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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  June 18, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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>> jay: good to see you. i want to thank my guest, josh duhamel, jay mohr, and of course, jill scott and monday night, "jimmy fallon" happening r >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac -- ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: all right! welcome, everybody, to "late night with jimmy fallon!" [ cheers and applause ] i love this crowd. a great new york city crowd. fantastic. we're going have a great show tonight. but, first some political news. now that anthony weiner has stepped down, the state will find his replacement by holding a special election. weiner was pretty excited. they were like, "no, a special election. [ laughter ] election, with an 'l.' put your phone away. it's an election." [ laughter ] did you see this in an interview on "good morning america?" president obama says he's confident that anthony weiner will bounce back from his scandal. great, just what we needed -- a bouncing weiner. that's the last thing we need. [ laughter ] this is good.
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i just read that more companies are bringing back jobs to the u.s. that have been outsourced to other countries for years. so the next time you call tech support, you might actually get someone who speaks perfect english and knows nothing about computers. [ laughter ] "you want me to reboot your keyboard? did you unplug it, sir? try unplugging it. did you -- " i don't know why i call these idiots. oh, this is kind of sad, you guys, former astronaut, buzz aldrin is getting a divorce from his third wife, lois. [ audience aws ] it was weird when they divided up their stuff. it was like -- "that's one small stepladder for buzz, one giant lamp for lois." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ very sad. very sad. very sad. that's right. buzz aldrin is getting divorced
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from his third wife, or as she put it, the moon landing wasn't the only thing that was faked. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] that's right, i don't know if you heard, astronaut buzz aldrin is getting divorced. [ laughter ] l apparently, he just needed some space. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] ♪ a classic groaner that one. speaking of classic groaners, did i tell you mrs. aldrin -- [ laughter ] >> steve: what did she do? >> jimmy: never mind. never mind. never mind. >> steve: boo! >> jimmy: hey, this is crazy, you guys. earlier this week, a woman in colorado gave birth at a 7-eleven. yeah, people at the store were like, "my god, this is gross." and then they were like, "hey look, there's a woman having a baby. [ laughter ] "how long have these sweaty hot
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dogs been on the -- might as well get two of them." [ laughter ] some science news, a company in virginia has a new dna test that can predict your child's athletic skills. here's the test. if you're a child and you know what dna is, you're not an athlete. [ laughter ] stick to reading -- book reading. and finally, police in texas just found 300 pounds of marijuana inside an abandoned truck. or in other words, "dude, where's my truck?" [ light laughter ] ladies and gentlemen, we've got a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we have a big show tonight. he's a great actor and good a dude.
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he does it all, drama, comedies, musicals, he's one of the best. john c. reilly is here! [ cheers and applause ] he's got a hot new show, "falling skies" -- really good, about aliens. spielberg is involved, it's really good. -- noah wyle is here, coming back to the program. i love that dude. also, this is awesome, this is the end of video game week makes you kind of sad. the last night of video game week but what a way to end it. because, the president of nintendo of america, reggie fils-aime is here to show us some amazing new stuff. [ cheers and applause ] some really, really cool stuff. i'm talking about the wii u, i'm talking about a little 3ds, i'm the "legends of zelda: skyward sword." [ applause ] my favorite game -- "zelda." [ imitates game noises ]
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[ laughter ] [ coughing ] [ farts ] [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: i wish i was good enough to do that. >> jimmy: plus, we have -- is this -- guy's is a super duper, duper, duper star, country superstar billy currington is going to perform. [ cheers and applause ] that guy's awesome. what a voice. rehearsal is just -- the guy is amazing. hey guys, today is friday and that's usually when i catch up on some personal stuff, i check my in-box and return e-mails and, of course, send out thank you notes. [ cheers and applause ] do you mind if i write a few thank you notes right now? is that cool? thank you so much.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: james, can you play me some -- some thank you note writing music, please? yeah. thank you notes writing music? thanks, buddy. ♪ that sounds nice. oh, that sounds nice. [ laughter ] sounds so nice. ♪ thank you, father's day cards. over 100 million of you will be delivered this weekend. and that's just to arnold schwarzenegger. [ laughter and applause ] [ as arnold ] "can't believe i got another card! [ cheers and applause ] bring another box in here now!" >> steve: beep, beep, beep, beep. >> jimmy: "bring the truck around the back. [ laughter ] around the back." ♪
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thank you, glasses, for only being a 10 degree tilt away from drunk person. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, recycling bin at work, or as you're known around the office, the blue garbage can. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, dads, for always having such good advice, like, "i don't know, ask your mother." [ laughter and applause ] great advice. [ cheers and applause ] never forget it. >> steve: no fool. [ laughter ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, dude, who whips no-look passes in pickup basketball games. i don't know if you know this, but we're not playing in the nba.
