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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  April 25, 2012 12:35am-1:35am EDT

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[ cheers and applause ] we're here at memorial hall on the beautiful campus of the university of north carolina at chapel hill, where in just a few moments i'm going to be talking to the president of the united states. that's right, president barack obama is here. welcome to chapel hill, everybody. >> steve: from the university of north carolina at chapel hill, the national broadcasting company presents "late night with jimmy fallon." tonight's guest is, president of the united states barack obama. musical guest dave matthews. and featuring the legendary roots crew.
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and here he is, jimmy fallon! >> jimmy: how's everyone doin' tonight? ♪ how are you guys doing? welcome to late night with jimmy fallon. i'm so excited. tonight on the show we have the
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president of the united states, barack obama. unfortunately, though, a lot of people aren't able to get tickets, that includes students, professors, joe biden. it was a very hot ticket. we also have dave matthews performing tonight. [ cheers and applause ] >> and he -- he wasn't originally the musical guest, but we had a last minute cancellation by the tupac hologram, so -- [ laughter ] >> this is pretty awesome, the graduation here at unc chapel hill is 19 days away. [ cheers and applause ] >> so it might be time to pick a major. just think about it. even though the president just
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got here today, i've been here at unc for two days now, and i've been having the best time hanging out with the secret service, they are just -- they know how to party. they know how to party. aye carumba. you guys hear about this, president obama's campaign is letting supporters attend an event hosted by george clooney. while mitt romney is letting supporters attend an event hosted by ccp-30. president obama said he's not going to pander to the students and tell them what they want to hear. i thought it was weird when they changed his slogan from yes, we can, to duke sucks. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> i want to get into something a little more comfortable. i want to get out of my suit jack jacket. [ cheers and applause ] >> that's good. that's good right there. can i have a guitar? i appreciate it so much. i appreciate that. thanks. how's everybody doin' tonight? ♪ this is a song about a college rite of passage. something we've all done after a
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wild night of drinking. you know who you are. i'm talking to you, balcony. you might not be proud of it, but it happens to the best of us. this song is called "the walk of shame." [ laughter and applause ] ♪ i woke up rubbed my eyes try to remember what the hell i did last night ♪ ♪ this ain't my bed this ain't my room had a crazy night ♪ ♪ now i know what i got to do ♪ ♪ walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame
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walk of shame ♪ ♪ i got my drink on i got my dance on now i'm walkin' home with someone else's pants on ♪ ♪ crossed the quad pulled my hat down low ♪ ♪ saw a group of friends that i pretend i didn't know ♪ ♪ walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ baby your place or mine either is fine but we'll have to decide which one of us ♪
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♪ takes the walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ but tonight man i'm gonna make it right i'm gonna be prepared ♪ ♪ i'm gonna pack a change of clothes in the bottom of my jansport ♪ ♪ visine, tic tacs and some axe body spray ♪ ♪ hold my head high when i walk outside ♪ ♪ i'm gonna take that walk of shame with pride ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ walk of shame
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walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame walk of shame ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: give it up for dave matthews and the roots. we'll be right back with the president of the united states.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ buzz aldrin ] we landed on the surface of the moon. ♪ [ al michaels ] do you believe in miracles? yes! ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ at olive garden, we're as passionate about cheese as you are. so we've created ree new parmesan dishes. new grilled chicken parmesan, chicken fresh off the grill as well as grilled shrimp or grilled steak, all with a parmesan crust. passion for parmesan for a limited time only at olive garden.
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[ male announcer ] introducing new dentyne split to fit pack. it splits in to two smaller, sleeker packs that fit almost anywhere so you can take them everywhere. dentyne split to fit. practice safe breath. so you can take them everywhere. the new taurus is going to blow people away.... starting with the guys who built it. this taurus is pretty serious. i can't believe they're actually going to let me drive it. all right, it's got what? 360 horsepower. 365 horsepower. let's see what that feels like. so this is 365 horsepower. all while delivering really great fuel economy. so we're getting great fuel economy? cuz that's what i'm thinking about right now.
