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tv   Action News  ABC  October 17, 2014 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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with three >> friday night jim is off i'm monica malpass the big story on "action news" tonight abundance of caution in ebola outbreak and fear over the virus is prompting some major disruptions to
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people's lives even to vacations today. meanwhile the blame game is in full swing questioning whether health officials have a handle on containing this disease. we have team coverage for you once again tonight. health reporter and registered nurse ali gorman has latest from centers for disease control and prevention in atlanta and first live to the epicenter of ebola dernz, dallas, texas. "action news" reporter dann cuellar is outside texas health presbyterian tonight with the latest, dann. >> reporter: monica in the wake of criticism of how texas health presbyterian handled first ebola patient here ever when he this patient here and he died and today staff members were olding rally in support of employer and staff members who cared for thomas dunkin. carrying signs which stated i am presby proud and wearing tees saying presby united they were
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outside the hospital today the rally comes a day after texas nurse's union and staff members criticized hospital for failing to give proper information and training on how to deal with ebola. two nurses subsequently contracted the disease and are being treated at emory in atlanta and another nih bethesda, maryland several others have been ordered to stay afriday for 21 days until danger of developing ebola passed. rick perry said mistakes were made from cdc to hospital in handling ebola. >> air travel in fact how this disease corss borders and it is certainly how to got to texas in the first place. >> with exception of medical teams fighting ebola the governor is calling for ban for air travelers of kuptyes hardest hit with the deadly virus. >> based on recent and ongoing developments i believe it responsibility to ban air travel
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from countries hit hardest by ebola outbreak. >> also today a carnival cruise ship was turned away from mexico as it was learned ebola worker that handles specimens from dunkin was on board. the cruise lines said the workinger what is in lislation and exhibited no symptoms. nurse nina pham was fatigued and good spirits. >> she's not deteriorating. can i not tell you at this particular time why we said fair because of patients confidentiality but she's stable now and resting comfortably. and in closing there is no doubt event of past few days raised public anxiety. bit of emen jurjing news tonight. one of the first 48 foam come on "dunkin has been cleared she's shown no signs of virus for 21 days and is no longer on guarantee. live from dallas, i'm dann cuellar, "channel 6 action
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news." >> thank you, dap. the philadelphia health commissioner says all the hospitals in the city are preparing to handle any potential ebola cases and however two were singled out as national treatment centers spen building a air tight unit specificy for any healthcare workers may get infected in africa such as kept brantly previously and chop, children's hospital announced yesterday it will take in pediatric patients with ebola. the obama administration is trying to calm fears reminding folks ebola is not out of control and there's no pandemic and also taking steps to coordinate long term response. once this initial burst of activity dies down. health report ep and registered nurse ali gorman has details from cdc in atlanta. >> cdc faced criticism and president obama said decision to appoint a new leader makes sense and health officials here have their plates full and this job
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will not be easy. >> any help is welcome. >> that cdc medical officer francisco alverado reacting to the fact president obama named ebola czar. in the past served as chief of staff to president joe biden and al gore and also tackled financial crisis. but some say this challenge may be his tougherest. to lead the nation's response to ebola and prevent cases from spreading here in the united states. he does not have a medical background but is said to be effective coordinator which is what president obama asays is feedd after this initial surge of activity, question have a more regular process just to make sure that we're crossing all the t's and dotting all the i's going forward. >> white house says his role will be to find out what needs to be done and see that is. >> it will be mr. complain's
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responsibility to make that decision overruling in other government agencies but rather to convene the kind of conversations that are necessary to make these decisions that reflect the government equities and make sure those decisions happen promptly. >> one of the top priorities will to be make sure healthcare workers who treat ebola patients are properly trained and protected. reporting from atlanta. ali gorman, "channel 6 action news." >> stay with "action news" throughout the weekend for continuing coverage of ebola. we're also posting the latest to and the new 6abc news app and you can follow any breaking updates on twitter and facebook pages. while there are no ebola cases in our area another dangerous disease has killed a philadelphia man. state health officials report pennsylvania west nile virus death this year of 7 cases statewide, three were in philadelphia, two in bucks county. >> and new at 11 a south philadelphia cvs is shut down
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over safety concerns a pillar holding up exterior awning is cranked and sinking and the store at 11 and washington is roped off by do not center tape. they evacuated 7:30 tonight when the structural issues was discovered and nobody was hurt. >> two women victims of murder hospital in both cases remain unsolved latest 5-year-old female lying on a porch chester 5:00 and she was shot in the chest. it happened here in the 2900 block of west 11 street. detectives have little to go on. they are asking for your help. and police have identified someone they want to question in the murder of southwest philadelphia prison guard and 51-year-old lotti depy was stabbed several times in her home in the 100 block of south 63 her brother found her this morning after co-workers said they had not seen her since tuesday. no signs of forced entry but appears there was a struggle.
