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tv   News4 at 6  NBC  July 5, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT

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w northh their very heavy rainfall is affecting parts of page county and shennit cou as well as -- the good news is most of us look to stay mainly dry out there tonight. not the case tomorrow. i'm tracking widespread rain and ndunderstorms at times during the afternoon avening hours. a good chance that some of us will be dealing with severehe weat tomorrow. i'll have more on saturday's outlook and sunday as well. that is coming up at 6:15. a montgomery police officer the streets ton the department is investigating whether he used excessive force curing an arrest. >> that's right. >> and video of the incident is now sparking outrage on social media. the officer is seen right there kneeing a man in e head while that man was pinned down, and now we know what happened just
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moments before this video was taken. >> the man was trying to sell hallucinogenic mushrooms. corey smith with more on the investigation. to >> reporter: y we spoke to the family of a 19-year-old in that vieo who said they will seek justice. it's the knee to the head and the pull of the shirt that's so troubling to montgomery county executive. >> there's noustification for that. >> but the chief was not ready to say whether the actions he violated tdepartment's use of force policy. >> and then i see the officer do come extraffic click lar ac -- l
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at a res of that incident, he's had hisrie the september allegedly tried to sell hallucinogenic mushrooms to an undercover police officer and when they tried to arrest him he sis ed and thi the second high-profile incide high-profile incident. the we asked the acting hief whether the latest filming incident is a setback. >> we're trance parent and we'ring it to look at them. we take these metsers ve
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seriously. >> tonight justice officis and the commerce department now are trying to find ways to get a question aboutitizenship on to the 20 to censut. hey are acting on orders from president trump and even though the form b areing presented without the question, the supreme court says the administration'sti justifica for including it was murky and contrived. just one of the things the president spoke about today on his way to hisfk. here it is. the president talked about the new job numbers and census and talked immigration as he left for his golf resort in new jersey, and you're right. he hasn't given up on the idea of having a question about citizenship on the upcoming census. pausing as leaves the white house, president trump takes a victory lap i willew the n jobs
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mums. >> those were really unexpectedly good an our country continues to do well. >> prosperity, the president. >> which -- we have a tremendous onslaught of get to -- as protests gw outside the u.s. customs agency in washington shand are the the country and improtestants will soon. >> conditions that people are fleeing are so much worse than they face here. >> reporter: along with the threat of a nationwide dragnet, the president is also continuing for a push for a citizenship
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question on the -- including we're working on a lot of things including an executive lawyer. >> nooubt triggering more lawsuits over the issue. k and forth continues as leon talked about, they are already printing the forms for the upcoming census. the president suggesting if he can win approval that they can add an addendum. susan, still a lot to sort out. >> sure is, jay. thanks so much. well, right now investigators in the bahamas are trying to figure out what caused a president crash that left seven americans dead. among them a billionaire coal executive andhilanthropist and his 22-year-old daughter cam ryne was also killed. authorities like this crashed into the ocean shortly after tikhonov yesterday.
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klein is a majorrepublican donor who contributed to president trump's inaugural committee. >> wizards and capitals owner is mourni the loss of a friend who was killed this week in maryland. jeffrey sessions and his wife died in a jetski crash in anne arundel county. sessions was the ceo of -- and i actually travel with the team. the couple died early wednesday morning wh morning. >> even more protests will take place tomrow at freedom plaza. one block down pennsylvania avenue an anti-fascist group is gathering. as news 4's mark segraves report, d.c. poli are bracing
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for what could be a clash idbetween the oat posing s. >> when is what the d.c. policen chief isg to avoid, the violrot confations in portland, oregon, last month when members of the known white supremacist group known ashe proud boys clashed with anti-fascist demonstrators. tomorrow is the ti-free speech will feature boz dozens of alt right activists. >> those are good news. . >> to help the police. >>dave. >> who threatened violence. >> they want us quiet and don't want us to have our event. he had a totally becauseful event. >> fewer than 1 hunn people attended san francisco and because of the large numbers of supporters for president trump cause of the july 4th
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speech and the counterprotesters, bolice are preparing for the possibility of large crowd that may try to clash. >> we have every intention of t keeping opposing group separate. give them the opportunity to say what they want to say. >> tmorrow ewally is -- like anti-luce him activist -- tomorrow's rally at freedom plaza runs from 3:00 in the morning until 3:00. in thedistract, mark graves, news 4. >> and while there's no scedule street closures tomorrow, police say be prepar for random road closures and curbing park along pennsylvania aenue.
