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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  October 23, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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a developing story tonight. at this hour, rescuers in turkey are digging through the rubble, trying to reach those trapped by today's powerful earthquake. good evening, everyone. i'm aaron gilchrist. we begin with new twodevelopmen on that devastating earthquake in turkey. the death toll from that 7.2 magnitude tremor stands at 88 right now, but experts believe many more people are dead. the worst damage was done in two eastern towns in turkey. dozens of buildings collapsed, leaving survivors searching for people trapped under that debris. there have been -- there have
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been close to two dozen aftershocks, the largest measured at 6.0. nbc's annabel roberts has the latest. >> the earthquake hit in the far eastern province of vann, and the magnitude was about 7.2, which is pretty strong. turkey does have a history of earthquakes and they have engineers who are highly qualified and specialized in designing buildings to resist earthquakes, but is never really sure quite how closely these guidelines are followed. looking at the pictures, you can see there is a high degree of destruction. there are estimates that about 40 or 50 buildings are down in the city of vann and that there are people trapped beneath the rubble. and you can see people digging through that rubble with their bare hands. officials in the area have said there is so much destruction and so many dead. but as yet, it's impossible to put a precise figure on how many have lost their lives. information is still coming in. and it is difficult to get accurate figures, because the communications -- normal channels of communications have been damaged by this quake.
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the efficient call is for blankets, for tents, and rescue teams to come and help in this effort. of course, turkey is krcrisscr s crisscrossed with fault lines and has dealt with these kind of disasters before. but it will be difficult to mobilize teams to these remote areas. as far as we know, the authorities there are calling for an international response to this disaster. annabel roberts, nbc news, london. >> it was liberation day in libya today, as the new leaders of the country declared the north african state officially free from 42 years of moammar gadhafi's rule. the celebration was held in bengha benghazi, where the rebel uprising started. the transitional council chairman told the crowd that islamic law would be the basis for legislation in libya. any existing laws that contradict with the teachings of islam will be nullified. elections are expected to be held once a new government structure takes shape.
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a 20-year-old man in washington is facing murder charges tonight for shooting a cab driver saturday morning. 40-year-old domingo ezeric was found shot to death in northeast just before 4:00 a.m. police arrested rashad terrell sly of southeast washington this morning. he's charged with first-degree murder. a friend of ezery tells news 4 he worked for silver cab company and was working late to make some extra money to spend on his kids. d.c. police are also searching for three suspects in a deadly shooting at georgia avenue and w. street northwest, near howard university hospital. police say 20-year-old keennan lee of capitol heights was shot around 10:00 last night and died at the hospital. lee was not a student at howard. howard university hospital says the shooting was not related to the hospital or the school that was celebrating home coming this weekend. police say the shooting appeared to stem from an earlier altercation.
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we're learning more about a close call at bwi thurgood marshall airport. officials say a southwest airlines jet collided with a fuel tank last night. the plane hit the truck after coming in from orlando. no one was hurt. airport officials say incidents like this one are very rare. the plane has been taken out of service while the crash is investigated. the drawback era begins in washington, but another disappointing afternoon for the redskins. hakem is here with more. >> you lose last week to the eagles and now face a 1 in 5 carolina panthers game, you've got to win this game, but the redskins didn't. it's embarrassing for the the redskins lose for to a one-win team and for the seventh straight time, the redskins lose to a rookie quarterback. john beck wasn't awful, but he wasn't amazing. and the burgundy and gold fall to 3-3. john beck making his first
