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tv   Mad Money  NBC  May 25, 2012 3:00am-4:00am EDT

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memorial day weekend. >> and looks that will take you from the pool to the party and how to make that party special. have an awesome thursday. how to make that party special. have an awesome thursday. we'll wi bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. aah! oh, that kills me! so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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[ french accent ] hello. [ groans ] oh, my god. how are you doing? where are you headed today? we are going to... are you french? a little bit. ...80th at broadway and west end. between broadway and west end. okay. we've had a few beers. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] [ both laugh ] [ laughing ] what just happened? you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. are you joking? [ laughs ] [ laughing ] let me out! is this the "twilight zone"? okay, here's how it works. i'm your host. my name is ben bailey. i'm gonna drive you to your destination. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions along the way. they're gonna start off easy. they're gonna get harder as we go. as long as you continue to answer the questions correctly,
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you're gonna win cash money all the way to 81st and broadway. but here's the catch. if you get three wrong, that's three strikes, and you're out, which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you guys out on the spot right were we are, and you lose everything. you're gonna kick us out? mm-hmm. you're serious? yeah. what do you say? do you want to play? yeah. yeah, why not. [ laughter ] all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. with a ceiling like this, who could say no? so, what are your names? my name is mona. my name's alina. you're headed up to 80th and broadway. what's going on up there? zabars. zabars. all right. zabars is 30 blocks away, so you have 30 blocks to rack up as much money as you can, so we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yep. we're ready. yes. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here is your first one. as explicated in the movie "pulp fiction," what mcdonald's item is often called a royale in countries with the metric system? it's with the fries, right? yeah, i think it's the big mac. big mac. big mac.
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oh, no! strike one. it's the quarter pounder. oh, shizzle. all right, a rough start, ladies. one question, one strike. here's a chance to get on the board with another $50 question. in a satirical "onion" article, what magician/endurance artist starves himself of attention for 33 straight days? david blaine. oh! that is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. whoo! whoo-hoo! the successor of windows 2000, what microsoft operating system derived its name from the word "experience"? some operating system. it derived its name from experience. i kind of keep thinking of excel, but... five seconds. need an answer. explorer. oh, no! strike two. ouch. oh, god! windows xp. oh, god! i said that! oh!
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that's two strikes, guys. one more, and it's all over. don't we have a street shout? you still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. we got 14 blocks to go. 14 blocks? founded in 1946, what international society of intellectuals claims to have members as young as 4 years old? let's do a shout-out big-time. [ laughs ] a genius society. we need to do a shout-out. yeah. should we do a shout-out? yeah. shout-out. we're gonna do a shout-out. all right, a shout-out. a mobile or a street shout-out? a mobile. a mobile. okay, how you gonna call? i'm gonna call my friend christina. all right, calling christina. christina, it's alina. i'm in a cash cab... [ laughs ] ...and i'm going to tell you a question and you have 15 seconds. founded in 1946... founded in 1946... ...what international society... ...what international society of intellectuals claims to have members as young as 4 years old?
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come on, christine! what is the genius group? five seconds. five seconds. aaah! oh! aaah! naf-- "nensa"! mensa! oh, you got it at the last second. mensa is right. whew! i was just about to pull over. whoo! still have two strikes. still have your street shout-out. don't forget about it. here's your first $100 question. street slang for handgun, the word "gat" is a nickname for automated handgun of the civil war era? [ scoffs ] what is... are we in the hood now? [ laughs ] it's street slang, so... it's street slang, so... five seconds. think of movies! what?! gu-- guns. pop. i don't know. oh, no, time ran out, and that's strike three. ouch! [ groans ] the answer was gatling gun. gatling gun.
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what? gatling. oh, i never would've known that. all right, that's three strikes. i'm afraid i got to kick you guys out. i hate to do it. i hope you had a good time, though. did you still have fun? thank you. yes. that was nice. cool. it was really nice to meet you. [ laughs ] that was fun. it's a shame they didn't make it to zabars for some good, strong coffee. i think they could use it. there's been this commitment to low prices. ♪ we might have had new ways to say it. but the commitment has never wavered. i should know. my name is valeda and i've worked for walmart for 50 years. ♪ ♪
3:07 am
with being fed on.ies, we are fed up we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.