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th man at the center of a that rocked d politics has finally completed his if the sentenceps jeffrey thomon pleaded guilty to a federal chark b in 2014. prosecutors say thompson was tha stermind of a shadow campaign to funnel money to the 20 so election, fund of former d.c. mayor vincent gray who was never charged in this case. >> a judged decide to end that supervision one month early. >> so what you're about to see is the cziest video of the day. the massive hole in the wood and one car literally spal owed by it last nigh and finally fished out today. aimee cho is going to join us th live from scene with an update there. >> plus, overnight fireworks leadomto se house fires. e'll tell you what firefighters want you to know before the weekend that could give us even more scenes like this.
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>> and out there tonight, most of us are getting a break from the showers. hour-by-hour r forecast coming up.
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a crash in prince george's county sends seven people to the
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hospital. in vehicles crieded beltsville on powder hill road and the car's front ends were completely torn off. two people were seriously hurt and had to be cut out of th car. still there's no word on what cause that had draft. >> rushing rain literally caused a street to sink. take a look behind me literally swallowed a car in the process. chopper 4 shot the video of this unusual scene and took almost a whole day to fish the car out of the hole and we'llo to aimee cho live on the scene with the latest. aimee. >> reporter: hi, susan this. sinkhole is not going anywhere any time soon. i want to give you a look behind me over there. th thing is a 20 feet deep.yo to gi an idea of how massive it is and the van just
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happened to be parked inhat at last night. >> i can't even see it's that deep. >> apsych holeswallowed up the street. today, he came to see it for himself. >> how many cars arein there. >> just one car, the picture from last night showing the car just barely visible as it sank to the bottom. luckily no one was in it atmhe tie. >> i still couldn't see the car even when i snuck a little closer. he said i's up on the side and still can't see it. >> today a fleet of trucks working toet the car out and crews think the sinkhole opened up becauseof all the heavy rain last night saying the water poured into an underground pipe and swept it awaya cusing the ground above to collapse. >> feel very bad. you have to start thinking is that a one-car family. >> victor is on the prince william county board of supervisors. >> it lets you know when moter naturs happening we need to
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pay very close attention to her. >> it will likely take up to two weeks forrs to fill in the hole and reopen the roads. neighbors are glad that no one is hurt. >> when it stts raining like that sometimes i pull up to the side of the ro a sobody could do that right here. >> grews tell me -- it's been collecting rain water and that's what caused the road to wash away. aimee cho. news 4. >> thank you, aimee. aftershock hit california southern this morning after people had to deal with the stoppingest act in decades. we've all been watching the information coming in. the 6.4 quick hit in the mojave desert 150 people away.
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seismologists say why the. it uld be 125 times stronger than what rattled folks yesterda >> we're used to after shacks. we are not -- >> there's an earthquake alert system andeople are wondering what the -- >> this issin explosion outsides two firstores in south carolina was caused by a fi that was intentionally set. the fire started in the storage container. once the fire was started, those
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fireworks did not so far no, arrests have been made. >> speakingof -- at least you could say it. exactly. lot people said the saw some rain. what happened? >> we saw the temperature inversion and i'll explain that in a moment and because of how the atmosphere was set up, not only could we not see the fireworks but the air quality from the fireworks going off was terrible. >> wow. >> absolutely terrible, so i want to read a tweet her. i've- he said the numbers last nights, the air quality, rivaled the highest rals from the -- we might want to think about when we're talking fireworks off.
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>> will be here's what would no. on a noam. p:mo that's . >> you have the warm air at the surface and then the cold air pulls it p. haer 50s what happened last night. cooler air at the sur. the air was dropped and kept building. you could see -- what westerly wind that we had couldt buing it into are. as we talk about the orms tonight, isolated, staest of us. some rain but not a kin.
