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tv   News 4 at 11  NBC  July 7, 2009 11:00pm-11:35pm EDT

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>> tonight, alexandria prepares for a gas give away. you don't have to be a virginia resident. a plane leaving bwi hits a flock
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of bird, passengers hang on as the pilot turns back for the airport.ñrñr taking bow ttox, a product promising better results. we'll start with the farewell to michael jackson. millions watching a memorial in louisiana. poignant performances, stirring words from friends and family, a tearful good-bye from his daughter. jay gray wraps it up for us. >> the kg of pop makes a final curtain call. a memorial that was part church service, part concert. ♪ just call my name ♪ i'll be there ♪ >> and all michael jackson. >> hey!
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>> evidence thauf that the amazing group of all stars that gathered to honor him. >> we need to look up, where he is undoubtedly perched in a crescent moon and we need to smile. ♪ and maybe tomorrow >> the smiles would have to wait as the most poignant tribute was delivered by those who were perhaps closest to him. his brother jermaine singing michael's favorite song. ♪ if you just smile followed by a jackson who had never been on stage, michael's 11-year-old daughter paris. >> ever since i was born, daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine.
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>> with a heartwrenching final good-bye. and i just want to say i love him so much. jay gray, nbc news, los angeles. fans here in the d.c. metro area paused to remember the king of pop. >> i have every album he has. just a big loss. >> a lot of fans took the day off to watch jackson's memorial service with others. outside the white house, fans signed a book of condolences that will be send to the jackson family. fans can also view a window display of jackson memorabilia, at the emma mae gallery, d.c. breaking news out of waldorf, on the scene of a possible drning, a 2-year-old at a drivate pool. child was left with the teenager. th the child apparently woke up
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wandered outside falling into the family pool. the toddler has been taken to the hospital in grave condition. a second jailbreak in just over a month. it has neighbors of a new juvenile detention center frightened. and also has a maryland county executive furious with the district. jackie benson is live in laurel where she uncovered new details about the most recent escape. jackie? >> wendy, news 4 has learned that the six who escaped were among the facility's most serious offenders serving time for crimes that included assault with intent to kill and armed robbery. >> people who live nr the district's new beginnings youth center located on d.c. owned property in anne arundel, maryland, want to know -- is it safe for their families to be so close to a facility from which juvenile offenders keep escaping. >> three young boys like this. definitely concerned. that facility. >> on sunday afternoon.
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6 of the facility's most serious offenders escaped. police located them, less than a mile away behind a sams club and wal-mart complex on route 198, laurel area. the second such incident since new beginnings opened may 29th. the complex was desned to have less restrictive more educational environment than the oak hill prison. no razor wire, no windows, fewer locked doors. a representative with the labor union. >> they may say we build a glass prison. >> at oak hill we knew once we et, put a resident behind ifor they were behind the door. yhee t er w on a unit they were secured. >> in a letter to the d.c. er yor,ar ae lnndeuny cdentou executive, john leopald said --t citizens must have confidence that a juvenile justice facility not subject to supervision by
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maryland authorities is properly monitored and has sufficient security to deter escape. devin tucker who lives nearby with his family agrees. >> my wife is up at the wal-mart every saturday. you know -- i really -- really sent a schil through my body. sent a schil throuchill through. >> there will be a fact finding tour of new beginnings on thursday. wendy back to you. >> jackie benson. thank you, jackie. >> tv production company apologizing for staging a police raid that frightened people in the d.c. neighborhood. four officers stormed the house. guns drawn. and the 300 block of aspen northwest. neighbors weren't told of the raid before it happened last wednesday. to make things worse, the officers were from montgomery county which further bew dered the folks in d.c. montgomery konty police say the production company didn't realize the officers were outside their
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jurisdiction. the crew was filming a cable tv series, called prison wives. with gas prices falling, watching the numbers at the pump can be painful. it won't be an issue for hundreds tomorrow morning. derek ward is live with details of a big gas give away. but alexandria's motorists are improving, at a better rate than motorists in any city in the country over the last few years. >> the average driver in alexandria will go 7.2 years between accidents compared to national average. >> four years ago it was 5.4 years between collisions. all-state says drivers here deserve a pat on the back or
