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tv   News 4 at 5  NBC  November 25, 2010 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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announcer: he's a rapper, he's a love. and today, l.l. school j reveals to "ellen" why he does his own stunts. >> nothing worse when you watch your own show and you see a guy running, hairy chest! no hair. ellen: what are you? hairy or nonhairy? announcer: plus, maura tierney and 7-year-old rapper peanut. ellen: the only place you'll find a 7-year-old peanut is my mama's pantry. announcer: "ellen" starts now. [captioning made possible by warner bros. domestic television distributi]
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announcer: from the warner bros. studiohere she is now, ellen degeneres! [cheers and applause] >> ♪ [cheers and applause] >> ♪ [cheers and applause] ellen: have a seat! thanyou so much.
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, thank you very much! [cheers and applause] oh, thank you very much. i appciate it so much. back at you, all tt energy i just received, take it! take it all! i enjoy the support and i enjoy the energy and what i enjoy is all the questions you have. we get so many questions on facebook and twitter that we have started a brand new segment. it is taking the country by storm. it's called twits and ask. [cheers and applause] >> ♪ i heard a rumor say they you've got a broken heart i heard a rumor yes i did boy ♪
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[cheers and applause] >> ♪ >> [bananarama's "i heard a rumor" playing] ellen: hi andy. i thought this would make it a real segment. these are real tweets. people are tweeting these and we are awering them from febook and twitter. what's the first one? >> ask amy from pennsylvania says should i reup holtzer my couch and sofa or should i get a new one? my three kids make a mess. ellen: if you have three messy kids your house is going to be a mess whether you replace the sofa or recover it. my question is should you get rid of the kids? no. no, do not. because that's illegal. [laughter] a lot of people put plastic on their furniture to protect it.
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personally i think it looks tacky. what i suggest is put the plastic over your kids. [cheers and applause] good? yeah. >>ry hannah fana, i love my -- i love mama's new show, are there any clips you can show? ellen: did mom have a show too? e loves mama's new show. she wants to see a clip. it's not really out yet. we've been working on it. quintly there's another show very, very similar, almost identical. i'll show you one clip from my mama's show. >> ♪ >> congratulations to the new "american idol" judges, jennifer lopez and that skinny pirate fellow. [laughter]
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[cheers and applause] ellen: she's going to get in a lot of trouble with the comments she makes. who else we have? >> ask pauly in minnesota, your fungus looks like slimeold, a bad name for one of the best things in the world. and she sent a photo. ellen: a photo of something like that? >> yep. ellen: oh, that doesook like my mold i showed the other day. i've learned two things. my mold may be the best thing in the world. and t, i will never go to dinner at your house. [cheers and applause] i like that. see? that's what's great. i showed the thing that i found on my porch, i talked about it and people are responding and telling me what they think it is, slime mold. and it's one of the best things in the world and i've gonend gotten rid of it.
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who else? >> when will you be on "dancing with the stars"? ellen: oh, well -- oh, no. [cheers and applause] ellen: you know, and i talk about this with you, i dance so much on this show, i don't have enough time to dance on another show. and by don't have enough time, i mean, i don't want to wear a ballgown. [laughter] i've been dancing on the show for eight seasons now. i think americans have been dancina lotore. because when i first started the show, now we have "dancing with the stars," now weave "so you think you can dance." before my show, at weddings, peopleust stood. the movement that i've started. [applause yes. >> i think andy is a super cute
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hotty, is he single? ellen: did you write that yourself? [laughter] all right, well andy, first of all i don't like to pry into my life's personal life, except for the secret service background check i perform on everyone -- including y'all. you should answer that question and that's great that someone thinks you're a hotty. yeah, i thk you're a hot. answer the question. >> i'm very happily married two years to my better half, megan. [cheers and applse] and we're expecting a child in january. ellen: thank you andy, and i support your life style choice. [cheers and applause] i do what else we got? >> ask hip hop hannah in cincinnati says my friend and i just moved to a new apartment in cincinnati and our neighbors party every night. how should we get them to quiet down?
