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tv   Dateline NBC  NBC  April 2, 2016 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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>> she was a knockout. she was a stunner. >> she stood out. tan, beautiful. >> a steamy playboy model wannabe. >> he pulled out a photocopy of her earring. and i knew it was her. >> and police thought they knew who killed her. >> they were having an argument. he grabbed her arm. that's when i called security. >> he just said, "i hope we don't find out you did it."
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and watching. when we saw, we thought, wow, it was her. >> but who was that stranger walking with her? >> the person in the sketch walks toward paula, they turn and walk off together. ♪ new year's 2010 arrived on a shivery night by all standards. but there diving in the sizzle
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1999. sharee was at home on the phone with her husband who was still >> hit the clubs, do so the shots. hello, 2010. >> it was great. like we had it all figured out. go down to south beach, celebrate the new year, come back on monday. >> but come monday the live-in boyfriend/girlfriend pair were not on a plane to detroit. rather, he was wandering down streets he didn't know looking for his girlfriend. she was missing. paula, the aspire something leggy model with down hair down to there had absolutely vanished. looking back, maybe if lady gaga hadn't been booked at the fontain bleu hotel, paula wouldn't have insists on that last-minute trip to miami and later gotten separated. but paula really wanted to see
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once in miami, they scored scalpers' tickets for $700 each. pricey, but whatever baby wants. >> this is the hottest ticket in town, all the celebrities. oh, she heard the celebrities are going to be there, and didn't want anything to do with anything else. she had to go to lady gaga. >> reporter: their attendance at the show was even documented by the guy behind them who took iphone vids of them dancing. men tended to do that when they saw paula all clubbed out. 2010 at that moment, and not much longer was starting off for paula right in the sweet spot she loved so well. she liked celebrities and the velvet rope and all that stuff and the vip tables. >> absolutely. that was her style. she was a beautiful girl. you take one look at her, she didn't take a bad picture. >> reporter: and she had a lot of them. pictures. head shots. glamour stuff. at 26 years old, she had come to know cameras very well. she was a model represented by a national agency.
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and she had made the usual rounds. local commercials, pretty girl at the detroit car show kind of stints. nothing really big until hef said maybe. >> looking for a golden girl. >> reporter: paula tried out for a national playboy playmate search. think an "american idol" style cattle call with skimpier clothing. paula made it onto the 2003 video, playboy's 50th anniversary ultimate playmate search. she never got to be miss november. she didn't make the cut. still, her sister, kelly faris, remembers paula being happy she tried it. >> there was, like, 500 women and only 50 got to make it on this anniversary-type video. so she was proud of that. >> reporter: but it just never quite broke for her, did it? >> no. >> reporter: but she talked to kevin about revving up her modeling dreams or fantasies one last time as soon as this miami trip was over. saturday, january 2nd, was still a vacation day for paula and her boyfriend.
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to a place on the beach. there on the art deco strip, they befriended a waiter and asked him, what's up? >> he said, i'm going to be at space. you should go to space. >> reporter: space to the locals, club space to out-of-towners. miami's hottest after-hours club. it's only open one marathon night a week from saturday at 11:00 p.m. till sunday afternoon. so that night, kevin says, they had a romantic dinner on south beach where paula bought this neon blue dress. they slept for a bit, then woke up and got dressed. paula did her customary one-hour makeup thing. and at 5:30 a.m., paula and kevin cabbed it to club space. >> reporter: lady gaga, now club space. ♪ paula, in her six-inch heels, sheer blue dress and waist-length hair, was a head-turner even to an end-of-shift bartender like raymond diaz who sees lots of miami hotties.
