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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  July 12, 2018 12:37am-1:38am EDT

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>> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers." tonight -- nick kroll, democratic nominee for governor of georgia, stacey abrams, star of "the bold type," actress katie stevens. featuring the 8g band with joe russo. ♪ a [ chee applause ] ladies and gtlemen, se meyers. >> seth: good evening. i'm seth meyers. this is "late night." how is everyone doing tonight? [ cheers and applause ] that is fantastic to hear., in that cat's get to the news. the supreme court today upheld president trump's travel ban on seven primarily muslim nations. though, i think they should only uphold the ban if trump can name all seven.
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[ laughter ] "well, um, there's iraq, iran, um --ar shona." [ laught ] caesident trump was in south carolina taign for governor henry mcmaster. incidentally, mcmaster is also what trump calls the manager at the mcdonald's he goes to. laughter ] "excuse me, could i speak to your mcmaster."ht [ la ] [ cheers and applause ] according to "the new york er times," fohite house press secretary sean spicer is developing a talk show. it's called "late night with such liars." [ laughter ] [ applause ] president trump today accused democrats of wanting, quote, "unlimited crime." cocidently, unlimited crim was also the most popular class at trump university. [ laughter ] french president emmanuel macron met with pope francis for
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57 minutes today, setting a record for the longest meeting tween the pope and a head of state. said the pope, "but it wasn't the one that felt the longest." [ laughter ] he's having a good time there. after harley-davidson announced it would move some of its production outside the u.s., dapresident trump tweeted quote, "a harley-davidson should never be built in another country, never." you should talk. half of your campaign was builtn nother country. [ cheers and applause ] a new study has found that re almost 60% of s say they get stressed out trying to keep children busy during summer break. while the other 40% said, "oh, the kids!" [ laughter ] "today was national chocolate sa pudding day, a guy who refuses to admit he crapped his
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pants. [ laughter ] "you crapped your pants."o, an, i'm just celebrating." [ laughter ] that's a writer on our show. [ laughter ] and that pture was from a different joke months ago. so we had no idea when he was g taking it that he was go be a pants crapper today. [ laughter ] according to a new study, older people who have x regularly tend to have better memories. le who walked in on them just want to forget. [ laughter ] "hey, grandm-ahh!" [ laught and, finally, recently there has been a disturbing trend of white women lling the cops on black people who were just going about their business. m excu first there was a woman dubbed "barbecue becky" who called theo coblack people barbequing in a public park. and this weeke a woman dubbed
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"permit patty" called the police on a 8-year-old black girl for selling water to raise money for a trip to disneyland. here with more thoughts on white women calling the police is one of the writers amber ruffin as r '80s popstkwell. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ i'm just an average man with an average life but white women lately they fill me up ♪ ♪ with strife all i want is to be left alone then i see one ♪ ♪ on the phone anthat makes me feel like i'm in the twilight zone i always feel like ♪ ♪ white women watching me and i know privacy oh i always feel like white women watching me ♪ ♪ going to call the cops on meat ♪ when i' barbecue even in a public place i break into a sweat whe
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becky looks me in the face ♪ ♪ sheays she's on the phone will her staring ever stop ♪ [ laughter ] ♪ does she want to do me in or does she want my pork chops ♪ ♪ when i'm selling water for a trip to disneyland patty says i need a permit ♪ s♪ unlike a white kid' lemonade stand peopli'm crazy a little touched in the brain ♪ ♪ but if you asme it's these white women who are insane because ♪ ♪ i always feels like white women watching me ♪ ♪ and i got no privacy oh i always feel like white women tching me and i got no privacy ♪ ♪ oh [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: give it up for amber rockwell ruffin, everybody! we have a great show for you tonight. from the new film "uncle drew," one of our best friends, nick kroll is back on the show.a
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[ chee applause ] she is the democratic nominee for the governor of georgia and her book "minority leader: how to lead from the outside and make real change" is availle now. stacey abrams is joining us. r cheers and applause ] and she is the s "the bold type" on freeform. katie stevens is here. can't wait to talk to her as [ cheers and applause ] you guys, before -- before we get to any of that, pr ident trump held one of his weirdest rallies yet as he tries to strip awathe constitutional rights of immigrants. for more on this, it's time for "a closer look." ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth:rump last night made another stop on his "orange collar comedy tour" where he held a spectacularly unhinged rally in south now, these ralre very much like public therapy sessions for trump. but ashings get worst for trump politically and legally, these speeches seem to get weirder. and st night was no exceptio because he was all over the place.