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regular season start since 2007, but it's cam newton who strikes first. the rookie, third quarter, panthers lead 9-6. newton on the option, good choice. 16-yard touchdown. the seventh rushing touchdown of his career, ties the rookie record. carolina takes a lead. john beck showing his mobility, dives in for the touchdown. his second rushing touchdown of the season. it's a 16-13 ball game. just over three minutes to play now, redskins down by 10. beck's pass here, intended for leonard hankerson, but, oh, man, throws it right to chris gamble, and that's it. beck finished 279 yards, one passing touchdown and two turnovers. the redskins lose 33-20. >> i think john, overall, played very well, first time out. he's always going to have some growing pains. that's the nature of the business, when you just start playing. but i think you can see his athleticism, his quick release, and seems like he's keeping his
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poise in there, throughout the game. but i've got to do a better job getting these guys ready to play. we should have played better than we did. >> winning is the only thing that really matters. that's the only thing i really wanted to do today. i wasn't trying to go out there and be too perfect. my ultimate goal was just to walk away having won the game. because of that, it's not the feeling we want to have. >> john hellie is in charlotte, north carolina, and will have more coming up in sports. also will go down a laundry list of injuries, unfortunately, the redskins will have to overcome that to play the buffalo bills next week. it's been a rough couple of weeks for the redskins' fans as well, but fans we talked to are not losing faith in the team or the new starting quarterback just yet. >> i think the redskins are trying really hard. >> i think john beck is the better quarterback. rex grossman, not as mobile, i don't think, and i really want to say something bad about him
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right now, but i'm going to hold that to myself. >> that's probably for the best. we'll have more on the john beck era coming up a little later in sports. tension at a few occupy wall street demonstrations across the country this weekend. in chicago, more than 100 occupy protesters were arrested in grant park overnight. the protesters were warned that the park was closing after 11:00 p.m. as police started to put up barriers, the demonstrators sat down and refused to leave. police had to carry some of those protesters away. and in albany, new york, one of the occupy protests got physical. take a look. last night, somebody passing by got into a heated exchange with one of the protesters. there was pushing, profanity, even a few punches were thrown. nobody was seriously hurt. the man who instigated the fight tried to get away from police. you see that there. he was caught, though, and arrested. still ahead on news 4 at 6:00, a fiery demonstration at the vatican. the disturbance high above the ground that sent security scrambling. plus, lady liberty goes high-tech.
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the new view you can get of new york city. and a big surprise for an 11-year-old boy who got a big wish granted. chuck, how about that forecast? >> it turned out to be an absolutely spectacular october afternoon out there today. the question is, can we keep nice, warm, dry weather all the way into the work and school weeke? we'll answer that question and give you
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president obama says u.s. troops will be out of iraq by
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the holidays and the political criticism over that pullout is just getting started. brian mooar has the story. >> reporter: the gop presidential candidates may not agree on much, but they are joining in their criticism of president obama's decision to pull american forces out of iraq. >> the last thing that you want to do is put those men and women's lives in peril. and i think that's what the president's done. >> this decision seems to me that it was more politically based than military based. >> we're leaving behind a situation where iran has just dramatically grown in influence in that country. >> reporter: iran's president tells cnn that he expects to have a close relationship with iraq. >> translator: i don't think there is going to be any change. we have a exponential relationship with iraq. >> reporter: while u.s. troops are expected to be out by the holidays, secretary of state clinton says the united states is not leaving iraq on its own. >> and i hope that iran and no one else miscalculates that. >> reporter: and she says political criticism of the
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pullout is a little bit late. >> they should have raised those issues when president bush agreed to the agreement to withdraw troops by the end of this year. >> reporter: the fight over how to end the iraq war, a debate as old as the war itself. brian mooar, nbc news, washington. and still to come tonight, an unusual disturbance at sunday mass at the vatican high above the crowd. plus, it turned out to be a pretty nice sunday out there, but how about your workweek? chuck's back with your full forecast.
