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tv   Late Night With Jimmy Fallon  NBC  February 1, 2013 12:35am-1:35am EST

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♪ that's a better 1 to tell and when it's told the leaves are turning red and gold ♪ ♪ and no one had to come along and cast the spell ♪ ♪ it's no fairy tale there's no breadcrumb trail to lead you back but it's just as well ♪ ♪ and you can close the book and curse the turn it took tell the true story of how you fell ♪ ♪ that's a better 1 to tell that's a better 1 to tell ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: there you go. lisa loeb, nice job! thank you very much, that was great. hey, i want to thank my guests.
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tomorrow night, wanda sykes on the program, but "jimmy fallon" happening right now. jimmy! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center, the national broadcasting company presents -- tonight's guests are -- and featuring the legendary roots crew. and here he is -- jimmy fallon! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television -- captions by vitac --
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: thank you. oh, that's what i'm talking about right there. that's a great new york city crowd! going crazy. welcome, everyone. welcome to "late night with jimmy fallon." [ cheers and applause ] that's right. i appreciate it. thank you. welcome. welcome, everybody. welcome. we're going to have fun tonight. here's what people are talking about. the former nfl quarterback, dan marino -- you hear about this? he's admitted to fathering a secret child back in 2005. i don't know why people are surprised. the dolphins never gave him good protection. [ laughter ] check this out. to compete with the super bowl on sunday, tnt is airing a marathon of "law & order" which is -- [ laughter ] i think it's cool, because now viewers have two places to see ray lewis. [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause ]
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actually, this weekend is not only the super bowl. it is also groundhog day. of course, this year's a little different. if the groundhog sees his shadow, it means six more kids for dan marino. [ laughter ] weird. you guys probably know this by now, but this is the first super bowl where the opposing head coaches are brothers. which makes rivalry -- the rivalry even -- [ light laughter ] hey, guys. who are you? >> we're the harbaugh brothers. >> yeah. the head coaches of the ravens and the 49ers. [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: really? you guys? you two guys? >> yes. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: why are you guys dressed like that? >> oh, because the super bowl is not until sunday, so we decided to wear cool, modern, casual
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clothes. >> yeah. check it out. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: well, what -- what are you doing here? >> well, we wanted to come here and let people know that even though there is a bit of a rivalry, we're still brothers and we still like to have fun. [ sneezes ] >> jimmy: bless you. >> thank you. >> jimmy: what do you mean? >> we'll show you what we mean. let's do it. ♪ ♪ ravens, 49ers super bowl ♪ ♪ saw her just the other day a'walkin down the street ♪ ♪ ♪ my red-headed woman with high heels on her feet ♪ ♪ she was moving pretty fast but i knew we had to take it slow slow ♪
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♪ but looking at my baby made me wanna coach the super bowl ♪ ♪ let's do it, babe ♪ oh, yeah, looking at my baby made me wanna coach the super bowl ♪ ♪ front back, front back front back, front back ♪ ♪ yeah looking at my baby made me wanna coach the super bowl ♪ ♪ front back, front back front, front back super bowl ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> yeah. >> thank you very much. >> jimmy: the harbaugh brothers. the harbaugh brothers. harbaugh brothers. very excited about leaving. [ cheers and applause ] they're very excited about leaving. yeah. harbaugh brothers. >> steve: we got them right here. >> jimmy: they're still there. still combing his hair. >> steve: combing his hair. >> jimmy: this is interesting, you guys. now that marijuana is legal in washington state, officials are -- [ cheers ]
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-- they are searching for an expert on pot rules and regulations. of course, they are doing it in the way everyone does things with weed -- asking if anyone knows a guy. [ laughter ] that's right, washington state is looking for a weed adviser. you think it would be easy to fill the job, but everyone keeps missing their interview. [ laughter ] "oh, 2:00 p.m. i just thought, like, you were weird or something. my bad." on monday night, oprah fired back at a person on twitter who said she looked "old as hell." [ laughter ] then lance armstrong was like, "yeah, but i never called her fat." [ audience ohs ] [ applause ] speaking of lance armstrong, he has turned down a spot on the new season of "dancing with the stars." [ audience aws ] even weirder, manti te'o's girlfriend said yes. [ laughter ]
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it's an odd season. it's an odd season. and finally, this week, a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a plan that would create a path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. yep, a path to citizenship. or as illegal immigrants call that, a tunnel. [ laughter ] we have a great show tonight. give it up for the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's some good rock 'n' roll. that's graham parker right there sitting in with the roots. [ cheers and applause ] he just released "three chords good," his first album with his band, the rumour, since 1980.