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>> the olympics would have been a and it turned out to it be a massive success. people did not want to be nuked in a stadium. i said, "listen, you got rich guys. for whatever reason they love rockets." and by the way, i have t stupid teleprompters. you don't mind that i haven't used them all night, do you? "the apprentice," arnold schwarzenegger, big movie star, took my place. it bombed in about two shows. it was over. mosquitos cost many, many lives. they said, "she got a face lift." no. if it's not your hair, don't run for office, folks. [ laughter ] we're not looking up in the airk any ros up there? any rockets? you know, they call them the elites. right? the elites. you know what you are? you're the super elites. i'm changing titles. s we are ter elite. [ laughter ] >> seth: he's so dumb, he doesn't even understand that elites was supposed to be an insult. "they call democrats out of touch intellectuals.we well, i sae further out of
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touch super intellectuals."[ ughter ] seriously, think about all those random topics he just rambled on about at an official campaign ra y. trump isn't the president. he's more like one of the [ bleep ] algorithms that suggest other articles you might want to read. [ laughter ]ou ifike "build the wall," you might also like "the olympics," "arnold schwarzeneggd "rich guys love rockets." [ laughter ] in fact, on the topic of rockets -- i can't believe i'm saying that, but on the topic of ro trump once again mumbled a few incoherent words about his proposal to create a sixth branch of the military called the space force. but this rant was somehow even harder to follow thaprevious editions. >> by the way, na is now open for business. [ applause ] you got all these guys sending rockets all over the place. we'll get the credit. i said, "lease them the land. charge them a lot. but let's do it that way.ot that's a letter. we're like a landlord." you have all these rys. i don't know what it is, they
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love rockets. i said, this is great. because you know you can't send rockets up like down the street, right? you can't take the local plot, m the local t, the local store and send a rocket. we're going to win. remember, i said, we're going win in trade. we're going to win in space. >> seth: the guy standing next to him like, "yeah, we're going space."a [ laughter ] "we're going to win in space. t.d we're going to get to board the spaceship fi because we have super elite status." [ laught ] but, of course -- [ cheers and applause ] trump cannot makit through one rally without mentioning the 2016 election. now, there was a perioime where it seemed like his obsession was maybe waning a little bit. but last night, it was like the good old days.yo alhad to was wind him up and watch him go. >> younow, we won the state of south carolina by a lot. we had to run the whole east coast.
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a.d we got south carolina. and we got north c [ cheers ] we got pennsylvania. and we got florida. donald trump has won the state of florida, right? [ cheers ] they said, "north carolina is our firewall. south carolina, we have no chance." but north carolina -- and so, we won south carolina. thank you very much. >> seth: uh, how many times are you going to tell this story? [ laught ] [ cheers and applause ] uh, grandpa, i heard this story! [ laughter ] for trump, talking about the election is how he soothes his ego. and yesterday, he rambled on about it for a very long time. at one point, even acknowledgi that he was bragging about himself because no one else would do it for him. >> to win wisconsin, which easn't been won in many, like 1972, i think. that's a long time. to win michigan, which hasn't been won in a long time.
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you know, it's very interesting -- i just figured this out. o toot your u have own horn. because nobody else is going to do it. g certainly they're not go do it. [ applause ] >> seth: oh, you just figured that out? [ laughter ] you've been putting your name on buildings for 40 years. tiand you just decided it' to toot your own horn? also, you don't toot. you are constantly blowing your horn. your mouth is like a vuvuzela at the world [ la ] in fact, your rallies would mak exace same amount of sense if they sounded like this. [ horn blowing ] [ laughter ] [ horn blowing ] [ applause ] but -- [ cheers and applause ]li trump's ra about the election somehow got weirder. because he insisted that a lot of hollywood celebrities voted r him and decided to call out "twin peaks" creator david lynch. t re is a story that just came out. david lynch, you know the great filmmaker. david lynch~
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p puts down headline, "tr could go down" -- is is a hollywood guy. the reason i do this is, you know, you don't hear this and plenty of them voted for me. plenty of them voted for me. david lynch could go down as one of the greatest presidents in history. >> seth: i mean it's weird. but i guess it would make sense if david lynch liked donald trump donald trump is like the president from a dream sequence in esode of "twin peaks." [ light laughter ] [ speaking in reverse ] [ laughter ] trump, of course, also uses ra thesies to rail against his many perceived enemies. and one of those is south rolina congressman mark sanford, a republican who has sometimes been critical of trump.ig now, you remember that back in 2009, sanford, as governor, famously told his wife he was hiking on the appalachian trail when in fact he was having an affair.