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we'll keep it dry monday and tuesday. th currentlook of storm team 478 raid'. from the shenandoah valley and very heavy rainfall, you can see the storm pushing east at 10 to 15 miles per hour, skill tracking scattered showers and thunderstorms into parts of montgomery and howa counties and up around the clarksburg area. no longer seeing in. this is slowly pushing off to the east and starting to fizzle out. as it does so, here's future weather. i'm stopping it at 7:00 p.m. still seeing rain back around the mountains and maybe the shower g on in howard county. >> it's warm and he is going. and as we look --aybe there's some shoes are. >> we have the nats game
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starting tomorrow afternoon and 4:00 p.m. we're tracking areas of rain. ome of that rain will be heavy and some of those storms tomorrow will have some damaging winds. as the kun gosun goes down the of storms fizzled out. the impact of storminess or tomw, updating this based on new information, earlier i was thinking 3 to 9 and now i'm thndking between 2:00 a 7:00 p.m. hervey rain will be the biggest concern followed by some strong gusty winds. here's your storm team 1nd what are the chances you are dealing with thunderstorms. that is a little bit leer on sunday and here's the thing. i can't rule out some sho rs during the morning hours and then afternoon showers. that includes the evening many
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hour. coming up at 6 30k:30 i'll have the heat index be monday. tuite is a high of -- >> monday and tuesday we'll be keeping it dry. >> thanks, amelia. thanks, amelia. >> this weekend is national cut the cord day when people ditch their cable>> service. nd as cord-cutting gets more opular beware. streaming services are getting more expensive. we're going break it all down for you at 6:30. >> a devastating fire ine bowi displaces a family of
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honey, this gig-speed internet is ridiculously fast. we are seriously keeping up with the joneses. keeping up with the ford's. keeping up with the garcia's. the romeros. patels. the wahh-the-wahh wolanske's. right. no one is going to have internet like this. xfinity makes keeping up with the joneses simple. easy. awesome. want gig-speed internet? we've got you covered. or check out our oths amazing speed option new low prices. get started now for as low as $.99 a month. call, click or visit a store today.
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a local familiar life nine has been displaced afterire ripped through their home this week. the father has coached in the ye community for s. >> now that community is trying to make life better for him and his seven children. prince george's couauty bure chief tracey wilkins has the story. >> when i came out ofouse i saw flames coming out of the garage. 1911 chael vaughn called when he saw his neighbor's house on fire and thext question is is it the family of fine side. they kent live there for now. it's devastating.
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>> the goodly are the people you want to have your kids play with or live next floor. >> there's a fund-raiser being held to kept get them back o their feet. >> grew up in bowie and a huge testament of them wanting to raise their family here. >> lanse. coach lam would asking him to -- now whe communitynts to return the favor. >> of course i want to get in thlye as quick as possible. >> this fair started in the kraj and it depoid.
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in. in bowie, tracey wilkins, news 4. >> well, coming up, fireworks set off some house fires overnight. what firefighters want you to know if there's any explosive celebrations in your weekend planner. >> plus, getting red for the next phase of work along i-66. why some drivers say tear scared torive it right new. >> amelia is tracking tonight's stormsand what y ou
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and starting off at 6:30 with storm team 4, amelia draper
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watching more threats of storms. >> we'll settle into a pattern that doesn't want to seem to leave us. >> exactly, leon. we've had high pressure down in the southeast and that's just allowing moisture to get cooledt up from gulf and ride over that ridge of high pressure and where it rides over is right in our area. with the heat and humidity. that fires up thunderstorms and that's exactly what i'm tracking out there right now. as sus said not as intense or widespread as they were out there last night but i'm still on king some areas of rain storm team 4 radar. noteworthy areas, up around mont iomery countyto howard county and also back around the luray area and dupage county, showers moving easted a only is a to 20 miles per hour. it will fizzle out. if you're in fauquier and loudoun county we may get --
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want to keep that in mutual fund in those locations until 9:00, sock tonight. just some isolate showers out there and otherwise we're 89 degrees. white had us are completely dry and almost tomorrow i have the heat index for saturda and sunday. ming up a different kind of fireworks displace on the mall created a disaster. >> news 4's derrick ward is in northwest washington with a warning from investigators. ness. >>reporter: professional fireworks teams take all kinds of precautions and they get inspected and monitored. still, despite d.c. laws non-professionals can get their hands on pretty formidable stuff. >> warning investigators say
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they are responsible for thefi re that xwuted this wood frameha on barn around 1:00 a.m. and everyone including the pes got out safely. >> could have had far worse implications if people hadeen asleep. or th could have spread to other homes on the block. >> you could see this every year, and it just use bigger and bigger whatever those things are every year to make more noise ando up higher. >> warningel lab and to again the water handy so you can douse them. theree warning labels out in the world and what makes a difference if something goes wrong and a fire started? >> derrick ward, news 4. >> not the only house fire caused by fireworks. a home in anendale was damaged, too.
