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tv   News4 at 11  NBC  January 23, 2017 11:00pm-11:34pm EST

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>> now at 11:00, freezing the federal work force. president trump makes good on a campaign promise. >> tonight a look at what this could mean for our region, not just right now, but over the next four years. >> some scary moments inside the minnesota state house.
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online. the governor collapsing. what we've learned this evening about his condition. >> reporter: hundreds were expecting a minimum wage increase in montgomery county. tonight the county executive vetoed it. i'll explain why. all new at 11:00. >> announcer: news 4 at 11:00 starts now. >> good evening. we begin tonight with storm team 4 radar and that nor'easter that's moving on out now. >> there are still a few showers around our area tonight but we have some big changes coming. and right now that big storm is hitting hard up the coast. heavy rain flooding train stations in new york and new jersey, and strong winds that nearly caused a disaster with the scaffold in jersey city. >> back in our area tonight, this tree came down on a home day care in annandale. we're told children were in the basement at the time, but no one was hurt. in bethesda, another tree came down here on bradley boulevard. no joke, it happened at the
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drive. no injuries here, but it did impact traffic and take out some power lines, too. >> let's get the latest now from chief meteorologist doug kammerer. doug, what's happening? >> that storm is still right on top of us. heavy est rain up toward the north. still nasty conditions across our region. we have the light rain, the drizzle, still have some wind and look at the latest radar here. you can even see a little burst of snow at time. yeah, i wouldn't be surprise today see some snow flakes in parts of the area. more of the rain from manassas to cull pepper. you see snow trying to mixx in here. right on in here, right around the radar little bit of snow falling down towards cull pepper area. it's not going to amount to anything. take a look at the whole system. continuing to wraparound our region, going right around us right now. this will still have an impact on your tuesday morning commute. i'll update that for you. i'll take you hour by hour on your tuesday and show you which day hits 60 and which day we go right back into the
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>> all right, thank you, doug. well, with one of his first executive actions as president today, donald trump ordered a freeze on federal hiring. >> it's part of a campaign promise to cut through the washington bureaucracy and to limit the size of government. so, not a surprise, but it could have a very big impact on our region. >> news 4's megan fitzgerald is live with a look at what it could mean. megan? >> reporter: yeah, this is a move that's not being well received by everyone, including members of trump's own party like congresswoman barbara come stock who spoke out against this measure earlier today. but it's not unprecedented. we've seen former presidents ronald reagan and jimmy carter do the same thing, but critics say, look, this is just a move that's going to make it more costly in the long run for tax payers. it was a campaign promise by then candidate trump. >> i think it's indicative of a trump administration. obviously he's doing what he said he's goi t
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victory. >> reporter: he said he would drain the swamp even detailing his plan with a contract with the american voter. the second measure says, quote, a hiring freeze on all federal employees, with the exception of military, public safety, and public health. >> we've been talk about this for a long time. >> reporter: today president trump made dpogood on that prom by signing an executive order which says they can position existing at noon on january 22nd cannot be filled. >> did he say freeze entirely sounds a bit naive. >> reporter: the president says no new position can be created except in limited circumstances. >> leads the charge to make that happen. >> reporter: james mcgregger is the publisher of the washington business journal. he says it's likely this will be the new normal for federal employees. >> if i were in the federal government, i would not be expecting a whole lot of growth. i wouldn't be expecting a lot of wage increases
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that he campaigned on. >> reporter: but groups like the national active and retired federal employees association are completely against the executive order. in a statement, the organization said, quote, it would undermine the efficiency of government operations by creating hiring backlogs and inadequate staffing levels, and it is unlikely to save money. but at least for now, most federal agencies won't be seeing new people any time soon. now, the obama administration likely saw this measure coming, which is why he put in place a 2% in crease for federal workers. at this point it doesn't appear as though the federal order will affect that in any way. reporting in northwest, megan fitzgerald, news 4. >> we saw a real scare tonight in minnesota where the governor was giving his state of the state speech and passed out in the capital.
