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tv   Action News 11pm  ABC  January 15, 2017 11:00pm-11:30pm EST

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getting gas and water. ♪ action news. delaware valley's leading news program. with meteorologist melissa mcgee. jeff skversky. sarah bloomquist and walter perez. a teenager has become the latest victim of gun violation in philadelphia.
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gunned down in broad daylight and the search is on. i'm walter perez. the big story is the shooting death of a 16-year-old in west philadelphia. happened at about 1:00 on the 200 block of north 52nd street. jeanette ray ease is live at the scene, and you spoke with the victim's brother. >> reporter: yeah, 16-year-old shondee jones was found shot to death in his father's convenience store. they had just emigrated from jamaica less than six months ago. >> a good kid. a good 16-year-old kid. but just took my brother's life. >> reporter: tonight shaquille jones looks on in the cold from his father's convenience store. taped off for the investigation into the murder. >> that's my father's store. my brother was in there sitting down. >> reporter: around 1:00 this afternoon police were called to the 200 block of north 52nd street for the reports of a
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shooting. they found the 16-year-old with a gunshot wound to his head. medics rushed the boy to children's hospital. he was pronounced dead around 3:15. >> my brother. >> reporter: jones said he and his brother emigrated from jamaica in august after his father worked for years to move them to the states. >> he worked hard. >> reporter: they would finally be together only to be ripped apart by tragedy >> i'm just asking them to find the killer. that's what i need them to do. to find who did it. >> reporter: and investigators just wrapped up here a few minutes ago. it's a tough one. they don't have a weapon or a motive at this point. no arrests have been made. anyone with information is encouraged to contact police. reporting live in west philadelphia, jeanette reyes, channel 6 action news. walter. >> okay, jeanette, thank you for that report. police in west philadelphia investigating another shooting,
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also deadly, this afternoon. officers responded to the 5700 block of spruce street at about 2:00. they found a 27-year-old man who was shot six times. he was taken to penn presbyterian and pronounced dead. no arrests in this case. a cab driver critically injured after being shot more than a dozen times also in west philadelphia. the 56-year-old driver was found laying next to his cab along the 800 block of brooklyn street. the cab company says about half an hour before the shooting the driver refused to give a ride to a passenger who was giving him a hard time. once again that driver remains hospitalized in critical condition. a shooting this afternoon in wilmington ended with a 23-year-old man critically injured. the violence happened along the 2200 block of north church street at about 3:30. the man who suffered a single gunshot wound has been rushed to the hospital. no arrests in this case either. a pizza driver rocked this
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evening. on the 5600 block of keystone street. they took what money he had and drove off in his car. the victim was not injured and police are still looking for the people responsible. moving on to the accuweather forecast, we're in for some relatively mild temperatures later on this week. but there could also be some wet weather on the way as well. meteorologist melissa mcgee is live at the action news big board with details. >> yeah, walter, we had a nice rebound and a good recovery after starting our weekend out with a mixed bag of precipitation. today's high in philadelphia in at 41 degrees, one degree where we should be for this time of year. we have a partly cloudy to mostly clear sky. temperatures are starting to cool off fairly quickly. chilly in the city, 33 degrees. 21 in buffalo, 28 in pittsburgh and 32 degrees at the freezing mark up the 95 corridor in new york city. widen out the picture and head west on storm tracker 6 live double scan radar 3d. you can see right now all of the unsettled weather out across the
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midwest and the plains states where there are ice storm warnings, winter weather advisories and storm warnings. this will move east in a different and weaker fashion across the delaware and lehigh valleys. tomorrow, mondays' planner, chilly start, 7 a.m., 26 degrees. sunshine returns, so 10 a.m., 35. 42 at 1:00 in the afternoon. 43 at 4 p.m. and 39 degrees at 7 p.m. so afternoon clouds on the way on monday. it's a mild stretch that returns later this week. also the threat of rain. we'll take a closer look at that coming up in the exclusive accuweather forecast. >> thank you, melissa. you can track the mild temperatures along with the full accuweather forecast on and follow our meteorologists on twitter and facebook for updates as well. well, just a few days away from the inauguration of donald trump. the president-elect will take the oath of office on friday. preparations have been under way for months.
