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tv   Countdown  NBC  January 22, 2012 3:00pm-3:30pm EST

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>> mike: 3:49 to go in the period. 3-3 between the caps and the penguins. if you're around the puck, there's a pretty good chance you're going to get hit. maybe if you get hit after the whistle, now we've had one of these this afternoon. >> mike: martin connected on for sullivan. hoping for kennedy off the back of the goal, though, it was protected by alzner. back again. jammed it on three. alzner lobs one. kept for a moment. sent on back, and michalek has it. under 3:30 to go.
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michalek connects back on. sent by jeffrey. played by alzner. shoved off by sullivan. bouncing near mike knuble. very responsibly just chopped it on back. trouble for michalek because of chimera. the two of them tie and cancel. martin having some trouble. reaching in is chimera. michalek back up for knuble and a shot blocked. started up ahead. marching back on is sullivan, picking up wingers from the bench and the defensemen too. letang comes up for that one. dumps it along. karlss carlson ripped it the other way. kunitz gets across. letang comes back. 2:40 to go. back up around behind. it comes for neal. neal had trouble holding, though, and it's lifted back out. >> eddie: that area of the ice, doc, you made mention of brouwer getting the puck out. capitals have really done a good job after the first period of winning the battles inside their zone just short of the blue
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line. >> mike: black over for neal. malkin. neal. save by neuvirth! neal again. came back to him. protected. led it to the point. letang with it there. rattle it around. malkin defended well by carlson. he pulls away. man on man, carlson on malkin. reaching in is kunitz. shoved down by hamrlik. coming forward is malkin. battled for by carlson. back on to kunitz. played back to letang. letang swept it across. held at the line by orpik and dealt back behind. plenty of caps there as malkin is headed to the bench. lobbed on for hendrick. taken at center and ripped back by letang. delayed offside. given up to orpik. orpik able to sky hook one back on that will bounce around and ricochet off of hamrlik, who was tied up with park. 90 to go. paul martin connects on with dupuis. sailed it up the wing for matt
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cooke. cooke, a backhander. stop made by neuvirth. played back along by park. followed up by wideman. misfired by alzner. semin kept alive by martin. knocked down by cooke. carried back ahead. semin. lost it. followup, ovechkin. ovechkin around behind, tried to center one. couldn't get much off of that. from the back, wideman a shot, and that one went wide. moving to that is michalek. back up the boards to center. forced freebie alzner. followup from michalek again. he's able to send one back down. no icing on this play to the last 43. alzner holding there. jeffrey the fore-checker in front. wideman starts ahead. shoved it up the wing. hits the post! hamrlik has it in the last 25.
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forced on by carlson. bouncer near hendricks. his shot blocked by letang. the two of them collide. hendricks bounced right off and got a pass to laich who tried to hurry up. it was fleury who grabbed that one. >> pierre: bad change by the penguins leads to brouwer's chance. that's why there's so much time and space for him. washington capitals do a great job moving the puck up and out of the zone. watch the bad change there, slow to react. time and space available for brouwer. he hammers it off the right post. fleury's way out too. maybe just a little off the angle. >> eddie: pierre, right before this, watch what ends up happening right in this area here. that's matt cooke. he throws troy brouwer off stripe just that much. that allows brouwer to get in a little bit quicker and a little bit closer to marc-andre fleury even though he hit the post there. but the play is going off the ice. we've seen that called as a penalty many a times, pierre. it was not.
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>> pierre: i agree. >> mike: floated out of play. capitals won a penalty for the penguins for delay of game. they will not get it this time. offensive zone face-off for them against the penguins, with 8.3 to go. >> pierre: two centermen on the ice. >> eddie: the right-hander on that side, the stronger side for jeff halpern. advantage here capitals. >> mike: couple of false starts, won by the caps jeff halpern. carlson has it there. two seconds and one. going to take sudden death. 60 minutes played. 26 shots by the penguins. 20 by the capitals. and both teams have scored three times. neal with two. letang with one for the penguins. lai laich, semin, and ovechkin for washington. the hotel says my card is maxed out. it can't be. this is outrage... mr... kane... patrick.
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the hockey player? yeah. tell me how you score from the left side? well... for me...maybe a little juke...a little fake...low, hard...glove side hold please... yes! hello? peggy, peggy, peggy, peggy... peggy, i can hear you. thank you, thank you. want better customer service? switch to discover, ranked #1 in customer loyalty. it pays to discover. >> mike: 3-3 the score as overtime, four against four, about to begin. >> eddie: how did we get here? the penguins early and often. kris letang on a power play, his sixth. james neal off a face-off win by evgeni malkin. his 25th. second period, it was all capitals early. brooks laich, beautiful pass there by dennis wideman. his 19th. alexander semin, beautiful play by ovechkin and perreault. and then alexander ovechkin with a great pass from alexander
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semin. 3-2. and then james neal in his seventh career game, gets his sixth goal. there's that shot by troy brouwer very late in the third period. >> mike: some of you may be waiting for the invitational. watch some exciting overtime hockey first. number six and number eight playing one another. both teams are guaranteed a point. pittsburgh has moved to 57 and washington to that 53. >> pierre: the dreaded three-point game hurts everybody in the standings, obviously. for buffalo and montreal and toronto, you're looking at that going, you've got to be kidding me. >> mike: dupuis and kennedy. niskanen and letang. the caps have already made a change. ovechkin takes this pass. moving back up is matthew perreault and gets to him. perreault lobbed it back in.
