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tv   News 4 Midday  NBC  September 24, 2010 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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right now, safety improvements. why you should feel better the next te you ride metro. fa-moving flames may have sparked a raging fire that destroyed three virginia townhomes. and near-record temperatures,hey are making for a hot day. when will relief might finally be on the way? good morning, and welcome to "news 4mid cast. i'm eun yang. firefighters put out a fire after it destroyed three homes. they had to called three alarms because it spread so fast, in the 8300 block of tillett loop in manassas. good morning i elaine. >> reporter: good morning. the atf and fire marshal's office areut investigating the cause. they're saying it's undetermined
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but could have answers next week. firefights remain on the scene, making surell those smoky and hot spots are out. hot spots kept firefights busy all night and all mrning long. i'm never seen something so big. >> kathy keedy is one of the lucky ones. her home had moderate damage, but is salvageable. she was able to escape with her two young children. >> what do i do next? >> reporter: neighbors say the fire started in the backyard, possibly on the deck of a hole on tillet it t loop. firefighters say the wind caused the flames to jump from outs to house. all the homes in the summer lake neighborhood sit close to one another. >> it's very close, but you
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know, the price for when we bought t. that's the temptation, it's a house, but the price was ght at the time. an it's just very sad. >> it took does not of firefighters more than two hours to bring the fire under control. three homes were destroyed, five others damaged. a few pets in one of the homes didn't suive. >> i know several speculative causesand origins have been repord by witnesses. i would not put any credence in that yet, and urge everyone to wait. >> a total of 11 people were dispersed. the fire department wants everyone to know it could next week at the earlier that they may have a caused, and warning that they may never know what caused the fire. >> elaine reyes, thank you.
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police are stillooking for a peaked that ended in d.c. the search is centered an minnesota avenue society near 4 dupont park. pardon of it was shut down near randle circle. prince georges county police say two suspects we involved in an armed robbery on kenworth avenue, then another man stole a car in suitland. police chased both cars into the district where one car stopp and two suspects opened fire on police. they were aested after the shootout. police a now looking for at least one suspect who got away in that stolen car. they are looking for a burgundy 2004 toyota avalon with maryland tags 75460 hv. well, how safe do you feel when you ride metro? the head of the ntsb says you're
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in better hands today than you were tell the of the deadly red line crash. any 4's megan mcgrath has more in northwest washington. >> well, it was just a few months o that the national transportation safety board blasted metro for its safety culture well, now the ntsb has praise for the transit agency and the gainshey have made. metro has made significant safety improvements in the year following the collision that left nine dead. >> thehave done a lot of learning in the last year-plus, and i believe the metro board w very willing to listen to the safety bod after our report was concluded, and they have taken many of those lessons to hard, and they are beginning
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to make many improvements. >> reporter: in an update, the ntsb seo says metro has implemented more than a dozen of the recommendation and is moving in the right direction. just a few months ago, they said the anemic safety culture help set the stage for the crash. improvements include putting a new and experienced safety officer in place. that safety officer reports directly to the general manager. metro has also filled a dozen vacancies in jobs related to safety and set up a hotline where workers can anonymously report safety problems. they're moving forward to replace the 1000 series car that collapsed in the crash. they'll roll out in 2013. while the ntsb has seen progress, how about riders? >> i think it's pretty safe. we haven't heard of any incidents recently. >> reporter you think they have improve >> i don't see any evidence. we haven't had a major
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catastrophe, but it doesn't feel like one is coming down the pipe? >> reporter: you don't feel they have made significant improvements? >> i don't. >> reporter: the general manager says we still have a long way to go. in northwest, megan mcgrath, news 4. you may want to plan some extra time if you're making metro this weekend, expect half hour delays on parts of the orange, blue, yellow and green lines. trains on the orange line will be single trackingto vie ena and the west fal church stations. on the blue and yellow lines you'll be facing between the pentagon city and braddock road stations. there will also be blue line delays between fran konya, and at least 20 minute toss yocommu. we're looking outside. it's 91 degrees.
