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tv   Action News  ABC  October 24, 2014 12:00pm-1:01pm EDT

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"action news" delaware valley's leading news program. with rick williams, sara bloomquist, and meteorologist, david murphy. good afternoon we begin with breaking news, a nurse diagnosed with ebola is now free of the virus and is now releases from the hospital today in maryland. nina pham caught ebola while treating thomas duncan in dallas, and she was moved to the institute of health in washington last week, she was one of two nurses that was infected while treating duncan who died earlier this month. and new york city is now dealing with their first case of ebola.
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dr. craig spencer reportedly rode the subway and took a cab afterwards and went bowling. >> reporter: as we got word today that the dallas health care worker, nina pham, walked out of the hospital ebola free we were told of a new case here. health cache workers have been training for months, doing drills preparing for what they thought was inevitable, a case of ebola here. >> officials are saying that the hospital was prepared to handle new york's first case of ebola. we are as ready as one could be for the circumstance. what happened in dallas was exactly the exact opposite. >> part of the action plan is a team of investigators tracing
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dr. spencer's steps after his return from west africa, where he was treating ebola patients in new guinea, with doctors without border. officials say that spencer took his temperature twice a stay and was mindful of contact with people but did leave his apartment. despite feeling fatigued the day before his diagnose, he went bowling, rode the subway and stopped at a restaurant. but they contend he was not contagious until yesterday. >> to make things clear the first time the patient had fever was today and fever is the typical sign of a person developing contagious ebola. >> still, spencer's neighbors aren't too sure. >> too close for comfort here. >> spencer's fiance is in
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quarantine here at the hospital and two of his friends are in quarantine at their homes. >> thank you carolyn, we have a special section setup on our website with all the facts about ebola. and answers to how the virus really spreads. it's available to view on your tablet or computer at now to a developing story from chester county, where police have arrest aid catholic priest. father mark haines is charged with sexual abuse of children. he served at eight different parishes since 1985, and they say he was using an instagram account to send child porn and used the screen name katie. and was exchanging lewd messages with a 14-year-old girl. investigators are working on
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identifying more potential victims today on "action news" at 4:00. two students are facing charges following a fight and chaos that erupted at newark high school, in delaware. police used pepper spray to break up the melee, the school was evacuated for a bomb threat, and the pepper spray left students with eye irritations and they were treated at the scene and police swept the building for possible explosives and it was cleared. this just days after students were arrested for a fight at the high school. some parents are vowing to transfer their children. >> they had a bomb threat, and then a fight, he will not be returning to newark high, it's too much. >> two students are charged are disorderly conduct. the friday night lights will be dark at century bucks west,
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the school has canceled the game because of hazing allegations involving the football team and the entire football coach has also been suspended. walter perez joins us outside of the school in doylestown. >> reporter: as you know central bucks west has one of the most historical programs in the valley, they won numerous state titles. but in sayerville, new jersey, they are embroiled in a similar controversy. >> many students say that this whole thing is hitting them like a slap in the face. >> i can't believe they got rid of the football season and those that did it should be punished instead of everybody else getting punished. >> this caused the cancellation of the varsity football program and the junior varsity program.
