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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  September 23, 2011 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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you've got to hang ♪
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[ cheers and applause ]
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[ cheers and applause ] stay-tuned, "jimmy fallon" is [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you very much. appreciate that. welcome to "late night," everybody. that's a crowd right there. [ cheers and applause ] the new york city crowd for you. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." hey, i heard that -- i heard that yesterday president obama arrived 25 minutes late for a luncheon at the u.n. in fact, he was so late, he had to sit next to biden at the kids' table. [ light laughter ] this is cool. first lady michelle obama will appear on the season premiere of "extreme home makeover" on sunday. the good news is, she'll be refurbishing a house for a new family to move into. the bad news is it's the white house. [ laughter and applause ] some more political news, according to new reports, house speaker john boehner has accepted money from bp to support his campaign.
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while mitt romney has accepted oil from bp to support his hair do. [ laughter ] grease lightning. listen to this. arnold schwarzenegger has a new memoir that will focus on his career as a body builder, action star and politician. you can find it in that section of barnes and noble marked, "trying to change the subject." [ laughter ] [ as arnold ] >> "mildred, get over here now!" [ laughter ] did you guys hear about this? nasa is developing space taxis to shuttle astronauts to the international space station. and this is cool, just like new york taxis, they're all going to be driven by aliens. [ laughter and ohs ] isn't that interesting? interesting, right? check this out. a woman in arizona is trying to sell a 150-year-old human skeleton on craigslist. that seems -- that seems rude and inappropriate. i mean, larry king is a television icon. there's no -- [ laughter ] shouldn't have a right to do that.
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this is interesting. bill gates has topped the "forbes" list of the richest americans for the 18th year in a row. although, in fairness, the pc they used to make the list has been frozen for 18 years, so -- [ laughter and applause ] control, alt -- and finally, today, facebook hosted its annual developer conference called "f8." not to be confused with the feedback they got for their new design, "fu." [ laughter and applause ] there you go. we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we got a great show tonight. she just won an emmy this weekend for "the good wife." she's one of my favorites. julianna margulies is here. [ cheers and applause ] beautiful, talented, funny. his stand-up special is out on dvd.
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he's from the "daily show." the very funny wyatt cenac is stopping by. [ cheers and applause ] he also won an emmy. i like that guy. plus, music from telekinesis, you guys! [ cheers and applause ] tonight -- hey, guys, here's something really special. next week we're going to be celebrating the music of pink floyd with some huge bands covering their songs. we'll kick things off on monday with the shins, followed by foo fighters performing with founding pink floyd member roger waters. >> steve: yeah. >> jimmy: mgmt. >> steve: yeah. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: dierks bentley. >> steve: yeah. [ cheers ] >> jimmy: and last but not least, pearl jam! [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: what? >> jimmy: doing pink floyd. thanks to budweiser for making pink floyd week possible. i like budweiser. they're awesome. without them, we couldn't do it. [ cheers and applause ] we couldn't afford it. hey, guys, it's time to check in with our friend from the u.k., mr. peggy hess. that's right. it's time for "celebrity
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whispers." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ whispers ] "celebrity whispers." >> hello. i'm peggy hess, and welcome to -- [ whispers ] "celebrity whispers." shh. [ shutter click ] [ whispering ] >> hey, did you see ever see that movie "beethoven's second"? >> no, i haven't. >> it's so good. and there's this is one moment where beethoven gets up on the bed all muddy, and charles grodin is like, "beethoven, you got to get off that bed." and he slobbers all over him. >> oh, my gosh, it's so funny. >> yeah, charles grodin is the man, dude. >> yeah, that dog is ornery, but i love it. [ whispering ] >> whispers. [ shutter click ] >> hey, has anybody been watching "game of thrones" lately? >> "game of thrones." >> oh, hi. [ light laughter ] yeah, i missed last nights episode. >> yeah, but did you see the one last week? >> yes. >> oh, yeah, it would frickin' awesome. >> during that big battle sequence, i got so excited i spilled ice cream all over myself. >> oh, that's cool, man. >> william, did you see last night's episode when -- >> no, spoilers, no spoilers. [ laughter ] >> you know that was a whisper.
