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tv   News 4 at 6  NBC  December 1, 2011 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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spent a lot of time and money there and got burned, lost badly. romney is changing his plan in iowa. mostly because he fears the candidate who is now first in the polls, unlike the other one could go the distance and win the nomination. the front-runner, newt gingrich in iowa today where in the two latest polls he has a double digit lead. >> cut regulations, develop american energy. >> reporter: he's selling himself as the idea guy in a crisis. >> do not vote for me if you think the next eight years are going to be an easy walk in the park. >> reporter: the next month will be tough for him. he's way behind in raising money. former house colleagues are saying here we go again. >> what we always get with newt is high drama, great ideas and this story line that is always about newt. >> reporter: gingrich does have
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mo, momentum. mitt romney never had it. now he's going backwards. >> as the newt moment has been happening, romney, who is floating around 20% to 25% in the polls all of a sudden is down in the mid teens. >> reporter: in 13 states, romney's negative rating went from 25% in january to 35% now. >> this is an unusual interview. let's do it again. >> he squirmed on fox, asked about his massachusetts health care plan. >> i'll defend that. it has political implications. if it keeps me from winning a primary, so be it. >> reporter: after months of avoiding iowa -- >> i spent my life in the private sector. >> reporter: he launched this ad, the first in iowa. the former front-runner signaling he will take on the new front-runner in the contest. romney was off the campaign
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trail headed down to houston for a sit-down with former president, george herbert walker bush, bush 41. rick perry from texas can't be happy about that sit-down. back to you. >> steve handelsman, thank you. a developing story out of pakistan. a leader of al qaeda claims he's holding a man from rockville hostage. a 70-year-old, a contractor was kidnapped in pakistan back in august. he worked for je austin associates. until today, no person or group claimed responsibility for the disappearance. al qaeda has given several conditions for the release. he worked in pakistan for more than five years before he was kidnapped. >> gary giordano is out of jail and defending his actions after the disappearance of a maryland woman on the island or aruba. he spent almost four months in
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jail for her presumed death. he said she was swept out to sea while they were snorkling. he appeared on "good morning america" and answered questions about why he took out an accidental death insurance pollty. the form he filled out had her name included by default. >> i have children. i have a house, a large house, a large payment. if i go traveling and i disappear i want them to be covered, okay? i maxed out on everything. this was $150,000 or whatever. it's automatic. i can't unselect robyn. you can't unselect her. when i selected that, i was selecting it for me, she got the same thing. >> he said he regrets he lost a friend and wished the trip never happened. prosecutors say they have up to three years to press charges against g
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against giordano. authorities say a man committed similar violent crimes. chris gordon has the report from upper marlboro. >> reporter: the three carjackings and robberies of older men apparently is just the latest in a string of crimes allegedly committed by suspect henry levi sanders in montgomery and prince george's counties over the last two weeks. the judge scolded sanders and ordered him with no bond. pending trials, failures to appear. she called him a flight risk. the state's attorney says sanders is a danger to the community. >> he is violent. he's a repeat offender and he really illustrates for us the challenge that we face with violent repeat offenders in the county. >> reporter: the state's attorney explains sanders was
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released from custody on $100,000 bond while facing charges for carjacking. most of his victims were men in their 60s and 70s. one was 37 shopping at this home depot. this video shows sanders in the redskins jacket with his victim at an atm machine demanding he withdrawal money. >> from home depot. he put out his knife and he said give me your wallet and give me your money. i want to kill you. >> reporter: after the three carjackings of older men made news, the police received tips from the public that pointed to sanders. they had an arrest out for sanders. they searched his home in landover finding a yellow box cutter and other evidence that
