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tv   ABC World News Tonight With David Muir  ABC  October 16, 2014 6:30pm-7:01pm EDT

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welcome to "world news tonight." and we're here for the breaking news. the ebola emergency. that first nurse rushed out of dallas on that gurney, stepping into that plane. and tonight, the other nurse, now being raced out of dallas, too. our abc news exclusive here at the cdc. the nerve center, the high security labs. i ask, are americas hospitals really ready? and is there anything to treat this? plus, the nurse speaking out tonight. what really happened in that dallas hospital. the massive hurricane about to make landfall. our team is there. and the giant tropical system, as well, in the pacific, headed toward hawaii. also breaking tonight, what the medical examiner has now revealed about joan rivers. what happened inside that medical clinic? and, made in america. the one staple on the shelf at your grocery store, they're hungry for it all over the world. can we make it fast enough?
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any guesses? and good evening tonight from atlanta. and we're here today at the centers for disease control, asking your questions about ebola. and it comes just as we learn the other nurse infected is now being rushed out of dallas, too. nina pham was the first american infected with ebola here at home. tonight, being flown to maryland for treatment. it comes just 24 hours after the other nurse, amber vinson, was air lifted to emory hospital here in atlanta. on that gurney, then walking up those stairs into the plane. tonight, we wanted to know, are americas hospitals really ready? a nurse inside that dallas hospital now speaking out. and we ask the cdc, should that nurse with an elevated temperature have been allowed to get on that plane? tonight, the cdc revealing to me that both nurses are now being treated with experimental drugs. just as that dallas hospital is
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now admitting the nursing staff received, quote, no actual training on how to care for ebola patients. and on captiol hill today, the cdc now under intense scrutiny just weeks after telling the american people our hospitals were ready. >> we're open to ideas for what we can do to keep americans as safe as possible. >> reporter: those two nurses in isolation tonight. almost three weeks after their patient, thomas eric duncan, walked into a dallas hospital. he was sent home the first time, even though he had a 103 degree fiver. later, that first nurse, nina pham diagnosed with ebola. amber vinson traveled back home to cleveland to prepare for her wedding, visiting this brial store. she called the cdc, reporting a slight fever of 99.5. the cdc does not stop her from getting on the plane, flying back to dallas with more than 130 other passengers. and now, the ripple effect across this country tonight. in ohio, seven people under voluntary quarantine. in cleveland, the airport scrubbed. three schools closed today.
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so, we traveled to the cdc right near atlanta today, inside the emergency operations center, to ask the questions. in front of the room, the ebola map. you can see the red on the map, the ebola cases. there's red up in spain, as well. reflecting the concern there. and we wanted to know where on the board is the cdc tracking dallas? and you can actually see they've added a small map here of the united states and in dallas, they have 23 workers on the ground right now. >> reporte we talked to dr. stewart nicoll, one of the leading scientists in the world on ebola here at the cdc. he has worked in these labs, the most dangerous viruses, including ebola, locked behind concrete walls and multiple layers of elaborate security. skooiring iris scans and fingerprinting to get close. inside, scientists wearing these orange suits. when they leave, they take a chemical shower, still inside that suit. every step, meticulous. we asked dr. nicoll about american hospitals and their teams. when we're told that american
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hospitals are ready, we had our first patient, mr. duncan, and now two nurses are sick from that hospital alone. does that tell us that american hospitals really aren't as ready as we were told? >> i think the american hospitals are ready. at the minimum level. so, you put in place very good systems but you know, not a perfect system. >> reporter: some would say this isn't a good patient where you have one patient and two nurses are sick. do we have any idea how may might have contracted this? >> i've not been involved directly in the investigation in dallas. >> reporter: in fact, tonight, even that dallas hospital saying it is still a mystery how their nurses got sick. apologizing, acknowledging, quote, mistakes had been made. and the second nurse that boarded that plane. should that nurse have been allowed to get on that plane with 99 degree temperature, a slight fever, as we've been told? should she have gotten on the plane in the first place?
