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tv   Action News 500 PM  ABC  October 17, 2014 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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there at the c.d.c. reporter dann cuellar live in dallas, texas where the first report of ebola in america was reported. and first, dann in dallas. >> air travel is in fact how this disease crosses borders. and it certainly is how it got to texas in the first place. >> texas governor rick perry concedes that mistakes were made after ebola was first discovered in the state. specifically reporting to the air travel of dallasers in, amber vinson. from the c.d.c. to the hospital, it was indefensive that she was able to fly after she said she had a low-grade fever. and on a cruise ship, a health care worker who handled the speaks man from duncan and she
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was placed and they ordered 70 health care workers who treated thomas duncan before he died to avoid the public completely for 21 days until the danger of developing ebola passed. the ambulance that cared nurse nina pham to the airport for the trip to maryland was one specifically made to carry the ebola patients. wrapped in plastic floor to ceiling. >> and you can come in getting better, decrease in diarrhea and vomiting but are still very tired. this virus knocks you out. >> and governor rick perry reminded the public that the chances of contracting ebola are
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almost negligible. and it is the first time it appeared on american shores, it is understandable that mississippi stakes were made but almost unacceptable. and breaking live to reporter and registered nurse, ali gorman, with the latest from the c.d.c. in atlanta. ali? >> monica, the c.d.c. faced criticism about the response to ebola. president obama said the decision to appoint a new leader makes sense because health officials here already have a lot on their plate. and this job will not be easy. ron klain tackled the financial crisis and served as chief of staff to both vice-president joe biden and al-gore. some say thinks next challenge may be his toughest. president obama appointed him to serve as ebola czar, to lead the nation's response to ebola and to prevent the virus from
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spreading in the united states. >> it is mr. klain's responsibility not to make the decision in overruling the agencies, but to rather convene the kind of conversations necessary to make the decisions that reflect the government's equitying and make sure the decisions happen promptly. >> an internal document obtained by "the associated press" but not approached for release to the public by the world health organization shows that the who admitted nearly everyone involved in the response to ebola in west africa failed to grasp the severity of the outbreak. health experts agree to prevent cases here we have to stop the outbreak there. >> right now we know who's coming in. >> the doctor that is the head of the c.d.c. son the hot seat on capitol hill yesterday facing a barrage of questions. both he and the president asked why they are not imposing a travel ban on people coming from west african nations affected by the ebola outbreak.
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>> the problem is that in all the discussions i've had thus far with experts in the field, experts in infectious disease, is that a travel ban is less effective than the measures we are currently instituting. >> and that is the opinion of many health experts, including health experts here at the c.d.c. they say a travel ban can actually backfire because people would find their way into the country a different way, and in that case they would not be screened. that's the latest here, live in atlanta, ali gorman channel 6 "action news." >> thank you, ali. while there are no ebola cases here in philadelphia, mayor nutter and other local leaders want residents to know they are prepared in the event of something occurring. and following recommendation from c.d.c. and hup or children's hospital, chop have
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plans in place. the firefighters are not as confident in the preparations and more on that angle on "action news at 6:00." we have a special section of our website with complete coverage of the ongoing ebola story for you at a list of myths versus facts about the disease to help you steer clear of misinformation. and you'll also see the signs or symptoms of ebola, along with a look at how ebola spreads. other news tonight, two home invasion suspects are on the run. and philadelphia police hoping you can help them make an arrest. surveillance video shows one of the suspects forcing a victim inside of a home in the 200 block of wide ner street. and once in the house they struggled with another victim and shot him. both seen fleeing the house in an impala with a pennsylvania aing ending in 4591. if you see them call 911. the suspects are considered arm and dangerous.