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and trump, who always remembers your lowest moment, brought it up last night. although he couldn't remember e correct name for the appalachian trail. er >> niked him too much. i wasn't a big fan. the tallahassee trail. must be a beautiful place. [ laughter ] unfounately, he didn't go there. >> seth: the tallahassee trail? that snds like the name of a strip club next to the tallahassee airport. "welcome to buffet night the night at the tallahassee trail. shrimp is all you can eat. and it is room temperature." trump, of course, also remains t obsessedthe border and keeps lying about his promise to build a wall there. in march, congress allotted some money for border security. but that money can be used only to repair d build previously approved fencing. but when his supporters broke out into yet another co "build that wall," trump continued to falsely insist that the wall was already being built. >> if you don't have borders, you don't have a country. [ cheers ] a you don't haountry.
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[ chanting ] >> build that wall. build that wall. build that wall. >> oh, it's happening. it's not "ild that wall" anymore. it's "continue buiing that wall." >> seth: continue building that wall? not only is that wrong, it's a . much worse cha [ laughter ] although i guess it's better than "continue buildg and repairing that previously approved fencing!" [ laughter ] trump also continues to use s.cist, dehumanizing language to talk about immigra and now he's calling for stripping them of their constitutionally protected due process rights and deporting ut them witeing able to make their case in front of a judge. >> we want very tight, very strict borders. and they came to me three days we'd like you to sign this order." "what is the order?" "we ne 5,000 judges on the border." i said, "judges? what other country has judges?" i said, "where are you going to find 5,0 people to be judges?
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how many do we have now?" i don't know the number. they don't even know the number even though they're in charge. okay? >> seth: no, dude, you're in charge. [ lahter ] that's the deal. r cheers ] that's like if ylot got on the p.a. and said, "okay, folks i asked the tower what airport 're going to. and they said 'they don't know.' and i certainly don't either. [ laughter ] sit back and relax and special welcome aboard to all our super elite members." [ laughter ] also, can we go back to this for a second? >> we need 5,000 judges on the border. i said, "judges? what other country has judges?" >> seth: what other country has judges? lots of other -- most other countries. [ light laughter ] in the netherlands, they even have judges at a special court in the hague. d who knows? maybe you'll get to meet them one day. you don't -- [ cheers and applause ] you don't know. but you might.
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but trump hasn't always felt so cavalier about the due process protections provided bthe constitution. he's trying to strip them away from immigrants now. but when his own staffers are being vestigated as part of the russian investigation, he felt very differently about the importance of due process. >> people's lives are being shattered and destroyed by mere allegation. some are true. and some are false. some are old. and some are new. there is no recovery for someone falsely accused. life and career are gone. is there no such thing any longer as due process? >> seth: so trump wants to strip away the constitutional rights of immigrants. but when it'his own aides being investigated, he suddenly sounds like a guy being dragged away from the buffet for trying to put shrimp in his pockets. [ light laughter ] "how dare you? there's no such thing any longer as due process. i'm never coming back to the tallahassee trail." [ laughter ] trump and the g.o.p. only care about seizing political power and using it to restrict the rights of marginalizedeople. just take trump's muslim ban which was upheld by the supreme today in a fe to four ruling after republicans installed justice neil gorsuch in a seat that should have been fillt by presidama.
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the various versions of the ban were so sloppy and ill-conceumed that even officials, like former white house press secretary sean spicer, couldn't keep their stories straight on whether or not it was ban. >> i want to go back to the issue of this travel ban. >> well, first of all, it's not a travel ban. it's a 90-day ban. i think a million people have now come into this country. that's not a ban. the ban deals with seven countries. it can't be a ban if you're letting a million people in. it is extreme vetting. >> the president, himself, called it a ban. >> i understand. >> is he confused? or are you confused? >> no, i'm not confused. [ laughter ]et >> yeah, you are. sean spicer always answered questions like a dude passed out ininhe bushes after a concer central park. "sir, is that a vape in your hand?" "uh, yeah, it's a vape no, i mean it's an inhaler for weed." [ laughter ] trump and the g.o.p. are trying to desoy some of the most cherished legal protections at the heart of our constitutional system. aney don't care about immi or working people. they want a system that only works for one group of people. and that's --
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>> the super elite. >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ] ♪ we'll be right back with nick kroll, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> announcer: for more of seth's closer looks, be sure to subscribe to "late night" on youtube. memory challenge... what is your online banking password? [audience gasping] oh, dear... [clacking metal] it was 'windbreaker,''s... [muttering] cat names... [baby crying] [gasping] [dramatic music] [whistle blowing] [dramatic music subsiding] [triumphant music & cheering]
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discpump, foam, hydrn + care foaming body wash.e new dove men + care foaming body wash ri the winter of '77.u i first met james in 5th grade. we got mared after college. and had twin boys. but then one night, a truck didn't stop. but thanks to our forester, neither did our story. and that's why we'll always drive a subaru. look at this new kfc crispy colonel sandwich. the latest of kfc's five dollar fill-ups. i reckon everything in this collection costs just five dollars each. congratulations. kfc, it's finger lickin' good. [ drum roll ] ...emily lapier from ames, iowa.
