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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 14, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." the tornado watches up right now. 23 million americans facing severe weather tonight. deadly twisters touching down. we are live. also this evening, that massive hurricane gaining strength. the biggest in the atlantic to make landfall this year. first words. tonight, what the 26-year-old nurse with ebola is now saying. the blood, the anti-bodies rushed in to help her from that other american. what we've learned tonight about her dog. and the new warning this evening, the world health organization and their stunning prediction. the air scare. the peaker plane making an emergency landing over america. the walls opening up from the inside. the breaking news we've just learned. the punishment for that moment on the track between two nascar greats. and the bold offer from facebook and now apple, to women
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who work for them. we will pay to freeze your eggs. the reaction, pouring in. good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a tuesday night. as we come on the air, tornado watches are up right now across several states. a massive system bringing deadly twisters. look at this. captured on the horizon there, a massive funnel cloud in corinth, mississippi. severe damage to homes in the area. in florida, cars suddenly traps in flood waters, moving in within minutes. the person who captured this image helping to push that driver out. we are also tracking two massive tropical systems on both sides of the country. a major hurricane in the atlantic about to make landfall. but we begin with the tornado worries as we head into the evening and abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano in georgia tonight, in the middle of the damage. rob? >> reporter: david, americans up and down the east coast are bracing for these storms.
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they came through georgia this morning with tremendous force. these storms have turned deadly. and they're not over yet. the storms started been dawn in atlanta. high winds, hail and at least one confirmed tornado. >> it was in here and out of here as quickly as it came. it was blinding fast. >> reporter: this family is lucky to be alive. with just minutes warning, rushing their family to shelter as the tornado went right over their home. >> just a groufling sound, just an angry, scary, hair standing up on you kind of sound. i've never heard anything like it. >> reporter: in the last 36 hours, over 350 reports of severe weather. and at least a dozen confirmed tornadoes from the midwest to the south. >> the national weather service in greenville has issued a tornado warning. >> reporter: in chattanooga, morning mudslides closing the highway. in alabama, storms turned dead little overnight.
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a falling tree killing one woman and injuring her husband. neighbor kelli saw the victim's husband run from the house. >> i heard the tree and it fell and he started screaming "help, help, help!" >> i tried everything i could to get her out but there was a tree on top of her. >> reporter: and in starksville, mississippi, a jumbled mess of power lines and debris. thankfully, no injuries here. >> are y'all okay in there? >> yes. >> okay. >> reporter: the nor nay doe that caused this damage was ranked an ef-1. winds up to 110 miles an hour. thankfully, the storms that came through here have pushed east, but the threat tonight lies in the carolinas. david? >> all right, rob marciano. let's get right to ginger and this system you were telling me isn't over yet. >> reporter: no. we've got a tornado watch in place until 10:00 p.m. you can see why. that same cold front marching east in the red is the biggest conce concern. right there from virginia to georgia. in the yellow, that's severe
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thunderstorm. you can have strong winds with that, too. >> you are watching tropical systems in the pacific and the atlantic. >> reporter: major hurricane. that's gonzalo. max winds, 115 miles per hour. and it moves to the north and east. bermuda, right in its target. right there. laser focused. on friday. if it makes landfall there as a category 3, it will be the strongest landfalling hurricane in the atlantic season. and ana should become a hurricane tomorrow. and this one, i just got off the phone with the hurricane center, they say will be a big story by the weekend. >> great to have you back from the bering sea last night. >> great to be here. now to the breaking headline on the deadly ebola outbreak. starting with the new warning from the world health organization. predicting up to 10,000 new cases a week in the just two months unless drastic action is taken. revealing the rvirus is deadlie than ever. and tonight, we are hearing from that nurse, fighting for her