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and of course, you probably saw him in judd apatow's latest movie, "this is 40." you were great in that as well. >> thank you, jimmy. appreciate it. >> jimmy: yeah. fantastic. [ cheers and applause ] thank you for being here. i really appreciate it. we have a great show tonight. he is "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. [ cheers and applause ] channing tatum is here tonight. [ cheers and applause ] sexy man. >> steve: sexy. >> jimmy: plus, from nbc's hit show, "smash," megan hilty is stopping by! [ cheers and applause ] very fun, very talented, very pretty. >> steve: very pretty. >> jimmy: and then this guy, i'm so excited to have him on the show. i swear by this guy's books. and i was giving them out as christmas presents, these books. "the 4-hour workweek," "the 4-hour body," i don't do either one, but -- [ laughter ] -- i have them. i have them. >> steve: they're at home. >> jimmy: his new one is "the 4-hour chef." and basically, it's so good. he tells you like -- you don't read it like a novel. you read it almost like a textbook kind of thing. if you want to learn how to do this, go to chapter one, then chapter ten. and so, you go back and forth and he tells you what things to buy, how to make stuff. tonight, we're making
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bacon-infused bourbon. >> steve: mmm. [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's got to be good. >> steve: that's america. that's america. >> jimmy: that's america. that is america. tim ferriss is his name. he's dropping in tonight. [ cheers and applause ] he's a great guy. smart, smart. hey guys, it's time for "late night hashtags." here we go. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ hashtags, hashtags hashtags, hashtags hashtags ♪ >> jimmy: these are lists on twitter where we give you the topic and you send in the tweets. so, because the super bowl is this weekend, i went on twitter and started a hashtag called "worstsuperbowlparty." and i asked you guys at home to tweet out a weird, funny or embarrassing story about a super bowl party you've been to. we got thousands of tweets. in fact, within a half hour, it was a trending topic in the united states, which is awesome. thank you for those tweets. and now i thought i'd share some of my favorite "worstsuperbowlparty" tweets with you guys. here we go. first one is from @rocky1234.
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he says, "the tv broke, and i had to watch the super bowl through the neighbor's window like a burglar." [ laughter and applause ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: this one is from @thesoldoutband. he says, "i got an online invite to a friend's party that read 'ps, don't tell alex we're having this.' i'm alex." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: that's not good. this one is from @jaydub308. he says, "i spiked the couch pillow into the face of the host's 5-year-old daughter after yelling 'that's how it's done.'" [ laughter ] sorry. this one is from @goclayton55. he says, "i was sitting next my youth pastor when we saw janet jackson's wardrobe malfunction. we pretended nothing happened." [ laughter ] [ applause ] >> steve: that's the way to do it. >> jimmy: being professional. this one's from @charlotttttte3. she says, "none of my dad's
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friends came over to watch the game, so my sisters and i watched "the notebook" with him instead." [ laughter ] he must have appreciated that. this one from @paultrafga. he says, "our neighbors were very sensitive to noise, so we had to save up our celebrations until halftime and then go shout outside." [ laughter ] this one is from @ctothecampbell. she says, "my first boyfriend broke up with me during the super bowl and stayed to watch the rest of the game with my dad." [ laughter ] >> steve: oh. >> jimmy: that's the worst. >> steve: aw. >> jimmy: last one's from @lindleycpw. she says, "this is a picture of the cake at the super bowl party i went to last year. it says 'thouchdown.'" [ laughter ] there you go. those are tonight's "late night hashtags." [ cheers and applause ] to check out more of our favorites, go to hashtags. stick around, we'll be right back with "night news now." [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sounded great. welcome back, everybody. thank you for watching our show. now it's time to take a look at the news of the now, the news of the day and the news of the now. it's time for "night news now." ♪ >> tonight, larry king temporarily thinks he's julia roberts. >> kind of weird being a woman. >> jamie foxx says "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah." >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> and al roker describes what happened the first time he saw one direction live in concert. >> i pooped my pants. >> it's time for "night news now." >> jimmy: hello, let's see what's happening. president obama spoke in las vegas on tuesday about the country's immigration system. he also used the speech as an opportunity to try out his new mickey mouse voice. take a look. [ high pitched voice ] >> think about it. we define ourselves as a nation of immigrants. that's who we are, in our bones.