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and today an army band member stood in for the soon to be 45th president of the united states during a dress rehearsal at the capital. and another took the place of melania trump, for the hope that things will go flawlessly on friday. meanwhile, as d.c. prepares, vice president elect mike pence was addressing the comments that trump made about civil rights -- john lewis. >> i think donald trump has the right to defense himself when someone of john lewis' stature, not only an icon in the civil rights movement. >> congressman lewis publicly questioned the legitimacy of the election, citing the russian medaling in the process. he said deeply disappointed by the remarks. yesterday trump tweeted that lewis was, quote, all talk and no action. we learned that trump canceled his scheduled visit tomorrow to the african-american museum in washington, d.c. since the tweet, more democratic
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lawmakers announced they too will not attend the inauguration. lewis and new jersey representative bonnie watson coleman are just two of the nearly two dozen lawmakers who said they will not be there. if you're planning on attending the inauguration yourself, amtrak is making it easier. offering more trains and seats before and after the event. amtrak says with large crowds expected, leave yourself extra time to arrive at the station. and if you can't make it to the inauguration, stay with action news for continuing coverage. brian taff and sharrie williams will bring you the happenings in washington, d.c. leading up to the big event and, of course, the inauguration itself on friday. the live coverage begins on wednesday. wednesday, i should say. even before he officially becomes president trump and the republicans are making moves to repeal obamacare. it's a move being applauded by some, but jeered by others. today there were protests here in the delaware valley and across the country as both the public and lawmakers made their voices heard.
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the prelude to next weekend when even bigger rallies are in the works. dann cuellar is live in our satellite center with much more. dan. >> walter, with republicans moves full speed ahead to repeal obamacare, supporters of the affordable care act were throwing what's essentially a hail mary to save it, or at least parts of it. >> no aca, no congress insurance. >> that's right, that's right. >> reporter: outside temple university hospital several hundred members of organized labor and community groups joined by democratic politicians to rally for the 28 million americans covered under the affordable care act. >> and we're going to fight like hell for those children and those families. >> reporter: it's been one of the most polarizing issues of the past eight years as evidenced by the emotion and passion at the rally. >> not just a rally. make that for them -- that son of a [ bleep ] and the republicans. they can't do it.
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>> reporter: it was one of several rallies across the region and the country. protestors gathered in springfield, and outside of the officers of pat meehan who supports repealing the aca. >> and we are going to stop this. >> reporter: in michigan, bernie sanders and chuck schumer led them in support of aca. >> if you want to improve the act, let's work together. >> reporter: in boston, a rally highlighted by elizabeth warren. >> health care is about our values. and we fight for what we believe in. >> reporter: while republicans favor keeping some parts, like insuring people with pre-existing conditions and allowing parents to keep their children on their coverage up until the age of 26, they have not said what that replacement plan would be. >> what have they been doing for seven years to find a replacement? the answer is nothing. they don't have a replacement bill. so we're going to say to those republicans, number one, we're going to stop you from
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repealing. >> reporter: and tonight more than 20 million people who are covered by obamacare are left wondering, what's next? live in the sat center, dann cuellar, channel 6 action news. >> thank you, dan. 11 high school athletes from south jersey honored today for setting great examples on and off the field. they received the 2016 a few good men award for their leadership and community service. local high school coaches teamed up with the perfecting church to give the students guidance all throughout the year and special honors at the end. ♪ a dozen musical groups filled the cathedral of the immaculate conception in northern liberty tonight with the sounds of the ukrainian christmas. they presented their annual festival of carols. the choirs and ensembles came from all across the region. orthodox, or eastern right christmas, is observed on january 7th. much more to come on action news. it's been a week since a massive
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sink hole opened up in even kensington. jimmy superfly snuka died a short time after murder charges were dismissed. and the capitals in d.c., sports when action news comes right back. ♪ oh, it's a good day... ♪
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[car horns] [angry shouting] excuse me! [storm siren] when it comes to buying a house... trulia knows the house is only half of it. and with 34 map overlays like traffic, crime, natural hazards, and more... you can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. trulia. the house is only half of it.
