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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  July 5, 2009 11:00pm-11:30pm EDT

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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem! by just one stroke, tiger woods wins his own tournament in bethesda.
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who's getting the tickets for michael jackson. the lucky few are being notefide tonight. former mayor marion bear is in trouble with the law. good evening, everyone. i'm keith garvin. marion bear radio was arrested last night just before 9:00 and released earlier this morning. facing misdemeanor stalking charges after an encounter with a woman described as i close personal friend. darcy spencer has our report. >> reporter: council member barry is no stalker. >> reporter: a spokeswoman for ward a council member marion barry says he'll aggressively fight the stalking charged against him. >> it's our hope that the charges that council member barrow faces today will be dropped or if nothing more that the truth of the manner will prevail in the court of law. >> reporter: barry is accused of stalking by donna watts. a southeast d.c. resident, whom barryays has been a close, personal friend for the last two
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years. barry spokeswoman has helped the woman through financial employment and health-related problems. >> never did mr. barry think that this would come as a payback to him. the best work to describe mr. barry at this hour is betrayed. >> reporter: u.s. park police say watts was in her vehicle in anacostia park around 8:45 saturday night and she flagged down an officer on patrol. police say she told the officer she was being stalked by barry who was in a separate vehicle. houttwo became to be in the park is unzpleer mr. barry was transported to the united states park police. and after being interviewed by detectives by the u.s. park police and consultation with the u.s. attorney's office a charge of a misdemeanor charge of staurkg acwapls edgainst mr. barry. >> reporter: wat tewold n sd 4, did fot aglanyone wngdo ar id fili f the police pulled him over. he got pulled over for a traffic violation and he tried to cut me
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off, end quote. this is the latest in a string of legal troubles for barry. who is on probation for failing to file his taxes on time. >> it's pretty sad. i mean, aot of young kids look up to him and so far as a role model and everything and it's an unfortunate situation. >> i think it's bogus. i think it's bogus. i think they just trying to get whatever they want out of him. you know he's a good guy. he's done a whole lot and they're trying to decredit him. >> reporter: darcy spencer, news4. >> barry has scheduled a press conference his attorney tomorrow morning to talk more about the incident. a court date has been set for thursday morning. last night, the arrest is a latest in a series of run-ins with the law with marion bear propose while may nor1990 barry was videotaped smoking crack coke nain a hotel room durinan fbi sting about he served six months in prison. and 2006, barry got a ticket for operating aehicle even though his license was suspended. that year, a judge sentenced him to three years of probation for not filing his federal and d.c.
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tax returns. the former mayor's probation was extended in may after prosecutors say he failed to file his 2007axes t on time yst> ith nestws a for the latest on the arrest of council member marion barry. a big win at his own tournament. hakim joins us with more in the studio. >> good evening, keith. tiger woods night greedy host. he's a gracious host. yes, he won his own tournament. but instead of pocketing the purse of more than $1 million he's investing it in the lives of kids, donating all of the money to his foundation. tiger woods more like the host who gives the most and tiger started the day. 10 under. and then t iger woods found himself tied with hunter mayhem until the 16th hole when tiger drains a long putt for birdie on the par 5. tiger was steady. then on 18, tiger taps in for
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par. and tiger woods wins the at&t national by one stroke. tiger the host. interviewing tiger the winner. >> as host, i always want dod this, okay, so just bear with me. so tiger, how did you play today? well, you know, it was a tough day. um, got off to kind of a slow start but hunter really put the pressure on us. oh, did he really? i mean, boy, he shot a 62. what did you think about that? well, that was -- i always want dod that. thank you. >> tiger woods quite a character. and at the at&t national now moves to philadelphia as for two years as congressional undergoes renovations for the 20011 open. but coming up in sports we'll have much mortiger's big win. keith, back to you. >> hakim, thank you. in more news tonight, six juf juveniles escaped. the youths broke out of the new beginnings youth center shortly
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before 3:00 this afternoon. officers searching the parkway saw six young people who match the escapee's description. four were found hiding in a drainage pipe. the other two were found at the nearby rus set green neighborhood. they've all been returned to the detention facility. the bodies of two people were pulled from a burning home at prince george's county last night. firefighters were called to the scene at wheeling avenue and upper marlboro. prince george's fire officials expect autopsy results to determine how the people dd and also hoping to identify one the bodies, which was burned beyond recognition. the other described as an adult male. >> fireworks, i heard what sound like a gunshot, it may had been just fireworks, and we got up and we saw flames. we saw big, yellow light. >> one body was found on the first floor of the home. the other in the basement. d.c. fire officials suspect
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a natural gas leak caused yesterday's house explosion yesterday. the blast happened after 6:00 last night at the intersection of oregon and neb thraska avenu the people who lived there were out of town. still ahead tonight, a tragedy at walt disney world shuts down the monorail system inside of the magic king dom. and plus, michael jackson fans, find fout they're able to say good-bye to the king of pop in person. and why these tough economic times may be a good time to get into the dating scene. steve? >> reporter: well, atherwise, a cloudy and cool day today, but the skies are clearing. does that mean sunshine for your monday? of course i'll have the answers.