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is emily's third nomination and first win.,! m, first of all, fellow nominees, it is an honor sharing the road with you. and of course, to the progressive snapshot app iv for giving good s the discounts -- no, i have to say it -- for giving good drivers the discounts they deserve safe driving! ♪ [ cheers and applause ]
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>> back, give it up for the 8g band right over there. [ cheers and applause ] back with us tonight on drums, he's one of our favorite musicians whose band, joe russo's almost dead, plays the prospect park bandshell in brooklyn, new york on july 19th. joe russo is with us, everybody. [ cheers and applause ]ut and helping usn base, from eagles of death metal and courtney love's band. she's got a and new video, you should check it out on youtube, "a night like this." jennie vee is here. thank you so much for being here, jennie. [ cheers and applause ] you know our first guest tonight from his work on "the league," "kroll show," and "big mouth" as well as "oh, hello" on broadway. he stars in the new movie, "uncle drew," which opens in theaters friday. let's take a look. >> how's that geriatric team of yours, bro? you get them all individual life alert bracelets? >> hey man, are you wearing my clothes? >> what? >> yes, that's -- that's my shirt. you got on my shirt, man. >> that's right. i got on your shirt. or maybe, you got my shirt on. >> wait, what? wait a minute. [ talking together ] >> that's my shirt. you got my clothes. stop it.
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>> you're crazy. >> seth: please welcom to the show, our friend nick kroll, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> sh: welcome back, nick. >> thanks, seth. thanks so much for having me. [ laughter ] >> seth: how are things going? >> this are good. things feel -- there is a lightness to the country right now, right. >> seth: yeah. hiry effervescent. >> yeah -- there's feeling -- i think people feel heard. [ laughter ] it feels like the naon just feels like everything feels good. and, in fact, around the world, i think every country around the world is feeling good.a feelttle bit like every country in the world is in their own bathroom with a shotgun in their mout [ laughter ] but, you know, i was with my
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friend dennis rodman recently in north korea. [ laughter ]er and we w-- i was just doing some advance work. >> seth: sure, yeah, yeah, yeah. >> but i was thinking about it like really e moment that, like, whatever you say about trump, i do weirdly think there is something about north korea, that he did -- that fire and fury thing, i feel like kim jong-un was like, "oh, okay. oh, yopsycho like me, okay." jlaughter ] "okay, you want k off in a maserati and drive off a cliff? okay." [ laughter ] it feels like -- i think about like the obama presidency and it feels like a dream. like, it feels like a long time ago. like it's like, when i think t abe obama presidency, it feels like, it's like a rainy sunday afternoon. you're at home, you don't have anything to do. you're like, "i'm going ix turn on net and you're like, "i've never seen 'the great british bake-off'."