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hey, what's up? bailey: [ mumbling ] how you doing? you going downtown? gotham comedy club. you're going where? oh, well. what do you say? where you going to? 7th and 23rd? 7th and 23rd, yes. gotham comedy club. gotham comedy club? yes. all right, so you want 7th avenue and 23rd? [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] [ normal voice ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. my mom is gonna be pumped. what do you say? do you want to play? yes, we do. all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. let's go. so, what are your names? i'm jeb. troy. jeb and troy, welcome to "cash cab." you're going down to the gotham comedy club for a little comedy show.
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i have performed there a zillion times myself. for real? maybe i'll come in and do a guest spot. yeah, do that. it's all on you -- only if you guys win. we're gonna try to win. i'd rather win than lose. all right, guys, 33 blocks to the gotham comedy club, so that's how many blocks you've got to rack up as much cash as possible, so we're gonna get started right away. are you ready? yes, let's go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. refusing to play second fiddle to las vegas, what nevada tourist destination bills itself as "the biggest little city in the world"? reno? reno. reno. reno is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. yes! put that in the bank. courting pizza-crazed college kids, what brand of prebaked crusts did eugene dechristopher toss on the market in 1988? digiorno? digiorno. i'm gonna go with digiorno, as well. we're gonna go with digiorno. oh, no! strike one. it's not digiorno. tombstone? it's-a boboli. ah! the crust! la boboli!
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who eats that? yes. crust. all right, guys, one strike. two more of those, and it's all over. still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. stuck in soviet era, the russian airline aeroflot still displays a logo of a hammer and what farming implement? sickle? sickle. sickle. sickle is correct, and you're back on track... okay. good. ...and up to 100 bucks. all right, word up to that. phew! often used when hanging pictures, what beams inside a wall are located using magnets, electronics, or trial and error? a stud. a stud. yes, i am, thank you. that is correct. i would've totally forgot. i would've called charlie, like, "i don't know, man. "i got one of your stud finders at my house. what does that do?" all right, you're up to $150. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth $100 each, and they're a little bit harder. featuring over 125,000 pegs, what classic glow-in-the-dark toy
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was recently used to recreate da vinci's "last supper"? lite-brite. lite-brite. lite-brite. making things with light -- that's correct. good for 100 bucks, and you're up to $250. spelled with double k's, kornfield kounty was the kitschy backdrop for what down-home country-music variety show? "hee haw"? "hee haw," 'cause one more "k"... yeah, that's the only country variety show, right? or -- no, no. grand ole opry, maybe. five seconds. "hee haw." "hee haw." "hee haw." "hee haw" is correct, and you're up to $350. i can't believe i got that one. i know. all right, you guys have $350, just one strike, still have both your shout-outs. things are looking very good. 15 blocks to go. here's your next question for 100 bucks. based in clifton, new jersey, what purveyor of home bedding and stuff filed for bankruptcy in 2008? linens 'n things? 'cause he said "and stuff." it's kind of a clue.
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linens 'n things. oh! that is correct and good for another 100 bucks. that's deduction! bring it up to $450. well done. i wouldn't have got that one. oh, man! thank god i shop for so many home goods. all right, guys, you're to $450, 10 blocks to go, you have one strike, still have both your shout-outs. ever♪ oh oh oh oh eaks. you see it in the brush... ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh ...and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines.
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bailey: you guys have 10 blocks to go. you have one strike, still have both your shout-outs, and here's your next question for $100. 50/50 in both name and profits, "namdeb" is a joint venture between the de beers diamond company and what african nation? um... the one diamonds are from. i don't know. i don't even know why i said that. "nambia." namibia. nambia? maybe. yeah. i'm gonna go with nambia. namibia! namibia? namibia? namibia is right. whoo! yes! that's good for another $100. yes! how did you do that?! how did you do that?! that's insane.
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i was gonna go, "i don't know, europe"? all right, guys, you're up to 550 bucks. thins are looking very good. that's it for the $100s. time to rack up some big bucks. these next questions are worth $200 apiece, and they're a little harder still. but before we do that, you have 550 bucks, and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light chall-e-e-enge! okay, here's how the red light challenge question works. it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answer correct. if you do, it's worth an extra 250 bucks. no penalty for wrong answers, so both of you call out anything you think till you've got it all or time has run out. if you do miss it, you don't get a strike. you don't lose any money, you just don't get the $250, and you have 30 seconds to answer. are you ready? yes. well, let's do it then. in its first year, the big band and jazz hall of fame honored five musical performers and bandleaders. name four of these five musical icons. go! cab calloway. cab calloway. louis armstrong. louis armstrong. got one with louis. miles davis. no, miles didn't have a big band.