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>> she actually kind of glowed in the dark. she was so blonde and really tan. she had beautiful, i think, blue eyes. her dress was, like, a neon blue or green. >> reporter: raymond, we're talking about miami. girls like that are a dime a dozen, right? >> she stood out. beautiful, tan model. i assumed she was a model or on television or something. >> reporter: paula and kevin had been dating and living together for a couple of years. and he knew from painful experience what impact his girlfriend would have in a cavernous dance space jammed with single men powered by alcohol. paula was boom shack-a-lacka. she seemed to be the girl who would walk in a room and take the oxygen out of it. >> she was a knockout. she was a stunner. >> reporter: paula danced, flashing her new mini as the fins began circling her. kevin knew the drill. run interference on the men salivating for her as best he could. but these guys were making heavy moves on his w
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one in particular. >> i'd turn around for a second. he's on her, you know. he's got his hand around her waist. his crotch right up against her. and he's leaning down. and she's looking over at me kind of like laughing and, like, whatever. i was, like, okay. we've got to go. >> reporter: but paula, lit up by the attention and the shooters she was downing, had a different idea. she was digging in her stilettos. >> and i just grabbed her around the waist, come on, baby, it's time to go. did the boyfriend shuffle with her kind of thing. she's, like, wait a minute. i don't want to go. bam. bouncers around me. they must have been watching or something. they were on me instantly. bam. two guys. >> reporter: kevin was being ejected from the club by security. she was staying. she asked him for her credit card, and he gave it to her. kevin said he wasn't going to reason with her in that haze. so seething, still carrying her cell phone h
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always did when they went clubbing and headed back over the causeway to their hotel room on miami beach. as the sun came up that sunday morning, kevin clem crashed without his girlfriend. but if he paced about outside that club for only a few more minutes after he was tossed out, he would have seen paula leaving just before 7:30 in the morning. she turned right at the sidewalk and disappeared, as they say, without a trace. coming up, kevin wakes up alone but not worried. at least not yet. had you and paula had nights that had ended like that before? >> yes. and she always came home. >> reporter: this time it would be different. be different. forget about the "cowboy walk" because of a saggy diaper. it's time to dance freely... thanks to pampers cruisers. the first and only diaper that helps distribute wetness evenly into three extra absorb channels. so it doesn't sag and stays drier.
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kevin clem woke up in his miami beach hotel room with a throbbing heads and minus hillary girlfriend, paula. it came back to him. club space, the bouncers throwing him out at dawn, paula electing to stay. had you and paula had nights that had ended like that before? >> yes. and she always came home. >> reporter: so it was no big deal to you at that point?
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want the night to end. >> reporter: kevin was starting to worry. but he also knew paula could be a tough detroit cookie when she needed to be. she's a big girl. she knows how to handle herself. she knows what she's doing. yeah, she's not naive. >> reporter: those growing-up pictures of pretty paula masked a difficult michigan home life with an absent father and lots of stepdads. when she was 14, she was dating a 29-year-old man. it was her older sister, kelly, not her mother, who called the authorities on her. >> i was very angry, very upset. you know, she's 14. she's still a kid. and my mother still let her date him. and at one point i had to call child protective services. >> reporter: calling the watchdogs on your mother, huh? >> yes. >> reporter: the man was arrested and convicted of having sex with a minor and sentenced to two years in prison. he's now on a list of sex offenders. paula meanwhile waited till he was released from prison and started dating him again. t
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consent. old before her time but still a dreamy little girl in some ways. that whole little girl fantasy of being the pin-up girl or the -- >> barbie doll. >> reporter: shampoo model. >> yeah. >> reporter: she had a lot of barbies. >> probably has over 500 and been collecting since she was a little girl. >> reporter: paula liked barbies so much, she tried to become her. tall, thin with long, golden hair. the world of modeling she hoped to enter wasn't taken with her real-life barbie looks. but several strip clubs, gentlemen's clubs in the greater detroit area, were. she danced at the penthouse club there, saved her tips to pay for college tuition until she dropped out. she seemed to like being the girl on the pole, the men lusting after her. >> i think that's why ultimately, you know, she became a dancer. she was seeking male attention. you know, love that she didn't get. growing up. >> reporter: so along comes kevin, newfr
