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tv   News4 Today at 400  NBC  October 26, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EDT

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lot of it moves in. and it's going to be cold rain. it's friday. good morning to you. the rain already lead to the cancellation of this weekend's walk to end hiv which has already been rescheduled for november 1st. >> a look atou the weather. >> i was happy to let them know a lot of people aren't going t want to stand outside saturday morning in austy northeast wind and areas of heavyains well. it will be a dry start to your friday but wet finish as pockets of rai comen here late this evening and early tomorrow atures in the 30s. closer to 40, the closer you get to the city 48 in national airport.
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your planner then, for today, a sliver or two of sunshine between now and lunchtime and all cloud cover this afternoon. 60% chance of rain by 5:00 and an 80% chance of rain by 8. more about how long that rain will hang on io your saturday morning coming up. good morning, melissa. >> good morning. work zone l with onet lane getting by right now. bethesda between the belt way and as you hit 270 there, work zone with one left lane getting by right now. fairfax, work zone with one right lane getting by and we also have a problem westbound. we'll check in on that and be back in a couple of minutes. >> thank you, melissa. it's 4:01. a new development into the explosive packages mailed to prominent democrats across the country. as it's from california to right
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here inngton d.c. and investigators are closing inhen a locationthink the packages are coming from. investigators combed this mail sorting facility north ofiami yesterday. it's possible the packages passed through that building,bu it's still too early to tell. yesterday a suspicious package showed up at a new york city restrant owned by robert deniro 10 explosives are >> people across the country are embracing the see something say something message. just yesterday police were called when a icsuus-looking package was at the offices of diane feinstein. and in manhattanhe times warner buildg was evacuated becaus of a suspicious bag. nypd brought i a bomb sniffing dog but it turned out to be
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unattended igtoys. >> now, hundreds of law enforcement officers are vestigating this case. information could change at any g ment and we'll be monitor it all for you. >> guilty, that was the verdict handed down durin a brutal murder case that gripped the district in 2015. daron wint was convicted of ki oing three membe the family and their housekeeper. the verdict came after a six t week trit included pictures of the crime scene, dna evidence and a host of witnesses that testified against wint. defense attorneys tried to argue his brother w theeal killer but after two days jurors convicted him of murder, kidnapping burglary, and arson. >> the prosecutors in this left no doubt in the minds of the jurors that this was a very strong case on the evidence. >> he'll receive a lifennce for each of the four murders.
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a hearing in february will decide if he'll have a chance at parole. >> aecent college graduate was gunned down on the way home. he wasot the intended target. 22-year-old tom wasl a soc worker that just graduated from the university of vermont sixhs mo ago. wednesday night he was hit by a stray bullet while riding on 17th street in northeast. he graduated in 2014. he was one of those students that knew from the get-go had a incredib ible, generous spirit >> an award is being offered for information into his >>death. more people have been killed in the district this year compared to all last year. he is the 135th person to be lled in the district this
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year. 94 people were killed in 2017. th is a 44% increase in the murder rate. >> mor than a dozen children have been injured in western china at a school. >> what we're learning, a woman stabbe kids in kindergarten this morning. they have her in custod she is 39 years old. investigators not releasing much information about her. theyre looking into why she did this. she attacked the kids at a th kindergarten i outskirts of beijing. right now all the cldren are receiving medical treatment and we're worki to learn more about how they're doing. >> thank you so much. haening today, northwest washington, 20 years later, a young man will be layed to rest at national cathedral. >> he was killed in october of
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1998 because h was openly gay. he became aym sbol for the gay rights movement. his family didn't bury his remains out of fear any public display for him will be vandalized. say the cathedral will be afe place for him. a section of president trump's border wall is now complete and the departmen of homeland security secretary will visit it today. news of thi partially completed wall comes as president trump is pected to order 800 active duty troops to the u.s.-mexico border. thousands of central americans are headed this way tryin to escapeiolence in their own country. the siz of this group has shrunk as some of them seek refugee status in mexico. >> police are searching for this man that threatened people that advocate for muslim-americans. he started yelling about islam