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some neighbors in ken ken have gone a week now without any gas or water after a huge sink hole opened opt street. but relief could be in sight. bob brooks has more. >> reporter: it's sunday morning in the 2300 block of boston street in kensington. it's getting a makeover. the work crews were shoveling, jackhammers, you name it. the make over is much needed. and one resident can't wait for it or finished. for a week many have had no water or gas. shut down after the road opened up in a sink hole so big formed
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it swallowed two cars. >> the city sent me like a form, a claims form to fill out. >> reporter: alisa banks was one of the people who saw her car be sucked in. she says she's working with the city to get that straightened out. and right now doesn't like what she's being told. >> thing if they pay my insurance deductible, that should be good. and i don't agree. >> reporter: she says the water and gas has been on and off. some of the neighbors had to leave. with little ones at home, they had no choice. >> they have been gone since sunday. no heat, no water. >> reporter: can't have a baby without heat or water. and today it's the gas, and by midweek all services should be restored. and obviously this isn't your ideal sunday morning. it got pretty loud out here today, especially when the jackhammers were going. but neighbors say they have made it a week. >> work around it. it's crappy, but it is what it is. >> reporter: and another look at the sink hole, almost filled
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in and that's something neighbors say can't come soon enough. reporting in kensington, bob brooks, action news. former pro wrestler jimmy superfly snuka died after murder charges were dismissed against him. a lehigh county judge said he was not competent to stand trial for the death of his girlfriend. his lawyer said he had dementia and had six months to live. he was 73 years old. police are searching for the person who robbed and assaulted a woman in south philadelphia in a parking garage after 2:00 this morning on south broad street near washington avenue. investigators say the woman was pulling into the garage when a man tapped a gun on the window, demanding belongings. she ignored him and kept driving. the suspect pulled her from the vehicle and hit her. got away with her cell phone and her purse. she was not seriously injured, but the attacker remains on the
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loose. after three days rescue crews suspended the search for a missing fisherman. finding the boat of christopher hug. but the 45-year-old was nowhere to be found. last heard from on thursday when he called his family to tell them his boat ran aground. coast guard and new jersey state police along with local authorities are all part of the search effort. much more to come tonight. fans reacting to the decision to shut down the greatest show on earth for good. and the winter weather in the plains states, wreaking havoc on the roads. and the exclusive accuweather forecast when action news comes right back.
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for millions of baby boomers there's a serious virus out there that's been almost forgotten. it's hepatitis c. one in 30 boomers has hep c, yet most don't even know it. because it can hide in your body for years without symptoms, and it's not tested for in routine blood work. the cdc recommends all baby boomers get tested.
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if you have hep c, it can be cured. for us it's time to get tested. ask your healthcare provider for the simple blood test. it's the only way to know for sure.
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an amazing story here. an 18-year-old girl from south carolina abducted just after birth is now getting to know her biological family. kamiyah mobley met her birth parents at the police department
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in the town she was raised. and heart ache for the man who thought he was her father. his then-girlfriend, gloria williams, said she gave birth while he was away. he raised her and shared custody even after they split in 2003. >> i named her. it's the name for years. alexis kelly. the love of my life. >> he says he'll always cherish his memories with her and says he speaks with her as she begins her life with a new name and identity and despite what happened he will always be there for her. generations of circus goers shocked and surprised by the announcement that the ringling brothers circus will soon be no more. ending the 146 year run in may after about 30 more performances. the company says costs went up and ticket sales went down. in fact, ticket sales plunged after the elephant act was retired for good in may.
