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tv   News 4 Today  NBC  July 6, 2009 5:00am-7:00am EDT

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poem the statue made famous. seven servicemen who fought for america today became citizens of america, and for those among the first fortunate enough to get tickets online -- >> exhausting but exhilarating. >> reporter: a chance to take in the view and celebrate america's birthday in a very unique place. ron allen, nbc news, new york. >> well, you got to do that once. >> yeah. have you been up there? >> i haven't done it. i'm going to have to get tickets. probably be five years before i can get tickets. stay with us, everyone. "news 4 today" continues now at 5:00 a.m. another run-in with the law? d.c. councilman mayor barry arrested again. what happened over the holiday weekend that led to him being charged with stalking. >> overseas trip, president obama arrives in russia to meet with that country's leader. how the two are planning to ease international tension. >> plus, luck of the draw.
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thousands of fans find out if they will be able to attend michael jackson's memorial service. details about the event that will be seen around the world. good morning, everyone, welcome to "news 4 today" on this monday morning. i'm barbara harrison. >> good morning to you. i'm joe krebs. it is monday, the 6th day of july, after a long holiday weekend we're going to check our forecast right now with tom kierein who's joined us here in the studio. >> yeah, he is right here to talk about the weather a little bit. we going to have -- it's been so pleasant. >> it really has, low humid it in place. we haven't had any really hot, humid days yet. ri doeseat pp ar we're going to s ve for the next sayerppal d e ndnj alaoyn g y.adthin ronar rnow, n ip n.prec une ar cat learsky. ow dlyn t dtus j 63n i shington aqueooitl t. only near 60 now in montgomery, irfaxndir a prigee geor's counties. in the 50s west and rtnoh. low and mid-60s southern maryland, ou barhe t.ay tint hensountai ofes wte w gi's nin i vand e 50. n rown d s iaiouthern arg
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t arnd the cinarhaia tas will continue to move east. here we've got a clear sky. the big old full moon now ttgeg low in the western sky. and for the rest ottfhe t day, we'll havehe lots of sunshine b 9:00, low 70s. byaroonen ne80. ought to peak in the mid-80s this afternoon with lots of sun. definitely need sun block going to the beach or pool. the sunset is at 8:36. should be ay mtlos clear night l with that full moon, a beautiful evening coming up, down into the 60s again tomorrow morning. a look at the tuesday forecast, that will be in ten minutes at 5:11. >> thanks, tom. >> thanks very much, tom. let's go to jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. >> good morning. tom is to be congratulated for a beautiful weekend. the forecast was right on the old nose and it was absolutely wonderful, so -- now when it snows we'll be talking to you. hopefully won't happen in a couple of days here. 270 southbound, smooth sailing, frederick to rockville, no early worries there. travel lanes are all open. we'll head out, see what else is happening. no worries comin back from the eastern shore on route 50 or headed that direction if you're just getting some holiday time.
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out at the wilson bridge, everything is looking good. quiet so far in from west. back to you. >> you mean we could still have more holiday time? >> yeah, sure. hey, if i were king -- >> giving it away? >> that's right. >> it was a great weekend. thanks a lot. good to see you. >> thanks very much, jerry. now to a story you saw first on 4, we could hear from former mayor marion barry today. he's expected to speak about charges that he staed a woman. >> the arrest happened over the weekend after fourth of july festivities. megan mcgrath joins us with details now. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there are three differing accounts of what happened saturday night. the accounts of the u.s. park police, as well as the version from the woman at the center of the allegation, donna watts and then, of course, there is the version coming fm marion barry. we're expected to learn more about what barry says happened saturday evening following a press conference scheduled for later this morning at 10:00 a.m. now, this all happened saturday evening at around 8:45. u.s. park police say a woman
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flagged down an officer who was patrolling an anacostia park near good hope road. police say the woman pointed to marion barry, who was in another car, and said he was stalking her. marion barry was taken into custody and later charged with misdemeanor stalking. now, the wan at the heart of the complaint has been identified as donna watts, marion barry has called her a close, personal friend. now, watts told news 4, however, that she did not flag down the officer, that she did not file charges. she says that barry was pulled over for a traffic violation. meanwhile, marion barry has denied stalking watts. a spokesperson says barry feels betrayed by the allegations. she says that watts and barry actually had lunch together earlier that day. they say that the stalking allegations are unfounded. now, that all came through a spokesperson for marion barry yesterday. we're expecting to hear from barry himself later on this morning. we'll have more coming up in the next half hour. back to you, barbara, joe. >> thank you, megan. >> thanks, megan. this is certainly not barry's
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first run-in with the law. when he was mayor, barry was videotaped smoking crack cocaine in a hotel room during an fbi sting. he served six months in prison. in 2006, barry got a ticket for operating a vehicl evenhough his license was suspended. that same year, a judge sentenced him to three years on probation for not filing his federal and d.c. tax returns. the former mayor's probation was extended in may after prosecutors say he failed to file his 2007 taxes on time. well, stay with news 4 for the latest on marion barry's arrest. you can also find the latest information any time by visiting >> president barack obama and the first family are on their way to moscow. they departed andrews air force base last night. president obama will meet with russian president dmitri medvedev today. this is the first summit between u.s. and russian leaders in seven years. both leaders have expressed a desire to repair the
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relationship between the two nations and to cut nuclear arsenals. the current agreement is the 1991 arms control treaty. it expires in december. the president will also travel to italy and began a during his week long trip overseas. the violence is escalating in afghanistan. this morning two civilians were killed in a bomb attack. 14 others were wounded. it happened outside the nato base in kandahar. the attack came as thousands of u.s. marines in a neighboring province mounted a major offensive against the taliban. police say a suicide attacker detonated a car bomb near the gates of the airfield. >> after being chosen to receive tickets to michael jackson's memorial service, more than 17,000 lucky fans will be taking off work today. they need to pick up their coveted tickets and be fitted with a special wrist band. the measures are in place to prevent ticket -- people from selling those tickets. more than 1.6 million fans signed up for the tickets over the two-day registration period. those lucky few chosen to attend
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say they feel honored to be part of history. here's some of what some of them said. >> it's overwhelming to think we're going to be able to be there, to help, you know, celebrate his life with his other fans and his family and such a momentous occasion. >> the memorial service will be held tomorrow at the staples center in los angeles. last night, one set of tickets was on sale for $20,000 on ebay. and just who will be in charge of michael jackson's estate? that question will likely be answered later today at a hearing in los angele currently, michael jackson's mother has limited custody over her son's estate. a spear superior court judge could make that permanent today. >> a federal judge has approved general motors' plan to sell most of its assets to a new company. the ruling should clear the way for the automaker to quickly emerge from bankruptcy.
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the sale will allow the automaker to leave behind many of its costs and liabilities. hundreds of different parties filed objections, including consumer groups who argue that people injured in older gm cars won't be able to hold the company responsible. >> 5:08 now, 63 degrees. still ahead, there was no stopping tiger woods at this year's at&t national. highlights from the local tournament where thousands of fans cheered on the golf superstar. >> plus, sarah palin deals with the fallout after announcing she's resigning from office.
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y'rgwell, here istosy'da news 4 babl n gias je aend t f a local ben & rry's ste today and get a free ndsu. ae >> all day long, sundaes. are y one, get one free. only one deal per customer. >> get a check on our traffic and weather together. 5:11 is our time. >> let's see what tom has to say about the weather. we have a nice start. will it stick around? >> unusually cool here for a july morning. we can see venus brilliantly in a blue sky. around the region, a little bit of patchy foggy hour. off to the west we've got a beautiful full moon. right now 63 in washington. it's only near 60 montgomery, fairfax and prince george's counties. eastern shore, mid-60s. only in the low and mid-50s farther to the west. we've had our sky clearing out ovnight, some rain down in
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southern virginia and the carolinas will stay far to our south today. we'll have plenty of sunshine. sun block is a must to avoid serious sunburn. by mid-afternoon in the mid-80s and lots of sun. sunrise 5:49. sunset at 8:36. then after sunset we'll be down into the 70s. that full moon up tonight. by dawn tomorrow, a few clouds around. during the day on tuesday, in the morning in the 60s. afternoon highs in the mid and upper 80s. still low humidity and a few clouds around with light breezes from the northwest to southwest, around 5 to 15 so some delightful summer weather today and tomorrow. a look at the rest of the week and the weekend in ten minutes at 5:21. jerry, good morning. how's the traffic? >> tom, good morning to you. good morning, everyone. doing fine and as tom would say back to summer school and the old grind as we get going. let's see how we're doing. frederick peeps, a lot of people in frederick say you never talk about frederick. i-70, 270, 340 if that's your
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route, good to go. let's see what else is happening around 395 northbound. there's a pretty picture headed to and across the 14th street bridge, no worries. outbound 14th street bridge als moving along nicely. travel lanes are open, clear, dry road surface this morning. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. our time is 5:13, 63 degrees. the shocking murder of a former nfl star. details about steve mcnair's death and the woman whose body was also found inside the house. >> plus, looking for a rewarding career. a local business is helping people make the most of a devastating situation.