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life in dallas. 26-year-old nina pham sending word from her isolation ward, getting help from this man, dr. kent brantly. they are giving him his ant anti-bodies. this evening, we have new word on how her dog is doing, as well. abc's tom llamas in dallas for us tonight. >> reporter: tonight, 26-year-old nina pham listed in good condition. the nurse, battling ebola, speaking out. "i'm doing well and want to thank everyone for their kind wishes and prayers. i am blessed to be cared for by the best team of doctors and nurses in the world." the cdc today flying in top disease experts to care for pham. and she's getting a potentially life-saving gift from american ebola survivor dr. kent brantly, the missionary doctor. in liberia, his condition worsening. brant lip was given the blood of a 14-year-old ebola survivor. the belief? that blood contains anti-body dips that can help fight the virus. when brantly got well, he doe nated those same life-saving
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ant anti-bodies from his blood to ebola patients here in the u.s. dr. rick sacra, who survived. journalist ashoka mukpo who is improving, and now nurse pham. pham's close friends telling us tonight she's equally devoted to her own patients. >> i think that with every patient she came into contact to, she really tried to treat them like she would her own family. >> reporter: today, an extraordinary admission from the cdc, saying, they should have sent more help to dallas when duncan was diagnosed. >> i wish we had put a team like this on the ground the day the patient, the first patient, was diagnosed. that might have prevented this infection. >> reporter: and tonight, this image. pham's beloved dog, bentley, removed from her apartment in full protective gear. he's now being monitored. the city of dallas saying bentley is a happy camper with comfortable bedding and toys. and david, tonight, the cdc dramatically increasing the amount of people they are closely watching. 76 doctors and nurses from this
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hospital who treated thomas eric duncan will be monitored for fever or any other symptoms. david? >> tom, thank you. and let's get right to dr. richard besser, back with us tonight. and rich, you're headed to dallas tomorrow, but in the meantime, i wanted to show folks at home the four hospitals again tonight, where they have teams who have practiced for ebola for years and you and i were asking on the desk here last night, why they haven't sent those teams to dallas to help out and what have you learned tonight? >> reporter: well, they have. they sent two nurses down there to help oversee care to make sure no one else gets infected. they said for any patient in the the country who develops ebola in the future, a team million go immediately and decide whether to send that patient to one of the four hospitals. >> people are going to ask why it took so long. in the meantime, something else we saw today, about how contagious ebola is. a tiny amount of blood with hiv, 1 million virus particles. a tiny amount with ebola is 10 million virus particles. you worked for the cdc for years. what do the numbers tell you? >> reporter: if you are a nurse,
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any mistake, a tiny drop of blood on your skin, could get you infected. the virus is that pow erpowerfu >> dr. besser, thank you. now to startling new images from inside a tour bus, moments after it skidded and flipped on a slick interstate in the midwest. in fact, you can see a first responder moving through the wreckage, a terrified passenger recording it all from inside what was left. it is believed many of the passengers were sleeping at the moment of impact. abc's alex perez tonight. >> reporter: it happened in seconds. this double decker megabus romming over and landing on its side. more than 50 passengers on board, tossed like rag dolls. this cell phone video taken by a passenger spokes the chaos outside the bus, right after the rollover, about 4:30 this morning. and, the damage inside. the bus flipped on its side. first responders helping startled passengers. some sleeping when the bus crashed. many injured by shattered glass.
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>> the other gentleman that was next to me, i mean, he had cuts and bruises on his face, he was bleeding. rrl the bus traveling from at land to to chicago. the interstate, near greenwood, indiana, slick from the overnight downpour when the driver struck a car that had veered to the side of the road, causing the bus to flip. megabus is cooperating with investigators. according to department of transportation, the company has its highest safety rating. but last year alone, the department shut down more than 100 other bus companies it deemed unsafe. in indiana today, 18 passengers were hospitalized. the others, eventually getting on another bus to complete the trip to chicago. all those injured, expected to make a full recovery after surviving a frightening ordeal. alex perez, abc news, chicago. >> alex, thank you. and now to that image from the sky. the emergency landing after passengers discovered this. the wall of the cabin bursting open at the sales. abc's david kerley tonight on what happened.