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ellen: hip hop hannah wants them to quiet down? [laughter] those must be some loud neighbors if hip hop hannah -- maybe they don't know your name is hip hop hannah. if they knew, maybe they would invite you to your party. i have a feeling you gave you that name because you love hip hop. but maybe you're a bunny rabbit. if not, i you're a bunny rabbit, those ears will annoy you. if you're a bunny rabbit and you tweeted me, you're clearly very smart, you'll figure a way out. you're very, very intelligent. if you're a bunny rabbi who likes hip hop and you're adorable and smart, i want you on our show. [cheers and applause] problem lved! no one's writing about cat week? we had cat weekast week which is the biggest thing. >> here's one.
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perpetual fatty -- it's real. why does cat get in the shower after i get out? ellen: first of all, that is a horrible name. want you to change it to perpetual big bone or something like that. and if your cat runs into the shower right after you get out, you're making him run late. my cats love water and they're always putting their paws inhe sink when i'm running the sink. they're doing water ballet. cats love the water. i don't have the answe one thing my cats are not good at, andy. do you know what it is? >> dancing. ellen: that's right, that's right. [cheers and applause] right. [cheers and applause] >> ♪
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announcer: torrow, "ellen" is all new for black friday with heidi klum, neo and things you can win at home. the very competitive heidi klum. neo shows off his moves, plus our helpful holiday travel guide. ellen:e asked our reporter amy to tell us about the weather conditions. >> there's a storm front moving in. announcer: prepare yourself -- >> we may have a blizzard -- announcer: for an all new "ellen."
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[cheers and applause]
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ellen: tony, it's fall here? do you know it's fall? >> yes. ellen: all the trees turn a beautiful reddish orange because they're on fire. oh. ellen: also, the start of full means the temperatures are falling, the leaves are falling, people are falling. this is a model falling. no one even noticed. this is a model falling. no one even noticed. [laughter] ellen: horble! there's nothing worse than having all tt time to try know that you've fallen, no one even -- oh. that's why i don't wear heels. all right, well as we just talked about in twits and ask, last week discovered a fungus
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that was growing on my table on the east porch. i also discovered i had an east porch. i had no idea. we have now getting over 6,000 comments on facebook. i got a letter from one of my viewers about this fungus. victoria in torrence, california. hi ellen, i sent the picture of your fungus to mcousin who is studying botany in oregon. here's his response. it looks like it's from the fungi kingdom. if you would like me to identify it, send me some of it. [laughter] well, thank you victoria, your cousin sounds like a fun guy. [laughter] fun guy, fun guy. [laughter] he'll ke it, he's a botanist, so that's the kind of humor they like. well, would like to know the
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genus and the species. so i am going to send it to you. i have kept it. that's what it looked like when i found it. and when i took it away from the ble, this is sort of what it looks like now. exactly. but victoria's cousin wants to see it. so i'm going to send it. hey andy, do you mind if iive this to you and you can send this [laughter] [cheers and applause] ellen: you didn't even know i was going to call for you. you were just backstage in that? seriously, we are going to send it and find out what it is. thk you very much. [cheers and applause] ok, earlier i shed you a clip of my mama's new show.
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if you really want to see it, i have one more i can show you. only one more. [cheers anapplause] ready? ok. just one more. >> >> yes, your grandchildren are adorable. my daughter's a millionaire. [laughter] [cheers and applause] ellen: that's terrible. wow. i don't know what she's doing. i'll show you one more. [laughter] >> sorry, i was on the bathroom [laughter] ellen: on the bathroom? i don't know what's become of her. this is the last one i'm going
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to show you today -- [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> i hate it when the phone rings when i'm in the middle of a booty call. [laughter] [cheers and applause] eln: all right. i have to show you -- i have to show you what really happened when we filmed that. so you'll e what happened after she said that. >> i hate it when the phone rings when i'm in the middle of a booty call. whatoes that mean? [laughter] >> don't worry about it! [cheers and applause] [laughter] ellen: she doesn't know. she has no idea. all right, i'm going to show you one more a little bit later. but first i'll tell you who you're going to see on the show
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the ladies love him, ll cool j is here! [cheers and applause] i love him! from the new show "the whole truth" maura tierney is here as well. [cheers and applause] i love the pictures. also, an amazing rapper, he's only 7ears old, his name is lil p-nut! [cheers and applause] the only other place you'll find a 7-year-old peanut is my mama's pantry. that's today's show. of course, you know last week we made television history with our first ever cat week. and i'm so sorry you couldn't be here for it. you missed it by one day. it's really a sham yeah, i know.