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our time is 5:15 now. updating the top store this the news for today, d.c. councilman marion barry will appear in court this week. he was arrested after a woman reportedly flagged down an officer and claimed barry was stalking her president obama will meet with russian president in moscow today. this is the first summit between the u.s. and russian leaders in seven years. both presidents have expressed a desire to repair the relationship between the two nations and to cut nuclear
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arsenals. more than 8,000 michael jackson fans received an e-mail telling them that they have won tickets to tomorrow's memorial service. 1.6 million fans registered online for the free tickets. the memorial will be held at the staples center in los angeles. >> today in jobs 4 for you, dying with dignity. a local hospice has openings for caregive for patients in the last days of their lives. that's where we found two sisters inspired to start a business on the last day of their mother's life. news 4's kimberly suiters has their story. >> reporter: she was 77 years old, dying of cancer, and to the grandki grandkids, all 17 of them, she was mia. >> the first day she was in the hospital she said the walls are closing in on me and i can't stay here. she was jt having her first round of chemo. >> reporter: the walls, like most medical facilities needed cheer, so mia's twin daughters brought home to the hospital. >> it makes all the difference, putting pictures in.
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>> reporter: they crafted uplifting scenes to transport their mom to gardens, beaches, even an imagine ir i cruise. >> we put the whole theme of hawaii, the big ships, had pictures of her with my dad. you know, she had a bikini on and stickers and the big flowers and, you know, having a sip of a margarita. and she just felt like that that was her big trip. >> reporter: it was mia's last big trip. she died the next morning. and the moment her daughters began to dismantle her collage, the concept of "caring walls" came to them. >> the nurses came in, said, please do not take this down. we love it. we'll take it down, but we just need it up, you know, for the rest of the day to remember your mom. >> reporter: now kitty and betsy create collages for other families, ronald mcdonald houses, the mayo clinic and capital hos tis in arlington. >> we're very interested in the story. i thinkhat's the other thing about the wall is behind every one of those pictures and names is a story. >> reporter: stories, she says,
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connect families to loved ones, nurses to patients and patnts to each other. >> people have gone through this journey before you. people are going through the joorn ee. people in the future will go through the journey. so then you don't really feel so alone, i don't think. >> reporter: mia's family knows. these walls don't have to talk to say so much. >> we put a lot of love into it and we're not looking to get a whole bunch back. we just want to spread the joy. >> reporter: in arlington, kimberly suiters, news 4. >> the average cost of a caring wall is $24. if you want to know more about them or if you've ever considered a career in hospice care, there are job openings. news 4 has contacted 16 hospice centers around the region, and half of them are hiring. you can find out more about them by going to capital joe? >> the fallout continues from sarah palin's surprise announcement that she is stepping down as alaska's governor. on the sunday talk shows, gop pundits debated whether the move will hurt palin's chances for a possible 2012 presidential run.
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some say she cannot concentrate on her national political aspirations. others argue she just committed career suicide. >> it is not clear what her strategy here is by exiting the governorship two and a half years through the term and putting herself on the national stage that she may not yet be prepared to operate in. >> a disaster for her both in the sense that she was very incoherent in articulating why it is she was quitting and what she wanted to do with it. >> the governor said she did not want to burden her ste as a lame duck or as a political target. lieutenant governor sean parnell, who will be taking over for palin, says she's doing the right thing to move alaska forward. well, a triumphant tiger woods thrilled local golf fans this weekend after winning his own tournament in bethesda. >> hakem dermish has the highlights in your sports minute. >> good morning, wifrn, your sports minute begins with the
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final round of the at&t national where tiger woods won his own tournament at 13 under par, beating hunter mahan by one stroke. tiger woods had some fun. tiger the host interviewing tiger the winner. >> as host i always wanted to do this, okay, so bear with me. so, tiger, how did you play today? we well, you know, it was a tough day. got off to a slow start, but hunter really put the pressure on us. did he really? boy, shot 62. what did you think about that? well, that was -- i always wanted to do that. thank you. >> tiger woods, quite a character. in tennis, roger federer is king of the court. federer defeated andy roddick in an epic wimg bl done final that lasted nearly 4 1/2 hours. in baseball, nationals third baseman ryan zimmerman was selected to his first all-star game. he responded yesterday, sparking
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the braves to a 5-3 victory over the braves. that's your sports minute. i'm hakim demish. >> i asked you last week, is he allowed to win at his own party? >> certainly allowed, even desirable. >> it is almost -- well, it is 5:21. time for trrt. >> let's go to meteorologist tom kierein. >> fortunately, they had great weather for the at&t as well at congressional over the weekend. it was certainly cool on sunday. now cool this morning, in fact it's cool down to near the dew point. when that happens we get fog forming. we are seeing quite a bit of fog quickly forming here just in the last few minutes around the blue ridge and the shenandoah valley where temperatures are in the mid-50s. visibility's down under a quarter of a mile in many locations across virginia, rural areas of maryland and into west virginia as well. but right around washington, the nearby suburbs we don't have any fog. as well as the eastern shore or southern maryland. we've had cloud cover continuing to pull away and move off to the south. we'll have lots of sun today with highs mid-80s with low humidity. partly cloudy tomorrow, low
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humidity still in place, highs into the mid and upper 80s. then on wednesday, still not very humid as well as on thursday, highs in the mid-80s both days. as we get into friday and the weekend, though, turning hotter and more humid. highs near 90 friday, saturday and sunday. over the weekend, there's a small chance of some afternoon isolated thundershowers. otherwise, partly to mostly cloudy, hot and humid, highs near 90 for the weekend. now let's check traffic. jerry, how's this monday looking? >> this monday is looking fine so far. good morning, head south, take a check at the approach to the woodrow wilson bridge, both inner loop and outer loop looking good. that is welcome news headed that direction here in the next couple of minutes. 95 northbound coming out of fredericksburg, headed up toward the akoccoquan, moving well. no early accidents to report. kind of ease into the workweek. back to you. >> let's do that. thank you very much, jerry. >> thanks, jerry. >> 5:22 now, 63 degrees. still ahead, a tragedy at walt disney world. details about a deadly accident that shut down the monorail
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system inside the magic kingdom. >> plus the fourth of july celebration takes a frightening turn. what happened that sent dozens of people plunging into a lake. here's your liz "on the money," money saving tip of the day. >> health care is expensive. we have this tip to lower your health care bill. strike a deal with your doctor. tell your doctor your budget is tight but you'll certainly pay what you can. try to arrange a payment plan and ask for a discount for cash. many doctors will work with patients. i'm liz crenshaw, "on the money."
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announcer: 93% of those who tried activia would recommend it. julia tolbert, tell me your story. well, my irregularity was only occasional and i honestly thought it was just a part of life. what made you first try activia? i saw this ad, and i said, ok, i love yogurt and hey, it worked! humm. announcer: activia is clinically proven to help regulate your digestive system in two weeks when eaten every day. ♪ activia and now try a delicious blend of cereal, fiber and activia yogurt. new activia fiber.
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nashville police are investigating the murder of former nfl quarterback steve mcnair. the 36-year-old was shot four times, twice in the head. the body of a 20-year-old woman he was dating was found with him at mcnair's condominium. she had been shot once and a pistol was found under her body. police have not reached a conclusion about her death. mcnair played most of his career with the tennessee titans before he was traded to baltimore ravens and then he retired last year. mcnair was married with four children. the monorail at walt disney world remains closed this morning after a deadly collision over the weekend. two monorl trains crashed around 2:00 a.m. sunday, killing a 21-year-old train operator. disney said it was the first fatal crash in the monorail's
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38-year history in the florida park. the victim was a computer science student at a nearby college who worked at the park part time. the other train operator was uninjured but was taken to a hospital because he was emotionally shaken. five park guests were treated at the scene. >> 25 people were injured in a bridge collapse in indiana. a wooden foot bridge gave way as people were leaving a fourth of july fireworks display. about 50 people were dumped into a lake. authorities say the bridge was overloaded by the crowd. everyone is expected to be okay, though. coming up, thousands of michael jackson fans may be taking the day off work today because -- we'll also give you details about tomorrow's massive memorial service and what people will have to do if they've been chosen to attend. >> plus, it may be a reason to pour yourself another cup of coffee. how the drink could actually improve your memory. 1x
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as it may increase these behaviors. allergic reactions such as shortness of breath, swelling of your tongue or throat may occur... and in rare cases may be fatal. side effects may include next-day drowsiness, dizziness, and headache. in patients with depression, worsening of depression, including risk of suicide may occur. if you experience any of these behaviors or reactions... contact your doctor immediately. wake up ready for your day-- ask your healthcare provider for 2-layer ambien cr. another brush with the law for d.c. councilman marion barry. >> the latest on his recent arrest and the stalking charges he's now facing this morning. good morning and welcome to "news 4 today." i'm joe krebs on this monday, the 6th of july. >> i'm barbara harrison. some of the other top stories we're following today, are a home in prince george's county is gutted by fire. details about the blaze that left two people dead.