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>> get him to the ground, get him to the ground, please. >> he governor mark day ton was coming to the end of his speech. he fell forward, hit his head on the podium and fell to the floor. lieutenant governor and other legislators rushed over to catch him. he spent several minutes on the floor of the house chamber. legislators immediately moved to adjourn the meeting e. he was able to walk out with help, but he's going to be 70 years old on thursday and his health came up before. he fainted at another political event around this time last year. i just tweeted out an update to this story. governor day ton's son is now with his dad and says he is doing much, much better. at the live desk, i'm chris lawrence. >> thank you, chris. this was the first full working day of the trump administration and that work continued tonight
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white house. the senate confirmed president trump's pick for cia director mike pompeo by a 66-32 vote. and rex tillerson nominee for secretary of state advanced out of committee for a vote in the full senate. meanwhile the president met tonight with leaders of both parties in congress. two sources tell nbc news the president spent at least part of the meeting talking about the popular vote in november's election. he said he would have won it if not for 3 to 5 million, quote, illegals who voted. a claim that has been widely debunked. >> honesty and honest mistakes took center stage at the white house press briefing today. press secretary sean spicer faced some tough questions after denouncing the media's correct reporting that the crowd at president trump's inauguration was smaller than it was at president obama's eight years ago. spicer said it's part of a pattern of minimizing the president's accomplishments. but he he said he wants to have a healthy relationship with the
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honest with the american people. i think sometimes we can disagree with the facts. there are certain things that we may miss -- we may not fully understand when we come out, but our intention is never to lie to you. >> spicer said he was given incorrect information about metro's rider ship when he addressed the issue on saturday. he still insists that when tv and online viewership are combined, trump's is the most watched inauguration in history. >> new tonight prince william county's cory stewart officially kicked off his campaign to become the next governor of virginia. >> it's not about me, it's not about any other politician. it's not about politicians at all. it's about the direction of virginia and making sure that we take virginia back. [cheering and applauding] >> the republican is the chairman of the prince william county board of supervisors. he was also donald trump's most high profile supporter in virginia until he staged a protest outside the republican na
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and the campaign fired him. sturtd is battling ed gillespie, frank wagner and denver writing l man for the republican nomination. ralph north ham and tom are competing for the democratic nomination. >> tonight people in laurel, maryland are mourning the loss of a city worker who was killed on the job this morning. 30-year-old marcus cole bert was loading trash when an suv slammed into the back of his garbage truck, pinning him. the driver of that suv was not hurt. a laurel city spokes woman tells us tonight they're not sure why the driver swerved into a silver car and then into the back of that garbage truck. cole bert worked for the department of public works for 13 years. the city says he is the first city worker to die on the job. >> right now fairfax county police are asking for your help in finding this white sedan. the driver allegedly shot at an officer in great falls last night. the officer had tried to pull the sedan over on georgetown pike after it ran a
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the car never stopped, but a passenger jumped out, then the driver speeded down the street, circled back toward the cruiser and opened fire. the police officer wasn't hurt. if you know anything about this case, call police. >> a mother left her child in a running car in kpan dri a and that child almost became a kid napping victim. tonight police are trying to track down the man who jumped inside and drove off. he didn't get far. police tell us once he saw the child in the back seat, estopped and never made it out of the bradley shopping center here in that parking lot on king street. the mother says she got out of the car to go to an atm. >> montgomery county workers who earn the minimum wage will not be getting a raise, not right way. the increase was vee he towed passed by the county council last week. leggett says he's not opposed to raising wages. >> i feel terrible about tht.