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[ laughter ] also, thanks for breaking my nose, you turd. [ laughter ] "i'm michael jordan!" ♪ thank you, dentist appointment i made six months in advance. meaning that in five months, three weeks and six days, i will be canceling a dentist appointment. [ laughter ] ♪ thank you, jean shorts on guys -- [ laughter ] -- for not being called daisy dougs. [ laughter and applause ] "where are my daisy dougs? check them out. they're comfy." >> steve: "my pocket's sticking out. wait. that's not my pocket." [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what was it if it wasn't -- >> steve: i don't know. >> jimmy: all right, all right.
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you thought it was your pocket. >> steve: but it wasn't! [ laughter ] >> jimmy: what was it, though? >> steve: i don't know. it wasn't my pocket -- i can tell you that much. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: change? >> steve: there might be some change in there, but it was not in my pocket. ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, "word of the day" calendar, for allowing me to impress my co-workers with my ever growing vocabulary. just the other day, i said to someone, "hey, correct me if i am wrong, but i'm pretty sure it's -- tuesday. [ laughter and applause ] impressed? rather." >> steve: "done." ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, stack of "men's exercise" magazines i've never read, for being a constant
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reminder even throwing you out is too much exercise for me! [ laughter ] just getting around in november. last thank you note. [ audience aws ] i just want to say, you guys have been with me from the beginning of the show to this point and those minutes that we spent together are the greatest minutes i've ever spent in my life. i love y'all! i love y'all! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ thank you, anthony weiner, for your premature evacuation. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] there you have it, guys, those are my thank you notes! we'll be right back with more
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"late night." come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ male announcer ] good news: men use soap. bad news: men use soap that can really dry their skin. and some have been doing so for over twenty years. so, if you think about it, soap has been drying men's skin since break dancing became totally rad and macgyver was saving the world with tweezers. fear not, dove men plus care is here. it's the bar with one quarter moisturizing cream, so it cleans and leaves skin feeling moisturized. dove men + care. also try dove men + care sensitive clean body wash. time to mix it up with new philly cooking creme. it'll make your chicken creamier, dreamier, with lots of flavor. spread the love in four fabulous flavors. spoon in a little new philly cooking creme.