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to deal with her being an exotic dancer. a successful one. >> we got to that point where shwa take it or leave it. and i said, well, i love you that much. i'm going to take it. >> reporter: the money from stripping was good enough to allow them to move to los angeles, just in time for the housing bubble to knock his budding mortgage and real estate business into the ditch. paula kept on dancing and paid the bills. for a few months they moved back and forth between places in michigan and california. now she was gone. and he was a guy alone in a miami beach hotel with a desk clerk on the phone asking if he was going to roll over the room for another night. kevin got himself together and went down to ask the manager for help. >> she's, like, listen. get yourself together. we need to get this girl's picture out on the tv and out on
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>> reporter: miami beach police told him he'd have to file his missing persons report with the city of miami, a different jurisdiction. that's where club space was located. but the cops wouldn't take his report till 24 hours had passed. he had now last seen paula about ten hours before. >> and i'm freaking out. we're from out of town. we're vacationing. you know, it's not like her to be gone this long. >> reporter: what happens the rest of sunday night? >> hospitals, jails. hospitals, jails. space, hospitals, jails. >> reporter: kevin even went back to club space which was closed late sunday night to ask the homeless in the area if they had seen paula earlier that morning. after spreading some money around, he went to a gas station two blocks away. >> i'm in the taxi. i get out, go inside. and i talk to the clerk. and i show him a picture of my girlfriend. >> reporter: that's kevin on security camera. >> i say, have you seen this girl? he's, like, no -- well, i've only been here for an hour or two. >> reporter: returning to his hotel room and the sleepless night that followed, he got an idea
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call a private detective. he went online and started calling some numbers. the next morning, monday now, one of them a private investigator named dave wasser, called kevin back. >> he was desperate. he said, can you help me? i said, why don't you tell me a little bit. i did a preinterview over the telephone and i said we've got to meet at the city of miami police station. i can get you some help. >> reporter: you say what do i have here? what's going on? >> yeah. in the back of my mind, i was wondering, is this guy straight up with me or not? >> reporter: after filing a missing persons, kevin returned to the hotel while wasser and the police detective went to club space and talked to the manager and two of the bouncers who had worked the door that early sunday morning. the people at the club said paula left the club alone shortly after kevin. club policy, they say, is to remove both parties after a fight. mike samuels is the front-door manager. >> she got to the sidewalk. she went around to the right towards the east. >> reporter: she's solo. >> 100% by herself. >> reporter:le
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leads, kevin decided to call the medical examiner's office. >> i gave a very, very accurate description of her. and the medical examiner says, hold on a second. gets back on the phone, says, we're sending a detective. heart just sinks. >> reporter: the detectives ask kevin, did paula have any body piercings? yes, he said, she did. >> he pulled out a baggy. a ziploc baggy. and there was two piercings, two posts. they're all, like, charcoaled, like all burnt, blackened, you know? and he said, would these be the piercings? and i lean, and i look close. i'm, like, no. >> reporter: detectives then checked out some photos of paula on kevin's iphone. they studied an earring. >> he pulled out a photocopy of her earring. and i knew it was her. an
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life. >> reporter: the earring, paula's earring, had been found at the scene of a burning dumpster. and inside the dumpster, they found a charred body of a person they thought it was a female. it turned out to be gruesome beyond belief. >> yeah. i've relived that moment too many times. >> reporter: kevin was driven to the police station in north miami near where paula's remains had been found, about ten miles north of the dance club. they had questions for him, intense ones. how was he going to explain what police were learning about a violent domestic history with his now murdered girlfriend? the woman found in a burning dumpster. and how was he going to explain that lover's quarrel at the club the very night of the murder? >> they were having an argument. he grabbed her arm. that's when i called security. that's when i called security. a new iphone every year with iphone forever from sprint. ♪ here's how it feels to get 50% off most
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mmmm, yoplait. >> reporter: 9:00 sunday night on new year's weekend, residents of a neighborhood in north miami began calling it in. a small dumpster behind a propane gas dealership was on flames were shooting out. a body, it turned out, had been set on fire. could you tell male or female? >> at that point, no.
