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tv   Early Today  NBC  November 1, 2017 3:30am-4:00am EDT

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thanks for watching. good-bye. / >> let me be clear. based on the information we have at this moment, this was an act of terror, and a particularly cowardly act of terror. >> bodies and mangled bicycles spread out across a new york city street. at least 8 people dead after a driver used a truck to barrel sbro into people just after school let out on halloween. >> the main suspect is alive after a confrontation with police. did he do it alone? >> isis inspired attacks utilize trucks in multiple occasion s to mow down and kill as many nnts as possible. can they be stopped? >> and on capitol hill, russia's interference in your facebook feed is revealed spreading fake news and information. "early today" starts right now.
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good to be with you. i'm frances rivera. >> and i'm phillip mena. terrorism strikes new york city with a deadliest attack here since 9/11. at least >> eight people were killed and 11 others seriously injured. a driver plowed a truck down a bike path mowing down multimillion people before crack crashing into a school bus. the attacker hopped out of the truck running through traffic on west side highway. the attacker opened fire with a bb or pellet gun, finally a police officer ended the may hem by shooting him in the abdomen. he was taken to a hospital alive. meanwhile, witnesses recounted the horror of seeing victims run over by the truck. >> when i go back across where i was crossing the street from, i looked down and i see a truck going down towards chambers street. and i'm saying, what 's going o? as i go down more, he's in the bike lane, clearly in the bike lane. and i see when i go down, i see two gentlemen laying right there in the bike lane with tire marks across their body and you could tell that they' n
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more. >> the suspect now in custody, officials are investigating the circumstances of the attack and new york's governor addressed the threat of truck ramming. >> new terrorist tactic which they have called for publicly are these lone wolves who commit an act of terror. no evidence to suggest a wider plot or a wider scheme, but the actions of one individual, who meant to cause pain and harm and probably death, and the resulting terror. >> nbc's jay gray has more on the investigation from here in new york. jay? >> reporter: frances, good morning. we now know that police did find a handwritten note inside the rented truck used. police say by the attacker here. on that note he apparently pledged his allegiance to isis. he was carrying out the attack for that organization. thist
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an ongoing expanding investigation here in lower manhattan. >> we have multiple people on the ground. from chambers all the way up to houston. >> reporter: victims of an afternoon attack on this lower manhattan bike path. >> it happened out of nowhere. i was walking down the street. it was a normal day, and multiple gunshots one after another. it was just completely unexpected. >> reporter: this rented truck barrelling over bike riders then slamming into a school bus, eight people were killed, 11 injured. >> this was an act of terror, and a particularly cowardly act of terror aimed at innocent civilians. >> reporter: carried out, police say, by 29-year-old sayfullo saipov. this showing him after he jumped from the truck yelling allahu akbar according to police. >> i saw this dude with two guns. and the guy with the two guns for some reason was running around. he was getting chased. and then all of a sudden four shots went off, and we all just
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shooting and stopping the suspect. he's in bellevue hospital right now and to this point has refused to speak to investigators there. police now saying they believe that the suspect acted alone. federal agents say at this point, and it's still very early in their investigation, but there is no connection between the suspect and any foreign terror organization. that's the latest from here in new york. now back to you, frances. >> jay, thank you. >> now let's turn to my colleague morgan radford who is outside here in new york this morning and, morgan, what is the latest on the suspected terrorist? >> hey there, philip. good morning. in fact, you know, the investigators have been here at the scene of the crime working around the clock. i want to show you just here over my shoulder. you can actually see where that car, the suspect used, is behind that yellow police tape. and again, detectives are here, police are here, and there's been a real increased security presence since yesterday's attack. now, remember the new york halloween
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yesterday. again, police were on every corner. traffic was backed up as streets were blocked off. we saw governor cuomo and mayor bill de blasio come down and they called this a cowardly act of terror and that's what people on the ground are responding to, saying, this culture of fear comes from the randomness of these types of acts, especially as these types of attackers are having more familiar faces. remember, you heard jay gray mention this was a man who was a 29-year-old uber driver. this happened at a familiar time when kids were getting out of school. they were getting their costumes ready to go trick or treating. as daylight is going to break here in just a few hours, the question is how is new york going to move forward today. we heard president trump tweeting just late last night that he was ordering homeland security to, quote, step up our already extreme vetting program. and at 11:00 a.m. this morning, the police are going to have a press conference at their headquarters and they are going to continue to give us the latest on that