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[ light laughter ] they are so nice to each other. >> seth: yeah. >> this is so pleasant. you kind of fall asleep. you wake up. you got a [ bleep ] on. you're like, "this is -- i think i'm going to have sex with this swiss roll." and you're le, "this is terrific." but that is the thing with obama that people won't mit is that like he kind of -- he kind of put me to sleep. >> seth: right.e, >> lhere was, and i can tell by the audience laughter and applause to that that they agree. but he really, like there was something about him that like -- like, you'd start a debate. you'd be like, "all righ barack, what do we got?" and then he'd be like, "well" -- and then, heind of would be like -- [ light laughter ] "i know i agree with him." but i don't think i'll of the trump presidency in the same way -- >> seth: yeah. >> like a nice, rainy, sunday afternoon. i think the trump presidency ke will be t's 3:00 in the morning and a fire alarm goes off and it just starts raining in your room. and u go outside and it's
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daylight. and there's like a bunch of lifeguards like beating a gerbil. and you're like, "what's happening?" [ light laughter ] i think that's how i'll remember that. >> seth: yeah, that's a pretty good way to remember it. well, i willay that a nice cape from everything going on in this world is this film. this is a very funny film, "uncle drew." it's also a very sweet film. >> yes. >> seth: it's a nice film about a family. >> yes. yeah. >> seth: you play by far the i worst persthe movie. >> thank you. yes, i do. >> seth: but the other people -- you know, this is kyrie irving. this is nate robinson, reggie miller, shaq, ri webber, lisa leslie. i mean, they're all -- these are basketball players who are very, very funny. >> legends. >> seth: yeah. >> and they are -- they are -- it is crazy because i decided i was li, "yeah, i'd love to do this movie, it will be fun. i'll be funny. maybe i'll play some basketball with them." it turns out that they are so much funnier than i am good at basketball. >> seth: right, yeah. [ light laughter ] >> which was a huge bummer. 'cause tn, i get in the game
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in this -- in the movie. and i have like onmoment in the game where i'm supposed to like play, and i was going to show how good i was. and i was like, oh, i've got a funny idea. ll take a sky-hook so that i can go, and as i'm hitting, i go, "vanilla sky!" and, um -- . seth: the tom cruise fi >> yes, of course. >> seth: a reference -- a reference -- >> because this is obviously a movie for everybody, but i think it's for like young, young kids i think are really excited about this movie. and there's no more reference ci that kids are d about than a tom cruise film from the early 2000s based, of course, on the spanish film. >> seth: yeah. >> if they love tom cruise's non-action film catalog -- [ light laughter ] >> seth: yeah. so, "vanilla sky." >> yeah, and then, i go, "magnolia!" [ laughter ] - so i tri but i realized like a sky-hook is like the hardest shot to . ma like, there's only like -- kareem is the only guy in the nba who's like, "i'll just take sky-hooks." >> seth: right.
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y nobody else takes it because for some reason, te particularly hard to make. because you're kind ing out the rim from the side. or at least that's what i told eiself. after i missed likt or nine takes in a row. and i've got like nba legends there. and 500 extras watching me. i'd be like, "vanilla sky" and t keep missi shot over and over. and they are like, "come on, o, we want to go to lunch." [ light laughter ] and so, after one take, nate robinson comes up to me, and i'm like, "oh, good, i'm going to get a little e vice from nbinson." he pulls me over, he goes, "hey, man, make the shot." [ light laughter ] all right. great. >> seth: this is pretty impressive to me. this is based on a commercial. >> for pepsi>>yes. eth: for pepsi. this is not your first based on a commercial project. >> no, no.>> eth: and i knew you back when this was a show. you were in "cave men." >> yes. >> seth: which was based on the geico commercial. >> yeah. look at that. r yeah, that's neal hair, guys. this was all glued on to me. >> seth: there you go. >> there it is. look at that, the no-nonsense nick the cave man.
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>> seth: and i want to say, i watched the show because i knew you. it was a lot better than people said it was. >> yes. yes, thank you. that should've been the log line. >> seth: but it didn't have to be that good to be aetter than people said it was. [ laughter ] >> yes. it was a show that the critics h:hated. >> seah. >> but what i always took comfort in was that the public hated it as well. [ light laughter ] it was four hours of osthetics. that's what's amazing about these guys in the movie, is that they were in full prosthetics playing full basketball all day long. >> seth: yeah. >> and, i mean, i'm telling you like kyrie is terrific actor in this movie. shaq -- >> seth: shaq's great. but this is the scariest thing ever. this is a horror movie. >> yes, i took this picture in the parking lot before shooting one day. >> seth: this is old man head, ung man body. >> yes, this was kyrie in the middle of getting his makeup done [ light laughter ] so you can see -- yeah, he looks like he's got an
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old man like doily kind of thing, i don't know what that's called. [ light laughter ] but he was -- and it's truly amazing. like these guys every day got into like three hours of makeup, and then, showed up on set. and are super funny. chris webber in this movie, as the preacher is hilariously funny. shaquille o'neal and i are best friends. >> seth: congrats. ]laught >> it's great. me and him and the general are going out tomorrow. >> seth: did he -- did shaquille like "cave men?" >> shaquille loved "cave men," yes. he never told me personally, but i can tell. >> seth: so you could see it in his eyes. [ laughter ] >> yeah, i can tel she loved it. h: thanks buddy. it's great to see you as always. >> it's great to see you, seth. thanks for having me. >> seth: congrats on the movie. nick kroll, everybods "uncle drew" theaters friday. we'll be right back with stacey abrams, everybody! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ill. i'm on the pill. i'm on the pill, too. but it's not birth control. it's truvada for prep®, a once-daily prescription medicine for adults that when taken every day
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do not stop taking truvada without talking to your doctor. common side effects include stomach pain, headache, and weight loss. ask your doctor about your risk of getting hiv and if truvada for prep may be right for you. i wanted to do more. that's why i'm on that pill. truvada for prep. ♪ your kid made their bed: ♪ picked up your dry cleaning: chili's 3 for $10 ♪ ♪ your in-laws just left: chili's 3 for $10 ♪ ♪ a starter, an entree and coke for just $10 ♪ ♪ 3 for 10 bucks, baby, bucks, baby, bucks ♪ mmm-hmm! ♪ oh, baby, 3 for $10's back ♪ ♪ baby, back, baby, back ♪ yeah! whoo-o-o! (laughing) whoa-oh! (rapping) i just wanna ride my bike and if you don't mind, we can ride all night talk to me, say, "i just wanna be, i just wanna be yours" talk to me, say, sometimes a day at the ballpark is more than just a day at the ballpark. [park announcer] all military members stand and be recognized. sometimes fans cheer for those who wear a different uniform.