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ties him to the wheaton attacks. >> after we have prosecutors him here, montgomery county will be able to prosecute him as well. one person was killed when his vehicle hit a tree. chopper 4 was over the scene about 8:30 this morning. 47-year-old jay schoolden flipped over. nobody else was in the car when it happened. an ex-marine accused of shooting at the pentagon and other military targets will stay in jail for now. he had a court hearing today in alexandria. he waived a probable cause hearing. defense lawyers asked for him to remain in home confinement. the court ordered he stay in jail pending further hearings. he's accused of shooting at military targets in october and november of last year. nobody injured in the shootings. today, montgomery county
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voted not to recommend a county wide youth curfew. that was a response to flash mob robberies and other fights involving teenagers. the vote was 2-1. officials say crime involving young people and gangs has dropped significantly in recent years. it would have kept kids under the age of 18 off the streets at 11:00 p.m. weekdays and midnight on weekends. it's brighter on this night near the ellipse. the national christmas tree was lit about a half hour ago. doug kammerer is out there. he saw it all happen. doug? >> jim, it's been great out here. the president is sitting down with his family watching one republic right now on the stage behind me. the national christmas tree over my shoulder to the right. a new tree this year. the last tree blown down by a storm in february. this is the way it was earlier as the president and his family
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turn on the lights. >> three, two, one -- >> really, just a cool view. the ornaments came on first, then the l.e.d.s, men michelle obama reading with kermit the frog. a fantastic evening outside now. we have been talking about the weather all day long and how the weather was last year. extremely cold. we were really frigid. this year, a bit of a different story. it's cold out here. cold enough to get you into the christmas spirit but not too cold. let's look at the numbers now. we'll show you how things are shaping up in the area. into the 40s with the current temperature at the airport sitting in the upper 40s. 48 degrees right now. the windchill not much of a factor. 46 degrees. the rest of the area, starting to fall off now as we are seeing
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the clear skies. 39 down to the south and west. down around culpeper, 37 in manassas. 37 in frederick. waldorf coming in around 44 degrees. what are we going to see as far as rain is concerned? don't worry about rain. really, not only for tomorrow, but right on through the next couple days. the weekend is going to be dry. the weekend is looking very good. we have temperatures overnight that are going to be cool. kind of cool to start out on your friday. we are looking at a fantastic friday weather wise. we'll be back down here the rest of the hour talking about the christmas tree lighting which was fantastic. >> thank you, doug. still ahead on news 4 at 6:00. drivers stuck for an hour in a snowstorm. opm came up with a way to prevent another disaster on our roads. >> i'm julie carey. shaking up the ranks through the gubernatorial nod. what local republicans have to
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say coming up. you might want to know about secret software that tracks what people are doing on their smartphones. >> animals are getting into the arts. we'll tell you about that. basketball is back. the wizards unlocked the doors at the verizon center. bruce boudreaux has a new job on the west coast. the capitals searching for their first win under their new head coach [ baby coughing ]
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[ coughing continues ] [ female announcer ] more pollution from power plants means more childhood asthma attacks. [ labored breathing ] there's technology that makes the air cleaner, but too many plants don't use it. we can't wait. epa must update power plant standards to protect our kids. [ baby coughing ]
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after the largest one day increase since 2009, up and down on wall street today. at the closing bell, the dow dropped 26 points, still closed above the 12,000 level. the nasdaq was up six points, s&p 500 down two points. the memory of last february's so-called carmageddon
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is affecting officials. now they have come up with a new plan to prevent similar traffic jams. derrick ward is here to explain what it means for government workers. >> the federal government is hoping to avoid nightmare commutes. they can't change the weather, but they are changing how they react to it. what kind of winter will it be? lots of snow and ice? with our weather here largely dictated by water temperatures. does that mean average snowfall, 14.5 inches for d.c., or less or more. >> precipitation wise, it's a toss up. equal chances is what we say. >> after the traffic nightmares, the federal government is defining closing policies that didn't serve well in february. >> it took me seven hours to get home. >> or this summer with an earthquake. >> an earthquake is different than a snowstorm at night as