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♪ it's made with tender white meat chicken. zero grams trans fat. mcdonald's chicken mcnuggets. crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and made just for you. ♪ a complete adult multivitamin onein a gummyacraves. and made just for you. with ingredients to support energy, immunity and your inner child. one a day vitacraves. multivitamin gummies for grown-ups. the motorola expert from sprint. its powerful tools help you work faster and smarter so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it lets you access business forms on the go, fire off e-mails with the qwerty keypad, and work securely around the world so you can get back to playing "angry birds." it's the android-powered phone that mixes business with pleasure. so let's get our work done, america, so we can all get back to playing "angry birds." the motorola expert from sprint. trouble hearing on the phone? visit
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♪ >> jimmy: hey, everybody. welcome back to our show. it is time once again, to play "competitive spit takes." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: welcome to "competitive spit takes," the game where we get audience members to tell a joke and their friends respond by spraying them with a mist of lukewarm backwash. [ laughter ] and then you the audience votes on which team performance the best. okay, tonight, our contestants will be telling some classic "yo momma" jokes. [ laughter ] now, let's meet our first pair of audience volunteers. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] come on over, you guys. nice to see you. how are you doing, buddy? nice to see you guys. what are your names and where are you from? >> i'm matt weaver, from here in manhattan. >> jeff weaver from california. >> jimmy: very good. so, you're brothers? >> yes. >> jimmy: yeah, very good. okay, good. so, you've known each other your
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whole life? >> 27 years. >> 27 years. >> jimmy: i didn't know, i thought maybe it was like a "maury" thing. i don't know. maybe we reunited you guys. i have no idea. so, you know that one of you will be spitting, the other will be receiving, correct? >> yeah. >> correct. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: it still hasn't been decided who will be doing what. does that make you nervous? >> very. >> jimmy: all right, well, you know what a spit take is, right? this is when someone says something shocking or funny while you're drinking and you spit it out. let's find out who will be doing the spitting and who will be doing the taking. let's bring out the die -- all right, here we go. look at this right here. this beautiful -- wait, hold on a second. [ laughter ] don't be so anxious. >> long time coming. >> jimmy: yeah. it says take on some sides, spit on the others. i need someone -- a representative to throw the die. no, i don't want you now. [ laughter ] yeah, yeah, you can do this. [ drum roll ] all right, good luck. good luck. >> all right, take. come on, take. yes! >> jimmy: you will be receiving -- [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] -- i love that first second you were happy -- you were like, yes, no. all right. switch spots there, guys.
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actually, come on over here. hey, how are you? >> good. how are you? >> jimmy: pretty good. [ laughter ] there's your water. please take your "yo momma" joke. please take a large sip of water, please. ready? it's a "yo momma" joke. it's not really talking about your momma. it's just a generic "yo momma" joke. you both have the same momma. [ laughter ] this is weird. all right, audience, please keep in mind that you will be voting on both the delivery of the punch line and the spit take. [ laughter ] he's drooling all over himself. all right -- hold the water in, okay -- until you hear the joke, and then let go on your brother there, okay? you ready? >> yeah. >> jimmy: go for it. >> yo momma is so fat, the bus takes her. [ laughter and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wow! oh, my god. let's take a look at that one more time in slow motion there. ♪ that's our biggest one yet.
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♪ oh, my god. your hair went back. thanks for playing, you guys, i'll see you in a couple minutes. let's bring in our next contestants. come on over, guys. ♪ nice to see you. how are you doing, buddy? >> good, nice to meet you. >> jimmy: what are your names, where are you from? >> chris from providence, rhode island. >> jimmy: are you upset? is everything all right? okay. [ laughter ] i'm just kidding. what's your name, where are you from? >> bart. i'm also from providence, rhode island. >> jimmy: very good, now how do you know each other? >> we're best friends from the third grade. [ laughter ] >> it's been a while. it's been a while. >> jimmy: been a while -- so, you've reunited? is there a reunion here? >> we're just loving getting out. >> jimmy: you can tell by the emotion you obviously do love new york city. [ laughter ] ♪
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i'm so lost on what just happened. i have to rewind on my tivo to find out what just happened. [ laughter ] either way -- welcome to the show. now, you just saw the game. you guys think you can hack it? >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, very, very good. let's find out who will be doing the spitting and who will be doing the taking. can we bring the die in, please? thank you so much. all right now, team two, i need one of you to roll the die. it will be you, go for it, buddy. ♪ good! you look a little upset now. you're not smiling as ch as you were before. [ laughter ] i don't know what you're doing with your fist in your hand, nothing to do with -- you're drinking water, you're just drinking water. stop looking at me. i don't know what's going on. look at him. [ laughter ] all right. all right. all right. take a sip of your water, as much as you can hold in, please. there you go. good man. and all right, get your joke ready.
