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tv   News 4 at 4  NBC  December 1, 2011 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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for him and gardner was included by default. >> i have children. i have a house, a large house, a payment. if i go traveling and disappear, i want them to be covered. i maxed out everything. 150,000 or whatever. it's automatic. i can't unselect robyn. you can't unselect her. okay? when i selected that, i was selecting it for me and she got the same thing. >> he is not in the clear, yet. under dutch law, prosecutors have up to three years to press charges against him. california is experiencing the most powerful santa ana winds they have had in years. it's knocking out power, tipping over tractor trailers. it's expected for at least another day. we have more.
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>> reporter: wednesday night, the winds blasted through southern california with hurricane force winds blowing down trees and power lines. first light revealed a trail of debris everywhere. >> it looked like a tornado hit, literally. >> reporter: the national weather service recorded wind gusts up to 100 miles per hour. >> all of a sudden we hear the wind howling. everything is being tossed in the backyard. >> reporter: it was enough to blow this giant tree down on the pumps of a gas station and this tree crashing through a house in nearby san marino. it left 300,000 area residents without power. the los angeles airport was dark for an hour. >> once we landed rksz we came in the airport for not even five minutes. 20 flights diverted to ontario airport due to dangerous cross
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winds. in utah, wind gusts of 102 miles per hour were recorded. it toppled big rigs on interstate 15. >> it sounded like an explosion. i guess a rock went through my window and got me here in the high. >> reporter: the warnings remain in effect for california, utah, nevada, arizona, new mexico and wyoming. a wild, windy west that's expected to continue through friday. >> well, nothing like that for us. what are we in for, wendy? >> well, meteorologist veronica johnson is joining us live from storm center 4. she's going to tell us what's out there for us. i have a feeling it's nothing. >> nothing like that. wind around here is very, very light. in fact, that's going to allow us to have a very clear and cold night with the temperatures really radiating back out into space. we were talking the santa ana
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winds. i wanted to lay out on the west coast for you to show you how much real estate is covered by the powerful winds. california, nevada, utah, colorado, new mexico and arizona. these are some of the highest wind gusts i have seen reported today. they are around that area with fierce winds. whittaker peak summit, 97-mile-per-hour gust reported earlier today. those are the strong offshore winds. a huge area of high pressure in the pacific northwest. for us, again, a light wind out of the northwest at 8 miles per hour. we have had seasonably cool conditions today. we have had sunshine around. the high temperature, still on par with where we were yesterday, around 50 degrees or so. satellite and radar are not showing a thing around the area. awfully quiet. 46 in gaithersburg. stafford at 54 degrees. where do we go from here? straight on down, folks. probably hitting 40 degrees by
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11:00 p.m. a nice starry sky for us. we'll look at the upcoming weekend and what to expect next week. i don't think you are going to like it. jim? >> that means cold. that means cold. all right veronica, thanks for the warning. >> you bet. federal workers can expect changes in their schedules the next time there's a snow emergency. new policies were rolled out to mitigate traffic during snowstorms. the changes include a staggered early departure option that allows workers to leave early on different timetables. agencies can decide all workers must be out of the office by a certain time. as a last resort immediate departures can be ordered. they are lessons learned from traffic jams we have seen over the last year. >> we sought to learn from last year's heavy traffic that many d.c. commuters experienced
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during last year's snow season as well as the issues that occurred during this summer's earthquake. >> they said when snow policy decisions are made, they should be in place no later than 4:00 a.m. the metro board discussed how to deal with a $124 million gap. they are considering a change in pricing to it goes from price based on distance to zones. another idea is to raise the price of the base fare by ten cents pushing the maximum fair to $6. 25 cent increase in parking fees is also on the table. the changes would take place next year and subject to public hearings. it would be the second fare hike for metro since last year. some developing news this afternoon. top executives at gm say the company will buy back chevy
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volts from any concerned owner. this comes after the report the batteries in the electric cars could catch fire. gm is considering a recall that would take all volts off the road until they are fixed. no volts have been caught on fire in the real world. they all happened after government crash tests. >> the iowa caucuses just 33 days away. the race there got even hotter today. when it looks like michele bachmann or cain would take iowa, romney fought it out with the current front-runners. steve handelsman reports. >> reporter: the front-runner, newt gingrich in iowa today where until the two latest polls he has a double digit lead. >> cut regulations, develop american energy. >> reporter: newt selling himself as the idea guy in a crisis. >> do not vote for me if you
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think the next eight years are going to be an easy walk in the park. >> reporter: the next month will be tough for gingrich. he's way behind in raising money. former house colleagues are saying here we go again. >> what we get with newt is a high drama, great ideas but the story line that is always about newt. >> reporter: gingrich does have mo, momentum. mitt romney never had it. now he's going back wards. >> as this newt moment has been happening, romney, who is floating around 20% to 25% in the polls, all of a sudden is down in the mid teens. >> reporter: in 13 states surveyed, romney's negative rating went from 25% in january to 35% now. >> this is an unusual interview. let's do it again. >> reporter: he squirmed on fox, asked about his massachusetts health care plan. >> i'll defend it. it has political implications.