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accurately, a few free gallons in the tank. >> tomorrow, with the free gas give away. starting at 6:00, the signs roll back to 0. >> up to ten gallons of regular. is it deserved? some one who knows firsthand says yes, he has seen some improvement. >> we have a strong partnership with the traffic division of th city. we are working with them to make veprovement to the roadways so hicles are, you know, driven in a safer manner. >> so not to use up all the good will -- [ inaudible ] >> and the curb lane will be closed off outside shirley duke shell, 4600 block of duke. don't even think about camping out to be first in line. >> we will not allow that to happen. >> and you don't have to be from alexandria or all-state customer to take advantage. you have to be there at 6:00 to
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loon up. people here at the gas station to pump your gas. you won the have to get out of your car. live, now back few you. >> derek ward. thank you, derek. ahead tonight, shopping in the district. gets more expensive. a jet leaving bwi, hits a flock of birds and has to make an emergency landing. president obama has a suggestion for russia that could help the u.s. in europe and the middle east. a new product hits the u.s. market, is promising better results than botox. bob, beautiful out there. no botox needed for the sky. >> no not a wren cull inkle in forecast. tell you all about it. lindsay? >> the painful error costs the nationals a run. a call leaves the orioles manager trembling with fury. star power, in the district, venus williams takes center court. news 4 at 11:00 coñw?ww
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fios guy! where ya headed? ah, just installed fios in the whole building. now everyone has the fastest upload speeds. and we're giving them a mini netbook. well, i'm sticking with cable. so's ted. (voice) no i'm not! he's just goofing. (voice) no i'm not! (sighing) ted has betrayed me.
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(announcer) switch to verizon fios tv, phone and internet today and get an ultra-sleek compaq mini netbook. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
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40 bird thisafternoon. one hit the engine. southwest airlines. a flight heading from bwi to providence, rhode island. the pilot declared an emergency, circled back. landed at bwi. no passengers injured. mechanics called in to clean the run way and check the plane. president barack obama is meeting with vladamir putin finished with what some are called mixed results. many believe he is the guy running the country. their talk went better than some expected. but the leaders could not agree on disputed territories between russia and georgia and disagreed a proposed u.s. missile defense system and whether russia should help stop iran's nuclear ambitions. >> the threat from iran's nuclear and ballistic missile programs is eliminated the driving force for missile defense in europe will be eliminated. that is in our mutual interests.
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>> president obama heads to italy for the g-8 summit which starts tomorrow. still ahead -- sarah palin returns to workdays after announcing her resignation as governor. how longer can this beautiful, not-so-humid weather last. bob is back. and with that, coming up. competition for botox, a new toxin hits the u.s. market that may have benefits for all ages. (voice 1) we've detected an anomaly... (voice 2) how bad is it? (voice 1) traffic's off the chart... (voice 2) thpieye 'rnging more targets... (voice 3) isolate... prevent damage...
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(voice 2) got 'em. (voice 3) great exercise guys. let's run it again.
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i got looking tired and
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grumpy. >> she says the age lines on her face were starting to affect her self-esteem. >> you look tired, you feel tired. it kind of brings you down a little built. you don't feel like smiling. >> she decided to take act, but didn't want to use botox and decided to try something new. >> this part is a neurotoxin type a, botulism toxin, same as botox. they have similar type of effects. >> some say this could have benefits that botox doesn't dove. s orctin europe havor been using the wrinkle smoother since 1991. they found t st ineom s,eseca patients using it saw results in two to four days, with botox it can take a week or longer. there has also been reports that it lasts longer up to six months, with botox wrinkles come back in four months. >> some people feel it might give a fooling of a more natural look. by and by, botox is an
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equivalent product. you should realize that physicians in the united states are getting the product. d.c. dermatologist, dr. dale isaacson says it works better in larger areas like the forehead because it disperses differently in the body. botox may be more beneficial like around the lips. right now the products cost the same, ranging $300 to $400 to do one area of the body. but now that botox has a competitor there is speculation it might get cheaper to look younger. >> there may be price wars out there. that may be beneficial to the patient. yet to go ahead and be seen. >> shelly had her injection six weeks ago and says she is already seeing results and that's making her wow. it heflped myself esteem.