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police found her missing truck tonight in south philadelphia. and the lockdown was finally lifted this afternoon at atlantic county institute of technology hours after a bullet was found in the cafeteria. it was a live, line in millimeter around. they searched 1400 stwupts metal detecting wandz and four bomb sniffing jobs skourd the buildings but no weapons were found. >> a bankruptcy court judge was voiding taj mahal contract with 3,000 employ anesthesia and last ditch efforts to save the casino. trump entertainment results and billionaire carl threat topd close to november 17th. they said the casino would be void without meeting obligations and they are demanding 175 million in tax braex from the state for a sure bet. local 54 of united casino worker union is planning to picket next
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friday. >> the philadelphia teacher's union is filing a flurry of courtroom motions khevrminging school reform commission canceling of its contract. it forces the union's 15,000 members to start paying healthcare premiums. pf president called the move cowardly and disvery spent full. today the union filed a preliminary nawry injuvrks. >> how to keep kids from drinking too much soda. plus fit fora king. a young man named chris king get a welcome to montgomery county home coming up game tonight and also wind chipped eye land known for beauty and pink sand getting rock tonight by major hurricane. cecily. >> i'll have the latest on hurricane gonzalo. and also, there's chilly air waiting in the wings. get ready for the coldest air mass of the season. i'll have the latest in the accuweather forecast. >> plus "high school huddle" and
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good sort jamie apody shows us how chip kelly is reaching out good sort jamie apody shows us how chip kelly is reaching out to eeing eagles' rival when
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>> occasion my god. >> here she comes guys. >> two hours ago the eye landed in bermuda of gonzalo. damming winds and life threatening storm stretch is expected. outer bands have been larning island all day. half the residents are without power right now. there have been reports of fires and significant damage to homes and buildings. >> from our new jersey newsroom tonight governor chris christie signed the sports betting bill we talked about yesterday.
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it is designed add drets conflicts federal law and four pro sports leagues and ncaa are suing to block it and they're due in court november 21. >> gay marriage legal tonight in several more states that yesterday. u.s. supreme court tersly denied an appeal for the ban. maneing they can marry there. a judge ored wyoming to allow same sex marriage and gave state aweek to appeal and couples are getting married in arizona. the state conserve any said continuing the challenge would be a waste of tax mayor money. >> researchers may have figured out a tee to getting through to teenagers about soda. so far they have not cared about the cally count in them. they drink the most of any age group. john hopkins researchers posted signs at convenience stores that
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put in plain english. how far you have to walk or run to burn off one sugary drink. once those signs wentz up sales of sugary drinks went down. they bought more water, diet soda or smaller sized preferages. there's a little mreek through there. >> talk about the warj a break in accidents for us. >> temperatures will be cooling off. but the last two weekend rainy, saturday morning. those getting exercise tomorrow morning willing fine, dry, you will want to bundle up especially sunday. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing dry conditions out there tonight. it's wayet mild friday night but i wpt to show you radar from bermuda at 8:30, atlantic standard time 7:30 our time and this is what the eye of gonzalo hit bermuda and made land fall south central coast. now the storm is continuing to race north, northeast and it's weakened to category two hurricane and maximum sustained
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winds 110 miles an hour 35 miles north of bermuda it passed over the island and moving north, northeast 16 miles an hour and still getting lashed with very strong winds. winds have just changed when the storm system was moving closer you have easterly wind. now you can see they're shifting west. st. george reporting sustained winds 93 miles an hour. gusts 113 miles an hour. this will continue to cause damage. the good news is though storm system is race ago way by tomorrow morning with daylight they will be able to go out and assess the damage and that looks like that will be extensive. back at home nice friday night. 62 in philadelphia. down from high of 73. and allentown and reading 61. millville 6 2. trenton 58 and sea isle city 65. satellite 6 and action radar showing there's a trough that will move through tomorrow afternoon. this is what will kick up winds and bring us clouds and much cooler air.
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we're stepping down. tomorrow, 68 degrees. that's seasonable. morning sun, afternoon clouds. and on sunday, though, you'll really feel the difference in air mass. wind will be kicking up saturday afternoon and they'll stay very strong through the day on sunday wind gusts 30 miles an hour and high 56 degrees. you factor in the winds though it will feel closer to 50. so if you head to aids walk philadelphia on sunday morning you definitely want to bundle up in outdoor activities and coldest air mass so far this season. next twelve hours tonight clear and quiet. temperatures mild. 57 center city and the exclusive accuweather 7-day forecast morning sun, afternoon clouds, winds pick up, 6 degrees. supposed, windy all day and chilly. 56. monday morning the northwest suburbs pine barrens of new jersey winds if they slacken enough we cohave widespread frost. high monday 60.