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>> so terrifying when it's that unpredictable. morgan, thank you. >> tuesday's attack in new york city just the latest in which an attacker has used a car or truck to mow people down on sidewalks or walkways in cities around the world. isis and al-qaeda have called on followers to use vehicles to kill innocent civilians in sudden and dramatic attacks and they're very hard for law enforcement to prevent. we get more now from nbc's tom costello. >> reporter: it's a growing terror tactic used around the world with devastating results. july 2016, a truck on the board walk in nice, france, plowed through crowds of people on holiday. 86 killed, 200 injured. similar tactics used on the london bridge last may, 8 dead. another five killed in march. around the world, attacks in barcelona, stockholm, berlin, and in the u.s. last year at ohio state university 11 injured. for years isis and al-qaeda have called for just this type of low-tech attack u
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trucks to mow down and kill as many people as possible. >> these small-scale attacks using tools, not even weapons, but tools that are widely available make actually suppressing this entirely, not just difficult, but truly impossible. >> reporter: in new york last may, it wasn't a terror attack, but a deranged suspect on drugs who killed a woman and injured 22. after driefrmiving through a crn times square. n.y.p.d. commissioner james o'neal told lester earlier this year the threat from trucks is top of mind for the n.y.p.d. critical response command now using city trucks to wall off large public gathersings, including thanksgiving. >> we had a ring of sanitation sand trucks around the whole route to make sure there are no unauthoriz unauthorized vehicles on the route. we did the same thing on new year's eve and the 4th of july is always a challenge. >> reporter: after isis called for targets on thanksgiving day parade last year, police visited 140 rental t
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who might try to rent a truck. >> that was tom costello reporting. beverley hills police say they have opened up investigations into disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein and film maker james toback. police released few de tails but said they received multiple complaints involving both men. in recent weeks more than 60 women have come forward with allegations of sexual assault against weinstein. his spokesperson has repeatedly said weinstein unequivocally denies any allegations of nonconsensual sex. according to the l.a. times, more than 200 women contacted the paper about allegations of abuse and harassment against toback after they published an article interviewing 38 toback accusers. toback has also denied any wrongdoing. >> for the second straight year the world series is going to a decisive game 7 before the start of game 6, dodger stadium paused for a moment of silence to honor the victims of the new york city terror attack. the houston astros came into los angeles with a 3-2 advantage in the series and they would strike first thanks to a solo homer by
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astros the 1-0 lead but that's all they would get. los angeles tied the game at the bottom of the 6th in a double by chris taylor. scoring austin barnes. cory seeinger would bring one home bringing the dodgers up 2-1. the dodgers would also add one more in the seventh from jacques peterson homer. a 6 out save. 3-1, game 7 tonight. >> it all comes down to tonight. all right. can't believe it's already november and november weather, let's collect in with nbc meteorologist bill karins. >> november starts the cold ska season in some spots. significant snow event in higher elevations montana, light know breaking out through areas of the dakotas and minnesota. that many be the case today. 7:00 a.m. this morning light snow possible around fargo. we're going to track this during the day today throughout the northern half of minnesota. also the northern half of wisconsin. not a big deal. again, most of it will stick mostly in the grassy
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northern portions may get a little on the road. snow forecast through thursday, mountains 8 inches or so around missoula, bose man, less than that, one to 2 inches at most northern wisconsin and also minnesota. that's a look at the big weather story of the day. now here's a closer look at your day ahead. well, there you see the temperatures are a little above freezing in most areas, but duluth you could get some accumulating snow high today of only 31 degrees. areas plenty warm in the south and that's where temperatures are also going to be warming up in the days ahead towards the weekend. we're talking more about that coming up, big warm up for the east. >> looking forward to it, bill. thank you. in today's quick hits, russian president vladimir putin is in iran today meeting with the country's president and supreme leader to discuss iran's nuclear deal and cooperation in syria. >> police in wisconsin say a local father found more than just candy in his kids' halloween stash. he found a bag of meth. they are investigating where the drugs came from and urging all parents to be extra vigilant. >> in southol
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freeing a dog who got his head stuck in a chain link fence. the dog thankfully did not appear injured. and this cute pup is now available for adoption. "early today" will be back in two. getting your flu shot at walgreens is easier than ever. just walk right in and pay zero dollars with most insurance. plus, when you get a flu shot at walgreens, you help provide a lifesaving vaccine to a child in need through the un foundation. it's that easy to get your flu shot and make a difference. so swing by your local walgreens today. walgreens. at the corner of happy & healthy.
