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tv   Late Night With Seth Meyers  NBC  July 20, 2019 12:37am-1:37am EDT

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♪ [ cheers and applause ♪ >> announcer: from 30 rockefeller plaza in new york, it's "late night with seth meyers. tonight -- aubrey plaza star of "baskets" actor and comedian louie anderson, seth and rihanna go da drinking featuring the 8g band with jessica burdeaux ♪ [ cheers and applause ladies and gentlemen, seth meyers. >> seth: how is everybody doing? [ cheers and appuse that is great to hear. in that case, let's get started. so, you guys tonight, we are foregoing a monologue. we are foregoing a monolue we're going to get to "a closer
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look" a little later in the show i am -- i'm just going to admit it, i'm a little hung overbe i am hung over, use we did not tape the show yesterday. i spent yesterday afternoon day drinking [ cheers ] we've done that before on our show i day drank with kelly clarksone [ ch and applause i day drank with the barefoot rtcontessa herself, ina ga [ cheers and applause and we did it again yesterday with the one and the only, rihanna. take a look. [ cheers and applause >> seth: h t everybody it'se once again for day drinking and we're really excited about this one, because i'm here with rihanna. >> hi. >> seth: yeah. [ cheers and applause here we go, cheers >> wait, wait. you have to look at me with your eyes this is what i call a promate. are we going the whole day okay [ laughter ] >> seth: it's time for "day drinking with seth and rihanna."
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♪ ♪ hey >> seth: you don't have to [ laughter ] [ audience ohs ] >> okay. >> seth: that's more than ♪nough all right, join me at the bar. such a huge fan of yours i am now going to make a series of drinks based on some of my favorite of your songs >> okay. >> seth: because that's the level of service we provide here [ lahter ] this is a drink called "under my rum-brella." [ laughter ] >> what's in it? >> seth: all right, so it's rum. okay that's how we start it and then we're going to put in some chocolate rum balls >> what's a rum ball >> seth: um -- it's not important [ laughter ] you put a scoop of rum raisin ice cream. >> i'm nervous >> seten okay. and th of course a bunch of umbrellas. [ laughter ] and then - cheers [ clink [ laughter ] based on your face, i'm going to
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say that's a 8 out of 10 all right, this next one is "diamonds in the rye." it's going to have some rye whiskey. okay 'cause our diamonds is blue diamond almond milk. [ laughter ] cheers >> that's it >> seth: that's it >> i don't even like milk. this is scary. >> seth: well, it's a milk alternative. it's a nut milk. >> what? don't even say that ever again [ laughter ] >> seth: rihanna, you found love in a hopeless place. [ laughter ] whish is going to inspire th next drink i'll be right back >> now, i'm scared for real. >> seth: this is we found veuve in a hostess place [ laughter ] >> wait, we found what >> seth: veuve veuve clicquot in a hostess pla >> do you know how to open champagne, 'cause -- >> seth: why are you doing that? >> because [ light laughter ] >> seth: i feel like you have no confidence in me >> just point it that way. >> seth: i am going to [ pop [ laughter ] okay that was so anti-climatic. all right, so here is the veuve.
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and here is the hostess. [ laughter ] >> you got to be freaking kidding me, right? oy seth: come on, just e yourself >> you really want me to drink this >> seth: just have a sip of it, and tell me what you think >> i'm ting to stall - >> seth: open your to new things >> so that this could, like, suck up the entire drink, and i don't have to do it. [ laughter ] [ screams what's wrong with you? >> seth: it's not that bad >> mm. >> seth: n have a bite oh oh, my twinkie fell apart.-u >> uh-uh uhh. uh-uh. can i just - [ laughtpp ] [ cheers and alause >> seth: this is a drink i created in your honor called "bitch better have my bunny. [ laughter ] >> wait, what? >> seth: and here's how it works. >> wait. [ audience ohs ] here we go [ laughter ] [ glass breaking ] >> seth: there we go and we just pour a little tequila in there >> wait, a little? >> seth: all right, here we go
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>> yeah. just drink shut-up. >> seth: see, that's a good drink. oh, yeah, it's time for our first drinking game. are you read >> our first drinking game >> seth: well yeah, i feel like we've just been drinking this is a game >> oh. okay >> seth: there's right or wrong answers. >> you'rright. you're right >> seth: okay. so i, as a fashion icon, i'm curious if youemember where you wore certain outfits so here's the thing, if you can t,tell me where you wore i will drink and if you can't remember where you wore it, you will drink. all right. first one up where did you wear that? >> are you serious if i get it right. >> seth: i drink >> okay, at the met ball >> seth: wow, i'm going to do o. [ laughter ] >> twood oh, my gseth i knew you were crazy. >> seth: okay, ready they're getting harder now >> are you ready okay, let's go [ laughter ] i wore that in new york city >> seth: you did wear it in rk new yoity. do you know where you were going? >> i was walking down the street >> seth: yeah, okay. we can tell from the photo it was down the street.