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[ laughter ] >> jimmy: in sports, the super bowl is this sunday. so, here to tell us more about the big game is our compulsive lying sports correspondent, trent gouch. trent? >> thank you, jimmy. that's right. this sunday, the baltimore ravens will face the san francisco turnips. the turnips are led by head coach, al pacino, who starred in the 1995 movie "clueless." while the ravens are led by a lukewarm cup of milk. the game is expected to last seven minutes with three pee-pee breaks for the referees. [ laughter ] i'm stephanie williams, and i'm a 17-year-old girl with braces. [ laughter ] [ cheers ] >> jimmy: thank you, trent. [ applause ] it's time for "who wore it best." the fashion segment where we show you two celebrities wearing the same outfit, and you decide who wore it best. first, we have emma stone wearing a beautiful red dress. now, here's a picture of cnn news anchor, wolf blitzer, wearing the same red dress.
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[ laughter ] [ cheers ] so we asked you who wore it best, and here are the results. oh, looks like emma stone edges out wolf blitzer once again. folks, there's a lot of news to cover tonight. i hate to waste time, but here goes. [ laughter ] [ applause ] in health news, the flu epidemic is continuing to spread all across the united states. so here with an update is our flu correspondent. [ laughter ] ♪ [ flute plays ] [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: sorry. that's our flute correspondent.
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thank you for stopping by, dave. thank you. folks, a lot of people are talking about the oscars. so here at "night news now," we'd like to take a moment to reveal our oscar nods. ♪ [ laughter and applause ] ♪ [ cheers ] ♪ >> jimmy: thank you, oscars. now, as with any news source, we don't always get everything right. so it's time for retractions, the portion of "night news now" where i go over corrections from previous broadcasts. last week, we reported that democratic leader, nancy pierogi, met with foreign leaders. but, it turns out ms. pierogi met with domestic leaders. [ light laughter ] we also reported that lebron james held a charity
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event last weekend. but, it wasn't lebron james, it was a tiny pebble. and it didn't hold a charity event, it just sat in a stream. [ laughter ] finally, we reported that the letter "c" comes after the letter "a" in the alphabet, but it does not. it comes after a completely different letter than "a." those are our retractions. right now, i'd like to take a moment to have some technical difficulties. [ static ] [ laughter ] and finally, there's a lot of buzz surrounding daniel day-lewis' performance in "lincoln." while we don't know whether or not he'll win the academy award, we do know that this is what daniel day-lewis would look like if his face were turned upside down. >> at the end of it, i come back with whatever it is and drop it like a mouse at her feet and hope so much that i've done a good thing. [ laughter ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that was "night news now." stick around. we'll be right back with channing tatum. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ female announcer ] going to sleep may be easy, but when you wake up
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♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: not only is our first guest -- [ cheers ] -- a talented actor, he's also "people" magazine's sexiest man alive. [ cheers ] his latest film, "side effects," opens in theaters on february 8th. ladies and gentlemen, please welcome channing tatum. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: fantastic. welcome back to the show. >> thank you very much, sir. >> jimmy: welcome back to the show. [ cheers ] >> man, you know people still come up to me and talk about -- >> jimmy: yeah. ew, yeah. >> yeah, yeah. you know, the thing we did -- >> jimmy: last time you were on the show, we did a sketch where we played like little girls -- like 13-year-old or 12-year-old little girls. >> yes, exactly. >> jimmy: and the name of the show is "ew." yeah.
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>> i did a movie in pittsburgh, and like, the entire crew every time in the morning -- [ laughter ] would say hello -- by the end just started to feel like big burly, bearded guys and like "ew." and i'd be like, "ew." >> jimmy: ew. >> ew. >> jimmy: thank you for doing that. you know it got almost 3 million hits on youtube. >> that's crazy. >> jimmy: that's wild. so thank you for doing that, my friend. >> absolutely. >> jimmy: and i got to -- before, you did this. look at this. [ cheers ] that's what i'm talking about. how has this been treating you? that's pretty cool. >> it's been treating me good. >> jimmy: yeah? >> you know, look, it's an honor to be in that club. but it gives your friends so much ammunition to just -- >> jimmy: to make fun of you. >> -- own you for it. you know, you'd be amazed of what -- how creative they can get with this picture. >> jimmy: oh, of course they can. yeah, yeah, absolutely. >> really crazy. >> jimmy: congrats on that, though. and congrats -- even bigger congrats. your wife and you are expecting your first baby. >> yeah, yeah, man. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: that's great, buddy. that's great. that's so good.