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well as a snowstorm in the middle of a workday. each must be handled differently. >> the new policies will keep some features of the old. that part of the policy, tweaked. >> we had a release based upon leaving two hours earlier but not with an end time frame. it's a new option we incorporated. >> the other option, immediate dismissal with all non-emergency employees leaving. the option of last resort, sheltering. >> after consultation with law enforcement, emergency management and parties such as the white house and the mayor of the district of columbia. >> there will be flexibility with regard to particular agencies not having to wait for opm approval. >> a fire or flood or emergency of the like. >> when there's enough warning about a midday snowfall or ice storm, making an early call on
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closing, bringing people in rather than worrying about getting them out a gain. >> be safe, make others safe by staying home. >> officials are pushing telework agreements where they can arrange to work from home and avoid hazardous travel. a lot of other entities in the area take their cues from the federal government policies. back to you. >> derrick ward, thanks. a few traffic problems caused downtown by the national christmas tree lighting. it's where doug is. hey, doug. >> hey guys, a lot of people are starting to exit the program. the official program just ended with the president and his family up there with all the guests and performers on stage earlier all singing christmas songs. really kind of a -- like i said, a cool event. a cool thing to be a part of down here. along the ellipse, in front of the white house. the tree has been lit.
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a little bit earlier today, i was toward loudoun county, went to a school to talk about the weather. i want to say hi to my friends there. hello guys. we talked all about the weather. of course they were talking about the group that was going to be here today. we heard them earlier. that, of course, was big time rush along with many of the other groups out here, randy atkins and many others, too. a fantastic day out here. hello to all the kids we talked to earlier today. as far as the weather is concerned, a beautiful night. absolutely beautiful night considering we were in the 20s last year for the windchill. right now, we are at 48 degrees. not too bad. a little cold but not bad. winds out of the north-northwest at 5 miles per hour. we are in the 30s in some areas. 37 in manassas. 37 down to the south in culpeper right now. to the north, gaithersburg 37. frederick 37.
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hagerstown, maryland, still at 45. temperatures on the mild side when you consider the fact we could be a lot colder on december 1st. as far as the cloud cover, we have seen clear skies across the area. they are going to allow us to cool down overnight, once again. we are going to start off cool on friday. the clear skies will allow for plenty of sunshine tomorrow. with that sunshine comes a fantastic afternoon. tomorrow, i really think is going to be absolutely beautiful with that abundant sunshine and warmer during the day tomorrow. i think we'll see high temperatures in the mid to upper 50s as we make our way into the day tomorrow. same thing saturday but a frontal boundary moves in. plenty of sunshine but cooler air. high temperatures on saturday only in the upper 40s to around 50 degrees in many of the areas. again, we are looking at a cold saturday. or at least a chilly saturday. all in all, not that bad at all. as far as sunday goes, we'll see
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a dry sunday. temperatures warmer. let's go through the rest of the evening tonight. clear skies. chilly, 42 to 47 degrees. tomorrow morning starting off on the cold side. many areas below freezing. inside the city, i think we stay with the temperatures around the 36 degree mark. 28 to 36. winds out of the northwest at 5 miles per hour. tomorrow, as i mentioned, warming up and really a fantastic friday as the temperatures climb to around 56 degrees in the city. some areas in the 52 degree range. it is sunny and pleasant for the month of december. winds out of the northwest at five to ten miles per hour. the next four days looking good, looking dry through the day on monday. but notice monday. we get 54 on sunday. monday, though, 60 degrees. we start to see clouds on the increase. that's ahead of the next storm system. we have been talking about the next interesting storm, so to speak. this is going to be another big
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time rainmaker for us. it's a storm that brings the temperatures up into the 60 degree range then really brings them back down behind the storm. highs next thursday only in the 40s. so, we'll be watching for that storm. as we talked right now, we are looking at a great night. this is kicking off the holiday lights for the winter. if you would like us to come out to your front yard, we will be in front yards across the area. send us an e-mail with pictures of the holiday lights to a lot of people down here saying tell jim and doreen we said hello. >> we appreciate that. you said it's almost 50 degrees out there. doug? >> yeah. >> what's with the gloves, man? i thought you were a stand-up hard guy. what's with the gloves. >> it's cold standing still. >> what? >> give him a break.