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can you believe it's 91? the candar reads fall, tom. >> that calendar is directly in the sin, so it's kind of deceptive, but it's uncomfortably warm. this summer of 2010 has become like t out-of-town guests that overstayed their welcome. it's been enough already. this is the last day of the heat wave thankfully. temperatures now around the region, it is near 90 in culpepper county. that's right there in downtown culpepper, around 90. elsewhere temperatures are in the mid and upper 80s. there's a wind off the cooler waters of the potomac. many locations are now into the mid and upper 80s, heading to the mid 90s. we have warmth from the lower great lakes to much of the midwest. we'll have this warmth with us throughout the afternoon, but some relief on he way coming into the midwest. there's a prng triggering showers in michigan, northern
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indiana, central illinois. that front will arriving, but for this afternoon, sunny and hot, the record 94 set on this date back in 1970 will likely tie it or exceed it. by midafternoon with a southwesterly breeze. a look at the release on the way for the weekend and changes with much-needed rain. detai are coming up. >> we'll see you soon. thank you, tom. jim ross has the latest on the traffic. >> good morning, eun. we have some serious accidents out there. we have another one inside the beltway. right now we're looking at the beltway at river road, this is the it inner loop. an accident along the left side. now, in we could, we could g over to the camera that's overlooking the roosevelt bridge, traffic was squeezing by to the right. that's been there for a t. expect to find significant delays inside the beltway on 66
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heading toward the roosevelt bridge. you may want to try the gw parkway instead to get beyond that scene. back to you. >> thank you, jim. today a federal judge could decide whether to impose a injunction against the don't ask/don't tell policy. earlier this month judge phillips ruled it unconstitutional, because it doesn't allow gays to openly serve in the military. president obama wants congress to make that decision. e gay rights group sued to stop the policy from being used to discharge any u.s. military personnel anywherein the world. president obama will wrap up his trip to the united nations today. it's been an eventful few days. the u.s. delegation walked out when iranian president ahmadinejad blamed the u.s. government for the 9/11 attacks. earlier president obama urged world leaders to mov ahead in the quest for peace in the middle east. >> we can have an agreement that
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will lead to a new member of the united states an independent sovereign state of palestine living in piece what israel. >> president obama revealed he will -- this morning michelle reese's future with d.c. public schools is still unclear. her and vincent gray met yesterday. both have acknowledged their strong differences on education roche. there have en reportshat secretary around quli duncan want reed to stay in the district. gray is giving few clues about his plans. >> we did not talk about the state of going or staying, we talked about the stae of education in the city, and we'll leave it at there. >> he says they'll meet again sometime before november election. you can it see her right here on sunday. she'll be part of an exclusive
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conversation on a number of issues. you can catch "meet the press" at 10:30 sunday morning right here on nbc4. 11:11 is your time. tough questions. the d.c. agency is demanding answers about an alleged teen gang member charged with murdering a local college student. pus the future about school foods. the decision that could change what your kids eat for lunch. off the ice. new plans for the team to go from hockey stars to
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for the first ti in nearly 100 years, virginia has executed a woman. >> lewis hired two men to kill her husband and stepson in virginia back i 2002. in her final words, she told her late husband's daughter that she loved her and she's very sorry. a memorial mass will be held tomorro for the catholic university student killed about a month ago while police have arrested and charge a 17-year-old with his murder. he was shot several times as he rode hi bike home in shermans circle. police cease the suect was under the supervision of the dc juvenile system.