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you ready to swallow it? okay. when ever you're ready, go for it. [ laughter ] >> yo momma is so fat when she gets dressed up, they call it "extreme makeover: home edition"! [ applause ] >> jimmy: all right, that was a little crazy. that was insane. a little bit much. a little bit much. let's look at that in slow motion what you did to your friend. ♪ [ applause ] oh, my god! high pressure, high pressure there. what's that?
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we have time for one more? oh, great, switch it up. [ laughter and applause ] be careful. be careful. you might want to get a little closer there. you can do whatever you feel like. get ready to get drenched. drink some water, first, take a nice big sip of this one. make this one count. here we go. ready? [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] >> yo momma is so ugly, even arnold schwarzenegger wouldn't have a baby with her! [ audience ohs ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: wow. let's do that one more time in
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slow motion. i'm sorry. ♪ oh, my god! ♪ right in his face. oh, my god. team one, get over here. step on in here. that was fantastic. you guys, it's time for our audience to choose which team was the best punch line and spit take. was it team number one? [ cheers and applause ] or was it team number two, you guys? [ cheers and applause ] team number two! ♪ very, very good. you guys -- you win a set of "late night with jimmy fallon" towels so you can dry off in style. very very good. here you go guys. dry off. and since no one goes home empty-handed, for the losers we have "late night with jimmy fallon" moist towelettes. [ laughter and applause ] that's it for the competitive spit takes, everybody. we'll be right back with john c. reilly. [ cheers and applause ]
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see all your hotel and flight options and savings for the ideal vacation. perfect. [ male announcer ] when you orbitz, you know. [ ding! ] dirty mouth, huh? what've you been up to? ♪ bleeeehhhhhh! i don't know what you're talking about. orbit. for a good clean feeling. no matter what. what the heck is that? those are the mike's hard lemonade® guys. can't keep drinking the same old beer all the time. yeah. doing the same thing over and over? that's just crazy. [ male announcer ] for a refreshing change of taste, make it a mike's®.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest is an oscar-nominated actor who's appeared in tons of great movies including "boogie nights," "chicago," and "step brothers." his latest, "terri," is in theaters next week. please welcome to the show, john c. reilly! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you so much. >> what a pleasure to be back. >> jimmy: thank you. so -- >> the last time i brought you cupcakes, you remember. >> jimmy: i do. >> and decided i had to kick it up a notch this time. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> i have a friend who has a -- who does handlooming -- actually handlooms t-shirts and stuff like that. so i had a little something made for you. >> jimmy: handloomed t-shirt.
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>> hope you like it. look. [ laughter ] it's got the name of the show, it's got your name on it. check it out. >> jimmy: almost looks like -- >> it's not over yet. wait. i hand-fired, in my own kiln, your very own coffee cup. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: just like the one i have on my desk. [ applause ] just like the one i use every night. >> yeah. i figured in case that breaks, then i made you a replica, so -- >> jimmy: this is so nice. it almost looks like the gift bags that we give to our guests when they come on our show. >> really? >> jimmy: weirdly. did you get one? >> does it come in a blue bag? >> jimmy: uh -- this is very nice of you. i really -- this means a lot to me. i almost want to go to commercial and just get a good cry out. >> well, it's your show. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: hey, i heard a rumor on the internet. >> oh, no. >> jimmy: on the worldwide weird yeah.
