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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  October 15, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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airport where officials there are experiencing delays of up to 90 minutes on the ground they are telling us, if you fly out tonight you want to call ahead. cecily tynan is monitoring the storms with stormtracker 6 live double scan. >> monica and rick it's an afternoon of on and off tropical downpours and it's not over yet. i'm tracking a band of heavy rain moving on to baltimore and right now the focus of the heavy downpour is north of philadelphia, there is this one band moving through pottstown across route 100 and the northeast extension near allentown and we have heavy downpours right now and there is a flood advisory in affect for lancaster and berks county until 10:00 tonight, those areas are getting 2 inches of rain. another area of concern is around knew hope crossing route 202, you'll get the heavy downpours and really racing up to the north at 30 to 40 miles per hour and the whole system is
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sluggishly moving towards the coast, this is the wider view of stormtracker 6 live double scan and this is really the next band of heavy rain rotating through the next few hours in baltimore and as we widen the view, what is going on is low pressure rotating over the midwest, and then this whole cold front and what this is doing is pulling up the tropical moisture and it's limping towards the coast and not clearing out until tomorrow morning. you definitely want to keep the umbrellas on hand and timing out the rain from now until 7:00, and perhaps an isolate the gusty thunderstorming and from 7:00 until midnight it's not going to be dry, scattered showers from midnight until 7:00 another round of heavy rain, and details of when this all clears out coming unin the full accuweather forecast. even when i i'm not on the air it will be a busy night. >> thank you cecily. stay on top of the changing
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weather situation at, go to for storm tracker 6 radar and the hourly and seven-day forecast and our collection of weather related photos and videos. turning now to the deadly outbreak of ebola that triggered international concern and now we know another nurse that treated thomas duncan was the virus and there is heightened concern because she traveled on a commercial flight a day before she showed signs of the virus. >> >> reporter: onlous a lot more questions today. a second health care worker is affected what is being done to keep staff safe and is every hospital equipped to take care of ebola patients. the cdc addressed some of those
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questions today. >> friends when online with support for amber vincent, like her colleague, nina pham she helped to take care of thomas eric duncan the first person to die of ebola in the u.s. >> both health care workers both worked on the days and had extensive contact with the patient when the patient had extensive production of body fluids because of vomiting and diarrhea. >> they worked to find out how the nurses were affected. support has been bolstered with more training and with on site manager at the dallas hospital and the cdc requested that vincent be moved to emory hospital, she will be treated by the same staff that treated dr. kent brantly and nancy writebol.
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she just got back from a trip to like ear kbra where she was consulting for the world health organization, she trained at emory, and is familiar with the unit. >> it's a small unit and has a dedicate the health care team and its own dedicated laboratory equipment and special engineering in place to dispose of waste. >> she says it's ideal to treat ebola patients in such a center, but with straining general hospitals should be able to safely take care of other infected patients. >> the higher level of training the dead katded team that gets retraining the better. >> vincent is said to have contact with three people when she had symptoms and they will be monitored. the other health cache workers that took cake of duncan will be watched and the passengers on the flight before she got sick will be watched.
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but she did not have symptoms on the flight so she was not contagious and dr. farnham was not treated for symptoms here but is being monitored as per protocol. the suits, are in high demand. delaware based dupont is working to assist in the response to ebola, they make safety garments, according to dupont, when they are worn properly these suits offer the high evident level of protection and world news with david muir has tractor trailer latest on the ebola outbreak, at 6:30 directly after "action news" at 6:00. two men charged in the shooting death of a 3-year-old in philadelphia will go to trial. police say that brandon ruffin intended to shoot a man in grays ferry in august but the bullet hit a woman instead.
