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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  October 27, 2010 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ ches and applause >> jay: jamey johnson.
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>> thank you. >> jay: great jimmy fallon happening right >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the tional broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and fturing the legendary roots crew. and here he is - jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal televisn -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you so much. thank you so much. hey, welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." you're going to make me die. you're going to make me cough. thank you guys so much. what a great crowd. i love you guys. i love the new york cityrowd. [ cheers and applause ] i'm so excited. i'm so excited. because in less than a week, i'll be dresng up in a crazy outfit, scaring people, eating candy. i always go crazy during mid-term elections. [ laughter ] i just get so -- hey, happy birthday to secretary of state hillary clinton, who turned 63 toy. good look, hillary. happy birthday. yes, bill put flower petals on the bed at a cozy bed and breakfast for a romantic getaway. then he called hillary to say happy birthday. which is nice. [ laughter ] he dn't -- he didn't have to do that. he didn't have to. he didn't have to do that at all. >> steve: sweet man.
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>> jimmy: listen to this. the tsa just installed full body scaers at jfk airport here in new york city. the scanners should decrease the number of weapons that get through security and increase the number of men complaining about how cold it is in here. it's really cold, right? i' just saying. i'm just saying. it's really abnormally cold, right? this is interesting. billionaire george soros is endorsi proposition 19 to legalize marijuana in california. [ cheers and applause ] that's right. soros says that whout marijuana, he never would have realized, "how crazy it is that my name spelled backwas is my name again." [ laughter ] soros. that's so cool, man. hey, did you see this? chicagoxperienced its most powerful storm in 70 years today. yeah. the winds were so bad, oprah was like, "everybody look under your seats d take shelter there!" [ laughter ] [ applause ] what?
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are you guys excitefor halloween? [ cheers and applause ] i read that this year, a lot more people will be handing out organic healthy snacks to trick or treaters. [ boos ] or, in other words, a lot more houses are going to get egged this year. it's like -- "what is this, carrot cookies?" what is that, richard dreyfuss trick-or-treating? >> steve: exactly. >> jimmy: carrot cookies, there? sad news, you guys. joseph stein, the author of "fiddler on the roof," died on sunday at the age of 98. yep, he died. he diedel diedel diedel diedel died. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] [ boos ] ♪ so he was not a healthy man but he lived to 93 he diedel diedel diedel ♪
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>> steve: oh, kid. >> jimmy: oh, man. i'm not sure wh to make of this, guys. a man in australia was arrested for tattooing a penis onto his friend's back. man, that thing is going to look ridiculous 20 years from now. [ laughter ] check thisut, a -- [ laughter a new study found that early humans mated with neanderthals about 100,000 years ago, which means that at least one other thing existed backhen -- closing ti. "don't turn on fire. oh, no! me was getting somewhere." and the emmy goes to -- jimmy fallon. oh, my gosh! >> steve: for the neanderthal joke. >> jimmy: for one joke, that's what got me the emmy. >> steve: yes, that's how good it is. >> jimmy: big sports news. brett favre apparently has two fractures in his left ankle. [ ches ] it's pretty bad. it's pretty bad.
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i saw the x-rays. i don't know why he texted them to me, but still, i just -- [ laughter ] here's some business news. at&t had a record 5.2 million new iphoneustomers in the third quarter of this year. to celebrate, they had a big party with no reception. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] "and we're taking the emmy back from -- jimmy fallon." and finally, a new york city cab driver charged a woman $120 after h son threw up in the back seat of his cab. yeah, apparently that's how much it costs to get the cab smelling like b.o. again. [ laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we have a great show. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ñ&r >> jimmy: what?! huey lewis sitting in with the roots tonight! [ chrs and applause ] that's unbelievable. he'll be playing some songs from his brand-new album "soulsville," and some old classics, too. check out for an exclusive performance with huey and the roots. thankso much for being here, huey lewis. i love you! i'm the biggest huey lewis fan. i mean, you've got "do you believe in love?" ♪ do you believe you've got -- ♪ 'cause she's hiding something ♪ you've got "if this is it." ♪ if this is it i love it. ♪ that's the power of love ♪
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♪ got to go back in time ♪ "stuck with you." i love "stuck with you." ♪ happy to be stuck with you ♪ and then "heart of rock and roll." i'm -- it's endless. it goes on and on. you're amazing. >> you're embarrassing me. >> jimmy: i'm sorry. [ cheers and applause ] i have to do it. you deserve it. you've written some great songs. you also did a gat -- what was it? the tribute to curtis mayfield. you did "it's all right." >> "it's all right," yeah. >> jimmy: it was like a doo-wop version of that. it was amazing. i loved that one, too. i'm this giant fan. and you brought the harmonica with you. >> i did. >> jimmy: you're an amazing harmonica -- can you give a little taste of a little harmonica? just a little? ♪ [ cheers anapplause ] >> jimmy: wow! thank you for doing that. huey lewis. i'm so happy. we've got fun show tonight, you guys. one of my favorite ladies, the hilarious joan rers is here. [ cheers and applause ] she is one of my favorites. i love her.