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>> never mind. man up. take them gloves off, dude. >> come on. they are ice toners. >> keep them on, it's cold when you are standing still. thanks, doug. some of d.c.s most talked about new artists are as close as woodley park. this armadillo is trying his hand or paw or nose at painting. all the animals use non-toxic water based paint. it's part of the program to help stimulate the animals. it will run through sunday. art will be sold next spring at the zoo keepers art show. that's a painting with a story. made by an armadillo. >> for sure. coming up next, metro thinking of raising prices to help with a budget short fall. bono and
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president obama went to george washington university today to mark the 23rd anniversary of world aids day. the president set a new goal of getting hiv treatment to 6 million people around the world by the end of the year 2013. the president also is redirecting $50 million in existing funds to treat people here in the u.s.
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>> we can end this pandemic. we can beat this disease. we can win this fight. we have to keep at it, steady, persistent, today, tomorrow, every day until we get to zero. >> former president's george w. bush and bill clinton we are taking part in the event by way of satellite. >> officials in the district brought attention to the aids crisis in the city. the hiv infection rate is above epidemic levels in the city. they provided free testing and counseling to residents today. local aids activists are getting ready for a conference held in d.c. in the summer. it will bring thousands of researchers and activists to address the aids epidemic. students file a lawsuit against howard university saying they neglected sex assault
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claims. eyes set on a political run for 2013. nearly $30,000 of merchandise in tyson corner's mall. >> getting ready for work. mcnabb looking for work. the capitals looking for their first win under new head coach, dale hunter
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five students from howard university are suing the school in a sexual harassment case. >> they say the university failed to investigate their allegations of sexual miscond t
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misconduct. >> reporter: students coming to howard university to study at the famous school. now five students say they failed to act quickly enough on a sexual harassment case against a library supervisor. >> he came on to me. was aroused, walked up against me, was trying to kiss me in his office. >> he asked me to come into his office. he came close to me and touched my chest area which i was not expecting. i did say something and i rushed out. >> the lawsuit filed in federal court alleged the employee engaged in overt sexual harassment dating back to september, 2010. one student saying she was physically, verbally and sexually assaulted. >> we called to police and got him arrested. the university did nothing about it. >> reporter: they filed compliants against the employee. lawyers for the students say the
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university failed to act on the complaint until the police action. they are asking them to have a sexual harassment policy. it's also seeking unspecified money for the students. >> we made an effort. they were not willing to sit down with us and try to get it resolved. >> reporter: in a statement to nbc 4, they said they take students safety seriously. when they became aware of the allegations, they worked closely with the proper authorities as well as conduct an internal investigation. the employee was placed on administrative leave and terminated from the university. tom sherwood, news 4, washington. the d.c. police say they are going to work with the city council on issues of nightclub security after a deadly fight in dupont circle. it happened last weekend outside a place called heritage india on
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connecticut avenue. one man shot and killed. five others shot or wounded. jack evans represents dupont circle area. he plans to propose a new legislation. that bill would require restaurant that is operate as nightclubs to hire off duty officers as security. >> whether the right balance is having the establishments with those events having their own security inside or hiring police officers for the outside, you know, we'll work with the councilmember to see what's the right balance. >> police still have several witnesses to interview. at this point, they have not made any arrests. a howard county man is behind bars after he stole from a church and preschool. he's charged with burglary, theft and credit card abuse. he stole musical instruments
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from a church. he robbed a preschool twice. he used a stolen credit card from the school. he's being held on $125,000 bond. virginia's attorney general, ken cuccinelli has his eyes on the governor's mansion. julie carey reports now that that may upset the plans of some other republican leaders. >> reporter: ken cuccinelli's plan won him national attention. he's been a tea party favorite. now he's poised to shake up virginia gop leaders by running in 2013. it would put him against bill bowling. in 2009, bowling considered a run for governor but deferred to bob mcdonald agreeing to wait his turn until 2013.