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>> major milestone for gay activists in the district. how the district is getting ready to recognize those mayrrid in other states. >> thousands of fans have been chosen to attend michael jackson's memorial service. what they'll have to do today in order to get through the gates. >> those stories and more coming up after we look at traffic and weather on the 1s. >> we begin with tom kierein in storm center 4. good morning again. >> hi. good morning. it was unusually cool yesterday. the high at reagan national was only 73. that's way below the average high for this time of year, about 15 degrees cooler than average. yesterday and this morning off to quite a cool start under a clear sky. there's the predawn sky over the potomac river. sun up in about 15 minutes. at 5:31, 63 in washington, only around 60 in montgomery, fairfax and prince george's counties. only in the 50s farther to our west and north where there's some dense fog this morning. here are the latest visibilities in miles. under a 1/3 of a mile in many locations. culpepper, zero visibility in dense fog there.
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dense fog as well in the central shenandoah valley. we don't have any fog around washington or southern maryland, the eastern shore where temperatures are in the mid-60s. had some overnight rain moving through southeastern virginia and eastern carolinas. that's moving to the east. for us, lots of sun today. certainly need sun block to avoid a serious sunburn. highs will be reaching the mid-80s by mid-afternoon. low humidity again in place today. just delightful weather for today for this afternoon and into tonight, too. looking like a beautiful evening. we'll have a mostly clear night with that big, full moon up. a look at tuesday's forecast in ten minutes. barbara and joe? >> thank you, tom. >> thanks very much. let's go to jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. any problems as folks get back to work after the holiday? >> no, pretty quiet out on the roads so far. good morning. let you look for your own blurry eyes this morning along i-95 northbound as you begin the commute, dale city all the way to the capital beltway which is right up there, moving along very, very nicely. those of you planning on traveling south, that, too, looks good. let's see what else is
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happening. a little bit ovolume coming out of germantown on 270, a little bit of a respite from all the road work because of the holiday. that will change now during the midday today. we'll keep you updated on that. but northbound they've been repaving here. nice, brand-new asphalt. everything's looking good all the way to frederick. back to you. >> i wonder if folks are still coming home. man, at about 3:30 this morning, 270 was crazy. >> yeah. coming back. >> figure it's a better time to travel. >> yeah, probably. >> okay. see new about ten minutes. >> thanks. more legal troubles for former d.c. mayor marion barry. he was arrested and charged with stalking a woman on the fourth of july. >> today we could hear more about what happened from the barry side. news 4's megan mcgrath joins us live from southeast with more on this interesting story. megan? >> reporter: good morning. there are actually a couple of different varying accounts of what happened saturday night. there is the police version. there's also the account being told by the woman at the heart of the allegation, donna watts,
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as well as barry's own account. we're expected to learn more about what marion barry has to say about what happened later on this morning. there is a press conference scheduled for 10:00 a.m. today. now, this all happened saturday evening at about 8:45. u.s. park police say a woman flagged down an oicer who was patrolling an anacostia park near good hope road. police say the woman pointed to marion barry, who was in another car and said he was stalking her. marion barry was taken into custody and later charged with misdemeanor stalking. now, a spokesperson for barry, however, denies the charges. she says that donna watts is a personal friend of barry's and that he feels betrayed by the allegations. >> it is our hope that the charges that council member barry faces today will be dropped or, if nothing more, that the truth of the matter will prevail in a court of law. >> reporter: donna watts' accounts of what happens differs from the park police version. in an interview with news 4 she said, quote, i didn't flag anyone down. i did not file charges.
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the police pulled them over. he got pulled over for a traffic violation, and he tried to cut me off. again, we are expecting to hear more from marion barry himself following a press conference scheduled for later on this morning. back to you, barbara, joe. >> allight. that's interesting. tried to cut her off as he was being stopped for a traffic -- >> reporter: right. a different -- couple of different variations. >> a lot more explaining needs t ctome forward only ectxaha e.ppened o u.anyo k ta n w>hitew 4h for t osttenar miobe arnar rear .st ca soyou aln find the latest information any time by visiting >> at least one person is dead after a small plane crashed in rock bridge county, virginia. the pilot reported losing an exterior panel shortly before yesterday's crash. the plane went down around 10:00 a.m. on a farm owned by virginia tech. the single engine aircraft had been on the way from new jersey to tampa, florida. it was trying to land in lynchburg after losing that panel. so far investigators aren't
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saying how many people were on board. >> two people in prince george's county have been killed in a house fire. this happened saturday night on wheeling avenue in upper marlboro. when firefighters arrived, they were forced to retreat after part of the roof collapsed. they were able to pull two bodies from the burning home. one body was found on the first floor, the other in the basement. >> i thought it was fireworks because i heard what sounded like a gunshot. may have been just been fireworks. we got up and we saw flames. we saw big, yellow light. >> prince george's county fire officials are waiting for autopsy results to determine how the people died. they're also hoping to identify one of the bodies which was burned beyond recognition. the other victim was an adult male. in the district, a natural gas leak could be to blame for a house explosion in northwest washington that happened saturday night near the intersection of oregon and nebraska avenues. it cause more than $1 million in damage to a home but no one
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was injured. the people who live there were out of town at the time. >> the barricades are already up around thetaples center in los angeles, this in preparation for tomorrow's public memorial service for michael jackson. police say they're bracing for an influx of possibly hundreds of thousands of people to the downtown area. leanne gregg has the latest. >> reporter: fans from around the world will fill the same arena where michael jackson spent his last nights rehearsing for his comeback tour. 1.6 million signed up for the random drawing of 17,500 tickets to the memorial service. the lucky ones will be able to collect their tickets today after this e-mail notification went out sunday telling them they had won. some will get a seat in the staples center, others at an adjoining theater for a simulcast. >> you can see why this is so amazing for us to be a part of history and to be there for a man who we've admired for really
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everything that he's done in terms of entertainment. >> reporter: a service expected to be in part a concert tribute. >> there's a lot that we still don't know about what's going to happen at the memorial. >> this is a major challenge to put together thousands of celebrities and thousands of regular people. >> reporter: as preparations continue, law enforcement is bracing for the onslaught of fans. as for the investigation, detectives have executed search warrants and want to talk to at least five doctors to try and determine if prescription drugs played a role in jackson's death. but the focus tomorrow will be on the service, the pop legend's contributions and the celebration of his life. leanne gregg, news 4. >> our time right now is 5:38. the temperature 63 degrees. very nice outside right now. >> yes, lovely. >> a major milestone for gay activists in the district. details about the city's plan to recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. >> plus, changes are coming to your facebook page. why it will soon be easier to share more information with
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everyone on the web. ó1o1o1sgal could someone toss me
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an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the peoplofe are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!
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here's a news 4 bargain blast for you. looking to pntut o your fourth of july utphotos? et youheri tntmor t . >> sounds like a good deal. the scv photo center isffering 50 free prints if you sign up for a new pho center account online. just visit to sign up.
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>> 5:41. let's take a look at traffic and weather. we begin with weather. here's tom. >> we have a beautiful sunrise under way, live picture from our city camera showing a tangerine and lemon sunrise in a clear sky. it's fresh and cool, 63 in washington. from anacostia to oxen hill, centreville and damascus, off to quite a cool start. farther to our west, it's only in the 50s. we have dense fog in many of the rural areas. around washington, though, we don't have any fovrg around. we have had the clouds from overnight clearing out. plenty of sunshine today with highs reaching mid-80s by the afternoon with low humidity. a few clouds around in the 60s tomorrow morning. here's the tuesday forecast. partly cloudy, low humidity, a few light breezes, a great summer day with highs reaching mid and upper 80s. a look at the rest of the week and the weekend in ten minutes. jerry, how's the traffic? >> doing well out there so far. the good news is no major issues to report. very good news. hopefully it will last a little bit on your monday, along new
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york avenue inbound as you come in from maryland headed in toward blade evens burg road, new york avenue traffic moving well. a few stoplights on the way to the 3rd street tunnel. check your speeds this morning and see if you're going to have a decent commute. yes, so far you a on the capital beltway from college park to route 50 by way of the inner loop, eight minutes. just 16 minutes from 50 to the wilson bridge. off the wilson bridge to springfield, just 7 minutes so far as we kick into high gear for a monday. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thanks, jerry. >> 5:43 the time. still ahead, looking for love? why the recession may be the perfect te to enter the dating scene. >> plus, you may want to drink an extra cup of coffee this morning. why it might improve your what you ma call it, memory.
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happening right now. let's take a life look. air force one has just touched down in moscow.