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an awesome actress and musician, juliette lewis is joining us. [ cheers and applause ] my old pal. my buddy. we've got some great music from underworld, you guys! [ cheers and applause ] they are fantastic. they are really good. yeah, we pride ourselves on being a sitive show here. always looking on the bright side of things. but of course, there's always two sides to every story. tonight we take a look at those stories and issues making headlines today and weigh the good anthe bad in a segment we call "pros and cons." ♪ pros and cons and pros and cons and pros ♪ >> jimmy: tonight's "pros and cons" topic -- halloween parties. [ sheep bleating ] halloween is this weekend, you guys. a lot of parties going on. people dressing up. so let's take a lk at the "pros and cons" of halloween parties. here we go. pro, bobbinfor apples.
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con, contracting hepatitis. [ laughter at's disgusting. not a fun game. pro, you can be lady gaga in a meat dress for halloween. con, the next day, you can be ady salmonella. [ laughter ] that's a good costume. pro, halloween is the one time of year people can pretend to be someone they're not. con, other than campaign season. [ laughter ] i tell it like it is. >> steve: preach, preach. [ applause ] >> jim: i tell it like it is. pro, your witch costume is a huge hit. con, you're still trailing chris coons in the delaware senate race. [ cheers and applause ] fan of everything there. pro, you can go dressed as something really original like hercules' slty brother. con -- it's teicles. what? "who are you dressed as?" "dressed like tescles."
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"why does your voice sound like sylvester stallone?" "i don't know." "why can't you be rocky or someone?" "because i was that last year." "you can be rambo or that" -- "get off my back." [ laughter ] pro, you can be anything you want. con, expt a child again. [ audience aws ] ♪ good morning pro, expect to see a lot of snooes at your costume party. con, don't get them wet or they'll multiply. [ laughter ] is that true? >> steve: that is true. >> jimmy: that's true. [ cheers and applause ] and finally, pro,ou can meet the love of your life at a halloween party. con, make out with a fat dude dressed as wonder woman. there you go. [ cheers and applause ] those are the "pros and cons." we'll be right back with "competitive spit takes." come on back, everybody! ♪ do you have any idea what this is used for?
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you can do whatever you wt. my team is going to come bting through that door. [ door opens ] ♪ here we go. right now! [ guys ] go! go! go! go! johnson, secure the pizza puffs in the kitchen. burke! i want a recon team on that brunette in the corner. and i'll commandeer the bud light. [ male nouncer ] it's the sure sign of a good time. the just right taste of bud light. here we go. hey, you guys got any ice? cuz any regular footlong™ sub is a $5 footlong™ sub after 5pm when you buy 2 or more. even your flavor-ites like the chicken & bacon ranch. hurry in, offer ends soon! subway. eat fresh.