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[ shutter click ] [ whispering ] >> man, i'd rather be at chuck e. cheese than this place. [ laughs ] actually, i'm not kidding. let's go. >> but, we're at the vma's. we have to go inside. >> we'll go later. >> yeah, but i want to play ski ball, and they have that big ass air hockey table. it's right alongside that really cool fishing game you know i love. >> shut up about it. [ light laughter ] >> "celebrity whispers." [ shutter click ] [ whispering ] >> hi, it's so good to see you. >> hey, have you been keeping up with these internet memes lately? >> oh, yeah, i've been planking like crazy. [ laughter ] >> oh, yeah. planking, howling, horse painting. >> yeah have you heard about the new figure skating one? it's called yamaguchi. here, come on. let's try it. [ laughter ] [ shutter click ] [ whispering ] >> boo. >> ah, don't scare me like that. >> sorry, sorry. >> you know i just watched "leprechaun" last night. >> just get over here.
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[ in irish accent ] >> try and they will, try as the might, if you steal me gold, you won't live through the night. >> don't do that. oh, that little green bastard gives me the creeps. >> celebrita! [ shutter click ] >> together guys. together. [ whispering ] >> hey jeremy, why didn't you accept my facebook friend request? >> what are you talking about? >> you know what i'm talking about. >> no, i never check it. just smile. wait, so when did you send it? >> look, i know you get facebook notifications sent to your e-mail. okay, don't deny it. we're not friends anymore. [ laughter ] >> on facebook or real life either. >> marky. >> don't call me that. >> marky, come back. >> whatever. >> i'm peggy hess. i'll see you next time on "celebrity whispers." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: those were "celebrity whispers." stick around. we'll be right back with more "late night." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ so, your 2:30 canceled, your 1:30 is confirmed --
12:45 am
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. welcome back, everybody. prepare to get mind-plowed. [ laughter ] it's time, once again, to play "darts of insanity." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ darts of insanity >> jimmy: thank you very much. this is "darts of insanity." a game of skill, strategy and what some would consider moral depravity. >> whoo! [ whip cracks ] higgins, let's get three contestants down here! >> steve: well, jimmy, coming to the stage are hector lopez, dan amos and hanz hoffman. ♪ get down here and ready to play darts of insanity jimmy♪ ♪ >> jimmy: thank you. thank you, higgins. are you sure you got those names right, higgins? >> i think so -- uh, dan finson, bill grinson and gary simpson? >> jimmy: that's correct. [ light laughter ]
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what is your name? >> hector. >> jimmy: hector. >> dan. >> hanz. >> jimmy: where are you from? >> new jersey. >> vancouver. >> phoenix, arizona. >> jimmy: there you go. that's what i'm talking about. [ scattered applause ] all right, guys, listen up. here's how this game works. to your right, on the sharp 108, is the dreaded dartboard of insanity. >> oh, hell no! [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: now -- one at a time, you'll take this official buzz bee ultimate rapid blast air blaster and shoot a rubber dart at the board. the board will quickly flash between various stunts you may be subjected to. each of which carries a specific point value. for instance, we have "whack a sack" for three points. [ ding ] [ ding ] "honey nut pantyhose" for six points. [ light laughter ] [ ding ] and the dreaded "expired milkshake of pain" for 12 points. [ audience ohs ] that's where we force you to think about an expired milkshake while we shock you with a cattle prod. [ laughter ] whatever your dart lands on, that's what you have to do. whoever has the most points at the end of round one wins the game and a check for $100. [ light laughter ] [ audience oohs ]
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you guys ready? >> ready. >> yeah. >> jimmy: all right, great. contestant number one, you are up first. please stand behind the firing line. >> all right. >> jimmy: initiate the dartboard of insanity. here's your gun. >> all right. >> jimmy: be careful. fire when ready. [ ding ] "shake your balls off." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] "shake your balls off" for five points. higgins, tell him what he's got to do. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's lucky contestants get to put on a customed velcro man-thong with a bunch of sticky balls attached to it. he'll then have 15 seconds to shake all the balls off. if he succeeds, he's got five points. ♪ jimmy >> jimmy: thank you, higgins. [ light laughter ] fairly simple. you just got to put on this velcro diaper. [ light laughter ]
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we're going to give you 15 seconds. [ light laughter ] you got to try to shake all those balls off. and you can't use your hands. only hip thrusts and body gyrations. [ light laughter ] you think you can do it? >> i can do this. >> jimmy: all right, very good. 15 seconds on the clock, please. audience, cheer him on. ready, set, shake your balls off! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake, shake shake, shake, shake shake ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ ♪ shake shake your balls off ♪ [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: at least only one of them are blue. [ laughter ]