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president barack obama and the first family are traveling to russia as part of their week-long trip overseas. today, president obama will meet with russian president dmitri medvedev. it's the first summit between u.s. and russian leaders in seven years. ain, we're looking live at the limo waiting right there on the tarmac there in moscow where the president has just landed air force one, we saw it touch down moments ago. and we're waiting the scene where the president will come to the door with -- probably with the first lady and come down to neat with russian dignitaries. again, there is air force one on the tarmac in moscow, just having landed. joe? >> well, the district is poised to start recognizing gay marriages performed in other states today, but opponents are vowing to continue their fight to ban same-sex marriage in d.c. news 4's tracee wilkins joins us now. good morning. >> reporter: >> reporter: good morning. the district is one step closer
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to recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other jurisdictions. the law has overco yet another hurdle. d.c. council passed a bill back in may 12-1. opponents fougsought a stay fro superior court judge to keep the law from going into effect. that judge denied their effect, saying simply disagreeing with same-sex marriage is not a strong enough reason to hold up enacting the law. the law is supposed to take effect today, but according to "washington post" the effect may be delayed. opponents say they plan to file an appeal to have the law overturned. the d.c. city council is expected to eventually enact a law here to make same-sex marriage legal within the district proper. i'm tracee wilkins this morning. back to you in the studio. >> thank you very much. barbara? >> 140 people have been killed and another 800 hurt during rioting in western china. the violence erupted yesterday when locals took to the streets burning and smashing cars and confronting police. it followed a protest in the
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region against the death of two ethnic muslim factory workers in the southern china area last month. officials say violence is under control now, but traffic has been ordered to stay off the streets to protect against further unrest. a plane carrying ousted honduran president manuel zelaya touched down in nicaragua last night after an unsuccessful attempt to return to honduras. the runway to honduran national airport was blocked, which forced pilots to divert the flight. the exiled president is trying to return to honduras and recapture power after a military coup forced him out of his country. zelaya is vowing to try again today or tomorrow. as we just mentioned, president obama has just arrived in moscow, in russia. there they are, the first family emerging from the door of the plane at this moment. today, the president begins two days of talks with russia's president there in moscow and here they come. everybody will be noting what the first lady is wearing. she's changed since she -- since
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they first got on the plane. >> personally, i think the trench coats that the two girls are wearing are just out of this world. they look terrific. you can tell by the tarmac it was all wet. must have just rained there in moscow, just briefly before the plane touched down. at any rate, now meeting dignitaries at the foot of the steps. there's word the two presidents will announce progress on arms control. we have more on this story from brooke hart from capitol hill. >> reporter: president obama sat down with russian media. he said what he hopes to communicate today to russia's president medvedev and its people. >> we want to deal as equals. we are both nuclear super powers. with that comes special responsibilities that are very different from positions of many other countries around the world. >> reporter: u.s. officials confirmed today the two leaders will announce progress on arms control, specifically cutting the number of nuclear warheads, securing nuclear material at sites across russian territory
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has been a priority for both countries. >> we know that people are trying to get their hands on this material. we get it through our intelligence community. >> reporter: but issues remain in replacing the arms control treaty that expires in december. russia wants the u.s. to scrap plans for a missile defense system in eastern europe, something russians see with suspicion. >> we obviously have areas of difference. i would cite missile defense as certainly a big one. >> reporter: americans, too, have become more wary of russia. just 29% see russia as an ally, compared to 52% seven years ago. the shift came as former president putin forged closer ties with iran's ahmadinejad and resisted u.s. pressure on north korea and on nato's expansion. as president obama received a personal take on a traditional russian doll, he said he wants to reset the u.s./russian relationship. just last week, russia offered its air space to flights of u.s. troops and weapons into afghanistan. the president hopes the issue of
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arms control helps open more agreement elsewhere. after moscow, he heads to italy where he'll have an audience with the pope. then it's to ghana in africa, out theed by some as a model of democracy. >> in vietnam, the death toll continues to rise due to deadly flooding. there are still 13 people missing. heavy rains have triggered floods and landslides in mountainous northern regions of vietnam. more than 500 houses have been destroyed or damaged since friday. this is not uncommon in vietnam. the country's prone to floods and storms which kill hundreds of people every year. >> our time is now 5:51. time for traffic and weather on the 1s again. >> here's m. >> a beautiful sunrise under way right now over the potomac river. here's the live picture of our city camera, the sun just now getting up and it is up in a clear sky on this fre and cool
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and dry july morning. yes, another day with low humidity in place. temperatures around the region are so cool, though, they've dropped down to near the dew point off to our west. it's caused some fog to form, but not here around the metro area. as we take a look at raodar, n precipitation around at this hour. temperatures certainly are cool. in montgomery county, it's only near 60, just near 60 in fairfax and prince george's counties. southern maryland around the bay, temperatures are in the mid-60s, but farther to our west and northern, northern montgomery county, into frederick, loudoun county, prince william and fauquier, culpepper, only in the mid-50s. mid 50s around the blue ridge and shenandoah shn. these are the latest visibilities in miles. under 1/3 of a milearound wincheer. ound zero visibility ar harrisonburg. over to charlottesville and culpepper, low advice its there with patchy dense fog. also dense fog around manassas and leesburg and frederick, but closer to washington, southern maryland, around the bay don't have any fog forming this morning.
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mid-60s on the eastern shore, out of t mountains there's some patchy fog there as well and temperatures are in the 50s. over the last six hours, we've had some overnight rain pushing out of virginia, heading off to the east. still raining around the outer banks. are you traveling today? could be some flight delays from storms in florida, across georgia and into louisiana, maybe some storms in south texas as well. some rain for the pacific northwest and maybe some storms for far northern new england. otherwise, though, no travel problems around the nation today. as we get going this morning over the last 12 hours, got a fresh, cool flow coming in out of the northwest right over us. this stalled front creating that rain from the carolinas down into the south land. that will stay to our south today. we'll be under that fresh northwesterly flow here for the next couple of days. as a result, it looks like we'll stay with low humidity, just a small chance of an isolated thundershower tomorrow afternoon to our north and east. otherwise, a few clouds around tomorrow. so, the forecast for this monday off to work and summer school on this monday morning, temperatures at this hour in the
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60s. by 9:00 in the low 70s with sunshine. then by noon, near 80 and a bright and sunny day. you'it dinefelunnein sed block to avoid a serious sunburn this afternoon with that high sun angle and low s humidity. temperatures in the mid-80s. then tonight, that big old full moon coming up in ale car sky. we'll be in the 70s through the evening and the 60s tomorrow crning. partly cloudy on tuesday, a g inle weak frontom through, just a slight chance of an isolated thundershower north nd east of shg wainonwa,hs h reaching mid and upper 80s with low humidity. still not very humid wednesday and thursday. morning lows, low 60s, afternoon highs mid-80s. but it does appeart tha it's starting -- looking more like gintog et more humidityndto heat in here by friday, saturda and sund. july acting like a summer month. ofer the weekend, slight chance erft s aonsnormto saturday and sunday, baut steamy weekend coming up it appears right now. barbara and joe? >> wouldn't be washington if we didn't have the steamy weekends. >> in july, too. >> middle of july, think of it. such a deal. heat and humidity, imagine that
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in washington. thank you. >> thank you. >> let's go to jerry edwards. he's looking at the traffic. here it is a monday morning, think of it. >> rather not think about it. let's head out and take a look. actually, no big deals to report so far this morning. very, very quiet. here we are near 6:00, no incidents to report. good news there at the woodrow wilson bridge. also the inner loop from 295 down adross bridge span looking good. i suspect we will have some sunshine delays headed eastbound, including the outer loop headed for the wilson bridge before too long. right now you're good to go. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thanks, jerry. the recession has hurt a lot of businesses but not the online dating industry. the recession is apparently driving more singles to search for companionship. eharmony says membership is up 20% and activity has soared 50% at experts say economic hardship drives people to look for love. first date jitters can help ease financial worries.
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>> facebook is making changes to its privacy options. the changes will allow users to share as much or as little information as they want for the first time users will be allowed to make their information available to anyone on the web. that move is expected to help facebook compete with fast growing social messaging site twitter. >> well, your morning cup of joe may do more than just perk you up. the caffeine in your coffee could help your memory. a new report out today is out thing the benefit fs caffeine. researchers found it reversed memory impairment in lab mice bred to develop symptoms of alzheimer's disease. the mice in the study were given five cups of coffee a day. it decreased the levels of a protein linked to alzheimer's in the brains in blood samples of the lab mice. >> to the money crisis now and a look at how foreign markets are doing today. asian stock markets were mixed. the nikkei lost 1.38%. hong kong's hang seng lost 1.2%. the shanghai gained 1.18%.