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>> reporter: eric foreman charged as an adult with the murder of catholic university kneel galeski. the 31-year-old was riding his bike in northwest d.c. august 22nd when he was gunned down. >> this is a young man who's working, going to school, trying to make an honest living and trying to get home fromwork, and was shot and killed for what happened to be absolutely no reason. >> reporter: news 4 has learned that foreman was under the supervision of the district's department of youth rehabilitation services and was liing in a group home in northeast at the time of the killing. dyrs has come under fire after a number of young people under supervision has charged with murder. >> have reached out, we want to know they're being maged correctly, we want to know that the management knows where the children are, and we want to know that dyrs is on top of it. >> reporter: according to court documents, he was riding his back about 12:30 when foreman
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decided he wanted to go pull a move. records show he, the robbery netted $60 in cash. >> he didn't bother nobody. he was good hearted. he didn't mind helping nobody. it was a shame. >> reporter: foreman is a known gang member with an extensive juvenile report. authorities are trying to figure out how he was allegedly able to commit murder while under supervise. >> he's a violent kid involved in other crimes, is it probably for a young pern lke that to be in the community at all? >> reporter: darcy spencer, news 4 today. the gun used to kill ingl y another shooting. tomrow's matt wi be on the campus of catholic university at 4:00 p.m. all are invited to attend. today the national incident
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commander of the bp oil spill will be in the district. retired coast guard admiral that had allen will return to his alma mater to address students. his topics unprecedented leadership challenges. he'll teach that court at gw in the spring. time for another check of the forecast. tom kierein joins us with the latest. i can't believe how hot it is. >> summer lovers are thinking, let's go to the beach. and the water temperatures are warm enough still in the atlantic beaches, warm 70s. we have another summer-like day here in early autumn. this scene just about two, three hours ago was all fogged in. that's a live view from the skywalker american university park, and off in the distance is fairfax county at the horizon, louden county, right now 82 at national airport where so far as we recorded 2010, this is the
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hottest year on record to date. it doesn't look like much relief today. right now we're well into the 80s. th is more like midsummer than early autumn in the shenandoah valley, many locations already near 90. right near the bay waters, a bit of a wind. annapolis, it's 81 there. whington national is only at 82. i say only 82, because andrews air force base, prince georges county, in the mid 80s. out of the mountains of western maryland it's near 80 there, too. on the eastern shore the mid 80s at the atlantic beaches near 80 degrees, a great beach toy. tomorrow should be a good beach day as well. as we go forward with the last 12 hours we've seen just a few high clouds coming through here. right now we have generally lots of sunshine with a bit of haze in the area.
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we have tropical storm matthew that's already now beginning to spread rains into nicaragua and honduras. it is moving west at a pretty fast clip through northern honduras, and over the day on sarday, and then it may come very close to north guatemala through belize, and through the uk tan peninsulaof mexico on sunday. there could be flooding in this part of the yucatan, and monday morning, it's going to track anywhere in this zone, could go off to the north and east, perhaps up toward new orleans or the texas coast, and there is quite a bit of tropical movie ahead of that there will be streaming our way for the first part of next week. this front that may be bringing us some relief on saturday, not triggering much rain from the upper midwest down into the missouri valley.
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that front will begin to move our way here, but generally dry. it may trigger a few sprinkles unless mountains, but then as it does come through our region, it probably will come through d, and behind that a weak area of high pressure, but temperature tend it dissipate. we will see some moisture streaming off and come up our wa on sunday and perhaps ge us some needed rain first part of the week. for this friday through the rest of the afternoon we'll have temperatures i the mid 90s, record 94 set on this date. overnight tonight it will be a warm evening for friday night revelry, it will be beautiful. and during the day tomorrow we should make it into the mid 80s. by middle of day, we'll have morning clouds breaking up and a northwest breeze will cool us down into the 50s by sunday
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morning. an east wind bringingn clouds on sunday. some of that tropical moisture may make it's way here in the form of some showers, but likely showers monday and tuesday with highs in the 70s, then dry midweek next week. relief is on the way. >> we're looking forward to that, tom. thank you. let's get another check of th midday traffic. jim russ is in today. >> we had a bunch of accidents eastbound at t beltway. the one we're looking at here. police are still cleaning this up traffic in spite of t right. there is big delays into the ross alynn tunnel. let's go to marylan some delays on the inner loop near the legion bridge. this is because of a crash on the inner loop after river road. that will tie up the left side of the roadway. it's just out of camera range. a very slow trip across the
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leon bridge, there's also an accident on the outer loop. both which are causing delays. 11:22 is your time, 90 degrees. an american woman detained in iran is finally speaking out. how she dcribes the 13 months she spent behind bars. plus a story that really stink smelly bigs are beg spotted. h
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the capitals are getting ready for the 2011 winter classic against the penguins and now they're pulling the curtain back so the rest of the country can see them get ready. hbo will follow them around and airpisodes featuri behind the scenes at the two teams as they practice and play leading up to the winter classic at heinz field in pittsburgh. for those who need their hockey fix,on't worry, opening night for washington is just two weeks away. hard to believe. well, comedienne stephen colbert is on capitol hill. "the colbert report" host is testifying on farm workers who are illegal immigrants. he has focused on the united farm workers take our jobs campaign. he spent a day last month
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picking vegetables. will be making a more high-profile visit to washington next month. it is the beginning of stinkbug season. there are reports of them all across our area. it's actually cled the shield bug because of its shape, but better known as a stinkbug because of the distinct smell. ty get a natural cue to head toward shelter to prepare for winter. one local pest control company says they've been receiving more calls than ual. experts say the bugs have come all the way from china. they have no natural predators, so they can live for months. yikes. 116 is your time, 89 degrees to come. still to come an end of an era, the last old-schol light bulb factory in the country. and how teachers are using nontraditional teaching measures tonspire their students.