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>> oh, my god. it's okay. >> seth: all right, i feel like you got new york >> i'll take the shot. [ bleep ] it >> seth: oh my goodness. >> yeah. >> seth: you just did salt cooler than i'll ever do salt in my life. [ laughter ] l right. ready? this one, i'll be very impressed if you can get this one right. ready? >> i'm nervous n dentist. >> seth: [ bleep ] kidding me? [ laughter ] >> dentist in new york city. a [ laughternd applause er seth: how do you rememb what you wear to the dentist the dentist? >> yeah. >> seth: how do you remember what you wore to the dtist >> the street. >> seth: oh [ bleep ]. you ass [ bleep ]. [ lauger ] you tell me she wouldn't get it, and you forgot, you put it on her [ bleep ] dentist's street >> you cut this whole -- [ laughter ] >> seth: you dummiese now i got to takanother shot you -- >> drink up. >> seth: i'm going to drink it >> you are drunk
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[ laughter ] we have wild - >> seth: we're just getting started. >> we're in for a wild day >> seth: this is going to hurt myace. [ laughter ] all right, so i think we all know bartenders are really good at giving advice i'm gointo get you a drink, and i want to give you the at you want to ask me.ything and i will give you advice on it >> oh, nice. >> seth: >> like ng >> seth: yeah. >> if i quit music - >> seth: oh. >> -- then what should i do? >> seth: oh, well, i feel like you have a lot of lines of business right now right? >> yeah, but i mean other than that >> seth: okay, you should be a pilot. >> i actually wanted to be a pilot. >> seth: you did want to be a pilot? s>> mm-hmm. >>h: at what age >> when i realized my grades sucked [ laughter ] >> seth: i don't want a lot who's grades to suck i want my pilot to - >> i do. >> seth: you do? >> yeah. be like, "hey, we're about to take off i got a d in science." [ laughter ]s >> as long got a in his pilot duty, i'm fine ]
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[ laughter >> seth: wait, can we switch places i want to ask you for some advice >> actually, i'm better at giving advice than asking it so, let's do it. >> seth: okay good i want to, like, blow my wife away with like a romantic night out. what do i do >> y said it >> seth: what? >> blow your wife. [ laughter ] >> seth: this is a network television show. >> is it >> seth: okay, i have a genuine advice question. your nickname is ri-ri what would be a good nickname for me >> damn. i don't even know you like that. like, i have to hakn a good >> seth: we've spent - we've drank tequila out of chocolate bunnies together >> you know what you're right so i should know you -g >> seth: so i'm goin count to three, and just say the first thing that comes to your head. >> -- inside and out by now. >> seth: 1, 2, 3 >> seth. [ laughter ] >> seth: youan't tell me my nickname is seth [ laughter ]
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>> yes >> seth: woo >> cheers! >> seth: cheers, everybody [ drinks clink ] my wife often says to me, i'm so lucky i married her, because i have no game but i would like to prove right now how good my game is. rihanna, feel free to ring this bell as soon as my pickup line is bad this is me showing off how good my game is hey, you look like a lady who was also underwhelmed by the "game of thrones" finale ng ]ughter ][ what's a nice boy like me doing in the big city without his parents? [ laughter ] [ ding ] >> wait, are you serious i don't even have the energy to lift my arm to that bell >> seth: hey, you looking to answer - e you -- [ laughter ] wait shh. excuse me.e are you thgirl from
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"battleship? >> jesus all right, are you desperate i leave. i'm out. [ ding ] i'm done [ laughter ] >> oeth: all right, so we're of the bar and for those of you who don't know, rihanna is not just a musician and actress, she's also a business woman, a philanthropist, and she has her own line "fenti beauty." and i would love if right now you could give me a summer eye all right, here we go. w's it going so far? [ laughter ] >> well, seth -- >>eth: is it coming alive? are you saying - >> you have wrinkles s h: what do you mean wrinkles >> don't do that, you're like -- >> seth: cut that out. >> you're [ bleep ] it up. [ laughter ] >> seth: make this eye 10 years younger, rihanna >> when you talk, it doesn't help, by the way >> seth: oh, my god. do you know what you're doing? >> no. [ laughter ] >> seth: oh, my god. [ ughter ] >> stop. >> seth: i mean, my eye is burning, but this is amazing >> okay. >> seth: all right i'm going to do mine all right. ready? >> no. don't like mess it up.