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we had nothing else to go by other than it was a human being. >> reporter: it was detective michael gaudio's responsibility to learn how the victim was and how it was that he or she, they couldn't tell at first, had been thrown away and torched. he at the morgue, the m.e. confirmed everyone's suspicions. it was a woman's charred body. in cop talk, a jane doe. >> we started contacting other agencies, see if they had anybody missing, checking missing person reports. >> reporter: the north miami detective was with the medical examiner's staff when the phone rang. it was kevin clem asking if they had found a young woman, his girlfriend, paula, missing now for three days. >> he described her to the investigator there at the medical examiner's office, and it kind of fit a general description of what we had. >> reporter: dental records would later confirm that it was indeed paula. why would a killer or killers dump a body, dispose of it, the way that they did?
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you're doing it for either there's hate involved, anger, or you're trying to cover something up. some type of evidence. >> reporter: dna, bodily fluids, skin under fingernails. the woman's murderer might assume all would be rendered just so much unreadable char. can you take us inside the head of this killer you're looking for at all? >> we have somebody that's very comfortable in their surroundings, who felt like they had a lot to lose if this woman was found. >> reporter: pretty quickly the detective had a victim from michigan with a name and a boyfriend who had reported her missing. what's more, he was still in south florida. so what was his story, this kevin guy? on the one hand, he appeared to be appropriately distraught. he was the one who filed the missing persons report, and he was seen putting up posters around town with her photo on it. on the other hand, he was the boyfriend. and that single fact alone made him a person of interest to the investigators. >> in these type of cases, you're always going to talk to last person who saw them, who knows about the final moments of
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the person's life. >> reporter: in addition, you want to strip off his clothes and see if he's got any scratch marks on him. >> of course. >> reporter: standard procedure. >> standard procedure. >> reporter: take off your clothes, take some pictures, have a seat, we're going to talk to you for a while. >> a good while in fact. and even though kevin showed no scratches, detectives still had a lot of questions. >> they came to my hotel room around noon. and by the time the detectives dropped me off back at my hotel, it was 12:30 at night. >> reporter: detectives quickly learned the details weren't always pretty. kevin and paula's relationship had been rocky at times. court records in both california and michigan showed a history of domestic violence arrests between the two. one included paula's arrest in california for hitting kevin with a bottle. the case was dropped when kevin refused to press charges. and in the months prior to the miami trip, kevin was arrested twice for assaulting paula in
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the last time paula's nose had been broken. >> they had been together off and on, according to him, it's, like, two years. there was a history of domestic violence. it's all come up. >> reporter: you have to wonder, right? >> you have to wonder. it goes back to he's the last person to see her that knows her. so you have to wonder about what is he not telling us >> police say the boyfriend is still a person of interest. >> her boyfriend, a man with mug shots from a history of domestic violence. >> reporter: kevin's name and background quickly got into the reporting on the lurid murder. the reporters found the court records of domestic violence complaints. that didn't look good for the boyfriend. and neither did the story told by the lady gaga concertgoer who had taken iphone videos of kevin and paula. the cell phone photographer, john williams, went on tv and said he distinctly remembered the man who would turn out to be kevin as someone acting too aggressively in the crowd. >> here's this guy who was really obnoxious and pushing through the crowd more so than
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>> reporter: and then there was a new lead to the coverage. according to news reports, sometime, it's not clear when, but before her miami weekend, paula had allegedly sent a text message to an ex-boyfriend saying, he's trying to kill me. he was that kevin. >> they've got to find who did this to my baby. >> reporter: paula's mother, patsy watkins, up in michigan was telling anyone who would listen that she had no use for kevin. >> she was scared. she called her ex-boyfriend. she texted him, "i'm hiding from the beast." >> reporter: as she arranged for care for her murdered daughter's two dogs, she was preparing to tell detectives in miami what she had already told the tv cameras. she claimed her daughter was terrified of kevin klym. >> just the threats that echo in the back of my head. to destroy her life, and she'd never be able to work again. >> reporter: but bad-mouthing family and maybe bad behavior at a lady gaga concert didn't make for the foundation of a homicide case.