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>> yeah? >> jimmy: i heard about a "stepbrothers" sequel? >> it's possible. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: i mean, i'm not starting it. i heard it -- i read about it. >> 74 fans can't be wrong, jimmy. >> jimmy: that's true. [ laughter ] we've been on over two years. they kept me on the air, these 74 fans. >> yeah, you know, we're talking about it. the studio seems to be interested in doing it and will and adam and i have met. we're -- you know, we don't want to like -- it's a really beloved movie from young people to old people. and -- >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah, so we want to do it right so, if we can come up with a good idea, we're going to try to do it. if not, forget i mentioned it. >> jimmy: why don't you guys go into space with richard branson? >> no. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. i'm just spitballing, man. >> okay. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. i know you and wilson are friends, you and will ferrell. >> yeah, yeah, we are friends. >> jimmy: but i didn't know how close you were until i saw a picture of you -- >> yes. >> jimmy: -- at a basketball game. >> yeah, will was nice enough to
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invite me to a lakers playoff game. >> you enjoy basketball and sports? >> yeah, yeah, i do. i like watching basketball and sports. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i'm not much of a sportsman myself -- yeah. >> jimmy: so you went to the game, and you're having a good time. >> went to the game, having a good time, had a couple of beverages, and then the kiss cam started. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: this kiss cam -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: -- is when the camera finds you in the audience, and then you -- >> yeah, and then, it's like, you know, grandma and grandpa together got to kiss for the kiss cam. ha-ha-ha. >> jimmy: cute, yeah. >> and me and will had just ordered food. so, i had this enormous pastrami sandwich, and will had a huge cheeseburger, and i saw the kiss cam starting. i'm like, "they're going to go to us. i know they're going to go to us." it's like, "what are we going to do?" so i just -- after a couple of these beverages -- i said to will like, "will, if the kiss cam comes on us, take a huge bite of your sandwich and then kiss me." [ laughter ] and then he was like, "okay, cool." and like will is amazing that way. like you, you know, you say
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like, "we're going to jump off a cliff in five seconds." he's like, "great! where's the cliff?" [ laughter ] >> jimmy: he really is like that. he really is like that. >> yeah -- and the crazier the idea, the better. >> jimmy: yeah. >> so, a few seconds go by -- they're doing and grandma and grandpa, newlyweds. and he's like, "wait, now, take a bite first and then kiss?" i was like, "yeah." he's like, "okay, got it." >> jimmy: getting all nervous. >> yeah, so, sure enough, seven seconds later, kiss cam. and, you know, it's the rule of the kiss cam. so, we take huge bites of our sandwiches and go for this big sloppy kiss -- [ audience groans ] -- and i'm sure you have a picture of it. >> jimmy: the audience went crazy. it's just not a private joke in the stadium. >> well, that's what i thought. i thought well, whatever. it was like so what. like, the people in the stadium see it. and then after we did it, i turned and looked and there's like a bank of 50 photographers in front of me. i was like, "what was i thinking." it was those beverages. so, there it is.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: a pastrami sandwich. [ cheers and applause ] >> and will, you can see will added a very tender touch of the cheek. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: a cheek touch. >> did you notice my pants? my pants are by oscar mayer. [ laughter ] a great designer. really great designer. [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's -- the designer's name is oscar mayer? >> yeah, yeah. >> jimmy: he makes your pants? >> he makes men's pants, yes. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: oscar mayer. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i didn't know that. >> yeah, yeah. they were very form fitting. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> almost like a casing. >> jimmy: all right, all right, all right! [ laughter ] we have to tell about your movie "terri." >> i'd love to talk about my movie. >> jimmy: it's a very, very funny movie, "terri." [ laughter ] "terri" -- it's out in new york and l.a, right? next week? >> yeah. it comes out july 1st, i believe. >> jimmy: very good. >> and it's a really sweet -- you know, i bounce back and forth, like you mentioned before between a lot of different kinds of movies. and this one is a very funny,
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but, like, very real and honest portrait of a kid going through high school. he's kind of having a hard time. he lives with his uncle who's like losing his mind and he starts wearing pajamas to school everyday. >> jimmy: who is this kid? he's very funny. >> his name is jacob wysoki. he's here somewhere, i think. jacob? there he is. he's right there. >> jimmy: where? [ cheers and applause ] very good. he's very funny. great job, jacob. he's very funny in the movie. >> he's great. >> jimmy: we -- i'm happy that he's up there. if i knew he was here, he could have come on with you. >> well, i suggested it, but i don't know. [ laughter ] we wanted to get to the -- you know, they wanted to get to the -- >> jimmy: he's very funny -- he's a newcomer. where did he come from? >> uh, from a man and a woman. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: no, no, you don't have to explain. i understand that. >> a man and a woman -- >> jimmy: no, no, no, i got you. i got you. >> i play his guidance counselor. and i'm also like the vice principal of the school. so, i start out this very authoritarian kind of formal, "let me give you some advice, kid." and then you realize i'm slowly losing my marbles.