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i don't feel 46 and don't think i look 46 from the nose up anyway. >> how is weather looking from the nose up? okay. look up. >> beautiful. and international space station today. and hanging out here a lot these days. and nice, sunny, beautiful day. boy, the low humidity, the high temperature outside. right now with the low humidity. once again. dropped into the 70s. the high, 88 degrees. that was our average. the first average day, average or higher in 11 days. and our temperatures. below average. boy they would love to be seeing it to our south. look at miami. 95 degrees. tied the record today. fort lauderdale, was 97 degrees. boston. 66. buffalo, 67 degrees. the temperature up there is 16 degrees below average. there we were right on the button. lot of spots, as you can see
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around the east, not seeing any, any excruciating heat. but the humidity is really in place down in the southeast. that means the low temperatures down in georgia, florida, will only be into the 70s. and then they have had more showers there. and with spin in the atmosphere. they have had more than showers. they had really violent weather through many areas of new england. look at the line that is finally moving off nantucket, outer cape cod. damage through parts of connecticut, massachusetts, another line, now finally moving through the -- hudson valley. that one is clearing, new england. there is the other line. moving towards waterbury, connecticut, on into bridgeport. and, with those two lines that have been moving through. look at all the reports of either hail -- that is the grown area -- 3/4 inch hail, albany. wind damage reports too. a wild day for parts of the northeast. framingham, massachusetts. over 5 inches of rain. many of the suburbs.
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localized flooding too. moving off tonight. finally they will get a break. will once again have general area of high pressure. nice, nice weather. low humidity with reasonable dew point. we get later into the week. upper level wind begin to turn a little bit more to the southwest. we will see some humidity coming back. we get into the weekend. not tomorrow. not when you get up tomorrow morning. it will be a delightful morning. really refreshing air for now the hottest time of the year as we are moving into the fx four, five weeks. temperatures will be into the low 60s, suburbs. a few spots. into the high 50s. warm, comfortable. uv index as high as we get it here. very, very strong. sunshine, with the blue sky. lather up the sun block. especially for the youngsters. get a nasty burn in minutes. sunset tomorrow. 8:36. once again a nice evening. tomorrow evening. thursday, friday. see a few cloud. still a lot of sunshine.
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but a great week to be on vacation, hasn't it, wendy? >> any week is a good week to be on vacation. even in january. >> saturday. saturday, sunday afternoon. isolated thundershowers. those are really isolated not a general rainy pattern. maybe in the 90s. >> wow. >> three, 90-degree days this summer. >> don't know if we are ready for that. thank you, bob. still ahead. you know he is good enough and people like him. a "saturday night live" alumas his day in congress. 15-year-old girl lands a plane in washington area and makes aviation america, whattaya say to big cheesy-steaky-ness!
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- subway. eat fresh! - eat fresh! when you wanna kick it up with zesty chipotle sauce. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! the flavor-fullest sub only subway can offer. - eat fresh! - eat fresh! try the new subway big chipotle cheesesteak. an updated all-time favorite: juicy steak layered with zesty chipotle sauce...
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and melted cheese, piled high with only... the toppings you love. subway. eat fresh!
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we're talking about -- anyway. that's hilarious. what have you got? >> nationals are waiting for the game to be over. right now in the 8th. last night, nationals, lost 1-0, very unusual. because of the low score, playing at coors field. use the long ball in the thin air with two home runs. nationals blew a 3-1ea after a play in the infield. take you to colorado. second inning. nationals are down 1-0, josh willingham at the plate. gets ahold of the pitch. slams it deep to left field. look at that. that was -- speed on that, huh? willingham's tenth home run of the year. all of them have been with no one on base. how about that for willingham, huh? top of the third inning. two runners on. ryan zimmerman. newly claim all-star. hit to center field. that ball just carries over the wall. a three-run home run. zimmerman's 14th homer of the season.