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and the suspension of the entire coaching staff. they concluded that several freshman on the team were forced to perform humiliating acts in front of other players in a hazing ritual. the superintendant chastised the coaching staff for allowing it to get out of hand. and the fort fitture of the last two games. they understand why the district made the decision but some wonder why they are being singled out. >> every team does it, and they made a couple of mistakes and took it too far. >> i think every team, every football team i have heard haze and colleges haze, but this got serious. >> to be clear, the letter sent
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to the parents from the district zrished that one student was forced to grab a player's private parts while fully clothed. that is what the letter said. reporting live from doylestown, walter perez, channel 6 "action news." a former philadelphia mob boss is back in federal court. joey molina is back in court after prosecutors say he violated his parole by associated with known mob members in florida. he could send molino back to prison if he finds a violation. a man is back in this area after being captured hundreds of miles away. police say that wilcox met the victim on craigslist and planned to rob him but ended up stabbing
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him to death. he fled to kentucky and was involved in a police chase, he was extradited to a prison in pennsylvania. he will be arraigned sometime this afternoon. police are investigating a shooting in the tacony section, the gun fire was reported at the 6700 block of torresdale avenue, no word on a possible victim or what would have sparked the fire. a man was killed earlier this morning, this is the scene where it ended on north 3rd street in eastern, pennsylvania, not sure why the driver fled from the police in the first place. an autopsy is underway to determine the cause of death. a crash on the northbound lanes of i-95 snarled traffic
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this morning. chopper 6 hd was over the street road exit just before 5:00 a.m. a truck and car collided and the car flipped on its roof. only one lane of traffic was open during the investigation. turning to weather, we are ending the work week with a welcome change outside. lets go outside and take a look, sunshine is back and sky 2006 taking a peek at a nice afternoon in center city philadelphia, we have not seen blue skies like this in several days, a nice fall day for your friday and the weekend could be even better. for the latest, lets go to meteorologist, melissa magee. >> as you mentioned, the past two days the temperatures were in the 50s and lots of clouds and damp conditions, a nice reprieve as we close the day on this friday. stormtracker 6 live double scan showing you that the storm system spinning out in coastal maine pulling away from areas in
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new england and with that we have sunshine returning for the mid-atlantic region. the only issue is that high pressure is working its way into the region, the winds are blustery, depending where you are. philadelphia 14 miles per hour sustained and allentown 23 miles per hour. and the poconos 30 to 35 miles per hour. that is something to keep in mind. aside from the wind, it's 11 degrees warmer than it was the same time 24 hours ago in philadelphia. 61 along the coast in sea isle ci city, here is what you need to know. the sunshine returns and it's not as harsh, temperatures in the middle 60s and upper 60s as we got into 4:00 this afternoon. we'll talk about what is ahead. a nice rebound with the sunshine returning but the winds will be kicking up for the rest of the afternoon and even as we get
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into the weekend and we'll talk about a run at the 70s, we'll let you know when that will occur in the full accuweather forecast. >> thank you. stay on ton of the changing weather situation with, visit for storm tracker 6 radar and the hourly and seven-day forecast. and still to come on "action news" at noon, officers under attack, the investigation after a man goes after police with a hatchet on a crowded sidewalk, and a push to ban a dangerous form of caffeine. and meteorologist, melissa magee, is back with a closer look at the forecast.
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two new york city police officers are recovering after being attacked by a hatchet wielding man on a city sidewalk and it was all caught on camera. zael thompson hit one officer in the arm and the other in the head. the officers opened fire on thompson and was killed and a
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female bystander was also hit. >> we all ran into the store. >> the investigators are not sure if the attack was related to terrorism. canadians will pay tribute to the officer killed in the deadly rampage in ottawa, they gave a standing ovation yesterday to john vickers, who shot the attacker. they say that vickers's actions likely saved lives. and there is video after he killed the gunman, and investigators say he may have been angry for being denied a passport for traveling to syria is that. >> investigators are calling the scene of a deadly midair collision yesterday. it killed all three men on the helicopter. >> i can't imagine you see a helicopter and it's wrecked that bad, it's pretty shocking two
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men inside of the small plane survived with my or injuries, a parachute likely saved their lives. the makers of the millions of faulty airbags is the subject of a federal criminal investigation. the airbags made by takata industries explode at full force. more than 8 million cars are recalled but there is not enough replacements inflaters in circumstance place.