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sorry, you did not shake your balls off, but it was a good effort. head on over there, and let's go see our next contestant. how are you doing there, buddy? [ cheers and applause ] sorry. what's shaking, bacon? all right, you know what you've got to do, right? you've got to hit the board, and try to land on something with a lot of points. you ready? >> yeah. >> jimmy: let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. be careful. here's your gun. you may fire when ready. [ ding ] "puppy chow." ♪ "puppy chow" for ten points. higgins, tell him what he's got to do. >> steve: well, jimmy, tonight's contestant will have to lay down, lift up his shirt and have an entire can of wet dog food dumped on his stomach. then a bunch of cute little puppies are going to eat it all off him, and once they're done, he's won -- ten points, that is. ♪ jimmy
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>> jimmy: so -- get on in there. >> lie down this way? >> jimmy: they're very cute. you know, with your head toward the puppies. >> okay. >> jimmy: and you're going to lift your shirt up. and we're going to put some dog food on your stomach there. [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] there you go. that looks like about right. [ laughter ] it feels like you've done this before. yeah, this is weird. [ laughter ] yeah, that's good. that's good stuff right -- yeah. thank you very, very much. all right, here we go. all right. [ audience ohs ] audience, are you ready? [ cheers and applause ] ready, set, release the hounds! ♪ go! ♪
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[ laughter ] [ whistles ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ very good. that's -- very good. very good. [ cheers and applause ] that's all we needed. that's all we needed. that's it. time's up. [ cheers and applause ] you made it. you got ten points, buddy. congratulations. >> yeah! >> jimmy: you're in the lead. whenever you're ready, just take your time, buddy. yeah. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] all right. get up, will you? geez. [ laughter ] all right, here we go. get yourself cleaned up. how are you, buddy? >> doing good. >> jimmy: all right, it's down to you. you need to beat ten points. do you think you can do it? >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: you're a good man. all right. good luck. let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. when you're ready, fire when ready, my friend. good luck.
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[ ding ] "dude spoon." ♪ [ applause ] for 15 points. this is where you have to spoon with a guy in bed for 20 seconds. [ laughter ] >> bonus shot! >> jimmy: whoa, you're in luck. that sound means you get a bonus shot at the board if you want it. this never happens, but the choice is yours. do you want to attempt the "dude spoon" or -- >> i'll take another shot. >> jimmy: all right, yeah, that's what i thought you would do. [ laughter ] all right, here we go. let's initiate the dartboard of insanity. get rid of that "dude spoon." go for it, buddy. [ ding ] "double dude spoon." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: the "double dude spoon!" tonight's contestant gets to spend quality time in bed between the warm, loving bodies of percival and sebastian. two dudes who only got one thing on their minds. spooning the hell out of you for 20 seconds. it's the "double dude spoon," and it's worth 30 points. ♪ jimmy double dude spoon ♪ [ laughter ]
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>> jimmy: all right. thank you, higgins. all right, this is it. you can be tonight's big winner. all you have to do is get in bed with percival and sebastian. right in the middle. and together, form a spoon sandwich. more of a manwich -- [ light laughter ] for 20 seconds. >> all right. >> jimmy: are you ready for the challenge? >> yes. >> jimmy: percival and sebastian, are you guys ready? >> oh, we're ready. >> i'm so ready. [ laughter ] >> let's hold hands. >> jimmy: get into position, my friend. >> come on in, buddy. >> jimmy: it's all good. just go with it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: just go with it. ♪ can we dim the lights? >> oh, yeah! [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: can we dim the lights? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ inaudible ] >> you got plans for the weekend? >> no. >> really?
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want to come, you know -- come to my house and watch the game. >> yeah. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very, very good. great job. you did it, buddy! you completed the "double dude spoon" which means you won 30 points, which means you are the winner! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] you will be receiving a check for $100! that's it! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ you won, buddy. >> thanks. >> jimmy: congratulations. guys, come on over here. uh, i'm so -- [ whistle ] >> -- spoon with that guy. >> jimmy: yeah, no, you can't spoon with him. [ laughter ] guys, you did not win, but you were good sports so you will be also taking home $100 each. >> oh, wow. >> jimmy: here you go. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] also, everyone will be taking home these official "late night with jimmy fallon" t-shirts right there. [ cheers and applause ] thanks everyone for playing! stick around! we'll be right back with julianna margulies! [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at
12:59 am
ford fusion hybrid emerges ase. no theries. clear fuel economy leader over camry hybrid. kimberly? the fusion hybrid holds a 10 mile per gallon advantage in the city over the toyota camry hybrid. uh... that's not good. i would like 10 more miles.
