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tv   News4 Today at 6  NBC  September 25, 2017 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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he's fine. >> he's a young man. another near 90 degree day coming up for today. clouds back in for tomorrow. watching maria very carefully. and all this talk of 90 degrees will be gone by the weekend. >> the daily grade for today. we'll call it very good. it would be outstanding, but poor air quality. code orange today. take it easy if you're going to be outside. you get the full forecast in a few minutes. for now over to traffic and dave. >> you got that right. we're watching a crash here at constitution avenue. so westbound drivers can't get to the roosevelt bridge. inbound can get by. jam traffic where all travel
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you can see the traffic jam causing hefty delays. that's the very latest. back to you. >> it is what a lot of people at work will be talking about today. how politics and football became one during the national anthem. protests played out yesterday following president trump's comments. redskins owner dan snider took to the field with his team. some players stood and locked arms while others decided to kneel. on the other side of the field, the entire offensive line of the oakland raiders sat down. more than 100 players took a knee during the anthem on sunday. the three teams decided to sit the anthem out altogether. >> rarely has the sideline become front and center before the
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megan mcgrath has more about how the fans felt. good morning. >> good morning. lots of opinions here at the metro station this morning as people make their way into work. the singing of the national anthem took center stage last night. people waiting to see what the players and the owners would do as politics and football mixed on the field. players on teams across the country knelt or locked arms in solidarity. we have been talking to folks get iting their thoughts on the controversy and what happened. here's their reaction. >> i think this is time for people to actually have a conversation. >> i'm all for the players protesting. i think it's a good thing i don't see it as a negative thing. >> it's up to the players what they want to do. i don't think they dis. respect this country. >> e
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one man did not want to go on camera, but when asked about it, he said sent them home. we're going to continue to talk to folks here at the metro station. more reaction coming up later in the show. >> josh norman had strong words for president trump. he's trending nationally right now. and we are seeing statements from teams, photos of all kinds, reaction on social media this mrorning. that includes reaction on the other side. we'll break down what's out there, coming up. if you're a football fan, you have to be feeling pretty good about this season. they are tied for first place in the nfc east. they had a dominant performance against the raiders last night. carol maloney shows us how the players were holding on to that momentum. >> the story on the fiel
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four sax, two interceptions, redskins holding what was one of the highest powered offenses, the raiders, to just one touchdown enroute to a 27-10 redskins win. >> i feel like we played a complete game. >> we wanted to send a statement tonight. i think we did on both sides of the ball. the offense played lights out. >> when you see our defense just giving it their all, we know we have to put on a show and just keep this crowd going. >> third straight game chris thompson has found the end zone. more prime time come iing for y 2-1 redskins. coming up next monday night, they are in kansas city to face the undefeated chiefs. carol maloney, news 4 sports. in nashville the seattle danella sealock and
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refused to leave the locker room for the national anthem. in chicago steelers players didn't take the field either except for an army ranger that served in afghanistan. we made a photo gallery of the players kneeling. you can see it in the app by searching nfl. five minutes after the hour. president trump is making changes to his controversial travel ban. the ban expired and restricted people from traveling to the u.s. from six muslim-majority nations. the new ban will keep five of the same countries on that list. chad, venezuela and north korea will be added to the list. it's 6:05. we're working to find out why a man was armed near the white house over the weekend. >> this caused quite a scare on pennsylvania avenue. angie goff has a look at what happened. >> this is one of the the stories we'll be following all
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day as new details continue to come out. this is what we know right now. a man is facing multiple weapons charges after he was found with weapons near the white house. cnn was first to report this last night. the man was taken to the hospital undergoing a mental e evaluation. he was later arrested. it was reported that the man had nine guns and three knives inside his car. cnn also reporting that the man had tennessee order of police plates on that car. he said he wanted to talk to the secretary of defense about missing paychecks. the man's name has not yet been released, but we'll continue to follow this unfolding story. >> angie goff from the newsroom, thank you. a montgomery county family needs your help finding their missing loved