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keep guessing. no penalty for wrong answers. billie holiday. nope. etta james. nope. oh, my god. i don't know any. big band and jazz hall of fame. i don't know. led zeppelin? allman brothers? i'm drawing a blank. five seconds. zz top. i don't know. i don't know! oh, no, time ran out. the ones you didn't say -- skid row... [ laughs ] the ones you did not say -- duke ellington... oh! oh, man! ...glenn miller... i wouldn't have got that one. ...benny goodman... wouldn't have got that one. ...and ella fitzgerald. i may have gotten that one. all right, shake it off, guys. let's get back to the regular game. we've got two and a half blocks to go. all right, you have $550, just one strike, still both your shout-outs remaining. here's your first $200 question. often stolen for its platinum, what smog-reducing car component can be ruined by leaded gasoline? catalytic converter.
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catalytic converter. that is correct, and we're here! you've just won $750 in the cash cab! that is awesome! all right, guys, you've racked up $750 in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now, you could take it and be on your way, or you can stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. okay, here's how the video bonus question works. i'll play a video clip for you, i'll ask you a single question about that video clip. if you get it wrong, you lose the $750. but if you get it right, you're gonna double your money, you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with $1,500. so take a minute and decide what you're gonna do. let's do it. we're gonna do it. i'm ready. my boss never leads me wrong. nothing ventured, nothing gained. let's go for the video bonus! all right, guys, here we go. this is it. this is for $1,500 or nothing! take a look at the screen, and good luck. this south american variety of alligator is fending off the advances of an overly familiar anaconda.
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with a name resembling a caribbean island chain... cayman. ...what is this freshwater reptile? cayman. cayman. you just won 1,500 bucks in the cash cab! that is so sick! oh, my god! all right, guys, great game. you pulled it out, you went for it, it paid off. you won 1,500 bucks in the cash cab. that is awesome. that's what i'm saying! i hope you don't owe it all to the government. thank you. [ laughs ] whoo! i'll bet those guys spend it all at the closeout sale at linens 'n things. right here -- winners. it's all up here. size-8 head. size 8. size 8. got to watch out for that thing. can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real.
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[ female announcer ] delicious yoplait light at around 100 calories. do the swap today. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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[ male announcer ] new icy hot arthritis lotion. powerful encapsulated menthol gets icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. power past pain. i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. thanks, jimmy. think gold bond. ♪ this stuff works -my allergy medicine to work. -allegra is fast. [ female announcer ] only allegra combines fast, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. -gotta go. - [ female announcer ] allegra. fast and non-drowsy relief. okay.
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we're going to 9th and -- bailey: all the way in the back, please. all the way in the back. i'm sorry. all right. let's see. where are we going? 9th -- 9th avenue and 16th street. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] oh, this is cool. [ laughs ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. whoo! what do we win? what do we win? you win cash, as the name suggests. what do you say? do you want to play? yes! [ laughter ] all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. okay, here we go, everybody. so, what are your names? mark. mary. ann. you are headed down to 9th avenue and 16th. what's going on down there? we're going to see the... witches and the witches bakery. right. the fat witches bakery. those fat witches and their bakery are 50 blocks away, so you got a nice long ride. you're gonna have 50 blocks to rack up as much cash as you can, so we're gonna get started immediately.