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[ announcer ]tal: rock ]on! on rare occasions, opposites can coexist. introducing the sport hybrid. [ engine revving ] ♪ night and day ♪ you are the one ♪ only you beneath the moon ♪ or under the sun the combination only honda could engineer. the all-new cr-z sport hybrid. lcan feel like a jungle of ifs. to steer clear of the confusion, go to
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you'll get straight answers. like how much you need and how much it costs. so you can make the best decision for youfamily. go to today. ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back to our show, everybody. nd thanks so much for watching. hey, everybody, it's time once again to play "competitive spit takes." ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to "competitive spit takes," the game where we get audience members to tell a punch line to a joke, and their friends respond by spraying them with a mist of lukewarm backwash. and then you, our great audience, votes on which team performs the best. now, let's meet our first pair of audience volunteers. come on over. ♪ how are you doing? >> good, how are you doing? >> jimmy: what is your name and where are u from? >> alex from rochester, new york. >> jimmy: alex from rochester. good man. >> joe from rochester. >> jimmy: joe from rochester. and you guys are buddies? yeah. >> jimmy: best friends? >> we're up there. >> jimmy: best pals? [ laughter ] just met? just met him on the street, and you guys happen to be om rochester. okay, now, do you know tt one of you will be spitting and the other will be receiving? >> yes. >> jimmy: okay, well. [ laughter ]
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it still hasn't been decided who wil be doing what. does that make you nervous? >> a little bit. >> jimmy: yea a little nervous. not you? we might not be friends after this. >> jimmy: god, it's really borderline here. yeah, well, you know what a spit take is, right? it's when somebody says something shocking or funny while you're drinking water, and you spit it out. now, let's find out who will be doing the spitting and who will be doing the taking. bring out the die. there you go, thank you so much. now, as you can see, the die says "spit" on three sides and "take" on the other sides. now, we need a representative from the team to roll the die and see who will be doing what. >> all right. >> jimmy: you're up, buddy? >> me. >> jimmy: all right, pal. are you wearing three shirts? >> three shirts. >> jimmy: cool, man. >> i didn't know the weather. it's -- >> jimmy: you never know. oh, you're doing the spitting. there you are, that's a win. that's a win. you won't need that third layer shirt after all. >> i don't think so. >> jimmy: all right, let's get to it. here you go. how are you doing, buddy? >> good. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: here's a glass of water for you, and here's the punch line for to you read. don't read it yet.
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audience, pase keep in mind that you'll be voting on both theelivery of the punch line and the spit take itself. now, take a large sip. get closer, by the way. get real close. ta a large sip. that's exactly it. yeah. take a good sip of water there. there you go. that's a good one. a little bit more maybe. there you go. just a little tick, there you go. all right. are you both ready? now, read the punch line. >> "jackass 3d"? i thought you said, "you got a fat ass fromree cheese." [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: you okay, brother? man, that was -- >> you made me do that. >> i know. >> you made me do that. >> jimmy: you knocked his ontacts out, so you've got to -- let look at that in slow motion. let's see what you did there. ♪ [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: oh, man. thank you guys so much for playing. thank you. i appreciate it. come on over, team number two. come on over, guys. [ cheers and applause ] nice to see you, man. good to see you. nice to meet you. what's your name and where you from? >> onell, from brooklyn. >> jimmy: oh, good man, from brookly >> sergio, from long island. >> jimmy: oh, good. you hesitated ther did you make that up? >> i don't know. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: now, what does your hat say? >> armani exchange. a-x. >> jimmy: modern exchange? >> armani exchange. >> jimmy: oh, armani exange. i thought it was a new thing. modern exchange '91? armani exchange was good in '91. >> that's a really good year. >> jimmy: that was it. that was a goodear. >> amazing. >> jimmy: absolutely. now, you just saw theame. do you think you guys can hack it? >> yep. >> jimmy: you can do it? >> sure. >> jimmy: you're hoping that you get to be the spitter yeah, yeah. well, let's find out who will be doing the spitting and who will doing the taking. can we bring in the die, please? all right, now, team two, i need one of you to roll. >> that'd be me. >> jimmy: all right, armani. let's do it. oh, brother. [ sad tuba ] sorry, buddy. come on. you stand there. oh, no, you stand there, actually. you're right.