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five people were forced out of this structure. fairfax county fire investigators tell us the fire was started by fireworks not properly disposed of. if you're throwing out fireworks, make sure to place them out of reach. >> one officer is seeneo on vid kneeing a man's head during the arrest and the incident playing out on wednesday and the officer kevin more sis n off the streets while they investigate whether he used excessive force. police say the man in the video was selling hallucinogenic mushrooms. his family says theyill seek justice. >> there are security concerns s around yterday ealt right
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rally. counterpush exercise. >> authorities say it could be two weeks before -- heav rain and the road bed creating the sinkhole. it's larger during the day and dragging a vehicle into the pit. it took all way to fish it out. be. and an entire travel corridor in northern virginia getting some new toll lines. i-66 is well under construction at every twist and turn, and some drivers say they are a bit ous to drive on that road as it is right now. news 4 transportation reporter adam tuss has our report. >> i-66. it's been called many things, most of them not nice. >> it was not that lo agohat i-66 was named and i quote the worst damn highway in america. >> d for people like ivan 66
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is downrightfrightening. >> the scares me. >> ivan likes to ride his motorcycle and if the construction wasn't bad near and all this is a whole other problem. >> the pavement is rough andch ging lanes or something, and the motorcycle pulls, and i'm not that good. >> reporter: 66 is going through a massive change from the d.c. line all the way to gainesville. outside the beltwayew toll lanes are being added and that's dramatically reshaping the look and feel of the road. >> this whole area is changing. you've heard of snow piles. how about mulchpiles. take a look as rows and rows of trees are reduced to the huge piles along i-66. remember, the road is pushing ne out two lanes in each direction. >> i usually drive 66 rn the mog real early when there's hardly any traffic and i usuallt avoid i right now. >> inside the beltway a new lane under construction between the
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connector and paulson. that's the stretch that's gotten so much criticism about tolls at rush hour. a new meeting coming up in arlington about all the week. keep in mind for maryland drivers, a toll lane proposal uld look pretty similar to this work here in virginia. still years worth of construction left and new toll lanes outside the beltway are scheduled to open in 2022. in northern virginia, adam tuss, news 4. >> well, as the museum gets ready to shut its doors what the building's new owrs have a plan. they submitted a plan to convert the prime piece of real estate along pennsylvania avenue into a state of the art educational facility. this is what it could look like. as you can see, the school is proposing a dramatic change to the outside, but we know that that massive first amendment tablet will be thremoved. e newseum is set to close at the end of the year. it's not announced a new
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location yesterday. o >> still to c tonight, cutting the cord is more popular than ever for people who want to get theirer enttainment some place other than cable, but it'g also gett more expensive. >> plus, coco winsag n. the teen phenom taking the world by storm at wimbldon. >> a weare tracking more heavy rain and storms. amelia hats forecast for tonight
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the teenager who accused actor kevin spacey of groping him in a bar has dropped the civil suit. the teenager accused that spacee assaulted him in nantucket. the former "house of cards" actor facing a criminal charge and there's a hearing on that on monday. >> sunday is cut the cord day. record number of americans are now breaking up with cable buti
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ay not save you as much as nyou thik. that's because most people aren't cutting ties completely. they are still shelling out for internet service to switch to streaming from netflix to hulu and apple and even disnar. there e tons of options, but prices, they keep going up, too, so this year alone netflix subscriptions went up about a domoar a h and hulu live tv is $45 per month and youtube tv is $50 a month. to see sports on sling tv you have to shell out an extra $10 and all palacio's vi plans are up $5, of course, and we should mention that com st is the srent company of nbc 4. >>orry, millenials. no suc thing as a free lunch. they sl think everythingould be free. >> my kids are all moing and groening right now. >> bald eagles have been making a comeback for year but a new milestone reached in virginia.
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a survey of eagles nesting along james river found more than 300 pairs of bald eagles. the biggest strong hold in charles city and prince george all betweenmo rich and norfolk. in previous decades researchers said the eagles disappeared and they are now back big-time. >> coming up cannabis confusion. the changes sparked by a news 4 i-team investigation sparks the limits of drug testing and the legal headaches that could face cbd users. >> should we grab the umbrellas tonight? >> a lot can leave them at home including inside the beltway. evenost of fauquier county and down through southern maryland but in this area that's seeing rain you'll continue to see rain. i'm going to let t you know details of chicago and sunday coming up in my updated forecast. this is fred.