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are you ready? yes. yes. yes. these first questions are worth $50 apiece. here is your first one. useful for trekking around the great white north, what specialized footgear are colloquially known as webs? showshoes. snowshoes. bailey: snowshoes is right, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. all right. very good. slightly more formal than an m.o., what staple of military protocol is abbreviated s.o.p.? oh, i know that -- standard operating procedure. would that be military? that's it. yeah. okay. standard operating procedure. that is correct, and you've doubled your money. you're up to to $100. that's good. okay. good. named for a french king, what kentucky city enters the national spotlight each year on the first saturday of may? louisville, i would think, because it's after king louis. louisville! louisville is right, and you're up to $150. all right! see, we're not dumb. a cornish variation of guinevere,
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what first name was the most popular for american girls throughout the '70s? winifred? no? gwen. gwendolyn? jennifer? i don't know that a jennifer would be a... we're just gonna go with gwen. it may be wrong, but we're going with... what do you think? do you think -- i need your answer right now. pick one quick! gwen! oh, no! strike one. ouch. jennifer. jennifer! see, that was one of the ones. all right, that's one strike, everybody. be careful. two more of those and out you go. that's it for the $50s. these next questions are worth $100 each, and they're a little bit harder. here's your first one. 30 blocks to go. elected to neither the presidency nor the vice presidency, what u.s. commander in chief was dubbed the accidental president? gerald ford. ford. gerald ford. yeah. no, i do. gerald ford. gerald ford. bailey: gerald ford is right, and you're back on track. [ laughs ] yeah! see, we'll get the hard ones.
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waging a violent war on trash, what neutral scandinavian nation claims to recycle 85% of its waste? scandinavia -- probably sweden or denmark. there you go. gosh. go give paul a call. we're doing a call -- mobile...shout-out! all right, a shout-out. a mobile or a street shout-out? a mobile. a mobile. okay. who you gonna call? i'm gonna call arthur. call your friend guinevere. [ laughter ] are you calling arthur? hello, arthur? i'm in the cash cab, and i've got a question for you. waging a violent war on trash... waging a violent war on trash, what neutral scandinavian nation... ...reportedly recycles... ...reportedly recycles 85% of its waste? do you have an idea? i only got a few seconds. five seconds.
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sweden. okay. denmark. denmark. he says denmark. denmark. bailey: oh, no, strike two. it's sweden. i knew it! ouch. oh, well. ouch! don't worry, arthur. all right, guys, an unsuccessful mobile shout-out leaves you with your second strike. we have 16 blocks to go. you got to make it 16 more blocks without another wrong answer. still have your street shout-out. here's your next question for $100. a possible result of his last name, the fbi maintained a file in the 1950s on what host of "you bet your life"? groucho marx, unless you can think of -- i think that's groucho marx. i think it's grouch marx. okay. answer -- grouch marx. bailey: you bet your life! groucho marx is right! yeah! that's good for $100. it just came to me. whoo! [ laughing ] okay. big money. we might be able to do this. bailey: all right, six blocks to go. you have $350. here's your final $100 question. though it's minted miles away in south korea,
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what is the official currency of israel? israel. come on, we have to think of it. oh, geez. the, uh, um... [ speaking indistinctly ] five seconds. okay, we're doing a shout-out. all right, you want to use the street shout-out. yeah, street shout-out. choose wisely, and good luck. oh, see, right here. hi. could you help me? we're in the cash cab for money. here's the question. though it's minted miles away in south korea, what is the official currency of israel? i have no clue. mary: i guess we'll go with... i fail. i can't tell you. thank you. bailey: oh, not even a guess. oh, no, we've got five seconds. you guys are gonna have to take a guess. time's gonna run out. give me something. drachma. [ mumbling incoherently ] i don't know. oh, no, time has run out, and that's strike three. ouch! i know.
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give us another chance, please. it's the shekel. the shekel! shekel. shekel. i knew that. oh, no, an unsuccessful street shout-out, and that is your third strike. that means i got to kick you guys out. i hate to do it. you seem like nice people. it was a fun ride. did you still have a good time? oh, yeah. yes. okay, good. well, thanks very much for playing. they seem like nice people, but three strikes and you're out -- standard operating procedure. shucks.
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bailey: there are 13,000 cabs in the streets of the big apple, but there's only one that pays you. climb into the cash cab, and i'll quiz you all the way to your destination. as the meter clicks, the questions get harder, and the stakes get higher. if you get stumped, you can shout out for help on the phone or off the street. but be careful, because in the cash cab, it's three strikes, and you're out. so, what do you say? you in? -- captions by vitac -- captions paid for by discovery communications, llc
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hey. hey, how you doing? 48th and 8th, please. 40 and 8th? 48th and 8th. 48th and, uh, 8th avenue, then? y-yeah. okay. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. no way. pretty cool. i love this show! all right, so here's how the game works, guys. it sounds like you already know, but i have to tell you, anyway. i am your host. my name is ben bailey. i am gonna drive you to your destination. i'm gonna ask you general-knowledge questions along the way. they're gonna start off easy. they're gonna get harder as we go. as long as you guys continue to answer the questions correctly, you're gonna win cash money all the way there. but here's the catch. if you get three wrong, that's three strikes and you're out, which means i'm gonna pull over and kick you guys out on the spot right where we are, and you lose everything.