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>> seth: no. i'm doing my eye now i feel like -- hold on, let me do a little more blue >> i know.le >> seth: i need a liore blue on here >> you're giving me -- >> seth: that's really good. >> um -- >> seth: that's really good. >> i meant to say unicorn, but what's that movie? >> seth: what movie? >> with the blue people. >> seth: "avatar." >> yeah, that one. >> seth: wait. your best guess on what the title of "avatar" was unicorn? [ laughter ] and i would like to close tonight by giving the gift of music. and obviously, i'm a great fan of yours i'm going to put on these noise canceling headphones and i'm going to sing some of your songs to you. >> you're passione about this >> seth: what? >> you're passionate >> seth: i'm passionate about this >> be passionate about this! >> seth: okay. [ blowing ♪ ♪ wah-wah wah-wah wor ah da-da work work work work work do me la me ♪ ♪ dirt dirt dir dirt dirt dirt there's something bout tha work work work work ♪ ♪ work work nobody text me in a crisis
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♪a na na na ♪ [ laughter ] [ cheers and applause >> don't cry don't cry! ♪ something that yo never seen ♪ >> i think we're good. ♪ something tha you never been ♪e' >> i think wre good. i think we're good ♪ mmm and i wait for a biga ba ba da ba da ba da ba wo work work work ♪me ♪ meet own work wor work work work wor ♪e >> can whave another shot? >> seth: uh, yeah. >> shots for the run shot for the run ♪ nobody text m in a crisis ♪ ♪ all of myream and my laces love motivatio wanted was my me ♪ ♪ sometng that i never ha mething that you never see something you never been
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♪ and i wake up and lama deema dong ♪ ay ♪ wah wah wah wah wah all i do i wah wah h wah wah ♪ >> seth: this has been "day drinking with seth and rihanna"! [ cheers and applause we got a great show. aubrey plaza is here louie anderson is here and we will be right back with "a closer look," everybodyla [ cheers and ae ♪ ♪ wherever you are... whatever you're craving... and whenever you're craving it... doordash has the restaurants you want. delivered to your door. wherever your door happens to be. download doordas the most restaurants across america. first order, $0 delivery fee.
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12:52 am
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[ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: welcome back, everybody. give it up for the 8g band, right over there [ cheers and applause , alsol this week we've had a fantastic, up d coming drummer with us whose videos have garnered millions of views on social media t be sure to check outhe new single "sanity for summer" from her band, city mouth, on spotify. jessica burdeaux is here thank you for a great week, jessica! it's been a deligh [ cheers and applause after officially announcing his reelection bid, the president spent the week rambling in phons interviehile his administration threatened war with iran. for more on this it's time for "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ♪ >> seth: after his campaign , kickoff rally on tuesdayump decided to relive the evening last night by calling up one his most loyal servants, fox news host, sean hannity
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[ laughter ] and he turned almost the entirety of his hour long show over to the presidt and grilled him with hard hitting questions out the 2020 campaign. >> joining us now is the president ofhe united states president trump, sir, good to have you back on the program >> hi, sean. >> you seemed to really lovewh doin you did last night. it looked like tailgating partyd i actually, f, regretted not going because i wanted to hang out with the people outside because theyere having a blast. there's 20-some odd candidates i want to get your general thoughts on all of them. >> i look at some of them. i don't see george washington. i don't see churchill. i don't see anybody in particular that i worry about. >> i don't see george washington either, sir. [ light laughter ] w >> seth:t a suck up. "i don't see george washington either, sir. you're so funny, sir i wish i could tailgate with you, sir utdo you like my new haircsir? i started wearing my tie down to
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my crotch just like you, sir just like you,ir." [ cheers and applause also, what do you mean you don't see winston churchill? you're no ddnston churchill ei i don't care if you tried on a churchill-style hat when you're in the u.k., you don't look like churchill, you look like hardy ate laurelht [ laug ] and trump, of course, loves to bask in this kind of mindless praise, which is why he, once s again, droned on forlong that even hannity couldn't get him off the phone. this has happened with fox news hos before but this time hannity had to hand it over to the next fawning trump sycophant, laura ingraham, whose show started right after hannity's. again, this was like 45 minutesi into theerview >> our military is almost completed in terms of being rebuil and we are doing missile and missile technology that nobody's even seen before >> mr. president - >> and i'm thinking about do we announce it or do we not announce it. because, i've said, you've got to pay for nato. you know, the united states was --
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>> mr. president - >> you had a lot of countries that were delinquent i think we're going to have a -- >> mr. president - >> -- i hope we're going to have good relationship. but we're very a very strong country again and we're respected again, sean. >> i hate to interrupt you, but i actually took 15 mlautes of a ingraham's show. [ laughter ] >> seth: this keeps happening. he's a meandering old man t rambling on the phone ab nonsense and even his friends can't get him to hang up where is he even ming these calls? is he wandering around the white house lawn in his bathrobe [ light laughter ] at some point you expect to hear nurse on the other end screaming, "there you are, donald, come back to the white house. you have teat your pureed carrots. "but i don't want my carrots, that's where they hide the medicineht [ laug ] i'm on to you. then after that, it got even worse because hannity actually had hand trump over to ingrahamwo trump still uldn't stop talking. >> i actually took 15 minutes of laura ingraham's show, but i want to tell you - >> i know thatsh must not be happy now. >> it's her birthday today, sir. >> she's great person.