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cuccinelli was never part of that deal. >> there's a long tradition of this notion of you wait your turn and don't contest the party leadership too much. he's never played by the official rules of anybody. he's his own man. >> reporter: bowling came out swinging saying he's decided to put his own personal ambition ahead of the commonwealth and the party. it will not alter my intended course. at the economic summit, it was about his bold move as it was business. an interparty challenge isn't necessarily a bad thing and demonstrates the gop bench strength. >> what you read about the democratic party is they are trying to find people interested in running. i would much rather have our situation. >> tom rest is worried about the clash that would be ahead. >> both of them have strong
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credentials particularly in the conservative wing of the party, which were mostly, many of the activists there. the hard workers. i'm afraid it could split them and whoever ends up being the nomine may not be able to bring them together. >> reporter: they issued a statement confirming in 2012, he will announce a run for governor. he also pledged to keep his focus on the job of attorney general. julie carey, news 4, fairfax. he also is looking at higher office. he says he'll make an announcement next month about a run for statewide office. maybe that means governor. he considered going for the gop nomination for the u.s. senate. he's since endorsed george allen for that office. a fare hike may be coming for metro riders.
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officials got together to figure out how to deal with the $124 million budget gap. they talked about different options including raising the price of fares by ten cents. 25 cent increase in parking fees is on the table. it's a result of lower ridership and they are struggling with the rising cost in maintenance and employee benefits. a secret santa giving out [ female announcer ] more people are using wireless devices...
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in more ways than ever. and our networks are getting crowded. but if congress frees up more wireless spectrum... we can empower more people to innovate... putting momentum behind our economy. and we can reduce the deficit... with more than thirty billion dollars paid by america's wireless companies. it's simple -- more spectrum means more freedom. for everyone.
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three, two, one -- >> an hour ago, president obama and the first family lit up the national christmas tree on the ellipse. the new tree was planted back in march to replace the one blown over by high winds in february. the new one is only 26 feet tall. doug kammerer was there to witness a fun event. >> oh, now he's going to man up. now he's going to man up. all right. >> you were calling my manhood out there, jim. >> if you are going that far, keep going. >> you know what -- >> never mind.
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stop where you are. >> exactly. it is quite nice out here. temperatures in the 40s across the area. a spectacular night. last year, it was extremely cold. you wouldn't see me doing this last year for sure, the temperatures were in the mid-20s. a balmy 38 degrees. the windchill -- the current temperatures into the 30s in many locations. 36 in frederick. 37 in manassas. 39 near culpeper. overnight lows on the cold side. some areas upper 20s. most areas 30s tonight. expect to see that tomorrow morning, on the chilly side. tomorrow, temperatures back into the mid-50s tomorrow with plenty of sunshine. i think we're looking at a fantastic friday out there. one of the performs, randy atkins is back on stage now. they are going to continue to go through -- go through probably
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the next half hour or so. i have to tell you, i'm warm out here. >> okay. you have made your point. you better put your coat back on so you can show up at work tomorrow. we don't want to hear an excuse when you start coughing on the phone tomorrow morning. >> just for the record, your buddy advance is complaining about how chilly it is in the studio for the last hour. just so you know. >> hey, jim. take the blanket off your lap and we'll be okay. >> you didn't have to tell everybody. thank you, doug. so, you wouldn't have needed gloves out there would you? >> i wish i had them here to mock him. nobody else wore gloves except doug. >> the wizards welcome players back to the verizon center. sid the kid back in town. the penns and
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[ speaking french ] [ speaking french ] movie buffs! this film is tres bien, but the interest rate on your checking account is le pew. interest on your checking? earn more with new high yield free checking at capital one bank. your interest rate will be five times the national average. five times the interest! and free atms at any bank. show's over folks. make your way to capital one bank. what's in your wallet? were you crying? yeah. were you crying? is to see things through. confident that no matter what the obstacles we can build something better, together. with the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile, we're making a commitment, to create a stronger network for all our customers. we will invest an additional eight billion dollars and build out the next generation of mobile broadband to nearly everyone in america. that'll mean better coverage