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>> thank you, yeah. >> jimmy: you're going to be a great dad. are you excited about this? >> i am excited, terrified and all the appropriate things. you know, i don't know. if that thing comes out anything like me as a kid, i'm putting it right back up in there. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: yeah, you can't. you have to -- no, now you have to raise it. >> yeah. >> jimmy: what were you like as a kid? were you crazy? >> yeah, yeah. i mean, i don't know. i think i asked my mom when i was like 18. you know, when you have that moment, after you're grown up. i was like, "mom, was i -- was i a bad kid? you know, i'm sorry if i was." and she just gets this glazed-over look, and it's just like -- [ sighs ] [ laughter ] "no, baby, you were just really busy." [ laughter ] and then, you just feel so bad. you know, there's nothing you can do to take it back. >> jimmy: we asked you to bring in some pictures of you as a kid so we can see what you looked like. there's little magic mike. [ audience aws ] that's magic mike right there. >> yeah, not foreshadowing "magic mike" whatsoever. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. that's a kid there. a little cowboy. >> i like the costume. >> jimmy: explain this one. [ laughter ] >> they actually wouldn't let me in the house until i bathed. they were just tossing a metal, like, bucket out back and just
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hit me the hose and throw a bar of soap to me, because i would come in -- >> jimmy: is that right? >> yeah. >> jimmy: hilarious. dude, that's good. i love that. >> country living. >> jimmy: where's your mom and dad now? >> they're in new orleans, actually. >> jimmy: new orleans. >> they just moved back. i just opened up a bar in new orleans, and so i'm going to be down there for the super bowl. >> jimmy: what's the name of the bar? >> it's called saints and sinners. >> jimmy: oh, that's great. well, you're a big saints fan. i know that. >> thank you. yeah, yeah. [ applause ] >> jimmy: so you're going down right after this? you're flying down? >> right after this, flight, go down. we're going to have a huge party on saturday night. so anybody that's in new orleans, come visit saturday night. saints and sinners on bourbon. >> jimmy: now, who are you rooting for? >> you know, i don't know. i'm kind of whoever -- i just want it to be a good game. i love the quarterback for san fran. i would love to see, i think, ray win his last game, you know. it would just be -- [ scattered applause ] >> jimmy: i'd be cool, yeah. >> i've always loved watching the guy play. he's been an amazing athlete and an amazing entertainer. so i think it would be pretty nice if he wins. >> jimmy: fun times. let's talk about your new movie. >> yes. >> jimmy: "side effects." steven soderbergh. this is the -- what, third time you've worked with him? >> third time, yes. "haywire," "magic mike" and now "side effects."
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>> jimmy: i heard that he's retiring now, after this. >> unfortunately, there might not be a fourth. there probably won't be a fourth. he is retiring, so we don't know what to do. >> jimmy: wait, so there's not going to be a "magic mike 2?" [ light laughter ] >> i don't know. do you guys want to see a "magic mike 2?" [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: they're like, "yeah, we do. we want to see "magic mike 2." >> everyone, please. soderbergh, just stop being a curmudgeon, and don't retire. and just, please come back and do "magic mike 2." >> jimmy: "magic mike 2." you have to, yeah. [ cheers and applause ] hashtag it on twitter, magicmike2. >> please, we need to, like, go viral. >> jimmy: go viral. we have to have a signed petition just to get soderbergh back. but this movie is a totally different mood. >> yeah. >> jimmy: does your shirt come off in this movie? >> i don't remember really. i think so. >> jimmy: yeah, it does. >> not in the same way as "magic mike," though. >> jimmy: yeah, exactly. >> that's for sure. >> jimmy: no, this movie, jude law. you. >> sexy, sexy man. >> jimmy: he's a sexy man. jude law. he's a fantastic actor, too, that guy. >> yeah, really. >> jimmy: but, this one is such crazy thriller. i can't really say what the movie is really about because i'll give away stuff. >> yeah, it's hard to talk about because it's such a -- you know, we try to keep a lot of the surprises. the more you don't know, the