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but you can experience the joy of cat week all week long, because you're going to get the souvenir cat wk calendar featuring all of my cats. [cheers and applause] there's charlie! all right so you're all getting this for free. you can go to our website if you want one. we'll be back after this. [cheers and applause] >> y're 7 ars old. >> yes, ma'am. ellen: how long have you been rapping? >> ins i was 4. [laughter]
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announcer: "ellen's" all new with heidi klum plu -- ellen: we asked our reporter to tell us about the weather conditions. announcer: holiday travel guide. we may have a blizzard. announcer: next, all new "ellen." [cheers and applause] elle well, what haens when you combine hip hop and an adorable 7-year-old? you're about to find o. from memphis, tennessee, please welcome lil peanut!
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[cheers and applause] >> ♪ >> hey! how you doing? ellen: hi! hey. >> hey miss ellen. ellen: how you doing? >> i'm fine, how you doing? ellen: i'm good. i'm fantastic. i think you're adorable. 7 years old. and how long have you been rapping? >> ins i was 4. ellen: did you come up with the name lil peanut? >> no ma'am. my uncle said my head looked like a peanut when i was born. but i don't believe it. ellen: no, but ittuck and it's a good name. do you like it? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: are you going to stick with that? for sure. and you write your own songs? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: and you dance as well? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: that's fantastic. >> i love dancing.
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ellen: you're just an entertainer aren't you? >> y, ma'am. ellen: i know when yourowp, you want to stay in school and be a scientist? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: oh, wow. [cheers and applause] a scientist and an actor? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: if you were a scientist you could tell me what my fungus was. you already have a whole bunch of fans don't you? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: how old are your fans? >> well, some of them are 3, 4, 5, 7, 19 or 20. [laughter] ellen: you got a lot of girls following you around? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: any girlfriends so far >> hey, hey, but don't tell your mom's. you know how mama's get. [laughter]
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ellen: i know i do, i do. all right, so what are you going to perform right now? this is an original song of yours? >> yes, ma'am. ellen: all right. is this your mike right here? >> well irks i guess it is. ellen: all right. go on over there and sing it. [cheers and appuse] >> ♪ when i'm at home or even at school i've been thinking thinking about thinkingbout you i know you're young but i'm young too but i thinking about thinking about thinking about you how you doing my name is lil peanut would you like se taters bubble gum or your always me
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good grades when we're in school we be having so much fun when you might be the one what's up girl can you be my world i know i'm in the second and i know you're in the third it's all good i'll treat you in the queen and i can be your king and we can be a team you can be my study buddy teach me in my orblee studies and we can go outside and get money do you like me circle yes or no one thing i know for sure is you may be the one for me ♪ may be the one for me ♪ [cheers and applae]
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ellen: lil peanut! all right. well, i know that you needo write in style when you have this kind of charm and cares m you want to go to the school and style. this is the fisher price signature cadillac escalade, it's got chrome wheels, it's got a sound system. [cheers and applause] >oh my gosh! [cheers and applause] ellen: all right. [cheers and applause]
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>>ent to look at the tape and he said oh, you are maura
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tierney. yes. and then he started talking to me about the show.