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we have such a great show for you tonight, we couldn't be more excited. the president of the united states, barack obama is here. and music from the front man of one of the most popular bands in the world, dave matthews is performing tonight. brand new song he'll perform tonight, it's just beautiful. you'll love the song, it's fantastic. so tonight the president of the united states will be out here in a few minutes. just so you know, one of the
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reasons he's here is to talk to you guys about student loans. you may have seen this, but president obama has asked congress to stop the independent rates on stafford loans from going up this summer. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: yeah. i was going to make a joke about this news, but i don't think it needs a joke. you know what i'm talking about tariq? >> tariq: yeah, jimmy, i think you're saying you want to slow jam the news? >> jimmy: yeah, i want to slow jam the news, and i'm not the only one. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> hi, i'm president barack obama. and i too want to slow jam the news. >> jimmy: hit it presidential style. ♪ [ laughter ] >> on july 1st of this year, the interest rates on stafford student loans, the same loans that many of you used to help pay for college, are set to double. that means some hardworking students will be paying about $1,000 extra just to get their education. so i've called on congress to prevent this from happening.
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what we said is simple. now is not the time to make school more expensive for our young people. >> jimmy: oh, yeah! [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: you should listen to the president. or as i like to call him, the preezy of the united steezy. things are heating up inside congress's chambers, behind all those closed doors. the president made a few discrete calls across the aisle. he said, hey, let's get together on this one. without an affordable stafford loan, where can a student turn? the pell grant is a beautiful thing, but with college getting more expensive, isn it enough t satisfy your collegiate needs?
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oh, pell no. ♪ >> now, there's some in congress who disagree. they think keeping the interest rate low isn't the way to help our students. they say we should be doing everything we can to pay down the nation wall debt. well, so long as it doesn't include taxing billionaires. but their position, is that students just have to make this rate increase work. frankly, i don't buy it. >> jimmy: the barackness monster ain't buying it. we all know our legislative bodies in the house tossing and turning late into the night, still, republicans disagree, and can even filibuster, but if they do, the president said they're going to feel it, buster. ♪ the gop is good at saying no,
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no, no ♪ ♪ they should find something new to do like tim tebow ♪ >> we keep down costs so we keep college affordable. >> jimmy: and the president knows his stuff, y'all. that's why they call him potus, which means person on top -- what is it? >> potus stands for president of the united states. ♪ he's the potus with the mostus ♪ >> keep the rates down on college loans. ♪ ♪ let's get it together and make our lives better ♪ >> jimmy: that is how we slow jam the news. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: give it up for
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president barack obama. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: more with the president when we get back.
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[ cheers and applause ] it's an incredible honor to be joined by our first guest. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the 44th president of the united states of america, barack obama. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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>> jimmy: thank you for being here. >> it is good to be here. you got the tarheel blue chair. you are really pandering. >> jimmy: i am pandering. >> what are you running for? >> jimmy: i have no idea. you picked unc to go all the way in the ncaa -- >> i did, yes. [ cheers and applause ] >> they're outstanding point guard kendall marshall got hurt, and that slowed them down. great team, great coach, roy williams is a wonderful man. >> jimmy: so excited, and thank you so much for coming here tonight. are you nervous? >> a little bit. >> jimmy: i'm so excited about this. i met your wife, the first lady, i was at your house -- >> she's fabulous. >> jimmy: i was at your house. >> you were? >> jimmy: beautiful house. >> it's a rental. >> jimmy: i was thinking about
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your home life, and i'm thinking, you're surrounded by a lot of women. >> completely surrounded. it's basically me and beau. >> jimmy: beau is the only male. >> and sometimes they pick on both of us at the same time. >> jimmy: what do you do, you get together and go to the presidential man cave? >> we turn on sports center. >> jimmy: is that what you do? >> we have a couple beers. >> jimmy: nonalcoholic for beau, we all know what happens. you watch sports center, who are you voting for in the nba? >> you have to go for the bulls. >> jimmy: do you watch comedy? movies? what makes you laugh? >> other than jimmy fallon. >> jimmy: yeah, let's be honest. have you ever seen the show? >> i love the jimmy fallon show. what makes me laugh, you know, i don't get a chance to watch a lot of tv and a lot of movies these days.