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more you'll enjoy the film. but, you know, you think it's going to be a movie just about how everyone is on some sort of pill for anxiety or vitamins or something, weight loss. and, you know, it's going to give you a lot more than that. you know, it's kind of a throwback to some hitchcockian type of a film. so, it's kind of -- >> jimmy: it's fun. i love it. also, there's a rumor here -- "magic mike," broadway? >> broadway. it's definitely going to happen. so, i mean -- >> jimmy: is that really going to happen? >> yeah, yeah. we're definitely doing a musical on broadway. >> jimmy: are you? [ cheers and applause ] >> you want to be -- you going to play a part? >> jimmy: yeah. >> come on, you've got to play a part in "magic mike." [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: you don't want to see it. you don't want to see what -- very pale, very pale. it's so, so embarrassing. [ laughter ] the last time -- the first time you came on our show, you said to me -- you said you were working on some ideas. you go, "i have an idea. i was a stripper at one point, and i have an idea for this movie. i'm going to write it." and i was like, "that's cool." and usually, nothing really comes from it. >> nothing ever happens, yeah. >> jimmy: and then, you made the movie. it's this giant smash, and now it's going to be a broadway play. >> yes, sir. thank you, man. >> jimmy: so happy. i'm so proud of you. [ cheers and applause ]
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>> thank you, thank you. thank you. >> jimmy: this movie is going to kill, too. "side effects." i want to show you guys a clip. here's channing tatum, rooney mara in "side effects." ♪ >> em! em! it's the middle of the night. turn down the music! ♪ em? are you expecting someone? ♪ em, can you hear me? ♪ what are you doing? ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: that's what i'm talking about. it's trippy, man. >> not weird at all. >> jimmy: not weird at all. but, last time we did "ew," when we were on the show. and this time, i thought we'd play a little game. it's a fun, new game that we invented, and we're very psyched about it. it's called sticky balls.
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[ laughter ] would you like to play with me? >> i would love to play with your sticky balls. >> jimmy: thank you. channing and i are playing sticky balls when we get back. [ cheers and applause ] that's very nice. ♪ ♪ februany any! [ male announcer ] it's a whole new februany at subway! now you can get any footlong for a song. ♪ februany any! that's right, many of our scrumptious footlongs are $5 footlongs. and we've got amazing $6 footlong specials too. ♪ februany any! ♪ is g-g-goin' strong enjoy favorites like the turkey breast as $5 footlongs. and hearty subs like the steak & cheese as $6 footlong specials. subway. eat fresh. as $6 footlong specials. hers hey' as $6 footlong specials. 's is more than hers chocolate. it's an invitation. to stop and savor.
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1:09 am
there's a lot of confusion out there. season. and now all the machines want in. but at h&r block we are ready. and the sooner you start, the sooner we'll help you get your refund. come on in. a little more. there's a real, like, camaraderie in the parking lot... shut up! that's it! let's go in the car. my time to shine is the smoked pulled pork. i think it's done broseph! pretty much got it down to a science... pretty much. we also really like a great pulled pork sandwich even when we can't make the game. you ruined it! some people even like it better. really? yep. [ male announcer ] new carving board pulled pork, get that delicious slow smoked taste
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without the hassle. it's game time food. it's oscar mayer.
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keeping up with the kids is tough, so i drink emergen-c. with vitamin c for immune support and b vitamins for natural energy, i'm ready for whatever they get into. get your free sample at stay healthy and feel the good. [ coughs ] [ baby crying ] ♪ [ male announcer ] robitussin® liquid formula soothes your throat on contact and the active ingredient relieves your cough. robitussin®. don't suffer the coughequences™.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: hey, everybody. we are back with channing tatum. his new movie, "side effects," opens everywhere next friday, february 8th. channing and i are about to play a new game called sticky balls which refers -- [ cheers ] -- of course, to these red balls which stick to these velcro suits that we're wearing. now we're going to put 45 seconds on the clock and throw these sticky balls at one another until time runs out. once we're done, channing and i each will count the sticky balls stuck to the other guy. you'll handle my balls. i'll handle your balls. copy? the one with the most balls stuck to his suit loses. the first ball thrown has to be one of the balls on your center line. no crossing over into the other guy's court and absolutely no removing of balls from your suit once you've been hit. channing, are you ready to play
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sticky balls? [ laughter ] >> i guess so. >> jimmy: assume the position. hands on the wall. you have to use one from the line first. >> okay. >> jimmy: one, two, three. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> jimmy: here we go. channing, you got to remove the balls on my suit and place them in your bucket. >> okay. 1, 2, 3 -- >> jimmy: be careful with them. >> 4, 5 -- >> jimmy: they're very sensitive. >> 6, 7, 8 -- 9. >> jimmy: watch it. >> 10. 11, 12, 13. >> jimmy: oh, no. >> 14. >> jimmy: oh, boy. >> 15. all right. 15. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: you feel pretty good right now, don't you? >> a little bit. >> jimmy: yeah. >> a little bit. >> jimmy: here we go. 1, 2, 3, 4.