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all right? but those are the rules of the game. what do you say? do you want to play? whoo! let's play! all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, guys. so, what are your names? i'm liza. i'm zack. liza and zack, welcome to the cash cab. you guys are headed up to 46th and 8th. that is 30 blocks away, so you're gonna have 30 blocks to rack up as much moola as you possibly can. so we're gonna get started immediately. are you ready? ready. all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks apiece. here's your first one. accompanying the phrase "don't ever change" in yearbooks, the abbreviation b.f.f. stands for what? both: best friends forever. oh, my god. that's right. whoo! and you're on the board with 50 bucks. developed by a mathematician, what tv game show inspired a spanish-language version titled "vas o no vas"? um..."deal or no deal"? what is it? "deal or no deal." "deal or no deal"?
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that is correct, and you're two for two. hi, howie. all right, you guys are two for two. you've got 100 bucks. let's see if you can make it $150. since 1976, what popular antacid has sponsored baseball's relief man of the year award? alka-seltzer. alka-seltzer. oh, no! strike one. ouch. it's rolaids. oh. i knew that, too. all right, guys. that's one strike. two more of those and it's all over. don't forget about your shout-outs. you still have both of them. all right, 18 blocks to go. here's your final $50 question. native to the grasslands of north america, what boisterous, burrowing rodent was once known as the barking squirrel? the barking squirrel? a prairie dog? yes! prairie dog is right. [ laughs ] and you're up to 150 bucks. still just the one strike. that's it for the $50 questions.
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these next questions are worth $100 apiece, and they're a little bit harder. often created with guinness and bass, what two-toned beer blend traditionally consists of a dark stout and a pale ale? my favorite drink. it's a black and tan. a black and tan? black and tan is right, and you're back on track and up to $250. you know your beer! also called fallen arches, what physical condition kept mayor bloomberg from doing a tour of duty in vietnam? it's flatfoot, um... no, no, no. flat foot. it's called, um... oh, my god. i know this 'cause i have it. then say it. five seconds. i'm gonna say achilles heel. no, that's not it. oh, no! strike two! it's flatfeet! i said flatfoot! i have it. there's a medical term for it. all right, guys. that's your second strike. one more of those and i got to kick you out. from the french word for mixture, what is the term for the confused mayhem
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of a hand-to-hand fight? a melee? melee is right, and you're up to $350. all right, we are like three blocks away, guys. you have $350, two strikes. got to make it three more blocks. all right. here's your final $100 question. shrouded in secrecy, what coveted creative fellowships are nicknamed genius grants? shrouded in secrecy. want to do a street shout-out? all right, we're pulling into your destination, so this is gonna be for all or nothing. what's it gonna be, guys? street shout-out. all right, you're gonna use the street shout-out -- a wise choice -- right in front of your destination here. choose wisely and good luck. okay, who should we use? hey, we're on "cash cab." could you guys help us with a question? i'll try to help. i hope so. bailey: wow, this is a good one. we got a lot of people! you got two couples. all right, here we go. shrouded in secrecy... shrouded in secrecy... what coveted creative fellowships...
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what coveted creative fellowships are nicknamed genius grants? nicknamed what? genius grants. oh, genius grants? "shrouded in secrecy." a fulbright scholarship? that's what i was thinking -- fulbright. got five seconds. fulbright scholarship. fulbright scholarships? oh, no, that's incorrect. and that's strike three. that was our last strike. oh! i'm so sorry. it's okay. thank you. it was the macarthur fellowships. macarthur fellowships. oh, my god. all right, guys. an unsuccessful street shout-out. that's your third strike. i got to kick you out at your destination. least we got here. at least you made it here, and you got to ride in the cab. it was nice to meet you. it was a fun game. it was a cliffhanger. yeah, we had a lot of fun. all right, i'm glad. i'm glad you guys are still happy. have a good one. thanks for playing, guys. take it easy.