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so detectives came here, the club where she was last seen, to get down exactly how that story was the two of them got ejected from club space by bouncer. diaz talked about seeing the start of the trouble between the pair. >> they were having an argument. they were only two, three feet in front of me. but then he grabbed her arm. >> reporter: took ahold of her physically. >> yes, and that's when i called security. >> reporter: the club managers explained the house policy of ejecting both parties when trouble flares. him, then her. so in the early hours of the case, there was a lot of stuff swirling about kevin klym. he came across like a short-fused guy who sometimes got physical. >> at the end of that first interview with kevin, the boyfriend, is he on your suspect list of people of interest? >> yes, he is. >> reporter: he hasn't talked himself off the list? >> no. >> reporter: at the end of this 12 hours of grilling, kevin said he felt more like a prime suspect with a star next to his name. forget about person of interest. >> we know you did it. why did you do it? we don't think you're a bad guy.
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know, and all this stuff. i'm, like, i can't tell you i did something i didn't do. >> reporter: in the court of public opinion, it was looking as though the boyfriend did it. but it turned out the 26-year-old dancer who so loved the lens had one final scene before the camera. a few seconds of grainy security cam footage. and what investigators saw there made them think that maybe the boyfriend was telling the truth. coming up -- paula's last date with the killer. >> they literally walked off holding hands as if they were a couple. couple. arge of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar. but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® works differently than pills. and comes in a pen. victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once a day, any time. victoza® is not for weight loss,
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>> reporter: paula was dead. and the boyfriend, kevin, realized he was falling behind the curve on where the finger of suspicion pointed. do you volunteer the tumultuous history as it's going to be reported in the newspapers? >> i told them everything, everything. signed a release, no warrant necessary, waived my miranda rights. let's do it because i need you to rule me out immediately so we can get on to finding who killed her. >> reporter: the north miami detectives interviewed him for 12 hours before letting him leave.
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>> i didn't know. they didn't tell me anything. they just said, you know, i hope we don't find out you did it. ♪ >> very active at 7:10. there's security up front. >> reporter: meanwhile, dave wasser, the private detective kevin hired the day after paula went missing, was doing his own legwork. >> do you remember a white gentleman named kevin? >> reporter: he videotaped interviews with people who hang around outside the club and handed out flyers. kevin was just a guy who had called the detective in the middle of the night, but there was something about the boyfriend that felt right in his gut. >> believe me, everything that this guy went through, he didn't go off the line for one bit. i've been interviewing criminals a long time, and this guy was straight up. >> reporter: and soon the detective would meet an unlikely supporter of kevin's, a member of paula's family. her sister, kelly faris, who, unlike her mother, thought that kevin was getting a bad rap many the media. not that he was blameless. >> he shouldn't have left r.
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rest of his life. and he's devastated about that. he's taken it really hard. he wants to kill himself, you know. that's what he talks about all the time. >> reporter: do you believe his story? >> yeah. >> reporter: that he left alone in the cab and came back to the hotel? >> yeah, i have never had a doubt. >> reporter: kelly, her sister, paid her own way down to miami to help police in the investigation. >> i just plead with anybody out there that has any information to please come forward. >> reporter: she had last seen her sister with kevin that christmas at a family get-together. and they seemed happy together. no sign of the behavior that got both of them arrested for domestic violence before. if they're going at it like cats and dogs, why are they staying together? >> i don't know. you know, i really -- i ask myself that question now. but when they weren't drinking, they got along great. >> reporter: kelly said paula was also taking prescription diet pills to stay in shape for her modeling and dancing careers. >> you know, the combination of that, and she just -- they kind of got crazy. >> reporter: kelly
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her sister's reported broken nose. >> from what i've been told, that was an accident. >> reporter: and that text message from paula to an old boyfriend saying she feared for her life, that turned out to be less than advertised. it was moldy old, and the shaky source of it was the same boyfriend who was jailed for having sex with a minor when paula was just 14. kelly doesn't make apologies for her sister's lifestyle choice, the strip bars, the booze, the pills. but she remembers as well a paula who loved her barbies and who caught the bouquet at kelly's wedding. now she was reduced to the 11:00 news. playboy model in burning dumpster. your pretty sister, your kid sister treated like trash. >> exactly. >> reporter: burned in a dumpster of all things. >> yeah. it's bad enough that she was murdered. but to be burned like that and us not even be able to bring a body home was just terrible. it's just terrible. >> reporter: when she got to miami, she decidedo
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searching herself. she turned on her rental car's gps and punched in her sister's final way points, club space and the dumpster. i imagine you're hoping you're going to come across somebody who's seen something. >> right. >> reporter: a camera that might have taken a picture, huh? >> yeah, see if there were cameras. because there was a club next door, and there was a club right across the street. and it appeared that there were outside cameras. >> reporter: club space, it turned out, had almost 30 security cameras but none outside showing the sidewalk. most were aimed at the bar cash registers to keep the employees honest. but there was one camera that just might have captured something. there was a camera inside high over the front door entrance. the private detective rewound the tape deck. and then you have a holy cow moment. there she is. >> well, i was waiting for that to happen. it took us about three hours as we were sitting there waiting and watching. and then when we saw it, we thought, wow! it was her.