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missing since friday when she left her home in damascus. she was headed to her job at the costco in tred risk but never showed up. call police if you have seen her. this morning hundreds of people stranded in puerto rico are hoping to final ly get orphn a plane. >> the airport is back open, but it's barely functioning. hurricane mahmoud eerie ya knocked out power to the entire island. take a look at the crowded terminal. you can imagine cancellations, delays and misinformation have made it very hard for passengers to secure a seat on a plane to get off the island and some self-service. it's making it difficult to communicate to make the changes. >> lauryn ricketts, what are you
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so that obviously is a good thing. it hit puerto rico as a category five hurricane. it's down to 80 miles an hour. it's about 350 miles south of cape hatteras. category one hurricane. but. the tropical storm force winds extend out of this. so they do have some tropical storm watches up along the north carolina coastline. a will the of rip currents and big swells coming this way as to be expected. but look at this turn as it weakens to a tropical storm. but we could have a few clouds wednesday and thursday. maybe even a few sprinkles. but some cooler water left over from jose is actually causing that weakening trend as it continues to move north. >> a glimmer of hope after the mexico earthquake. the one act that's givie ing
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rescuers new motivation. i'm meteorologist chuck bell. we're talking about sunshine and temperatures near 90 again today. one thing you need to be on the lookout, code orange air quality. so poor air quality for the young and elderly anfolks with d he
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mark herring: my mom to provide for our family. at one point, she got fired for of all things -- getting married. that was a lifelong lesson for me: when people are hurt, you need to stand up and do something. and i've never forgotten that as your attorney general. whether it's protecting veterans and seniors from shady debt collectors, or cracking down on gangs and drug traffickers, i have one guiding principle: do what's right for people. i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. oh, you yeah!ht butch. (butch growls at man) he's looking at me right now, isn't he? yup. (butch barks at man) butch is like an old soul that just hates my guts.
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(vo) you can never have too many faithful companions. introducing the all-new crosstrek. love is out there. find it in a subaru crosstrek. ralphcandidate for governor,rtham, and i sponsored this ad. they're studying for 21st century jobs. but ed gillespie supports donald trump's plan to take money out of virginia public schools and give it to private schools. as a washington dc lobbyist,
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an rates high. and ed gillespie's plan to cut taxes for the wealthy could cut virginia school funding, too. ed doesn't stand for education. a beautiful morning out there right now. the sun coming up at 6:59 a.m. right now, 71 degrees. a little patchy fog in ned risk county. by 10:00 a.m., temperatures at 80 e degrees. noon we're in
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we'll continue to take the temperatures ob up. chuck has your high for today. and wool also talk about how cool it's going to get. that's coming up. let's talk about traffic. >> good morning, inbound on 50. we have. chopper above the scene looking at maryland inbound 50. the crash has been consolidated. all the travel lanes are open. but look at that traffic jam headed west of the beltway. that jam remains. northwest washington the crash at constitution avenue has been cleared. better news there for those folks heading in and out. back to you. >> thank you. it's 6:13. new details about that deadly mass shooting at a church in nashville, tennessee. >> one person is dead, six others are hurt there. angie goff is in the newsroom and has more on the message the suspect posted on social
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>> we continue to learn more about this story. the suspect is 25-year-old emanuel sampson. before the shooting he posted some bizarre messages on facebook that included this one. become the creator instead of what's created. whatever you say goes. take a look. this is the photo of that suspect. he's from just outside nashville. samson was taken to jail after being released from the hospital. he shot himself while struggling with a church usher trying to hold him down until police got there. the shooting started yesterday just as sunday morning services were letting out at the nashville church. witnesses say he didn't even say a word as he continued to pull the trigger. >> he came running from the church from the parking lot. he was shooting and then he started shooting more.