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he's going to have a a lot to think about, kimberly. and there you have it....fusion hybrid. with best in class city fuel economy.
1:01 am
♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our first guest just won an emmy award for her starring role on cbs' hit show, "the good wife," which kicks off a third season on a new night, sunday, september 25th. say hello to the lovely, the talented julianna margulies. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: julianna margulies, you look gorgeous, as always. >> oh god, i promised your guy i could do this and now i can't. >> jimmy: yeah, you can do it. do you want help? >> it's --
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yeah, 'cause it's not clicking. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, there you go. >> ow! >> jimmy: oh my gosh! [ laughter ] you scared me. how are you, pal? >> i'm really -- i'm really good. i'm a little hoarse because jimmy threw truly the best party i've ever been to at the emmy awards -- the night of the emmy awards. >> jimmy: did you have fun? that was great, right? >> i had the best time. the music was phenomenal. everyone was dancing. >> jimmy: it was unbelievable. [ cheers and applause ] that was a crazy party. >> it was a crazy good party, and at one point -- >> jimmy: what time did you leave? >> we left at 3:00 in the morning. >> jimmy: wow. >> but, at one point, i turned around. i was -- i knew i had to do press the next day, and i had to fly back and work. so i was, like, i'll stay until midnight and then i'm going to go home. and i turned around and there's tina fey, maya rudolph and amy poehler, dancing on a table. [ laughter ] they've all just had babies. [ light laughter ] and you're standing i the middle and i was like, "oh my god. if these new mommies can do it, then i have to stay." >> jimmy: i got to do it as well. yeah, yeah, yeah. that was super-duper fun. >> it was so fun. >> jimmy: i didn't see you -- you weren't carrying your emmy with you.
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did you take it around with you or no? >> no. i find that very strange. >> jimmy: yes. yeah, 'cause if someone -- >> it would be like, "and here i am." i mean, i -- [ light laughter ] i don't know. also, it's heavy. >> jimmy: yeah, it is. yeah, yeah. i loved your speech, by the way. >> thank you. >> jimmy: i like when people thank their husbands or, you know, their wives. >> aw. >> jimmy: and it was very, very nice. it made me a little weepy, almost. >> it did, really? you got teary? >> jimmy: yeah, it touched me. it was very touching. >> thank you. >> jimmy: hey, congratulations on that. i mean you -- >> thank you. >> jimmy: you're amazing in "the good wife." i mean, congrats. i mean, you're always so good. we love it. [ cheers and applause ] you were telling me, though, when we were backstage -- you almost didn't make it to l.a. >> it was such a drama 'cause i worked the day before and i had to leave at 9:45 in the morning on saturday. i was hosting this party in l.a. that night for charity, and so, i had to be in l.a. by 3:00. and we got to the airport early. my husband and i always do, and i hadn't seen him all week, 'cause he works hard and i work hard. and we got there and they said our flight was canceled. and i said, "okay, well, just -- you know, we got to find another flight --" they said, "well, everything is closing down. the computers are closing down, with security now, and you can't --
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just get a ticket in an hour." so they were like, "just try, just try, just try." and the computers were literally closing on united and i -- i got my ticket through and then his wasn't going through and they're like, "go! just go! you'll make it!" and it was an 11:40 flight. and i'm going, "i don't want to leave you. i don't want to go alone." he's like, "honey, go. worst comes to worst, i'll get on the 3:00 flight, but you have to be there." so i start running through security, and i get there and i'm standing in the -- where -- the boarding gate, and the guy takes my ticket. and then suddenly, i just froze and i was like, "i'm not leaving without my husband. i can't leave without my husband." and in walks tom selleck and he's like, "hey, julianna, how you doing?" and i'm crying at this point, now -- [ light laughter ] i'm like -- >> jimmy: that's a disaster. >> "i'm really good, but my flight got canceled!" and he goes -- and then, in walks paul giamatti and he's like, "hey julianna, how are you doing?" and i'm like, "i'm just waiting for my husband. i don't normally look like this. i'm just having a really hard morning." and he walks and then, kate winslet's like, "jules --" and i'm like, "no, no, i'm not doing well. don't look at me." [ laughter ]
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and he's not coming, he's not coming. and it's -- they're like, "you have to board the flight." and all of a sudden, i see him and it was literally out of "chariots of fire." this is what i heard. [ hums "chariots of fire" ] and he was running -- yeah. he was literally running through the -- jumping over the thing -- >> jimmy: "no, wait for me, honey!" oh, good. >> and he made it. we made it together. >> jimmy: and he made the flight. oh, good, good. [ applause ] >> we made it together. >> jimmy: i love him. he is such a cool guy. i love your husband. he's super fun. >> jimmy loves my husband so much. at one point, i turned at his party -- i was talking to alan cumming over this way and i turned and jimmy, you were sitting in his lap. >> jimmy: yeah, i -- [ laughter ] i had a few drinks that night. [ laughter ] sorry about that. >> what's strange is i don't think my husband even noticed. he was just -- he just kept talking. >> jimmy: oh, my god, he's super fun. >> it was a fun night. >> jimmy: "the good wife, this sunday, new night. >> new night. sundays at 9:00. so everyone can stay up for it. >> jimmy: new night, new season. this is great. >> and everyone's home for it. >> jimmy: yeah. >> it's a really good, fun, new season. she's found her sexual sort of awakening. she's become a little bit more free. >> jimmy: yeah. >> i mean, not sexually, but just more free.