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>> reporter: seven seconds of grainy video. the last images of paula. that's her on the right side of the screen. the hair, the dress, the six-inch heels. it's 7:21 in the morning. and kevin? rewinding the tape about five minutes, the detective found him, too. that's kevin on the right side of the screen begging bouncers to ask his girlfriend to leave with him. >> they said, well, go talk to her. they leave me, come back. they said, listen, we talked to her, and she wants to stay. you've got to go. you've got to get out of here. >> reporter: at 7:17 in the morning, kevin is seen exiting the club alone. >> it's a decision i'm going to regret the rest of my life. i mean, that's my nightmare. i wake up thinking if only i would have stayed an extra 10, 20 minutes. if only -- if only. >> reporter: although police still considered kevin a person of interest, there was
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left paula behind at the club. it seems to bolster his story and his recollection at the time. >> yes. everybody we've talked to down there said he did leave by himself, and there was no problems. >> reporter: the head of security at club space, mike samuels, says he saw both kevin and later paula leave alone. but he and others have added an important new observation, something not seep by this blinking security camera up here, a detail that's changed the focus of the murder investigation. the club security chief said he did see paula walking away with someone once she was on the street. and that person wasn't kevin klym. >> a light-skinned african-american male with a groomed full beard, you know, well built, average height, probably 6 foot. >> reporter: you didn't see an abduction, a rag of chloroform. >> they walked off holding hands as if they were a couple. they were last seen by our staff walking away from the club towards the parking lot. >> reporter: paula was gone, but who was the man that accompanied
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her? coming up, was paula's killer one of the men who had been hitting on her at the club? >> it wasn't some random guy off the street walks up to her and she just walks off with him. she just walks off with him. oh my gosh stephanie, we're like so goth. we're like goth, goth. (knocking on door) honey? i'm dying my hair mom. hair dye? no, not in my bathroom. relax mom. honey, just let me in. no! tiffany! no! tiffany!!! it's just purple. teenage daughter? get scrubbing bubbles. kill 99.9% of germs and destroy dirt and grime. you only need scrubbing bubbles disinfectant cleaners for 100% problem solved. we work hard so you don't have to. sc johnson a family company. introducing oikos crunch. greek nonfat yogurt with delicious crunchy toppings like chocolate and peanut butter chips. crunched it! new oikos crunch. be unstoppable. but zzzquil is different have pain medicine because why would you take a pain medicine
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>> reporter: police now had two big clues in the gruesome murder of paula. a grainy, seven-second surveillance video showing the aspiring model leaving the club alone and an eyewitness, a bouncer at the club, who said he saw paula walk away hand in hand with a man she met on the street. but paula's boyfriend, kevin, said the sometime exotic dancer was too savvy to go off with a stranger. >> she knew how to read guys. and listen, she had been working in clubs in detroit for eight years. detroit's not a nice area. and she never had any problems. >> reporter: the boyfriend is convinced it had to be someone who had been hitting on her in the wee hours at club space. >> but it wasn't some random guy off the streetal
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and she just walks off with him. >> reporter: kevin had told police that guys were swarming all over paula at the dance club, and that was the reason he wanted to get her out of there. was her killer one of the guys hitting on her? but when kevin and his private investigator, dave wasser, went back to the seconds of surveillance cam showing paula leaving, they came up with another theory. they studied the images and thought the two club employees seen following her out are maybe overly interested in the striking blonde. kevin, break it down, frame by frame, this snippet video. what are you seeing? >> i see her walking out and, you know, the bouncers eye her. three or four people fall behind her. this one guy could be with her, i don't know. she walks out of frame. and immediately after the two bouncers just, like, immediately, they go out after her. that's what i see. >> reporter: police also study the tape and talk to every club employee seen in it. lead homicide detective michael gaudio. yolk
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were they also persons of interest to you? >> yes. yes. >> reporter: have they talked themselves off your list at this point? >> it's such a massive, ongoing investigation, we have to wait until we have their information to eliminate them from any type of suspicion. >> reporter: kevin getting all conspiracy theory, even wondered if maybe there was a plot among club workers to make a play for the hottie left behind by her boyfriend. police say that's doubtful. >> we don't have anything that would lead to a conspiracy against her that night. so i have to say, you know, it's viable, but it's not the strongest lead we have. >> reporter: here's one of the club employees in that video. he's mike samuels, the club's chief of security. he says look at the tape, and you see exactly what really happened. employees doing their job, showing an ejected patron to the street. no one makes a move for her. now, this is the little bit of