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to wall street now where the dow futurers pointing to a negative opening this morning. on the previous trading day, on thursday, the dow lost 223 points closing at 8280. the nasdaq lost 49 points, closing at 1796. >> news 4 is helping to find jobs for you. this morning hca dominion hospital, a psychiatric facility in falls church, is looking for the best nurses and health care professionals. interested? go to and search jobs 4 for you. another hour of "news 4 today" is coming up. d.c. council member and former mayor marion barry arrested over the weekend. hear his reaction to these latest charges. >> also ahead this morning, new details in the murder of former baltimore ravens quarterback steve mcnair. some new pictures of mcnair and the 20-year-old woman found with him have now hit the inter net. >> plus, what you should expect when you head out the door this morning. weather and traffic on the 1s is coming up next. stay with us. rm
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right now at 6:00 a.m., marion barry arrested. what the council member and former mayor is accused of doing and his reaction to the charges. >> the hottest tickets around. only a handful of people got them. thousand lucky ones found out they are going to the michael jackson memorial service. >> and president obama touched down in moscow just moments ago as he makes a major visit that could prove to be crucial to u.s. relations with hush ya. good morning, everyone. welcome. i'm barbara harrison. >> good morning to you. i'm joe krebs. welcome back after a long holiday weekend. let's take a look outside right now this morning at 6:00, the
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sun just came up a little while ago. there it is just over the horizon on this sixth day of july, 63 degrees. a beautiful day. we had a wonderful weekend. >> we certainly did. i think it was nice weather along the east coast, wasn't it, tom? >> certainly much cooler than average yesterday, highs only in the mid and low 70s on sunday. that's about 15 degrees colder than average for july. it's ctalyin going to slytay conerha t average tgahainoday o this monday morning. good morning. nothing on radar now. we have no precipitation around the region. a clear sky here. we do have some patchy dense fog, though, just to the west of washington around the blue ridge and shenandoah valley, too, so watch out for that. that should be burning bff oy mid-morning. lots of sun today. definitely need sun block to avoid a serious sunburn. by mid-afternoon, highs in the mid-80s with low humidity and a fresh northwest breeze. our sunset will be at 8:36, a clear night tonight with a big, full moon. temperatures in the 70s through the evening. 60s by dawn tomorrow. it looks like we'll have a few clouds around then. a look at the tuesday forecast. that will be in ten minutes
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coming up at 6:11. >> with all that sun, folks are going to need the foster grants or their chanels, whatever people are wearing. a lot of sunglasses out there these days. >> i just put on my foster brooks. >> used to be able to just say foster grants, right? >> that's right. half those names you mentioned i never heard of. they don't carry them in my drugstore. see how we are doing, as the rush hour kicks into high gear. headed for downtown, so far, so good. no worries into or out of the district. pennsylvania avenue, as you make the trip to and across the sousa bridge. elsewhere, a little gander over route 50 westbound from the eastern shore for those of you coming back from the long holiday weekend, moving along well. no worries at the wilson bridge and 270 we're okay. back to you. >> i think the last sunglasses i had were about this big. you get them at the party store.
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>> tom says we forgot ray ban. we begin this hour with a story you saw first on 4, dooepg councilman andormer mayor marion barry was charged with stalking a woman over the holiday weekend. this morning barry is expected to speak out about the incident. megan mcgrath joins us live from anacostia park. there appears to be more to the story than meets the eye, at least several different stories to tell. >> reporter: yeah, there's a lot of information that we still don't know, and there are varying accounts of exactly what happened. the u.s. park police have one version of how things unfolded. the woman at the heart of the complaint, donna watts, has her own version. and then, of course, there's the account being told by marion barry. we are expecting to hear more about that later on this morning. a press conference is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. the councilman will be speaking to the press at that time. now, this happened about 8:45 saturday night, the fourth of july. u.s. park police say that a woman flagged down an officer patrolling anacostia park near good hope road.
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police say donna watts pointed at barry who was in another car and said barry was stalking her. he was taken into custody and charged with misdemeanor stalking. however, in an interview with news 4, donna watts tells a different story. she says she didn't flag anyone down, that barry was pulled over for a traffic violation. meanwhile a spokesperson for barry denies the allegations altogether. she says that watts is a personal friend of the councilman, that he has helped her both personally and financially, that they had actually had lunch earlier that same day and that the councilman was not stalking her. again, we are eecting to hear from marion barry himself on exactly what happened later on today. beer ae also going to hear coming up in the next half hour from barry's spokesperson. back to you, barbara, joe. >> can't wait for more details. thank you, megan. >> marion barry has a long history of legal troubles. while he was mayor you recall back in 1990 he was videotaped smoking crack cocaine in a hotel room during an fbi sting.
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he served six months in prison. in 2006, barry got a ticket for operating a vehicle with a suspended driver's license. that year judge sentenced him to three years of probation for not filing his federal and d.c. tax returns. the former mayor's probation was extended back in may after prosecutors said he failed toy mele his 2700esax t on ti. ay>>sth > it 4 wws ne nd a ndnbcwashim to e n.r erth v tehi o tstn sory. r hedainom c ugr p at 6:30 lst eec hxpo tr feawerom ci uncolman barunerat lshi t g in we'g llringou y houis comments on "news 4 midday" beginning at 11:00. >> president barack obama and the first family arrived in russia just a few minutes ago. the president is in moscow to meet with russian president trim tri medvedev. today will mark the first summit between u.s. and russian leaders in seven years. both leaders have expressed a desire to repair the relationship between the two nations and to cut nuclear arsenals. the current agreement to the
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1991 arms control treaty expires in december. the president will also travel to italy and ghana during his week-long trip overseas. he will have more -- or we will have more on his trip coming up in a live report at 6:30 this morning. ousted honduran president manuel zelaya made an unsuccessful attempt to return to his country last night. the runway at the honduran capital international airport was blocked, which forced zelaya's plane to divert to nicaragua. the exiled president is trying to return to honduras and recapture power after a military coup forced him out. zelaya is vowing to try again today or tomorrow. >> now to the plans to celebrate the life of michael jackson. anxious fans around the world found out just a short time ago whether they will be able to attend his memorial service. those two are -- those two that you see there are among the lucky few chosen to be part of tomorrow's service in l.a.
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more than 1.6 million people signed up to try to get tickets to the service. only 11,000 will be allowed, though, in the staples center. another 6,500 will be able to watch from the nokia theater across the street. leanne gregg has more now on the preparation for this massive memorial. >> reporter: fans from around the world will fill the same arena where michael jackson spent his last nights rehearsing for his comeback tour. 1.6 million signed up for the random drawing of 17,500 tickets to the memorial service. the lucky ones will be able to collect their tickets today after this e-mail notification went out sunday telling them they had won. some will get a seat in the staples center, others at an adjoining theater for a simulcast. >> you can see why this is so amazing for us to be a part of history and to be there for a man who we've admired for really everything that he's done in terms of entertainment. >> reporter: a service expected to be in part a concert tribute.
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>> there's a lot that we still don't know about what's going to happen at the memorial. >> this is a major challenge to put together thousands of celebrities and thousands of regular people. >> reporter: as preparations continue, law enforcement is bracing for the onslaught of fans. as for the investigation, detectives have executed search warrants and want to talk to at least five doctors to try and determine if prescription drugs played a role in jackson's death. but the focus tomorrow will be on the service, the pop legend's contributions and the celebration of his life. leanne gregg, news 4. >> the vice president says that the president's administration made a mistake when it comes to the economy. find out what he was referring to. that's coming up. >> also ahead, tragedy at the so-called happiest place on earth. find out how a disney world worker was killed over the weekend. >> and new details out about the murder of former baltimore raven quarterback steve mcnair.
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when it feels like a bazillion degrees, i just take a sip of my coffee coolatta from dunkin' donuts. and suddenly i'm invigorated with a burst of icy refreshment. chill yourself
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with a coolatta for $1.99. america runs on dunkin'. this is about a new, more efficient luxury hybrid continuing to produce 70% fewer smog-forming emissions while delivering greater power. a fact not lost on the world around us. the all-new 2010
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lexus rx hybrid. here is today's news 4 bargain blast. bring arideno t y talour b locen store today and get a free sundae on a monday.rr >>ll all d s ldaong,reau aesn y e, o gneet free. only one deal per customer but
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enough to share if you get two. welcome back. >> welcome back to everybody. 6:11 is our time. time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> les talk to tom kierein about the weather. what can we expect today, tom? >> back to work and summer school on this monday morning. a clear sky, temperatures are fresh and cool, down into the 60s and 50s around the region now. a little patchy dense fog to our west and north. highs mid-80s with lots of sunshine. tonight should be mostly clear. l low humidity in place today and tomorrow. a look at the rest of the week and the weekend. that will be in ten minutes at 6:21. jerry, how's our traffic at this hour? >> good morning. we'll head south to take a look at northbound traffic along i-95 as you begin the commute out of triangle. a couple vehicles stopped on the shoulder here, but naul all looks like we're moving well as you gibegin the commute to poin
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north. dulles green way, dulles toll road doing okay. no real issues at the wilson bridge. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thanks, jerry. our time is 12 minutes after 6:00, 63 degrees the current temperature. up next, how you can find a job and help brighten the lives of people during a very tough time. it's part of our jobs 4 you report. >> also ahead, it was tiger's tournament but it's what he did after he won that you won't want to miss. back in 90 seconds. fresh, fresh, fresh. really fresh!
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come into your local giant today for mouthwatering fruits and vegetables, all at prices you can handle. like whole seedless watermelon, just $3.88 each. only at giant. steak, chickenribs, and burgers on the grill. at giant, you'll find fresh, delicious quality meats at prices that sizzle -- like super g split chickebreast, just 99 cents a pound. only at giant.
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our time is 6:14. time to take a look at some of the top stories. d.c. councilman marion barry is expected to make a public statement later this morning about his arrest on stalking charges. the u.s. park police arrested him on saturday after a woman reportedly flagged down an officer and complained that barry was stalking her. barry's spokesperson called the charges baseless. president obama touched dow in moscow just a few minutes ago. there he'll meet with the russian president. this is the first summit between u.s. and russian leaders in seven years. both presidents have expressed a desire to repair the relationship between the two nations and to cut nuclear arsenals. more than 8,000 michael jackson fans have received an e-mail telling them that they have won tickets to tomorrow's memorial service. 1.6 million fans registered online for the free tickets. the memorial will be held at the staples center in los angeles.