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>> reporter: rock i twyman is disappointed a bill was vetoed that would have increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2020. >> as one who had seen so many homeless people on the streets out here in rich montgomery county, i just think it's terrible. >> >> reporter: in a 5-4 vote, the county council passed the bill last tuesday. the current minimum wage is 11.50 an hour. it would increase over four years to $15 an hour by 2020. in this youtube video the county executive explains his decision. he supports the minimum wage increase, but adds the bill went too far. >> i think we need an exemption for small businesses or particularly affected, and also for some of our youth. and i'm not satisfied with the date of 2020. i think the earliest should be 2022. so, my reservations are reservations. >> marie o'brien agrees with leggett. >> and i really believe it's insane and an unjust bur
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montgomery county business owners. >> i hope that he would change his mind about this because this is a very expensive county to live in, and i don't see how anybody can live out here with just the minimum wage. >> reporter: so, what's next? county executive leggett wants to have a study done on the fiscal and economic impact on the county before he decides on how to proceed further. he wants those results by july. in rockville, i'm stone, news 4. >> next at 11:00, a tweet about the youngest member of the new first family gets an snl writer suspended. see who came to the defense of barron trump. >> plus the search continues now for those still missing after the devastating tornados down in georgia. the white house is now weighing in on the recovery effort. >> and the nominees are, will this year's oscar contenders break a streak that's gotten the academy s
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twym breaking news now. police in annapolis are asking for your help tonight to solve a homicide. someone called police around 8:30 tonight saying they heard gunshots here along madison street. when officers arrived they found a man who was shot. he was taken to the hospital where he did die. if you know anything about this case, you're urged to call police immediately. >> a writer for saturday night live has been suspended indefinitely after using twitter to mock the president's youngest son, barron trump. katie rich deleted the tweet and deactivated her account over the weekend. then today she reactivate the her account and apologized for what she called an insensitiv
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10-year-old barron found support from former first daughter chelsea clinton. she said he deserves a chance. every child does, to be a kid. clinton said standing up for every kid also means opposing presidential policies that hurt kids. some took that last part as a slight toward the president. >> on friday, metro plans to run extra trains to the march for life. the annual antiabortion demonstration down on the national mall. trains will run every he eight minutes on each line between the morning and evening rush hours. that means there will be extra service every two to four minutes at stations in the downtown core. metro's cancelling all midday track work and encouraging passengers to travel outside the normal rush periods. >> the temple hills man who shot the first responders entering his home to check his welfare pleaded guilty today to a felony weapons charge. police say darrell aluminum kin shot and killed prince george's county fire fighter, critically woundedn
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emergency call last april. he was not supposed to have a gun because of a previous assault charge. police say he thought the men were intruders and that's why he wasn't charged with a more serious crime. he will be sentenced in march. he faces up to 15 years in jail. >> at least 20 people are dead now, more than dozens injured after a string of tornadoes battered the south. >> those twisters ripped across the south east over the weekend he leaving destruction for miles and all 44 reports of tornado damage across six states in just 48 hours. georgia took the most severe hit, 15 of the victims are from there. search and rescue crews are still looking for those missing including a 2-year-old boy. >> we have a lot of people that have been separated from their families. they have no homes, no food, no warmth and no hope. we need a lot of help. >> georgia governorth
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will tour the damage on wednesday. president trump has promised federal aid. those were some vicious tornadoes. and a lot of them hit while people were sleeping, didn't they? >> those are the worst ones. those are the ones you don't get warnings from. we're very good about warning about tornadoes. people are sleep they don't get the warnings. devastating area down there. this is all part of the same system, this nor'easter that is now really wreaking havoc all up and down the east coast, continues to do so outside for us. the heavys est of the action is gone, but take a look at this shot. it's just nasty out there right now. we continue to see the drizzle. we continue to see rain. we continue to see some wind, too. 39 degrees, winds out of the north at 15 miles per hour. that puts our wind chill down below freezing right now. with that drizzle coming down, it is nasty for sure. 32 the current number in winchester, 36 at dulles. we have cold numbers. any time you're down around the freezing mark, thurman t at 30, 32 at winchester, water on the
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ice. be careful in some of the northwest areas overnight tonight. take a look at what is going on here. we have the system just off the coast and giving us some moisture across the area, providing some lift. you notice a little bit in the way of rain or snow that's falling in part of prince william county, parts of fauquier county. 66 to cull pepper. do not be surprised if you look out your window, maybe you let the dog out, turn the lights on and you have some snow coming outside. all part of that system. you can actually see it right here. watch it coming up this way and watch the last few frames here. this little area moisture connected so that's what's going to happen tonight. don't be surprise today see thatment wouldn't be surprise today see accumulation on some of the grassy surfaces, maybe the rooftops. but again, not going to be much. by tomorrow morning it's out of here. here's 11:00 tonight, notice by 7:00 a.m. it's all gone. we have the clouds, we have some drizzle. remaining possibly. a wet morning rush. even by 1:00 we're still dealing with the cloud cover. lowered tomorrow temperatures a little bit. i think w