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camera's up here where we see that video of paula then leaving. >> correct. after kevin had left. >> reporter: and you're in that picture? >> correct. i walk back over. i got paula. and i walked her back out this way just like we're walking. >> reporter: that's front-door manager samuels directly behind paula escorting her to the door. the two bouncers at the left of the screen were not following paula, he says, they were following him, their boss, to the front door to make sure there were no further problems on the street. mike, when armchair detectives say, look, she's a hot woman. security guys had their eye on her. it's easy to get rid of the boyfriend for a minor violation, and then we've got the girl to ourselves. >> that's insane. that's completely ludicrous. especially since the fact that we saw her leave with another gentleman. >> reporter: what's more, the security chief says every employee was accounted for that night, and no one left with paula. >> the fact that our staff has
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to clock in and out with a hand reader system with their fingerprints. the fact that nobody leaves staffwise until 3:00, 4:00 in the afternoon when we close, it just makes no sense at all. >> reporter: samuels emphasizes that the bearded black man paula was seen walking away with had not been in the club that night. why not? because of the club's strict dress code. >> he was wearing shorts. our number one rule, no matter how much money we have, we do not allow you in in shorts. >> reporter: but two weeks after paula's murder, club space employees could not believe their eyes. they thought they saw the very man paula walked off with that morning out on the street. he was back, brazen. could this be the man everyone was looking for? mr. walked away with her hand in hand. coming up, a first look at the man who may have killed paula. >> it does look like someone that i saw that night at the club. club. there's a place for vacationers who seek more than just a little time off. the ones who choose to go big or stay home. ♪ come with me now...
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a sunday morning just before 7:30 outside a miami club where the party night's only halfway through. taxi, patrons. paula ejected and leaving under the watchful eye of the head security man. >> she got to the sidewalk, and then i noticed her and the suspect i guess they're looking for walking across the street hand in hand. >> reporter: and you go over there because there's a big parking lot. >> correct, there's a big parking lot. >> reporter: paula and somebody heading towards the lot behind the strip club across the st
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and guess what? two weeks after the murder, bouncers at club space are certain they've seen the same man again right outside the front door. this guy that your door people saw that night, the one approaching her, they believe they saw that same individual again a few weeks later? is that correct? >> i believe two weeks later on saturday, they saw an individual fitting that description, walking in front of the club. >> reporter: club space owner, louis, says they called the miami cops who came and questioned the man. >> the police came. they apprehended him. they talked to him. and from my understanding, they let him go because it wasn't the guy. >> reporter: so he's not on the list? >> no. the guy she left with might not have been the guy that did the crime. >> reporter: what happens during those 14 hours, the time between when paula was last seen outside the club to the hour when her body was found afire in a
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miami were trying to fill. paula's boyfriend left miami within ten days of the murder under a shadow. back in michigan, he pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor assault charge in one of those domestic violence cases and was given probation. his lawyer says charges against him in the other case have been dropped. police in miami say they still consider him a person of interest. but now they were focusing on the man paula was seen walking away from the club with. paula's sister, kelly, also left her home in detroit but returned to miami four weeks later. she wanted to keep the case alive. >> talk to me about your parents, your family. >> it's hard. >> reporter: she gave tv interviews. >> is this going to stick on a tree? >> reporter: posted flyers with private investigator dave wasser and talked to anyone who might have seen something, a big sister nancy drew. >> we appreciate it. >> thank you so much. appreciate it. thanks a lot. >> she's very hurt. she's struggling. she's trying to keep this case alive by putting up a reward with her own money.