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and we kind of end up bonding and helping each other, and it's a really cool, very honest, sweet story. >> jimmy: we have a clip from the movie "terri." this is john c. reilly. "terri" opens in new york and los angeles on july 1st. john c. reilly, everybody. noah wyle joins us next. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ now, we can watch a newspaper, listen to a magazine, curl up with a movie, and see a phone call. now, we can take a classroom anywhere, hold an entire bookstore, and touch the stars. because now...there's this. ♪ it's made with tender
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white meat chicken. zero grams trans fat. mcdonald's chicken mcnuggets. crispy on the outside, juicy on the inside, and made just for you. ♪ fill an entire community with joy? maxwell house believes so. that's why we've partnered with rebuilding together to help revitalize communities in need. vote for your community at we make it sizzle and snap.
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and now so can you. ♪ ignite the night with p.f. chang's home menu. the boldest flavors in the freezer aisle. ignite the night with p.f. chang's home menu. i bet it could last through some artsy foreign film. good idea. let's go. did i just say that out loud? [ female announcer ] feel fresh up to 5 times longer with scope outlast. still feeling fresh? oh, yeah. [ female announcer ] what will you outlast? here, take the card. you go to the shops... i'll meet you at the gate. thanks. please remove all metal objects out of your pockets. with chase freedom... you can get cash back on what you buy everyday. that's 5% cash back in bonus categories every three months. and an unlimited 1% everywhere else. and this too... i'm going to need a supervisor over here at gate 4. activate your 5% cash back today at or at your local chase branch.
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[ woman ] sam begged and pleaded... so i sent him to camp. we'd earned lots of points with our new citi thankyou card... and i put them to good use. he told me about his bunkmates, and how he signs up for every activity. ♪ he even hangs out with the camp director. just like that. [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you know our next guest from his award-winning work on the hit tv show "er." his new series "falling skies" kicks off with a two-hour premiere sunday at 9:00 p.m. on tnt. please welcome noah wyle! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thanks for coming back to the show, my friend. >> it's entirely my pleasure. >> jimmy: good to see ya. you have a little color. >> yeah. i've been living at the beach in l.a. >> jimmy: yeah, rockin' it out. dude, i hear you live next door to an amazing rock'n roll legend? >> i do. we actually are neighbors up in a little valley north of l.a. but yeah, i live next door to david crosby. who sends his best to you by the way. he is a huge fan of yours.
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and had a great time on your show a couple of weeks ago. >> david crosby, of crosby, stills, and nash, came on the show. i mean he's amazing. these guys can sing like -- >> nobody harmonizes like those guys. >> jimmy: but, it's like playing a piano. it's like their harmonies are so tight -- i was like -- i'm doing my neil young impression and trying to be funny. >> but no. you can play. like -- >> jimmy: well, we sang -- we did a version of "parties in this usa." >> i know, which was so great. [ laughter ] i've got these young kids that make me listen to radio disney all day long and i know that song all to well. >> jimmy: we did a sad version and a really beautiful version. "party in the usa" with crosby and nash and it was like -- >> you had to be there. >> jimmy: you gotta see it. youtube it. it's youtubable. but, so you guys are buddies? you get to hang out on the weekend? >> yeah, we're unlikely friends, i know. but we've known each other for 10 or 12 years and he's been trying to teach me guitar. >> jimmy: are you good? >> no, no. i'm terrible. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: really? >> i thought i would surprise him by learning "mr. tambourine man," which is an early byrds song.