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she was sitting on a porch having her head braided by a neighbor and she was hit and killed. philadelphia police are investigating after vandals damaged vehicles in one part of the city, the vandals of several vans, cars and suvs were found smashed between pen and colter. if anyone has information about who is behind the vandalism you are urged to call police. first lady, michelle obama came to minute airy today to make a push for tom wolf. she said try lard harder to get out the vote vernon odom has more. >> the first lady say darling of traditional democrats that, is why she came to the party strong hold to push for turnouts for election day, november 4th, the main concern of the wolf
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campaign, the fear that complacentsy could happen in the home stretch. they are trying to increase voter turnout. roughly 800 democrats came, and they are counting on them to get their voters to the poll. >> don't believe any polls until november 4th when they call the election. >> michelle obama is in the midst of a national tour campaigning for gubernatorial candidates. she came ready, and took swipes at governor corbett. this while hailing tom wolf. >> he refuses to accept crumbling classrooms and refuses to accept teacher shortages, he believe that every child in the state, should have a chance to fulfill their god given potential. >> the first lady asked democrats to push harder for wolf than they did for their
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husband in historic victories in '08 and' 12. this is traditionally a voter rich area for democrats. wolf will continue to bring in the big guns, hillary was here last week and now michelle obama. sources say that president obama will by leer the week before the election. in east mt. airy, vernon odom, channel 6 "action news." tom corbett was in pittsburgh himself this afternoon he is from the pittsburgh area, and standing on the side a steel mill, he talked about his administration's record on economic developmentp and criticized tom wolf for not being specific in his pledge to change the state's income tax.
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they held signs today and spoke out in spring garden about the src's choice to end the contract for teachers and nurses and staff. the group called for an end to the src all together. we called them but they have yet to return our calls. and district others announced today the release of $15 million in funds for new schools, the money is generated by savings from the teacher's health cache savings. 15 more million will go to schools inch year and then another $13 million in april. time for a check of our "action news" traffic report for you. >> matt pellman is in the traffic center, kind of a tricky night traveling wise? >> lets keep the expectations nice and low, here on the vine street expressway, a bad crash approaching broad street, they are stopping all traffic from
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time to time and at the moment the right lane is getting by and the emergency crews remain on the scene, and we are jammed solid on i-76 the schuylkill expressway on the eastbound vine. this is the roosevelt boulevard coming off the schuylkill, we are locked up northbound you can see up at north street, and more flooding by fox street taking out the left lane as you come down towards the schuylkill expressway, and if you get on 76, we had high water earlier and still there on the on ramp, it's a flume ride as cars get on and the travel times are abyssmal. and along 313 near 563, ridge road, and heavy rain in the pottstown area and a crash at 100 southbound at moyer road. >> okay thank you matt. much more to come on "action news" this evening. toyota is recalling hundreds of thousands of luxury suvs, we'll
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explain the hazard that prompted the car maker to take action. and an emotional reunion half a new jersey man was found safe after spending the night on the water.
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toyota is recalling a half million lexus luxury cars in the u.s. the car makers say that a gasket can leak fuel and possibly cause a fire. it includes models from 2007 to 2010 and the gs and is models from '07 are a part of it. no crashes or injuries are connected to this recall but you can fine out more details at a jet skier missing for hours safe tonight. the new jersey man is counting his lucky stars after spending the night under the skies stranded on his wave runner, 68-year-old thomas graham is reunited with his family in stone harbor, new jersey, he went on a final spin on his wave
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runner late yesterday afternoon when the battery died. he got off the jet ski in what he thought was shallow waters but the thick black mud was impossible to walk through, and an all out search involving the coast guard was underway, after 13 hours the helicopter spotted graham this morning. >> you spot things and try to pace yourself and you try not to get yourself upset and gauge it and understand what is going on and low tide was coming and i figured they would stop the search until morning and i thought okay we'll wait until sunrise. >> i thought he was a goner and i wouldn't see him again, it's a blessing and a mercal. >> he said it may be the last ride on his jet ski, he is thinking about selling it.