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well, the picket lines are going up in atlantic city this afternoon. union workers will picket outside of the taj mahal, they are angry about their ending of their health care and pension plans. and now there is a movement to ban powder in the u.s. following the death of their 18-year-old son, logan's parents say he died after trying caffeine powder just three days after his high school graduation. >> he had no idea what he was doing. none. i believe at the last minute he realized what happened and probably shook his head. >> it's been reported that a
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single tea spoon of caffeine powder is equal to 25 cups of coffee. they are asking to ban the sale at convenience stores. >> now the "action news" team is working on knew new stories for tonight at 4:00. >> freebie friday, from comic books to halloween tricks. we have deals you don't want to miss. and is there a code of conduct when it comes to halloween, one woman asked an advice column, saying her neighborhood should not be treated like a candy charity. and how one bus driver turned a would be purse snatcher into a cry baby. can you watch us streaming live on your smart phone or tablet with our free 6 abc app. ♪
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the oldest quaker school in the country was marking an important birthday in east falls. the 125th anniversary for the william pen charter school. current students, dignitarieies including former governor, ed rendell were there to celebrate. and melissa magee is here to celebrate friday and a nice weekend. >> the sun trend will continue into our saturday and sunday. here is the picture with stormtracker 6 live double scan radar showing you it's quiet across much of the lehigh valley, the good news today is that the sun is making a come back on our friday. sky 6 hd we are in wilmington,
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delaware, a gorgeous shot there and plenty of sun overhead, these temperatures are rebounding today, we are warmer than we were this same time 24 hours ago. we were stuck in the 50s with the clouds and gray conditions, wednesday a high temperature of 58 and yesterday we only climbed up to 57, and keep in mind average for us is 64 and we are already above that at this hour. peak gusts over the past several days, close to 25 miles per hour. 65 in philadelphia, and the dew point is 44 and the winds out of the north-northwest at 14 miles per hour, and the northwesterly wind is down sloping east of the appalachians, temperatures are warmer in the city than they were the same time yesterday. >> allentown 63 and 63 in reading and beach haven 67, and 65 in wilmington and trenton coming in at 62 and the coast in wildwood, 63. here is satellite 6 along with
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action radar, it's starting to pull away from the coastal sections of maine, and as it does so there is high pressure making its way eastward, the systems we are tracking today, the winds are blustery 10 to 20 miles per hour sustained and gusts 30 to 35 miles per hour. here is the day planner, 3:00 in the afternoon, upper 60s at 5:00 and 7:00 p.m. and 61, and it's a good night to play football and the football game of the week, grace valley at unionville. 61 at 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 the temperature around 56. here is the setup for friday, the area of low pressure pull as way and a mixture of sunshine and clouds and a high temperature climbing up to 67 degrees, the start of our weekend, high pressure stays in
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control and we climb to 68 degrees and sunny and beautiful and we are tracking a cold front that moves through the day on saturday, we won't find any precip moving through on saturday but it kicks up the wind for the weekend, it's breezy and warmer today and the sun is out as well and a high temperature of 67, sunny and nice on saturday and highs in the upper 60s, on sunday 65 degrees and the winds are picking up in the wake of the frontal boundary that moves through and monday mostly sunny and 64 and we are making a run at 70s, and as we get into tuesday, a high temperature of 74, the 70s hold on wednesday as we get into late wednesday into thursday and it will be cooler, and we are attracting rain, but the weekend rick is looking really nice.
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"action news" at 12 :30
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continues with rick williams, sara bloomquist, and meteorologist, david murphy. hello again, here are some of the stories we are following, the first nurse diagnosed with ebola after treating an infected man in dallas, hear what she said a short time ago. and new video from canada after he opened up fire inside of the parliament. we are live in ottawa with the very latest. and a new workout to get your heart rate up and boost your confidence. >> now the details, breaking news out of maryland where nurse, nina pham, is released from the hospital. she had been flown to bethesda, tests showed she was free of the virus earlier this week, she is one of two nurses that were
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infected after treating thomas duncan in dallas. >> i am on we may whack to recovery even after i reflect on others that have not been so fortunate. i am so incredibly thankful to everyone involved in my care. >> in the meantime, a new york city doctor remains in isolation after testing positive from ebola, he just returned from west africa, where he was working for doctors without borders. microsoft paul allen is pledging $100 million to combat ebola, it's being used to build containment units for those that are infected. the bill and melinda gates foundation gave $100 million.
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people in gloucester county took part in ebola awareness training today. they met in clayton for free training, all ems and first responders were invited to attend. it contains information before the virus and how to use personal protective equipment. firefighters from camden county are fighting a three alarm blaze, it's reported in voorhees this morning before noon time, it quickly reached two alarms, and the billowing smoke is seen escaping there. this is the 3600 block of avalon court in voorhees, it ignited this morning and quickly reached two alarms. we'll bring you more information as soon as it becomes available from voorhees, new jersey. a catholic priest in chester county is arrested on charges of
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child pornography. these are charges against mark haines. he has been at eight different parishes and is charged with possessing and distributing child pornography. >> "action news" just received this statement from the archdiocese, it reads in part, these charges are serious and disturbing and the archdiocese is cooperating fully with law enforcement. it goes on to say there are no prior indications that father haines was not involved in activity of this nature. we'll have much more on this story, beginning at 4:00. hazing allegations have canceled the rest of the varsity and jv season at center high school west in bucks county.