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and call quality and faster downloads. but it will also create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. and we will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we're committed to investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america has always been and always will be a smart investment. at&t
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i think we are all saying good for bruce boudreaux. >> couldn't be happier for the guy. surprised at how quick it happened. >> he's in demand. >> he is. he's a hot property. he didn't have time to take a vacation. already back at work. less than three days after being fired by capitals, he's the new coach for anaheim ducks. this is an opportunity boudreaux couldn't pass up. >> i don't think opportunities like this come around every day and with the talent that we have
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here. so, i talked to my wife about it. i said i think we should jump at this. i know it's only been a day, basically, since i got let go, but it was something i thought was a chance that i wouldn't get again. so, i jumped at it. here i am. so, it's a new start. i'm looking forward to it. can't wait to play. let's get going. >> yeah. it does look weird to see him in those colors of the anaheim ducks. there's rumors he might go to calgary. calgary or anaheim. i'm already packed. they made that move quickly. the caps have played anaheim so they will not come back to psison center. when he took over the caps they had the worst record in the
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league and they came back to make the playoffs. that was then and this is now. they are hoping to give dale hunter his first win. hakeem is at the verizon center. >> hello. the capitals own the penguins in the regular season. washington is 12-1-2 in the last 15 games against pittsburgh. a victory tonight would speak volumes. first a victory for dale hunter. more importantly, for the capitals, it would prove to the capitals they can beat sydney crosby and pittsburgh. the last time they played was back in october when wideman scored in overtime giving the caps a 3-2 win. this time around, pittsburgh will have sydney crosby back in the lineup, number 87.
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he made his season debut after missing nearly a year because of a concussion. he had quite the comeback, scoring two goals and two assists. tonight al lex ovechkin and crosby will face-off. the caps know they need to find a way to win. >> we have to start getting on the right track here. get back to where we were, winning a ton of games. the guys in the locker room know how to do it. we can do it again. we want to get started. as players you get antsy. it starts to wear on you after awhile. we are a group that can do well. we'll win games. >> sometimes with emotional games like tonight's should be, it -- you can use it as spring board if you are able to, you know, have a good game and do a lot of things we have been talking about. but, again, most importantly, we need wins. >> yes, they do.
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they do need wins. they are going for their fifth straight against pittsburgh. he has a point in 13 straight games he's a penguining killer. they will need him together with crosby in town. the caps try to snap a three-game losing streak. back to you. >> thank you very much. you can see that game tonight on comcast sports net. donovan mcnabb benched in minnesota. now he's been cut. the vikings granted his wish to be released to sign with another team. apparently it wasn't just the shanahans who couldn't get him playing on that level again. they are preparing for the jets game. they would like a carbon copy of a game from this guy, halu. along with the offensive line, got the running game back on
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track. he is finally settled in in the starting role. mike shanahan plans to keep him there. >> want to give him an opportunity to show us what he could do. he's been productive when he's been in there. we thought he earned a right to go in and have all the reps and see what he could do in a game situation. he took advantage of the opportunity. >> my dad installed confidence in me. he's been telling me the more carries i get every since i have seen you, since you have been younger, the stronger you get. so, it kind of played itself out that way. we'll see what happens this week. >> two weeks away from real nba games, the wizards will have two preseason games before the regular season starts. today, the guys are busy at work. this wasn't just wizards players, they were players from all over the league. roger mason was on hand.