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[cheers and applause] ellen: well, if you're just joining us, you just missed lil p-nut from rapping to acting, there is nhing our next guest can't do. he currently stars on the cbs
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hit show "ncis: los angeles." take a look. >> here's $15. >> yo, j.j.? don't run! stop! >> i clearly said don't run. >> he did. >> i think i broke my back. >> impossible, you would have to have a spine. [laughter] [cheers and applause] ellen: please welcome ll cool j! [cheers and applause] ellen: please welcome ll cool j! [cheers and applause] >> ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> thank you, thank you. ellen: all right. [cheers and applause] ellen: the ladies love you! now, this could be lil p-nut in a few years from now. going a little crazy. do y have advice? >> i don't think he nds advice. pretty much has it down pat. get ready to sign your own check, you know? ellen: he just got into the business, really, really good. >> he's super talented. i was backstage bouncing off the walls. pushes his own truck out. he's my truck man. loved it. ellen:nd you have how many kids? >> four. ellen: any of them going into show business? >> my youngest daughter loves singing, she loves playing the
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piano,eah, the little one in the middle. the other one has done some mding. my right, your lef whatever, according to how you're sing it. yeah, they love music, they love modeling, they love fun. they're just good kids. ellen: the little one? >> nina. nina simone actually. ellen: you think she will? >> whatever they're passionate about i want tollow them to do it. even if you don't make it at one thing you can make it at another. i was passionate about football. you can be passionate about a sport but become a coach if they don't have the talent to play a game. i think we should always encourage their passion. you need the science, but you ed the soul as well. follow your dreams, go after your dreams. [cheers and applause] ellen: now, do they live here? >> two of my kids are in
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college, two of themre here. ellen: is it hard to grow up -- because you didn't grow up with money did you? [laughter] >> it's my truck man. [laughter] ellen: yeah, yeah. >> i grew up in queens, my grandfather wked in the post office, came fromarbados, came to america, worked in a post office. my grandmother worked in a toy factor they would have throwaways. i didn't grow up rich or nothing. elle because theye living well and they're probably going to school wit wealthy kids. is it hard to say, because that is important to give them some balance. >> you know, that whole super 16, giving my kid a half a million dollar car, that's not me. i don't even know what planet that's on. my kid's normal. my daughter is college, i brought her the most normal car i could buy that's still safe.
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i'm not a big believer in allowing money to define your character. i think like i said in one of my songs, man makes the munl, money never made the man. so you have to kind of -- [cheers and applause] you got to keep it all in perspective. daddy, i have to go to the buffet, darling -- i'd go crazy! i'go nuts. crazy. ellen: i would hope ty wouldn't do that. if they're watching mtv, they're watching these shows like "sweet 16" and all this. they're seeing other kids do that and they're thinking how come not me? >> i know, my 15-year-old is on the starter block like, come on super 16! but it's not happening. come on 17! she's ready, she believes it. but we just have to keep it persctive. i think it's all right to give your children a good life, that's a blessing and that's a wonderful thing.
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but, they still have to have the desire to -- matter of fact, i think abe lincoln said you know, it doesn't matter how tall your grandfather was, you have to grow for yourself, something to that effect. i'm not doing that, i'm just not going there. bottom line. eln: well good. they'll grow up well-rounded. >> they have to. ellen: b they must know their dad when they see things like this and you get this kind of reaction from people in general, mainly wom when they see you in public. [cheers and applse] >> you do ok, too. you do all right, too. i ain't mad at you. [cheers and applause] >> i'm not mad at me either. [laughter] when you're shooting the show
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and when you're liken location, i know that must cause a big ruckus. everybody must come up to you and go crazy. >> it's a lot of fun out there. i' approachable, i'm not a standoffish person. there's a lot of love and energy. but every now and then, you get somerazy stuff, too. go home! i'm trying to sleep. the thing in california, when you're shooting out here. this is a little dirty secret most people don't know. people turn their televisions up real loud in their houses and get them to pay you $50 to turn it down. ellen: i didn't know that. now you told people what to do! [cheers and applause] i didn't know that. we have to take a break, when we come back we're going to talk about -- you do your ow stunts which is crazy. we'll be back wh ll cool j. [cheers and applause]
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>> just had an adverse reaction. ellen:ith the noise? >> no, the noise doesn't bother me blizzard.
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announcer: next all new "ellen."