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it still fee like summer outside. tom is back with your forecast in just a moment. stay wit ring ring. progress everyday i eat your soups instead of going out to lunch, i save a lot of money. that's great. so, your delicious rich and hearty soups that's funny. well, i'm rich because... i know, i get it. i laughed. and i'hearty because of your well, you know, everything you want to eat for lunch is right in there. so you're really, rich and happy. yeah see, i like rich and hearty better.
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[ male announcer ] progresso you goa taste this soup.
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right now, metro is getting high marks from the chair of the ntsb. the congressional oversight committee was told that work has
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been done on over a dozen of the recommendations that came in the wake of last june's deadly crash. this mornin firefighters were still putting out hot spots after thisfire destroyed three homes. firefighters had to call three alarms because it spread so fast. happened in the 8300 block of till l loop. no one was severely hurt. one resident had a minor burn to the hand. the red cross was brought in to help the displaced family. today a federal judge could decide whether to impose an injunction against the don't ask/don't tell policy. earlier this month it was ruled unstill. l cabin rpublicans sued to stop the policy from being used to discharge any u.s. military personnel anywhere in the world. the american hiker released from an iranian prin wants to immediate with president
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ahmadinejad. sharon shourd wants him to know she holds for animosity. onhe "today" show, she explained what happened when they were arrested more than a year ago. >> of course. we were hiking behind a tourist spot with hundreds of other kurdish families in northern iraq, which is a safe part of iraq, where no american has ever been killed to my knowledge. it's not a war zone. we were guided by the hotel manager to go to this place. the border was completely unmarked. we meant no harm to the iranian people or the governmt. we committed no crimes. >> did anyone say you were near the border of iraq? >> no, we had no idea. the border is unmarked and invisible. >> he proposed to her with a ring made o of the thread. she is was released on bail for humanitarian reasons. the upper midwest continues to be pounded by rain and more
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flooding could be on the way. western wiscons and southeastern minnesota have been drenchedy more than ten inches of rain since wednesday. both states' goveors have declared states of emergency form the wisconsin national guard has delivered a total of 30,000 sandbags to help deal with the possible ooding. it doesn't seem to getting better. forecasters are calling for more rain. they're getting too much, we can't get enough rain, tom. >> there is a chance, a pattern change perhaps late on sunday. for now it's the dog days of autumn, and there's the sene from our skywatcher camera looking off to the west. you can see the summer-like haze in the air. that's the cool spot at the airport, because there's a bit of a breeze off the cool waters of the potomac. it's near 90 degrees already around the shenandoah valley and through much of central virginia, as well as on the eastern shore and at the atlantic beaches. we do have a front coming our
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way that will likely bring a shift to our wind on saturday afternoon,ringing in cooler air. it will take a while for that air to arrive. this afternoon u into the mid 90s, that will match or exceed the record for the day. tomorrow into the mid 80s, even with that northwest breeze, it will take a while for that cooler air to come in. it will be in place on sunday morning. sunday afternoon the low 70s and cloudy. there's a small chance of a shower sunday afternoon, a greater chance sunday night. perhaps on monday and tuesday next week, en we should dry out a bit on wednesday and thursday. that's the way it looks. back with another update coming up. >> a welcome change. thank you, tom. once again to jim ross. how is it looking? >> we are looking at heavy traffic on 66. an accident just inside the beltway. that's out of the way. now we have this mess down by the roosevelt bridge, which has been going on since the end of the morning rush hour. just before the t.r. bridge. use route 50, the gw parkway if
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you're heading out to get to the roosevelt bridge. now, let go to a camera in maryland. that's where the heavy traffic begins. it's going to continue around to an accident, which is going to be just afr river road along the left side out of camera range. that's the one significant slow spot on the beltway. eun, back to you. thank you, jim. one of thomas edison's most famous inventions is turning off the light. ge shu down the last incandescent light bulb in the country as the government has ordered everyone use more ergy-efficient bulbs by 2014. it also means 200 workers are out of a job. mike taibi has the story. >> reporter: the handwriting was on the wall.