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the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. see you all today in part is because this is where i started. now, this isn't where i was born. i was born in kenya. [ laughter ] >> no, that's a joke. [ laughter ] >> thank you. >> still got that humor. that's former president obama delivering his opening remarks at his foundation's inaugural summit in chicago. the obama foundation's two day summit brings together more than 500 global civic leaders and artists including britain's prince harry. the president describes the event as a collective conversation for young leaders to exchange ideas and help spark change. >> leading the news this morning, washington republicans long awaited bill to revamp parts of the tax bill to usher
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have to wait "a little bit longer." house gop lawmakers abruptly announce the they'll delay the release of their tax plan until at least tomorrow after a much publicized unveiling event set for today. at issue and just how much will it impact your wallet are the questions. nbc's tracie potts has more for us from capitol hill. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. this could signal trouble the fact that republican aren't on the same page at the point they wanted to be on this tax plan. the issue, according to our capitol hill team, seems to be internal squabbling, disagreement, not just on what will be included in this tax plan, but how it's getting done. they are disagreeing on key issues that appear to be unresolved and some lawmakers privately airing their frustration with the process, feeling cut out just hours before they were supposed to announce it. now, the president trying to save face here, saying that republican members are working hard to create the biggest
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and that that will continue to happen. but specifically the issues at risk, the issues they can't agree on right now are big ones. the home mortgage deduction, the interest deduction, 401(k) saving limits, how much can you contribute pretax, and how to pay for 1 1/2 billion dollar in tax cuts, and this could end up being a big political issue for republicans. they are needing a win. if they don't get a win on health care, if they don't get a win on taxes, lots of analysts think the majority could be at risk in the mid terms next year. >> all right, tracy, thank you. >> technology may be quickly blurring the line between convenient and just creepy. some female iphone users were surprised to find out that their phone is automatically sorting their photos featuring bras into a group. when users search brazier in the photo's app, it shows photos of underwea
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together. according to apple the enables the app to recognize over 4,000 key words including brazier. users have pointed out that app does not recognize searches for typically male under garments like boxers. >> i didn't know you could do a search when it comes to your photo app. never mind the whole bra thing along with it. creepy. >> if they can do facial recognition, i guess they can do that. >> all right. still ahead, some of the world's biggest companies facebook twitter and google grilled on capitol hill over russian meddling. we'll tell you how they responded next here on "early today" 7 american cancer society did. research? yeah. but also free rides to chemo and free lodging near hospitals. i used to maybe give a little. then i got so much back. ... i used to have cancer. please give at
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facebook now says it will double the number of safety security staff on its payroll to 2000. its general counsel sat before the senate lion's den pressed on the tech giant's failure to stop russia from influencing millions of voters. >> but it wasn't just facebook getting grilled. twitter and google were also slammed for not detecting russia's operations within their own platforms. nbc's jo ling kent has more. >> reporter: russia's interference in your facebook feed revealed. >> let me start if i could with a political ad from facebook. >> reporter: ads and events posted in the lead up to the 2016 presidential election. >> those ads sought to sow discord and amplify racial and social divisions among american voters. >> reporter: one ad placed by a russian group calling itself heart of texas falsely claimed that hillary clinton has
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disapproval rating among veterans. a second ad erroneously told americans they could vote for hillary by texting. another event paid for in rubles by a russian entity calling itself being patriotic inviting minors for trump to rally in pennsylvania a month before election day. these ads shared and liked by facebook users were among the 3,000 targeted at american voters by russian groups. facebook says eventually 11.4 million people saw them. >> this ad is nothing short of the russian government directly interfering in our elections, lying to american citizens, duping folks who believed they are joining and supporting a group that is about veterans. >> these ads are separate from the 80,000 fake russia-linked posts shown up to 126 million americans in the two years before the election. >> they've won in terms of just creating chaos in our u.s. institutions amongst political parties and social groups.
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>> reporter: the tech executives will continue testifying about how the russians took advantage of their platforms and how they plan to stop it. jo ling kent, nbc news, washington. >> just ahead, halloween isn't just a chance for kids to dress up. we will show you how several celebrities got into the holiday and who do you think had the best costume? can you even recognize them? you're watching "early today." ♪ ♪ give up, skeletor! you're finished! curse you, he-man, you interfering imbecile! give us one good reason we shouldn't vanquish you to another dimension! ok, guys, hear me out. switching to geico could save you... hundreds on car insurance. huh, he does make a point... i do like to save money... catch you on the flip, suckas! geico. because saving fifteen percent or more on car insurance is always a great answer. give with an extra 20% off!! cozy up with holiday jammies and plush throws. save on a keurig coffee maker plus, only at kohl's
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here are the examples or best of. neil patrick harris and his family welcomed visitors to their carnival. adele had this sparky spooky ensemble. not sure what she was, she looks great. justin timberlake and jessica biel and their son were toy story characters. justin trudeau dressed as clark kent, sum superman underneath, out with his family. betsy devos was ms. frizzle from the school bus. guess who this is. penny wise, the clown from it. that's lebron james and gabrielle union milly vanilly. the today anchors went country. dolly parton. >> so much fun. just ahead, the first college football player ranks are out. and there is a surprise to tell you about. we'll be right back. fred would do anything for his daughter. get in, fred! even if it means being the back half of a unicorn.
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breaking news this morning where a terror attack has claimed the lives of eight people. what we're learning about the man police say intentionally mowed people down on a popular bike path. and i'm storm team 4 meteorologist chuck bell. after a bright and sunny day yesterday, the clouds are back. ce'll detail any chanes for
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"news 4 today" begins with breaking news. good morning, everyone. i'm molette green. we're going to get you up to speed on the weather in just a moment, but first up, to that breaking news and this poignant sh
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center, the site of the worst terror attack on american soil. it is lit up in red, white and blue this morning just hours after yesterday's mele a few blocks away. that is where a man drove a box truck on to a popular trail killing eight people. we're going to get you up to speed on the very latest from the speed and what we're learning about the suspect. first up to chuck bell and what you'll face as you head out the door. how the wind is behind us, we're moving forward, chuck. >> still on my little sugar fix. that's all right, though. didn't have as many trick or treaters, so extra candy for me. cloudy skies across the area. these clouds will continue to thicken up as we go through the remainder of the day. most of the rain. that is light snow across indiana and ohio. most of that staying well to our north and west. not much of a rain threat for the next couple of days, but that being said, a lot of cloud cover here early this morning. temperatures


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