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alzner and wideman are the defense. brooks orpik moves it across. letang motors on. very deliberately circles back. head fake and the pass across to orpik. is there a trap to be played, four against four? i don't know, but the defensive scheme forces the penguins to wait a little bit and recoil. here's one to the outside that kennedy is after. kennedy lobbed it back to letang. letang just waits. gets a challenge, and that challenge was effective, from perreault. >> eddie: outstanding there by perreault. stick on the ice, take away the options. >> mike: fundamentals. right back ahead, malkin. his drive is deflected wide by carlson. grabbed around behind by neuvirth. and play is stopped. >> pierre: against montreal, kris letang played 28:14. he's over 26 minutes so far. he's just dominating the tempo
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of this game. >> eddie: how about the shot block there by john carlson on evgeni malkin? plays the first 1:05 of overtime, kris letang. >> pierre: he keeps telling the coaches he wants to play more. >> mike: here's neal. he leads the team with a little over 26 in a normally 60-minute game. malkin swaggering away. malkin fakes the drive. halts to the outside. watched by hamrlik. lots of fancy moves on malkin's part. malkin to laich. sets it back up for michalek. seals it on back. neal with a drive. deflected wide. rebound. score!
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the leading scorer in the entire national hockey league, an afternoon with the game-winning goal in overtime to go along with two assists. the redirected front of the net by paul martin, the defenseman, jumping in. the shot by james neal. he gets his third point of the afternoon. and the puck comes right to evgeni malkin, and the penguins win in overtime. he has a six-point lead on anyone else in the league for the art ross trophy. and he has given his team one more point and a five-point edge on the washington capitals for the challenge for sixth. meanwhile, they've moved three away from fifth and fourth. three points for ovechkin. three points for malkin, and his was the last and most important.
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final score, pittsburgh 4, washington 3. february 12th, the nhl game of the week returns as the caps head to the big apple to take on the rangers. the nhl game of the week february 12th only on nbc. coming up next, don't miss action sports best in the snowboard pipe finals. for eddie el sick, pierre maguire, liam mchugh, mick milbury, doc emrick saying so long from pittsburgh. you've been watching the nbc nhl game of the week.
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killington, vermont, the beast of the east. where 23-year-old, l out. ie vito claimed the win on his way to becoming the dew cup champion. today he rides into the field full of the most talented young riders the sport has seen. all hungry to earn their place at the top of the sport. can louie repeat as champion? snow board super pipe is next. nbc sports presents the best in action sports. nbc sports presents the best in action sports. today it is the dew tour! captions paid for by nbc-universal television >> welcome to the pantech invitational, stop number two,
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action from the beast of the east, killington, vermont. alongside, todd richards and tiffany simons, i'm todd harris. the superpipe final. we have had a bag of conditions. we have gone from bluebird skies to blistering cold winds. today, in between, temperature, 21. wind moderate. it's partly cloudy. a far cry from what we had last month in breckenridge, colorado. as we kicked off the season of the winter dew tour. breckenridge was the first top. iouri podiadtchikov, a new bag of tricks. >> one to look for, and could take the victory. he is riding injured. four points in killington, vermont. breckenridge it was a different story. he was on fire during practice. his first run was nothing short off mazing. iouri would have a fall that
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heed would leave the pipe with a hurt face. he hit his head. however, on his second run. he overcame the little head bump and did enough to get third place. >> second place belonged to louie vito, dew cup champion. felt good out here. a lot of talent. the best bag of tricks. >> louie did. came in swinging as well. he has the double corks. he can do them in his sleep. and if it wasn't for a certain person, named shaun white. frontside, 1260 at the bottom. he is really making it look good. there it is. louie would walk away with second place. he is riding, very, very strong this year. i look for him to go home with yet another dew cup. >> the 23-year-old defending champion, took second. and that means, shaun white, came out, and absolutely blew this thing up. this first big air, todd, was
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unbelievable. >> watch how high he goes right there. that was arguably the biggest air that has ever been done in half pipe competition. shaun white would go on to throw down a blistering run and including his signature double mctwist, backside, 1260. coming up right here. watch this intense double flippage right there. shaun white stomping that down. that was all he had to do. and cruise the rest of the pipe. shaun white another victory in his belt. >> so that is how the podium looked last month and the first stop of the winter dew tour from breckenridge, colorado. overall point standings. shaun white picks up the 100 points. louie vito second. iouri podtadtchikov in third. we check in with tiffany simons. >> louie, coming into the second event, second overall in points. what is your mind set coming into the competition?