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if it keeps me from winning a primary, so be it. >> reporter: romney launched this ad, the first in iowa, signaling he will take on the new frontd runner in the new contest. herman cain says he'll see his wife tomorrow for the first time since his crisis got worst and then will decides if he'll stay in the race. i'm steve handelsman, news 4. virginia attorney general reportedly has his eyes on the governor's mansion now. those close to the republicans say he's decided to run for governor in 2013. he served two terms in the state senate until he was elected attorney general two years ago. he is a favorite among tea party voters. he filed a lawsuit against president obama's health care law. he's been most aggressive on
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immigration checks. virginia has a one term limit. current governor bob mcdonald cannot run for re-election. schools in fairfax county are a step closer to allowing cameras in their schools. it could be voted on by the 15th of december. the cameras would be in the cafeterias, lobbies and other places. they say there are safety issues. opponents say it's an invasion of privacy. school systems in fauquier already use school cameras. many school districts rush to offer the latest in technology for students, there's a century old private school in northern virginia that made a conscious choice to keep high-tech gadgets out of the hands of students until upper middle school. jane watrel has more on today's education nation.
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♪ >> reporter: these third grade students are getting an education that some consider quaint. there are no computers in the classroom, just plenty of creativity. it's part of a centuries old curriculum used in arlington, one that emphasizes physical activity and hands on tasks to learn. >> we can see the outside covered in a mask or bark. >> if you started them young, with a computer, they would become dependent on the computer and limit the possibilities of the things they can imagine and create. >> having computer free classrooms until middle school isn't the only unusual part of the philosophy. teachers move from grade-to-grade with their students ensuring a continuity of learning. parents say it gives them piece of mind. >> i love it. i love the teacher and the kids
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really get to connect. they really identify with each kid. >> reporter: and each child's challenges. they master math problems on paper and math in crocheting and knitting as well. >> as the child becomes more skillful at knitting and not dropping stitches, they are helping mathematics, the sense of numbers. you have to count. you have to make sure you have one stitch in each stitch. >> reporter: life lessons they hope the private school students will learn through their heads, hearts and hands. jane watrel, news 4. >> this is not cheep. financial aid is available, but it's around $18,000. we are just getting started. the battle lines are drawn. ♪ >> will adele take top honors at
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the next grammy awards? >> not if bruno mars has his way. ♪ >> and why you might want to get virus protection for your smartphone.
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all right. "twilight" fans have a new attraction to see in china. the mad dam tussauds's wax museum has a statue of robert pattinson. that's a reference to the wedding scene in the newest "twilight" flick. part one broke the $500 million mark at box offices worldwide when it was released last month. >> he's quite life like. >> yeah, looks real. for the kardashians, being
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the most searched person and why p. diddy is not paying for his kids education. and he could. >> joining us is georgia. she's heard on wkys 93.9. >> good to see you. >> and you have your ipad. >> my memory. >> there's a whole lot of stuff going on. >> we want to start with the grammys. we know kanye is at the top of the nominations. >> adele has six. believe it or not, kanye has the most with seven. but he's not nominated for best album of the year. he had two come out. he's sensitive. >> he is? >> he's got the most nominations, but i can't wait to see the show. bruno mars has six. rihanna, katy perry. tony bennett, who cares?
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>> we care. >> he was snubbed and he has a great duets cd. >> we love him. >> i thought he would get something. he's my friend. >> after all these years, he's like a friend. >> yeah. >> the kardashians, we love them if they want to another planet, but they are still on earth. >> yeah. >> a mixed bag of news. >> yeah, cortney kardashian is pregnant with her second child with her boyfriend. kris humphreys does not want a divorce, he wants an annulment. basis, fraud. speaking of places they cannot go, australia. kim kardashian was there a month ago and had to come back? >> right. >> they said you were coming as a tourist but you were working.