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when you first smell the incredible scent of gain laundry detergent, time stops. ( ♪ ) your heart races. ( ♪ ) your eyes close. ( ♪ ) and you realize you're in love... earl! stop your time-wasting. with a laundry detergent. ♪ take my breath away gain. to smell it is to love it. what are you waiting for? nashville police were calling yesterday shooting death of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair a homicide but they're not looking for a suspect. the 36-year-old mcnair was shot four times, twice in the head.
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the body of the 20-year-old woman he was dating was found with him at mcnair's condomin m condominium. she'd been shot once and a pistol was found under her body. the retired four-time pro bowler played most of his career with th tennessee titans. mcnair was bhaerd four children. two monorail trains killed at disney rail. authorities say it happened at the magic kingdom after the fireworks show. the transit system shuttles thousands around the park each day. disney officials say they are working with authorities to determine what caused the crash. 25 people were hurt when a pedestrian bridge collapsed in indiana. it happened as people left a fireworks show. rescuers had to pull several people including children from the water. the wooden bridg was suspended by cables. the authorities say the crowd overloaded the span with twice the number of people it was built to handle. all of the injured are expected to recover. >> tonight, president obama is
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on his way to russia. the first family departed andrews air force base aboard air force one. mr. obama hopes to amid relations when he meets with that country's president. announce progress on talks that could lead to a new arm's treaty. when we come back, why more than a million michael jackson fans wait eagerly by their computers hoping to say good-bye to the king of pop. fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me. (announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook.
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call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today r america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem! the online lottery is over and tonight thousands of michael
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jackson fans are going to find fout they are going to say good-bye in person. overflow crowds at downtown los angeles and detecves are moving forward into the investigation into the pop star's death. jay gray has latest from los angeles tonight. >> reporter: as crews continue to work at the staples center, los angeles police are preparing for as many as a million people to pour into the city. >> we'll have everything in place we need to make sure to make sure it's a safe environment for everybody. >> reporter: part of that security plan is altering bus routes downtown and closing streets to create a quarter-mile perimeter around the arena. >> so anybody who does not have proper credentials, tickets to get into the event, will not be allowed inside of that zone. those who are in town, who live herewho are thinking of coming out and maybe getting a shot to come in, that won't happen. >> reporter: those who will get a seat inside of the memorial and at a simultaneous at the nokia theatre are finding out tonight. 1.6 million registered for
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17,503 tickets. winners on the online lottery are being notified by e-mail. concerns that it could create a friendsoaymo.nd to pick up the passes and wristbands requiring access to tuesday's memorial. another worry for organizers and police are scalpers. already offers on ebay to sell tickets. opening price $20,000. even though details about the celebration continue to be clouded in secrecy. >> there's a lot that we still don't know what's going to happen at the memorial. >> this is a major challenge to put together thousands of celebrities and thousands of regular people. ♪ >> all coming together on tuesday to honor michael jackson and say one last good-bye. ♪ >> reporter: jay gray, news4. >> motorists are paying less at the pump this fourth of july weekend. aaa says gas prices dropped for the 13th day if a row. the national average for a
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gallon of regular was $2.63 on frifaip that's down three cents from a week ago. experts think we've already seen the peak gas price for the summer of 2009, that was in june, when the national average hit $2.69 per gallon. more singletons t search for that elusive relationship. economic woes seem to make look people for companionship. eharmony says matchmakg is up 20%. and activity has soared 50% at one expert says those first d e dates can help. >> i don't know how many girls who like to hang without broke guys. >> no way. >> but we're off the mark. so we don't have to worry about those woes. >> so the weekend's over. >> yeah. >> saturday was great. today cloudy and cool. >> and a little bit of in some
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spots? >> south of town we did have some rain. some rain today, we could be dealing with some fog as we head into the early morning hours tomorrow but otherwise for tonight the skies are clearing and by the time we get to tomorrow all of the clouds will be out of here and we'll see a beautiful day tomorrow with plenty o sunshine and temperatures climbing into the mid 80s, so yes, tomorrow looks like a winner. too bad we couldn't have had that today because today was cloudy and cool. what it looks like outside, it is -- still mostly cloudy skies but at least skies are now starting to clear. so again, clearing skies. here's what's happening temperaturewise. 66 degre as we look down at mall and the washington monument under mostly cloudy skies but just some high thin clouds. the dew point is at 59, so the air is very comfortable. today we hit 73. 66 is the current temperature. and the daytime lows, so not much of a temperature spread. what's happening, it's again 66 here in the district. 66 down in quanico.