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and the man was upset over this post. it calls for the councilman to step down after he shared an anti-muslim me on facebook. the man eventually decided to leave, but it's what he did as he wked out that really scared the staff. >> and then did the throat cutting motion to another staffer, which we saw very much as a threat. >> he is no stranger to hate. the group often receives death threats. e office was evacuated nearly three years ago after the employee opened a letter containi a whi substance. >> they won't be intimidated after a man threatened them while they were volunteering at a polling place. 28-year-old jason wayne alongwo with t other people took pictures of the pollingsite. a retired police detective confronted them and things escalated. after a heated exchange, wayne
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shed his gun. >> i was concerned ofhe safety of everybody that was out here. >> turns out it was a b.b. gun. the two men weren't charged. the fbi is investigating into federal charges are appropriate in the case. new details on what may have lead to the electrocution of a 6-year-old girl this summer. they said yesterday that the utntractor hired to do the electrical work c corners. investigation revealed improper installation and numerous code violations. the third party hired to handle inspections failed to catch the problem. the fbi is workingith police to find out whether corruption played a role this next story is making the rounds all over social media.
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>> a broken h turned into a lucky break for a new jersey man after he joined a $1 million lotterl winning p at a hospital. 87-year-old earl livingston was walking to the store to buy a lottery ticket on tuesday. nd was asked to join the employee pool it ended up being a $1 million ticket. >> i want tonk everybody. i appreciate it very much and god bless you and have a happy, happy long life. the winnings will be split by more than40 employees. livingston will need a hip replacement but he's extremely grateful for the kindness of the staff. still ahead, millions of models t ofs wildly popular car are being recalled. >> plus if you drive in the district, newules are now in effect. what you want to know before you head out onour morning
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commute. chuck. good morning, a cloudy day coming your way today. chances for heavy rain and a rather sog start to your weekend. complete check of the
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the washington post said amie hoeber is a standard issue partisan with no fresh ideas. but it's the ideas she does have that should scare us. defund planned parenthood- taving women without acce cancer screenings. repeal the affordable care act- devastating families with pre existing conditions. and cut federal funding to combat opios. david trone will support woman's reproductive health. fully fund the very personal fight against opioids. fo and strengthen the able care act. i'm david trone and i approve this message.
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>> a major recall to tell you about this morning. ford is recalling 1.5 million focus vehicles. it could stall without warning. thisffects models from 2012 to 2015 with 2 liter and 4 cylinder engines. they should keep their gas tanks at least half full until repairs
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can be ma. >> anotherrecall to keep in mind when you get ready to eat your lunch, giant is recalling some of its own brand salads due to listeria and salmonella concerns. the products are homestyleas and mozzarella salad and fire cracker an ingredient provided by a supplier may be w.ov an ingredient ed by a supplier may be contaminated. >> the newest iphone hits the world. it costs about $750. i'm sorry, what? >> that's the cheap one. >> $750. it's much less than other new phones on the market. apple shoppers have three to choose from. the 10s, the 10s max. they're already in stores.
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if the cheaper version is $750, no wonder i have an iphone 6. don't ask me to buy the update. >> you can't even make a phone call on that thing. >> don't judge me. today marks day two of a traffic safety blitz in the district. >> there could be surprises on the roads today. the focus is on bike lanes. the mayor announced increased fines for blocking the bike lan lanes. >> we want to see all the numbers go down and one way we'll do it is by reducing speed, keeping people from running red lights and inenfo distracted driving and making sure that people are paying attention to what they're doing. >> the mayor helped install one of theew many turn on red signs in the city.