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22-year-old usher who tackled him is a hero. one person was killed. six others were hurt during the shooting. we'll continue to follow up on this. developing story. now back to you. >> thank you. it's 6:15. the woman who died during protests in schaar the lotsville was honored by the muhammad ali center. her mother accepted the humanitarian award for justice. she was killed protesting a white supremacy group. >> she would have loed to have met him and been so in awe and to have the thought that maybe they are meeting now. i certainly hope so. >> she's created the heather hire foundation. it will give scholarships to those interested in social justice issues. charlottesville is taking a stand against hate and
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musicians took the stage there. a concert for charlottesville brought out big names including the roots and dave matthews b d band. musicians performed for free to a packed crowd. donations were raised to help the victims, teams and first responders of the deadly august protest that involved hate groups. they fought tr their neighborhood and they got their wish. people protested in the historic carver road community. now they say they are not moving forward with a plan to build power line there is. they are going to try to put them along i-66 instead. some acquired the land from the county. the power lines would destroy a historic black neighborhood. getting a ticket to the most popular museum in town is no easy task. this weekend some lucky people were able to celebrate a special milestone at the smithsonian national museum of african-american history and
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culture. it marked the one year anniversary. crowds packed inside and out. they celebrated with music, dance, interactive programs and a lot of hugs and reunions. even though they have been open for a year, you still need a ticket to get inside because there are so many visitors. little rock, arkansas, is marking a pivotal moment in the civil rights movement. >> 60 years ago today ninen students had to be escorted into the all-white central high school in little rock. three years earlier, the supreme court had declared separate but equal schools unconstitutional. their surviving members even took part in a discussion about race in america. >> i think the question would be when are we going to acknowledge that we still have a tremendous amount of work to do rather
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>> malk listening to the stories there on that panel from the remaybing members. former president bill clinton will deliver a keynote address today at central high school. megyn kelly's new show launches today at 9:00 during the "today" show. one of the people she talks to is sister donna. she's a nun in chicago and tells megyn she hears about five or six murders every week. >> it's like living in a war zone. >> almost all of our boys have been shot. >> sister donna says she has devoted her life to the people affected by violence in the south side of chicago. you can watch her complete interview today at 9:00 right here on nbc 4. >> we have some heartwarming video out of mexico where people are dealing with the destruction of a major earthquake. a dog pulled from the
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a japanese search and rescue team found the animal. the team went back to work. the site is just one of a few in mexico city where crews are still finding people alive in that rubble. just so much work going on there. amazing. angie goff here at the live desk with breaking news. this side of northeast d.c. new video from the scene of an investigation into a homicide. we just spoke with d.c. police as you take a look at officer there is on the ground. the crime tape is up. this is a situation. they confirm at this point that a man has died after being shot. this happened at 9:30 last night. in northeast d.c. now at this point, we still have a lot of questions. still trying to get more information about the victim and find out more about the suspect and if they are looking for anyone
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homicide. stay with news 4. now. back to you. 20 minutes after 6:00 right now. hot. especially for this time of year. >> average high only 76 degrees. we were 92 yesterday and we'll be up to 90 again for today. the latest 90 on record is october 11th. so there's still a little bit of real estate. but we're quickly running outs of time we could be at 90 degrees. today is our equinox day. the way light bends, today into tomorrow is our 12 hours of day, 12 hours of night kind of day. right now just a little to our sky out there this
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not a big fog issue around town, but there are some pockets out there. a half a mile visibility. so just keep that in mind as you're droifing out here first thing this morning. kids are headed out to the bus stops. temperatures in the 60s for this morning. low to mid-80s by lunchtime. so warm recess weather. highs in the 80s to near 90 degrees later on this afternoon. plenty of sunshine for today. near 90 with the is sun. cooler tomorrow. all eyes on mahmoud eerie ya, which is still expected to stay off the east coast. but we'll pick up the clouds tomorrow. as maria moves away, it could be blustery around here. long ways out to sea. we'll not have to have a big impact rain wise from this, but we'll get the clouds and northeast wind around here for tomorrow. so that will take the edge off these temperatures. back to more sunshine. sinking air not too far away from the center of the hurricane means wednesday will also be very warm. breezy and m