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now to a news 4 i-team investigation getting results. after it was discovered they n't determine between a popularme supplent and cannabiss therelready a look at how state labs handle marijuana cases. >> reporter: in a criminal justice system that relies on scientific evidence and laboratory testing, department of forensic science director linda jackson says the results at her state lab must be >> the new law has definitely cos.licated all of thi >> before virginia law changed the definition of marijuana in
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march, tests only had to determine whether products contain thc. thatpo the comnt that gets users high. now that the definition allows for hemp products like cbd to have trace amounts no greater than .3%, the labs must be able to determine the exact amount. >> sometimes the law runs ahead. >> reporter:an the marijua bill took effect as emerncy legislation for agricultural production of hemp could begin immediately buthe criminal justice part of the law have left people like kyle in legal limbo. fredericksburg police arrested the store owner for selling marijuana and he told the i-team it was all cbd. >> we didn't want to place people in legal jeopardy. >> reporter: it's tough for police and prosecutors to be aware of every new law almediately, and when the state lab init tested some of kyle's products they did have thc, we just don't know how much.te to camp k things even
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further, the field tests police use to identify marijuana alsom cback positive for cbd. we can't tell the difference because they are designed to detect cannabinoids and now they are trying to use the field tests in court. >> the only thing we can do as legislators is urge our executive branch partners to ensure that this ishi somet that they should >> they also test the product andemp products. this says cbd andhe question is is it a plant or a product? >> do you think th there will be a criminal justice look at nd marijuana cbd las. >> thanks to the --
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evidence that requires the more advanced test will go actually now be on hold until those teste up and running and in the meantime she's warned police and prosecuto about the testing limitations s thathe can make appropriate determinations and to watch the en series on field test go o the nbc washington app and click on investigation. >> so we've had a hot and humid week but at least we're used to it here in the summertime and we're not complaining, but you know who is and who is not used to, it anchorage, alaska. they have broke an all-time temperature record here, the hottest that city has ever been inyrecorded histor date willing it was 90 degrees there. it didn't just beat the old record t.shattered it. the last record was 85, and thia got people up there snapping pictures like this one. dogs laid out on the porchesfa
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with the blowing on them. the thermostat inside the house hit 85 degrees, and they d't have air conditioning up in anchorage. >> why would they? >> so if it's 85 inside the house you can imagine what it must feel like up there. the national weher service says new temperature records have been set all over the statt and the he wave is expected to continue up thexre for the week as well. >> and, i mean, this is not normal, right? you might say oh, my gosh, we don't have air conditioning, we've been talking about how much theemperatures are warming closer to the pole as they get closer to the equators. not only are we talking about warming temperatures in alaska, the snowfall was much less th season overall and that's stuff that they depend on. >> they are not counting on these warm temperatures and in t addition toat they are dealing with wildfires that are leading to bad air quality and what's going on up in alaska.
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>> can you imagine how the grizzly bears feel. a fur's coat and it 990 degrees outside. think about that dog picture anat was actually posted by a climatologist bri, and he was saying that him andr his doubte were in a store counting the eople walking in with shorts and he was surprised actuallyma how people owned shorts. >> right. >> but back here in our weather here on storm team 4 radar, i'm tracking some areas of rain up into parts of carroll and baltimore cots and this line of rain continues to persist and back now into parts of rappahannock county, page, warren,ll expected to see heavier rain shift down around the harrsonburg area. this will make it toqu faur but will fizzle when we get to
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the western parts of fauquier county dealing with a little bit of rain. prince william, fairfax county, the district, alexandria and down to the southly real do stay dry and fireworks displays, going on tonight. that's going to be fine. some severe thunderstorms are in the forecast for tomorrow. the when i sayy is vehicles i mean heavy rainfall and some dama willing wind gusts are possible. more storms on sunday, but the best potential for severe weather over the weekend is goingo be tomorrow versus your sunday. we finally then see some relief on monday into tuesday. here's your weekend planner. it's a mig, mild start to your monday morning but it's dry. mix of clouds and sun out there. we're already in the mid to upper 80s. >> 70%. chance of showers especially between 2:00 and 8:00 p.m. it's humid, mid-70s already by 8:00 a.m., and by 5:00 p.m.