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no matter where or when you served, t-mobile stands ready to serve you. that's why we're providing half off family lines to all military. ♪ get on up, mama. ♪ get on up. ♪ get on up. ♪ do what you want. ♪ do you want, let the record hop. ♪ ♪ nows the time to shake your fingers, pop. ♪ ♪ boogaloo, doing the flow. ♪ c'mon baby, go go go! degree motionsense. ultimate freshness... with every move.
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>> seth: our next guest is the democratic nominee for governor of georgia. her book "minority leader: how to lead fr the outside and make real change," is available now. please welcome to the show stacey abrams, everyone. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> set welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. [ audience chants ] >> stacey, stacey. >> seth: i'm like, oh, you got some fre. i know it's a busy time for you. bviously, you are campaigning. and not only are y campaigning, but if you were to win this election you would be the first african-american female governor in this country. so this is a very -- [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: you have received national attention for your strate in georgia. you have made it clear that you are not trying to flip trump voters or attract republican votes, you are focusing on
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democratic turnout and attracting new voters. what brought you to this strategy? >> math. >> seth: math, okay. [ light laughter ] >> i mean, look. i want every vote that i can get, but what i've seen happen for the last few years is that you've had candidates who pretend to be something they're not, trying to convince those who do not agree with em, that somehow, this time it's real. my approach is, every democratic voter we c get, especially those who don't think their voices matter, and independent thinkers who realize the heading down the wrong path if they don't vote for a democrat this time. and there are enough of us to win an election.h: >> snd -- [ cheers and applause ] is this -- do you feel -- is th something you get push back on? do people -- at a level, maybe,r at the level, say to you, no. that the key to moving forward is convincing people who voted for donald the answer?ou are >> if you go back before i won the primary, there were lots of stories about how wrong headed i was and how this is a novel strategy to win voters to agree rsth you and to talk to vo
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to get them to agree with you. and then to tell them to agree wi you, they should vote. that is our field strategy. and there has been some push back, because -- we want to believe that it's easier to get those who vote all the time. but the reality is, the people who do not vote don't vote because we haven't given them a reason to vote. they haven't heard their issuehe reflected inandidates. [ cheers and applause ] and my responsibility is to have conversations to talk about my rsonal debt, because debt is not new in america. to talk about the challenges my brother, who has -- faces mental health challenges and drug addiction challenges, who's making his life a new after coming out of jail. we need to talk about him, because my brother people's brothers. we have to talk about medical access. [ cheers and applause ] and we have to talk about all of these things so that people know there is a reason to take time y off frr second shift at your third job to go and cast a ballot. >> seth: now you do not know pp yourent yet. there is still a runoff election for the republicans. one of the two has this campaign
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ad. >> yes. >> seth: this -- i think it was in an attempt to be humorous. the adas that -- this was a boy who was interested in his in the ad, he's pointing a gun at her. >> yes. [ light laughter ] >> seth: now, when you see that, do you think, "oh, this is great. i'm gonna make hay with this." or, do you look at that and go, "oh, boy. i don't know." >> i do know him. and what i would say is, a someone who learned how to shoot when i was growing up in mississippi, you -- the first 'ting you learn is you dono that. [ laughter ] >> seth: yeah. >>he firearm 101 is don't point it at people. >> seth: yeah. >> because firearm 102 is you go to prison. [ light laughter ] so, you -- you keep it pointed down. >> set yeah. >> or, you know -- it is an interesting approach to try to convince people they can trust you with their lives. [ light laughter ] >> seth: uh, yeah. that is a good way of putting it. [ cheers and applause ] you -- i want to talk your book. so you wrote this book, "minority leader." this is about, obviously, the le ches you faced reaching out to communities who, maybe, feel underrepresented when it comes to the electoral process. not the first book you have