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vice president biden says the obama administration misread the depth of the economic troubles it inherited. in an interview with abc news yesterday, biden says the administration expected the stimulus plan to hold unemployment below 8%. it currently, though, stands at 9.5%. biden says new jobs will be created in the long term, thanks to the nearly $800 billion stimulus, and he would not say whether the white house will call for a second stimulus package. >> new today, a federal judge has approved general motors' plan to sell most of its assets to a new company. the ruling should clear the way for the automaker to quickly emerge from bankruptcy. the sale will allow the o automaker to leave behind many of its costs and liabilities. hundreds of different parties filed objections, including consumer groups who argue that people injured in older gm cars won't be able to hold the company responsible. our jobs 4 you report today focuses on a company that has
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openings for caregivers for patients helping those near the end of theirs lives. kimberly suiters met up with two sisters who were inspired to start a business on the last day of their mother's life. >> reporter: she was 77 years old, dying of cancer, and to the grandkids, all 17 of them, s was mia. >> the first day she was in the hospital she said, "the walls are closing in on me and i can't stay here." she was just having her first round of chemo. >> reporter: the walls, like most medical facilities needed cheer, so mia's twin daughters brought home to the hospital. >> it makes all the difference, putting pictures in. >> reporter: they crafted uplifting scenes to transport their mom to gardens, beaches, even an imaginary cruise. >> we put the whole theme of hawaii, the big ships, had pictures of her with my dad. you know, she had a bikini on and stickers and the big flowers and, you know, having a sip of a margarita. and she just felt like that that was her big trip.
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>> reporter: it was mia's last big trip. she died the next morning. and the moment her daughters began to dismantle her collage, the concept of "caring walls" came to them. >> the nurses came in, said, please do not take this down. we love it. we'll take it down, but we just need it up, you know, for the rest of the day to remember your mom. >> reporter: now kitty and betsy create collages for other families, ronald mcdonald houses, the mayo clinic and capital hospice in arlington. >> we're very interested in the story. i think that's the other thing about the wall is behind every one of those pictures and names is a story. >> reporter: stories, she says, connect families to loved ones, nurses to patients and patients to each other. >> people have gone through this journey before you. people are going through the journey. people in the future will go through the journey. so then you don't really feel so alone, i don't think. >> reporter: mia's family knows. these walls don't have to talk to say so much. >> we put a lot of love into it and we're not looking to get a whole bunch back.
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we just want to spread the joy. >> reporter: in arlington, kimberly suiters, news 4. >>he average cost of a caring wall is $24. if you want to know more about them or if you've ever considered a career in hospice care, the are job openings. news 4 has contacted 16 hospice centers around the region and half of them are hiring right now. you n find out more about them by going to joe? >> six juveniles are back inside a youth detention center in laurel. the teens escaped the new beginnings youth center shortly before 3:00 yesterday afternoon. they were recaptured a short time later. officers searching the b-w parkway saw six young people who matched the escapees' descriptions. this is the second time inmates have escaped from that facility in the past month. well, former nfl quarterback steve mcnair's death has now been ruled a homicide. the 36-year-old mcnair was shot
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four times, twice in the head. the body of sahel kazemi, the 20-year-old woman he was dating, was found with him at his nashville condo on the fourth of july. she had been shot once in the head and a pistol was found under her body. tmz just released these photos of mcnair and the woman. it shows them parasailing together at some kind of a beach getaway. the retired four-time pro bowler played most of his career with the tennessee titans. mcnair was married and had four childr. well, 13 proved to be a very lucky number for tiger woods at his own tournament yesterday. and one national is headed to his first all-star game. hakem dermish has that and store in this morning's sports minute. >> good morning, everyone. your sports minute begins with the final round of the at&t national where tiger woods won his own tournament at 13 under par, beating hunter mahan by one stroke. tiger woods had some fun. tiger the host interviewing
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tiger the winner. >> as host i always wanted to do this, okay, so bear with me. so, tiger, how did you play today? well, you know, it was a tough day. got off to a slow start, but hunter really put the pressure on us. did he really? boy, shot 62. what did you think about that? well, that was -- i always wanted to do that. thank you. >> tiger woods, quite a character. in tennis, roger federer is king of the court. federer defeated andy roddick in an epic wimbledon final that lasted nearly 4 1/2 hours. federer made history winning a record 15th major title. in baseball, nationals' third baseman ryan zimmerman was selected to his first all-star game. zimmerman responded in his first at-bat yesterday, sparking the nats to a 5-3 victory against the braves. that's your sports minute. i'm hakem dermish. have a great day. >> i'm sure tiger any problem getting a job as a sportscaster. >> i'm sure he would not.
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no, he would do fine. i think he's doing better where he is. let's go to tom kierein now, time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> hey, tom. >> hi. sun's up in a clear sky over washington. it's cool temperatures, only near 60 degrees now. farther to our west, just in the 50s where some dense fog has formed. the rest of the y, lots of sun, highs reaching mid-80s. the fog will be dissipated by mid-morning. tomorrow, partly cloudy, upper 80s. low humidity in place today, tomorrow, all the way into thursday. highs in the 80s wednesday and thursday. then friday into the weekend turning more humid and hot are. highs near 90 friday, saturday and sunday. there's a small chance of afternoon thundershowers saturday and sunday. as we get into next weekend. jerry, good morning. how's the monday commute? >> good morning, everyone. monday commute's doing pretty well. take a live look, see how we're doing top side of the capital beltway, outer loop closest to us here from new hampshire av gueo teorge avenue looking good here.
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might find sunshine delays here. 95 northbound, dumfries up, incident-free. 66, the cotoll road, so far, so good. back to you. >> thanks very much. our time 6:23, 63 degrees. coming up, we're on the scene moments after a small plane crashed in virginia. >> plus, what could be changing on your facebook page. details coming up. >> but first, here's your liz "on the money," money saving tip of the day. >> health care is expensive. parade magazine has this tip to lower your health care bill. strike a deal with your doctor. tell your doctor your budget is tight but you'll certainly pay what you can. try to arrange a payment plan and ask for a discount for cash. many doctors will work with patients. i'm liz crenshaw, "on the mone
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the distance from the field to your table just got shorter. because at safeway there's always freshly picked... local produce at great prices. it's 100% guarante... to be fresh and ripe, every time. so hurry in for delicious goodness, all right down the street. that's ingredients for life. that's safeway. right now, get northwest sweet red cherries -- just $1.99 a pound with your club card. safeway just lowered the price of summer.
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at suntrust, we help youanage your money at home. and make it easy when you're away. and where ever you go, atm fees won't follow. get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today suntrust. live solid, bank solid. maybe you want to knock off early today. sun's kind of strong. [ sizzling ] i don't know... i feel pretty good! let's try to finish it off. working in the hot sun. with the legendary taste of dunkin' donuts coffee on ice, you kin' do it. america runs on dunkin'. ve lin up our afternoon with a small coolatta for only $1.99 today.
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facebook is making changes to its privacy options. the changes will allow users to share as much or as little information as they want. for the first time users will be allowed to make their information available to anyone on the web. that move is expected to -- for facebook to compete with fast-growing social messaging site >> the monorail at walt disney world remains closed this
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morning after a deadly collision over the weekend. two monorail trails crashed around 2:00 sunday morning, killing a 21-year-old train operator. disney said it was the first fatal crash in the monorail's 38-year history. the couvictim worked at the par part time. the other train operator was uninjured but was taken to the hospital because he was emotionally shaken. five park guests were treated on the scene. the alleged miami cat killer will be arraigned in court today. 18-year-old taylor weinman faces burglary and animal cruelty charges. he's accused of mutilating and killing 19 cats in one miami neighborhood. weinman has been under house arrest and is undergoing psychiatric counseling twice a week. >> our time right now is 6:27. much more ahead in our next half hour of "news 4 today." president obama touches down in moscow on an important trip for relations with russia. we'll have a live report. >> reporter: d.c. councilman and
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former mayor marion barry in trouble with the law again. he's been charged with stalking a southeast woman on the fourth of july. i'm megan mcgrath. a live report coming up. >> and thousands of michael jackson fans picking up their tickets as the city of los angeles gets ready for a massive memorial service. we'll have a preview for you. stay with us. we're back in two minutes.