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katherine scott has more. >> reporter: tonight was suppose to be the big homecoming game at war memorial field, but hazing alligations are swirling around the football program at central bucks west and the rest of the season is canceled. these bleachers were suppose to be packed, rivals of east and west bucks center high schools. but they have been canceled and the coaching staff suspended over a hazing scandal. >> i think that those that did it should be punished rather than everybody else. >> some rookies were subjected to humiliating hazing and initiation rights. one incident involved a student forced to grab a player's private parts while fully clothed and they say that the coaches allowed the behave to
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spiral out of control during an outing. now their last two games are canceled. >> everybody is upset about the games but nobody is giving consideration to the boys that were hazed. >> this is an important weekend for other athletes at the school as well and they are trying to not let it be a distraction. >> we are missing school to go to district championships today. >> it's bad and only certain people and now everyone thinks that cb west is a bad school but it isn't true. they really believe in their school and don't want the alligations to overshadow the good things that come out of central bucks west. katherine scott, channel 6 "action news." >> it's warmer today and on the windy side. looking live from sky 6 hd, from wilmington, delaware, a nice day
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to be outdoors, you just need a jacket to block the wind and the sun is back and shining out there. melissa magee joins us with the latest from accuweather and a nice friday as well and weekend. >> it is a nice end to the work week and kick off the weekend as well, and the sunshine is making a come back and you mentioned the winds on the blustery side, but away with the gray and sunshine, nobody is claiming. sea isle city it's 62 and upper 50s in beach haven, as we look at stormtracker 6 live double scan radar, not a whole lot of activity we have an area of low pressure moving out of new england and the sunshine is making a come back as we close out the work week on friday. high pressure continues to work its way eastward and you'll notice outdoors a tight pressure
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gradie gradient, that means the winds kick up this afternoon. at 9:00 this morning we had plenty of sunshine and later on this afternoon temperatures will hold into the upper 60s and later tonight they rebound before they drop later on. we have a nice recovery on the way and the winds kick up for the second half of the weekend and then we look at a run at 70s, we'll have the details in the full and exclusive accuweather forecast. >> checking back in later. thank you. now to the attack on canada's capital. giving a look at the moments before he stormed the parliament. abc news reporter, elizabeth herr is live in ottawa. >> reporter: good afternoon rick, authorities tell thousand this suspect was a lone wolf, a petty criminal with a drug problem and now investigators believe they know what drove him to attack the parliament
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building just behind me. the video is frightening and you can see why the crowd is sprinting. the suspect is running from his car carrying a rifle toward the parliament building and then seen stealing this black car and running around the front steps and with the vehicle still moving he jumps out and races inside. an intense gun battle inside of parliament ends with this man, kevin vickers seen here moments after shooting and killing the suspect. hailed as a hero, vickers receive aid standing ovation from particlele on thursday and friday another hero continues to be honored. captain cirillo, who was guarding the war memorial when he was shot by a man angered by not being able to get a passport to syria. >> but even without a passport,
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abc news learned that he crossed into the u.s. at least four times, officials said he had already became radicalized. and he had a long rap sheet, so how he got his hands on this rifle is still a mystery income a nation filled in mourning. >> there is no reason for it, so sadness for it to have happened and sadness for his amazing life that is gone for no reason. >> reporter: and expected within the hour, a fitting tribute for the young soldier and father, his body will be brought home to his home town hamilton here. and it will be traveling along the highway of heroes. we are live in ottawa, canada, channel 6 "action news." >> elizabeth thank you. back here scheduling a sentence this afternoon for the
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man that contributed to the death of a south jersey police officer back in 2012, timothy seidel plead guilty to assault, he plowed into the police car of an officer who died and another officer was injured in the crash. students in buck county exercised their brains and bodies this morning. del mont elementary schools walked in support of the juvenile diabetes foundation, students spent the month learning about the disease and fundraising about the cause, they have so far raised $2200 for the foundation. >> and students at the renaissance academy charter school were treated to the sounds of a mariachi band today, they learned and celebrated spanish culture, part of spanish
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heritage month. they broke pinatas and sat down to create original artwork. there is much more to come on "action news" at noon, a brazen phone scam is giving hackers access to people's personal computers. plus, it's a high intensity workout to give your mind and body a boost. ali gorman shows us in health check and melissa magee is back with the exclusive accuweather forecast.
