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tv   Today  NBC  February 26, 2013 2:05am-2:30am EST

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from nbc news this is "today" with kathie lee gifford and hoda kotb live from studio 1a in rockefeller plaza. >> hey, everybody. it's fun day monday. it's february 25th, and we are so delighted to be back. >> yes, we are. >> actually, we were kicked out of los angeles. >> yes. >> yeah, they said you two out of town before the oscars because we don't need an international incident, which it would become because everybody is there from all over the world.
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>> how were your few days when i wasn't with you? >> i'm sorry. i'm not speaking to you. >> don't look at me. >> i'm feuding with you, and i >> apparently everyone thinks we're feuding. >> i think you're the only person i'm not feuding with. the only one in the world. that includes you, jimmy. >> yeah, exactly. >> we had a great time out there. i want to thank everybody that came. >> we certainly did. >> you chased the sun after that. >> well, i -- you know what, you what, you get to be my get to be my age, you want to go to either florida for the early bird special, you know, and a little bit of sun, look at lizards and things because that's what you enjoy at my age, or you stay out in los angeles with your kids. my kids were so glad to see me go. they were so happy to see me go. i said to frank, get on a plane when our shows are finished. you come on out. no. so i got on a red eye and went home, picked up cody -- picked up frank and bambino, and we
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went down to our place in florida. >> what is happening? by the way, bambino likes that zebra outfit. >> it's his little -- i think bobbie gave me that. one of our friends gave me that, and he just jumps right in because he knows we -- see that young girl there? her name is brenda star. this is a place called buzzard's roost in key largo. she is a terrific singer, and they had a sunday brunch there yesterday. my brother, dave, preached at the little chapel yesterday. >> i like it with your hat and glasses. >> i don't give a rip. after all those shows we did, i said i'm going to be thankless, makeup-less, everything. >> bam is so cute. >> never looked better. you're right. >> you are not going to believe. can i tell you something that's shocking and surprising? okay. ready? i went to the airport. okay? i went to la guardia airport. i was going to go home and see hannah and ella for her birthday. i have so many bags and i have a muffin and coffee.
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stuff is falling out. >> a typical day in hoda land. >> i said hello to her. everything was great. they said you're boarding the flight. i said let me get my stuff. i scooped it all up. i get on the plane. i'm chatting with ann all the way. we're having a great flight. i get off the plane. good-bye. good-bye. i get in the cab. i see it says cash only no credit cards. i go, oh, let me make sure i have cash. my wallet is nowhere. okay? i go running out of the cab. i leave my luggage with someone in the airport. i go running to the gate, and i say please stop the shuttle plane. you know how they go back and forth. i know my wallet is on that plane. the guy goes let me go check. he is gone for 20 minutes. it's now past the time the shuttle should leave. it's nowhere. he comes back, and he says, i'm sorry, we don't have your wallet. just then my e-mail dings. the return -- the sender is angel. angel. i found your wallet in la guardia airport in one of the
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seats. angel ortiz. angel is in the red jacket. >> oh, angel. >> he found -- an angel found my wallet. they put it on a shuttle flight, sent it back to d.c., and, by the way, can i say something? all the delta people, i love everybody in the photos. by the way, let me tell you, i didn't have any money because i was waiting for the thing to come. no. the baggage guy said to me i'll give you $10 if you need to take the subway to go to see your mom. the tsa guy offered me $10 to get on the subway to see my mom. you know what -- >> they love their hoda woman. >> i couldn't believe it. angel -- an angel found my wallet. >> you need to hire angel. you need to hire an angel because you need help in that department, hoda woman. >> i know. can you believe he found it? look at him. oh, i loved him. i found him on the way home. i said i have find angel when i landed. where is he? >> you had a great time? >> had a great time. >> oscars, big, big, big night
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last night. >> it's one of those things in life which we always have our -- again, it's like we've set it up too much, and we expect too much from it, and then we're almost all the time disappointed with the oscars, aren't we? almost everybody is disappointed in something because we set ourselves up for something. >> what did you think of seth? >> i think he is a brilliant guy. i think he was nervous. i think a lot of his stuff fell kind of flat for me, although our kids -- we were talking to our kids back and forth. they were laughing at everything he said. i don't know filths a generational thing. i thought a couple of his jokes were off base about president lincoln. i didn't appreciate at all. but i think he is talented. really, really talented. i think if he had another one under his belt, i think he would be great. >> there was a long bit in the beginning. >> it was too long. >> you were waiting for it to get started. i think he looks exactly like peter brady. >> oh, he does. >> look. >> oh -- an older peter brady. >> doesn't he?
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>> can we get one of peter brady when he is not 12? >> we like him like that. he looks like that with that smile. >> yeah. >> okay. it was one of those. i think -- >> i wasn't impressed with -- i thought the performances were terrific. >> oh, my god, the singing. >> jennifer hudson was through the park, knocked it out. so was streisand. >> do you have a little streisand maybe? she was at the very end. ♪ ♪ we will remember whenever we remember ♪ ♪ the way we were >> wow. >> one of the greatest songs ever. marilynn and alan bergman did the lyrics to that. you always want to give people credit. marvin was so beloved by so many people. >> beautiful.