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end of things. 40 degrees if he bus stop. we may go up a degree or two 7th, 8:00. 46 by recess. rather breezy if not wind difficult tomorrow. winds gust upward of 20 to 30 miles an hour. high temperature of 50 if we're able to get some sunshine and i do think we'll get some after say about 1:00. and that is definitely going to be necessary. so, all in all, as i mentioned clouds early, rather windy, afternoon clearing in most locations, clearing from west to east. so, we'll clear first out towards the blue ridge. next couple of days, take a look at wednesday. 60 degrees. we've got a beautiful day on wednesday. plenty of sunshine here. thursday, though, notice how we start to go back down. 52 on thursday, friday a high temperature of 46, and then this weekend coming in with temperatures only in the upper 30s to low 40s. rather windy conditions there, too, so it's going to be a chilly weekend but that's what we expect in the month of january. it will be a little bit below average. as we start off february temperatures go a little bit above average. a couple of chances of snow. they're very small, one
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third or fourth. not expecting much at all. >> we better make the most of wednesday. >> wednesday will be real nice. >> sounds nice, thanks doug. >> d.c. doble, caps keep u
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>> hometown teams get it done tonight. >> yes, they are. starting off with the caps. they are having no trouble finding the back of the net lately. in nine of their last ten games, the caps have scored at least four goal. fans who came out for the final game before the
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knew they'd be in for a goal-filled night. this kid patiently waiting to see some goals. thankfully the caps would come through. first period we're tied at one. carl tleeds for justin williams. he shoots and scores. williams with the knuckle puck that finds the back of the net. this give the capitals a 2-1 lead. second period now or lachl already with the goal in the game makes it 2 with this racket. check out the fleck right there on his stick. like a sling shot to the net, put the caps up 3-1. no quit for the caps. nicholas backstrom comes away with the puck to ovechkin and ov finds the easy goal. that assist makes it 8-10 game point streak, 4 backstrom. caps go on to win it 6-1. the wizards, they are returning home tonight from charlotte after arguably their best road trip this season. the wiz won two of their last three road games so they've now won six games away from the
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head coach scott brooks says this team needs to take their success on the road and it looks like it's starting to come together. back in his home state of north carolina, also some other guy michael jordan maybe you heard of him. the warriors owner can't be happy. first quarter coming away with the steal and off he goes hard to the rack. he gets this bucket and the foul. wall flexing it for the crowd wizards up six. later in the first half, final seconds, shot clock winding down, wall beating the buzzer. game high 24 points and 7 aa cysts for john wall. third quarter wizards keep on cruising. wall with a great pass out to bradley beale. he knocks this one down, 18 for beale, wizards would be up 15. so, in the fourth wiz putting the finishing touches on this. kelly oubre junior, off the bench, with this steal. rolls it down. wizards win it 109-99. >> we're improving and they're improvi
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i think even after the detroit game coach told us we're a good team. we play together as a group both side of the floor. both units trust of each other. we're a great time. we have to believe it every time we step on the court. >> and he says everyone should wear black tomorrow to the game. but to college american u on the road, taking on holy cross late in the first, eagles down 7th, nelson with the pass to jones in the corner. takes his time knocking down the three. 18 points for him, au within four. in the second half chris pulling away, malachi alexanderer putting on the moves. finishing the driech with the bucket 15 points, seven rebounds and five steals for him. holy cross with a school record 16 steals as a team. they go on to win it 63-55. nothing looks like they couldn't don that i o
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alexand rogue one, a "star wars" story is approaching a billion dollars at the box office, ready for another one? soon all attention will turn to the next chapter. today producers reveal the title "star wars" episode 8 will be called "the last jedi," doug. not the doug part, but that's for you. [ laughter ] >> it's next in line after "the force awake ens" which shattered box office records. the next jedi comes out next december. >> we're sure it won't be the last. academy award nominees lub announced tomorrow. no performers of com
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nominated in the top acting category. several high profile projects with predominantly black casts like moonlight, fences and "hidden figures" are poised to breakthrough this year. "la la land," jackie and manchester by the sea a few of the contenders high on the list. tomorrow morning they come out. >> that does if for us. the
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[ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> steve: from studio 6b in rockefeller center in the heart of new york city, it's "the tonight show starring jimmy fallon." tonight, join jimmy and his guests -- cate blanchett, hugh dancy, musical t


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