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now take you to the fourth inning. nationals are up 4-2. zimmerman. fouler. grounder to second. oh. the ball bounces. down goes harris. one runner scores. and safe at first. look at harris. ouch. and here is why he is hurt. ball bounces up. yep. nails him. that's not going to feel good. >> never good. >> got to hurt. cost the nationals a run. harris' first error of the year. nationals, rockies, tied at four. in the eighth inning. seattle we go. mariners, hosting orioles. first inning. luke scott up. got bases loaded. singles to center field. adam jones. and nick markakis. score off this. franklin gutierrez. into the camera well. and stuck at third. umpires would not send him home. running the bases too slow. fired up the manager.
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>> is that what you are telling me? that my guy didn't run hard! you're telling me that my guy didn't run hard! >> wow. you know that means something. when he is going that angry. man, trembley ejected. got his money's worth. orioles down 3-2 early in that one. hat even up. oh, there you go. he is furious. >> world team tennis kicked off in second. appearance in d.c. tonight. star power, venus williams. williams playing for the jokes warm up for team tennis was wimbledon. didn't disappoint. and butler was there taking in the action with his wife, venus williams. definitely the star everybody came out to see. downtown tonight. venus, far court. returning. and makes quick work of the point. the forehand winner there.
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and beat the capitals. and venus won her singles match. women's doubles match. and mixed doubles match. mystics this evening lost to the minnesota lynx in overtime. 96-94. and only a sliver of a second separates lance armstrong from wearing the yellow jersey. today his team won a time trial moving the seven-time champion from third to second place in the tour de france. >> he is unbelievable. >> he is. >> he thought it would be easier this time around. that is surprising him a bit. >> wait till we get to the mountains. gets easy for him. a breeze. coming up next, shopping experience in washington getting a little more expensive. whee!
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happy days are here again. whee! ooh. celebrate summer with giant and enjoy mouthwatering fruits and vegetables at prices you can handle. like sweet cherries, just $1.57 a pound. only at giant. k,eneackbshiri, , and burgers on the grill. people: oh! at giant, you'll find fresh, delicious, quality meats at prices that sizzle. like super g split chicken breast, just 99 cents a pound. only at giant.
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at suntrust, we help you manage your money at home. and make it easy when you're away. and where ever you go, atm fees won't follow. get back to what really matters switch to suntrust checking today
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al franken finally made debut as a united states senator. sworn in following heightly disputed eight month long recount out in minnesota. former vice president, walter mondale escorted franken, joe biden, vice president, swore him in. franken wants to be known as minnesota's second senator not just the 60th vote that could give democrats a so-called filibuster proof majority. in alaska, sarah palin's decision to resign shocked some of her state's biggest politici politicians. the senator tells the hill newspaper he met with palin two days before her announcement. she gave no indication sunny was
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planning to step down as the two discussed state issues to. day was palin's first day at work since announcing. in interviews today she did not rule out a possible presidential run. the cost of grocery shopping in the district will go up a teensy bit. the mayor signed a bill putting a 5 cent tax on every disposable bag used at grocery, drug, liquor, convenience stores. it's mint eant to encourage usi reusable bag and cut down on the litter that end up in the rivers. buy sdmrizarre scene. natalie williams, spokesperson for marion barry, called a press conference during which she made personal attacks against donna watts brighthoff, the woman at the centerñi of stalking charge against barry. well watts-brighthoff showed up at one.shook her head apparently, made comments and left. marion barry was not there.
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a 15-year-old landed at a park today. >> they can do anything that they want to do as long as they put their mind to it. >> kimberly hopes to become the youngest african-american girl to nigh cross-country. took off from california monday. she'll finish her trip in [ cheers and applause ]


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