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>> reporter: frightening passengers as seams split on this 757. >> bang, bang, bang, bang, and then the interior panels buckled in. >> reporter: that's right. the inside wall seams burst. up in the cockpit, no alarm of a pressurization problem. the masks didn't deploy. but some of the 184 passengers on their way to dallas wanted the crew to take a look. >> these passengers basically said, no, you need to come over here and take a look at this. >> reporter: first, the flight attendant, and then a pilot slips into the row to take a look at how that liner split. and that was enough. >> we do have a potential problem in the back. >> american 2293, are you declaring an emergency? >> just a precaution, we're going to go back to san francisco. >> reporter: it was an air duct between the fuselage and liner that blew. american airlines, whose 757s average 19 years old, called it a cosmetic problem. >> there are things that can fail and sometimes spectacularly. i'm sure these people were quite
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scared when this happened. but at no time were that any any real danger. r >> reporter: this american airlines jet had to land because seats were not bolted in. but concerning is when a fuselage fails, like this southwest jet on which a piece of the skin peeled back. it's that outer skin that's the most important. this is where the liner would be attached. you can see how much room there is for ducts and wires. this failure caused a lot of noise, david, but no changer. >> all right, revealing problem there. david kerley, thank you. overseas this evening and to a telling before and after in the u.s.-led air strikes over syria. look and listen to this. 21 u.s.-led air strikes in just 4 hours in and around kobani, that crucial city isis is trying to take control of. the most air strikes in a single day since bombings began over syria. and so i want to bring in abc's martha raddatz now. martha, you're about to show us a revealing before and after here? >> reporter: i am, david. up know, it looked almost
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certain kobani was going to fall just days ago. now, there is some hope. look at this. taken from across the border. in the first shot, up see the black flag of isis atop a hillside overlooking kobani. but in the next shot, the flag is gone, with kurdish fighters now apparently coaching that hill top. this does not mean the fight is over. kobani could still fall. isis fighters have been adapting and trying to blend into the populati population. but many of the civilians have now fled and that could be making the isis fighters easier to target. the chairman of the joint chiefs told me they send up jets and if they can find a target, they will take it out, david. >> all right, martha raddatz live in washington tonight. martha, thank you. we move on now to hong kong, the pro-democracy demonstrations there taking a violent turn. police in riot gear using pepper spray to clear protesters out of a tunnel they were blocking. the protests are now in their third week. back here at home tonight, and some releech for american
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families. the price of gas in a welcome free fall across this country. a gallon of regular now just $3.21, down 9 cents in a week. here is the map tonight. so many of you sending us snapshots from gas stations near your home. in new jersey, $2.82 a gallon. in michigan, $2.55. keep them coming. and abc's rebecca jarvis is here what's causing this? >> reporter: big thing here is oil. oil prices are plunging. well are on the verge in this country of producing more oil than saudi arabia and becoming the world's largest oil producer. that has sent prinlss at the pump down across the country. 30% of the country tonight, david, is paying a price that begins with a 2 in front of it. and they can expect to see more relief in the coming weeks, 20 cents, that's what my experts are telling me. you can see oil prices, gasoline prices drop 20 cents in coming weeks. >> that would be great. we have a few seconds left. heating oil snl. >> reporter: that looks good, too. you are seeing prices come down. this winter, a typical family can save $350 on their heating
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will. >> rebecca, thank you. now, to that debate tonight. the offer from facebook and now apple. telling women who work for them, we will pay to freeze your eggs. abc's mara schiavocampo with the reaction tonight. >> reporter: a new perk for working women. tonight, tech giants facebook and apple confirming they will pick up the tab for we neal employees who freeze their eggs. becoming two of the first and biggest companies to cover costs for this expensive fertility treatment. $10,000 to $15,000 on average, plus $500 a year for stovrj. a benefit some working women wish they'd had. >> it cost me about $13,500. >> reporter: last year, the 36-year-old style expert paid out of pocket to freeze her eggs. after realizing her professional success had delayed her dream of starting a family. >> i know at some point i want to have my own biological
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children as well as adopt. >> reporter: it's part of the new benefits package that includes invitro fertilization and adoption coverage. but does it send the message that work comes first and family can wait? would you want your employer to do this? >> i'm in favor of things which level the playing field. >> i think it means they want women to put their career in front of starting a family. >> i hope it will catch on. i hope more companies will see how great this is for women in general. >> the good is that item powers women and gives them more choices. the bad is it communicates a message to women that their workplaces may not be tolerant to women who decide to have children on the job. >> reporter: new options for women who worry about clocking in and their biological clock. now, doctors say fertility drops dramatically with age and advise women who have decided to freeze their eggs not to put it off, david, safing it's the age of the egg that's important. >> mara, thank you. a lot more news ahead on "world news tonight" this tuesday. and look at this. the woman trapped in her car overnight at the bottom of a
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ravine. her family had no idea where she was. police breaking into her ipad at home and what it revealed. also, breaking tonight, the new punishment coming in. what we just learned after two nascar greats rammed into one another, that moment. and then, the stunning moment here, the exclusive interview with the grandmother, finally set free after 17 years behind bars. the moment she meets her grandson. what she wrote on her shoes in prison. and the first thing she wanted when she got out. if you have high blood pressure like i do, many cold medicines may raise your blood pressure.