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i don'tant to screw that up. now, how do you guys know each other? >> we work togeer. >> jimmy: you work together? oh, man, this is going to be all around the office. i'm so excited. thank you so much. i appreciate it. [ laughter ] here's the water for you, and here's the -- don't read it yet. take a sip. take a big sip. me on. the office is watching. yeah, there you go. there you go. there you go. can you hold it? all right. he wants you to hold it. all right. [ ughter ] whenever you're ready to read the punch line, go for it, buddy. >> you're watching "sister wives"? i thought you id you're catching blister highs. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: oh, my god. [ cheers and applause ] the hat stayed on. the hat looked great. the hat looked fantastic. can we see that in slow motion? let's see that one more time. oh, yeah. ♪
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waterproof hat. that's the way they made them in '91. yeah. what's that? we have time for one more? oh, great, let's switch it up. [ audience ohs ] thank you so much, my friend. >> you're welcome. >> jimmy: here you go, my friend. here you go, there, buddy. payback is a bitch. it's so good. drink your water. yeah, get ready, get ready. this is going to be a good one. it's your turn to deliver -- yeah, more. you got to get more water. there you go. all right. here we go. you're a cruel audience. [ laughter ] all right, deliver the punch line, my friend. >> "paranormal activity"? i thought you said a bowl of warm activia. ♪ >> jimmy: yeah, that was an extra one, there. let's see that in slow motion one more time. there we go. ♪ got some good distan on that one.
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you're a good man. oh, making some good distance on that one. at was truly amazing. team one, step on in here. now it's time for our audience to choose who had the best punch line and spit take. was it team number one? [ cheers and applause ] or was it team number two? [ cheers and applause ] the winner, team number two, right there! [ cheers and applause ] congratulations, you guys win the a set of "late night with jimmy fallon" towels so you can dry off in style. [ laughter ] and since no one goes home empty handed, for the losers, we have "late night with jimmy fallon" moist towelettes. there you go. that's it for "competitive spit takes." we'll be right back with joan rivers! ♪ hehe was meefor the first ti.
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we knew the perfect place to go. man: cheers, everyone. i guess i did okay. i knew they'love him. introducing olivgarden's two new sacchetti dishes. stuffed pasta pouches filled with four italian cheeses. with herb marinated chicken breasts
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in a garlicream sauce. or with savory sauteed shrimp. both served with our unlimited salad and breadsticks. it was a great time. and good practice for my parents. olive garden. when you're here, you're family. you tend to run in a pack. and while quick to share with others, there is only one of you. the droid incredible by htc. you are a social animal. you need the droid that is too. exclusively at verizon. boss: just going over how geico helps people save in en morer talkways... ...with good driver discounts, multi-car discounts, defensive driver discounts... woman: you! oh, don act like you don't recognize me! toledo, '03? gecko: no, it's...i... woman: it's too late stanley. gecko: actually, miss, my name's not stley. woman: oh...oh, i am so sorry! from behind you look just like him. i'm just.... gecko: well...i'd hate to be stanley. geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent.
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geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 percent. [ announcer ] complete opposites...] in complete harmony. introducing the sport hybrid. [ engine revving ] ♪ [ dance rock ] ♪ hey ♪ [ woman vocalizing ] the combination only honda could engineer. the all-new cr-z sport hybrid. ♪ [ woman vocalizing ]
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: come on! huey lewis! check out his new record, you guys, "souville." you guys, our next guest is one of the most influential stand-ups of all time and onof the hardest working stars on the planet. her hilarious new show "fashion police" airs fridays at 10:30 p.m. on e! and the critically-acclaimed documentary on her life and career, "joan rivers: a piece of work," is now available on demand and will be released on dvfor thholidays. if you hen't seen this, you are gonna freak out. it is a phenomenal documentary. please give a warm welcome to the great joan rivers, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you are the greatest. >> hello. >> jimmy: you are the greatest. thank you for coming to visit us again. >> it's a very special occasion for me. >> jimmy: it is? >> literally, i'm announcing first on your show. >> jimmy: oh, my god. what is going on? >> i am engaged. [ cheers and applause ] gonna get married. ♪
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>> jimmy: congratulations. >> isn't that amazing? >> jimmy: who is the lucky man? >> he's a chilean miner and -- [ laughter ] tty white called me and she said, "get down here 'cause they can't get used to the daylight," you know -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they can't see -- very good, no? my god. >> he's number -- he's number 14. >> jimmy: oh. >> if you remember, and he was the one -- i knew he was for me 'cause he kissed his mistress and i thought, "i'm better looking than that old bitch." laughter ] and that's it. >> jimmy: that's good thinking. that's good thinking. that's fantastic. >> and they're great lovers. i don't want to -- i shouldn't sayhis on televisionbut they're great -- these men can go down for two hours at a time before they -- [ laughter ]
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>> it's wonderful. >> jimmy: it is a wonderful thing. >> i'm very happy. >> jimmy: congratulations to you. that's so good. i ve to say, last time you were on the show, we did not talk about how great this was 'cse it was just coming out. man, everyone that has seen this since you came out, just freak out about it -- how great it is. congratulations. it is -- yo are such a hard worker. [ cheers and applause ] it just goes to show, any stand-up or anyone that wants to get in the business - - you want to s how hard you have to work, just watch this. because gosh, you worked so hard on this. >> you try, you know? but it gets -- as you get older. and then, betty white, that old bitch, came back. [ laughter ] do you understand? i mean, come on. >> jimmy: yeah, she's the nicest woman in the world. >> easy for you 'cause you're not an old lady trying to make a buck. [ laughter ] i mean, suddenly, i'm bak. snickers -- took snickers right [ bleep ] away from me. [ laughter ] right away from me. >> jimmy: what is going on? [ cheers and applause ] what?
