the woods. tam. >> okay.
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thank you, matt. new at 6:30 a police officer's body camera captured intense show down with armed suspect. >> get down. get down. >> you can hear the officer in indiana returning gun fire as he chased the shooter. the suspect was wounded and will recover. there's been a recent push to he commonwealth of pennsylvania officers with body cameras to determine if they using force. >> there was a man's body inside a woman's car. the man was an acquaintance of hers. she has no idea how he got in the trunk. she popped up the bank because she was spell smelling something foul in the car all day. the woman is not considered a suspect. >> this is brand new image of tissue find at the australian
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border. they were filled with drugs. something youlers hid heroin and crystal meth in the ice packs. they are worth 75 million. two men southeast asia were arrested for the plot. >> "good morning america" is up next with details. david. >> we have for the first time this season, a jacket on the kids for the morning. we have a will the of areas in the 40s right now. i've got a twitter follower in perkasie that shot me a picture of thermometer that looks like it says 39. most of us close he to philadelphia in the 50s. tee shirts this afternoon. i'll have the forecast coming up. >> take the new 6abc come with you wherever you go. smart design fits perfectly on any
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start shopping a new way. start maximizing at the place where you always get more than you pay for. t.j.maxx. brands you love, prices that work for you. you deserve it. maxx life at t.j.maxx. don't believe tom corbett's tv ad. the facts speak for themselves.
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tom corbett cut a billion dollars from our schools. he took an ax to education. twenty-seven thousand educators were laid-off. class sizes increased. and now almost eighty percent of school districts plan to raise property taxes. tom corbett. can't trust him on education. can't trust him to be for us.
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>> time for a preview of "good morning america". >> lets go to gorge stephanopoulos. >> hope you have a good weekend we have a tlot goat including hurricane making plan fall overnight in the west slamming also cablos trapping up to 18" of of rain and we're tracking that storm this morning and more on the scandal in nfl. star running back adrian peterson was benched and suspended after being booked open the weekend with a child abuse charm big questions of whether he'll face questions and
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will roger gladle be facing more pressure to resign. we'll have the latest own that this morning and burglary ring on the run. this is really cleaning up. you see the surveillance video there. two women dressed as maids are casing homes without nip suspecting them. tips what you can do to keep your home safe and brand new member of our team tim tebow he's going to join our team and launch motivate me monday. we'll have him on gma. >> thanks, george. >> we can use a little motivation right. >> yes, especially monday morning as we head outlooking afternoon this morning. in this case we'll take average 4 2. average is slow on eastbound side this point oaks to route 2 3. taking okay a -- 4 northbound backing up lower landing to 55 and start to move a little better as you head to 295. patco traipz back to normal.
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new ream nal rail schedules too place yesterday. >> cool out there this morning milder spot down the shore, matt, and cape may my twitter follower reports 5 degrees. here's the shoddy got on twit are a while ago perkasie this is fol her david and may be shady side of the house but it's 39 open his thermometer probably pretty close to accurate. up in the lehigh valley allentown your official number is 43 degrees. bottom line it's chill hi and you want a jacket on the kids or sweatshirt as she head out the door. 50 by 9, 56 by phone. high today 73 degrees and mild and jacket over the shoulder tam. >> thank you, david, a local 10-year-old he is thrust into the national spotlight. they will mack a special owe appreance on rachael ray. he used brown bag to share his
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community this year's season
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>> welcome back here are your top stories sooting in frankford took the life of a pregnant woman megan dodo and her baby born premature also died: the
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target was not hit by the barrage of bullets and police are being ing for the killer. lawmakers get back to work today in harrisburg. philadelphia school superintendent asked them to passe cigarette tax. that tax will help then slash the deficit and eagles in indianapolis for monday night show done against the colts. tune in to phl17 that begins 7:30 tonight. >> i see sun glare. here on the schuylkill we're seeing slow conditions as well. ten minute delays in each direction. must be of incidents in montgomery county including downed pole closing pottstown avenue. 663. david. >> you can smell sun glare better when your nose is cold and it's chilly this morning. 54 in philadelphia. how about the suburbs in the 40s. 4 3le and town and 46 millville and bundle up as you head outside. it gets better. high today 3:00, 70. lots of sunshine. >> looking forward to that we
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look forward to seeing you back here in 30 minutes with weather, traffic and all the latest news updates. now for matt pellman, nydia han, karen rogers, and matt o'donnell, who did a great job last night at miss america, getting a deserved day off. we'll see him back here tomorrow, david murphy and we'll see him back here tomorrow, david murphy and tamala edwards have a great
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good morning, america. breaking rite now, a mass i have category 3 hurricane makes a direct hit overnight, battering a popular tourist destination and trapping americans. winds over 125 miles an hour. torrential rain. as a massive wildfire explodes overnight in california. new this morning, ray rice fighting back against the nfl, as another star player is sidelined after surrendering to police on child abuse charges. and calls escalate for commissioner roger goodell to step down now. and fans rebel against a league in crisis. the crackdown right now to combat the growing terror threat from isis here at home. after another brutal excuse and the latest on the search for hostages still