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some extra excitement at a canonization mas at the vatican. a man climbed on to a ledge overlooking st. peters square and burned a bible. security tried to reason with him, but he refused to come down. eventually, he threw the book into the crowd and let security escort him away. the pope continued the mass, despite that interruption, elevated three 19th century founders of religious orders to sainthood. so it seems that lady liberty is going high-tech. the statue of liberty getting some 21st century technology for her 125th birthday. she'll be getting some web cams on her torch. they will let you see a stunning 180-degree view from the comfort of your own computer. the view will include a look at ellis island and governors' island. the new camera will be turned on friday during a special ceremony. storm troopers invaded a backyard in northern virginia this afternoon, and it was a
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dream come true for a little boy with a terminal illness. 10-year-old lane arrived home to a crowd of family and friends and a wookie. lane has duchennes muscular dystrophy and asked for a "star wars" bunker house. after a year of planning and designing, lane's wish was unveiled today. his mom says it's clear the force is with him. >> all these volunteers coming together from the make-a-wish foundation, the design firm, contractors, obviously, caterers, everybody, for a kid they don't know, and it's just everybody's -- these are all angels to me. >> reporter: lane told make-a-wish he can't run and play with his friends, but if he had this fortress, they could come and play with him. well, they took a cue from yoda, and said, as you wish, lane. hundreds traveled across the
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intercounty connector this morning, and not in their cars. this is part of the second annual icc bake riike ride and walk. this is one of the organizers of that event. they were raising money for special olympics maryland. runners ran from between new hampshire avenue and columbia pike and looped back. there were cyclists involved with that as well and good times had by all. chuck is here now. i'll the tell you what, you promised some sunshine yesterday, for today. >> we got it. delivered. no doubt about it. and beautiful weather. nice and mild today. just enough sunshine to get out there and enjoy the fall color. walk around town, just a little bit. hopefully you get a chance to get out and enjoy it. as we all know, as november gets closer, these mild and sfounny days get fewer and farther between. today was the pick of the litter. plenty of sunshine, temperatures climbed up into the low and mid-60s. still a degree or two cooler than average. sun is only about two minutes away from setting now, in our
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western skies, the last little rays of sunshine, bouncing off the western side of the jefferson moremorial there in downtown washington. on the whole, a very pleasant day to be outside today. current temperature at national airport, still 61 degrees with a mostly clear skies. dew points in the upper 40s and a very light wind out of the south averaging 6 miles per hour. around the rest of the metro area, 57 in gaithersburg. down to ft. belvoir and springfie springfield, 59 there. 58 in huntingtown. 57 out towards manassas. and even out towards the blue ridge and the shenandoah valley, where fall color is near its peak right now, temperatures in the upper 50s to near 60 degrees. no rain on the radar. the nearest raindrops to us are well down here across parts of kentucky and ohio. and most of that will stay just down to our south. as you make plans to get outside and enjoy your sunday evening, mostly clear skies, a few fair weather clouds out there. temperatures, upper 50s at 7:00 p.m. back down into the low 50s by 11:00. cooler, of course, out across
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parts of the suburbs. here's the satellite picture. notice this little ribbon of cloud cover riding our way. those are the clouds you see outside this evening. they're all part of this very weak weather system that's way down to our south and west. not enough moisture to work, so we'll stay rain free through the overnight hours and through much if not all of the day tomorrow as well. here in our futurecast weather, not quite as cold tonight, because of the extra cloud cover around. then this weather front's going to be coming in our direction. we've got our futurecast model stopped here late in the day on monday. it might generate one or two lonesome sprinkles late tomorrow, primarily across northern and western maryland, up into southern pennsylvania. not really much of a chance for anymore than a passing single drop or two here in the washington area. then chilly weather again tomorrow night, and bright sunshine returns for tuesday. you'll need to enjoy that sunshine tuesday, though, because the clouds are back wednesday and rain looks likely by wednesday night. fall color, now near peak across much of central west virginia, and good color even showing up right here in washington. so this evening, just a few passing clouds and cool. temperatures in the 50s.
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passing clouds, not quite as cold tomorrow morning as we were this morning. wake-up temperatures in the 40s. then, tomorrow, nice day. increasing cloud cover, but still mild. highs tomorrow, into the upper 60s to near 70 degrees. great weather on tuesday as well. clouds back wednesday and rain likely now thursday and friday. but i've taken the drop out of saturday for next weekend. so that's a little bit of a trending in the right direction. >> we appreciate that. thank you, chuck. coming up in sports, a mixed bag for beck as the redskins took on the panthers.