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>> i've got to live too, you know. >> jimmy: you can get other commercials. >> oh, easy for you. jamie lee curtis, activia. activia. if anyone knowshe heartbreak of constipation, you're talking to her. i haven't had a good [ bleep ] in three weeks. [ laughter ] she took it away. it's all where you're sitting. boniva? >> jimmy: yeah. >> what -- sally field. >> jimmy: sally field, yeah. >> little sally field. don't trust those -- that was $75,000. i had signed for it. and, you know, it's always those cute ones that men think -- n are not smart. [ laughter ] no, but you know what i'm sang. sally field is the kind of girl you sleep with and the next morning, you wake up and you're in a bathtub full of ice with a
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kidney missing. i mean -- [ lauter ] >> jimmy: you know this? she steals your organs? >> yeah. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> and now -- >> jimmy: i'm sorry. i'm snotting all over the place. [ laughter ] sorry, this is unbelievable. >> my misfortune is your humor. >> jimmy: i'm so sorry. >> easy for you. >> jimmy: what happened to female viagra? that -- >> again, mary tyler moore, i think, is getting that one. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah, it's called zestra. and -- it was in "the new york times." i don't know if anybody it's a female viagra and it, like, stimulates the woman. >> jimmy: yeah. >> and they have this big thing and so -- 'cause i signed for it. and then, they were delaying, delaying. they didn't know if they should put it into a pill -- this is all in "the new york times" -- or they should put it into a cream. and they sat a they figured out -- [ light laughter ] this is true. and so, they figured out, when a man's in a bar, it's much harder for a woman, you know, if he puts it in his drink, a pill, she'll never notice.
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but if he says like"where are you from," she'll notice. >> jim: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> so -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is -- yeah. >> and mary tyler moore's gonna do that. >> jimmy: well, good luck to her. >> good luck to mary tyler moore. >> jimmy: more with the greta joan rivers -- here, after the break. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] know what gets me out of bed early? breakfast at subway!
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[ male announcer ] a big day deserves a better breakfast. choose from a dee-licious lineup of our newest $5 footlong breakfast melts, like the sunrise subway melt. [ strahan ] subway. build your better breakfast. like the sunrise subway melt. does this getyeah. gas mileage? it's a pretty big deal.
1:08 am
nothing beats prevacid®24hr. just one pill helps keep you heartburn free for a full 24 hours. prevent the acid that causes frequent heartburn ith prevacid®24hr, all day, all night. nothing works better.
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[ speaking spanish ] ♪ [ male announcer ] old el paso stand 'n stuff taco shells. old el paso. feed your fiesta. gourt is specially made to freeze and thaw by lunch time? so kids can have their favorite yogurt in their lunch box go-gurt. freeze it. thaw it. eat it up.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everydy. welcome to the last show of "late night with jimmy fallon" before we get canceled. we're back with the great joan rivers, whose new show "fshion police" can be seen fridays on e! at 10:30 p.m. congratulations on this. >> it's doing great. it's doing great. >> jimmy: it's really doing great, yeah. it's you and kelly osbourne. >> yeah. >> jimmy: it's very good. but you keep saying you're getting old. you're saying -- >> ohplease. >> jimmy: you're not getting old. you look great. >> oh, everyone is dying around me. i always wear black 'cause of my friends. [ laughter ] you know what mean? you get the calls. "let's go." >> jimmy: "let's go" is all you say? >> "let'go. come on! let's go." >> jimmy: so, you get the call. that's all they say is, "let's go yeah, you know what it is. >> "you got two minutes to day good bye to yetta." [ laughter ] and you're always -- "yetta, it's joan. can you hear me? i slept with your husband. he was ap! good-bye." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: shut the coffin door, yeah. that's it. it's shut. >> and the sad thing is that ministers lie.