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haywood was there. everybody happy, include thag guy, to get back to work. >> started to lose hope. i didn't think there was going to be a season this year. every time there was a negotiation, it kept going on. things kept getting canceled. after awhile, i figured it wasn't a good season. now i'm excited. >> it feels great to be back in an nba facility. all the guys are happy to be back at work. i know the process isn't done yet, but it feels good to be here. >> they are a key part of the negotiations. he could be back with the wizards. he's a free agent. >> thank you, dan. coming up, police plan to catch criminals at area malls over the holidays. the fandemonium sweep stakes is here. fans of the nbc washington
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facebook page can win $4,000. how about that? in the next three fridays. beginning tomorrow. four people will win $1,000. then on december 16th, one person will win $4,000. you sign up on nbc washington's facebook page then you must enter weekly for a chance to win in that friday's
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smartphones have become the new frontier for viruses and hackers. according to a recent study, hacks are at an all time high. androids are targeted the most. one way to protect your information is using antivirus software made specially for
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mobile gadgets. also be careful about the apps you download and make sure any link you click on is legitimate. you can get theft protection to block access to your phone remotely if it's lost or stolen. police in fairfax busted people with $200,000 worth of stolen merchandise. they are at it already this year. it's starting to rack up. erica gonzalez is live with more. >> reporter: police say they have already recovered nearly $30,000 worth of stolen merchandise this season. the thieves aren't just local. a 10,000 rolex watch is what one man tried to get away with in tyson's corner last week. the store clerk called police after they saw the suspects behavior was off. r.a.t. is hitting the streets.
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some are in regular uniform, but most undercover, dressed like anybody else. >> what we are looking for in tyson's corner the out of the state crime rings coming to the area. fairfax county, in general, is known for a wealthy population. >> what do the professional con artists look like? police say they go for store corners, looking over their shoulder and trying to steer clear from shoppers and cops alike. dawn had her credit card abused and is more leery about her purchases. >> i try not to find my credit cards. i put on there check signature. they will ask for my id. for the most part, that works. >> reporter: the typical shoplifter evolved. they are using fake credit cards and currency working their hot items in states as far away as
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florida, and new york. be aware of surroundings. don't dress extravagantly, only carry credit cards you will use and don't leave your purse unattended. last year, the iphone was a big ticket item. this year, electronics and clothing. >> let's get one more check on the weather and the fashion from doug. >> i can see my breath now so it's okay for a man to wear a coat outside. temperatures into the 40s. 48 degrees, the current temperature at the airport. the temperature is falling a little bit. we have great weather tomorrow. a high temperature of 56 degrees. still nice on saturday afternoon. it's going to be a very cool start and a very chilly evening on saturday. know that for this time of year, a nice saturday. sunday looking good. 54 degrees. monday, temperature around 60. we'll see the clouds on the
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increase. that's going to lead us to our next storm. it could be a big rainmaker and a big storm for the area. we'll talk about that as we get closer over the next couple days. right now, it is the one thing we know, as tonight is wrapping up here, a fantastic night tonight and a fantastic friday tomorrow. >> thank you, doug. there's a businessman who wants to remain anonymous. he went to redding, pennsylvania because he heard it's the poorest city in the country. he put on a red shirt and jeans, a red hat and writing that spells elf on the back. he took a lot of 100 dollar bills and started handing them out one by one to people who seemed to need them to most. he went to laundry mats. they were imprinted with the
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words secret santa. they estimate he handed out $20,000. he asked fsh one thing in return, to do something nice for someone else. >> that's the broadcast for now. "nightly news" is up next. >> see you at 11:00. have a great evening. on the broadcast on the broadcast tonight, blown away. wild winds out west. the worst in a decade. trees down, power out, flights diverted. and this same weather system is on the move and having an impact far and wide. is it payback time for big banks with millions of americans losing their homes to foreclosure. a mar new lawsuit against the banks that loaned them money. hold the phone. is your smartphone spying on you? every call you


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