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for employees like roy kirby. >> you know the end is going to come, but when it does come, it's a bitter pill to swallow. >> reporter: the end came faster for two reasons. the 2007 law phasing out all u.s. intruction of incandescent bulb except for some specialty bulbs, and the fact that consumers were changing buying hits on their own, shifting to more official halogens. so out with the old and in with the new. >> if we're not respondi to what our customers want, you know, there's no business here. >> gone are the $30 an hour jobs finding impossible to replace. >> i'm taking a job that's paying half of what i was making. >> i've got to have a job at least 20 to 22 an hour to pay our bills an to keep our home. >> this was a career for tens of thousands, from the dawn of the 20th century, making the light bulbs that change the way we
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lived, lighting america's homes, businesses and the entire modern industrial age. now edison's transform atiff invention willgo the way of the vcr and the film camera. one employee posed a question, he said, canou think of any other technology that has lasted more than a century and remained viable? it was a great run and i was part of t roy kirby can't quite let go. >> i'm going to have incandescent light bus in my home unless a light bulb policeman comes along. some other edison inventions, themicrophone, telephone receiver and storage battery. tomorrow is national drug take-back day. therere more than 4,000 sites around the country where you can drop off expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs, according to the d.e.a., there were 7 milln americans, 12 years and older, who abused
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prescription drugs for nonmel purposes. there arement of sites around the district, virginia and maryland, many local police departments and fire stations. congress could vote today to extend the federal school lunch pgram. they're aiming to make school lunches hethier as well. the bill would require the government to eliminate junk food in the lunchroom, in vending machines. however, this bill is not without controversy. the program is being paid for by cutting future food stamps benefits. the obama ainistration says those cuts will not --. all next wee nbc news will be focusing on education in america. "education nation" starts with an interactive two-day summit in new york city. in anticipation for this, michelle franzen reports on how teachers are inspiring students around thcountry.
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>> reporter: they are the future generation of this nation. students, many who are ipired by creative curriculums in local schools across the country. at falcon bluff middle school in denver, teachers carve out 45 minutes of class time for guitar club and other traditional after-school activities. funky fits in, cardio, oga. >> all to help students focus better on their core subjects. but along with the success, there are stories that point to a growing newspaper better of students nationwide falling behind. national statistics show american students ranked 25th in math and 21st in science, when compared to 30 other industrialized countries. that's why nbc news is bringing together national and local educators, government leaders, parents and students it's called education nation at rockefeller plaza, including a two-day summit and nationally broadcast town hall on sunday moderated by brian williams.
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>> when you think about education, there are some people doing amazing work al across the country. we want to showcase that, but we think there's great lessons to beearned there. >> i don't know that people appreciate just how valuable teachers are. they are the ones inspiring our children. >> the more you read, the mow are know. >> at this k.i.p. public charter school in west philadelphia, the use of music, extended class hours, and hard work are motivating students who once strgled to make the agreed. >> we're also really good. i like being challenged. >> when i go to college, i'm going to be like, yeah, i got my work done, and when i was in fifth grade, i was thinking of this. >> reporter: new ways in teaches that could make a difference when shared across the nation. michelle franzen, nbc news, new york. for more information about education nation week, visit or webte,
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11:40 is your time. 91 degrees. still ahead, why verizon customers may end up paying more to use their blackberry. how did our event really turn out? we'll have before and
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over the last two months we've been talking about towing the perfect party, everybody from the venue,
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invitation, food and lighting. last week the party we've been discussing actually took place. event planner sandy hoffman joins us to tell us how it turned out. was it a success? >> i think it's something you have to ask the guests, but as far as i was concerned, it was fabulous. >> we have some before and after ctures. show us what you did to transform this house and make this party happen. >> that is the side entrance, which is the garages, and we wanted to bring everybody to the backyard first. so we -- we put mulch down and created a phway and just decorated that so it wld take the focus off the side of the house and the garages. at night when people came, it looked completely different. it was about 36 becauses of mulch. >> what about the party ace?