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>> jimmy: just -- yeah, i got you. yeah, we'll find out on sunday, i guess. yeah. [ laughter ] but -- how free you get. but last time -- i love your cast, by the way. alan cumming is amazing. >> excellent cast. >> jimmy: josh charles is my man. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, i love these guys. >> it's really fun. we have a good time. christine baranski, i always tell her -- >> jimmy: christine baranski. >> i want to be her when i grow up. she's one of the classiest broads in the best sense. like, she can talk opera and football within the same sentence. >> jimmy: she's super cool. yeah. >> they're all amazing. we're very lucky. >> jimmy: and super fun and you have crazy guest stars, as always. i know, you have fun people. >> yes, eddie izzard is with us and -- >> jimmy: i love that guy. >> and lisa edelstein comes on and michael j. fox is going to be there. it's a -- just smorgasbord of great acting. >> jimmy: i have a clip from "the good wife." here's you and eddie izzard. julianna margulies. >> you load ship, i -- >> no, seriously. how does he hallucinate the loss of his oxygen tank? >> it was my contention that he hallucinated its existence in the first place. >> if you're going to blame the victim, at least use some better logic.
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>> your lordship, i object to the tone that this -- >> this what? this american lawyer? is that what you were going to say? >> let us take a short break. >> jimmy: yeah. that's what i'm talking about. [ cheers and applause ] she's great. i love every time you come on. i love when you come on, but every time you come on, we play games. >> we have to play a game. >> you're very good and you're very fun at playing games, so we have the new, fun game that we're going to play. is that cool? >> okay, i love it, yes. >> jimmy: all right, very, very good. you guys, you can catch up on season two of "the good wife" on dvd right now and when we come back, julianna and i are playing a new game. you're going to freak out. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
1:08 am
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1:10 am
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1:11 am
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plus $1,000 cash allowance on the 2011 traverse, which offers 8-passenger seating and received a 5-star overall vehicle score for safety. get to your chevy dealer today and get that list done. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: we are back with the great julianna margulies. we're going to play a new game called "speed celebrity." now, this is your game. >> i love this game. >> jimmy: all right. i've never played this game, but i'm very excited about this. >> i've never played "speed celebrity." >> jimmy: all right, good. so we have two partners from the audience. what are your names? >> i'm trish sehedy. >> jimmy: and where are you from? >> from wilmington, deleware? >> i'm jonathan from philly. >> jimmy: oh. [ cheers and applause ] oh, you just said that so the roots would clap. >> no, i really am. born and raised. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: all right, so you know how the game celebrity works. you give your partner clues to get them to guess the name of the famous person that's on your card. for example, if the clue was julianna margulies, i could say
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anything like, "she just won an emmy for 'the good wife.'" but you can't give initials or say something like, "it rhymes with pulianna blargulies." [ laughter ] clues can be real people or famous, fictional characters. the team with the most points wins. you ready to do this? >> ready. >> jimmy: all right, good. all right, first. we sit down, you sit down. julianna, you go first. >> okay. >> jimmy: yeah. you're guessing. >> and i just take one of these? >> jimmy: yeah, you go, like, in order, i think. >> oh, i have to do one? >> jimmy: yeah. all right, let's put 30 seconds on the clock. all right, ready? go. >> okay, he just cheated on his wife, maria. >> arnold schwarzenegger. [ ding ] >> jimmy: oh, my god. keep going, keep going. >> oh. um, um -- he's the lead of the rolling stones. >> oh, mick jagger. [ ding ] >> um, from "star wars," the little, funny guy. >> uh -- yoda. [ ding ] >> um -- okay, she -- she's everywhere and she just got married to a -- >> kim kardashian? [ ding ] >> yes. [ laughter ] he was married to hillary, and he was our president. >> bill clinton. [ ding ] >> um -- she's the bridesmaid of william -- of prince william. >> uh -- [ buzzer ] >> jimmy: oh my gosh, you were fantastic.