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>> jimmy: sure. >> so i sat him down and said, "hey man listen to this." and i played it for him and he asked me what it was. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: that is not good. >> i told him, "it's 'mr. tambourine man.'" and he said, "no." >> jimmy: that's not what you played? >> yes, it is. i got the key tab thing and i showed him the chord. he said, "listen, you can play it like that or like i recorded it on the album." >> jimmy: "let me help you out." so, "falling skies," gotta talk about this. huge -- i love that you're doing it. is it 10 part miniseries? >> yeah, it's a two hour pilot and then eight subsequent episodes will air throughout the summer. big science fiction, alien invasion show, steven spielberg producing it. >> jimmy: explosions. >> explosions. >> jimmy: you got lasers? >> yeah, the premise is that six months ago aliens invaded the earth and wiped out most of the population and all the power grids and those few survivors who are left are thrown back into 19th century form of existence. and military's gone, so guys who used to be history professors
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are toting guns and trying to save the world. >> jimmy: pretty rad, yeah. it's really, really cool. it's really well done. i love the production value in it. because like -- you can see sometimes a sci-fi show comes on, "okay, they went with that." but it's just like -- it looks real and this is like a super awesome movie. >> the effects are terrific. with mr. spielberg at the helm, you can pretty much guarantee -- >> jimmy: was he involved? was he hands on? >> more than i thought he would be. yeah, he was all over it. he was there on the set. he helped shape the script. he helped cast the pilot, makes editing suggestions. >> jimmy: scary and has a lot of good effects and a lot of heart. >> got a lot of heart. >> jimmy: got a lot of heart. that's what i like about it. we have a clip from the show on "falling skies." here's noah wyle. >> we don't have to kill them all, kill a couple of them. if we make it too costly, too painful for them to stay then they'll leave. if they're wolves, we have got to be porcupines. if we can hurt them, they will leave. >> it hasn't worked so far. >> well, it will. because it has before. history is full of inferior forces creating so much trouble that the invading army leaves. the athenians at marathon.
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the scots against the british, at sterliing bridge. our revolution fought right here. red sox, yankees, '04. we can beat them. >> jimmy: yeah, there you go. [ cheers and applause ] looks good. noah wyle, "falling skies," premieres sunday, this sunday at 9:00 p.m. on tnt. up next, we're going to take a look at what's new from nintendo. come on back! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] when you're looking for a twist, crack open a bud light lime. ♪ it's a fraction of the hope but it's hard to control ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] the great taste of bud light, with a twist. bud light lime. all the refreshment of bud light,
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. it's the end of video game week here on "late night with jimmy fallon." i'm here with reggie fils-aime. the president and chief operating officer of nintendo of america of nintendo of america! [ cheers and applause ] what is video game week without nintendo stuff? what'd you bring us this time? >> we have all kinds of great stuff for you. first, we are going to start with a little nintendo 3ds. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> this is "kid icarus uprising." kid icarus, 20 years old. >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. >> so, the first thing we're going to show is a little ar camera. just a camera. >> jimmy: just a camera. right there, see you can see -- >> these are cards. as soon as the camera hits the cards, you get these fantastic characters that just pop up. >> jimmy: this is just bizarre! >> and what's really cool about this game, right. it's a great one player game, a great three player game, three on three. and then you have these cards that battle. >> jimmy: they'll fight each other? >> so they'll fight each other. >> jimmy: do i have to get in
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there more? [ laughter ] yeah. get 'em! get 'em! so, i can go to the play ground and just start throwin' -- >> start throwing down cards and start battling each other. you're pit and i'm over here. >> jimmy: thank you so much. i appreciate it. when does this come out? >> this comes out holiday. >> jimmy: all right, good. holiday. "kid icarus," i love that. >> this is the first thing. >> jimmy: i'm shaking. i'm excited about this. >> jimmy: so this is "zelda: skyward sword." >> this is "zelda: skyward sword." for the wii. this will be a big holiday title for the wii. what's wonderful about this is that it uses wii motion plus. everything going on, i'm controlling. and so -- >> jimmy: oh, my gosh. oh, my gosh. you have a flying beetle? >> i have a flying beetle. well, what we are going to do -- we will battle and actually, we are going to let you battle. >> jimmy: let's do it. all right. safety first. >> safety first. put your -- >> jimmy: i've thrown it. i've hurt children with this.