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i'll date myself. comedies, when people ask me, what kind of comedies do you like? i say "groundhog day" which i realize came out before these guys were born. >> jimmy: but it's a great movie. do people send you hitchings from youtube and stuff? >> yeah, they do. dancing bears, and kitty cats and things. although, there is one my staff showed me recently by these guys key & peele on comedy central. they have a guy who imitates me pretty well. and the premise is, i'm sitting in the oval office, and he's got an anger translator named luther, so i'll make my little speech, and then luther will come on and say -- i can't actually -- [ laughter and applause ] >> jimmy: that's pretty good. >> that's good stuff. >> jimmy: i like people
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tripping, not getting hurt, but just tripping and falling and getting back up. if i was the president of the united states, i would with plan one out with my wife, the first lady. i'm getting off air force one. i'm going to waive and i'm going to trip pretty hard. and it's going to go all over the news. >> presidents have actually done that. >> jimmy: i have seen it. >> they didn't think it was that funny. >> jimmy: maybe we plan it now, the show's not going to air until after you leave. we can plan it now and pull a good one on everybody. >> not going to happen. >> jimmy: not going to happen? >> i don't fined it that funny. >> jimmy: that's my problem. mind of its own, my problem. >> the band knows. roots understands. it's not funny. >> jimmy: as the president, you're totally scrutinized all the time. there's got to be a moment where you do something, even if it is a little slipup, a trip. i mean, george bush, sr. threwup
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in japan. >> that wasn't good. >> jimmy: george w. choked on a pretzel and had to gett the heimlich. he's fine, so i'm laughing. have you ever done anything where sasha and malia are like, dad, that's the worst. >> i do that all the time. the worst thing in an official event, we were having these human rights activists, who were there getting the robert kennedy award at the white house, and i was supposed to speak. so michelle and i go in, this is in the east room, george washington is looking down on you, and i make my speech. and then i walk down and i grab michelle's hand and i walk her out, and then one of my team says, mr. president you're supposed to stay for all the other people speaking. so we had to turn around and
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walk back. >> jimmy: walk all the way back. >> and waive again. >> jimmy: just making sure i knew how to get out. you never can be too safe. >> michelle and the secret service folks are all laughing. >> jimmy: i love it. i was wondering if you ever get the giggles with michelle. >> we get the giggles all the time. >> jimmy: more with the president of the united states when we get back. we're going to talk about college and when barack obama went to college, see what that's like. [ cheers and applause ] [ telephone ringing ] i'm going to lunch. [ all gasp ] those days are gone now. think... about what you are doing. ♪ i'm going with her. ♪ i don't want to be chicken... i want to eat it. [ male announcer ] put an end to the working lunch and work on eating lunch. mcdonald's all-white meat premium chicken sandwich and the juicy 100% angus third pounder.
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it's your lunch. take it. the simple joy of lunch. ♪ it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer together. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved. we got everything in order so that we can move on the next place we found. which was clear on the other side of town. [ male announcer ] wells fargo. with you when you're ready to move.
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. i'm here at unc chapel hill with president barack obama. thanks again for being here. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: a beautiful college in a room full of college students here. let's hear a little bit about your college experience. you went to occidental? >> i went to occidental and then i transferred to columbia. >> jimmy: did you live in a dorm? >> i did for a few years, and then i moved out. i'm a little concerned about what you have here.
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>> jimmy: who is this guy? >> i want you to notice the afro. >> jimmy: yeah, it's a pretty nice afro. >> and i guess fur on the jacket, the collar. i think this was a goodwill purchase. >> jimmy: i like, was that a few ton or a couch behind you, that's so classy. >> along with the milk crates. >> jimmy: you hide the milk crates. a couch is a major purchase in college. you're trying to be a little adult here, you have a plant in the corner. >> i do, you notice the plant is wilting a little bit? yeah, it's not doing too well. >> jimmy: a lot of students are watching today, very smart people. where does the country need them to go after they graduate. what do we need from them? >> well, look, the first thing is, the single most important investment people can make
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remains a college education, whether it's a four-year college, going to a community college for a couple years. the unemployment rate for college graduates is half what it is for folks who don't graduate from high school. it still remains an outstanding investment. the challenge is, it's getting more and more expensive. one of the things we have been focused on since i came into office was, how do you make sure young people reason the being loaded up with massive debt when they graduate. and it's personal for me because michelle and i, we financed our entire college and law school education with loans and debt, for the first ten years of our marriage, we were still paying stuff off. even when we were supposed to be saving for malia and sasha. we didn't finish paying off our student loans until eight years ago. >> jimmy: what? >> eight years ago. and now i'm president of the united states. it worked out for us.