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>> so what they did then, we had cocktails in a tent in the back of the house. i hope you have a picture of that. we put a clear tent over the -- that space, and that was the space before. that is the plain patio and space. that's what we created. we put a clear tent up. all we did was cut anches down from some trees that were on the property, and attach those to the poles and the ceiling. i'm not sure you can see -- great. to conserve space, we opened up windows and put the bars through the window. we put the bars inside. so we passed the drinks through the windows. >> official and space saving as well. what about the indoor space? is that harder to transform? >> well, i don't know if you followed with us, but what we did was we took aot of the
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furniture out of the house, we put it in trucks, moved it around and re-created those spaces into more like club-style areas. that's showing the library the wayt is normally, and that's what we did afterwards. we put a bar in there. we contacted a legal event company, gala events, and they gave us that bar, and we re-created and moved the furniture around, because most of the guests had been to the house before. it was a party for young people. we wanted to make somethng more contemporary. that's the dining room as it normally is, and that's created into more of a clubstyle. >> this creates more space as well for people to lounge. >> exactly. people walked around and we served them little plates. there was no large buffet with large plates that you had to find a spot. the little plates were literally
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brought to you seven different little plates, and there were menus around that you knew what was coming. >> you don't have to go searching. >> exactly. the food found you. >> and the sweet ending. tell us about that. this is really ol. >> that's the driveway. we re-created the front of the house and made a big candy bar, and it is amazing the way people went after that. i brought you a couple samples. what's nice i we took time ahead of the party and monogrammed and personalized the little packages. >> you probably you can't see it, but little little initials. >> so you just have to give yourself time to do that. it was a nice take-home for everybody. >> and of course you can grab and go on the way out. >> no mter how much anybdy eats, there's always room for
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more. >> just recapping, how long did this whole process take place? . >> for me, can put it together very quickly, but i suggest a three-month time period. >so plan way in advance. >> and send the invitation six weeks out. we did have a program, hopefully people were watching it, to see how to go about that. >> exactly. >> any unforeseeable problems in your party event planning? >> we actually didn't have it. i usually say to my clients pect something to happen. and i actually shouldn't say that, because i was a guest as well at m own party, so i'm sure there werethings behind the scenes that people working for me took care of. >> thank you, sandy hoffman. it's time to get aheck on today ace business news here's courtney reagan. >> hi. things are looking good here this friday. stocks are way high today.
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the dow is up by about 170 points. very good if you're a bull. most asian markets traded higher. europe didn't do as well as the rest of the world. the gold prices still hovering an $1300, making record after record. it's interesting to see equities and gold up. it's usually one or the other. and hedge fund manager david tipper expressed his views on cnbc. that's a large reason why you see stocks trading higher today. it was like that from the get-go after he made the comments in the 8:00 a.m. hours. durable goods fell 1.3% august, following a revised on.7% rise for july. the august drop was actually the biggest in a year, and accding to the cmerce department, new home sales were flat for the month of august, while supply of houses on the market tumbled to thelower level in 42 years. and goo news for matt incumbents ahead of the midterm election. democrats have said they will postpone a highly contentious
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fight until after the november election. the delay noonly protes incumbents from cast ago potentially controversy wall points to but also increases the likelihood of a compromise with republicans. it's important to know if no action is taken, the cuts are set to expire at year end. and verizon says they'll in possibly the next four to six months a new tier of pricing. they've with unlimited plans that cap how much revenue carriers can generate from tir subscribers. i'll have to see how it was received. folks may not be so happy about it, but verizon obviously wants their cut of the pie. >> courtney, have a great weekend. > 11:50 is your time.