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this is part of the plan to make the road safer for those not in cars. >> today we may learn more about megyn kelly's future with nbc. she is scheduled to meet with executives. she be on tv again this morning. at 9:00 a repeat episode o megyn kelly will air. she apologized forme cs she made questioning why it was acceptable to dress in blackface for halloween, or saying that it was. >> we mentioned at the beginnine of program that we had a few more details about the cancellation of saturday's walk to end hiv event. it will be held on decembe 1st. even though there's a newda , the brunch to end hiv will go on as planned. you can find out more information in the app. >> this is a tough call. even though they want to have this plannedout, they want to be safe and fun.
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>> it's not like we're facing hurricane forced winds or anything but a steady rain with gusty breezes is going to be an ugly saturday morning and half the reason to do the event is to have the fun. >> it's going to be cold. >> well, 42. >> it could be colder. >> that's true. >> the issue here is the rain outside.breeziness so it's not going to be a pleasant start to your weekend. we proved our weather outlook for sunday. right now, though, it's all t abou clouds racing in. a little sunshine here first thing this morning. skies have been clear for the overnight. it's cold but the clouds are on the waynd the rain is not far behind that. let me show you futureweather. partly to mostly cloudy by noontime and a chance f as early as 3:00 or 4:00.
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bring your umbrella with you. it will be a rainy friday night. and here's saturday morning, 6:00 to 9:00,reezy as well. northeast winds tomorrow in that 15 t 25iles per hour range. rain tapering back to showers late tomorrowhe afternoon and drying out for saturday night into early sunday morning and then mostly cloudy on sunday but not much of a rain chance until after the sun goesdown. it's 52 with the rain moving in today. all the latest on our nbc washington app. and then m of sunday's rain chance come in in evening hours andrs lin into monday morning. >> thank you, chuck. right now taking a look at the beltway here. it is nice and clear.
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e's a lit bit of a left lane standing by in that area. northbound 270 beten the beltway and when you get on to 270 northbound a lt lane getting by there. overall looking pretty good. >> melissa, thank you. still ahead, book those tickets, plan that route, thanksgiving will be here before you know it. now is the time to get the travel plans ready. melissa has the tips you need to get to your destination smoothly. >> later today on hyellen. >>asn't i invited to kylie'sth by party. >> oh. you know that that is such a good question. >> thank you. >> but i brought yar a
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favor. >> i don't care. >> kris jenner stopping by to answer ellen's burning questions. then stick around for news 4 at 4:00. we'll be right back. i'm alex trebek here to tell you about the colonial penn program. if you're age 50-85 and looking to buy life insurance on a fixed budget, remember the three p's. the three what? the three p's? what are the three p's? the thre ap's of life insurance ixed budget are price, price, and price. a price you can afford, a price that can't increase, and a price that fits your budget. i'm 54 and i was a smoker but quit. alex, what's my price? you can get coverage for $9.95 a month.d, i'm 65, retiand take medic. what's my price? also $9.95 a month.
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i just turned 80 and i'm on a fixed income. what my price? $9if you're age 50 to 85,o. call now about the number one most popula whole life insurance plan available through e colonial penn program. it has an affordable rate starting at $9.95 a month. that's less than 35 a day. you cannot be tur ed down because of yalth. no medical exam, no health questions. your acceptance is guaranteed, and this plan has a guaranteed lifetime rate lock, so yfor rate can never go up any reason. and with this plan, you can pick your paymt date, so you can time your premium due date to work with your budget. options start at $9.95 a month, plus, you get a 30-daymone. so call now for free information. and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner, and it yours just for calling. so call now.