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[cheers and applause] ellen: we're back with ll cool j, star of the very popular "ncis: los angeles." this is true, you do your own stunts on that show? >> i do 95 periods of my own stunts. ellen: they don't want you to do that >> if someone needs to lay on the guillotine and the blade nes to stop a half an inch from the neck, i let the stuntman do it . [laughter] but there's nothing worse when you see a bald guy running, afro, bald guy, afro, bald guy. hairy chest, noair. hairy chest, no hair. so try to give it a little bit. ellen: which are you, the hairy or nonhairy? [laughter] >> i'm the mon-hairy. [cheers and applause] ellen: so you don't get scared
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on some of the stunts? does anything scare you at all when they ask you to do something? >> i don't get scared, but horses, me and horses -- you know the horse thing, i don't know they have an adverse reaction. ellen: because they make that noise? >> no, the noise doesn't bother me. it's just the look -- oh! [beep] [laughter] [cheers and applause] oh [beep]. [laughter] >> you know what? you're going to ge your man rt. he's going to be in a horse outfit. ellen: hs so lucky. i thought he was going to punch him in the face. >> oh, man. i be sweatin right now! ellen: you handled it very well. >> the noise doesn't bother me -- [beep]! [laughter]
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ellen: all right, you can catch "ncis: los angeles" on cbs tuesday nights at 9:00. we'll be back with maura tierney. ll cool j! [cheers and applause] >> i love you! announcer: tomorrow, "ellen's" all new for black friday, with heidi klum, nyo, and holiday [music by air supply] ♪ ♪ lost in love and i don't know much... ♪ ]male announcer] starts friday at 4am. get there, first.
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♪ ♪ bung, ding, ding, ding, ding ding, ding, ♪♪ ♪ bing, ding, ding, bing, bing, bing, bing... ♪ ♪ bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah, bah... ♪ [cheers and applause] ellen: for eight years our next guest starred on the hit series "e.r." wch filmed on this stage actually. now she's coming back in "the whole truth." take a look. >> spousal privilege. >> there are exceptions and he just gave us one. >> jimmy. >> oh, welcome to nutly. if you want to talk to my new
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witness he's right over tre. >> fascinating. he's your witness? he's theiller. >> i hate when he does that. announcer: please welcome maura tierney. [cheers and applause] >> ♪ [cheers and applause] ellen: it's so god too see you. >> i was going to commit to that fall. ellen: no, i would have been really scared for you. i can't believe people didn't go help her. >> she continued walking with the one shoe. very committed. ellen: have you visited the stage at all? >> no. we used to hav like a million stages. we had five, i think at the peak of "e.r.." then it got littler,hen you
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took some of it. [laughter] "chuck" took some of it and it got squashed down to stage 11. we were a little resentful in the end. ellen: really? y'all were like the biggest show. you must have had so much fun on the set. >> we did. but i remember towards in my last season, "chuck" especially was like the new h show and they took up so much space and they had tons of equipment in there. they were just bugging us you know? just in very pet atlanta way. so you know how "chuck" has a surveillance van on their show? it ws sitting there one day, the keys were in it. me and stamos and linda stole "chuck's" v. we parked it across the lot and left it and we were like -- nobody carried. [laughter] they didn't even know it was
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gone. they probably had like five vans. ellen: i have to say, you look fantastic. and i know that just last year you were diagnosed with breast cancer. you look fantastic. >> thank you. [cheers and applause] ellen: and we talk about it a lot on the show, my mother dig knows years ago, but she's fine and you're fine. when you find out, it must have been that moment of it can't be real. >> yeah. and myoment was particularly surreal. because it's so scary and you ow something's up because you have to stay longer than everybody else. other women get to go, they're like can you stay? they called me into the room, and it was weird because it was just like "e.r." and it was sort of dimly lit and there were x-rays covering all the thing the guy just kind o said it