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oh, tough break -- lose it all at their destination. and the cash cab rolls on. there's been this commitment to low prices. ♪ we might have had new ways to say it. but the commitment has never wavered. i should know. my name is valeda and i've worked for walmart for 50 years. ♪ ♪ with being fed on.ies, we are fed up we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn't repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest
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and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advantix ii. join us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii.
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go ahead. [ chuckles ] bailey: how you doing? hi, how are you? i'm all right. are you going downtown? broadway and 19th. where? broadway and 19th -- abc carpeting. i don't know where that is. you know where that is? know how to get there? uh, yeah, you just -- [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] oh! [ laughs ] you guys are in the cash cab. it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. how you doing, ladies? doing well. how are you? good, thanks. what do you say? do you want to play? yeah! yeah! [ chuckling ] all right. let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, ladies. so, tell me your names. i'm tracy. my name is nix. tracy and nix, welcome to the cash cab. yeah! thank you. you're headed down to broadway and 19th. that's 35 blocks away. that means you're gonna have 35 blocks to rack up as much money as you can. so we're going to get started right away. are you ready? yeah! yes. we are ready. [ chuckling ] well, all right. here we go. these first questions are worth $50 apiece.
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here's your first one. featuring a lily-white complexion, people with what hereditary condition are sometimes said to be pigmentally challenged? albino. albinism. albino. albino or albinism is correct, and you're on the board with 50 bucks. all right, you're one for one. you've got 50 bucks. let's see if you can make it $100. usually bundled with microsoft windows, what is the world's most widely used web browser? a.o.l. is it? microsoft windows? i do not have a pc. oh, yeah. it's a.o.l. 'cause it's always in your computer. you can never get it out. a.o.l. oh, no! strike one! it's internet explorer. ohh! browser! all right, that's one strike, ladies. two more of those and out you go. don't forget about your shout-outs. they could save you that final strike later on and keep you in the game. all right, here we go. here's your next question for 50 bucks. let's see if you can get back on track. in traditional hindu funerals, what large wooden structures are set on fire during the rite of cremation?
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that's all you. large -- i'm sorry. large wooden structures? that are lit on fire. that are lit on fire. um... five seconds. a coffin? let's say a pyre. i think that's our best option. a pyre? what? i don't know. pyre is correct and good for another $50! and you're right back in it. i knew you were gonna come back. bring it back. bring it back. all right, we've got 20 blocks to go. here is your final $50 question. okay. due to trademark issues, what fast-food chain uses the slogans "two pizzas!" and "delivery! delivery!" in canada? "pizza! pizza!," remember? it's, um -- it's not papa john's. it's, um, little caesars. little caesars. little caesars. we're going with little caesars. that's the right way to go, and you're up to 150 bucks. "pizza! pizza!" we're not in canada. we can say it all we want. "pizza! pizza! pizza! pizza!"
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all right, you're up to $150. you have one strike. you still have both your shout-outs. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder. voted the best design in 2001, the flag of what state features a sacred sun symbol from the zia pueblo tribe? okay. i'm thinking new mexico. maybe arizona, though. i think that -- i think we should go new mexico. new mexico. that is correct! and that's good for 100 bucks. well done. most likely of yiddish origin, what word is commonly used to refer to a dab of cream cheese on a bagel? schmear. schmear. we're new yorkers. we know this. schmear. schmear is correct, and that's good for another 100 bucks. and you're up to $350, and we're stuck at a red light, and that triggers a red light challe-e-e-enge! here's how the red light challenge question works. it's a multiple-answer question. you have to get all parts of the answer correct in order to win the money.
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if you do, it's worth an extra 250 bucks. no penalty for wrong answers on this one, so both of you call out anything that you think might be a part of it till you've got it all or time has run out. if you do miss it, you don't get a strike, you don't lose any money, you just don't get the $250. and you have 30 seconds to answer from the time i'm finished asking. are you ready? yes! yes! okay, here we go, then. a 2007 harris poll asked americans to identify our nation's closest allies. name six of the eight countries that top the list. go. the u.k. um, great britain. got one. canada. canada. got two. germany. germany. jordan. saudi arabia. i'm just naming them. that's good. keep guessing. japan. you got three. you got four with japan. greece. [ laughing ] vietnam. israel. israel? got five with israel. you need one more. um... what other countries are in europe? russia. france. cuba. five seconds. russia. i already did russia. um...india. oh, no. time ran out. ouch. you guys got five of them.