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cooler weather in the 07s, which is average for september on friday. >> in the meantime, it's time to listen b to dave. >> there's a lot of times in there. >> that's true. i'm sorry you even have to listen to it. you can see the crash on the left shoulder. headed toward the lanes being open. we'll shift gears and head to virginia. a crash before centerville. blocking the left and right shoulder. metro red line. trains are running on both tracks. snake bitten at the steak house. a woman has the injuries to prove it. where her boyfriend had to jump in and take down
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take a look at this. probably not the best way to commute to work. the story behind this wild train ride. if you're a fan of the hit show "this is us", get ready for a treat on "ellen" today. the cast will be on and stick around
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this story might have you looking down because a virginia woman was bitten by a copperhead snake while she was inside a restaura restaurant. >> i would be so upset. she says her foot became the size of a grapefruit after the snake dug into her while she was at a steak house. she told the freelance star she is out of the hospital. her boyfriend and son killed the snake. a spokesman for the restaurant says they will help her and will look for ways to prevent this from happening again. so many of you have been talking about this on the nbc washington facebook page because it's so hard to believe that inside a restaurant. it's one thing if you're hiking or outside on a trail, but you'd think you'd be okay. >> i don't want to move. why do you do that to me. >> once it's in,s
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have them in my kitchen. >> 6:27 our time right now. and swine flu scare. a new county fair concern. the new warning going out to parents and what's being done about it. some of these tall trees are at the center of a controversy surrounding a huge transportation project. i'm adam tuss. i'll tell you what's going on and why today could be a real disruptive day when it comes to this project. and as you make your way into work today, it is going to be a little on the foggy side if you're north and west of d.c. otherwise on the warm side. hot by this afternoon. temperatures right now in the 60s and 70s. but we have you r
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ralpand i sponsoredralph northam, canthis adfor governor narrator: ed gillespie says dr. ralph northam doesn't show up? dr. ralph northam was an army doctor and a volunteer medical director at a children's hospice. he passed the virginia law requiring concussion standards for school sports. the smoking ban in restaurants. and dr. northam is working to connect veterans to good paying jobs in virginia. ed gillespie is a washington dc corporate lobbyist. he shows up for whoever pays him.
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6:30 your time now. i'm aaron gilchrist. >> and i'm eun yang. the hot and humid weather continues to start off your workweek. there is a change in sight. that's a great picture. meteorologist chuck bell and lauryn ricketts are here with a look at what you can expect next. >> it's feeling nice out here. >> second half of september has been far warmer than the first half. no doubt about it. still waiting on the sun to come up. 6:59 this morning. not long from now. here's a live view from our city camera this morning. en current temperatures are on the comfy side. 66 in vienna. 64 in leesburg. 66 in upper marlboro.
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code orange on the air quality. that's the biggest knock on the day today. >> hate to go from such pretty sunrise pictures to a not so pretty traffic situation. we're looking at i-94 south of 212. chopper 4 sees it. traffic is getting by in three left lanes. virginia, 66. that's the latest from the traffic center. back to you. >> thank you. here's a lock at our top stories. it's what everyone is going to be talking about. how politics became one during the national anthem. protests played out all over the
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nfl following president trump's comments. redskins owner dan snider took the field with his team. some players stood and locked arms while others decided to kneel. >> washington redskins in a dominant performance. >> dominant performance indeed. the redskins have another game in prime time next week and they have momentum this morning. they stopped the raiders offense and scored 27 points at fedex field. next week's game is on "monday night football" against the undefeated chiefs. go skins. >> senators will have less than a week to find the votes to repeal and replace the affordable care act. the rule that allows a simple majority ends on saturday. three senators have said they are voting no or leaning that way. >> 6:33 now. today there will be a vigil to remember a 16-year-old who had his whole life ahead of him. he was
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attempted robbery last week in southwest washington. police say the academy student and track star stabbed his attacker to death in self-defense. he was on his way home from a college-bound program when he sigh dyed. on saturday students folded origami swans in kelly's honor. the pig barn. at frederick fair in maryland has been shut down. officials closed the pig barn after they discovered 11 pigs had the flu this weekend. the a child reported getting sick, but the maryland department of health says it is rare for pigs to pass on the disease. still just last week at the charles county fair, seven people came down with the flu after touching infected pigs. have to wash the hands. it's so important b this time of year. the way many people bike and walk in maryland is changing because of the massive purple line project. >> today construction to build the line is