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>> i thought you might want to know that. >> i'll tell you what, i've known her for a long time and she's great person >> you can tell laura yourself happy birthday and thank you for being with us. and the president, i think, would like to wish you happy birthday >> hi, mr. president happy birthday wow, that's great. [ light laughter ] we've known each other a long time and congratulations on your show >> seth: they're just passing him around like when your grandpa calls on easter and everyone has to take turns ying hello [ laughter and applause "uh-huh. uh-huh oh, here's karen i'm going to hand you to karen." [ laughter and applause [ cheers and applause look look at -- even hannity -- hannity throwing up his hands.
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even he can't believe it at this point he could just stop showing up to work and change the name of his show to "grandpa's on the phone. [ laughter ] trump rambled on the phone for almost an hour about meaningle nonsense, and yet, when you actually want him to go into detail about something important like, y his administration's march to war with iran, he's much more tight-lipped today in the oval office he was asked about reports that iran shot down and unmanned u.s. drone now, iran says the drone was in its airspace trump, on the other hand, said the drone was over international watersdi but his explanation 't provide many details >> iran made a big mistake this drone was in international waters, clearly.e we hav all documented. it's documented scientifically, not just words >> seth: oh. [ laught ] well, if it's documented scientifically, i feel so much bettergh [ lilaughter ] if there's anyone i trust with science, it's donald trump [ light laughter ] imi could definitely see hn a lab coat and goggles writing out a proof on a chalkboard. what did you find, donald? "i ate the chalk [ laughter ]
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i ate the chalk before i was done." it's important to note that ni trump can't just uterally go to war with iran the constitution says he needs authorization from congress, which he does not have and even though he spent two years flaunting the law during his rally on tuesday, trum wlied and claimed held protect the constitution and even said democrats were the ones destroying it. >> imagine if we had a democrat president and a democrat congress in 2020ca they would strip ame of their constitutional rights. this election is a verdict on whether we want tr live in a cowhere the people who lose an election refuse to concede and spend the next two years trying to shred our constitution >> seth: dude, you tried to stop an investigation of your own campaign and you called a fake national emergency to build a border wall on your own. the only way you could care less about the constitution is if it was written in spanish [ laughter ] i doubt trump could identify even one of the founding fathers.
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if you showed him a picture d, john adams and saiho's this? he'd go, "uh, is it paul giamatti? [ lahter ] in fact, as we speak, trump is waging war on congress instructing aides to defy subpoenas and refusing to turn over his tax returns or financial records. even though trump keeps claiming, as he did in his abc interview on sunday, that hepe wants some unsfied financial statement to be made public. or rather, he tried to make that claim but was interrupd by a staffer in the room. >> at some point i hope they get it because it's a fantastic financial it's a fanta financial statement. let's do that overgh he's couing in the middle of my answer. >> yeah. >> i don't like that, you know >> your chief of staff >> if you are going to cough, please leave the room. >> let's get a shot of -- i'll come over here >> you just can't do to change the shot >> sorry do you want to do that a little differently then? >> yeah, we just changed the angle. >> so at some point -- [ laught ] >> seth: look, i know we've all
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talked about the coughing, but look at him glaring at the camera like that this looks like one of those nature videos where a lion finds a night vision camera in a bush. [ laughter ] so trump's just brazenly defying subpoenas in violation of the constitution and the law in fact, trump's white house even instructed his former communications director, hope hicks, to defy a subpoena for documents and refused to answer questions when she testified yesterday in front of the house judiciary committee. hicks is absolutely immune from being compelled to answer questions about her time as a senior advisor to the president. well, there we go. she has absolute there's june problem, no one knows what the hell that means uc >> there is no sthing as absolute immunity. i mean, it just doesn't exist. i can't even explain to you what they could or couldn't assert. as far as i can tell it's a made up term. >> seth: absolute immunity sounds like a hair growth supplement they sell at gnc. [ laughter ] this is totally the trump administration's style
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when the existing legal terms aren't working out for them,ve they just in some new ones they're like kids on a playground daring each other to lick a frozen pole i have absolute immunityea oh y well i have double dog absolute immunity. well i have triple dog secret immunityba no take s. [ laughter ] trump's promise to restore the constitution was just another lie, and another in a long list of broken promises now that he's runng for reelection, trump and his team are criticizing democrats for supposedly making promises they can't keep as his son, don jr., did at that reelection rally on tuesday. j biden comes out, well, if you elect me president, i'm going to cure cancer wow. why the hell didn't you do that over the last 50 years, joe? >> seth: you know what we need to cure, whatever the hell is growing on your face [ laughterbecause it's definite beard. you look like a little kid going as a hobo for halloween. [ laughter ] i think you might be using your absolute immunity wrong. also, what do you mean, we should have cured cancer 50 years ago
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that's not how scientific progress works, it takes time. when the iphone first came out, nobody said, why the hell didn't we have these during world war ii [ laughter ] there'even an app that helps you find nazis [ laughter ] but, hey, there you go politicians who make outlandish promises like curing cancer should not be believed, got it th>> we will come up with cures to many, many problems, to many, many diseases, including cancer and others we will lay the foundation for landing american astronauts on the surface of mars. >> seth: amazing not only did he say the exact same thing a few hours later, he went even further and said we would land on mars and to promise a cure for cancea as well asrip to mars is pretty cocky for a guy who is only about 35 bricks into his wall [ laughter ] "this wall [ cheers and applause this wall is a lot harder than i thought.