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we're in the upper 80s and we do have a storm chance around on sunday during the afternoon and early evening hours, but, again, that threat for severe weather, i'm seeing more so out there ond your saturdayring the afternoon and evening hours. i'm talking about the heat and humidity which is fueling theser thunderst. it's going to feel like 100 degrees out there tomorrow afternoon so extremely hot. make sure you're taking iteasy, wearing light-colored clothes and drinking plenty of water. s onday it feels like 59 degrees and the temperature and humidity levels come down it feels about 90 degrees out there during the afternoon hours. headed to the pool, the earlier you head the better, especially tomor sw as you the thunderstorm chance pick up as the day wears on. the nats game iso at h both saturday and sunday could be impacted by weather with delays potentially out there is peciallytomorrow. unfortunately, leon, exercise, i know, i know. >> it is heating up quickly.
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ge out there quickly. here soo the storm team 4 ten-day forecast. after the storm chances this weekend, i keep it dry most of next week, the only chance for thunderstorms comes on thursday when the humidity ticks up. it's n lookingce next tuesday and next friday, guys. >> all right. >> thanks, amelia. >> coming up, the nats are the hottest team in baseball, and they continued that with a win rnsterday afteoon. avey hear from manager martinez on the team's remarkable turnaround. >> first, here's nbc's peter alexander th a look at what's ahead on "nightly news." >> hundreds of aftershocks striking southern california after the strongest quake in 20 years and the mystery over what caused a helicopter crash dhat claime
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p. boy oh, boy. the host team in baseball is really cruising right now heading into the all-star break.
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>> it's perfect. the nats are like a tale of two different teams. very surprising announcement that just went down. guys, have you ever been invitr to prog but not really want to go? >> i don't know about prom. >> prom, kennedy center honors, something like that. that's kind of what's happening with anthonyho rendon just announced he won't go to the all-star game. it was his first all-star selection in seven seasons but now the dodgers max muncy will replace him. rendon wanted tose the time to rest and heel heal for the second half of the season. though it feels like the nats have already t goough two different seasons. on may 23rd the team was swept by the mets and at 19-3 is 8 1/2 back of the second wild card spot and seeme like the season was over, davey martinez's job was in jopardy bueam has done an about-face. they are now the hottest team in baseball since may 24th. in a three-way tie with the cubw
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and brewersith the n.l. wild card spot and closed the can igation in the gap to si positions, here's baefy martinez on th -- >> right now they are laying for not that, organization and teammates, a team that they believe in and it's been great. i've said this before onny siven day. anybody helps u win. it's always somebody different that helps us win. >> so the wizards kick off sucker league action tomorrow ill be the first chance to see 'swashington rui hachimura, the first japanese player drafted in the nba. he'll have a tough test as they play zion williamson and the pelicans. zion one of the most hyped players to enter d theft in quite some time. that should be good. there used to be a famous io professnal wrestler cold coco
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beware and at wimbledon y'all best bewa of coco, 15-year-old coco goff including her high school science teacher who didn't know she played tennis. the wonder teen has become the youngest teen to advance this far in the tournament since jennifer capioty. facing a tough st today. at centre court she lost the first set. down 5-2 in the second. tasted a tiebreak on an incredible 3 it-shot rally an finishes with the forehand winner and now we go to match pnt in the real. she faces former number one simona halep in the round of 16 ext. here's the unflappable team on her comeback win. >> i always say that i can come back no matter what the score is
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and i just went for my shots and i'm happy that the slice down the line went in. >> yourd hea the reaction of the crowd throughout the age. did yo ever dream of doing th at age is ta? >> crowd was amazing, even down a match point and they were ill cheering me on and i'm super thankful they believe in me. >> i all in on coco mania. maxscherzer's wife erika gave birth to casey heart. condrats to them on their newest bundle of joy and having a recent child as well. the baby blankets, whatever hospital, they have the blue and pink stripe. like a monopoly on the blankes.
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7:00 pm
tonight the moment of impact in california, the strongest earthquake in 20 years leaves communities badly damaged and still shaking om hundreds of after shocks. the new concern is an even bigger quake on the way. president trump, joe biden, and their new war of words. >> the idea that i'm being intimidated by donald trump, he's the bully i knew my whole life. >> the president's response and what he now says about including a question about citizenship on the census. rf>> severe weather, powe storms, excessive heat, and mi hudity in large parts of the community, and it's far from over. what travellers will li face this hoy weekend. >>a 13-year-old girl


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