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trail is shut down for a long time. transportation reporter adam tuss is live with a lock at the work and how long it's going to last. >>. good morning. this could be a real disruptive day for the purple line all along the corridor. the georgetown branch trail has been closed for quite some time and really these trees are going to be at the center of a new controversy. the purple line is going to run along the branch trail, which runs from bethesda to silver spring. a lot of people don't want to see the trees come down. while the court case is going on here, the contractor has been told they can come in here and start cutting down some trees along what is arguably the most popular trail in our entire region. one of the most popular trails in the entire kocountry. don't forget the purple ne
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bethesda to new carolton, but this section has become so controversial because people love this part of it so much. but today is the day they are going to come in and start clearing some of the trees. if you see this work going on along the branch trail, it's because of the purple line. back to you. >> adam, thank you. we just put this it up on the website. some breaking news now about a brand new poll in the race for g governor of virginia. >> angie goff is at the live desk with details. what's this poll show us? >> we have two big things out of this poll. it's from. the center of public policy. the democratic nominee is leading the race. e he has a 6-point lead over ed gillespi gillespie. second thing out of this. what do you care about the most in virginia? improving education and transportation were
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of the list for voters. the debate moderated by chuck todd was just last week. the survey's margin of error for the latest poll plus or minus 3.7%. back to you. >> angie goff for us at the live desk. the skins were not the only ones winning last night. pat collins hanging out with a real winner at the game. a look back at a night fit for hip hop royalty. pray iing for puerto rico. the changes in the aftermath of the hurricane and the
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sweet 4k tv, mr. peterson. thanks. pretty psyched. did you get fios too? no. mr. peterson, fios is a 100% fiber optic-network. what does that mean? think about it. if you got an awesome new car you'd put the best gas in it, right. so why hook up your awesome technology to anything other than a fiber-optic network? i got to go. peterson. peterson's wife. counting on you guys. your internet deserves the 100% fiber-optic network. and now get our fastest internet ever plus tv and phone for just $79.99 per month. do your holiday shopping on thisus.ason introducing the monumental gift shop at mgm national harbor. just use your m life rewards card when you play now through november 7. the more you play,
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like jewelry and electronics. come in today and play to earn your private shopping event for the holidays. play to win. win to shop. the monumental gift shop at mgm national harbor. now through november 7. this is monumental. you each drive a ford (all) yes.ght? i'm going to show you a next generation pickup. awesome. let's do this. the bed is made of high-strength steel, which is less susceptible to punctures than aluminum. stronger the better. and best of all, this new truck is actually- (all laughing) oh my.... the current chevy silverado. current chevy owners and lessees get a total value of ten-thousand, six hundred dollars. or, 0% financing for 72 months on this silverado all star. find new roads at your local chevy dealer.
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speed ahead. this guy in australia went on the ride of a lifetime. he was caught on camera clinging to the back of the train. look at him. the train was going at 68 miles per hour. >> that's just dumb. >> it gets so expensive to do mass transit these days. >> your life is more important than that. >> he was holding on to the w d windshield and that kept him on there. he was arrested at the train's next stop because you can't do that. >> don't try that. 6:41. >> that's when the sun comes up. it's looking beautiful out there. you're going to need the sunglasses. we'll talk about maria in a few minutes. right now, let's talk about traffic. >> love the sunrise
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chopper 4 is flying above the scene. the crash is on the right shoulder. we're going to run down all the traffic incidents coming up as news 4 today continues. a threat step was from the white house. the action the secret service took and t hei'm a lawyer, and i have clients, and i am proud to do what i do on behalf of my clients. narrator: the clients john adams and his team are so proud to work for? banks accused of money laundering. big corporations accused of defrauding taxpayers. and mortgage lenders accused of unfairly foreclosing on homes. now he wants to be attorney general.
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powerful and well-connected can buy. i'm mark herring, candidate for attorney general, and i sponsored this ad. ralphcandidate for governor,rtham, and i sponsored this ad. they're studying for 21st century jobs. but ed gillespie supports donald trump's plan to take money out of virginia public schools and give it to private schools. as a washington dc lobbyist, ed gillespie worked for lenders trying to keep student loan rates high.
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could cut virginia school funding, too. ed doesn't stand for education. not just something you can see or touch. a feeling. it's the place where you feel safe to have those little moments that mean everything. at adt, we believe that feeling should always be there. whether it's at your house, or your business, we help keep you safe. so you can have those moments that make you feel at home. ♪you are loved wherever you are.