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should we just do cancer [ laughter ] should we bail on the wall and do cancer? [ laughter ] this week, we've seen the core of trump on full display n he abused the law, as a constraint on his power, but as others and he's makingainst promises because he's failed on the ones he already made not only should he be impeached, we should send him somewhere he can't do any damage. you know, like - >> the surface of mars >> seth: this has been "a closer look." [ cheers and applause ♪ we'll be right back with aubrey plaza, everybody. ♪ cheers and applause >> for more of seth's "close s looks," be sure toscribe to "late night" on youtube. [text tone] [text tone]
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♪ ♪nice ♪ ♪mmmmmm ♪ ♪so nice ♪ ♪nice ♪ but we were made to move. so move more! live more! ♪
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degree motionsense made to move. woman 1: this... woman 2: ...this... man 1: ...this is my body of proof. joman 2: proof of less int pain... woman 3: ...and clearer skin. man 3: proof that i can fight psoriatic arthris... woman 4: ...with humira. woman 5: humira targets and blocks a specific source of inflammation that contributes to both joint and skin symptoms. it's proven,o help relieve pa stop further irreversible joint damage, and clear skin in many adults. humira is the number one prescribed biologic for psoriatic arthritis. (avo): humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections, including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened, l as have blood,iver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, d new or worsening heart failure. tellveour doctor if you' been to areas where certain fungal infections are common and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, nfections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. woman 6: ask your rheumatologist about humira.
1:08 am
woman 7: go to to see proof in action. woman 7: go to dwhat about him? let's do it. [ sniffing ] come on. this summer, add a new member to the family. hurry into the mercedes-benz summer event today for exceptional offers. lease the glc 300 suv for just $419 a month
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at the mercedes-benz summer event. going on now. ♪ [ eers and applause
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>> seth: you know our first guest tonight from her work on "parks and recreation" and the fx series "legion. she stars in "child's play" which opens in theaters tomorrow let's take a look. >> mom, i think chucky did something to her >> sweetie, chucky is a toy, okay it broke you got rid of it? >> no, no, mom, i saw him.ll i saw him foing doreen >> no, you didn't. listen to what you're saying >> mom, he's going to kill her >> chucky? >> why aren't you listening to me i have it on omar's phone. i can show you doreen. >> why do you have omar's phone? >> i took it >> why >> i had to. i had to follow chucky, mom. >> seth: please welcome back to the show our good friend, aubrey plaza, everybody! ♪ >> seth: welcome back!