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welcome back at 6:30. making news right now, marion barry getting ready to address
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charges of stalking a woman after he's arrested over the holiday weekend. >> it's the hottest ticket in town. millions wanted one, but only a few lucky ones got them. we'll have a preview of the memorial service for the king of pop. good morning, everyone. welcome. i'm barbara harrison. >> good morning to you. i'm joe krebs. let's take a live look outside this morning at 6:30 on this 6th day of july 2009. 63 degrees. a lot of beautiful, brit sunshine out there this morning. looks like we -- well, we'll hope for another wonderful day here in the nation's capital. >> the person who can tell us if we're going to get one is tom kierein sitting right here with his forecast. good morning. >> a wide variety of weather. a clear sky here in washington but off to our west, some very dense fog, but no precipitation, nothing on radar at this hour, no rain around the region. but there is some dense fog in the shenandoah valley and arnd th e blue ridge, in the rural anyl and virginia west andanthorin nf ote5.taf t9 nd than onshgtin,ountoiou p ss stea td nd aheteas e srnho, 't de er h dny fo ag. re aerinrelyco ,ol
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on .y 3n iinshwagt n ionhepp uer0s0sow nn i nc pgomery, fairfax, on ofirgia aar md ylan n ily t0sheepxc ethtou sner la esdou t bhe.ay thre biahe theesat l t esvisitili is. timile epibrois vilyt ais cupeeplpr, riarur hsondsog a martinsburg and frederick. near loudoun county, too, some dense fog reports coming in from there. so, the morning fogd sulhobe edssat ipul bymid-morning. by noon, lots of sunshine, near 80. during the afternoon, sunny, mid-80s, low humidity. you definitely need the sun block. sunset at 8:36. a look at tonight and tomorrow, that will be in ten minutes at 6:41. >> thank you, tom. >> let's go to jerry edwards now and the news 4 traffic network. any traffic problems, jerry? >> just getting word of one accident headed for downtown 295 northbound newer the sewellman mark way. we'll head over, see what else is happening. on route 50 we're okay. looks like we're okay on i-70
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both ways. >> thank you. >> thanks a lot. in just a few hours, marion barry is expected to speak out about his arrest this past weekend. >> barry is charged with stalking a woman on the fourth of july but there may be more to this case. news 4's megan mcgrad joins us live from southeast with the strange details of the story. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. there are differences in the accounts of what happened. the u.s. park police say things unfolded one way. the woman at the heart of the complaint, donna watts, has a different version of what happened. and councilman marion barry has his own account. we're expected to hear from marion barry himself later on this morning in a press conference scheduled for 10:00 a.m. this all happened at 8:45 saturday night. the fourth of july. u.s. park police say a woman flagged down an officer who was patrolling an anacostia park near good hope road. police say donna watts pointed at barry, who was in another
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car, and said he was stalking her. barry was charged with misdemeanor stalking. a spokespersonor barry denies the allegations. she says watts is a personal friend of the councilman, that he has helped her personally and financial financially, that they even had lunch the same day. she says the allegations of stalking are true. >> it's our hope that the charges that council member barry faces today will be dropped or, if nothing more, that the truth of the matter re p iurn re la cooft awof ep rr:>>teor in annt iewvier wisthew n, 4te dnaon wts gative ha wher accoun ot f edha enpp. e sa, e,otqu i didn't fla andoyo ne.wn .i didot nil fe f charge olth peiced plemulhe t over. potd gleul ororle f f a a tffic vin,olioat and he tried to cut me off. so a number of different accounts of exactly what happened. again, we are expected to hear from marion barry himself on his version of what happened later on today at 10:00 a.m. during the press conference. we'll have that at 11:00.
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to u. khau, tyo mega th ks thgame n. u to stayit wh 4 onneor fdwabcgt ninomsh.c rythveese at t loront his storon erhavethno updateefeor th .e castndur o o aec a etxp toea homr fr ci ryat l terlms anrng e'in wdngll ri bouis y hri comments on "news 4 midday" at 11:00 this morning. >> investigators are still trying to figure out what caused a deadly house fire in prince george's county. it happened on saturday night on wheeling avenue in upper marlboro. when firefighters arrived they were forced to retreat after part of the roof collapsed. two bodies were pulled from the burning home. one was found in the first floor, the other in the basement. the identities of the victims have not been released prince george's county fire officials are waiting for autopsy resul to determine exactly how the people did died. at least one person is dead after a small plane crashed in rock bridge county, virginia. the pilot reported losing an exterior panel shortly before yesterday's crash. the plane went down around 10:00 in the morning on a farm owned by virginia tech. ftengle ee inrarcadaift
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be i jotsayro w fmnew nseer to tamp lndid aa, w ur i ingo ldn hbncatlyg ascrase tithh.f >>ht>igow r nre n pdebant o pmas in moscow to meet with russian president dmitri medvedev. air force one touched down just a short time ago. there's word the two will announce progress on arms control. brooke hart is following details of the president's trip from capitol hill where she joins us live now with more. brooke, good morning to you. >> reporter: good morning, joe. the whole obama family landed in russia just a little over an hour ago. besides the broad agreement on arms cuts that you mentioned, the two leaders are also expected to announce creation of a commission to improve relations that have soured in recent years. arriving in moscow today, president obama begins two days of meetings. before leaving he previewed his message to russian president medvedev and the people. >> we want to deal as equals. we are both nuclear super powers. with that comes special
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responsibilities. >> reporter: the two leaders will announce progress on arms control, specifically cutting the number of nuclear warheads, securing nuclear material at sites across russian territory has been a priority for both countries. >> we know that people are trying to get their hands on this material. we get it through our intelligence community. >> reporter: but issues remain in replacing the arms control treaty that expires in december. russia wants the u.s. to scrap plans for a missile defense system in iron europe, something russians see with suspicion. >> we obviously have areas of difference. i would cite missile defense as a big one. >> reporter: americans, too, have become more wary of russia. just 29% see russia as an ally, compared with 52% four years ago. putin formed ties with ahmadinejad and resisted pressure on north korea and nato's expansion. as president obama received a personal take on a traditional russian doll, he said he wants
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to reset the u.s./russian relationship. just last week, russia offered its air space to flights of u.s. troops and weapons into afghanistan. and the president hopes the i shall uf arms control helps to open more agreement elsewhere. after moscow, the president heads to italy where he'll have an audience with the pope. then it's to ghana in africa, out theed by some as a model of democracy. back to you. >> 6:38 is our time now. it is 68 degrees in washington. hear from some lucky michael jackson fans who will be in attendance for tomorrow's memorial service. >> how the push to recognize gay rrma gehes in ts district is in
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> >>here's a news 4 bargain loast for you.> oking torintut oou yutr fourth of july photos? ilcv w lsl etlou pntyrian mfan th forfree. the cvs photo center is offering 50 riee psf i puyo u ugnsip for a ngnew photo cente accot online. just visit to sign up. >> 6:41 the time. time for traffic and weather on the 1s. >> let's go to tom kierein in storm center 4. tom? >> the air smells sweet and clean on this monday morning. good morning. low humidity. we've got bright sunshine, but just to our west, west of interstate 95, many areas patchy dense fog this morning and much cooler.
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only in the low and mid-50s there. it's near 60 in montgomery, fairfax, prince george's county and washington, southern maryland, around the bay n the eastern shore it's in the mid-60s. by 9:00, low 70s with lots of sun. by noon, near 80. mid-afternoon, mid-80s. lots of sunshine. definitely need sun block today. great weather for outdoor work and recreation. and tonight, mostly clear. tomorrow, partly cloudy, low humidity again. light breezes, highs back into the 80s. and a pleasant day. a look at the rest of the week and the weekend in ten minutes. jerry, how's our traffic? >> a quiet morning out there. take a live look, see how we're doing along i-95 northbound. there's the hov lanes, there's southbound traffic. nothing to worry about except the sunshine so far this morning. elsewhere, take a peek and see how we're doin the trip south along i-270, a little bit of volume but all in all, generally speaking from hyattstown all the way to the split looks like we're moving better than normal so far. barbara and joe, back to you. >> thank you, jerry. it is 6:42.
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63 degrees. we're following new details in our big story this morning, marion barry arrested over the weekend. we'll have the late necessary just a few minutes. >> plus, we're watching a developing story this morning. find out why more than 100 protests interrogatories have been killed during demonstrations in china. stay with us. back in two minutes. xxñcóó?/t7t70$
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could someone toss me an eleven sixteenths wrench over here? here you go. eleven sixteenths... (announcer) from designing some of the world's cleanest and most fuel-efficient jet engines... to building more wind turbines than anyone in the country... the people of ge are working together... creating innovation today for america's tomorrow. thanks! no problem!