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the ones you didn't say -- italy... italy. south korea... south korea. australia. australia. all right, we've got five blocks to go. shake off that red light challenge. all right. you have $350 and one strike. still have both your shout-outs. here's your next question for 100 bucks. sharing its name with a renaissance painter, what hazelnut-flavored liqueur is sold in a bottle shaped like a monk? amaretto? no, that's almond, obviously. hazelnut is -- uh, frangelico. frangelico? frangelico. frangelico is correct. yes! and we're here, so you just won $450 in the cash cab! whoo! awesome. great game, ladies. well done. okay, so here's the deal. you've made it to your destination. you've won 450 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i can give it to you now, or you could stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. what do you think? you don't watch tv.
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now, here's how the video bonus question works. i'll play a video clip for you. i'll ask you a single question about that video clip. if you get it wrong, you lose the $450. if you get it right, you're gonna double your money, and you're gonna climb out of the cash cab with 900 bucks. i know what you want to do. what do you want to do? i could go where you want to go. what do you want to do? you want to do it? we're gonna do it. you're gonna go for it. let's go for the video bonus. all right, here we go, ladies. this is the big moment. this is for $900 or for nothing. take a look at the screen and good luck. okay. traditionally the cloth of kings, this fabric is a colorful symbol of national pride in the country of ghana. meaning "basket" in the ashanti language, what is the name of this iconic african textile? kente cloth. kente cloth. you just won 900 bucks in the cash cab! ha ha ha ha!
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i love you, girl. oh, my god. even though i knew the answer. wow, that was great. congratulations, ladies. great game. here's your 900 bucks. thank you so much! yes, give me that. don't fight over it. nice to meet you guys. awesome game. thank you. i had a lot of fun. it was great meeting you. all right, take care. oh, my god! hurray! frangelico for everyone! whoo! ever♪ oh oh oh oh eaks. you see it in the brush... ♪ oh oh oh oh ooh oh ...and then there's the pillow. ♪ i dare you to dare me so they dared me to try this pantene. [ female announcer ] pantene anti-breakage the keratin protection system makes hair stronger reducing breakage up to 97%. ♪ think only salon brands can do that? i dare to compare... will you? [ female announcer ] anti-breakage from pantene. hair so healthy it shines.
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3:50 am
hello. how you doing? where we going, guys? bowery/delancey. [ alarm sounds, bells ring ] between the -- you guys are in the cash cab! it's a tv game show that takes place right here in my taxi. bring it on. nice. do you want to play? let's play! all right, let's take a ride in the cash cab. all right, here we go, fellas. so, what are your names?
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david. frankie. noel. welcome to the cash cab, guys. you're headed down to bowery and delancey. that's 30 blocks away. so you're gonna have 30 blocks to rack up as much cash as you can. so we're going to begin immediately. are you ready? ready! all right, here we go. these first questions are worth 50 bucks a pop. here's your first one. due to its logo and its accounting practices, what disgraced company did the media dub the crooked "e"? enron. we're going with enron. enron is right. you're on the board with 50 bucks. all right, you're one for one. let's see if you can go two for two. as quipped by jay leno, what short-lived gubernatorial candidate used the slogan, "what you talkin' about, california?" schwarzenegger. no, i don't think it's schwarzenegger because it's a short-lived campaign, though. it was before schwarzenegger. oh, the gary coleman? gary coleman. yeah, it has to be gary coleman. we're going with gary coleman. that's the right way to go, and you're up to 100 bucks.
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also a common orthodontic device, what term refers to a payment made to secure the services of a professional? retainer. retainer, sir. retainer! dr. fahrenheit in the house. retainer's right. yay! whoo! all right, 20 blocks to go, guys. here's your final $50 question. excellent. about 1/8 the size of the statue of liberty, the statue of freedom stands atop the dome of what d.c. landmark? where the congress -- that has to be it. statue of freedom. has to be it. capitol building? it has to be the capitol building, right? five seconds. yeah, i'm guessing -- we'll go with the capitol building. capitol building is right. you guys are four for four. up to 200 bucks. well done. that's it for the $50 questions. these next questions are worth 100 bucks each, and they're a little bit harder. epitomized by high-strung workaholics, what personality type was identified in the 1950s as a predictor of heart disease?