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we are about a month away fromiv thankg now and while you don't need to go out and buy the turkey quite yet, you may want to start thinking about your travel. p >> from booking flights to picking the best time to travel, a lot of decisionsou made now
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can make or break your holiday. hi, melissa. >> it can be the most wonderful time of the year and also frantic and stssful. th is the week to book thanksgiving travel. >>ar kimberlyn knows the pain of holiday travel. >> you think every person inhu nity has been put right in this place. >> she's been a travel adviser for more than 30 years and says there's fou things to know when booking that trip. >> first. >> travel on the o days. >> thanksgiving day, new year's day save cash and leaving at a time that sms whacky might help. >> and being super flexible. early in the morning or late at eght. >> lesays the smartest thing youan do ise a planner. >> book way in advance, if you can. >> except for around
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thanksgiving, a tuesday or wednesday is the best. being flexibility isn't just good for thatliramped a seat but your wallet too. >> she typically books her trip afterhe holid rush. >> also consider flying out of one airport and into another. lesser used airports might be the golden ticket. according to kayak.coms t year you should book thanksgiving or christmas flights no less than four weeks out. new year's, six weeks ahead. you might think of travel agents for big ips, but an adviser can help around the holidays tor give them y cast parameters. they can watch for you and have relation with hotels and resorts. >> we can find things that c possibly y't find on the internet. >> right now your average domestic light will run bween 300 and $400 butfter hallowe
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halloween, prices head north. >> it's marathon weekend. it's woing to be and breezy for tomorrow but i'm optstistic clouds and no rain drops. more about the timing of the rain coming up. >> plus a toxic culture for the terps. a new report just released giving us an inside look into maryland's football program. >>akanda in washington. the black panthers costume comes to life in our backyard. we'll give you a closer look. (alex trebek) $8,000. over $0. now, why is this number so important? because $8,508 is the average cost of a funeral.
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if youready planned how to help cover your final expenses, like this one, great. but if you haven't, i'm here to tell you about the number one most popular whole lifensurance plan through the colonial penn program. if you're between age 50 and 85, the good news is it's not too late, because you can start here, right now. so call now. you won'lone. over half a million people called last year for free information options start at $9.95 a month, less t cents a day. a good price, if you're on a tight budget or a fixed income. there are no health questions your acceptance is guaranteed. options start at $9.95 a month, f you have health problems, and you cannot be charged a higher rate for any health reason. best of all, unlike many plans, once you're covered, your rate is locked in for life and can never go up for any reason.
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you get a lifetime rate lock guarantee, plus a 30-day money back guarantee. so cnow for free information, and you'll also get this free beneficiary planner. this valuable guide is a great hp for you and the loved ones you leave behind. iuse it to record yoortant information and give helpful direction about your final wishes. and it's yours free just for calling. so call now.
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announcer: the following will surprise you about barbara comstock: barbara comstock: "i think roe vs wade should be overturned and the state should decide it." announcer: that's right. comsck supports taking away a woman's right to choose. she voted to defund planned parenthood 6 times, limitingceomen's access to contion. and comstock votes with trump ninety percent of the tito jennifer wexn: endorsed by the washington post. she'll protect e.a woman's right to cho jennif. indepesience usa pac is respe for the content of this advertising. >> now it may look okay outside but the weather is going to change tonight. >> rain is on the way andll it
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e severe when it hits. chuck bell isere tracking the timing. >> we'll check with him before we get toelsa with any updates on the road. >> it's going to be forming a coastorm off the east here late tonight and into tomorrow so weather conditions will deteriorate rapidly during the second half of theay today. it is cold this morning. 48 in arlington. 36 inma land. so your dog walking forecast then for today, this little guy here, he's available for adoption. you can go to their website and find out how to bring him into your family. dog walking forecast, walk early today. the sooner the better.
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get your extra miles in first thing this morning because by the time you get homen the r will be moving in. melissa, dorm doesn't like walking in the rain i'm guessing. >> the couch is his thing now. i get th. 's a new work zone and that project underway. beltway looking goodno right no problems inner loop or outer loop of the beltway. southbound bw parkway. we still have z the worke with the left lane getting by and we're seeing delays northbound through the same section. 66 no problem. 95 no problem and prince geor's county everything looking good as well. >> thank you. it's 4:30 a we turn to the latest developments in the suspicious


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