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we did pick up some rain showers mostly to the south of the district from charlottesville over towards fredericksburg and where we could have some fog tomorrow morning. we'll see radiational cooling and again some fog could form come day break. solquiet on radar. the rain showers that we did have earlier are now well out to sea. it's all tied to a wave of lower pressure that kept things quite cool today. right now we're sitting at 66 degrees. 63 in cincinnati but we do have warmer weather from chicago up towards minneapolis. and this is the warmer air that'll be dropping down into the region as we head into tomorrow as high pressure buildless into the area. so you can see now we're on the northern fringe of the cloud shields. clouds are pushing onto the south and east. a lot of clouds down from florida and back to tex parps all tied into this frontal bound. to the north, high pressure dominating and a producer really pretty day from new york city up towards boston and all the way
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back into the central part of theountry but we were dealing with this wave of lower pressure and now the low is starting to pull on out of here and tomorrow arkansas low kicks on out towards the atlantic it will take the clouds with it. tomorrow, mostly sunny skies. temperatures will climb into the mid 80s. watching this frontal bound. it will be a weak one. so we'll not see much other than a couple of clouds out of it. so with that said, let's talk about the forecast for tomorrow morning. clearing skies overnight. so by the time we get to tomorrow, we'll call it sunny. but again, we will have some patchy conditions especially southwest of town. temperatures anywhere from the mid 50 esthrough the mid 60s. and then during the day, just a really pretty day. lots of sunshine. temperatures climbing into the mid 80s. we'll call it delightful because again we'll have low humidity. you can't beat that in the month of july. the forecast, tomorrow, sunny, 86. on tuesday, just a couple of extra clouds, not a big deal. 87. and cool it down a little bit on
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wednesday, on the backside of that frontal band. temperatures dropping down into the lower 80s but still nice. maybe a stray shower or thunderstorm on thursday and looking a-okay. >> we're getting off well so far this summer. >> pretty comfortable. >> thank you. >> okay. still ahead-on sports, tiger's tournament and tiger avn leowam tes.a onpich
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it a new recipe with chicken and chi-chi's® salsa cyborg: i want chicken and chi-chi's®. cyborg: i want chicken and chi-chi's®. cyborg: i want chicken and chi-chi's®. cyborg: i want chicken and chi-chi's®. look. you don't have taste buds, ok. cyborg: i want taste buds everyone loves chi-chi's® salsa. thtagrt easte makes everything better. now available in single-serve snackers. hakim dermis is here. >> you can't beat him. he's only been beaten three times. yeah, he's a pretty darn good golfer, huh. >> a-okay. >> heres what we know about tiger woods when he plays on sundays. he wears a red shirt and he rarely loses. in fact, when tiger has the lead
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or even the share of the lead, hirecord is 45-3. translation for the field, good luck. in today's final round of the at&t national, tiger wore a red shirt and didn't lose. tiger savoring victory at his own tournament. and kids got in free all week long and they were rooting on tiger. woods started the day, tied for the lead with anthony kim and tiger did not make a birdie until the 6th hole. no gimmie. reads the break just right. drops for birdie. then tiger on the par 3 7th. his tee shot from 145 yards away. it's a good one. he selected the right club, keith, and steve here, because guess what it lands behind the hole. spins back. like on a rope, you said. >> yeah, nice. >> just stops a few feet from the pin. back-to-back birdies for tiger and he's like, hm, yeah, yeah, i know that i'm good dude. shot of the day, michael allen on the 9th hole. the 50-year-old's never won on the pga tour but he's going to
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remember this shot. trapping into the cup for an eagle. check out his reaction, yeah, he loves it. back to the paring. the young gun dreamed of this day. playing with tiger. drains the birdie. finished 1 under the day and 4 shots behind tiger. now on the 10th hole, tiger has a difficult hole putt. 31 feet away and you bet you. tiger's traditional fist pump and the gallery loved that at congressional. meantime, hunter mayhem putting on a show and on the 18th hole he sinks a long birdie putt to move to 12 under. putting pressure on tiger. shoots a final round 62. tying the course ret set by ki and now tiger woods on 16. with a chance to take the lead. we've got drama. tiger, what does he do? he capitalizes. knocks down the long birdie putt. just so cool, calm and collected. then, tigor 18, taps in for par