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>> you know, any competition is the same. i want to go out and land a run that i can leave happy with. so if it puts me in the top. i am stoked. that's what i want. end of the day i want to land a run that i am happy with and see how the chips fall after that. >> now, one of your good friends is, actually a competitor is coaching you? want to tell us about that? >> yeah, started working with j.j. our first contest. unfortunately he blew his knee earlier this season. it is great to have someone who has been around forever. made olympic medalist. but still, active and still competitive today. he knows what is up. you know he kind of understand me. we work well together. we are good friends. you know nice to have some one, here by my side to help me out. >> rumor you may be coming out with a secret comb betodo today. what is it? >> today, nah. trying to stay on my feet. next week, i have a few tricks up my sleeve for the season. >> good luck today. >> thank you very much. >> thank you, tiffany. best of luck to louie vito.
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meanwhile, mr. mitrani gets set for the 11 cup pet toompetitors.
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>> the winter dew tour built by mountain dew is brought to you by toyota. >> final preparations under way here at killington, vermont. athletes trying to get loose. staying warm as they get ready for superpipe final. format, two runs. we only keep your best score. we are under 9:00 away from starting our competition at the only 22-foot superpipe in operation now on the east coast. well the field is loaded. 12 of the best. have gone through qualifying. they're set to do battle all in hopes of taking home some dew tour points.
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and we will crown a dew tour chooi champion. here we are at the pantech invitational. start list will go down luke this. first six, shaw, make, a guchlt irre, holvik, black, mitrani. then the nexted on six will take their run. fantastic event. finishing with louie vito, the last one to go. by way of being the top finisher at breckenridge. shaun white not here. deciding to get ready for the snow basin event. next month, in utah. looking forward to that event. all right. want to remind you, which athlete do you think will win today's snow board pipe final? text the full name of the athlete you predict. to 34763. and we will reveal your predictions later in the show. i will give todd richards an opportunity, to verbally tell the folks who he thinks will win. >> i will endorse mr. vito.
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chucking the doubles in the pipe consistently. my vote with him. >> not a terrible choice. louie vito takes his final practice run. 8:00 from the souper pi super f. [ driver ] what do i want? ♪ i want horsepower. cleaner horsepower. i want power that dominates the road. and fuel efficiency that respects the earth. gimme 43 miles per gallon. and the rush of 200 horsepower. what i want is the best of both worlds. [ male announcer ] introducing the reinvented 2012 camry hybrid. from toyota. ♪
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>> hey, i'm e todd richards. welcome to my office. i would look to remind you to subscribe to the sports channel. and analysis from experts in surf, skate, snow boarding, bmx and pretty much anything else that races, rides or flies. we will give you a behind the scenes take of the unique athletes and their lifestyles. we go beyond the competition, see fun, creativity and innovation that fuels their passion. whatever you do don't think of missing it, hosted by todd richards. >> this is where the magic happens. >> you get to come with me and be part of the action. the allisports channel on youtube.
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>> well done, young man. >> hey, i would look to tell you, todd harris, subscribe to allisports, youtube. >> done and done. we have talked about 292-foot superpipe here. todd richards will have something about that on alli. an absolute beast. rock hard. walls are firm. narrow down the middle. riders seem to like it. we enlisted, zach black, 21-year-old from breckenridge, colorado. to give us a little tour. >> this is zach black with your half pipe course preview. ♪ >> todd, he provide the pictures you. provide the commentary. >> zach black is from
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breckenridge, colorado. one of the most technical riders out there now. giving you a bird's eye view what it is look to ride one of the half pipes. you know what, people go really high off the walls. when you are looking down. pretty insane. 22 feet deep. going 15 feet up. you do the math. could be scary. >> your ballpark course preview. we approach 3:00 away from turning loose 12 of the best on the mountain here. it is all about killington, vermont, the beast of the east. athletes checking their social media. trying to find out exactly what they need to do. what everyone wants to see. maybe checking in to see who is texting who to see who they think will win the competition. todd richards thinks louie vito walking away. talk about this young man. 14-year-old kyle mack from west bloomfield, michigan. part of the subject of our ballpark rookie of the year. >> this is your boy right here! 14-year-old kyle mack. >> front 10.
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coming in. >> i'm kyle mack. i'm 14-year-old. i've been snow boarding since i was 3 years old. this is my first year on the dew tour. it's been amazing so far. >> become to back, kyle mack. >> i did it in practice. after i landed that. i was like, wow. put me into seventh place. got to keep it up. >> kyle mack, ladies and gentlemen. >> check out to see who takes home top rookie honors in snow boarding free ski this season. so, here we go, we are all set. the warm-ups are complete. when we return to killington, vermont, it is the men's supertype final. 12 of the best take two runs. we only keep the best score. stop two of the winter dew tour is next.
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