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type "a". type "a". type "a". type "a" is right, and you're up to 300 bucks. bowery, here we come. nine blocks to go. often used to describe the voice of tom waits, what word literally means to screech like a cat in heat? what do you call it when a cat goes into heat? rrrrr! what do you call that actual act? fornication? no. [ laughs ] five seconds. i need an answer, guys. time's gonna run out. a tom-- a tom-- tomcat. oh, no. time ran out. strike one. screech is incorrect, anyway. it's caterwaul. never heard of it. that's your first strike, guys. two more of those and it's all done. you still have both your shout-outs. don't forget about them. here's your next question for 100 bucks. described as an ideal gift for a religious institution, what biblical manuscripts were sold in 1954 through a classified ad? dead sea scrolls? it couldn't be the dead sea scrolls. really? it could be the -- wait.
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actually, that's the only ones that -- actually, he's got it right. he could be right. actually, yes -- five seconds. dead sea scrolls. dead sea scrolls is right, and that's good for another 100 bucks. and you're up to $400. good job, fellas. four blocks to go. you have 400 bucks and one strike. here's your final $100 question. sounding like a type of fruit, what carpentry term is often used to mean perpendicular? plumb bob. plumb. plumb. plumb. plumb, plumb. plumb is right, and you're up to $500. just a couple blocks left. all right, we only have three blocks to go. you guys have one strike, still. you still have both your shout-outs. things are looking very good. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth 200 bucks each. they're a little bit harder. can i have the definition? swapportunity: the opportunity to swap a higher calorie snack for a yoplait light. that's not a real word. oh haha it's real. [ female announcer ] delicious yoplait light at around 100 calories. do the swap today.
3:55 am
people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
3:56 am
[ male announcer ] new icy hot arthritis lotion. powerful encapsulated menthol gets icy to dull pain, hot to relax it away. power past pain. i'm done. my skin's so raw. try new gold bond friction defense stick. it soothes skin and reduces friction. thanks, jimmy. think gold bond. ♪ this stuff works -my allergy medicine to work. -allegra is fast. [ female announcer ] only allegra combines fast, non-drowsy, 24-hour relief. -gotta go. - [ female announcer ] allegra. fast and non-drowsy relief. that's it for the $100s. these next questions are worth 200 bucks each. they're a little bit harder. here's your first one, which looks like it's gonna be your last question. so here we go. invented by samuel blanc in 1933,
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what sewer cleaning machine was originally made of blades, a motor, and roller-skate wheels? we're here, so this is it. david: roto-rooter? we're going with roto-rooter. i'm going with roto-rooter. roto-rooter. roto-rooter is right! and we're here, so you guys just won 700 bucks in the cash cab! love it! love it! ben, you are the man! all right, guys. here's the deal. you've racked up 700 bucks in the cash cab. i've got it right here. i could give it to you now. you can go out and drink all night long, or you could stick around and risk it all and go double or nothing on a video bonus question. double. i think he knows what he wants to do. it's majority rule. it's your call. i'm saying no, though, but we'll go. but, dave -- wait. if we win, then, you guys, we still split the $700, i get the difference. deal? sounds good. we're doubling it. want to go for it? all right, let's go for the video bonus!
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all right, guys, this is it. this is for $1,400 or for no dollars. take a look at the screen and good luck. though it usually eats crabs and crayfish, this particular wading bird must have a strong stomach as here it's feasting on some freshly caught crocodile. associated with the egyptian god thoth, what is the name of this sacred bird? ilbis -- i-l-b -- ilbis. i'm pretty sure. unless it's -- i'm guessing it's ilbis. unless you two have a better answer. i'm going with il-- i honestly am going with ilbis. go with it. i'm going with ilbis. oh, no. ilbis is incorrect. it's -- it's ibis. wait! that's -- that's -- no, no, no. you're joking. i'm not, man. how do you spell it, though? maybe it was his accent. ben, you know that's correct. how do you pronounce it? ibis. it was a good game, though. although i said it's an egyptian word for stork,
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which is whatever that ibis, which means the devil, actually. he knew what it was. you knew it. you just put the "l" in there. nice to meet you, man. thanks. all right, guys. have a good night. thanks for playing. i told you to keep it! that was good. oof. tough break in the cash cab. turns those type a's into type b's at the last second. and away we go.


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