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[ laughter ] >> so, what you want to do is go straight through the door. >> jimmy: oh, yeah, yeah. oh, man. i'm so excited -- >> you have got to press "a." have the wall go up. this is the sky temple. this is first major dungeon you get to. now, you fight this great skeleton character. and because it's wii motion plus, you want to swing when he's not defending. [ laughter ] >> there you go. there you go! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you sick son of a -- yeah! yeah! what now? what now? ♪ >> now, you get a classic reward. you get a classic reward. >> jimmy: my gosh. >> when you open up that. >> jimmy: i love "legend of zelda" it's my favorite game. all right, we have another surprise for everyone. >> we have another surprise for you. this is -- this is what we just shared during "e3." this is the new wii u console. [ applause ]
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>> we have the remote you're holding. fits great in your hand, its got a camera. it's a dual analog stick. >> jimmy: you can go on the web and have a chat? >> you can web chat. >> jimmy: we can chat with each other. >> that would be great. i'd love to do that. >> jimmy: you're lying. [ laughter ] i like how it feels. i like the ridge on the back here, really comfy. >> you have a 6 inch screen. and really, the whole idea is playing games with two different screens. the screen, your big tv and the 6 inch screen. >> jimmy: i saw some demo of this where you -- you were playing a golf game. and you have this -- you are playing on the tv screen, this is on the ground. and you can tell your golf ball is in the sand and use your wiimote and goes into your television set. it's the craziest thing ever. now this is not going to come out for a year. >> this won't come out for, kind of, a year. it's going to be 2012 after april. but it is going to be fabulous, just fabulous. >> jimmy: i know in a couple of days, one of my favorites, "legend of zelda: ocarina of time" is on 3ds. that's coming out too.
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i know, i'm a nerd. [ laughter ] it was one of my favorites. but, you're a good man and you have an announcement to make. you are going to -- >> as you said, the game isn't even out yet but everyone here in the audience is going to get an -- [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our thanks to nintendo of america, reggie fils-aime, everybody. you're the best. billy currington performs next. come on back everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ man ] i got this new citi thankyou card
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and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? yes i did. [ man ] points i could use for just ab ♪ ♪ there it is. [ man ] sle new perspectiv. ♪ [ male announcer ] the new citi thankyou premier card gives you more ways to earn points. what's your story? citi can help you write it.
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♪ >> jimmy: our next guest has scored seven number one hits on the billboard country charts. he's here tonight to perform his latest single "love done gone" from his album "enjoy yourself." please welcome billy currington! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ ba bada bada ba
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♪ don't worry baby sometimes things change nothin' we can do about it now no way ♪ ♪ this doesn't come easy but that's just life we can't keep pretending everything's all right ♪ ♪ we told each other it was love before the simple truth is it just ain't no more ♪ ♪ the bells stop ringin the music won't play the crazy little feelin that's faded away ♪ ♪ like snowflakes when the weather warms up like leaves on the trees when the autumn comes ♪ ♪ like the dogwood blossoms in a late spring rain all the disappearin' bubbles in a glass of champagne ♪ ♪ like a red kite lost in a blue sky wind i don't know where the good times went ♪ ♪ it ain't nothin we ever said or ever did wrong
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it's just love done gone ♪ ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ i don't regret a single thing that we did anytime together that we ever spent ♪ ♪ i wouldn't change a thing baby, you know sometimes we got to just go with the flow ♪ ♪ like snowflakes when the weather warms up like leaves on the trees when the autumn comes ♪ ♪ like the dogwood blossoms in a late spring rain all the disappearin bubbles in a glass of champagne ♪ ♪ like money in a slot machine don't know what happened to you and me ♪ ♪ it ain't nothin we ever said or ever did wrong
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it's just love done gone ♪ ♪ ba bada bada ba ♪ ba bada bada ba


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