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one of them took front cover of "the post." >> are you still talking to me? >> i'm not looking. they call it "fallen star." okay, first of all, i love her. >> she was adorable. >> she's the best. if anyone is going to fall, she's the one because -- >> if i were 22 years old and had just won the academy awards -- look. oh, my gosh. she stays down there. i cannot believe i just did that. >> when she gets to the top she says you're giving me a standing o because i fell. >> when jennifer lawrence fell, two people jumped out of their seats before she had a chance to -- just -- she just barely hit the stairs. two people jumped up. one was hugh jackman. the other was bradley cooper. right up. they both got up. >> it shows your character right in that instant. they didn't think about it. >> here's the thing. men have no trouble going up those steps in their tuxedos and flat shoes that they always wear. there should be something the ladies can hold on to or an usher. somebody there to help these ladies in these ball gowns. you know, the only time you
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really wear dresses like that is when you're getting married, and somebody carries your train for a reason. >> yes. >> these award shows, nobody is there to take care of you. >> you're right. >> god love her. can you imagine 22 years old and she's already been nominated before for an oscar. >> she's so down to earth. >> she was brilliant in that film, though. i watched it on the plane coming home yesterday. i just -- >> you loved it? >> oh, yeah. bradley was -- i didn't know he had that kind of a performance in him. so good. >> cute. yeah. what was weird when some people were giving their acceptance speeches how the "jaws" music started. >> like you're -- >> that was weird. then they practically dragged them. >> that guy deserved it. >> oh, you know what they've got to do, though. they've got to -- >> what? >> i hate to say it. >> say it. >> some of these awards are so obscure that the audience is sitting there, and you're going -- you're hearing from someone who just won an obscure award. thanking people you'll never hear of.
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and it does sap the energy. it's 3 1/2 hours long. the tonys have learned how to do that. the grammys have learned how to do that. they're not any less important for the people that are winning them. just less interesting for the audience. >> yeah, yeah. >> you know? >> you're right. >> of course. >> don't look at me. i think jimmy fallon would be an awesome host. >> he would be amazing. jimmy kimmel too. >> from some other network. jimmy kimmel is great. i think seth mcfarland was okay. he didn't hit it out of the ballpark for me. he probably has it in him to. >> can you imagine? that's like the toughest job in the world. >> you can't -- yeah. everyone is going to criticize you no matter what. >> he is a great singer, though. >> i thought he nailed that. >> yeah. >> jimmy fallon, speaking of him for just a second, he did this funny bit. he always does the evolution of, like, rap with justin timberlake. he decided to do the evolution of mom dancing with the first lady. you guys, this is genius. let's watch.
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♪ ♪ >> the bump. >> i showed her that. >> this is a good one. the sprinkler is one that everybody knows. this is the worst one. the happy snapper. come on. ♪ >> do they do the shopping cart? >> that's coming up. >> oh, the dougie. come on, girl. i love it. come on. i love it. >> she was busy, and then the next 48 hours later she's giving out -- >> yes. giving out an award. >> we were caught in the makeup room looking up at the screen and seeing these two brothers -- >> minding their own business. >> on the screen. dave and mike from saratoga.
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we didn't know what they were doing on tv. it was on mute. >> we thought they looked very strange together. >> we thought they were -- i thought they were conjoined twins. i've heard a lot of those stories, and it looked like at the hip. >> two ken dolls. >> apparently they want a date for a wedding, and they put something out on the web, and they got 800 responses. look how they're sitting. >> the sound was off. >> it could have been a story of separated. they're brothers, and they're not twins. anyway, they apparently were -- they were talking about us. we had it on mute. we didn't know. let's watch. >> so hoda and kathie lee? >> oh, they're in. we're sticking around after this. >> if they would go for this, would you do that? >> we thought they would be asking in person, so we're waiting for it. >> i didn't check my e-mail before the segment, so -- >> when is it? is there alcohol involved? hoda will go. >> all right. let's do favorite things, girl.
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>> i'm actually wearing this. i think this is a pleather jacket. feel how soft. it's called skye's the limit. it's $99. >> that's a good deal. >> it's beautifully lined. it comes in all kinds of different colors. it's a new jacket for spring, and i thought -- >> love it. >> yeah. >> mine is just a quick picture. i flew home because i missed hannah's birthday when we were in los angeles. look at ella looking at me like i'm nuts. i'm having the best time. hannah is having an okay time, and ella is confused. anyway, we had a really great time. >> happy birthday for her. >> coming up, who was hot? >> who was not on the red carpet? we're going to have the hits and misses. >> what else was hollywood talking about this weekend? we're going to have the latest buzz. >> oh, no. >> we'll be right back. we know a place where tossing and turning have given way to sleeping. where sleepless nights yield to restful sleep. and lunesta®(eszopiclone) can help you get there.