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thank you so much for traveling all the way out here to new york city. you had your premiere last night in l.a >> i did >> seth: was it excitingxc >> my god, it was soing. it was even more exciting when i forgot my i.d. this morning at the airport. >> seth: yeah, and yet you still got on an airplane >> at 4:30 in the morning. >> seth: wow >> i don't know why they let me on >> is it -- "parks and rec?" do you think that's it they recognize - >> no. i don't -- there's like a secret -- i don't know if anyone is supposed to know this but you can totally get on a plane with no id. [ laughter ] it's not a thing >> seth: yeah, i don't people are supposed to know that. yeah >> yeah, they just searched every, like, crevice >> seth: oh, they were --i got you. well, they -- i'm surprised they let you on because you at your premiere -- i don't even understand how it works. you were a knife to the premier. >> yes, i did. >> seth: and yet they let that person -- let that person flew without i.d. this morning. [ laughter ] >> yeah. now, i didn't bring the burette to the airport, but -- >> seth: it's really cool. >> thank youet >> s you took -- and were you aware -- so "chucky" came
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out when you were tiny >> yesl >> seth: the origina"chucky. >> yes >> seth: and were you awarrrof "chucky" as a ho film? >> i was i didn't -- i wasn't, like, a big horror movie fan but my -- i have a lot of cousins. and my uncles showed, like, all my cousins "chucky" when they were, like, toddlers >> seth: uh-huh. >> like 3 years old. >> seth: oh, yeah. >> and it traumatized themea >> seth: y [ laughter ] >> and i saw it, like, not when i was, like, three later on but it's just been, like, a thing in my family for so long >> seth: but it was very sweet you had your cousins all come. >> yes, i did. >> seth: you had a bunch of them >> i did i flew out from philly >> seth: that's great. >> we got real crazy [ laughter ] [ cheers and applaus >> seth: they look both -- they look stylish they look -- >> oh, yeah. >>e,eth: they also look mayb like, they're a little traumatized to be walking into a "chucky" movie >> i mea they look, you know -- they're just partying. what can i say [ laughter ] they had a blast >> seth: this is not -- yourss chucky is not a sed chucky
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this is sort of an ai gone wrong chucky >> yes this chucky is a re-imagined chucky he's an evil smart doll that's connected to the cloud so he can control all of your devices. and it's kind of -- it's a warning -- >> seth: yeah. -- to the world [ laughter ] >> seth: you do -- you're being serious, because i think we aree in agreement in of robot technology >> yes robots will kill us all. [ light laughter ] i think we're naive in thinking to turn on us one day.n't going >> seth: yeah. >> i don't like them at all. and it's part of why i did the seth: and do you have any of these devices in your home do you have any smart devices? >> yes i have some -- yeah, my boyfriend is very into the smart home kof thing he's connected all our light bulbs onto the app >> seth: uh-huh. >> i have to talk to the thing to turn things on which i really don't like to do >> seth: gotcha. >> so i -- yeah. i basically was just like, you can do that to every light except for the one that's right
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by my side of the bed so i can justurn it on and off. >> seth: you just want they old school switch. >> y i don't want to talk to a robot. i don't want to talk to a machine. >> seth: yeah. certainly not right before bed you don't want the last person you talk to to be a robot that you and i th believe is trying to kill us [ light laughter ] >> no, i don't trust siri or alexa. >> seth: no, i don't - >> they both sound evil to me. >> seth: yeah. and i think they talk to one another. you know what i mean >> yeah. [ light laughter ] >> seth: i think when you go to bed your siri and your alexa get into it. [ light laughter ] yeah. >> seth: right >> yes >> seth: you went to the mtv movie awards and you wore -- so they cut to david spade during the show and you were in the shot wearing a chucky mask >> i don't know what you're talking about. [ light laughter ] >> seth: aubrey, ares ou telling me that't you? [ laughter ] [ applause ] be honest. giving you an opportunity right now. >> i don't know who that is. >> seth: you -- oh, i also -- - that wasthat's not you >> no.
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>> seth: this is not you at your best this is you at your best look at this one of my "cosmo" came this week >> no. [ cheers ] stop don't! >> seth: i'm in it, too. i'm in it, too >> stop. don't. >> seth: look, there i am. just me on my thing. [ light laughter ] me on my boat. just rigging my boat up. credit -- so mark hamill was the voice of chucky? >> yes >> seth: he was -- he's the original voice of chucky yeah or no? >> when we were shooting, no >> seth: no, like in the -- was he not the early >> what? no no, he's luke skywalker. >> seth: i know that but s he chucky in 1988? >> no. brad dourif was. >> seth: okay, >> chucky's t now. >> seth: oh, right so he has a different voice. >> yeah, mark hamill is doing, like, a robot -- evil robot voice. >> seth: gotcha. >> but chucky, yes no >> seth: okay.t >> chucky's nopossessed doll anymore. >> seth: i know, we established that >> okay, fine. [ laughter ] whatever >> seth: what about brian tyree henry? >> brian tyree henry is the bestst >> seth: he's the beright? >> yeah, i don't know why he did the movie because every time i saw him on set he'd be like, "i don't like kids and i don't like