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but -- >> jimmy: i remember the day when -- you -- it will happen, you will pay off these loans eventually. when that day happens, it's a magical day. >> it's like finding money in the couch. i have all this extra cash. but it's especially important for young people today, because a lot of them, when they come out, they may have to defer buying a house. they may put off getting married, they may put off starting a business, they may have a great idea, but because of this loan burden it's a real challenge. what we've done, it used to be banks, where the middlemen on student loan program. we cut out the middleman, that's how we were with able to raise pell grants and give young people more support. now, the thing we're really concerned about is congress potentially doubling the student interest rates on student loans, which is not a good time to do it. especially when so many young people are already struggling and their parents are struggling
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because they're helping make it possible for these kids to do great stuff. >> jimmy: you want kids to go to school. >> no bigger priority for the country. obviously, it's important for young people, but when you think about what made us an economic superpower, it's because we had the best educated workforce, it's because before most countries did, we instituted public schools, public high schools. we had a land grant college that eventually developed into the best network of colleges and universitys in the world. and that's still a crown jewel of this country. but if we keep on underinvesting in education, if we're not able to compete, if we're not producing enough engineers, scientists, math majors, you know, we are not going to be able to compete with countries like china, india, who are making a huge push, and they've got a lot more people than we do. >> jimmy: you think math and science would be -- >> no, i always want to make sure --
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>> jimmy: those were trouble for me. >> i was a liberal arts major, so being able to communicate effectively, if you're an english major, a philosophy major, all that is going to help you -- it's going to help you communicate. it's going to help you to succeed. and there's no more important investment that we can make in our future than making sure these young people have a shot. >> jimmy: what can students do? what can kids do? >> well, right now, the interest rates on your student loans are scheduled to go up on july 1st, unless congress acts. what we've been saying to folks is, call, write, e-mail your member of congress, and tell them, don't double my rates. in fact if you tweet, you can use that #don'tdoublemyrate.
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>> jimmy: if there's a magical thing you could do, anything you could pass by snapping your fingers, it doesn't have to go through congress, that would change the world, what would it be? [ laughter ] >> along with getting our education system right, another big piece of business is energy. we have to make sure that we're investing in -- we've got to make sure that we're investing in the clean energy sources of the future. solar, wind, biofuels. our oil production is higher than it's been in eight years. our oil imports are lower than they've been in 13. so we're producing a lot of oil, but we're still subsidizing the oil industry when they're making billions. for us to take some of that money and invest in electric cars, investing in new source of fuel. that's good for the planet.
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it helps us deal with climate change, it's good for our economy. that's what ultimately is going to prevent these constant gas price spikes that end up hurting so many people. >> jimmy: very good. okay, you guys, we have to take a break. when we get back, we'll talk about some serious issues and take your twitter questions. more with the president when we return. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ everyone has an inner mustang. unleash yours. the new 2013 mustang.
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>> jimmy: welcome back, everybody. we're at memorial hall on the campus of unc chapel hill with president barack obama. thank you again for being here. i hate to bring this up, but it's on the cover of every newspaper now about -- you went to colombia to do a good thing, a summit. and the scandal happens with the secret service? >> a little distraction. >> jimmy: i mean, how mad were you? >> pretty mad. i mean, you -- look, the secret service, these guys are incredible. they protect me, they protect michelle, our girls, our officials all around the world. 99.9% of them every day, they're putting their life on the line, they do a great job.
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so a couple of knuckleheads shouldn't detract from what they do, but what these guys were thinking, i don't know. that's why they're not there any more. >> jimmy: i guess that's why they're gone. now we're going to take some twitter questions. you're very popular on twitter. we had everybody out there across the world sent in questions for you from -- on twitter, the first one is from @bobobrian. >> what does bobo have to say? i woke up wondering what bobo had to say. >> jimmy: what does bobo have to say? due to economic pressures, influence on voters could likely see a -- oh, forget it, are you going to legalize weed or what?