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have you ever been to a funeral? >> jimmy: sure, yeah. >> you know, 'cause they say terrible -- he's in a better place. you wanna go, "no, he's not. he had a house in the hampts. he's not in a better place." >> jimmy: you can't get a better place. he lived in a great place. >> "you idiot." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: how is your beautiful family? is melissa doing well? >> doing not as well as she could because i've been living with her. we're doing this -- on we tv, we're doing this reaty show where i move in with her. >> jimmy: oh, wow. >> so, i'm stuck with her and her friends and her friends -- [ gags ] [ laughter ] the one with the big vagina lips, angelina -- angelina jolie. >> jimmy: oh, i di't kno thatyes. >> those horrible children. every time you look around, they have another horrible child. [ laughter ] and the father -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> doesn't know where the hell he is. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i didn't know this. >> he's gonna stop smoking and he's gonna go, "who the he are these kids?" [ laughter ] and she stands there and says things to you. you know, and she really believes that -- she's into this n. thing now.
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i don't know, we buy kids, we sell kids. i know we take care of kids 'cause i help them. [ laughter ] and, "if i can make one person happy, joan, i'll die content." and i think, "just give jennifer aniston back her husband and it will all be" -- [ laughter ] [ cheers ] that'll do it for me. >> jim: the album's lled "soulsville." >> and they've got the -- and they have -- i mean, it's great when you have the money, you can have a lot of kids. but don't give me this baloney. "the kids don't who know who's adopted. we treat them all the same." you know what i mean? "all these children are the same. they don't know they're adopted. they're ours. they're all the same. isn that right, little billy and jimmy and sally and lagumba?" none of them know -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they're the same. >> and that's melissa's group.
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>> jimmy: now, so you got -- >> i got -- nicole kidman. nicole kidman. >> jimmy: yes, very beautiful. >> very -- very thin. >> jimmy: yeah. >> does a tampon make me look fat? [ laughter ] >> jimmy: one of us has to stop drinking. one of us has to stop drinking. >> she's always this thin. she's always in a red dress with a -- that white, white face. she looks like a ketchup bottle. [ laughter ] and she's, like, walking. she walks around -- >> jimmy: you're on -- you're on -- >> i'm on weight watchers. >> jimmy: you're on twitter. you're on twitter. >> i'm twitter. >> jimmy: you're on twitter "@joan_rivers." >> yes. >> jimmy: and you have 180,000 followers? >> 180,0 stupid people that they would -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> i'm on twitter. >> jimmy: no, no, twitter's fun. now you --
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you're very funny on twitter. >> i love -- yeah, i say exactly what i think on twitter. my twitter. >> jimmy: do you think a lot, like -- if people -- like, if it existed foreve everyone would be on twitter? >> i -- oh, can youmagine? it would have changed everything. this is mama cass. "should i have a salad or a sandwich?" jimmy, she'd be sitting -- [ laughter ] i know, it's an old joke. this is rosa parks. "i'm in the front of the bus and i'm having a -- uh-oh." [ laughter ] would've changed life. >> jimmy: it would've, yeah. >> but nothing -- but nothing is that new. do you know -- i hate the little iphones. they're so smal >> jimmy: yeah, they are -- >> the only thing that you can see there is brett favre's penis. but otherwise, it's like -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: my god. you're -- i'm glad to see that you've still got that edge. you're unbelievable, pal. i want to show a clip from "fashion police," 'cause it's the new show and, gosh, we have to support this. here's the great joan rivers. [ laughter ]
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>> and to be fair to madonna, everyone in hollywood gets retouched, even me. there im, aft retouching, okay? photoshop magic. and here i am, the way i look in the morning. and i -- [ laughter ] i hate myself! i hate myself! >> jimmy: my gosh. [ cheers and applse ] come back whenever you're around, whenever you're in new york or whenever you want to come back. >> i love you so much. >> jimmy: i love you so much. >> y were brillianon the emmys. >> jimmy: oh, thank you. that's so nice. follow at "@joan_rivers" on twitter. watch the new show, "fashion police,"n e! 10:30, friday nights. we'll be right back with julietteewis. [ cheers andpplause ] ♪ you are out with friends.