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hollywood pulled out all the stops at last night's oscars. did the stars shine as bright on the red carpet? >> juliana was front and center at last night's event, and she's ready to give us the rundown of the best and the worst dressed. hey, girl. >> good morning. >> good morning, ladies. how are you doing? >> we're good. have you been to sleep yet? >> not at all. >> you look good. >> talk to us about trends. what did you see on the red carpet? >> the biggest trend of the night was there was no one trend. you know, there were bold colors. they were metallics and soft colors. it was kind of all over the place. if anything, it seemed like armani preba was the designer of the night. his dress was on every other a-lister. that was the trend. >> jessica chastain. she looked like an oscar. >> she's beautiful. >> look at that body. >> bless her for showing up early to the red carpet. she was the first a-lister to arrive. we love that. she looked gorgeous.
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old hollywood glamour. a little jessica rabbit in her. >> jessica rabbit, yeah. >> incredible. that dress was tailored to perfection. >> yeah. >> i just thought it was an excellent choice for the oscars. >> how about naomi watts? she took a risk, but i thought her dress was beautiful. >> you know, it's hard for us to tell. you guys see them there on the red carpet, but sometimes these things photograph very differently than they actually seem in person. that looks like liquid, i don't know, charcoal on her or something. >> you know, she looked just as beautiful on the carpet as in pictures. this photographed incredibly well. when i saw her on the carpet, i thought, oh, gosh, i hope this photographs well, and it did. she looked fantastic. it was modern. it was edgy. it was cool. it was almost a bit of a risque choice for the oscars, but it paid off. >> it didn't show any skin, though. that's the interesting thing. not very much. no. i mean, it was very cut out and stuff, but it really was quite covered up. >> it was. it was. risque in the sense that it was a very modern cut, and for the oscars that tends to be a bit more classic.
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a classic red carpet. i loved it. i thought it paid off. >> let's talk about a couple of your misses. you didn't love ann hathaway. >> in prada. >> okay. >> why? >> here's the thing. we were waiting for ann hathaway to wow us. this is the oscars. she was a shoe-in to win, and so, you know, we really were waiting for this big gorgeous dress. i think she did have that dress because she was supposed to wear a valentino gown, and a couple of hours before the show she made a last minute decision to change into this prada. now, we're hearing this morning the reason that happened was because she had heard that another a-list actress was wearing a very similar gown and didn't want to be in a similar look. >> oh. >> yeah. so she said forget it. i'm not wearing that dress. >> she preferred the one she wore as she performed with the ensemble from "les miserables." >> that was armani prebae once again. that dress was gorgeous she wore on stage. >> you looked great last night.
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it was fun watching you. >> kiss the baby for us. >> i will. i will. bye, girls. >> bye. >> all right, thanks julianna. there's a 90-minute fashion police tonight at 8:30 eastern on e! >> here to help us restyle the red carpet is our today style editor and good pal's bobbie thomas. >> yes. >> play that what-if game that you love playing. >> i love doing this because we all see the same thing, but this is something unique that we do here, and so we saw reese witherspoon and catherine zeta. in this gold number. i wanted to know what would happen if they swapped dresses. let's take a look. what do you think? >> absolutely. you're right. better. better. >> what i liked about this -- >> monochromatic thing on reese. >> reese just glows. i will be happy to say that we let our viewers last night who
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were on-line watching with us, they did say that 71% liked the swap. if you don't agree, can you go on-line while we're doing this today and tell us differently. >> two beautiful women. you're right. >> the next one is going to be jennifer aniston. she's in valentino. this is a timeless iconic dress. i know that before you start yelling at me, okay? but this silhouette can handle a bold color, so i wanted to see her do something different. we always see her in a very straight forward dress. let's take a look. >> the same neckline. >> i like to see her maybe step out in a bold color. >> yeah. >> i kind of like the yellow, and funny enough, viewers didn't agree with me. they -- 52% liked the red. 25% liked the pink, and 22%, the yellow. i can say if you add these two up, i might actually be in the lead. >> you're winning. >> okay. next we have carrie
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washington -- i'm sorry zoe saldano. i really like this dress. it's a little bit of a fashion-forward take for the oscars, but a lot of people were confused with all of the color. i can say she looks beautiful and does not need another inch on her sell wet. she's underweight if you ask me. she looks fantastic. however, a lot of people wanted to see if this was all white. >> i like that better. >> what's interesting is more people thought a -- 65% liked the all white, but i want to say if you are at home, look at what happens to the line of her body. stay away from any hems that kind of cut up on you or get too busy. >> i'm not crazy about the shoes she has on. they look more like sandals than -- >> for me it's a lot going on. you have the embroidery up top and then you have the belt and the black shoe and more gray. >> we got to go, girl. we love you. we love you. >> okay. the oscar goes to -- we'll have more. >> yes, we will. and tiger's first appearance wi his former wife. a whole bunch coming up after this.
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