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written. >> no, it is not. >> seth: and the other books you have written were under a pen name. >> yes. >> seth: what was your pen name? >> i also wrote as selena montgomery. >> seth: and what did selena montgomery write? >> she wrote romanc, suspense novels. >> seth: i know. [ laughter and applause ] >> yeah. >> seth: so, now what made you -- what made you use a pen name when writing that? >> so, i wrote my first romantic suspense novel w third year student at yale law-school. >> seth: mmm-hmm. >> i also wrote a scintillating article on the operational on dice of the unrelated business income tax exemption. >> seth: okay. [ audience oohs ] >> and they were coming out at the same time. google was just the thing. and it seemed to me that no one would read a roman novel by alan greenspan. >> seth: right. [ light laughter ] >> so, i came up with a second name. seth: seriously. by the way, it seems like if you were writing the tax one -- >> yes.>> eth: -- you wouldn't have time to write the suspenseful romance one. how did you multi task to get ne 'em both >> i'm very flexible in my writing style. >> seth: okay, gotcha. [ laughter ]t i do w ask about "rules of engagement."
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>> yes. >> seth: this is your first book?hi >>is my very first book. >> seth: okay. and what was the inspiration for "rules of engagement"? >> my ex-boyfriend -- i read his dissertation. he's a chemical physicist. we were still friendly at the time he sent to me.nd we're still fr now, too. i wanna be clear. but at the time, i read his dissertation and he had this interesting chemical and it became the premise of the book. what i decided to do was to make it a spy novel. but i remembered i was angry with him so, he languies in prison in this book. >> seth: okay. [ laughter ] and did you find that cathartic? >> it was very cathartic, yeah. >> seth: okay, gotcha. and he didn't even know. he was like, "i thought i was dating stacey, not selena." [ light ughter ] >> well, i did send him a copy of the book. u en i was telling him about the premise, he was ke, "you can't. none of these things are true." and i'm like, "this is why we broke up, 'cause you have no imagination." [ laughter ] >> seth: should u win, you ll have you a national platform. as a governor from a state house, how do you address the trump presidency? how do you address -- issues like the travel ban that was upheld today? >> well, i will say this. one of the things i taut
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in "minority leader" is the necessity of giving voice to those who feel voiceless. and the travel ban is the perfect example of why a governor is so important. we have to have more leadership in this country. people have to hear themselves talked about, especially in the ce of the abomination that we see happening in the white house every day. and for me, the opportunity is to use the position of the governor, especially in the deep south, to say you're welcome. that you belong, and that there oare people who are looki for you. and 2020 is coming. >> seth: all right. [ cheers and applause ] well, thank you so much for being here. >> can i say one thing? >> seth: yeah, of course. >> so, my vision comes -- [ cheers and applause ] so, i have an amazing digital team and i promised them that i would, number one, say you are so awesome and so smart. >> seth: okay. >> and i mean it. >> seth: so kind of you to say. thanks. number two, i have to s is my website in case people want to learn more about me. >> seth: okay., there you go [ cheers and applause ] "minority leaders" is available now. we'll be right back with ka e stevens. [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: our next guest is currently starring in freeform popular series, "the bold type," airing tuesday nights at 8:00 p.m. let's take a look.
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>> i thought you would be avoiding me. >> no, please, sloan. you flatter yourself. my ego is much more resilient than that. >> can't argue with you there. >> you know, the idea that as a writer, i should actually write, seemed like a fair point. >> wow. i saw you didn't run the pregnancy story. so, is it possible that you also grew a conscious? >> no, that just didn't clear legal. daddy still got to eat. >> no, no. don't do that. >> seth: please welcome to the show katie stevens, ne! [ cheers and applause ] ♪ >> seth: welcome to the show katie. >> thanks. this is so cool. >> seth: it's very exciting. this is your first time here. >> it is. >> seth: yet your fiancé, not an actor -- >> beat me. >> seth: -- beat you to the punch. >> beat me to the punch. >> seth: he is a musician and he was here playing on the show, like, three weeks ago.