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showers roll in and spike tuesday at 65 and 59 wednesday and 59 thursday and 63 friday and a lot of people complaining we have not had fall sweater weather lately. >> here it comes. >> we're getting it. >> thank you, cecily. halloween came early to west chester school tonight the 11th annual parade of pumpkins chester brook academy and parents and school staffers distressed up and carved pum tips and showed off halloween costumes. this event was also a fundraiser set up by third dpraiders and it's called bringing home home an organization supporting families affected by cancer. sounds of 70s kicked off philly pop 30, 6 season tonight. ab aand john denver were featured michael gojeski.
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and a delightful evening at the kimle center. >> across america with mega jackpot. it's mega millions. what's up america i'm john cronin friday october 17 and tonight's mega million is estimated annuitized 180 million. to win that jock pot have these five white balls and the comega ball. first number 60 followed by 31 up next 43, the next number is 56 and final white fwhal friday is 21. now for mega ball. it's twelve. tonight's winning number 60, 31, 43, 56 and 21 and mega ball is 1 tonight's winning number 60, 31, 43, 56 and 21 and mega ball is 1 2.
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have you seen tom corbett's ads attacking me... get real. it's tom corbett who's been sticking it to the middle class on taxes. corbett cut a billion dollars from education... almost 80% of school districts plan to raise property taxes. meanwhile, we're the only state that doesn't charge oil and gas companies an extraction tax. but corbett raised your gas taxes through the roof. i'm tom wolf, i'll be a governor who stands up for the middle class for a change.
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we thought our cable internet was fast. but, our uploads are half the speeds of our downloads so our internet is really half-fast. so half-fast. someone did a half-fast job of posting our vacation pics. when i post my slow jams, i'm a little half-fast. totally half-fast. stop living with half-fast internet. only verizon fios comes with speedmatch - uploads as fast as downloads. so his homework won't be so half-fast. that is up to him.
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>> well homecoming was heart-warming tonight at abington high school in montgomery county chris conditioning a student with down's syndrome was named homecoming king at half time. chris's parents, family and friends were there to watch the ceremony. 21-year-old is senior in special education program and everybody calls him the mayor. congratulations to one great young man! very nice ! >> well done. >> yes. >> jamie is here with sports. another nice gesture. chip kelly is the player. first order of business during the bye week was round of golf, day at spa no trip to the hospital to visit enemy of all people giants wide receiver victor cruz revealed eagles' coach visited him in philadelphia hospital monday after a day after the star suffered a season ending knee injury during a birds blow out win in a rivalry with trash
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talk, talk about classy move by a coach. their version of friday night lights. >> let's play our game. don't look at the score and don't get nervous or excitesed just play. >> matt rhule following up before the game and not start he was looking for. t. j. walker picked off by stewart ran it back to the four trailing by a touch town 17-10. penn state head coach james franklin posing for selfie with students tonight. nilt any lion have a bye but head coach in the archbishop woods. >> joel embiid flew back to native cameroon to be with his family after sudden death of his brother. the coach skipped his game to be by his side given he was 6,000 miles away from everyone.
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they needed to make sure he deposit feel asglon for him to be away from his country and be aware from his family in a time like this, you just try to dot best to help him get through this and only time will have a chance heal a bit. >> finally meet melvin the new mascot of fan toms who held their grand opening pp&l center allentown. 4-234 over time. rare puck nose padoddle. >> maybe you'll get used to that. >> it doesn't roll offer the sglung germantown avenue looked look a sdpreen wizardy movie. there was costume contest and
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pub this is ceo tom macarthur's world.
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in macarthur's world, he opposes new laws to ensure women receive equal pay for equal work. and macarthur opposes a woman's right to choose backed by a group that would outlaw abortion even for rape and incest. for us in the real world, aimee belgard. aimee will fight for equal pay and protect a woman's right to choose. aimee belgard's on our side. i'm aimee belgard and i approve this message.
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>> a gala was held in center city. many were in service homes. >> "high school huddle" next on channel 6 followed by khan -- for ducis rogers and jim gardner and entire "action news" team i'm monica malpass have a good and entire "action news" team i'm monica malpass have a good night get ready for the throe
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>> what a though cecily big time battles in bucks county tonight "high school huddle" presented by gmc i'm jeff skversky. highlights around the delaware valley including game of the week voted on by you the fans and in mvp segment star from episcopal academy we kickoff in and in mvp segment star from episcopal academy we kickoff in one