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tv   News 4 This Week  NBC  September 19, 2010 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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hey. i never experienced nothing like that. i loved it. i reay do. >> i think he knew that -- how good it wa for him. >> man, i had been pressing and pressing. you know. finally did it, man. that's the main thing. >>ust before halftime, though, the offense sputters. theismann looks behind you. sacked. it is a loose ball. kicked around and finally recovered by housn. six plays later, the oilers have six. a two-yard toss from moon to drew hill. the skins led by three going into the fourth quarter. four minutes to play now. oilers fall. third and goal from the 16. moon looking for hill again. the throw is over wilburn and gets to hill. does hill have both feet in? one, does he have two? does he have possession? e officials say that no catch. and this is just one season before instant replay started. >> i have my feet dow a i made the catch of the ball. so i -- i mean, i don't know what else you can do.
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i mean, just have a tough call against us. they are in washington, d.c., they are supposed to be a good team, houston oil zblers i was looking for the call the ugly sign, you know. evidently, the official saw it better than i did. >> one last chancet double redemption. foer skins tony zendejas, 40 yards out. it is good. the skins win ugly, 16-13. >> it has to hurt terribly against the redskins. >> not just the redskins. they would hurt against any team. i mean, anyime have you an opportunity like that, tie the ball game and you don't, you know, it hurts. ironically, the first version of instant replay started the next season in 1986. coaches were not allowed to throw that red flag out tre and challenge. only officials could request a
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review. >> this afternoon the redskins secondary will have his hands full with andre johnson. one of the players who will be called upon to keep the houston passing game at bay, safety reed doughty, always ready for game time. >> one, two, three. >> i like to get on that first team bus and get there a little bit early to the game. to get my mind right, listen to music on the way over o the bus. and just be ready for the game. i don't like to feel rushed getting ready before the game. wive any specific pregame ritual. for me i like to geto the stadium early, like i said and relax a little bit. i always go on the field and
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warm up. i have to be off the field in specific time. that's the one thing i do. i have to be off the field 30 minutes before we go out so i'm ready to go. >> i don't have any specific stretches. i'm not superstitious. i don'do the same thing every single time. in general, do i the same warmup we do pratt and usually catch balls from the coach and every single game to get my mind ready, ritual we do. this isy fifth year in the league. five years post jackson. he knows what i'm about on game day. i li to talk a lot. i catch balls for m. and make sure i'm ready to go. >> what i'm starting or not, running on the field, hearing all those fans cheering, that's when i know is game time.
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>> when we head out on mid field i let the captain, london fletcher, really take hold of the huddle and pump people up. you know, i'm definitely adding into it. especially if it is a big game and trying toet other guys pumped up. >> one, two, three. >> the end zone. after we break right there, say prayer, get ready to rock 'n' roll. >> i'm on starting kickoff or starting kickoff return. that's a good way for me to get contact, to make a big play on special ams and then get ready for defense.
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>> i'm reed doughty. that's how i g ready for game time. >> we will be wrap things up on "redskins game plan" right after this.
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welcome back. that's going to it for "redskins game plan." >> join us tonight after the giants/colts game for aull locker room report. >> enjoy this afrnoon's game. we will see you later. everybody i talk to who's seen our tv
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the parking meter. are coming to old town and they'll take credit cards. drivers will also pay more for parking. the city council's approved the 75 cent rate increase. it means drivers will pay $1.75 pe hour to park. well, we know saving energy is good for the environment, but it's of course aso good for your wallet. and you may not realize that some things around your home are eating up more energy and money than you ealize. liz crenshaw has a quiz from that may help cut down your power bill.
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♪ >> reporter: if the television is on an average of seven hours a day, how much does it cost to run that tv every month? any idea, $12.50, how much a month. >> $17.50. >> porter: the answer is $17.50 a month. here's the next question, what is the family's laest hot water expense? is it doing laundry? doing dishes? bathing? or watering the garden? what's your largest hot water expense? >> bathing. >> reporter: for most households bathing is the single largest use for hot water. now your next question. you have a refrigerator at home, i presume. >> uh-huh. >> reporter: how about this, each additional refrigerator or freezer that you own adds how much to your energy bill every year? $48 to $ 4, $ 4 to $180, $180 to $240 or $240 to $350?