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it's 6:45. we're working to find out why a man was armed near the white house over the weekend. >> as you might imagine this caused quite a scare yesterday. angie goff is in the newsroom with what all happened here. >> this is what we know so far. a man is in custody after a cache of weapons was found in his car. cnn was the first to report this last night. secret service officers approached the man outside of an art gallery near pennsylvania avenue northwest. he reportedly told him that he wanted to talk with white house officials and particularly with the secretary of defense about missing paychecks. now after they searched his car, they found nine guns and three knives inside. cnn also reporting that the man had tennessee order of police pl
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we're still working on getting the man's name. so we'll continue to follow up. that's the latest from the newsroom. ♪ gave proof through the night that our flag was still there ♪ >> it's what everybody will be talking about at work today. how politics and football game baim one yesterday. protests all over the nfl followed president trump's comments. redskins owner dan snider took the field with his team last . . . . . ocked med while others decided to kneel. on the other side of the field, the entire offensive line of the raiders sat down. >> and rarely has the sideline been so front is center before the first whistle. >> players are on the front pages of newspapers across the country, but it has nothing to do with how they played. more than 100 nfl players took a knee during the anthem on sunday. >> megan mcgrath is live at the metro station with more on how you the
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protests. a lot of people weighing in. >> a lot of people weighing in as they make their way to work. they are not talking about the redskins victory last night. many are talking about the protests that. happened during the national anthem. take a look at the video here. politics front and center on the gridiron last night. players on teams across the country making the decision to kneel or lock arms during the singing of the "star spangled banner." now what do fans think? listen in. >> they are all super stars. they can call a press conference and they can say their peace and leave the game the way it is. >> stop worrying about what's going on in the nfl and nba. should be worrying about what's going on in the world of today. >> reporter: one woman we spoke to said that it's good
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all came up that there's this controversy no matter how you feel because at least it begins a dialogue. back to you guys. >> megan mcgrath in green belt for us. thank you. that conversation is not over i'm sure. new this morning, we have been show iing you all the athletes, protests in the nfl. they were backed up in the nba and in major league baseball. >> but not in nascar. no drivers or crews took part in the protest at the cup series yesterday. in fact, some owners said they would fire players who didn't stand when the anthem was played. one owner said anyone who doesn't stand should leave the country. online there was a lot of support for that stance too. others made fun of it and some people responded saying the sports are driving the country even farther apart or are divided along racial and political lines. >> there were a lot of things to talk about off the field this weekend. but on the field some great news for skins fa
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night. >> defense was really strong. the offense didn't waste any time either. >> blitz again. cousins gets it away. wide open is thompson and he will get to the end zone for a redskins touchdown. >> that's the first one. the first of three touchdowns for your redskins. the raiders didn't score in the first half at all. >> the skins are tied for first place in the nfc east. next week they are prime time again on "monday night football". >> when snoop dogg is in town, this is his ride. tonight
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me and my guest and her sob alex, they won the contest to go to the redskins game with me. she's a widow. her husband promised to take alex here to a redskins game but he passed before he could do it. tonight she's making good on that promise. >> he thought i was playing. when he realized when he came to. ic us up in the limo, he was like, you weren't playing. >> i'm going to leave a credit card footprint here. >>. uh-oh, the company is going to have to figure that out. pat collins is the only reporter that can be compared to snoop dogg. they spent the day on the field and had club seats and the redskins won. just a good night all around. >> nice to help somebody fulfill a promise. we want to turn to your first alert traffic. >> thank you very much. we are taking a look at chopper
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it's still slow. but the crash has been cleared on the right shoulder. still sluggish toward northeast washington. that's wide open for business. let's go to virginia. 66 eastbound. you can see light traffic in the centerville camera. l crash is in the distance. it's still there blocking the left side. that's the very latest from the wtop traffic center. we'll send it back to you all. >> thank you, dave. a very pleasant way to get your workweek started today. new workweek and school week. mostly clear sky, and a few high clouds catching a little few early morning raies from the sun. the sun is not up yet, but it's just a few minutes away. now 71 degrees here in town. visibility not as big of an issue as we see this time of year. patchy fog across the rural areas. across the deeper valleys. forecast then for the wee