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>> she's got a visa issue. >> let's call them ice. >> yeah. >> they have made the kardashians, that is, have made another list. barbara walters most fascinating people. >> also on that list, derek jeter, pippa middleton. we don't know who the main person is going to be. she picks the most fascinating person of the year. i think it's one of two. who is it? >> we have been sworn to secret si. >> it's me. >> hey. diddy's son is -- it's so weird when you see these people with their children old enough to go to college. where did that time go? >> right. >> he doesn't need daddy to pay for it. >> i think he pays the kids mom $40,000 a month in child support. the kid has a 2.75 gpa and got a full ride to go to ucla.
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he has offers at virginia and three other schools. it's fantastic. i'm telling my son if diddy's kid can get that, what are you doing? it's cool. >> what do you have tomorrow? >> we are getting ready for a radioathon. we are helping raise money. >> it's a great idea. >> good to see you. >> i like the dress. >> you got the red tie, the lipstick, it's working. >> see you next week. the stars were out in new york city last night to usher in the holiday season. get it? >> speaking of usher, he was one of the celebrities who performed at the rockefeller center christmas tree lighting. it took place on nbc. 30,000 lights lit up the 74-foot
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tall blue spruce. >> justin bieber, the rockets, michael buble were a few of the stars who performed for everyone. ♪ >> i kind of thought the back-up sounded better than michael buble. i like his music. they were good. good harmony. >> isn't that beautiful? there's nothing like new york during the holidays, nothing. >> we are ours coming up, too, tonight. the first tree at rockefeller center back in 1931 lit up the plaza there. again, the national christmas tree lighting is taking place later on this afternoon. we'll bring it to you live. doug kammerer is down there with
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a special interview with a big star sharing the stage with the first family. check out this video from a special night surfing event. >> cool. >> very cool.
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all right, veronica, it turned out to be a great day. what a day for the lighting. >> it couldn't be better. it was cold last year. everybody is good today. let's take a look outside and see what to expect for the evening because we have a light wind blowing out of the northwest. we have a clear sky. temperatures are going to drop. it's going to be chilly here for the evening. again, it was colder last year. 51 is the temperature now. a northwest wind at 8 miles per hour. as far as your good night wake-up forecast, by 9:00, down to 43. 11:00, 41 to 40 degrees. tomorrow morning, starting out in the upper 20s to mid-30s in town. cool conditions for sure. sun up tomorrow at 7:08. check out the temperatures for tomorrow.
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we have been in the low 50s here. pittsburgh, pennsylvania, 39 degrees. that's the current temperature. 52 in charleston, west virginia. temperatures to the west, down in west virginia, slightly higher and tomorrow we are going to be a tad higher, too with a southwesterly wind. then we have the weather front to talk about. it's producing snow around green bay and madison, wisconsin. snow around des moines, iowa. that is it. by the time it gets here, it will take the temperatures down a little bit for saturday but still with an area of high pressure building in, we are back to sunshine. through the west, we have, yeah, another weather system. a big area of high pressure over the northwest. delivering the santa ana windses. these will be around for another day. so much of the west dealing with that. for our area, tomorrow, a little warmer. and lots of sunshine throughout the area. what a way to start december.
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what a way to end the week and still sunny for saturday. around 50 degrees. i think there will be a few high clouds on saturday. definitely a very, very good day. evening forecast, we are clear and chilly. the temperatures down to 42 to 47 degrees. northwest wind at five to ten. lighter by tomorrow morning. the wind at 5 miles per hour. 30 to 36 degrees. we are pleasant for december. 52 to 56 degrees. again, a lovely day coming our way. saturday gets the nod on the sunshine with a high of 49. sunday, the higher temperatures with a high of 54. again, coming up in a couple minutes, we'll check in with meteorologist doug kammerer out of the building. we'll see what he's up to and if he's seen celebs down for the christmas light. >> maybe a man in a red suit. >> yeah. >> the sur ch is up. take a look at this. >> a group of 17 surfers lit up
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the waves last night. they wired their costume made wet suits and surf boards with neon lights that glow in the dark, then it was time to hang ten. >> surfing at night is a challenge because it's not always possible to see the waves. this is part of a special event to celebrate the start of the australian summer. they are down under. >> that must be tough. it's tough enough in the daytime. >> you can't see the sharks at night either. still to come on news 4 at 4:00, a warning goes out to anyone with a smartphone. ten years after losing her husband
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[ screaming ] [ zapping ] there goes dwayne's car. oh, man. there goes dwayne's house.