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try them tonight. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: yeah. huey lewis. thank yobuddy. welcome back, everybody. our guest next is acady award-nominatedctress and a full on rock star. you can see her in two big movies. the upcoming comedy "due date" and the real life drama "conviction." please welcome the awesome juliette lewis, everybody. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yes! so good to see you, pal. >> i cannot deal with how amazing that is.
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>> jimmy: what? the roots? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah. it's amazing. [ cheers and applause ] >> hello, jimmy. >> jimmy: you look beautiful, as always. it's good to see you again. last time i saw you, we did a film together. >> we did a film, and we had a uple late nights. >> jimmy: yeah. we went out, partied in detroit. >> yeah, detroit. >> jimmy: it was awesome. yeah, we did "whip it" with drew barrymore directing. >> yeah. >> jimmy: which was great. super fun. you e a super rock star. >> i am. >> jimmy: i mean, you are. you're -- you're touring around all over the place. >> you have to see it to believe it. 'cause that's what i tell everybody. i'm like, "come on down to the live show." >> jimmy: i saw a picture, and if this is part of the show, then count me in. >> that's -- >> jimmy: what's up? [ lig laughter ] that's rock star. how does that -- that is unbelievable. that's rock star. when does that happen? >> can i just tell you a little story about that picture? >> jimmy: yeah. >> when i'm on stage, i think i'm a super hero, naturally. you know, you think you're invincible. >> jmy: yeah. >> and so i was leaning back real far, and then i landed on
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my head and i was like, "oh, wow. i'm still singing." [ laughter ] "this is awesome." >> jimmy: you're like, "i didn't get knocked out." >> no. yeah. i was like -- >> jimmy: then you're like, "how do i get up?" >> that's exactly in that old gymnastics that i took when i was, like, 9 that worked out. >> jimmy: yeah, you just kind of stop, drop and roll. >> stop. >> jimmy: h did you end up getting up from that? >> you know. >> jimmy: look at that. that's cool. look at this. >> anyway, i must say -- wow! >> jimmy: yeah, that's pretty awesome. >> that's good stuff. >> jimmy: man, oh, man. >> can i -- on that note, can tell everybody, they should see my new video? it is called "terra incognita" for this song. do this -- 'cause that means go on that youtube thing. >> jmy: and google it. yeah. yeah. >> that amazing thing. >> jimmy: sing it. >> but it is the new -- my song. anyways, is called "terra incognita." but it has -- >> jimmy: "terra incognita"? >> yeah. >> jimmy: that sounds like latin. >> it means "unknown territory." and it sort of where i wanted to go musically and my life and all that stuff. but it -- anyway, it has live
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footage. live shows. >> jimmy: we get to see you actually rocking out. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: man, are you busy. you got two movies out. you have "due date," the comedy with zach galifianakis and robert downey jr. >> yes. >> jimmy: and, i mean, that's dirted by todd phillips, who did the "hangover." >> the amazing todd phillips. >> jimmy: he puts you in a bunch of movies, doesn't he? >> he does. i'm sort of his go-to gal. he sort of calls me up and is like, "lewis, i got this part." i'm like, "where do i go? signe up. our movies are pretty good." you know. >> jimmy: yeah. he's only made number one comedies -- >> yeah. they're really good. so i play, i think, a pot dealer, mother of two in that. [ light lauter ] >> jimmy: why not? why not? >> no, but -- i'm so nervous right now, you guys. i haven't been on your show. >> jimmy: oh, what are you talking about? don't be nervous. you're kicking butt. >> really? >> jimmy: absolely. [ cheers and applause ] don't be nervous. it's all fun. but in this movie, you're with zach galifianakis. is it fun working with that guy?