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now to a developing story out of asia. 140 people have been killed and another 800 hurt during rioting in western china. it started with a large protest against the death of two ethnic muslim factory workers in southern china last month. demonstrators then began confronting police, attacking houses and burning cars. officials say violence in under control now, but traffic has been ordered to stay off the stoet ts protectga t astinst he mofur rtun.strest > >>reea> ydl vncyleioenle aftaghisann. keled thiiv wilns kmo rning inuideciom bbde 14kt ther o wsede unwoun
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baouped e neidnatse ek acttmeca as ausho tanhof o m aarn ibo ngheingri ce minedprntouajnt mor pose aieagtht taof liban. ce slideay aciuiciac arkett detonated a car bomb near the gates of the airfield. >> thousands of michael jackson fans will be taking some time off from work after winning tickets to tomorrow's public ials rilolen they'll need to pick up their s tietckineretnsonnd a be fitted a special wrist the measures are in place to elle s m fngli theirng tickets. more than m on 1lisil.6an f sianed up to win a pair of the tiets 17,500 were being stributed. tietck holders say they fee et honoe d brtto paa of history. >> overwhelming to think that we're going to be ailing to be there, to help celebrate his life with his other fans and his family, such a momentous occasion. >> not clear exactly how this could happen but it looks like some are trying to profit from this. last night, one set of tickets
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was reportedly lted on ebay for $20,000. well, the district is poised to start recognizing gay marriages performed in other states today, but opponents are vowing to continue their fight to ban same-sex marriage in the district. news 4's tracee wilkins joins us live from outside the wilson building in northwest washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. yes, the district is closer t mizing same-sex marriages per pormd in other injures kickingses. the law has overcome yet another hurdle on its way to being mized here. the d.c. council passed the bill 12-1 back in may, wanting to recognize same-sex marriages here in the district but opponents sought a stay from a superior court judge in hopes of keeping the law from going into effect. the judge denied their request, saying simply disagreeing with same-sex marriage is not a strong enough reason to hold up enacting a law. the law is supposed to take effect today, but according to "the washington post," the effective date may be dlid while the law awaits congressional
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approval. opponents say they plan to file an appeal to have the law overturned. it's expect thad the d.c. council will eventually try and enact a law to have same-sex marriages performed here within the district proper. i'm tracee wilkins. back to you. >> thanks very much. >> a big development this morning in gm's battle in bankruptcy and major electronics retailer's going green. cnbc's courtney reagan joins us live with those stories and more. good morning. >> reporter: hi. good morning. futures look like they're going to kick us off lower. wall street, of course, coming back from the holiday weekend with no trading on friday. so it could be a bit of carryover from thursday's employment report which showed that 467,000 jobs were lost last month. that was more than forecast. investors are also gearing up for earning season. it fishingly kicks off on wednesday with alcoa's results. so far, markets around the world were lower overnight, and europe is in the red as well. the economic calendar this week
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is a bit lighter with reports on jobless claims, import prices and the trade deficit, but today we'll get a read on health of the nation's services sector. the dow's at 8280 after falling 223 points on thursday. the nasdaq lost 49 to settle at 1796. well, general motors clears a major hurdle in its bid to emerge from bankruptcy. a judge has approved the automaker's plan to sell the bulk of its assets into a new company. the u.s. government had given gm until friday to get court approval or risk losing financial support. and chrysler has named a final numbers to its post-bankruptcy board of directors. the board is made up of people chosen by fiat, the u.s., canaan governments as well as the uaw. best buy is going green and wants to drive that point home. the electronics retailer has reportedly begun selling electronic scooters -- electric scooters, rather, and segways at several stores in california, oregon and washington state.
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the site will also offer an electric motorcycle this summer that goes for about $12,000. you can plug it in. back to you. >> okay. thank you very much. have a great day, courtney. >> reporter: thank you. you, too. >> there's some good news about gasoline prices. experts think that we have already seen the peak gas price for this summer. that was become in june when the national average hit $2.69 per gallon. right now a gallon of regular gas across the country is averaging $2.61. here in th district drivers are paying $2.68, though. in maryland around $2.54. in virginia it is $2.48. >> let's talk about the weather a little bit with tom kierein now. he's brought us a beautiful morning, a great weekend, too. >> it was really unusually cool yesterday. about 15 degrees cooler than the average high at reagan national. only got to 3. in fact, that was only two degrees above the record cool maximum temperature for the date. high only 73 yesterday, and this morning it's off to another cool start. a little light fog in the air
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around washington. we've got a clear sky here. temperatures only 63 at reagan national. we do have some dense fog just though, wtest of interstate 95, arhend talur r t nd a virginia, some dense fog, but no precipitation on radar. it is certainly cool just out in how often did you know county, frederick county, prince william and fauquier, only in the mid-50s this morning. montgomery, fairfax, prince george's near 60. a bit warmer in southern maryland. temperatures there in the mid-60s. weather watchers reporting some dense fog around the blue ridge and shenandoah valley. the visibilities there are near zero in martinsburg, under 1/2 a mile in winchester, near zero around harrisonburg and culpepper. elsewhere, visibilities have dipped down to about a 1/4 of a mile. generally, montgomery county, fairfax, five to ten mile visibility. are you traveling today? could be some flight delays, storms across the south land,
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florida, into south texas. and maybe some rain for the pacific northwest, some storms for far northern new england. elsewhere, no flight delays for today. now for us around our part of the world, we've got a northwest flow keeping in the low humidity and it's going to be here for the next couple of days. this northwesterly flow with the winds around 5 to 15 throughout the day today will keep it very comfortable. stalled front to our south, thoughremand sy ceatome showers down in carolinas but not here. we'll have lots of sun. that fog dissipating by mid-morning. by 9:00, into the low 70s. by noon near 80. by mid-afternoon, you definitely need the sun block if you are eoing to be at the beach or pool. yes, that sun will be up in a clear sky. the hheunst sng s ale could create a quick burn without proper protection. highs mid-80s today with low a humidity. a beautiful evening tonight. bright, full moon estempurat in the 70s through the evening. by dawn, low and nid 60s with a few clouds around. partly cloudy on tuesday, highs reaching the mid anderpp0 u 8s.r still not very humid. low humidity still in place,
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wo, or fednesday and again on thursday. morning lows low 6or0s. rnten highs in the low and mid-80s both of those days. a slige crn hanc of a thundershower late on thursday. thay frid, satday andun sday winds softnt i s the south/southwest. that will tap heat and humidity. that will nee ip on friday, satuay i and sund. in fact, quite steamy on peesally, highs near 90 that daype but upper 80s friy in sunday, morningd lowsn i th 60s to near 70. so far, whave escaped the big heat and humidity. in fact, this year we've had only three days over 90 degrees. usually we've had about 10 or 12 by now on average. >> certainly has been comfortable, and wet so our ground table must be -- >> oh, yeah, it's doing well. no problem there. >> thanks a lot. >> i guess that's when it's nice to be considered below average. let's go to jerry edwards now, take a lk at the roads. jerry, any problems? >> nothing really, really major and that is very good news. there's about 1/2 a mile backup 295 northbound at the approach
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to sewell inn parkway. from the west, told did you sun is going to slow you down. that is the case making the trip in along 66 headed for the capital beltway. westbound 66 is looking good. let's see what else is happening. 270 is fine, wide-open from frederick on down. the outer loop of the beltway, minimal delays, if anything at all between college park and silver spring. back to you. >> thank you, jerry. >> thank you, jerry. >> let's take another check of our top stories this morning. d.c. council member marion barry has been charged with stalking a woman. he was arrested saturday night in anacostia park. police say a woman flagged down an officer and complained barry was stalking her. his office calls the accusations baseless. he's scheduled to appear in court on thursday but he's expected to make a public statement about the matter at 10:00 this morning. >> president obama arrived in moscow about an hour ago. he's there for two days of talks with russian president dmitri medvedev. the two are determined to cut their nuclear arsenals and
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repair strained u.s./russian relations. >> 17,500 michael jackson fans who won the chance to attend the singer's public memorial will have to pick up their tickets in person today. they will also be fitted with a special wrist band designed to keep non-ticket holders out of tomorrow's service in los angeles. >> well, apparently some husbands think their wives are a heavy burden. yeah? some don't. and that wasn't far from the truth, though, this weekend in finland. >> won't get into that. that's where wife-carrying championships are held every year. the odd event attracts thousands of spectator as you can see. there they go. boom, boom. a lot of wives come up with novel ways to wrap themselves around their husbands or husbands novel ways to wrap their wives around them. whoa! they have to carry their better halves around an obstacle course. that includesup noops a pool of water. these are the winners or survivors. news 4 morning
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person. her name is donna cooper. she works at the daily grind coffee shop in the winchester me dical center inin wchester, virginia. it's not just the coffee that donna serves up. her colleagues say she always is th wtoe provide worto fs emcoagurent to everyone who stops in. one even said of her, donna is a shining star of cheerfulness ang warmth, which is so needed in the hospital environment. >> congratulations to donna. if you know someone like that, e-mail their story to us. out the door forecast, tom. >> beautiful summer day under way, low humidity, enjoy. afternoon highs in the mid-80s, lots of sunshine, partly cloudy , moowrrstill notyow ver humid. should stay with the low humidity tuesday, wednesday and thursday. great beach and pool weather. highs in the 80s, morning lows in the 60s. but turning hotter and more humid for friday, saturday and sunday. typical july heat and humidity. highs in the 80s to near 90 friday, saturdaynd and sunday. quite steamy, too. that's the way it looks on this
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monday morning, back to work and summer school. >> thank you. let's see if the sun is affecting traffic out there, jerry. >> it is, indeed. coming in from the west, be prepared. it will cost you a couple extra minutes into the sunshine this morning. other than that, relatively calm. >> no make or problems. 270 looks okay. >> good open this morning. >> welcome back, folks. go back to work, i guess. that is "news 4 today." thank you for starting your day with us. >> join us for "news 4 midday." see you tomorrow morning at 4:55 a.m. w
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