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whoa! whoa! and there goes dwayne. man, that thing does not like dwayne. [ male announcer ] state farm's got you covered. nice landing. it was. [ male announcer ] get to a better state. in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum... we can empower more people to innovate... putting momentum behind our economy. and we can reduce the deficit... with more than thirty billion dollars paid by america's wireless companies. it's simple -- more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone.
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welcome back at 4:30, everybody. i'm jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger in for pat lawson muse. southern california is seeing the strongest santa ana winds they have seen in years. the l.a. area experiencing wind gusts as high as 97 miles per hour. it's knocked down trees, started fires. the winds aren't expected to die down until tomorrow. >> new dismissal policies.
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a plan that lets government workers leave on staggered schedules or a designated time during blizzards. it's in an effort to avoid the carmageddon that happened last year. >> gary giordano is back in america. he defended himself on good morning america today. he was asked about the call he made to check out the insurance policy he took out on robyn gardner and himself. his attorney asked him to check on it to see if he has to pay for the search. wall street stocks finished on a flat note today. it comes ahead of the government jobs report expected tomorrow morning. the dow was down 25 points, nasdaq down five and s&p 500 off by two. most people have antivirus
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software for computers and laptops. now your smartphone needs it as well. we have what to do to protect yourself. >> reporter: this is a story about our phones. they are computers, really, that fit into our hands, pockets or purses. they are powerful, convenient and like all computers, susceptible to viruses. silicon valley mcafee has a study. android powered phones are targeted the most. while we love our portable e-mail and angry bird apps, we are not as protective of our phones and tablets. >> somebody created a free version on the android app store loaded with malware. download it, it's sending out
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information from your phone. >> private information like where you live, where you bank, your banking account numbers who recollects your contacts and friends are. how to protect yourself? use common sense. watch your apps and don't click on anything too good to be true. >> we are going to see a lot of scams, click here to donate money. it's one where they want to tug on your heart strings. click this link to donate $10 to whatever. you have to make sure the links you are going to are legitimate. >> reporter: scammers want to reach out and touch you. be careful, the data you save could be your own. in september, a zombie virus affected 1 million cell phones in china in one week. the widow of a south florida tabloid photo editor killed in the anthrax attacks. her husband was the first person to die when the deadly anthrax
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was mailed in letters in 2001. she says the anthrax was on the letter passed around the office because it was so odd. >> robert was passed itd. he looked at it. he wasn't wearing his glasses, he lifted it up to his face to read it. that's how they think that he inhaled the anthrax. >> he was a photo ed tor for the national inquirer. the spores came from a lab in maryland. they sued the government for safeguarding the anthrax. earlier this week, she agreed to a $2.5 million settlement. five people were killed in the anthrax attacks including two d.c. postal workers. 17 other people sickened. the u.s. withdrawal from iraq is in full steam. iraq's navy is in control of the
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port base. they held a ceremony handing over the base today. this comes as the last of the troops will be heading home. the troops are busy packing up the last seven american bases in iraq. u.s. military forces are scheduled to be gone by the end of the year. coming up on news 4 at 4:00, a story of a school that denied admission of a 13-year-old even though he's an honor student.
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time to check out our daily deals. something for the ladies and even you men with frizzy hair. this one is for you. our groupon pays $149 and you get more than half off a global care tin treatment at the salon in dupont. it keeps you frizz free for three to five months. more than 100 people got this so far. on living social, a deal in time for the holidays. pay 15 bucks and get $30 worth of goods on personal
4:38 pm you can personalize anything from a jersey to coffee mug to christmas orn mts. more than 5,000 people bought that. when we come back on news 4 at 4:00, police go fishing for a suspect from our area who led them on a chase across the state. ♪ we'll find it the rainbow connection ♪ >> he's an actor, a singer, he's gorgeous. tonight, he's with us at the tree lighting ceremony. exclusive one-on-one interview with kermit the frog. hey, we are checking out some of the top restaurants, including look behind the scenes with an incredibly talents hibichi chef. >> a state of armor. >> then we're going to put the party on wheels on nonstop d.c.