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what? 4? 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. congratulations, you're the winner. channing tatum. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i don't have to get that one, right? our thanks to channing tatum. go see his movie, february 8th. megan hilty joins us next. come on back. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ boy ] eggo! [ female announcer ] eggo waffles are a great way to get your family together for breakfast. in fact, they might work too well. [ ding! ] [ shuffling, scooting ] [ clears throat ] [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] golden, crispy outside.
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warm and fluffy inside. we are one good-looking family. [ children laugh ] [ female announcer ] eggo waffles. simply delicious. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. for valentine's day? ♪ ♪ this valentine's day give him what he really wants. you! with k-y yours + mine and get a $25 gift card from
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is a talented actress and performer who stars in the nbc hit show, "smash," which kicks off its second season with a two-hour premiere tuesday at 9:00 p.m. here on nbc. please welcome megan hilty! ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: welcome to the show. you look gorgeous. >> thank you.
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>> jimmy: thank you for coming on the show. >> thanks for having me. >> jimmy: i'm a big fan of yours. congrats on "smash." >> thank you. >> jimmy: what if "smash" wasn't a smash? >> i don't know. then, we'd have to change the title. >> jimmy: exactly. but, did you always want to do musical theater? did you grow up just saying "i'm a singer?" >> you know, i wanted to be a singer always. i initially wanted to be an opera singer. >> jimmy: really? >> and did what all normal teenagers do and went to opera camp. >> jimmy: yeah. >> yeah. >> jimmy: sounds about right, yeah. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. yeah. >> jimmy: it's a bummer. yeah, what do you do at opera camp? >> a lot of singing. >> jimmy: yeah. >> a lot of talking to singers. >> jimmy: oh. >> yeah. >> jimmy: so that made you get out of opera? >> yeah, that's what made me decide that it's probably not for me. >> jimmy: yeah, you don't -- but, can you sing like that? can you like -- [ singing off key ] >> kind of, a little bit. i do in "smash," in the second season, a little bit. they gave me a classical piece. >> jimmy: oh, really? >> yeah, mm-hmm. >> jimmy: no way. that's exciting and fun. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i mean, you get to sing, you're on with great people. anjelica is on the show. we love anjelica huston. >> yeah. >> jimmy: she's a legend. bernadette peters. >> yes. >> jimmy: she's super fun, too. >> i mean, what has she done? >> jimmy: what has she done? exactly, right?
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but, you are actually doing a cool thing. actually, i see -- you're going to see this for the first time. i have your cd. >> no, i haven't even seen it yet! >> jimmy: i know. it's coming out in march, and it's a mix of covers and originals. ready? >> uh-huh. >> jimmy: here it is. [ drum roll ] [ gasps ] that's your cd, right there. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> can i touch it? it's real. [ applause ] >> jimmy: what do you think? >> oh, my gosh. yeah, it'll do. it will do. >> jimmy: yeah, it'll do. now, this is all original songs or you did covers? >> it's half originals, half covers. it was going to be all covers. and then -- i don't know. it was going to be this quiet little album, and then we just started demoing these original songs. i actually have a song on here that was written by ne-yo and carrie underwood. and i mean -- >> jimmy: the same song? >> yeah, they wrote it together. >> jimmy: ne-yo and carrie underwood write songs together? >> yeah, they're a writing duo. yeah, so -- [ light laughter ] >> jimmy: the ne-yo and the carrie underwood? >> yes, yes. together on one song. >> jimmy: really? >> yeah. >> jimmy: did not know that they hang out. >> yeah, who knew? now you do. >> jimmy: what's the name of the song? >> it's called "walk away." >> jimmy: "walk away." >> mm-hmm.