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there are 211 lawyers in congress. but not one electrician. so here's a bright idea. donald norcross. a union electrician for 30 years... in the state senate, he stood up for working families and he'll stand up for south jersey in congress. working to make college affordable. fighting to create jobs that can support a family. and pushing equal pay for equal work. donald norcross. a congressman for us. house majority pac is responsible for the content of this advertising. federal authorities are warning all computer users to be on the lookout for a brazen phone scam that could allow hackers total access to your computers. the victim is sent bogus notices on their computer saying they have to contact microsoft, but it turns out that the person
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does not work for microsoft at all and they will hold the computer hostage while asking for money. two powerhouse teams face off on sunday. the eagles and the cardinals. the eagles qb may have to win this game with his arm, this is one of three road games that the eagles have over the next few weeks. >> we are 5-1 and that does not guarantee us anything. we have to act like we have nothing and go play next week and try to be 1-0. eagles versus cardinals sunday at 4:05, and eagles kickoff comes your way sunday morning live from arizona and watch eagles game day final at 11:35 here on 6 abc on sunday. health check this noon, a workout that helps to get your body and mind in better shape.
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registered nurse and reporter, ali gorman, tried it out and has the details. >> it means innocecentive and mindfulness. it's a tough workout. >> it's a high energy aerobics class, and you are not just getting your heart rate up, are you working to improve your mood and boost your confidence and change your outlook with positive affirmation. trainer, betsy cass says that in order to make lasting changes in your health, career or relationships, have you to change the way your mind thinks. >> if we can train our minds as hard as we train our bodies and try to link those things together and connect them to the
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body that is when the shifts happening. >> and boosting the mind-body connection is what also makes this class different than other fitness classes, as a new by, i can say the moves pick up and it may seem funny at first but the affects stick with you. >> i find myself repeating them in my head when i'm having a hard time. >> but if you are just looking for a calorie burn, can you burn 300 to 800 calories in about an hour. and fellow instructor amy says that talking boosts the burn. >> if are you talking during the workout are you burning more calories. >> if are you moving and talking you'll see results on the outside and feel them on the inside. there is more information on the class at ali gorman, channel 6 "action news."
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and back to our breaking news story. firefighters in camden county battling a two alarm blaze in voorhees, new jersey, it was reported at 11:30 this morning, they are trying to hose down some hot spots and if you look towards the left side of the screen, a small blaze is still igniting at this hour here. there will be a lot of damage to this home in voorhees, new jersey, and no word on how it started and no word on injuries. and the firefighters are still battling this blaze and we'll keep an eye on it and bring you battling this blaze and we'll keep an eye on it and bring you more info and for many, it's a struggle to keep your a1c down. so imagine, what if there was a new class of medicine that works differently to lower blood sugar? imagine, loving your numbers.
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introducing once-daily invokana®. it's the first of a new kind of prescription medicine that's used along with diet and exercise to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. invokana® is a once-daily pill that works around the clock to help lower a1c. here's how: the kidneys allow sugar to be absorbed back into the body. invokana® reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in, and sends some sugar out through the process of urination. and while it's not for weight loss, it may help you lose some weight. invokana® can cause important side effects, including dehydration, which may cause some people to have loss of body water and salt. this may also cause you to feel dizzy, faint, lightheaded, or weak especially when you stand up. other side effects may include kidney problems, genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, or increases in cholesterol. do not take invokana® if you have severe kidney problems or are on dialysis or if allergic to invokana®
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or its ingredients. symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, swelling, difficulty breathing or swallowing. if you experience any of these symptoms, stop taking invokana® and call your doctor right away or go to the nearest hospital. tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, and if you have kidney or liver problems. using invokana® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase risk of low blood sugar. it's time. lower your blood sugar with invokana®. imagine loving your numbers. ask your doctor about invokana®.