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new leads tonight in the road rage incident involving a school bus. unfolding on roosevelt boulevard near devereaux street. a child was hurt in it all. and chad pradelli is live with the eight latest details. chad? >> rick, investigators towed a way a vehicle suspected of being involved in this road rage incident. detectives are working on getting a search warrant for that vehicle. and two women are now in custody being questioned in this road rage incident. philadelphia place say this is the vehicle suspected of carrying five women, two allegedly who attacked a school bus on roosevelt boulevard near devereaux yesterday. they say the st. katherine students were verbally fighting with those in the s.u.v. >> during the dispute the s.u.v. cuts off the bus and two women get out of the s.u.v. and one comes out with a baseball bat and begins striking the school
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bus self times. >> one student with minor cuts from the shattered glass treated school. and another wrote down the partial tag of the s.u.v. and detectives were able to track it down in the 2100 block of north fourth. none of the five women have been arrested but police know who owns the vehicle. >> we are hoping they either turn themselves in, talk to us. we are pursuing the leads and tracking down the owner of the vehicle now. >> and those involved are facing aggravated assault, assault and reckless endangerment charges. in northeast philadelphia, chad pradelli, channel 6 news." >> thank you. a delaware couple april caused of deadly child abuse. state police charged 26 year old mother, tanasia milligan, and her 35-year-old boyfriend, willie reeder with murdering tanasia milligan's 4 year old daughter. she was slowly beaten and died a
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death after four days. and milligan and reeder locked up on bond tonight. delaware county taking steps to protect victims of domestic violence. announcing the county will begin a special assessment training. learning to calculate the risk of being abused or killed when responding to domestic violence calls. and they will take steps to provide the victims with assistance and follow-up support. even women who are afraid to press charges will get help. >> even if she doesn't want to prosecute we will use the assessment, do the analysis and hopefully get the woman the help she needs. we have a duty to protect women and children in the domestic context. >> first inviewsed in maryland and seeing a 34% drop in domestic homicide. >> gabby gifford who was shot
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talked today about protecting against gun violence. and the round table discussion held on knights road including the state attorney general, kathleen cain. the taj mahal casino got permission to end its union contract giving them a break from pension and health care. and trump entertainment threatened to close next month if they had to honor the union agreement. and a check of the weather. >> and autumn in the traffic center. >> two big slowdowns, first on the blue route near bloomall. and the southbound side 41 minutes from the blue route to 95 right now. big delays, schuylkill westbound from the vine street expressway to the taking you 50 minutes to
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do that commute. and taking a look at the ben franklin bridge, in camden trying to make it through the tolls into philadelphia in the westbound lanes. aingly slowdown, down to two lanes on the bridge, the two right lanes taken out there. back to you. >> thanks. and much more ahead. realtors speaking out about a new trend popping up at open houses which prompted authorities to take action. details coming up. a beautiful friday, lots of sunshine on the warm side. don't get used to it. tracking a big cool down over the weekend and details and the latest on hurricane gonzalo as it bears down over bermuda in the accuweather forecast. and a man convicted of shooting an unarmed teenager after a dispute over loud music learns his fate. and those stories and more when "action news at 5:00" comes right back.
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and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers. introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and
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sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana® or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney
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or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®. >> the man convicted after killing a teenager after a dispute over loud music spending the rest of his life in prison. michael dunn fired into an s.u.v. full of teenagers in 2012. the 47-year-old said he feared for his life during an argument about the music coming from their vehicle.
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dunn killed 17-year-old jordan davis after firing ten times into the s.u.v. today, the judge told dunn he must serve life in prison without the possibility of parole. dunn apologized to davis' family. >> i reget in happened. i am sorry for their loss. >> davis' mother told the court she now fore gives michael dunn. delaware county authorities cracking down on criminals who are targeting open houses. realtors are fighting more criminals posing as buyers and then raiding their homes on the market. the themes often take prescription medicine. one delaware county realtor says she was targeted. >> i received a call from the owner of the property saying i have been robbed. >> i went upstairs to get some medicine and it was gone. >> the delaware county drug task
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force features a realtor to help address the problem. police say you should remove valuable jewelry and prescription drugs, and a good idea to take down the information on the protectional buyers who come in. and monitoring who is using prescription drugs, the bill headed for corbett's desk. allowing prescribers and dispensers of drugs access to a day -- data base of who is prescribed the drugs. not wanting them to doctor shop and getting several prescriptions. >> and recognizing same-sex marriages in seven states. in indiana, oklahoma, utah, virginia, wisconsin, colorado and nevada. 26 states and the district of columbia now have federal recognition.
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married same-sex couples in the state now have access to federal benefits. and still to come on "action news" friday night, starbucks customers soon able to skip the line when picking up their favorite coffee. details of the change coming up. also, a reminder tonight, experts from abington hospital are taking your calls about breast cancer online at you can log on to be part of the chat with them right there. they are available until 6:00 ♪ with the card most accepted in the philadelphia region, you have the compassion and security of blue cross. giving you the confidence to move forward. independence blue cross. live fearless.