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unable to use her cell phone to call for help. vazquez's device alerted authorities of a crash, but police say after hours of searching, can't locate her car. 12 hours pass. vazquez's stepmother calls police to report her missing. an officer goes to her home and finds her ipad and after several tries, remarkably guesses vazquez's password and with it, uses the find my phone feel sure to zero in on her location. >> getting a hit on a gps from find my iphone app. >> reporter: nearly 24 hours after she disappeared, vazquez is rescued, pulled out of the ravine in a stretcher and taken to a local hospital and treated for her injuries. and david, tonight, onstar says it is aware of the incident and is investigating. vazquez is set to said to be responsive and in good condition. >> aditi, thank you. coming up, the breaking news, the punishment for those nascar greats after that moment on the track. and look at this. they need your help in one
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american city to catch a thief. and you'll remember that iconic scene from "dirty dancing," suddenly, back in the news tonight. i was out for a bike ride. i didn't think i'd have a heart attack. but i did. i'm mike,
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our index tonight. racing legend tony stewart tonight $25,000 for this, stewart ramming a fell local driver over the weekend. putting his car in reverse. another driver has been fined, as well. it was just over two months ago when fans watched in horror as a young driver walking on the track was struck and killed by stewart's car. stewart was cleared by a grand jury of criminal charges in that death. this surveillance video out of washington state tonight. the figure in the driveway, a thief, steaming a pumpkin off the doorstep. it belongs to 7-year-old tyler. his dad posting that video to shame the thief before he strikes again near seattle. let's help them solve the case. we all remember the iconic scene on "dirty dancing." you have to see this. 8-year-old charlie mastering the moves, the turns, the hip movement, even the jump. all he needs now is his own
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pint-sized jennifer grey. coming up here on "world news tonight," the exclusive interview with the grandmother finally set free after 17 years, meeting her grandson right there for the first time. the future to life. for more than 145 years, pacific life has been helping families achieve life-long financial security with innovative tools and strategies. talk to a financial advisor to protect your family and plan today. pacific life. the power to help you succeed. every time you take advil liqui gels you're taking the pain reliever that works faster on tough pain
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and finally, a family reunion 17 years in the making. the grandmother wrongly convicted. the message she wrote on her shoes in prison, and the one thing she wanted when she got out. abc's gio benitez with our partners at yahoo!. >> reporter: in court, tears of joy. a judge exonerating this 59-year-old mother and grandmother of murder. outside, an embrace 17 years in the making. after nearly two decades in prison, susan mellen walks free. >> i even wrote "freedom" on the bottom of my tennis shoes with a black marker because i believed i was going to be free. >> reporter: now mellen and her family sitting down with yahoo!'s global news anchor, katie couric. >> god gave me strength in my three kids. if it wasn't for them, i would have never made it. never. >> reporter: in 1997, mellen was accused of killing an
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ex-boyfriend. police arresting her at a mcdonald's. mellen was going to buy her youngest daughter a happy meal. but she never did. until now. >> i got my happy meal yesterday, so i was really stoked about that. >> reporter: perhaps most precious, this moment. meeting her grandchild, aidan, for the first time. >> he knows me already. get excited. he took to me like he had been in my life this whole time. >> reporter: time. something susan mellen now measures and treasures in a new way. gio benitez, abc news, new york. >> grandmother hugging her grandson for the first tomb. i hope to see you right back here tomorrow night. until then, have a good evening. good night.
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this is "jeopardy!" today's contestants are a contract analyst from stallings, north carolina... ...and our returning co-champion, a phd student in physics, originally from boston, massachusetts...