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[ laug ] and i'm like, "that's literally all we have for the next two months." >> seth: and this was not a cgi film you had a lot of practical dolls around >> yes ere was a lot of - >> seth: do you -- are you scared of dolls? like, i mean, again, it's not just dolls it's, like, this doll. >> yeah, i -- i got used to e doll there were, like, nine animatronic -- there were nine different types of dolth on set. and ey were just -- they were super creepy i wasn't scared of them. icbut one of the animatronolls at one point, its head started smoking. >> seth: yeah. and the a.d. was like, "get back it's going to blow!" [ laughter ] and i was like, "jesus." and its head burst into flames >> seth: did it really >> oh, yeah. >> seth: that would have been a tough way to go. >> yeah. >> seth: "yeah, did you here what happened to aubrey? a doll blew up." >> yeah. i also, like, did a stunt wheren there's differkinds of dolls. like, some of them are, like, soft dolls for stunts. and some of them are, like, harv dolls for what, animatronic whatever
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>> seth: yeah. >> and i was, like, head butting the doll and i daun't -- i forgot bec i was so into my character, that the doll -- that i wasn't using the stunt doll. and head butted the animatronic dollug [ laer ] like, really, really hard. and got, like, a golf ball sized thing, or whatever >> seth: and that's -- i mean, those -- i mean, that's why when the robots do take over they're going to remember that >> yes a >> seth: they're going to come for you first >> yes >> seth: so you better wear your knife barrette on thatay >> yes [ laughter ] now, i don't -- yes. >> seth: thank you for being here it's always so great to see you. >> thank you >> seth: ts aubrey plaza, everybody. cheers and applause "child's play" is in theaters friday we'll be right back with louie anderson [ cheers and applause ♪ extra 15% off at kohl's! save on
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♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: our next guest is an emmy award winning actor and comedian w stars as christine in the acclaimed series "baskets." new episodes air thursday nights on fx. let's take a look. >> i'm very happy to be here what is your name? r >> i'monald reagan just call me ronnylo oh, i your face it's so unusual. >> i'm from colorado and i've never lived with another cat before >> well, you'll be fine here because my mom loves cats, doesn't she?
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>> oh! >> i need to borrow a car. can i have the keys? >> what? my car keys? >> cat >> seth: please welcome back to the show our good friend, louie anderson, everybody! ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: hi, louie >> how are you >> seth: good. how are you? >> how drunk were you?ea >> seth: i was ry drunk. >> it was such a good -- >> seth: yeah, she was wonderful, right such a good sport. >> such a good sport about it. >> seth: yeah. >> that's so nice. you know, i always thought they made the "chucky" thing afr >> seth: oh, really? >> i used to think that. i'd go, "that looks just like me." [ laughter ] >> sh: and you never got any cash for it? >> i got nothing >> seth: are you well, though?
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are you doing good >> i'm great >> seth: yeah. >> i'm having so m ch fun. i loing to new york. >> seth: all right, do you -- now you live in las vegas. >> i do. >> seth: so i'm assuming you drive there. do you - >> i don't drive anyere, first of all >> seth: okay, got you >> i just take lyft. >> seth: okay, got you >> because i like the name >> seth: yeah, yeah, it's nice it's a good name >> you know, anybody -- a yf lyft -- louie, a lis going to pick you up thank god. [ laughter ] right? i just -- they're really nice people >> seth: and do you enjoy -- don you like driving aro new york do you like -- >> well, i'm being driven around >> seth: yeah, yeah, yeah. >> because i'm a big shot. [ light laughter ]an and i meit's nice when someone drives you >> seth: yeah, of course >> yeah. and then but you -- i'm laid backto you have to get inhe pace of the city >> seth: yes, it's a different place. like, after i'm in the car half hour, i'm sayingo the driver, "run him down, he shouldn't be going across there." [ laughter ] wrong. ever get -- i mean, it's i know, i don't really want him to do it >> seth: yeah. [ laughter ] >> but people will dart here >> seth: they're darters, yeah >> they all just go.h: >> seah. you go, "you're going die! [ light laughter ] >> seth: what about -- >> they never do
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>> seth: people are impaent here >> yes >> seth: more impatient than las vegas? >> oh, listen, in vegas, you know, well, in vegas they're just interested trying to find the money they lost >> seth: yeah, yeah. of course. >> that's you know -- or just have fun t >> seth: sure,y're there to have fun >> they came there just to have fun. g and here, people areoing places and i'm at a different pace. i'm a loper. >> seth: yeah. >> i'm like, "yeah, i'll get there. you know what i mean >> seth: yeah. >> and people are constantly going by me -- "get going! you know, i go, "shut-up." but i was -- this the best one i'm in the revolving door thing -- seth: yeah, yeah. -- which i'm always thrilled where i can get in there and push that thing. light laughter ] >> seth: of course i don't know why >> seth: yeah, yeah. >> it's like a 2-year-old thing. >> seth: it's great. >> "let me go in let me go in." i'm in there a woman comes in behind me out cong from the other way. obviously, i'm going too slow. >> seth: yeah. >> so she goes, looks, and pushes it faster then i just locked it up [ laught ] and i just went -- it was a -- she was furious.