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[ cheers and applause ] >> i figured that's what bobo was going to ask. >> jimmy: that sounds like something he would be interested in. >> we're not going to be legalizing weed or what any time soon. what we are trying to do is make sure when it comes to drugs, that we're not just thinking about law enforcement, we're also thinking about treating it as a public health problem. if you think about the progress we've made on things like seat belts, smoking cessation, which i know a little bit about. you know, when we provide prevention and education to folks, that can make a huge difference. and i think we've got to make sure that we're taking the same approach when it's coming to drugs. >> jimmy: how is the smoking thing going? >> i'm all done. >> jimmy: then that stuff goes down in colombia and you're like -- come on, man? >> no, that's when me and beau
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go and have that beer, watching sports center. >> jimmy: i hear you. this one is fro from @michaellizinski. he says, if mitt romney was in the room with you right now, what would you say to him? >> i'd say, hey, mitt. >> jimmy: that's pretty good. yeah, yeah. do you know mitt romney? >> i've met him. but we're not friends. you know, he seems like somebody who cares deeply about his family, and his wife is lovely. >> jimmy: well, most likely, you're going to be running against him. you have to get to know this guy, through other people or -- >> no, usually what independents up happening is, you end up meeting him or her during debates. i mean, some folks, when you're in a primary, then you typically know the folks you're running against. john mccain i knew because we had served in the senate together. mr. romney was governor, so i
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didn't have occasion to get to know him very well. >> jimmy: eventually, in a couple months he's going to start to put out attack ads? >> yeah, it's not the best introduction. >> jimmy: not the greatest way to get to know someone. >> yeah, there are better ways to do it. >> jimmy: is this campaign going to get ugly, do you think? >> well, part of the problem we have is these outside groups, because of this ruling by the supreme court, citizens united, there's unlimited spending by outside groups, many of whom don't have to disclose where they're getting their money from. if you look at the republican primary, i wasn't even involved at that point, millions of dollars were spent in negative attack ads, but there's no accountability because the candidate can say, well, i have nothing to do with it, and meanwhile, millions of dollars are being spent on their behalf in negative ads. that's part of our democracy we're going to have to fix. [ applause ] >> jimmy: it's kind of crazy, when you think about it. >> who else we got?
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>> jimmy: this one is from @scottwynn. he says, when my teenagers ask me why i'm voting for you over romney, what do you think i should tell them? >> maybe we should tweet back to them? >> jimmy: yeah, you want to try this in 140 characters or less? >> i can do that. >> jimmy: okay. i'll give you some time to think about that. >> let's move forward, not backward. i believe in young people, and i'm going to fight for you. and that's -- that's what this election, i think -- ultimately, that's what this election is going to come down to, is -- do we stay on a track that is investing in all the young people here? are we investing in college, are we investing in science? are we investing in clean energy? are we making sure that everybody's doing their fair share in paying for it?
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are we rebuilding america? or are we going to have an america where just a few people are doing really well, and everybody else is out there struggling? and, you know, when i think about everybody who invested in me, not just my mom, my grandparents. but whoever first started pell grants and student loans and whoever created this country of incredible opportunity with roads and bridges and dams and airports. all that stuff was because previous generations believed in a future where we provided a framework for everybody to succeed. not just some people. but everybody, regardless of what you look like or where you came, from and that's what i think we're still fighting for. that's a good reason. at minimum to vote in this election. >> jimmy: very good.
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[ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: very good. >> who else do you have on there? jayjay? nene. >> jimmy: that's over 140 characters. you tweeted multiple tweets. >> no, that was one tweet that referred you to a facebook wall. >> jimmy: mr. president, it was such a thrill to have you here tonight. we don't take sides politically on our show, but to have the president here with us was a great honor. >> thank you so much. thank you, north carolina. >> jimmy: thank you, president barack obama. dave matthews performs next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ strea-ea-ea-ea-eam
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>> jimmy: our next guest, he's one of the most successful bands in the world with, who begin their summer tour on may 18th in houston, texas. tonight he's here to debut a brand new song called "mercy" from their new album due out later this year. please welcome, dave matthews. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ don't give up i know you can see all the world and the mess that we're making ♪ ♪ can't give up and hope
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god will intercede c'mon back ♪ ♪ imagine that we could get it together ♪ ♪ stand up for what we need to be 'cause cryin' won't save or feed a hungry child ♪ ♪ can't lay down and wait for a miracle to change things ♪ ♪ so lift up your eyes lift up your heart singing ♪ ♪ mercy will we overcome this one by one could we turn it around ♪ ♪ baby, carry on just a little bit longer and i'll try to give you what you need ♪ ♪ me and you and you and you just want to be free yeah, yeah ♪
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♪ but you see all the world is just as we've made it and until we got a new world ♪ ♪ i got to say that love is not a whisper or a weakness no, love is strong ♪ ♪ so we got to get it together yeah gotta get, gotta get gotta get ♪ ♪ till there is no reason to fight ♪ ♪ mercy will we overcome this yeah one by one could we turn it around baby ♪ ♪ carry on just a little bit longer and i'll try to give you what you need ♪ ♪
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♪ oh mercy will we overcome this oh have we come too far to turn it around ♪ ♪ will it ask too much to be a little bit stronger 'cause i wanna give you what you need ♪ ♪ mercy what will become of us one by one could we turn it around ♪ ♪ baby carry on just a little bit longer and i'll try to give you what you need ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]


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