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warm up your vocal cords when you see the taxi. the karaoke cab. >> oh, no. that looks fun. >> he [ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank.
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show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah.
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it's all about jobs. it's all about respect. security. the american dream. [ jamaul ] good jobs in tough times. a chance to move up and do better. [ delaunta ] excellent healthcare. [ caletha ] beautiful benefits. what they used to call the american way. it still works here. [ jennifer ] not a single layoff of a u.s. manufacturing worker. [ glen ] not one. not one. doing things the right way. quality. [ jimmeka ] building cars that americans want. [ jamaul ] right here in america. hyundai is an all-american success story. ♪ it's not so bad out there. you know, i remember doing these christmas tree lightings in previous years where it was bitter cold. this is not a bad night for
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that. >> exactly. how many layers of long johns did you have on before? >> we were going into the arctic. some years was brutal out there. this is great. >> exactly. a lot of folks are out there for the national christmas tree lighting. we hope to get through the next couple weeks like this. nice and quiet. let's head outside and see what's going on. the temperature is around 50 degrees. most neighborhoods at 51 degrees. reagan national airport. the light wind at 8 miles per hour. look toward the edge, jefferson memorial. we are starting out quite cool. 36 to 35 degrees at 7:00 a.m. there's the sunrise at 7:08 for tomorrow. 29 degrees up north in hagers town, maryland. frederick, maryland 25 degrees in d.c. high temperature tomorrow 56 degrees.
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a tad higher, warmer than it was today. once again, throughout the area, lovely sunshine. we are going to stay under this big area of high pressure. look at the next four days from 56 degrees tomorrow to 49 on saturday. a weak cold front comes through the area. drops the temperature a bit. we are on the rise for sunday with a southerly wind. notice the clouds on sunday and more clouds on monday, too. we squeak up to 60 degrees for monday. 60 for tuesday. 57 degrees on wednesday. once again, it's another deal where a strong cold front comes into the area. could get anywhere from an inch to two inches of rain tuesday and wednesday. warmth ahead of it. that includes the overnight. cold conditions coming in behind it. so, as far as this evening goes, get out and enjoy. it's a good evening to be out. there's a lot going on, especially down at the ellipse. that's where meteorologist doug kammerer is. he's there for the countdown of
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the national christmas tree lighting. have you seen any celebrities, yet? >> reporter: yes, i have gotten my picture taken with big time rush. they are on nickelodeon. that made me happy. it's what my kids are watching. the guys from the jersey boys were on stage a minute ago. had fun with them earlier. that is the brand-new christmas tree they are going to be lighting coming up in a half hour to 45 minutes. it is a new tree this year. we'll talk more about that at 5:00. right now, on the stage, airmen of note from the air force and we're going to listen to a couple other groups. we have rodney atkins, a country singer there. big time rush playing. carson daley is hosting the eve event. so many more. this is my second time doing this at nbc 4. i'm having a great time. last year, you talked about the cold weather. last year, the windchill was about 25 degrees.
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the line for the hot chocolate was 3 miles long. this year, the temperature is still around 50 degrees, still on the cool side as the sun is going down now. the line for the hot chocolate is three feet long. not too bad. back to you. >> great. we hope you have a fun time. we're going to have a lot more coming up in the 5:00 hour. >> it's always a good time down there. >> thanks, veronica. the tree lighting could mess up this evening's rush hour commute. several roads are closed. 15th street closed between pennsylvania and constitution street. >> there will be no traffic allowed on 17, constitution and new york avenues. all roads should be open again around 7:00 tonight. >> that was 17th between constitution and new york avenue. >> that's right. >> he closed down half the city. >> the whole city. >> just 17th street, a little
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piece. >> coming up, a very famous muppet will join the first family to light the tree. we're going to bring it to you live at 5:00. >> kermit the frog is back in his hometown of washington. tracee wilkins sat down to talk with him about it. >> reporter: let's take a look at who is sitting next to me. >> thank you tracee. >> this is a dream come true for me. >> we are in santa's workshop together. it's like christmas. >> reporter: getting ready for the holidays. you have been a busy frog. >> i have. we have a new movie. >> reporter: tell me about the movie. it's been awhile since we have seen you. i was wondering what you were doing and missing you. >> we have been up to a lot of things since we did a movie. it's been 12 years since we did the big screen. even smaller screens. i have been busy in the swamp where life runs slow. it didn't seem like 12 years at
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all. >> reporter: it's great to have you back in washington. this is kermit's home, specifically wrc television studios is where you got your start. >> i did. i was lucky to meet up with a fellow named jim henson. i was only a friend, i wasn't sam. that's how unknown i was. i was barely a frog. >> you have come a long way. >> yeah. >> reporter: you look a lot different. you have changed. >> i donned my pointy collar that was fashionable in the '60s. i dropped my tail and grew legs. worked out great. >> reporter: tell me, i have to know. i'm into celebrity gossip. how are things between you and miss piggy these days? >> i don't want to get too personal. she is not here in washington. she is in nashville about to do a country music special. >> reporter: oh, wow. >> it's a big deal for her.