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>> in hindsight, you would say, perhaps that she should not have got on the plane. >> reporter: she did ask the cdc? >> again, i was not apart of that discussion. >> reporter: abc news learning she did make that call to the cdc. and with two nurses now sick, is there any treatment ready for patients in america? do we have anything to treat ebola, the experimental drug? kent brantly is giving his anti-bodies. he's one man. what is there to treat this? >> these nurses are receiving some products that may help with the infection. >> reporter: some experimental treatment right now. >> yes. >> reporter: experimental treatment for those nurses, including nina pham, the first nurse, and she'll be on a flight tonight, as she gets moved, too. this exclusive look inside the plane that will take her to maryland. this airtight exo-skeleton, keeping her isolated. seeing her inside with these specialized zippers. and they revealed to us the extraordinary steps they will take to disinfect the plane
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afterward. >> it involving pumping 30% pure hydrogen peroxide, which is turned in from a lick waquid tog throughout the system for hours on end, where everything is sterilized. >> reporter: after that, everything inside ripped out, the stretcher, the seat belts, the lights, stripped and incinerat incinerated. and then taken to a federal landfill. our time at the cdc here in atlanta today. and as we come on the air tonight, there is a new development about amber vinson. that second nurse who boarded that plane from cleveland back to dallas. i want to bring in our chief medical editor dr. richard besser who is in dallas tonight. you are learning she might have shown symptoms before we even knee about it? >> reporter: that's right, david. the cdc just told mel that as part of their investigation, they learned that amber vinson was already feeling unwell on friday, before she headed up to cleveland. so, they're going to expand their investigation and track down every passenger who was on the plane going up there, just
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as part of an abundance of caution. >> that's going to widen this circle, rich, because we know she went to that bridal shop after showing symptoms, as you are reporting here tonight. rich, i wanted to ask you about something else, the experimental treatment being given to these two nurses. we had not heard about that yet. >> reporter: that's right. this is big news. we hadn't heard about experimental drugs in these two nurses. but you know, we've talked about it. all you can really do for an ebola patient is provide fluid and nutrition. so, they're going to try any experimental drugs to try to improve survival from ebola. >> all right, dr. richard besser, thank you. this evening, nina pham, the nurse being rushed to maryland, is safing she's now in good condition, she is feeling blessed, gaining strength. she says, thankful for the outpouring of love. adding a special note for her team of doctors and nurses, calling them the best in world.
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tom llamas sitting down with a member of the medical team in dallas, a nurse, who says they had no training. tom, good evening. >> i'm devastated for my hospital. >> reporter: this is brianna aguirre, a nurse at texas health presbyterian hospital. she describing a harrowing scene in the hospital when thomas eric duncan died. >> it was extreme chaos. the nurses were just throwing our hands up saying, you got to be kidding us. >> reporter: later, aguirre treated nina pham in that hospital, just before pham was officially diagnosed with ebola. did you ever receive any type of ebola training? >> prior to thomas duncan entering? >> reporter: yes. >> no. never was discuss eed at all. >> reporter: she says the hospitals were not wearing the right protective gear. look at this photo. this was last week. this is one of the nurses inside texas health presbyterian. what do you notice about that photo that doesn't seem to be safe? >> the same thing i've been saying over and over again, and
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this is what makes me so upset right here. her neck is hanging out. we are in our second week of an ebola crisis and we still have our necks hanging out. why would she be fully covered, every part of her cover at least by one, two, three layers, and her neck is exposed. how many inches is that from her mouth and nose? >> reporter: she directly blames texas health presbyterian for the two nurnlss infected. what would you tell nina and amber right now? >> i would tell them to please stay strong, you know, hang in there. do everything you can to get better. it's not your fault. you're america's heroes and we're all rooting for you. >> reporter: we do want to mention that nurse is monitoring herself for any ebola symptoms. we chose to interview her in person. texas health presbyterian has not gotten back to us about miss agir's comments. david?