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w much more money does an additional freezer or fridge add your house. >> i think $48 to $84. >> right. >> reporter: actually it's $ 4 to $184 every year. i second freezer or fridge in your garage it pays to plug it it's empty. now to the next question. cooking is usually a small part of the home energy's bill and medium part of your energy bill. or larges part of your heating bill? cooking. >> i say medium. >> reporter: cooking is usually one the smaller expenses. now onto the cost of doing laundry. approximately how much does it cost to dry a load of laundry with an electric dryer? 20 to 30 cents? 30 to 50 cents, 50 or 75 or 75 to a ollar. >> 75 to a dollar? >> reporter:ope only 20 to 30 cents to dry a load of laundry
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in an electric drier. and cheap fer you use a gas drier. >> no way. >> reporter: yh, way. how much does that same load st using hot, hotcycle, 15 cents, 27 cents, 39 cents or 52 cents? >> 15 cents. >> reporter: notven close. it's 52 cents. one load of laundry on the hot, hot cycle. >> it's good to know. >> reporter: yeah what do you use? >> warm. >> reporter: warm. >> one color. >> reporter: okay, got you. >> now we know. coming up the low-down on the d.c. lunch truck that has hundred of folks lining up. and lindsay czarniak finds out why caron butler still considers d.c. h home over
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to me a great fashion story is about taking what's out there and making it work for my readers. at the magazine, 'm all about helping them get the looks for less. that's j.maxx. my assistant says, "isn't that all last season's fashions?" no way! t.j.maxx workseals directly with designers. that's how they can do it. this full-time fashionista... is really a maxxinista! t.j.maxx. check us o on facebook for a chance to win a 500 dollar spping spree! in d.c., there's a new lunchtime trend that's aimed at lobster lovers. you don't need a lot of cash or
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even reservations. but as aaron gilchris found you do need internet access. >> 77. >> reporter: move over maryland crab, the stree of washington are being overrun with lobster love. >> yum. >> reporter: hundreds of people are lining up for a taste of maine on wheels. >> it's like an adventure you never know where they'll be. >> reporter: the lobster truck first rolled into the district this past mmer, stomachs haven't stopped growling since. >> the description of the succulent lobster and the shrimp lls' so enticing. >> it's kind of a novelty to be able to get lobster downtown for lunch. >> it's like lobster crack. >> you can't get enough of it. >> reporter: like so many others here, skip west track, the truck's whereabouts on twitter and facebook, being hailed as a slice of heaven can be as long as two hours. >> growling, i'm about to pass out, need some ter but i just keep thinking i'm almost there.
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i'm ready for it. >>e've got connecticut rolls, shrimp rolls. >> is one of the brains behind this traveling truck. her husband's family started it in new york about two years ago. its success had her asking why should washingtonians miss out? >> finger-looking good. >> huge chochs lobster meat that we very delicately mix with our homemade mayo. our connecticut roll. >> reporter: all of that buttery goodness doesn't come for free, though. lobster rolls run $15 a piece, shrimp rolls 8 bucks. but while you're contemplating whether the price is worth it, you'll get schooled on what you're craving. >> what are we doing in line teaching you about lobster. some music at the fronttruck and i'm just giving out hugs to people which they seem to love. just trying to spread some positive energy here in the d.c. area. >> reporter: and all of that work seems to be payingach my have no idea why it's like a flash mob of people.