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he was checked out and is doing just fine. pennsylvania now has expanded screenings for newborns, starting in mid-december hospitals are checking newborns for disorders including crohn's disease. it's called hanna's law she was born with the disease, if picked up early treatment can lessen the affects. a wrecking ball is coming down where gamble an huff made music in center city. letter by letter their sign was taken down at 309 south broad street today. this is where the legendary sound of philadelphia record label was created. it was destroyed by an arsonist and it will become a hotel and luxury condominiums. >> the makers of a classic sh
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nike's converse brand is taking legal action against dozens of companies that are
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making knockoff chuck taylor shoes, they are suing wal-mart, fila and other companies. it was named after chuck taylor in the 20s but only started dealing with the violations in 2008. and now a new service for customers that don't have a subscription. users can use the hbo go, but only if are you already paying for it. the new service will be available in 2015. people came together for a meeting of the greater philadelphia chamber of commerce, rick williams led a conference with world news anchor, david muir and the annual event attracts business
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leaders throughout the area, including the president and general manager from our television station, bernie prazenica and vice president of news, tom davidson. and the center was there for the breakfast this morning. >> it was fun, a nice evening and the food was good. a nice morning i should say. much more to come on "action news" including the latest from accuweather this evening. >> we want to remained you to go to facebook and like the 6 abc facebook page and check the like box you'll have access to all the top stories and the best and most concern viral videos. go to"action news." and click on the like box. make sure you are getting everything from
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time for accuweather at the "action news" big board, a partial break in the action for a couple of folks. >> in philadelphia we get a little bit of lull in the rain and it's not over yet, we are talking about how we need the rain to months and lancaster 2.5 inches of rain and it's coming down quickly. in philadelphia we are dry currently however you can see this batch of rain moving north of allentown, this is crossing route 145 and 22 and moving to the north at 35 miles per hour, so all of this moisture is really tropical moisture that is moving up ahead of a cold front.
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and towards the jersey shore not quite as heavy rain but one batch near the garden state apartment way near jackson mills and more waiting in the wings, this one band of rain near maryland just east of chestertown and this is dropping a lot of very heavy rain, already an inch and a half and it's falling at a rate of an inch and a half to two inches per hour. there is a flood advisory here, posted in lancaster county and parts of berks county tonight, and already 2.35 inches of rain so far and could get another inch or so before the evening is done. right now 72 rain cools degrees in philadelphia. we already hit 77, certainly feeling like summer, sea isle city 70 and allentown 70 degrees, this tells the story, dew points close to 70 degrees,
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there is a lot of moisture in the atmosphere, than is pulling down all the heavy downpours. this is really a neat view we can show on the weather computer and this is water vapor, the conveyier belt of moisture moving ahead of the cold front and this is providing the weight of the rain, heavy downpours across the region and same area near maryland and spotty showers and then the whole system reloads in the overnight hours, 3:00 in the morning, heavy downpours morning commute the first half is wet and by 7:30 most of this rain is lifting up north and east of our viewing area and we'll gradually dry down and we are looking at an additional 1 to 2 inches in the region on ton of the rain we got today. the exclusive accuweather seven-day forecast, tomorrow much better, morning showers and afternoon sunshine, 72 degrees,
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friday a beautiful day partly sunny and 70 and saturday a mixture of sun and clouds and a high of 70 degrees, the cold front moves through and look at this, sunday and monday, afternoon highs only in the 50s, put away the shorts and take out the sweaters, adam will talk about how long the cool weather sticks around, the summer feel is leaving us guys. >> i'm not ready to put away the shorts yet. >> "action news" at 5:00 continues now we are tracking heavy rain passing through our
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. "action news" at 5:00 tonights now we are tracking heavy rain as we said passing through parts of our region right now. >> lets head on over to adam joseph and get the latest from double scan radar tonight. >> rick and monica, most of it is lifting north of the lehigh valley and watching a secondary area from maryland. but at this point we have a lull going on in much of the area, with generally light showers and in fact, as we look at double scan live radar, a little closer
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now, the heavy round of rain about to puncture middletown and newark, this is moving north and east at 45 miles per hour, no lightning strikes so this is not a line of thunderstorms just general heavy rain expected to hit middletown at 4:53, and summer bridge at 4:58 and newark coming in closer to the 6:00 hour. and it will push in to southern parts of chester county during the second half of the evening commute. rainfall totals over 2.5 in lancaster and pottstown to wilmington a .25 to .5 inch of rain. i'll let you know ben all the heavy rain pushes out in the accuweather forecast. >> thank you adam. be sure to download the 6 abc storm tracker app, to watch the storms as they move in, acces