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>> tom llamas tonight, thank you. and this image this evening. you'll remember the frontier airlines plane amber vinson flew on from cleveland back to dallas. with an elevated temperature and now we're learning symptom lgs days before we know it. tonight, that plane is in denver being sanitized now for the fourth time. some carpet and seat coverers removed. air fitters dils carded. and we know that plane was given a standard cleaning after vinson's flight, but then put back into service, flying five more times before vinson was diagnosed. our coverage of ebola for tonight. but we are going to move on now to the weather and two ferocious tropical systems on both sides of the country tonight. hurricane gonzalo, now a category 4. and look at this. you can see it right there. the eye of the storm growing this evening. and in the west, ana taking aim at hawaii. a state of emergency there tonight. but we begin with abc's gio benitez in bermuda, where that hurricane will hit. >> reporter: less than 24 hours from now, this could be the strongest storm to hit bermuda in more than a decade, hurricane
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gonzalo. and tonight, glimpses of nature's wrath as the winds pick up here. the storm already killing one in st. maarten earlier this week. bermuda is still trying to recover form tropical storm fay, which came through here just days ago, and remember that was just a tropical storm. but look. it tore out massive trees and just look at that concrete. the thomas family saw what fay did too, and they're taking no chances. calling the airline and rusing to the airport, which is already being boarded up. finally landing a few tickets. a lot of people in the u.s. on the east coast, when they evacuate, they're able to sort of drive up somewhere else, but you guys have no other choice but to jump on a plane. >> seats are literally disappearing as we were on the phone. >> reporter: before gonzalo, the strongest storm to hit bermuda was fabian in 2003. joan richardson remembers well. and in your mind you're thinkg, >> yeah, it's going to be devastating. >> reporter: and these storms can be so unpredictable.
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right now, it's not looking good so many people here in bermuda are preparing for what could be the worst storm of their lives. david? >> gio, thank you. abc's senior meteorologist rob marciano is tracking both hurricanes on both sides of the country. he's back in new york tonight. rob? >> reporter: david, let's start with hurricane gonzalo. a hurricane 4 storm. look at that eye. this thing is a monster. about 400 miles south of bermuda. by this time tomorrow night, yeah. hurricane warnings are posted. they will be getting with hurricane force winds. potentially category 3. either way, this will be the strongest storm they've seen since 2003. from the atlantic, let's jump to the pacific. this is tropical storm ana. may become a hurricane. if it hits the island as a tropical storm or hurricane, that hasn't happened since we started keeping records. >> rob marciano at the weather wall tonight. rob, thank you. we turn now to new dash cam video, taking us inside a
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harrowing police chase. look at this tonight. a mini van swerving, police cars in hot pursuit. a dangerous game of cat and mouse that's happening in towns and steps across this country. abc's linsey davis tonight. >> reporter: it started as a routine traffic stop, but watch as the officer is about to arrest the driver of that stolen mini van. the suspect hits the gas, speeding away with the flifr po officer in tow. the wheels blown out. a side door smashed in. 30 heart-pounding minutes through suburban new jersey streets. at one point, the minivan spins out of control. but the fugitive keeps on going. in the process, injuring a mother and child. high speed chases like these play out across the country. like this one in minnesota, where police chased this man down the fairway of a golf course. and they are dangerous killing, on average, one person every day. 42% of those victims, innocent third parties. that's why more police deparments are turning to this new technology, a gps tag, fired
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from the plice car, that sticks to the target vehicle allowing officers to give up the case and track the suspect on a digital roadmap instead. so this effectively eliminates the pursuit? >> absolutely. and most importantly, it saves lives and reduces injuries to everybody involved. >> reporter: and could keep scenes like these from playing out on roads across the country. linsey davis, abc news, new york. >> linsey, thank you. and there is a lot more news ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday from atlanta. and we have breaking news tonight on joan rivers. we finally learned what might have happened. what the medical examiner has now revealed. what happened inside that medical clinic. also, the new and breaking headline from apple tonight. you'll remember when we took you behind the scenes for the apple watch, the next big thing, almost here. is the end of the credit card just days away? stay tuned for this. and, made in america tonight. the one staple at the grocery store, it's on the shelf there, suddenly, they're hungry for it overseas. can we make it fast enough and create jobs? any guesses? if you have medicare part d,