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>> jimmy: that's nice. does it say anything about them? >> i don't want to give away -- >> jimmy: what's the song about? >> walking -- >> jimmy: away. >> away. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah, yeah. that's -- yeah. wow. >> yeah. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i mean, i guess -- >> i mean, in a nutshell. >> jimmy: it could be -- okay, yeah. in a nutshell, i suppose. >> yeah. >> jimmy: tell me what's going on with season two here of "smash." >> it's crazy. we have all kinds of new characters. we have a new musical that's like the bombshell rival. >> jimmy: and jennifer hudson is in this one, too. >> yes, yeah. she's amazing. >> jimmy: she came in and just sang a beautiful song. just during the interviews -- and people were crying. >> yeah. >> jimmy: i was like -- just phenomenal. >> yeah, she's unbelievable. yeah, people are going to just die to see her. >> jimmy: really? so what -- they just altered demands, craziness, drama. >> demands, craziness, drama, drama, drama. >> jimmy: drama, drama, drama. >> drama, drama, drama. >> jimmy: oh, my god. here we go. i want to show a clip. here's megan hilty with katharine mcphee in the season premiere of "smash." take a look. >> having me fired -- >> ivy. >> -- was absolutely lame.
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>> you hate me. you should. but even you can't hate me as much as i hate myself for what i did. and the crazy part, is that you don't even know how bad it got. that night of your first preview in boston, i was -- i almost -- i almost did something really stupid. and for what? because i was jealous? because of a part in some show? i'm truly sorry that i ever got in your way. [ cheers and applause ] >> it's going to be okay. >> jimmy: it's going to be okay. >> it's going to be okay. >> jimmy: megan hilty, everyone. "smash" is back tuesday nights, 9:00 p.m. on nbc. and her album, "it happens all the time" will be available
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march 12th. when we get back, we're cooking with tim ferriss. come on back. it's going to be fun. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jimmy: our next guest is an entrepreneur and "new york times" best-selling author of "the 4-hour workweek," "the 4-hour body" and his latest book -- it's genius -- "the 4-hour chef," which is available on amazon and anywhere. it's only available on nook. that's it. no, i'm just kidding. ladies and gentlemen, tim ferriss right there. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] i've been obsessed with these books. i keep telling everyone about these books. i love them so much. the idea that you don't have to read it start to finish. >> no, no. choose your own adventure. >> jimmy: choose your own adventure. it's like, why didn't i think of that. and you -- 26 out of 27 publishers of your first book said no. they rejected it. >> 27 out of 28. >> jimmy: said no thanks. >> no thank you, good-bye. >> jimmy: and then here you are now, how many books later? >> oh, man. the first one alone is in 70 printings, 40 languages or so. >> jimmy: unbelievable.
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>> accidental author. >> jimmy: i've got to say, it's a brilliant, brilliant, brilliant book. this new one, "the 4-hour chef" is for anyone who wants to learn how to cook. but it's not a cookbook. >> no, it's a bit of a sleight of hand. it's actually a book on how to become world class in any skill in six months or less. so i spent a year and half, went around the world finding the fastest learners for languages, for sports for chefs for anything. so i'm gathering all their tips and tricks, and then i wanted to learn to cook, so i'm explaining a lot of the principles through cooking. >> jimmy: yeah, because you learned, was it chinese? >> oh, japanese horseback archery? >> jimmy: yeah. >> i have some weird skills i've acquired. >> jimmy: i love it because it's kind of like -- you're kind of a geek. >> totally. >> jimmy: yeah, yeah. >> through and through. >> jimmy: through and through. and it's fantastic. and it's like you go through all these things and it all makes sense. here's one thing i read in your book, and i promised the audience that we're going to make bacon-infused bourbon. >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: all right, now here's -- i read the book, and i tried this at home.