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>> yeah. there he is. >> seth: so, there he is right there. >> i think we have a closer one. >> seth: yeah, there you go. he was playing with jordan davis >> seth: and there he is. >> that's my handsome fiancé right there. >> seth: well done. ve >> yes.hunky. >> seth: even in the background that night, i was like, "who is that?" >> yes. [ laughter ] >> seth: you guys have a fairley great engagement story. >> we do. i knew that we were going to be spending a lot of time apart this year, 'cause i the show in montreal. so, i decided to plan us a trip to switzerland. >> seth: uh-huh. >> and, so, we went to lyitzerland and i'm comple oblivious. so, he had the ring in his f pock days. i had no idea. and then, he was smarty letting me plan our days. >> seth: ah. >> so, i got a list of recommendations and one of them was a hike where you take a gondola lift to the top of the alpsnd then you hike down to this lake. so, we were down by the lake and i was like, "this is so beautiful." there were, like, the alps everywhere. and he was like "hey, babe. what days it?" and i was like, "i know he knows it's new year's eve."
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so, was like, "it's sunday." and i for the past -- we've been together four d a half years, i have dropped not so subtle hints that i wanted him to ask.r [ light laug and, so, he was like -- he used ." say things like, "i'm gonna marry you some d and i was like, "you're gonna marry me on sunday?" [ light laughter ] and, so, he asked me what day it was. and it was sunday. and then he reached into his backpack ande pulled out a tter. now, three years ago he wrote me a stack of letters for me to open at times when we were yoart. so, like, open whemiss me. open me when you are on the plane to see me. >> seth: oh, my god. [ audience awes ] >> i know, right? >> seth: this is -- i apologize to everybody who is watching this with their girlfriend tonight. [ laughter ] and one letter said, "do not open until i say so." so, i am very guilt-ridden, and i haven't opened it for the three years that i had and so, he pulled it out at the lake. and i opened it, a "katie, marry me?" [ audience awes ] >> seth: oh, my god. i was -- [ cheers and applause ]
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that's really awesome. congratulations. >> yeah, thank you. >> seth: and congrats on the show, as wel this is based on joanna coles, who is the editor in chief of -- >> yes. "cosmo." >> seth: "cosmo." >> she's now the chief content officer of hurst, so. >> seth: gotcha. and what was --ov >> seth: she up. >> seth: she's an ep on the show. what was it like when you first met her?oo >> well, id the show and they were like, you should go to "cosmo," meet joanna and meet some writers. and i had had been to hurst, but, like, not really, and i didn't really know my way around. but there are these huge escalators. and so, i got to the top of theo escaand i knew what joanna looked like. and so, i get to the top and she was up at the top. and, idiot me, i was like, she's here to greet me [ light laughter ] she doesn't greet people. and so, she was talking to somebody and i was like, "joanna!" and she just went, "hello." [ light laughter ] and it registered what was happening and i was like, "oh, my god." and i was like, "i'm katie on -- on 'the bold type.'", and she goh, katie. this is the star of our new
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show."en and he brought me up to the office and she would like, carry me around to like, all the writers, the people in fashion department, but she would carry me there and then leave me. so, it was, like, she just dropped me off. and she was like, "this is kae. tell her what you do." and then she left to the point where, at one point i was like, "cool, well, i think i should go. where's joanna, so i should say bye?" and they were like, "oh, she left, like, 30 minutes ago." [ laughter ] >> seth: last thing i want to ask. you -- you're portuguese. >> i am. >> seth: and world cup going on. are you someone who is very excited about portugal chances? [ speaking foreign language ] [ laughter >> seth: final 16. cristiano ronaldo, is that eesomebody that you have fngs for? >> oh, listen. [ laughter ] i just told a really great story about my fncé otherwise -- [ light laughter ] i used to say that was gonna marry him and he just doesn't know it yet. >> seth: yeah.'m >> andot one for polygamy, but i could be. >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] well, let's see if tn the world cup. >> yes.
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>> seth: if they win the world cup, i think anyone -- >> if they win -- >> seth: yeah. r cristiano, i could be y prize. [ laughter ] >> seth: thank you so much for being here. i really appreciate it. >> thank you for having me. >> seth: give it up for katie stevens, everyone. "the bold type" airs tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. on freeform. we'll be right back. thanyou so much. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> seth: my thanks to nick kroll, stacey abrams, ustie stevens, everybody! [ cheers and app] joe russo! jennie vee and of course the 8g band. [ cheers and appla fe ] stay tun carson daly. we'll see you tomorrow. [ cheers and applause ] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carson: hello everybody. i'm carson daly. welcome to tonight's "last call" by way of the cutting room in new york city. we got a gre show for you, including, "the rundown's"


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