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and that's it, tiger wins his own tournament, 13 under. he gets a roar from the gallery. and tiger goes over, shakes hands with anthony kim. a.k. had a very respectable tournament. tiger woods though, your new at&t national champ. our own lindsay czarniak. >> reporter: tiger woods said at the beginning of this week he had every intention of being a greedy host and today he made good on that promise. raising this trophy was a bit different. >> it feels great to be greedy, you know? this is something that's very important to all of us, the foundation. and you always like playing well and hopefully winning your own event and this week. weather held out. everyone came out today. unbelievable the amount of people who was here. >> reporter: this win smelt sweet for tiger woods and gave a chance for him to show his
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humorous snide as host, i always want dod this, okay, so just bear with plea. so, tiger, how did you play today? well, you know, it was a tough day. um, got off to kind of a slow start, but you know hunter really put the pressure on us. oh, did he really? did he? boy, he shot a 62. what did you think about that? well, you know, it was -- i always want dod that. thank you. >> reporter: tiger woods having a blast interviewing himself. woods also said that he really enjoyed himself playing alongside anthony kim, who has made it very clear how much of an idol tiger woods was for him growing up. from congressional, i'm lindsay czarniak. at today's wimbledon final, three tennis greats became roger federer to see the greatest win the game. knew what they were witnessing as federer set the most titles ever. after the epic match, sampras said, quote be he's a legends and now he's an icon.
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and there he is, pete sampras, he won 14 major titles in his career. watching federer and roddick duke out. roddick comes to the net and the backhand volley goes wide. roddick should have gone up two stotz love but federer wins set to even the match. now in the third set, tiebreaker, federer leading 5-3. the two guys get a long rally from the baseline going. federer in the far court. hits a drop shot. roddick comes to the net. the slice backhand. and federer here rips the crosscourt winner. oh, so good. federer pumped winning the third set tiebreaker. fifth set now, championship point. federer leading 15-14. yeah, 15-14. federer has not broken roddick all match. federer in the near court. roddick with the unforced error. federer jumping for joy. he runs the marathon match that lasted nearly 4 1/2 hours. andy roikd gave it his all and
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still loses. federer all alone with 15 grand slam titles. >> it was a crazy match. it was an unbelievable end and my head's still spinning, you know? but it's an unbelievable moment in my career. >> and also do it in front of pete who flew in especially to watch you today. >> yes, thank you very much for coming. thanks. yeah, sorry, pete, i know i tried to hold him off. it was a pleasure playing here today in front of great champions like pete, minolo, rod and biron there. i still hope that one day my name would be up there with theirs as winner of this tournament and i'll be back. baseball now, nationals' third baseman ryan zimmerman is an all-star. was selected to represent the summer league. zimmerman responded in his very
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first at-bat. 5-3 victory against the braves. and zimmerman got a nice reception from the fans as he stepped into thebatter's box with a man on second. the all-star delivers. sends one into right. nyjer morgan racing around third. he scores to give the nats a 1-0 lead. zimmerman getting things started. top six, it's 3-1, nats. starter scott olson gets some help from his defense facing chipper jones and jones drives within to center. morgan tracking it down, make a sensational snag. over the shoulder. takes away a base hit and olson says thank you, my friend, for helping me out there. impact with the bat and the outneed afternoon. run or second, takes the oufspeed pitch. ronnie belliard and morgan is a speedy fellow stretches into a double. nyjer morgan finished with three hits and that rbi and the nats hang on to win it, 5-3, the final. winning their first series in two weeks. and in women's


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