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she goes, "let go! i go, "what? let go of what?" "stop it!" you know and it was just so much fumu oh, it was so fun >> seth: you -- you want -- i want to talk about season four of "baskets. >> yes >> seth: so great. >> so much fun >> seth: you're playing is you're basing thff your mother >> i am. >> seth: and i know you guys are really close >> very, very close. >> seth: you guys were on television together once >> oh, yes >> seth: so this is -- >> this is - >> seth: this is local y levision >> oh,d. >> seth: and look at -- i mean, look at you two. >> look at that. >> seth: you are -- that is a mother and son if i ever saw one. >> is that cool or what? that was a mother's day special on local with, you know -- >> seth: >> loceople with their moms. i happened to be on it >> seth: and did she have fun? >> she was a little nervous. i was surprised. >> seth: and was she nervous in real life? was she a confident person that just in front of the camera -- >> yeah, yeah. she was pretty confident but she was a shy -- there was a shy part of her. >> seth: gotcha. >> unlike christine -- >> seth: yes shop- who's a bull in a china >> seth: shea bull in a china shop the clip we just saw, obviously you're dealing with a -- you're shooting with cats >> yes >> seth: do like -- do like
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doing acting with the animals? >> listen, i wish i got treateda like themals >> seth: yeah. [ light laughter ] it is a good situation >> there's, like, four handlers per animal they're brin and then they'll say to me, "now, she or he doesn't like if you scratch under their chin." so i'm right away -- >> seth: yeah, yeah. [ laughter ] >> you can't tell me stuff like that i say, "i don't like it when you do this to me. no, it was fun and they're grt cats and it was a lot of fun. and the character loves her cats and, you know, so it's good. >> seth: that's good i also want to ask -- you know, people tell you not to scratch cats a certain way i know people are trying to tell you and get you to eat healthier foods. >> you know, this is what happens to you when you're fat and you other fat people know what i'm talking about [ laughter they get in your business. they start, you know -- they'll bring -- like, last time i was in chica, they brought me books in a bag, how to not die [ laughter ] [ light laughter ] >> one of the books was "how to not die. >> seth: wow, that's a - >> and then the next one was a
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"how to not die" cookbook. [ audience ohs ] [ light laughter ] so i'm hoping i can get through the first book >> seth: yeah. to so that i can know how cook the food. >> seth: yeah, yeah. >> and then, they brought -- they said, "we made these cookies. they're delicious.hem. it's like a regular cookie they're sweet. they're delicious. any'you open the bag and the wet. [ light laughter ] have you ever had that >> seth: yeah, i know what you're talking about >> you know,"ohere you just go, wet cookie. oh!" [ laughter ] wet, there's something -- and you take a bite out of courtesy because they're right there staring at you >> seth: yeah. >> "oh, geez," you know. and you're moving it around in i cannot wait to spit wet cookie out >> seth: i didn't thint how distressing it is to reach into a bag and touch anything wet. >> the wet, wet cookies. >> seth: yeah. >> i'm looking for, you know, a baked cookie you know >> seth: yeah. just a regular christmas - >> baked -- not baked, obviously, just wet. >> seth: yeah. >> they just formed them, mashed them down and threw them in the bag.
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>> seth: yeah, these were not cookies baked at all >> right w >> thesee just, like, manhandled >> a lesson -- here's how much of a food addict i am. i eventually ate all those cookies. [ applause ] >> seth: well, somebody made them so that's very nice. louie anderson, everybody. so happy "baskets" is back [ cheers and applause it airs thursday nights on fx. we'll be right back. [ cheers and applause ♪ when a forward-thinking safety system and peace of mind come togomher at the perfect ment. ♪ don't miss your perfect moment to experience our most advanced safety technology on a full line of vehicles.le now, at the s golden opportunity sales event.zi experience amang at your lexus dealer. pringles wavy. with a big crunch and totally different flavors, they're not really pringles. just like that's not really daddy. yes it is. ok. pringles wavy.
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call 1-800-501-6000 today. only 1 billionth of 1% is filred naturally. and emerges crisp and refreshing enough to be called deer park 100% natural spring wer. born better® ♪ [ cheers and applause >> seth: every wedlesday and friday we e a podcast edition of "late night" so you
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can catch up on the go it's audio from the show and includes "a closer look," comedy bits, and guest interviews plus extra things exclusive for the podcast, like bonus backstage interviews, chats with the "late ni staff, original comedy sketches, and more. head to to s
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[ cheers and applause my thanks to rihanna, aubrey plaza, louie anderson, jessica rdeaux, 8g band. stay tuned for "carson daly. we'll see you tomorrow [ cheers and applause ♪ ♪ ♪ >> carson: good evening. i'm carson daly. welcome to the 2000th, and yes, final episode of "last call. that's right


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