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many fathers have probably embarrassed their kids at some point in their lives, but here is one who's trying to top all of that. plus it's wa out there. tom has a check of the for man: we need a sofa. something i can stretch out on!
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woman: ooh... that will go with those lamps my mother gave us. or we could get some new lamps. or we could get no sofa. negotiating, eh? you got it! how about a nice home for our tv? how about doors to hide that drive-in theater? how about a cowhide rug? yee-haw! and the snacks? get their own place. let the marathon begin!
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it is time now to take a look at some hot videos making their way around the web. with
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perspective, tomy, great to see you. iove videos. we talk about this first video, it's something that takes embarrassing dads to a whole new level. >> absolutely. >> let's listen in. ♪ baby baby oh ♪ you'll always be mine >> like $100,000 in therapy. this is horrible. he's got like the "saturday night fever" thing going on, the chain is blinking in the background. >> my gos in gracious, that is the most embarrassing dancing, like out of a "seinfeld" episode or something. >> you know these poor kids, somebody at their school is gets to get their hands on this and it's going to get passedaround. you can watch youtube anywhere. these poor kids will be tortu d tortured. >> you know -- do you think
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other dads will follow suit? ivities i certainly hopenot. i think this is a rare dad. i don't think eve dad won't say, let's dance to justin bieber. >> and that just takes the cake. >> i hope he was drunk. i'm not saying that because i want him to be drunk around his kids, but there's got to be a logical explanation why this was a good idea in his head. >> what about spray-on clothing? weird. they're sayin now -- and of course it's from the uk. thanks, england for this. it takes 15 minutes to spray on a shirt, and basically the gun is sort of spray tan meets insulation. >> so is it to keep you warm? what's the point? >> you want really tight clothes, i guess? it's fabric spindles that they spray on and it dries. i don't know why. >> so it's fabric, not just
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paint? >> exactly. unless you like work for cirque de soleil, i'm not sure why you would need clothes that tight. >> maybe if you look lie david beckham, maybe you wants to show off your goods. >> and for -- we can't discuss that on midday. >> familyshow. >> finally a lot of money was raised for a great show. >> thanks for lting me mention this yesterday. we changed up wh we did. we went live from children's medical center from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., and were a conduit. we told children's stories, we talked to a lot of patients and families who have been affected. they he 360,000 kids every year, and because of d.c., thank you, washington, virginia, maryland, we raised $426,000 yesterday. >> awesome. >> it goes rightto the hospital. it was unbelievable. it's like my favorite day of the year to be with mix 107.3.
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we do it every year, and you doubled or total from last year, $426,000. >> good work, tommy. thanks so much. great cause. now a look at some of the stories in the works for 4:00. hi, pat. >> hi, eun. coming up this afternoon, the latest on lindsay lohan in court where a judge may throw her in the slammer. we'll have t latest there. plus we're barely into the flu shot season and all right officials are worried about flu shot fa teak. then at 5:00. we're going to talk with david gregory about d.c.'s school chancellor michelle rhee. how d.c.'s strides in education could serve as a teaching tool for other states. those stories plus your first word on weather and breaking news as it happens. coming up tonight on news 4 starting at 4:00, eun.
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>> pat, thanks so much. time for a tine check of your forecast. >> there's the sky over washington, kind of filled with a bright smer-like haze here on this autumn september morning. temperatures are approaching 90 in many locations. it's going to continue to climb into the mid 90s as we have a weak area of high pressure giving us this sunshine, but then relief on the way, a front cing in from the midwest arriving tomorrow. we'll have a few clouds along that front in the morning and we'll be in the 60s in the rning, by midafternoon it will take a while for some of that cool air to arrive, but it will be arriving saturday night, turning much cooler. bydawn on sunday only the upper 50s, and sunday afternoon highs in the low 70s. perhaps a show monday or tuesday. have a great weekend. see you monday morning. >> tom, thanks so much. that does it for us. thanks for joining us.
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be sure to tune in at 4:00, 5:00 and 6:00 later todayor all the day's news. we'll be back monday morning at 4:30 a.m. we hope you join us. have a great weeken
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