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>> he -- okay. i was kind of a goober because i'm his number one fan. >> jimmy: yeah. >> maybe there's some other number e's, but i'm his biggest -- the number one fan. >> jimmy: you freak out? >> yeah. and so, i was like, "oh, my god, it's zach galifianakis. because tt's sort of like my comfort food late at night. i just youtube zach'x clips. [ light laughter ] okay, maybe it's a little lonely -- it's not lonely. but he's -- >> jimmy: no. no. it's good. people do that. >> yeah. in my kitchen and, you know, eating ice cream. anywho. no, but h-- we were doing this scene, and he is wearing, like, acid wash jeans with capezios. i don't know if you remember the capezijazz shoes with a fanny pack. and i'm like, "zach, did the wardrobe girl pick that for you? because that's kind of amazing." no, he did it all. [ light lghter ] >> jimmy: that's just what he wears. >> yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: that's just what he wears. >> that's how he rocks it. >> jimmy: and then you have "convictn" out. which is -- man, this is getting some good buzz forwards and all that stuff. and this is a series cool movie. sam rockwell, hillary swank.
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>> the best. >> jimmy: she puts herself through law school to get her brother out of jail. >> yeah. he's -- >> jimmy: wrongly accused. >> he's wrongly convicted of murder. i'm one of his ex-girlfriends who helps put him in jail. and it's the biggest transformation i've ever de on screen. it was a really intense role. >> jimmy: yeah, i mean, look -- look how pretty you are now, and en look at youn the movie. look at this. [ audience ohs ] >> jimmy: wow. holy moly. look at those teeth. that's some ugly teeth there wid. >> i think that i just scared myself. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: well done, man. >> wow. >> jimmy: well done. that's you,eah. >> that's good stuff. >> jimmy: that's well done. they did a good job. >> i actually -- they had fake teeth made for me, and we went to the toroo film festival, and i had just gotten a root canal, actually, a couple days before. so, and i'm in pain and i ha , you know, promote thmovie. and these journalists who just
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saw the movie, they kept saying, "so how's your teeth?" and i was like, "oh, my gosh. how does henow about my root canal?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: they had no idea. yeah. >> i'm smart. >> jimmy: yeah, i'm smart too. yeah, yeah. we have a clip from "conviction." here's the great juliette lewis. >> i was up against a wall, you know. i was railroad. i told them kenny is innocent, you know? nancy taylor says, once i get my le, i never let it go. >> i just need to know you'll sign this affidavit, then. >> yeah. >> after we leave here, come with us. we'll just quickly get it notarized. >> oh. what about perjury then?
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>> what about perjury? >> yeah, if i sign this, then everybody is going to know i lied before. what's the statute of limitations? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that is the same person? come on. "conviction" is in theaters now. "due date" ion this friday, november 5th. juliette lewis, everybody. underworld performs next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ♪ 3q
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1:31 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guests are one of the most influential electronic music groups ever. they're here tonight to play a song called "always loved the film" from their just released eighth album "barking." please welcome underworld. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ the rhythm of legs moving in the sun the rhythm of an engine deep and throaty ♪ they rhythm of a summer that you walked i♪ ♪ ♪ the sound of a barking dog on a loop a plane ses in the crystal blue ♪ ♪ the rhythm of keys swinging in your hand ♪ ♪ they rhythm of light coming out of your fingers ♪ ♪ heaven, heaven heaven, heaven heaven, hean ♪ ♪ can you feel it can you feel it
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heaven, heaven ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the rhythm of wheels the rhythm of heels that we fall into the sun ♪ ♪ she walk on silver she walk on gold ♪ ♪ paints i love you on the alley walls ♪ ♪ from the eyes that hide behind black glasses sunlight hits tell me what she passes ♪ ♪ heaven, heaven heaven, heaven heaven, heaven ♪ ♪an you feel it can you feel it
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heaven, heaven ♪ ♪ ♪ and i don't know if i love you more than the way you used to love me ♪ ♪ and i don't know if i need you more than the way you used to ed me ♪ ♪ but it's heaven, heaven heaven, heaven heaven, heaven ♪ ♪an you feel it can you feel it heaven, heaven ♪ ♪ heaven, heaven heavenheaven


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