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i guess because there really is no other option for lobster like this in d.c. that i know of. i mean, it's sort of alluring, like it's a food cart. it's a food truck, it's aool thing. >> need one connecticut on the fly, correct. >> i do. >> reporter: erin gilchrist, news. >> you are it looks good, red hook lobster goes to various districts. well as delicious as the lobster roll might be, we can all agree there is nothing like a homecooked meal. that was lindsay czarniak's thinking when she decided to catch up with former wizards' star, caron butler, over lunch. she took him to her mother's house to eat and to find out why he still considers washington his home even ter being traded to dallas. >> hello! >> hi. >> how are you? >> good. >> good. great to see you. >> thank you. >> that's caron. >> and your brother. >> nice to meet you. >> so what are you making today? >> we're having fresh tomato
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basil soup. i hope that you like that. >> uh-huh. >> and we're having chicken sandwiches, grilled chicken sandwiches in teriyaki sauc >> uh-huh. >> and then i made some keylime pie for dessert. >> do you le that? >> i'm in. >> training in dallas in february and for you i would imagine it was a good situation, obviously. you go to a playoff contender. it was kind of a fresh page for you, did you fol like, in your career? and what was it like when you actually got there? >> it was fun. getting the warm welcome and you know, going over with guys that i've played with. >> right. brendan and desean. >> desean. and you know at the same time you know i understand that, that was business. >> yeah. >> but just leaving the city that i was so you know accustomed to. >> and because you had moved so much in your career, this had been the place that you had been
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for five years. >> yes. this is what i call home >> yeah. >> and this is the place that i consider truly home. >> the nba put a ban on your -- >> yeah that was -- ah, that was. >> what happened. because the last time that we had lunch together you demonstrated. this is a big part of who you re on the court. >> that hurt me right there. going to dallas, i first -- when we did the trade, the first 9 out of 11 games was on television. and the crowd, the fan, i mention, everybody was just chewing straws. and i think it brought so much attention because the straw thing that you know, the commissioner wasn't having it. i don't want kids out here chewing straws, they choke on the court and something and i was just like i tolly understand. he said you can chute straw just while you're not playing. i said that's cool. >> when you look back at the situation from last seaon a it started off, you know, you antawn jamison, gilbert arenas,
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and then everything falls out. and you and antawn end up leaving. how -- when you look back on that, how shocking is that that that happened to you, and was that something that just kind of left your mind when she moved on, or do you think about it and think about what could had been? >> it was just shocking, you know? but you know, me and -- being a man before anything, like i was just more concerned about, you know, reaching outo gilbert, doing his trying time becaus you know that's -- you know that's the brother. we saw that he was going through a lot. so you know, this -- just looking at what he was going through you know being traded and going to another team and still getting the opportunity to, you know, live your dream and you know do something that you love doing, that was like -- that made that whole thing that much easier. >> gue who came to dinner? >> thank you for coming. a big treat for me. >> thank you.
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>> i hope you enjoyed your lunch. >> i did. >> come back anytime even if lunch is not here. >> you hear that right? >> thank you, buddy. >> the sandwich looked good. i want to see that key lime pie. next a breathtaking nature exhibit that also serves as a big wake-up call. ♪ [ male announcer ] new inventory. ♪ new equipment. new trucks. new hires. ♪ new space. ♪
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new markets. achievement seizes new opportunity. go to to see how we can help your cash flow situation. pnc. for the achiever in us all. there's a stunning exhibit at the national geographic society now. stunning for its photos of rare animals on the brink of extinction. and stunning from a message, it sends about what we're doing to our planet. here's wendy rieger. >> reporter: the mexican gray wolf of the southwestern united states, the beautiful ocelot once vibrant in northern amera earn the saltcreek tiger beetle. photrapher spent two years photographing the endangered and nearly extinct creatures of north america, and his work now
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hangs in the windows of the national geographic society on 17th stre downtown. some, like theusky seaside sparrow arelready gone. the last one died in 1887. it's glassy eyes stair out from a jar. it's florida habitat destroyed by mosquito control and the space program. under each species there's a copper panel. telling us how many are left. some of the nbers appear to be large. the carner blue butterfly h 40,000 left. but that's relative. >> sometimes if it's less than 50,000it's in trouble. because it shows us that things are happening to our environment, to our climate, to our ecosystem that's serious impacts the world. >> reporter: some numbe so low that they're on the verge of extinction. the living dead as some conservationists call them. d too often there is a zero or a question mark. losing one species can have a detrimental effect on other species because they're all
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connected. >> that flower population goes away, that butterfly's going to go away, and we need to be concerned about all of those connections. >> reporter: the signs explain, human development, habittal degregation, hunting, oil pipelines all contribute to the loss of this plant, this animal, this insect. the photographs look outfrom the national geographic so that you can see them as you pass by. lit at night, they become especially beautiful and wanting. species can become extinct over time every million years or so. the consertionists worry that the extinction rate is now coming 1,000 times faster in the past century. this is the colombian basin pig me rabbit of washington state. this was the last one on earth. it has since died. add another zero to the list. >> a lot to think about there. that's all it for "news4 this week" this week. i'm jim handly.
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