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>> a massive data breach, president obama signed an executive order to boost credit and debt cart secured saying the u.s. must do more to stop breaches. a plan called buy secure, tightening the security for debit cards transmitting federal benefits like social security to millions of americans. the president is also calling on congress to pass a single national standard for debit card security. the c.e.o. of microsoft still trying to repair damage about comments last week about women and equal pay. speaking at a women's conference, he suggested that women don't need to ask for
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raises, they should just trust the system that will pay for them to work. and he later apologized yesterday and he emailed the microsoft employees to announce company-wide diversity and inclusion training. and the c.e.o. also vowed to step up efforts to recruit more diverse talent. and starbucks customers, the app allows them to order from the phone and skip the line when they get to the store. and the service rolling out in portland, oregon first and nationwide by 2015. and the food drive in full swing and asked to pitch in. septa's annual to help philabundance. at the park outside of city hall, encouraging customers to donate canned goods at 43 rail stations and transportation centers. another way to help get the word out -- an especially decorated
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septa bus that will travel around the city. last year septa and writers collected 25 tons of food for philabundance. more ahead on "action news," looking outside at sky 6 hd and the skyline of philadelphia, womaand the way it made me chronic feel,ipation, the discomfort, the bloating,
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the straining. i'd just felt this way for too long. so i finally talked to my doctor about my symptoms. i'd tried laxatives before. he prescribed amitiza (lubiprostone) for my chronic constipation. it works differently than laxatives. man: amitiza is clinically shown to help relieve common symptoms like bloating, abdominal discomfort, hard stools, and straining and help people with chronic constipation go more often. don't take amitiza, if you have a bowel blockage or severe diarrhea. tell your doctor, if your nausea or diarrhea, becomes severe, or if you experience chest tightness or shortness of breath. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. woman: amitiza helped me find relief from my chronic constipation. ask your doctor if amitiza is right for you. in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work.
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and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> time for the accuweather forecast. hurricane gonzalo scary over the area of bermuda tonight. and the latest. >> it is baring down on the island. this is water vapor imagery of hurricane gonzalo. you see the green, it is the moisture associated with the hurricane. maximum sustained winds 115 miles per hour this is a major hurricane. category three. you look here you see the eyewall broke into pieces, a sign the storm is weakening, but it is too little, too late for bermuda. this is for bermuda, the island change of bermuda, only 22 miles wide. that's about the diameter of the eye of gonzalo. this is some video out of hamilton, bermuda, the capital of bermuda moments ago. and you have to kind of look through the haze, the palm trees are really bending with the
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winds. on facebook we actually have some "action news" viewers who are living in bermuda right now and they told me they are really taking the storm seriously. it is on a similar track to fabian, which back in 2003 caused four deaths and $300 million in damage. so this is the latest from the national hurricane center. maximum sustained winds 115 miles per hour. a category three hurricane, a major hurricane moving northeast at 16 miles per hour. the center of the storm will pass right over bermuda or very closely within the next three hours. then it will begin to weaken as it heads towards nova scotia. talking about a storm urge that could be about 10 feet. bermuda is hilly, but it will cause significant coastal flooding. 15-20 to the waves and wind gusts 100-125 miles per hour. the top of the hills it could be
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stronger. and heavy rain can cause major flooding. and a lot of the island still without electricity after tropical storm faye last week. and our weather today beautiful. millville 69 and wilmington 70. satellite 6 and action radar showing a lot of sunshine, but some clouds will be moving in tomorrow with a cold front. but if you're heading to a football game tonight, high school huddle highlighting penn ridge at central bucks south. mostly clear. take the sweat starts dropping bound to 59 degrees. a nice night for football. the call from accuweather tonight, clear and quiet and temperatures above normal. 57 in philadelphia, 50 in allentown. 53 in millville. future tracker, tomorrow not bad. a cold front moves through sunday. afternoon highs only in the 50s. with the winds it's going to feel even colder than that. the 5day at five shows a nice
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weekend though. winds of change tomorrow, 68 degrees. afternoon clouds. sunday, dry but windy and chilly, 56 degrees. next week clouds rolling in the afternoon on monday, and on tuesday and wednesday damp and dreary, dropping into the 50s. will we see the run of sunshine by the end of next week? adam will talk about that in the seven-day forecast. >> thank you. much more to come in the next half-hour of "action news" at 5:00. >> in trenton, first responders getting training on how to handle an ebola patient if one is reported. i'm nora muchanic. i'll have that story coming up. critical support. families of breast cancer patients building a team in their time of need. >> a winner, despite last place in a big race.
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♪ "action news" continues with meteorologist adam joseph, jamie apody, rick williams and monica malpass. >> hello again.liams and monica here's what is happening on "action news" friday night. a white house advisor being appointed to head up the nation's response to ebola.
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this as cities and towns in the delaware valley reveal how they plan to prepare. also, the mid-term elections just weeks away. tonight we look at the race that will put a new congressman in an influential pennsylvania district. and a disease that affects so many. how families of women with breast cancer are now getting the support they need to help. coverage of ebola in america continues with the latest developments tonight. >> president obama today appointed an ebola czar. he is a trusted white house advisor. ron klain now the pointman on the fight against ebola in africa and at home. and a healthcare worker handling duncan's samples, is on a cruise ship. and that is now heading back to the united states. and nurse nina pham now in fair condition at the national institutes for health in maryland. we also learned today three pennsylvania residents were on a