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>> reporter: the sister put up $15,000 of her own money for a reward. club space owners doubled that to $30,000. a lubricant, hopefully, for reluctant tipsters. and then almost one month to the day after the murder, just when the case seemed to be stalled out, came a dramatic development. police announced they had a composite sketch of that man that people had seen outside the club with paula. the club employees had only glimpsed the man from the back and side. now there was a new witness, police won't say who, who got a better look at the man from head on. this is the sketch of that man produced by a police artist. >> the person in the sketch is seen walking towards paula as she's standing on the corner. they have a conversation. and then they turn and they walk off together. >> reporter: that's not to say that he hasn't been inside the club, right?
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he was in the club. he may have been but we don't know for sure. >> reporter: the sketch was released the same day kelly was putting up reward posters near the dumpster where her sister's body was found. this was the moment when kelly got her first look at the man who may have killed her sister. >> looking at a murderer. >> reporter: kevin klym thought he actually recognized that face in the sketch and dropped a bombshell. >> it does look like someone. >> reporter: someone where? >> i saw someone that night inside the club. >> reporter: inside club. >> it appears to me it looks very closely like a bouncer at the club. >> reporter: like a bouncer? >> it looks like one of the bouncers at the club, yes. >> reporter: kevin thought it was someone who had checked paula's i.d. when they entered the club. on another trip down to miami, he went back to club space on a sunday morning at the very hour when paula had disappeared weeks earlier. >> this place is a zoo. i mean, there's absolutely no way there's not witnesses out there that saw her leave.
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>> reporter: hoping he wouldn't be recognized, kevin went undercover at the club. he was looking for the bouncer he thought matched the sketch. two hours later, he emerged from the daylight, disappointed. >> the entire security crew is gone, completely different, from the door guys to everybody is different. they changed out the entire staff, pretty much, especially the security crew. >> reporter: baloney responded club owners. they say kevin is mistaken. the staff is the same, and they have the payroll stubs to prove it. security guys are all new according to kevin? >> yeah. and it's really sad that he's taking this opportunity, instead of trying to help, you know, to just throw leads out there that are not helping anybody. he's got to sit back and let the police do their work. >> reporter: none of the bouncers matches the suspect in the sketch, police say. now many years later, it is an increasingly cold case in a hot city.
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some abandoned cars found near the dumpster. if there was a hit there, the authorities haven't disclosed it. so mainly there is this sketch. the detectives hope that paula's look-at-me looks will trigary memory from a witness somewhere that morning in january. >> so that signature of her whole life of turning heads may ultimately be the signature of who finds the killer because you couldn't takier ee your eyes of her. >> absolutely. >> meanwhile, the miami parties go on. businesses at clubs hasn't dipped a bit. if club patrons don't seem to be worried about maybe a hunter in their mix, the police have done their worrying for them. >> we do have a deranged days ti -- sadistic killer that's preying on vulnerable women. >> reporter: back in michigan, paula's sister kelly and boyfriend have waited years for
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a call that hasn't come so far but hasn't. 2010 was a very short year for paula, murdered at the age of 26. one of the world's great cities, boston. where the major indoor sports venue is td garden, home this week to the world figure skating championships. american ashley wagner is in contention for a medal. in fourth place, after the short program. while u.s. champion, gracie gold, is in first place. attempting to become the first american woman to win a world championship in a decade. in bc sports, welcome to the 2016 world figure


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