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i'm guessing that since john beck put the suit on this week for the press conference, he's trying to rise to the occasion. >> he had the plumber shirt on last week with his name, john, he was trying to laook like a professional. he was professional today, just wasn't exactly what the redskins needed. needed a little bit more production. and it's beck to the drawing board for the redskins. john beck making his first start of the season, was upstaged by panthers rookie qb, cam newton. and it gets word. in today's game, receiver santana moss broke his hand, high tower left with a knee jurnlg, sam fletcher suffered a hamstring injury and grossman has pneumonia. john beck making his first regular season start since 2007, but it's cam newton who strikes first. on third and nine, newton scrambling, avoids the tackle here from kevin barnes. cuts across the field.
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remember, folks, he's 6'5", 250 pounds. tough guy to take down. missed tackle from deangelo hall. there's another missed tackle. he can move. 25-yard gainer. it would lead to a field goal. first possession for beck in the redskins. beck looking for fred davis, over the middle. almost intercepted by james anderson. see it again. and that should have been intercepted. and out of his hands. redskins get a break. two plays later on third and 15, beck back to pass, sacked by anton applewhite, he fumbles, panthers recover. take another look here. jamal brown gets beat on the right side. 12th turnover of the season for the skins. all 12 by the quarterbacks. washington down 9-6 at halftime. third quarter, panthers with the ball. newton on the option. good choice. cruises in for six, 16-yard touchdown, the seventh rushing td of his career. ties the rookie record. carolina takes a ten-point lead.
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ensuing redskins' possession, high tower on the carry, already on 88 yards on the ground, but injuries his knee on the play. oh, man within see it again, he injuries his left knee, and after the game, high tower says he doesn't believe he tore his acl. that's good news. he'll have an mri tomorrow. never want to see tim high tower injured. big-time production this afternoon from him. later in the drive, third and goal, john beck showing his mobility, dives in for the touchdown. his second running touchdown in as many weeks. fourth quarter, panthers have it on third and goal. newton looking like a veteran. quick pass, made that look easy. carolina up 30-13, just over three minutes to lay. redskins down 10. beck, intended for leonard hankerson, but right to chris gamble and that's it. beck finished with 279 yards, one touching passdown, two turnovers, the redskins lose 33-20. dan hellie has more from charlotte. >> reporter: quarterback not the problem today, or should i say,
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the redskins' quarterback wasn't the problem. john beck was fine. it was cam newton who was spectacular. the panthers' rookie had over 300 combined yards, abusing the redskins' defense on the ground and through the air. the 33 points the redskins surrendered to the panthers, a season high. >> is there anybody that comes to mind after seeing him in person that you can compare cam newton to? >> you know, as a rookie, i'm not sure if i've been around a rookie that has this type of presence and athletic ability. it was impressive to be out there and see him make some of those plays with his legs and have the poise to make a couple of those throws. >> he's special. i don't think anybody denies that fact. coming into the game, we knew he was special. anytime you've got a guy that big who can run and throw the ball, he can run, he can throw. you know, he's got the total package. he's going to be playing in this league for a long time.
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kameron out there is executing. when he need to put it down and ran, he ran with it. so, i mean, at this point, we just need to find ourself and regroup, just come back, you know, with a positive attitude. that's it, man. >> it's not this game that made any difference. it's the fact that we lost. that's what we've got to figure out, what kind of team are we going to be? because we need to win. i don't think we're going to hit the panic button, but we need to figure out what direction we want to head in, and i think we'll go from there. >> reporter: injuries remain a huge concern for the skins. the man you just saw, hightower, is going to have his knee evaluated. and santana moss has a broken hand. he'll miss at least a few weeks. and things don't get any easier for the redskins with a surprisingly good bills and 49ers on the horizon. from charlotte, dan hellie, news 4 sports. . >> in miami, tim tee bowe making his first start of the year. has a great history at sun life
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stadium. won a high school championship there with coach urban meyer. 25 seconds to play, denver down by eight. tebow throws a little floater to daniel fells and he races in, touchdown, denver. they need a two-point conversion. so here we go. tebow, clutch. takes it himself, ties the game at 15. it's time for bonus football. in ot, denver's matt parader on from 52 years out, got it. tim tebow leads the broncos to an 18-15 overtime victory and miami falls to 0 and 6. >> "nightly news" u
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