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like any long term relationship, it's nice for her to be there and me to be here. we will be together for the holidays. >> reporter: good. >> if i can talk her into coming to the swamp. >> reporter: so many hollywood couples have a hard time keeping it together but you keep the magic going. >> we try. lots of patience. we reached and understanding about our relationship that i don't always understand. >> who wears the pants in that relationship? miss piggy or kermit. >> he's aged well. >> more color. >> he looks more vibrant every year. coming up, one city takes on fast food restaurants offering free toys for children's meals. how one restaurant responded. coming up on news 4 at 5:00, from the classroom to the courtroom, howard university students are suing the school saying the school didn't protect them.
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say good-bye to polishing silver. liz crenshaw will join us. she's got tricks of the trade for the holiday setting.
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take a look at this video, a good look here from hamton roads, virginia.
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he abducted his wife, led authorities on a high speed chase on highway 234. went to downtown norfolk. he jumped into the elizabeth river. the coast guard scooped him out of the river. he's charged with felony, abduction, alluding police and driving without a license. toys that come with mcdonald's happy meals are no longer free in san francisco. it presents them from offering free toys with kids meals that don't meet certain nutritional requirements. the meal, not the toy. the current mcdonald's happy meals don't meet the requirements. if parents want the toy, they have to buy it for ten cents. the money will be donated to the ronald mcdonald house. it affects mcdonalds, burger king and subway. it's designed to address the
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growing childhood obesity. an honor student is fighting a terrible disease. why one school says he's not welcome to take classes there.
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today is world aids day, a day to raise awareness and
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tackle the prejudice to hiv and aids infection. they are renewing their commitment to fight the disease. speaking at george washington university, problem vowed to boost it by $50 million and pledged to get people treatment by 2013. george w. bush spoke to a group from a clinic in tanzania. a 13-year-old honor student is suing a philadelphia area school claiming he was turned away because he's hiv positive. >> the milton-hershey school says they denied their admission to protect the safety of other students. tim furlong has the story. >> emotional distress. >> reporter: this is a great 13-year-old. he does well in school, plays
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sports and studying a couple foreign languages. he's hiv positive so the school says he cannot attend there. >> if you have a school open to the public, then it's open to the public. you don't say we don't like you, we don't like your diagnosis, you can't come here. >> reporter: the school is a boarding school a couple hours west of philly. it's cost free for kids. they don't deny rejecting him because he's hiv positive. they say to protect our children in this environment, we cannot take students with chronic diseases that pose a health risk to the safety of others. the lawyer says it's discrimination and wrong. >> i feel no other teenager should go through this, being denied because they have hiv. >> that does it for news 4 at 4:00 this afternoon.
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>> news 4 at 5:00 starts now. back behind bars. tonight, a repeat offender is charged in a terrifying two-week crime scene. the prime suspect of a missing woman in aruba is back on u.s. soil. is he standing behind the story? and what he says is his biggest regret. >> i'm doug kammerer down here at the christmas tree lighting. the president and the motorcade is coming. that means we are about to get underway. i'll show you what's coming up next. >> i'm jim handly. >> i'm wendy rieger. bond denied for a man accused of carjackings. this is not the first time he turned to violent crime. chris gordon is live with the top story. chris? >> reporter: he was armed, dangerous and often violent
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according to authority who is say henry sanders was a one-man crime spree. the three carjackings and robberies of older men in the parking lot of westfield wheaton plaza is just the latest in a string of crimes committed by suspect henry levi sanders in montgomery and prince george's counties over the last two weeks. the judge ordered him held without bond. you have multiple convictions and called him a flight risk. they said he is a danger to the community. >> he's violent and a repeat offender. he illustrates the challenges we face in the county. >> reporter: sanders was released from custody on 1 $100,000


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