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about the weekend, which on a monday always an important thing to do. we'll be near 90 today. by the time we get to saturday and sunday, temperatures at or maybe even a few degrees cooler than average. that will be nice. but in the meantime, get ready to sweat it out again today. temperatures for highs in your hometown, 85 in gatheithersburg. one thing you need to know about is weather. thefection couple days, clouds from maria arrive here tomorrow. that will take the edge off the temperatures. maria will be off the coastline. not a big impact from rain, but some clouds tomorrow and breezy weather coming up on thursday as maria pulls away from the east coast. for more on the exact track, here's lauryn ricketts. we were all watching the track ov
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trying to figure out what she was going to do. she's a category 1 hurricane. winds are at 80 miles per hour. let me show you the track. she will get right around the outer banks and jet out to sea. she's going to encounter some cooler weather right now. leftover from jose. so in fact, that's also going to add to the weakening. she will become a tropical storm. she's moving very slowly. but all along the area beaches a large swell and rip currents as well. that's what they are going to be dealing with at the beaches. for us we're dealing with a few clouds and a little breezy. all computer models agree they will take her out to the atlantic. that's good news for us. but we do cool down. a lot of people are asking me just how low we're going to go into fall. >> that's right. october starts this weekend. so don't be surprised. sunday is october 1st. it will feel like october by the time we get between now and then. a lot of
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weather. today near 90. low 80s tomorrow. upper 80s on wednesday. breezy as maria pull was on thursday. friday is the transition day for essentially august back to october. temperatures fall back to at or slightly cooler than average for the weekend. back in the low 70s and morning lows in the 40s and 50s. >> that's going to feel like a shock to the system. >> it is 6:54 right now. this morning hundreds of people stranded in puerto rico are hoping to finally get on a plane. >> the airport is back open this morning but it's barely functioning. hurricane maria knocked out power to the entire island last we week. take a look at this crowded terminal. cancellations, delays and misinformation made it difficult for passengers to secure a seat on a plane. cell phone service problems making it tough to communicate as well. jennifer lopez pledged a million dollars to help victims in puerto rico.
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$2.62 a gallon. refineries affected by hurricane harvey have bounced back. analysts can want prices to keep falling in the next few weeks. gas is $2.82 in d.c. while it's $2.56 in maryland and $2.43 in virginia. with your morning business report, i'm landon dowdy. >> how politics and football came together during the national anthem this sunday. redskins owner dan snider took the field last night with his team to show unity. check out the nbc washington app for the team's statement on the president's remarks. a new survey says democrat ralph northom is leading to be
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governor. they found that he's leading ed gillespie but 8% are still undecided. we'll break down all the numbers. republicans have a few days to replace the affordable care act. the rule that allows a simple majority ends on saturday. kelly o'donnell will explain all the possibilities coming up on todayed to show. >> and megyn kelly launches her new hour of the "today" show this morning. she's going to talk to the entire cast of "will and grace." you see her studio and will have it before a live studio audience. watch her every day at 9:00 a.m. here on nbc 4. there's our ten-day forecast near 90 degrees today. still in the low 80s tomorrow. upper 80s return for wednesday as maria passes relatively close to the east coast. 200 miles away from the mouth of the chesapeake bay.
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week long. as we get ready for the weekend, most important part of the forecast is it will be cooler. temperatures back down into the low 70s for highs saturday and sunday, chilly mornings to come. >> ready for it. that is the broadcast this morning. we appreciate you joining us. >> the "today" show is next. we're back in 25 minutes with all your weather, traffic and local news. enjoy your day. >> make it a great monday, everybody.
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good morning. the president versus the players. ♪ the bombs bursting in air >> a wave of protests across the nfl during the national anthem, after president trump called out players for not standing. a massive sho of solidarity. hundreds taking part, including some of the biggest names in football. the president pushing back. breaking overnight, the accused gunman who opened fire at a tennessee church, killing one person and wounding several others, charged with murder. the fbi opening an investigation, as a church usher is credited with preventing a


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