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you're really good. what was -- what was the score? [ cheers and applause ] ♪ god, all right, here we go. that was great. all right. all right, five. watch out. these are very slippery. all right, we've got to beat five. >> okay, okay. >> jimmy: are you ready for this? >> we got this. >> jimmy: we can do this. all right, 30 seconds on the clock. and, here we go -- okay, "knight rider." >> [ unintelligible ] what? >> jimmy: "baywatch." >> um, oh! uh, oh my god, oh my god -- [ unintelligible ] >> jimmy: pass, pass, pass! [ laughter ] okay. [ as pee wee herman ] [ laughing ] [ laughter ] la, la, la, la, la, la. rides a bike. >> okay, um -- steve urkel? no, wait -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: rides a bike. rides a bike. >> rides a bike. uh -- oh, the guy -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: pass, pass, pass. uh, 007. >> james bond. [ ding ] >> jimmy: yes, very good. >> jimmy: uh -- my good friend! [ buzzer ] john travolta! [ sad tuba ] all right -- >> sorry. >> jimmy: sorry about that. it was good. you said "steve" and you said "al." that's good. [ laughter ] steve and al. all right, very good. so that's round one. okay, now it's time for round two. look at this. ooh la la.
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[ audience oohs ] that's what i'm talking about. things are going to get tricky here. the same 20 celebrity names are mixed up, and they're back in play, so our partners will give us the clues. however, they can't say more than three words in this round. three words is the limit. all right. jonathan, why don't you start it out, my man. [ cheers and applause ] we'll get 'em back. we'll get 'em back. we'll get 'em back. 30 seconds on the clock. and go! >> super rich. own network. >> jimmy: hey, that's four. [ light laughter ] >> oprah winfrey. [ ding ] [ light laughter ] >> ow. that counts. >> "jersey shore." slut. >> snooki. [ laughter ] >> yes. [ ding ] um -- bit by spider. >> spider-man. >> yes. [ ding ] >> but he said spider -- that doesn't count. he said spider. >> was black, white. >> michael jackson. [ laughter ] [ ding ] [ buzzer ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's good! ♪ "was black, white."
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all right, very good. that's four. you have to beat four. in round two. very good, josh. very, very good. >> "was black, white." >> jimmy: "was black, white." [ laughter ] oh, my goodness. all right. here we go. 30 seconds on the clock. go for it, pal. >> okay. old, white hair. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: anybody! santa claus. john mccain. old, white hair. >> what do i do now? >> jimmy: pass, pass, pass! >> um -- handsome -- >> jimmy: me! [ laughter ] robert pattinson? >> [ unintelligible ] darn it! >> jimmy: pass! >> okay. >> i'm going to help you. >> cook, blonde, tv. >> martha stewart! [ buzzer ] [ sad tuba ] >> jimmy: you got it. >> i was helping. >> jimmy: thank you for helping me. i'm so sorry. >> is that all of them? >> jimmy: read the other ones. no, no, don't do anymore. you've done enough. [ laughter ]
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who was old and white hair? >> betty white. >> jimmy: betty white? >> i'm sorry, betty white. >> i don't know. >> jimmy: i think it's good. all right, that was good. >> stage fright. >> jimmy: no stage fright, please, you're good. please, please, please. all right. >> i got to -- [ laughter ] >> jimmy: here we go. round three, you guys. what are the scores? 9 to 1, so we need 8 to win, all right? all right, now here's the deal. round three is julianna and i, okay? and we can only give silent clues. but the same cast of characters. >> okay. >> jimmy: so remember the names that we had there. betty white, yeah -- handsome guy, yeah. please. all right, so -- [ laughter ] so we can say -- we give clues to get our partners say the name. anything, but no talking, all right? ready to do this? do i -- who goes first? i go first. okay, here we go. ready? 30 seconds on the clock. here we go. >> oh! [ light laughter ] mary poppins? >> jimmy: mary poppins? [ laughter ]
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>> spider-man! >> jimmy: yes! [ ding ] [ applause ] >> tiger woods! [ ding ] >> jimmy: yes! [ cheers and applause ] [ laughter ] >> situation. the situation. "jersey shore." snooki. >> jimmy: yes! [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] >> oh, yeah, i forgot -- [ buzzer ] >> pee wee herman? [ laughter ] >> i love that. i love the -- >> jimmy: you're great. how many did you do there? all right, julianna, here we go. >> oh, i don't like this 'cause i can't -- >> jimmy: you can't talk. all right, good. here we go. this is it. just charades. 30 seconds on the clock. here we go. and go! >> um, mick jagger. [ laughter ] [ ding ] >> jimmy: man, you are good! >> a penguin? jim -- oh, yoda. [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] michael jackson. [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] charlie chaplin. mary poppins. [ laughter ]