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meteorologist, melissa magee, is back now and it's nice to see the sun out now. we can close out friday and see the sun. >> watching people running. >> you will be watching people running. we'll show you the picture outside, stormtracker 6 live double scan showing you no issues with precipitation, all is dry, all is quiet and all is sunny. sky 6 hd giving you a gorgeous shot of the center city skyline on this friday afternoon. comfortable conditions when you consider this time yesterday it was cooler and damp and we had
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the clouds overhead. 11 degrees warmer in philadelphia than the same time yet and 10 degrees warmer in the poconos and 9 degrees warmer in beach haven. tannersville, 54, slatington 60 and 66 in pottstown and center city in the upper 60s. and down across new jersey and delaware, toms river, 59 and cinnaminson 63 and 64 outside in dover. here is satellite 6 along with action radar, the area of low pressure is spinning and spinning in coastal maine that will include areas of new england for the rest of the day. and high pressure will continue to make its way eastward, one thing you will notice is that with this area of low pressure departing, the winds are picking up out of the north-northwest this afternoon before they die
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down later tonight. winds sustained 20 to 25 miles per hour west of town. in allentown sunshine and clouds and breezy and a high temperature of 65 degrees, next in atlantic city clouds and sunshine and a breezy afternoon but warmer as well. with a high temperature coming in at 66. future tracker 6 has you covered. most locations are in the middle to upper 60s. yesterday our high temperature was only 57 degrees, the average for this time of year is 64 and we'll be above that, and in fact we already are. a nice start tomorrow, as folks play high school football tonight. and the afternoon hours on saturday, temperatures continue their moderating trend as temperatures are above average with warmth overhead. here is your seven-day forecast, high temperature 67 and saturday sunny and nice and no complaints with a high up to 68, late
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saturday into sunday, we are tracking a cold front moving on through, for the second half of the weekend, we stay dry. and a high temperature on sunday of 64, on tuesday we talked about a run at the 70s, the high temperature of 74 and wednesday we stay in the 70s with a high temperature of 72. late wednesday into thursday, there is the threat of some rain and that is not coming until late next week, until then enjoy the mild stretch. >> what about halloween? >> it's looking warm. >> thank you melissa. a local entrepreneur entered the shark tank and can you see it here on 6 abc, will night feld formed a system, they received 37,000 applications and
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only 112 pitches will air this season. we'll see if he ♪ attention pennsylvania residents. if recent changes to your medicare advantage plan have affected your benefits or network... maybe now's the time to make a change of your own. if you're thinking about returning to original medicare, consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. right now, base rates on the currently available aarp medicare supplement plan f will not increase in 2015. and, the basic structures of medicare supplement plans won't change from year to year. so call today for your free decision guide,
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well, it's almost halloween, that means time for the annual party at the philadelphia zoo. karen rogers has an fyi on a frightfully good time with creepy, crawly critters. >> it's that time. boo at the zoo. we are waiting all year. it's a weekend long halloween celebration with your favorite animal. >> the whole place transformed into a trick or treat environment, and it's a safe environment and it's so much fun. >> there is live music and a scavenger hunt and a palm oil
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zone. >> this addresses the affects of palm oil on wildlife. can you visit big cat. >> and the pumpkin patch and big parade. >> kids can dress up in costumes and join the parade that starts tomorrow. and the not so scary extinction graveyard. >> we talk about the animals that are extinct or may go extinct if we don't do anything about it. >> we can all be a kid at boo at the zoo. >> always a fun time at the zoo. melissa magee with a final word from accuweather. >> temperatures north and west we are looking okay, 65 in allentown and windy this afternoon and lancaster 65 and 65 in pottstown, along the i-95 corridor, upper 60s and philadelphia upper 60s today around 67 and 66 berlin and
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atlantic city maxing out at 67 and mostly sunny and the good news is it is breezy but also warmer. adam joseph has the latest this afternoon. finally if are you looking for distraction this afternoon check out these stories at what an arm, check out the peanut guy turning heads at the world series in kansas city, and you won't be able to stop the tears when these kids are reunited with their missing cat. >> and see her majesty's first royal tweet at that does it for "action news" at noon, don't forget "action news" later today at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00. for sara bloomquist, david murphy, melissa magee, i'm rick williams, have a nice afternoon. wheel you back here tonight beginning at hurricane katrina .
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>> announcer: today on "the chew" we're sending you into the weekend with kicked up casserole! and the charming mark consuelos is helping kick things up a notch with a super easy tasty ziti! plus how will michael and mario turn jamie oliver's farm stand finds -- >> we're gonna be searching for the very best ingredients. >> into a mouth watering chicken casserole. and our countdown to halloween continues with a u.f.o. sighting! unidentified freaky object that is! it all starts right now on "the chew!" ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> good afternoon and welcome to "the chew!" thank you very much. you know there's nothing i love more than cooking, crafting, and casseroles.