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next tonight, that breaking headline about joan rivers who died exactly six weeks ago. tonight, what the medical themmer in is now revealing. what the comedy legend was given during that procedure. here's abc's mara schiavocampo tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the long-awaited report on joan rivers' death, showing the comedian died of brain damage caused by a lack of oxygen in her blood. but the report doesn't explain exactly what caused that drop in oxygen levels. it does say it happened while she was sedated for a routine procedure to treat acid reflux and examine changes in her voice. the medical examiner's report also revealing rivers was sedated with propofol, the same powerful anesthetic that led to michael jackson's death. rivers' death cited as a therapeutic complication meaning death was an accepted possiblility of the procedure but suggesting there were no
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obvious medical errors. >> when the brain and the heart are deprived of oxygen for a matter of minutes, you can start into an irreversible spiral that then will lead to a cardiac arrest. >> reporter: in a statement, rivers' daughter melissa says -- "we continue to be saddened by our tragic loss and grateful for the enormous outpouring of love and support." since rivers' death, the clinic's medical director has stepped down. the state department of health has completed their investigation into the clinic and will release those findings soon. david? >> the big reveal from apple coming up, and some big news for some music legends. did your favorite make the list tonight? we're back in a moment. ...the getaway vehicle!
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on. and, you've seen the image, ben affleck as the new batman. well, check out this image tonight. we want to show this to you. affleck surprising the football team at michigan state. they're shooting scenes on campus, aflex hate been using the team's weight room, staying in shape for the bat suit. a big day tonight for some music legends. nominated for songwriters hall of fame. we put the full list on our website and tweet us. let us know your pick tonight. when we come back, the made in america quiz. the one thing on the shelf at the grocery store tonight, they are hungry for it all over the world. can we create jobs? any guesses? they call it planning for retirement because getting there requires exactly that. a plan for what you want
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made in america is back with something in your lunchbox they want all over the world. in just the last month, the made in america team taking you to boston. los angeles. ohio. and tonight, right here in atlanta, georgia. into this kroger grocery store. hey, joe, how are you? aisle third shelf up. something we've all seen. a staple since 1920. ♪ peanut butter ♪ is so grand ♪ smooth aest peanut butter in e land ♪ >> reporter: where is this peter pan peanut butter actually made? are you ever thought about where the peanut butter comes from? >> where it comes from? wow, that's a really good question. >> reporter: a question our team already found the answer to. we did the math. it's 232 miles away, the peanuts
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in this jar. >> right. >> reporter: we're going to go find it. we are. >> all right. >> reporter: and we did. 232 miles south of that store, we meet sixth generation peanut farmer john harold. >> got a crunch. >> reporter: john's been harvesting peanuts since 1975. >> to have something made in georgia, by georgia pea nuts really gives farmers in georgia a lot of pride. >> reporter: and from here, the pea nuts go 52 miles north to this plant in sylvester, georgia, 110 workers making 232 jarps every minute. that's 3 million jars a day. a peanut gold mine, right here in america. and tonight, we've learned, there is an international hunger for that made in america staple. >> they're looking to buy something that's made in america. i think it has a little prestige to it the. >> reporter: that label. >> yeah. >> reporter: just look. pete ert pan peanut butter right there in singapore. the philippines, too. the same label. and in latin america, peanut butter sales up, too. we were there shopping with this
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family. the challenge, could they fill up a shopping cart with only items made in america? we gave them an hour. they filled two. >> made in america! >> reporter: tonight, who knew it would be peter pan peanut butter, and a hunger all over the world, creating jobs right here in america. >> made in america! the. >> made in georgia, made in america. and we loved it here in and around atlanta tonight. thut for watching here tonight. tomorrow night here on "world news tonight," brad pitt. he'll be with us and he'll help us to honor america's greatest from world war ii. we'll see you tomorrow night from new york. good night. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
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this is "jeopardy!" here are today's contestants -- a risk manager from wilmington, delaware... an architect from riverdale, georgia... and our returning champion, a romance novelist from weymouth, massachusetts...