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uh, lance -- oh, pee wee herman. [ ding ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: my god. [ laughter ] [ buzzer ] >> is it you? [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: "the good wife" has its season premiere sunday at 9:00 -- sunday, at 9:00 on cbs. julianna margulies, everybody! wyatt cenac joins us next. he's coming up in the bud light lime green room. you are amazing. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ oooohhhh yeeaaahhh!! can we show you something? wouldn't it be great to feel like this all the time? (yeaaaahhh!!) i guess so. well, with the chase freedom card, you get 5% cash back on up to $1500 worth of purchases. and new categories every 3 months. and 1% on everything else. so that "man, this must be my lucky day feeling" can go on and ooooonnnnn! no, you look good, you look good. get your cash back. chase freedom.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest this evening is a multiple emmy award-winning writer and correspondent on "the daily show" which airs weeknights at 11:00 p.m. his stand-up special, "wyatt cenac comedy person," aired on comedy central, is now available on dvd and cd. please welcome back to the show our friend, the very funny wyatt cenac, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: wyatt --wyatt, welcome back to our program. >> thank you for having me back at your program. >> jimmy: i love -- we love having you here, and thanks for coming to our emmy party. >> yeah, no, thank you for having me. i just left it. [ laughter ] just now. >> jimmy: you just -- >> yeah. >> jimmy: you kept going that night. congratulations on winning the emmy and beating us. [ light laughter ] >> well, when you put it like that -- >> jimmy: i'm just kidding.
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you were one of the people that did bring your emmy to the party. >> 'cause i had nowhere else to take it. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: come on. >> they don't give you a storage locker for it. like, there's not -- there's not an emmy valet that -- >> jimmy: i love that you came in -- rory, you both hold the emmy's like, "hey, sorry guys." >> yeah. well, because the other part of that was comedy central took my limo from me. so, they were like -- they were angry that i left the comedy central party to go to your party. [ light laughter ] so, they said that like, oh -- >> jimmy: take a cab? >> yeah. so, they were like, "well, you can go to that party but don't expect us to wait for you," so -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: unbelievable. >> yeah. >> jimmy: congrats on this. this is awesome, buddy. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: dvd and cd right there. [ cheers and applause ] "comedy person." >> thank you. >> jimmy: we love you guys. we love "the daily show." we played softball against you guys, like, once or twice a year. >> yep. >> jimmy: and you kill us. >> we do. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: and then we played -- we played corn hole. >> baggo. >> jimmy: you call it baggo. >> where i'm from we call it baggo. >> jimmy: where i'm from, cornhole. yeah, and you beat us at that as well. >> we did. we crushed you. >> jimmy: yeah.
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and then -- >> destroyed you. >> jimmy: and then -- [ light laughter ] >> i mean, it was your game that you introduced to us. >> jimmy: well, let's just -- let's just get to the meat of this. >> okay. all right. >> jimmy: we recently played a game of kickball. >> yes. >> jimmy: and who won? >> you guys won. >> jimmy: yeah! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> and you told me not to gloat. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: 'cause, like, we're so proud of that. kickball. it's a great game. >> it's not -- but kickball's not like a real sport like -- >> jimmy: yeah, it totally is! >> they don't give college scholarships for kickball. >> jimmy: yeah, i think they do. >> do they? >> jimmy: no. >> that's not a school you want to go to. >> jimmy: how's everything -- how is everybody at "the daily show?" how's everyone doing? >> good. i mean, we're still a little hurt about losing kickball to you guys. >> jimmy: what's next? >> i don't know. we should do like laser tag or something. >> jimmy: oh, i'd love that. >> here's the thing, though. i've realized the reason that we beat you guys, the difference, the x-factor for why you guys won at kick ball was that kamal wasn't there.