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so i took pictures with my phone. so this is the first one. this is the cup. i put bacon fat in the bourbon, right? did i put too much in? >> two teaspoons. remains to be seen. we'll see the rest of the photos. >> jimmy: then i put an immersion blender in there and blended it up, right? and then, there's me blending it. that's how exciting my life is. and then this is what i ended up with. and i did not drink that at all. [ laughter ] what did i do? >> that looks like a post-workout shake. kind of like this. now, you wouldn't want to do that. so the trick to avoid that is to, number one, not over blend it. you could actually shake it up. and then secondly, just make sure you put it in the freezer long enough so you can scrape off the top. but another trick, it's going to be a little cloudy like this. but you can make it old-fashioned. so you can just put in a little bit of bitters, a little bit of maple syrup, a little bit of orange. you can use one of these as a mixer if you like. >> jimmy: all right. cheers. >> cheers. >> jimmy: fantastic. >> it's great. >> jimmy: just a little hint of
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bacon. >> subtle hint of bacon. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: subtle hint -- and everything is better with bacon. so now we're doing other crazy things. >> we're doing other stuff. valentine's day, for people who want roses but not the normal kind, bacon roses. [ laughter ] >> jimmy: i read that. it's genius. [ applause ] i read how to do that in the book. >> it's great. >> jimmy: in little muffin tins. >> oh yeah, muffin tins. >> jimmy: it is brilliant, i love it. so fun. this book is -- honestly, you'll enjoy reading this. so what's this stuff? >> this is sea bass, and this is actually modeled after two michelin star sea bass, and i made it when i was visiting alinea restaurant in chicago. went back to my hotel room and used a sink to cook sous vide. all that means is "under vacuum." but you can do it in a ziploc bag. and you get the tap water from maybe between 120 to 130. 20 minutes later, it's cooked through. >> jimmy: it's cooks the whole fish in the sink? >> yes, in the sink for 20 minutes, and then no cleanup. >> jimmy: you don't call room service, too, i guess. you have the choice. >> yeah, it's safe for hotels, good point. but, i used an iron to finish it
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at the hotel, but they didn't like that very much. >> jimmy: no, of course not. >> you can throw it. you can also just saute it for, let's say, 30 to 60 seconds to give it a little buttery flavor. >> jimmy: all right. >> and then you're good to go. >> jimmy: and this is also -- is this one of your cast iron ceramic pans? >> that is a ceramic. >> jimmy: yeah -- >> trying to save your suit. >> jimmy: oh don't worry about it. please. what is this crazy thing over here? >> this is stuff you don't want to touch with your hands. so we're going to put on some safety equipment. >> jimmy: yeah, cool, man. >> this is liquid nitrogen. so one of the things i hate about cooking -- i hated about cooking, was all the set-up time and prep work and everything else. >> jimmy: one for you. >> oh, thanks. i'm actually going to go gloveless. >> jimmy: oh. >> but, i live dangerously. >> jimmy: not me. yeah, that's all right. >> yeah, it is negative, 320 fahrenheit or so, so you don't want to stick your face on it, your tongue or your hands. but the way that we're avoid chopping any kind of parsley or herbs -- because i always found that a big headache. and there are a lot of ways to do it conveniently. >> jimmy: i can't even put these gloves on. >> that's the first step. if we drop this into the liquid nitrogen -- >> jimmy: you're dropping?
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>> dropping the herbs. so this is -- >> jimmy: parsley? >> parsley. and all we're going to do, it freezes it solid, actually just like glass, believe it or not. and then, check this out. i'm going to have you mash this up. >> jimmy: mash that with this? meat gloves. >> yeah. it turns it into a powder. it's as if you spend ten minutes fine chopping. and then we're done. so you have this beautiful powder. >> jimmy: wait, what? >> isn't that incredible? [ cheers and applause ] and then you can just put it on chicken or anything else. if you want to do a crazy version of steak and eggs, you can actually freeze leftover steak and then just microplane it. use a grater over just about anything. if you wanted to do it with let's say, sage, you do the same thing. we're going to have a mix and match a little bit here. >> jimmy: this is why i love these books because it's all weird fun stuff like this. [ laughter ] >> it's not like school. >> jimmy: it's the most fun book. it's exciting. again, as i said, i just don't mean to plug this one, too. the "the 4-hour chef" was good and also, i've got to say, "the
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4-hour body." >> oh, yeah. >> jimmy: the one talking about losing weight. it's basically a whole book about how to change your life. anyways, what's fun about this and you is that you brought these books for everyone in our audience tonight. >> i did. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> jimmy: and they're very heavy books. >> yeah, so you can do bicep curls. >> jimmy: this is great. yeah, perfect for a workout. tim ferriss right there! "the 4-hour chef." my thanks to channing tatum, megan hilty, tim ferriss! [ cheers and applause ] graham parker right there! [ cheers and applause ] and the greatest band in late night, the roots, everybody. [ cheers and applause ] stay tuned for carson daly. thank you for watching. have a great night. hope to see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪


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