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looks like it's malignant. i said really? it happened so fast. he went to loo at the paper, and he goes oh, you are maura tierney. i said yes. then he started talking to me about the show. elle no. >> i swear to god. and i was thinking yes, but can we get back to the cancer thing. because that was crazy. ellen: that would be more important. >> yeah, more important than abby. ellen: that's unbelievable. did you change doctors? >> i never saw him again. ellen: good, good. that's craziness. >> and iad great, great, great doctors. raidologyists are weird. ellen: how are you doing now? >> good. i had a plastic surgeon doctor, deleo who is his name, amazing, amazing docr, i had to get reconstruction. and there's different kind of breast implants these days. there's standard silicone and
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sothing called a gummy bear. [laughter] ellen: can y eat those? or what is that? [laughter] >> they have a sour patch one. [laughter] but they're different consistencies and shaped a little bit different. ellen: the gummy bear i would not want. that would be very strange to have a gummy bear scking out. >> actually, it sticks out less. they're low profile. like a tire. she had other patients, just a lot of support in the community. two patients, they each have a different kind of implant and they'lle happy to come in so you can see them and touch them. so these two women who i had never met before come into his office and they took off their tops and i got to like touch their breasts. ellen: i'm seeing a movie like that. [laughter] yeah. [cheers and applause]
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ellen: all right, so these are women who -- we have to take a brk? what a great place to ed. we'll be right back and hear the rest of that story. [cheers and applause] to taking a picture in seconds. what up, dave! i just point, shoot, and post to fabook. so itead of fumbling to open my camera app like dave here, i can put phone away, and open my parachute. open yours, dave! hey, is it cool if i date emily when you're... ...nevermind. vo: less fuming, more capturing. new windows one. get yours at at&t. there are over 450 reasons tohop! doorbusters start atam. get 50% off our exclusive liz claiborne apparel, and women's boots, just $29.99. save an extra 25% on fine jewelry, already 40-70% off,
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save 60% on kids' arizona tops, and get any size down comforters for just $39.99. plus, get st. john's bay polos and henleys for a low $9.99! get to jcpenney at 4am friday! go to to see everything on sale. jcpenney. it's your fault. naturally, blame the mucus. well, i can't breathe. did you try blowing your nose? of course. [ both ] and nothing came out. instead of blaming me, try new advil congestion relief. what you probably have is swelli due to nasal inflammation, not mucus. and this can help? it treats the real problem of your sinus symptoms, reducing swelling due to nasal inflammation. so i can breathe. [ mucus ] ew advil congestion relief. the right sinus medicine for the real problem.
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as the towel used to dry them.
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so why use the same hand towel over and over instead of a clean, fresh one every time? kleenex® brand hand towels. clean, fresh towel every time. [cheers and applause] ellen: we're back with the lovely maura tierney from "the whole truth" the story is two women who have had the sage situation with breast cancer, reconstructive and they allow you to just -- >> feel them up, yes ellen: to see which one you want to do? >> because they're different textures. one is sort of softer, the other is shaped more realistic. there's all different factors. actually, the point of the story is i never met these women before, you know what i mean? they were willing to come i and just share their bodies and experience with me. ellen: what a great community. i hear that all the time. >> yeah, yeah. ellen: an amazing, amazing community. >> and if anybody wants to feel
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my boobs they can. [cheers and applause] not anybody! ellen: not just anyone. [laughter] >> and the proceeds will go to pink. ellen: we should talk about the show. which you rode your bike -- >> i'm on the lot, i can't esca you. ellen: don't get mad at us and steal anything because we don't have that kind of budget. so tell us about "the whole truth." >> it's a new law procedure show. sort of difference is i play a prosecutor, rob morrow plays the defense attorney, it sort of switches off from the point of view from my side othe case to his side of the case. and the end it's revealed what actually happened. len: i like stuff like that. like it. "the whole truth" airs -- we have time -- you're so lucky to be sitting here. one more clip from my mama's show. [cheers and applause]
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>> in my days, we didn't have facebook, we poked people the old fashioned way. [laughter] [cheers and applause] ellen: all right! i want to thank lil p-nut, ll cool j and maura tierney. i'll see you tomorrow everybody. bye-bye. [cheers and applause]


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