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>> my wife woke me up and said this is the last year of ringling brothers. devastated. he's going remember it, but my little boy is not going to remember it. >> now, philadelphia is one of the cities on the remaining tour. the show will be here february 15th through the 20th. some performing veterans said ringling brothers was too slow to change with the times. but say there will still be circuses, but only one greatest show on earth. big swaths of the central u.s. are encased in ice tonight as a huge ice storm moves across the plains states. ice warnings expired in kansas and missouri, but still in effect in nebraska and iowa. the trouble is from the texas pan handle through nebraska. the amount of ice fell short of original predictions. but it was enough to cause hundreds of accidents with at least nine people killed. the icy storms also left thousands of people without power. >> yeah. it was gone before we -- i got
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to call 911. >> meanwhile, a horrifying sight this morning on interstate 80 in nebraska where two tractor-trailers collided and burst into flames. nobody was injured in the initial accident or the two other crashes it triggered. police say icy roads are likely to blame. time for a check of the accuweather forecast with melissa mcgee. the good news, not moving our way. >> yeah. we have a mild stretch to the workweek, and tracking rain from the system. tracking that system, but in a. weaker fashion. >> good news >> yeah. here's what's going on with storm tracker 6 live double scan radar. it's precipitation, so a nice change today after the mixed precip yesterday to start our weekend. show you the picture outside. the action cam was outside earlier today. it's a nice shot in old city, independence hall underneath a partly cloudy to mostly clear sky. bundle up, temperatures are definitely cold. it's 33 in philadelphia.
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chilly at this hour. 27 in reading. just 15 up in the poconos, 28 in lancaster. the cape may, 23 degrees, and lancaster. so the winds from a northerly direction. so there's a bit of a chill to factor in. feels like 24 in the city, 28 in lancaster. 33 in dover. trenton, 22 degrees. satellite 6 with action radar, showing we had high pressure dominating our region. which is why we had brighter skies today and sunshine overhead. a mostly clear sky, temperatures fall off quickly. but widen out the picture, and this is where you find the unsettled weather. the area of low pressure to the south of where you're finding that precipitation breakout. winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings across the plains state, mixed precip in omaha, and rain in dallas, texas. will work eastward in a much weaker fashion. and the form of precipitation we
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will be tracking will be in the form of rain that comes tuesday into wednesday. for the day of service back here at home, as we recognize martin luther king jr. day, sun to clouds. seasonably chilly. 1 p.m., 42, 5 p.m., that temperature in at 42. the setup for monday, high pressure in control. but moving eastward as the day moves on. to start the day, max out at 45, but sun and then increasing clouds. then the same area of low pressure, but cuts up to the north. so by tuesday it's mostly cloudy and the warm front lifts northward as well. so 46 degrees for the high temperature on tuesday. but we will be tracking some on and off rain. so we're dry tomorrow, rain on tuesday. then a five day mild stretch on the way. at least five days. starting on wednesday. all of that milder air across the south zorches northward as the jet stream lifts to the north. so temperatures by midweek in the 50s and stay that week
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into next weekend. here's the exclusive accuweather serve day forecast. high tomorrow, 45. sunshine to increasing clouds. tuesday, mostly cloudy, on and off rain, temperature of 46, rain developing into the afternoon on tuesday. wednesday, early rain, but break out into plenty of sunshine, 56. and it will be warmer by the afternoon. on thursday, sunshine and clouds. high temperature in at 52. friday, it stays mild with a high of 51. and as we get into next weekend, certainly not looking too bad for january standards. temperatures both saturday and sunday in the lower 50s underneath a partly sunny sky. >> not bad at all. thank you, melissa. you can find the seven day forecast and a live look at storm tracker 6 double scan radar right there on our website, just go to demand for gas has done down since the holidays, prices going
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down, but not much. drivers in philadelphia, 2.63 a gallon on average. a 1 cent drop last week. new jersey, 2.38, delaware the most affordable at 2.34 a gallon. time is up to take advantage of the tesla free chargeup system for electric cars. program is phased out. new teslas purchased after today will no longer have free unlimited access to the company's super charger network. instead free charging will be capped at 400 kilowatt hours per here, or about 1,000 miles. costs vary by state. the nasa drama, hidden figures, topped the box office for the second straight week. the tale about african-american mathematicians in the 1950s made $20 million at the box office. la-la land rode the seven wins from the golden globes to place second, $15 million. and the animated hit, sing,
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third, 14 million bucks. next to come, the flyers capitals today.
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