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kamal is normally at every softball game -- >> jimmy: oh, my gosh! [ light laughter ] >> he's at every softball game. he was at baggo. you guys lose horribly. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: so you're saying kamal -- when kamal shows up, we end up losing? >> i think he's -- i think he's the reason you lose. [ laughter ] >> i wasn't at baggo. >> jimmy: he wasn't at baggo. >> i'm sure he was. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: you think he was? yeah. >> i'm sure he probably was. >> jimmy: hey, uh -- >> yeah, he's the manny ramirez of your team that, like -- [ laughter ] [ sad tuba ] you get rid of him, you get -- like all of a sudden, everybody is happy. everybody is playing great. >> jimmy: oh, my god. >> i'm saying it's kamal. i'm saying that's the "x" factor. >> jimmy: unbelievable. that is not true. >> paintball! >> jimmy: oh, now he wants to go paintball. >> no, i'm not playing paintball against that man. [ laughter ] no. >> jimmy: he would go crazy on you. >> no. before they even blow the whistle, he's just going to be like -- [ mimics gun ] [ laughter ] >> jimmy: all right. i'm out. yeah. >> oops. >> jimmy: oops. hey, this dvd's awesome. i got to tell you as a bonus on here -- it's a animated thing about medieval times. >> yes. >> jimmy: that's very, very good.
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you did not enjoy your time at medieval times. >> i -- i did not have fun. >> jimmy: no. >> no. it is a terrible place. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why don't you like medieval times? >> it was -- like, you go and you expect, like, real medieval times. i kind of want somebody to get, like, the bubonic plague or something. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: no. >> no, 'cause it's like, the knights -- if knights are going to fight, i want knights to fight to the death. like, i don't want them then going outside and having cigarettes with each other afterwards. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: they're -- they're actors, yeah. >> yeah, no, i don't have a problem with that. i want them to have real issues as far as, like, this one is from this town and this one's from this town. [ light laughter ] and the -- >> jimmy: real serious beef. >> yeah, i want -- i want blood. that's -- i have bloodlust. if i'm going to go to a medieval times and spend $45, i have bloodlust in my heart at that point. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: but it's -- it's in a mall basically. it's in a strip mall. >> but it -- but it looks like a castle, and there is nothing -- there is nothing medieval about it. it is just made -- i went for a friend's birthday party.
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>> jimmy: yeah. >> and -- so it's just weird because it's, like, here i am with, like, a bunch of other 30-year-olds wearing, like, paper crowns. [ laughter ] sitting next to a bunch of 11-year-olds at, like, an 11-year-old birthday party. [ light laughter ] and they're all looking at us like we're the weirdos. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: like, look at those old dudes out there. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i want to show a clip from "wyatt cenac comedy person" dvd. here's a clip. here's wyatt cenac, you guys. >> do you think rosa parks when she flew anywhere, do you think she would accidentally to go first class? [ laughter ] just so that way t flight attendant would be like, "pardon me, ma'am. i need to see your ticket. i don't think you belong here. you know what? you're good. you're good." [ laughter ] "you're good. you're good. you're fine. you're fine." [ applause ] "no, you're good. that is rosa parks! i am not kicking her out of first class." [ laughter ] "it did not go well the last time." [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you guys, pick up
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"wyatt cenac comedy person"! it's a very, very funny stand-up special. telekinesis performs next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. our next guests are a great seattle band who are making their tv debut with us tonight. to perform the song, "please ask for help," from their album "12 desperate straight lines," please welcome telekinesis. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ i'm not gonna let you down but i'm not gonna help you up ♪ ♪ it takes so long to turn me around when i think nothing could be wrong ♪ ♪ and then you can't hear me and i can't hear you ♪ ♪ and then you wander downtown at a quarter to two ♪ ♪ well with your head held low and not a thing to do ♪ ♪ you gotta give me some time with those one's and two's oh-oh ♪ ♪
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♪ you're like a puzzle that can't be solved missing pieces never fill the gaps ♪ ♪ you got the salt and i got the wound but all you gotta do is ask ♪ ♪ and there's a glimpse in your eye you curl your lip ♪ ♪ now when you go to shut the door and i can't see it and when you start ♪ ♪ i can't stop nothing for me to grip and when i try to get away you always ♪ ♪ give me the slip oh-oh ♪ ♪ ♪ please ask for please ask for ♪ ♪ please ask for help please ask for please ask for please ask for help ♪ ♪ please ask for please ask for please ask for help please ask for ♪ ♪ please ask for


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